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Chapter 2 : Review of Related Literature and

Related Literature
Vandalism is an important act that has purpose of damaging or
destroying the property of another . It is widespread across schools and is
not limited to schools in low socioeconomics neighborhoods . In the school
setting , it involves graffiti , general property destruction , and break-ins .
( Dedel , 2005 )

School break-ins are usually of three types . Nuisance break-ins are

those where the act of breaking in is seemingly the purpose. Individual
involved in these types of break-ins are often those who are caught up with
the actions of a peer group or who are breaking in just to create some
excitement . A good example is the senior prank that many high school
seniors believe is necessary at the ned of the school year. This is almost a
tradition at some schools. One year , when author Marsha was teaching
highschool , the senior broke into the school office at the ned of the year and
stuffed it with crumple newspapers for months and spent quite a bit of time
crumpling them . Although this was certainly not a malicious break-in , there
were guilty when they saw the custodians removing the paper and offere to
help . ( Dedel , 2005 )

Vandalism involves destroying other peoples property , like benches ,

garbage bins , lantern , plants , bicycle , windows etcetera . It also involves
graffiti on walls , windows and benches , which is hard to remove and costs a
lot of money .

Graffiti and destruction of other peoples property both cost piles of

money and is against the law . When you are caught red-handed on the
committing of vandalism by the police they will most certainly arrest you ,
and you either have to pay a fine or get a task sentence . You dont have to
expect that you are arrested for vandalism , because you have have
destroyed things which dont belong to you , and you will have to pay for it . (
E Enjte , 7 Queshor 2007 )

School vandalism is one of the major problems threatening countries .

We review the literature on this topic and point out some of the difficulties
that hamper a through understanding of this social phenomenean . We
emphasize those strategies that have been found to be successful in
reducing the incidence of this offence . We interpret the available information
in terms of three ideological orientation : conservative , liberal , and radical ,
each of which can be shown to result in effective policies .The choice as to
which strategy to employ on a national basis thus depends less on its proven
efficacy than on the values and attitudes of those concerned with the
problem . Hence , we argue that future investigations into school vandalism
must adopt an action research approach , that is research that continually
assesses the effect that certain manipulations have on a specific school
symtem .

Related Studies
Vorobyeva and Kruzhkova said that this study was developed because
vandal behavior is an increasing threat in the world. Countries , commercial
companies , and individuals experience great damage to property as a
results of individual vandal acts . In addition , vandalisms treathens not only
tangible assets but also the cultural and historical heritage of modern
humanity . Despite the threatening spread of vandalism , the study of its
psychological foundations , including its origin , in the context of individual
life cources is in many ways terra incognita . The objective of the present
study was to investigate the genesis of vandal behavior and
sociopsychological and individual personality factors in the formation of
readiness to destroy public property of others. A comprehensive study of
childreb , adolescents , and young adults (N=1522) as well as their social
environment , revealed mechanism of the readiness to commit vandal acts
that were present since childhood . The study was conducted by examining
four age groups : preschoolers (46years) , primary school pupils (7-9 years) ,
adolescents (12-15 years ) , and young adults (17-22 years) ; the
instruments used were specific-age batteries, observation, expert
techniques, and questionnaires. We found that the characteristics of parent-
child relationship are is the basis for forming the boundaries of the
permissible activity of the child ; disturbance in the parent-child relationship
can lead to the development of forms of vandalism in children. We describe
the specificity and intensity of the vandal activity of adolescents and young
adults in the context of their environment , and we look at the individual
characteristics that promote deviant behavior . Thus , vandal activity is not
only a specific characteristic of adolescents and young adults , and it is not
always very destructive . Basic vandal activity originates in the early stages
of ontagenesis as a result of a deformation in social interaction of people
trying through this form of activity to understand themselves in social space .
Method of Research
The descriptive method of research was used in this study . Descriptive
method of research is a fact-finding study with adequate and accurate
interpretation of the findings. It describes what is . It describe with emphasis
what actually exist such as current conditions , practices , situations , or any
phenomena since the study was concerned with the top reasons of
destroying school properties, the descriptive method of research was the
most appropriate method to use.
Method of Collecting Data and Development of the
Research Instrument

The method of collecting data used wast the formative survey . This is
concerned with looking into the commonality of some elements . Since the
present research is a status study , the normative survey was the most
appropriate method to use in gathering data .

The instrument used to collect data was the questionnaire. This was
used because it gathers data faster than any other method. Besides the
respondents were Grade 7, 8 , 9 , and 10 and so they are literate. They could
answer the questionnaire with ease .
The Sampling Design
The size of the population is but I will get only 50 as the study
population . The pure random sampling technique was used as the type /
technique of sampling.
Department of Education
Division of City Schools-Manila
Mariano Marcos Memorial High School


SY- 2016-2017

Submitted to :
Rachel A. Fernandez
English Teacher

Submitted by :
Mylene D. Francisco
IX-8 ( Goethe )
School property means any property , real, personal or mixed
belonging to the School District , including but not limited to school buildings
, District buildings not being used as a school , vehicles being used for
purposes , school grounds and school equipment .

Purpose of the School Board has a duty under state law to provide for
the care , control and management of school property and equipment .

Vandalism is the example of destroying school properties . Vandalism

for the purposes of students shall have the meanings provided in the code of
students conduct , School Board Policies 5.182 and 5.183 .

Accidental property damage occurs when it is established that school

property has been damaged by accident , without willfulness or malice , the
school principal is expected to use regular district procedures for assessing
the damage or loss and requisitioning its repair and replacement . In such
instances , this policy would not apply .

Policy-students, individuals or group who damage or vandalize school

property will be responsible for its repair and/ or replacement .

Each organization which is granted a permit for the use of shool

property shall be responsible for any damage to the school property beyond
that which would be considered normal wear and tear and shall pay for any
such damage in accordance with the actual damage as determined by the
school principal , the district department head , or in extreme cases , the
superintendent or designee . A failure to comply with a request for payment
such damages shall result in the group or organization being eneligible for
further use of school property and such legal the amount of damages .

The principal or depart head shall report all instances of vandalism

immediately to the Superintendent or designee . Maintenance Department ,
Risk Management , and to the school police giving all available information .
The report shall include , but not be limited to the name(s) of any
perpetrator(s) ; the date , time and place of the act ; any special
circumstances related to the act ; the date reported to law enforcement
authorities , if applicable ; a description of the damage(s) to the school
property and its effect on school or work unit operations ; cost analysis of the
damage(s) , including estimated cost of repairs or replacement and labor ;
any other pertinent information .

A civil action against the minor students parent(s) or guardian(s) may

be instituted by the School Board in an appropriate action to recover
damages in an amount not to exceed the limit prescribed by law , if the
parent(s) or guardian(s) refuses to restore or replace the property . A failure
to comply with a request for payment of damages by non-student or
organization shall result in the individual , group or organization being
subject to such legal action as the School Board deems proper to recover the
amount of damages .

School vandalism and break-ins , and some of the responses discussed

here may be effective in other settings , However , school are unique
environment ; the factors underlying school vandalism and break-ins differ
from those similar acts elsewhere , and therefore must be analyzed
separately. Vandalism in nonschool settings ; graffiti , anson and school theft
by the students and staff are the example of destroying school properties.
Importance or Significance of the Study
This study is of importance to the parents , students , teachers ,
administrators , and the community .

Students : This research is important to the students because destroying

school properties are like destroying or ruined our own life / future . Because
school properties are involve in our studies.

Parents: This study is most likely important to the parents because parents
are our first teacher in life and they want the best future in us .

Teahcers: The importance of this research to the teachers are not only to
comply within the requirements in their subject but also they want to
informed us that destroying school properties are not good to us .

Administrators : This research is important to the administrator because they

also want us ( the students ) to commit our achievements .

Community : This research is most likely important to our community

because destroying school properties is their properties also . They want a
beautiful & clean community / property .
Scope and Delimitations of the Study
This survey was conducted to get the top reasons of destroying school

The aspects looked into the least , top reasons of destroying school
properties and significant relationship between gender and the numberof
students destyoing school properties.

General porpuse : To survey the top reasons of Destroying School Properties

Subject Matter : Destroying

Population / Universe : Grade 9 8

Locate of the study : Mariano Marcos Memorial High School

Period of the year : School year 2016-2017

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