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The Endocrine system

The endocrine or hormonal system consists of several glands.

Examples of the bodys endocrine glands include, the pituitary gland,
the adrenal glands the pancreas and the thyroid gland. These organs
produce chemical messages called hormones that help regulate your
body. The endocrine system is responsible for controlling the rate we
grow and develop, our feelings of hunger and for our body temperature.
It is also instrumental in regulating our mood and metabolism. These
glands are capable of releasing more than 20 hormones directly into the
bloodstream and transporting them to cells in any part of the body.

Tai Chi aids your endocrine system and helps to restore hormonal
balance to your body. Some studies suggest that Tai Chi has been
found to decrease cortisol levels in the body, eliminating mood
imbalances and creating more stable emotions.

Endorphins are another hormone that our body creates. Whenever we

exercise or participate in any enjoyable activity such as smiling,
laughing or dancing our bodies produce these vital hormones.
Endorphins send feel good messages from our brain, out through the
spine and into our bodies. Endorphins can also reduce feelings of pain.
It is also now believed that endorphins are a key factor in our body's
ability to heal itself.

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