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(UDC 620.17: 620.181 : 669.14.018.8)

E. I. M o s h k e v i c h , K. P. G u n a z a , and B. I. Zlatkina

Dneprospetsst al' Plant

Translated from M e t a l l o v e d e n i e i T e r m i c h e s k a y a Obrabotka Metallov, No. 3,
pp. 57-60, March, 1965

In this paper we study the phase composition of m e t a l case at room and e l e v a t e d temperatures from industrial
melts of Kh21N5T steel, and also d e t e r m i n e the m e c h a n i c a l properties of forged m e t a l from these melts after various
forms of heat t r e a t m e n t ,
The melts were carried out in basic are furnaces of m e d i u m c a p a c i t y by the method of r e m e l t i n g waste prod-
ucts with the use of oxygen. The m e t a l was siphoned off into ingots weighing 11.8 t. The hot ingots were transferred
to the slab m i l l pits and after heating was roiled into slabs.

Two ingots each weighing 30 kg were cast from each melt into c h a m o t t e nozzles. One ingot was used to esti-
m a t e the phase composition, while the other was reforged into rods (d = 25 ram) after heating at 1150 ~ C, from which
we then cut specimens for measuring the m e c h a n i c a l properties of the m e t a l (after heat treatment). The c h e m i c a l
composition of the e x p e r i m e n t a l melts is shown in Table 1,
T a b l e 2 gives data on the phase composition of the cast m e t a l from the e x p e r i m e n t a i reeks. To ascertain the
phase composition,polished specimens were etched in a reagent containing 10 g KOH, 10 g Kffe(CN)6, 60 g H20
(color etching). As can be seen, at room t e m p e r a t u r e the amount of the austenite component in the cast alloy varies
between 10 and 70%. There was a c l e a r - c u t dependence between the phase composition and the ratio of the chro-
mium and _:_,.-1 . . . . , . ~a_,_
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At about 1000 ~ C there is formation of austenite in the rneits initially containing a small amount of it (Fig. 2).
A reduction in the amount of austenite is observed on greater h e a t i n g (1200~ and is particularly marked at 1250~
(Fig. 3).

It should be noted that in the slabs the amount of austenite is a p p r o x i m a t e l y the same as in the case samples
without heat treatment ( T a b l e 2). *

TABLE 1. C h e m i c a l Composition of Experimental Melts, %

C Mn SI P S Cr Nt Ti Cu Mo
of m e l t

1 0,10 0,65 0,49 O, 027 0,017 21,25 5,55 O, 64 0,26 0,13

2 0,085 0,69 0,51 O, 034 0,011 2t ,00 5,70 ,58 0,23 0,15
3 0, I0 0,68 0,42 0,034 0,018 20,95 5,64 ,55 0,16 0,17
4 0,085 0,69 0,58 O, 033 0,010 22,00 5,70 0,55 0,22 0,16
5 0,09 0,65 0,45 0,027 0,010 21,30 5,50 0,51 0,21 0,25
6 0,11 0,68 0,60 O, 027 0,010 21,76 4,90 0,48 0.13 0,10
7 0,10 0,5-1 0,55 . O, 027 0,011 21,50 5,15 0.43 0,20 0,12
8 0,11 0,60 0,50 O, 029 0,009 20,85 5~08 0,E5 0,27 0,19
9 0,09 0,52 0,45 0,028 0,010 20, 13 5,35 0,23 0,17 0,20
10 0,]1 0,67 0,47 0,027 0,0t2 21,40 5,05 0,13 0,20 0,15

*Assessment of the phase composition of the slab m e t a l was carried out at the TsZL of the Zaporozhstal' Plant under
the guidance of N. P. Cherkashina.

TABLE 2. Phase Composition of Kh21N5T SteeI from Experimental Melts in the Cast State
and in Slabs

Austenite content, %
Cast sample after heating for 2 h and water.
No. of m e l t quenching from ~
Cast sample Slab
1000 II00 1200 1250

1 40 40 40 30 20 30--40
2 59 40 40 30 2(1 30--40
3 60 4:) 35 25 15 49--59
4 10 20 20 15 15 7--10
5 30 39 30 20 20 30 - 3 5
6 15 30 30 20 t5 15--25
7 t5 40 40 25 15 2,5 - 4 9
8 2) 25 25 15 10 2{}--3~)
9 70 70 70 50 3) 49--50
I0 65 ~5 65 35 35 49-45

i ,
."~ 7o
60 ', , I
~S ~0
q c~
< 10 - - - -
3,00 3. 73 i20 3,30eqv C r / e q v Ni

Fig. i. Phase composition in cast Kb21NST

steet as function of c h e m i c a l composition
of the m e t a l .

Fig. 2. Structure of cast m e t a l after heating to 1000~ and cooling in water (x 300).
a) Melt 4; b) melt 5; c) m e k 6.

Fig. 3. Structure of cast m e t a l after heating
to 1250~ and cooling in water ( 300):
a) m e l t 1; b) m e l t 2; c) m e l t 3; d) m e l t 9;
e) m e l t 10.

The m e c h a n i c a l properties-of the forged m e t a l from the e x p e r i m e n t a l melts were determined in standard spec-
mines heat treated under the following conditions: I) heating at 1150~ for 40 rain (Fig. 4a); II) at 1000~ C for
40 min (Fig. 4b); cooling in water for regimes I and II; III) same as I, plus t e m p e r i n g at 550~ for I h (Fig. 4c); IV)
same as 1I plus t e m p e r i n g at 550 ~ C for I h (Fig. dd).
In the quenched specimens (Fig. 4a and b) the strength increases as the amount of austenite grows. After
quenching from 1000~ (Fig. 4b) the strength is greater, due to the amount of austenite atthis temperature being
greatest, As can be seen from Fig. 4b, to obtain a strength of o b > 70 k g m / m m 2, the m e t a l structure must contain
no less than 18-20% austenite. In the quenched state this m e t a l shows an i m p a c t strength of 20 k g m / c m 2 or more.

As a result of t e m p e r i n g at S60~ the m e c h a n i c a l properties of the m e t a l are sharply altered (Fig. 4c and d).
Alongside hardening of the m e t a l there is a sharp d e c l i n e in impact strengtll. These changes are most marked when

a k, k g m / m m 2
ab the amount of austenite phase is less than 20%. In this case the
strength increases to 80-90 k g / m m ~ (i.e., by 30~40%), while the
impact strength drops to 1-8 kgrn/cm 2. Thus, to produce high
70 r mechanical properties m the steel, the austenite content in the
cast sample must be more than 20%.
~0 0
10 .~0 50 % /0 3O 5O %
Amount of ~]-phase Amount of X-phase
a) b)

10 JO 50 zo 70 I0 iO 50 %
A m o u n t of y - p h a s e Amount of ~-phase
c) d)
Fig. 4. Mechanical properties of Kh21N5T steel
as a function of phase composition of the cast
steel under various heat treaunent conditions.
1) Strength; 2) impact strength.


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