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Recommends the implementation of the Degrees for Assessment and

Identification of Sanction (D.A.I.S) guideline in order to establish the level of
severity of any given violation of international law carry out by a Non State
Actor. After creating an appropriate recommendation to the Security Council
with the purpose of applying the proper sanction, this guideline shall be
divide in the following tree degrees:
a. Third (3) degree violation will applied to those states that by negligence and/or
carelessness committed by them violated international law or international
treaties in the process of apprehending and/or stopping; non state actors that
don not work under the parameters of law.
b. Second (2) degree violation shall be used in the when a State supports or
assists the realization of acts that are not allowed by the law. When is proved
that a nation is funding groups as NSAs, the actions to take are the following;
i. Condemns the actions of
the nation,
ii. Engage in multi-lateral
dialogue with emphasis on the reasons on the
funding of the NSA,
iii. Impose economic sanctions
in addition to the dialogue,
iv. Impose diplomatic
sanctions, such as expulsion of diplomats and refusal
of diplomatic visas,
v. Consider military options
after exhaustion of the above,
vi. This actions should began in
a two months period to execute every stage of it,
vii. The International court of
justice will be responsible for the process as well as
the trials;

c. A first (1) degree violation occurs when a State in the used of their political and
economic capacities directly and knowingly support or assists the realization of
acts that do not follow the international law, by supporting Non-State Actors as
ethnical groups, guerrillas, transnational corporations, organized violent groups
and some terrorist organizations.


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