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Imam Mahdi 2023 AD

Part 3
Syed Abidi

Surely, they think it (Zahoor) to be

far off, and We see it (Zahoor) near.
[Dua e Ahad]

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From Authors Desk
Signs and Symbols rule the World, not Words nor Laws.

By the grace of Almighty Allah and 14 Masoomeen, I have completed the most difficult work of
my life on which I have been working for the last many years.

It is an established and agreed fact that the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) is very near. Our Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) and all 12 Imams made prophecies about the conditions of the world before
His Zahoor and gave clear indications how to see the coming events of the future and prepare
ourselves for His Final Zahoor.

Nobody is allowed to fix the date and time of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) except the 14
Masoomeen of Allah who are the Faces and Tongues of Allah.

They already told that the date would 10th, the month would be Muharram, the day would be
Friday, and the year would be Odd year. The only thing missing is the Century and the exact year.

The Year and the Century was also indicated by 14 Masoomeen of Allah in the name of Mahdi.
This is the way how the 14 Masoomeen of Allah explained this secret to their followers. Now it is
our duty to carefully examine their Ahadith and seek the hidden aspects of 14 Masoomeen of

So you would be delighted to read this interesting book. Maybe you would find lot of things which
you dont agree or dont know about it. So be patient unless you finish the book.

Thanks and enjoy the book,

Syed Abidi

Words are Numbers and Numbers are Words

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Prophecy of the World Visionaries
All the Nations are Saying -------------2023 AD
1. Old Testament The Book of Daniel (Ch 8 and 12) 2023 AD
2. Saint Malachy in 1139 AD [Second coming after 112th Pope] 2023 AD
3. Famous - Nostradamus in 1555 AD [ 4 months before 2023] 2023 AD
4. Paracelsus in 1550 AD - who discovered Zinc 2023 AD
5. Ian Gurney in 1999 AD in his book The Casandra Prophecy 2023 AD
6. Naemat Shah Wali in 1175 AD [End of Times after 1998 AD] 2023 AD
7. Prince Handley in his Book Prophetic Calendar 2023 AD
8. Robert Singer in his research papers 2023 AD
9. Wayne L. Atchison in his book, 120 Jubilees 2023 AD
10. Hindus Scholars -- www.spiritualresearchfoundation.org 2023 AD
11. The famous Documentary, The Arrivals Ep. 26 2023 AD
12. The Book 2023 The New Beginning by Dan Dewolf 2023 AD
13. The Book 2023 The Fall of an Empire by Abel Cain 2023 AD
14. Bassam Jarrar - www.endtimes2014.com 2023 AD
15. Bediuzzaman Said Nursi of Turkey 2023 AD
16. The Website --- www.oneistheteacher.com 2023 AD
17. 100 Astrologers predicted in 1974 AD in South Korea 2023 AD
18. Biblical Prophecies about End Times 2023 AD
19. Encoded in the Abjad of the Name of Imam - Mahdi - 59 2023 AD
20. Mayans Scholars in their prophecies 2023 AD
21. Latest Movies and Documentaries of End Times 2023 AD
22. Islamic Prophecies indicating the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi 2023 AD
23. Signs and Prophecies in the World today 2023 AD

The visionaries, scholars, intellectuals, writers, philosophers, thinkers, etc of all the
religions of the world cannot be wrong at the same time. They are coming up with
the same result of 2023 AD as the second coming of Jesus Christ and Imam Mahdi,
which would be the Start of the Divine Kingdom.

The End of Days------Second Coming of Jesus and Mahdi (AS)

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World Events Before and After the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)
And surely you would be tried of fear, poverty, and hunger, loss of life and loss of
crops by draught. And give glad tidings to the steadfast. (Surah -2, Verse 155)

7 Years ---- Tribulation Period (28th July, 2016 till 28th July, 2023 AD)

2016 AD: Worldwide--- Wars & Conflicts, Economic Tribulation and Disturbances.
2017 AD: Third World War would reach its climax when West powers would collide with the
Eastern powers. The whole Middle East would be destroyed.

2018 AD: 1/3rd population of the world would die in 3rd World War Destruction. Red Death
would occur in the World as told by Jesus Christ & Prophet (PBUH)

2019 AD: Worldwide Draught and Diseases, Global political instability.

2020 AD: Dajjal (Anti Christ) would appear and New World Order would be in effect.
2021 AD: Global spiritual Awakening, Global Draught and Diseases
2022 AD: 1/3rd - More population would die by Global Draught and Diseases. White Death
would occur in the World as told by Jesus Christ and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The Last
Suffiani named, Usman would emerge from the Middle East.

2023 AD: Second Coming of Jesus Christ and Zahoor e Imam Mahdi (AS)
14 April, 2023 AD __ 23 Ramazan, 1444 Hijri (Friday) Kharooj from Yemen
th rd

28 July, 2023 AD ---- 10 Muharram, 1445 Hijri (Friday) Zahoor from Mecca
th th

2024 AD: War of Imam Mahdi and Jesus Christ against the enemies of Humanity and God.
2025 AD: Punishment of all major criminals of Humanity in the History by Imam Mahdi (AS).
2026 AD: The Establishment of the Divine Kingdom and the Rule of Law and Justice. World
would be divided into 313 Provinces under 313 Governors appointed by Imam Mahdi. The
Millennium period of peace and prosperity would start.
2026 AD onwards: Imam Mahdi would rule the Whole World for 7 years and each year would
be like 70 Worldly years, so a total of 490 years of Divine Kingdom. Then our 12 Imams would rule
in the World known as Rajaat for the next 84,000 years, each Imam ruling the world for 7,000
years. The Big Judgment Day i.e. Qiyamat would occur on 23rd Ramazan, Friday at Asr time as told
by our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

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Prophecy is history, written in advance.

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163. Hazrat Jabraeel (AS) would announce the Zahoor

Hazrat Jabraeel (AS) who is also the Head of all Angels would announce the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) on 28th July, 2023 AD or 10th Muharram, 1445

The Abjad of the name, Jabraeel is 245

245 is the sum of the Abjad of names, Ali i.e. 110 and Fatima i.e. 135

245 = 110 + 135

The time of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) is at ASR which would be 2:45 pm

That is why the Head of all the Angels, Hazrat Jabraeel (AS) would announce
the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) at 2:45 pm or 14:45 in 24 hour clock.

Also the Abjad of Arabic word, Rafee Ud Darjaat e Aala is 1110

The Abjad of Imams name, Al Mahdi is 31 + 59 = 90

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Now Hazrat Jabraeel (AS) would announce the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) on
28th July, 2023 AD or 10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri.

The Abjad of name, Jabraeel is 245.

Adding the Abjad of Jabraeel, Rafee ud Darjaat e Aala and the Abjad of
His name, Al Mahdi as:

Jabraeel (245) + Rafee ud Darjaat e Aala (1110) + Al Mahdi

(90) = 1445

1445..1445 Hijri..Year of Second Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)


The Abjad of Arabic Words Allah O Akbar is 289

The Abjad of Arabic Words - Aal e Muhammad is 123
The Abjad of Arabic Word Zahoor is 1111
The Abjad of Arabic name Jabraeel is 245
Imams First Zahoor took place in 255 Hijri.

Now if we add the following Abjads with the Zahoor year of Imam Mahdi
(AS), we would get the next Zahoor Year of Imam Mahdi (AS) as:

255 (First Zahoor) + Zahoor (1111) e Aal e Muhammad (123) by Jabraeel (245)
Allah O Akbar (289) = 2023.2023 AD.Year of Zahoor

255 + 1111 + 123 + 245 + 289 = 2023.2023 AD ----- Zahoor e Mahdi

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The Abjad of Arabic word, Ser meaning Secret is 260

The Abjad of Arabic word, Zahoor is 1111
The Abjad of Arabic word, Aalan meaning Announcement is 152
The Abjad of Arabic name, Jabraeel is 245

The First Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) was in the year 255 Hijri

Adding the Abjads of the above with the year of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi
(AS) would give the Year of His Second Zahoor Year i.e.

255 (First Zahoor) + Ser (260) e Zahoor (1111) + Aalan (152) e

Jabraeel (245) = 2023..2023 AD.Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi (AD)

255 + 260 + 1111 + 152 + 245 = 20232023 AD..Zahoor e Mahdi

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164. All forms of Government before the Zahoor of Imam

It is said in the Sayings of our Imams that all forms of Governments and
Systems would rule the world and all kinds of people would come into power
before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) so that they cannot say that if they
were given a chance for the Government, they could have established peace
and justice in the world.

Now we see that till today, all forms of Governments and World Systems
have come into power. For example:

Islamic rule
Western rule
Women rule
Black rule
Military rule
Bankers rule
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All the forms of Governments and people have failed so far to establish peace
and justice in the world.

Now the world population is anxiously waiting for some savior to give them
ultimate peace and justice which can be only given by our last Imam Mahdi

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165. The Muslims would sell their children for food and
safety before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Once Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

The Muslims would sell their children on roads for food and safety in the End

Now if someone is following the war in Syria, he would see how poor people
of Syria are selling their daughters to rich Arabs for food and safety because
the rebel groups especially ISIS are either raping the women or selling them
to Arabs and human traffickers or forcing them in marriages with their

Forced Marriage
Selling to Arabs and Human traffickers

This prophecy has also come true and it is telling that we are in the End times
just before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

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This is the international photo of an ISIS militant marrying a very young girl
with force.

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166. Iron Birds whose speed is more than Sound Prophecy
by Hazrat Ali (AS) in End Times

Hazrat Ali (AS) once said:

The Iron birds would fly above you and you would hear their sound once they
pass over you.

Now we can see lots of fighter jets and even passenger planes like Concord
whose speed is more than the Speed of Sound which is 1235 Km/Hour or 767
Miles/Hour or 343 meters/Second.

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167. 3 Abduls would rule Iraq in succession

Abdul Salam Arif Abdul Rahman Abdul Rahman Arif

(1963-1966) (1966) (1966- 1968)

It is mentioned in the Sayings of our Imams that Three (3) Abduls would rule
Iraq in Succession and then the Most Cruel among the humans would come to
rule Iraq who was the Only One.Saddam Hussain

Saddam Hussain (Late President of Iraq)

(1979 2003)

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Then Imam Ali (AS) mentioned in His speech:

Then this most cruel man in the humans would be removed by another cruel
of the world. When this would happen, Hope for the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi.

Now all the Prophecies about Three Abduls who came in succession as the
Rulers of Iraq and then Saddam Hussain came in Iraq and became the Most
Cruel Ruler of Iraq and then finally removed from the office in 2003 after the
invasion of Iraq by US forces.

Shahid Allama Baqir Us Sadar once mentioned about Saddam Hussain as:

Saddam is the Yazid of our times and Yazid was Saddam of his time.

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Saddam Hussain was responsible for Iran Iraq war in which millions of
people died especially Shias of Iran and Iraq. Then he invaded Kuwait in 1989
and then US attacked Iraq in 1990 and millions of Iraqis killed after that
invasion and economic sanctions by the West and USA because of Saddams
military operations n the Middle East.

Then USA again attacked Iraq in 2003 and removed Saddam Hussain from his
office. He was then hanged in Iraq.

Millions of people have died in Iraq, Iran and Syria because of wars, invasions
and military operations since 1979.

The birth of many groups like ISIS is the result of these wars and invasions.

That is why Imam Ali (AS) said:

Iraq would remain unstable and unsafe till the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi.

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168. Last 7 Years The Great Tribulation Period

The last 7 years which extend from 28th July, 2016 till 28th July, 2023 AD is the
period which has been prophecised by Jesus Christ in the Holy Bible as the
Period of Great Tribulation.

Period of Great Tribulation ---- 28th July, 2016 till 28th July, 2023 AD

In this period, the whole world would see Great and Final War, Depressions,
Draught, Diseases and Global Disturbance all over the world.

In these last 7 years, 5 people out of 7 would die in War, Draught and

As we know that 5 out of 7 people would be dead by 28 th July, 2023 AD i.e.

1445 Hijri. Let us calculate it mathematically,

By the Year 2023 x (5/7) people would be dead = 1445 HijriYear of Zahoor

2023 x (5/7) = 1445 ..1445 Hijri

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169. The Distance from Karbala to Syria was 1445 Miles

Imam Zain ul Abedeen (AS) along with the family of Ahle Bait (AS) travelled
1445 Miles from Karbala to Syria.

The total spiritual distance travelled after the big incident of Karbala was also
1445 Miles.

1445 Miles.Total distance from Karbala to Syria

The revenge of Karbala would be taken by Imam Mahdi (AS) as mentioned by

our Imams.

That is why His Zahoor is in the Year ..1445 Hijri

Distance from Karbala to Syria..1445 Miles

Revenge of Karbala..1445 Hijri

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170. The Zahoor year 1445 Hijri and our Beliefs

We believe that:

Mahdi Hujjat Allah
The Abjad of our Kalima is:

La Ila Illa Allah = 165

Muhammad Rasul Allah = 464
Ali Wali Allah = 222

The Abjad of Mahdi Hujjat Allah is 59 + 411 + 66 = 536

The Abjad of Arabic wo

word, Hukam meaning Order is 68

The Abjad of the following:

Hukam La ila Illa Allah, Muhammad Rasul Allah, Ali Wali Allah,
Mahdi Hujjat Allah = 1445.1445 Hijri
..Year of Zahoor e Mahdi
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Also the Abjad of the following sentences is 222 as:

Ali Wali Allah = 222

Hu Ism Ali = 222

Aba Saleh ul Mahdi = 222

111 + 111 = 222

The Abjad of Allahs name, Aala meaning The Highest is 111

There are 600 Alqabat of Imam Mahdi and 19 Kuniyats of our Imam.

600 (Alqabat) + 19 (Kuniyats) = 619

619114th Prime Number in Mathematics

There are 114 Surahs in the Holy Quran.

1 (Allah) and 14 (Masoomeen of Allah)..114 Surahs of Quran

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171. World is awakening for Peace and Justice

The world is awakening and demanding peace and justice all across the globe.
We see protests, processions, occupy movements, civil rights movements,
disturbances, etc all over the world including US, Europe, Middle East, South
Asia, etc.

The injustices and cruelty of the Elite and Powerful have reached to its
heights and because of inequalities in incomes, prosperity and insecurities,
people have eventually come to roads for their genuine demand of Peace and

But there is no Justice in this modern World.

NO Justice..ONLY.JUST US (Elite and Powerful)

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99% People of the world are demanding Justice from 1% of the Elite and

They would not deliver peace and justice to 99% and they can only deliver
wars, draughts and diseases as a gift to the populations of the world.

Now the interference from the Almighty Allah would come and the Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi (AS) and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ would take place on
28th July, 2023 AD.

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172. Saudi Arabia and Imam Mahdi (AS)

It was mentioned in the sayings of our Prophet (PBUH) that:

The Bilal mosque would be demolished near the Holy Kaaba and the palace of the
ruler would be built on mountain and the name of the ruler would be on the animal
and he would be enemy of my family.

Now that Historical Bilal Mosque has been abolished in the period of King Fahad of
Saudi Arabia.

The translation of Fahad is Tiger which is animal. So this prophecy of Prophet

Muhammad (PBUH) is also fulfilled.

There is a big awakening in Saudi Arabia in the recent years after this fulfillment of
the prophecy. Hundreds of books have been written in Saudi Arabia and are
available in the libraries all over Saudi Arabia.

There are 119 gates in the Holy Kaaba, Mecca and one of the names of the gates of
Holy Kaaba is known as Bab e Mahdi

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There is another gate which is on the name of Imam Mahdi in the Madina Mosque
which is known as, Bab ul Haee Al Mahdi which means the Gate of Mahdi who
gives Life

It is also mentioned in the Sayings of our Imams that when the Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi would take place in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, all people in Mecca would come
and obey Imam Mahdi (AS) and there would be no bloodshed in Mecca upon the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

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173. Coming Economic Collapse in the World by 2016 -17 AD

The world have seen the economic collapse of housing market, banks, insurance
companies, car industries, etc in USA in 2007 2008 AD. Since then the world
entered into global recession and depression. We are experiencing a lot of
economic riots all over the world including Asia, Europe, Middle East, Africa and

Many analysts and economists are predicting a worse economic and market
collapse by 2016-17 AD. They are warning people by writing books and articles both
on main stream and alternate media.

Some of the books available on www.amazon.com are:

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In his book, The Mystery of Shemitah, the author Mr. Jonathan Cahn
explained that there is a mysterious Economic Crisis cycle of 7 years and 2015
would be the 7th year after 2008 AD Economic and Housing Crisis in the
world and USA particularly.

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The Globall Economic Crash is expected after September, 2015 AD according
to the History of 7 Year Cycles.

he fourth and the last blood moon is also in the month of September, 2015 on
28th September as the blood moons reminds us important events in History of

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174. www.Oneistheteacher.com and the End Times 2023 AD

In their website: www.oneistheteacher.com, the research scholars mentioned

that the Year 2023 AD is the most expected year of the Second Coming of
the Jesus Christ.

Here are some of the excerpts from their website:

As a human being, a creation of God, you should know about Gods wrath that is about to
come on the world. But you dont know because you have not sought God to learn what is
to come (Jn 16). There is a strong chance that time is very short. The idea that no one
knows is a lie. Based on the Bible, Gods wrathful judgments His end-time plagues
could conclude by the year 2023.

The Present to 2016: The Seals

Gods end judgments involve seals, trumpets, and bowls; and the seals come first. If
2023 is correct, Gods seals would start right away. The seals involve the four
horses (Rev 6) and will include cataclysmic events such as:

famine and pestilence

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earthquakes and other disasters
economic turmoil and shortages
great spiritual deception and delusion
wars, rumors of wars, and possibly a major nuclear conflict

These horrific seal events are birth pangs (Mt 24) that you will see occur more
rapidly as time passes. They are from God, not so-called mother nature, and have
nothing to do with the Mayan 2012 hoax. When the world doesnt end in 2012,
people will likely be saying peace and safety, but be on the alert destruction is
right around the corner

The major event of this time period is likely a nuclear conflict at the sixth seal. There could be
nuclear warfare as never seen before, among prominent nations. The sky will be split apart
like a scroll when it is rolled up, and people will try to seek shelter in bunkers and caves,
hiding in the mountains and rocks (Rev 6). So great will be the devastation, that people
will assume its the end of the world but Armageddon is still years away.

How destructive are Gods seals? By the end of them, a fourth of the worlds population will
have died approximately 1.5 billion people!

2016 to 2023: Trumpets and Bowls

From 2016 to 2023, approximately, God would release His trumpet and bowl
plagues. With the first four trumpets/bowls, God will bring destruction and wreak
havoc on:

the earth, grass, and trees,

then on the seas,
then on the rivers, lakes, and springs,
and then on the sun, moon, and stars.

People will be overcome with fear because of the calamity happening in the world.

With the last three trumpets/bowls of Revelation, the world will see massive carnage,
warfare, and death. Yet people will still refuse to repent. At this time, the antichrist
will arise and

deceive the world for 3 years

be the leader of a new world empire
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be worshiped by the whole world
deceive the whole world with signs and false wonders
and will even claim to be God and Christ.

At the sixth trumpet, a third of the world will die (another 1.5 billion people). Then, at the
battle of Armageddon, the antichrist and his army will be defeated by the Lord Himself,
who will return to earth at the seventh and last trumpet to judge the nations by the sword
of His mouth. At the Lords coming, He will gather His few to Himself. A great number
will be judged and destroyed immediately. Many others will be allowed to live on
(entering the millennium) and have a further chance to seek God.

You have been warned

There is a strong chance that the 2023 scenario is correct. Even if it isnt, Gods wrathful
judgment is coming, and God is making judgments about people right now.

Behold, I have told you in advance. (Matt. 24:25)

If you have any care about God at all, or about other people at all, or for your own soul,
you should be concerned with whats coming. Many, many people, possibly, are about to
die (earthly, first death). Whats worse, during all of this earthly death, billions of people
will be killed spiritually by the utterly worthless teachings of mens churches,
synagogues, temples, mosques, and religions.

In Scripture, God never says to go to church, synagogue, or religion to find Him. Instead,
God calls people to Himself, to be taught by Him alone. Therefore, in the midst of all this
calamity, God will be trying to get people to repent and go to Him. He wants people to
seek Him to understand the end, be alert in the face of it, and respond properly.

He must be your One Teacher. If He has not opened His Book to you, what makes you
think He will open His kingdom to you? If you do not know the Word of God, you do not
know Him. He is the Word of God. That is His Name.

Scriptures are taken from the New American Standard Bible (NASB), which this site would
recommend, along with the King James Version (KJV).

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You may download 2023 Timeline from their website if interested.

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175. Increase in Natural Catastrophes

The world has witnessed an increase in Natural catastrophes in the last few
years and they are increasing year by year.

Here is the World Chart of Natural Catastrophes of 2012:

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176. Bibi Zainab (AS) and the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Bibi Zainab (AS) was the real savior of Karbala and Imam Hussain. She was
the daughter of Imam Ali (AS) and Bibi Fatima (AS) and sister of Imam Hassan
(AS), Imam Hussain (AS), Hazrat Ume Kulsoom (AS) and Hazrat Abbas (AS).
She was martyred in Damascus, Syria and her shrine is in Damascus, Syria.
Millions of Muslims go to Damascus, Syria every year to pay tribute to her.

One of the foremost and big missions of our Imam Mahdi (AS) is to take
revenge of the blood of all the Shaheeds of Karbala. That is why our Imam
said that if you want my Zahoor, pray to Allah with the name of Bibi Zainab

The Abjad of Bibis name, Zainab is 69

The first Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) was in the year 255 Hijri.
The total verses related to Imam Mahdi in the Holy Quran are 1121.
There are 19 Kuniyats of Imam Mahdi (AS) meaning the Names of the
Relationships like Abul Qasim which is also the Kuniyat of Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) as our Imam Mahdi (AS) has the same name as our
Prophet i.e. Muhammad
The Abjad of his Laqab - Mahdi is 59

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Total Verses in the Holy Quran related to Imam Mahdi = 1121
1121 Verses related to Imam Mahdi in the Holy Quran = 59 x 19

1121 = 59 x 19
59.The Abjad of name Mahdi
19.Kuniyats of Imam Mahdi

1121 Mahdi (59) having (19) Kuniyats

Now adding the numbers of His first Zahoor 255 Hijri, the Abjad of Bibi
Zainabs name 69 and the number 1121, we would get:

255 (First Zahoor of Mahdi) + 69 (Zainab) + 1121 = 1445

255 + 69 + 1121 = 1445.Year of Imams Zahoor i.e. 1445 Hijri

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177. Zahoor of Maula Ali and Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

The Zahoor of our first Imam, Hazrat Ali (AS) took place in the Holy Kaaba on
13th Rajab. The Georgian date was 28th September, 600 AD

Zahoor of Hazrat Ali ..28th September, 600 AD

Date ..28
Month9 (September)
Year600 AD

If we write the Date and Month together, we would get a number:

28 .9.289

289 = 17 x 17
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Now if we multiply this amazing number with the Number of Panjetan i.e. 5,
we would get the Zahoor year of Imam Mahdi in Hijri Calendar i.e.

289 x 5 = 1445..1445 Hijri.Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Again if we multiply the same number 289 with the number 7, which is
mentioned in the Holy Quran as Seven repeated Verses, we would get the
Zahoor year of Imam Mahdi in Georgian Calendar i.e.

289 x 7 = 20232023 AD.Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

In 2015, the 4th and the last Blood Moon is coming also on 28th September,
2015 AD.

28 is the 2nd Perfect Number. Imam Ali (AS) had 28 children and 9 is the
Number of Bibi Fatima (AS) Wife of Maula Ali (AS).

Also there are 28 Arabic Alphabets in the Arabic language.

Regarding 600 AD, if we multiply this number with 2 and add the Abjad value
of the names, Ali and Fatima which are 110 + 135 = 245, we would again get
the Zahoor year of Imam Mahdi (AS) i.e.

(600 x 2) + (110 + 135) = 1445..1445 Hijri Year of Zahoor

The Abjad of Mahdi is 59. The Number 59 is the 17th Prime Number in
Mathematics. There are 17 Wajib Rakats in 5 Daily Prayers.

289 = 17 x 17
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17 x 17 x 5 = 1445.1445 Hijri..Zahoor Year

17 x 17 x 7 = 2023.2023 AD.Zahoor Year

289 + 289 = 578.Abjad of name, Baqit Allah

The Abjad of these famous Islamic Words is also ---- 289

Allah O Akbar .289 = 17 x 17


The years between 2023 AD and 600 AD would be:

2023 600 = 1423 Years


14.Hijri Century. 1445 Hijri

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23.Year of Zahoor in 20 23 AD

1423..14 + 23 = 37

37.Abjad of Allahs name, Awaal meaning The First

The reverse of this number 37 would be 73. Adding both the numbers, we
would get:

37 + 73 = 110.Abjad of name, Ali

Also if we deduct 1423 from the Zahoor Hijri year 1445 Hijri, we would get:

1445 1423 = 22.11 + 11

11.Abjad of Allahs smallest name, HU

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If we deduct the First Zahoor date of Imam Mahdi (AS) i.e. 869 AD from the
Zahoor year of Imam Ali (AS) i.e. 600 AD, the difference of years from the
Zahoor of 1st Imam to the Zahoor of the Last Imam, we would get the
following number:

869 AD 600 AD = 269 Years (From 1st Imam to 12th Imam Zahoor)

269.The Abjad of Ali is 110 and the Abjad of Nuqta is 159.

Adding the Abjad of Ali and Nuqta, we would get:

110 + 159 = 269..Total Number of Years from 1st Imam to 12th Imam

2692 + 6 + 9 = 17.17 Wajib Rakats in 5 Prayers

The Abjad of Allah is 66. The Abjad of Allahs name, Aala is 111.
Now if we add the following numbers, we would get the Zahoor year as:

269 + 66 + (111 x 10) = 1445

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178. Surah e Hud
d and the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

"What remains with Allah is better for you if you are believers, and I am not a keeper over you."

[Holy Quran, Surah Hud, Verse 11:86]

One of the famous Laqab of our Imam is Baqit Allah

This Laqab of our Imam is mentioned in the Holy Quran, Surah 11 (Hud), Verse

If we put the Surah Number 11 and the Verse Number 86 together, we would
get amazing number 1186

11..Surah Number86..Verse Number

11Abjad of Allahs smallest name HU and Imam Mahdi (AS) is
the Mazhar of HU
86 8 + 6 = 14.14 th Masoom of Allah i.e. Imam
Mahdi (AS)

Now we know that the First Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) was in the year 255
Hijri on 15th Shahban, Friday

255 Hijri..First Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Also we know that after 4 years of His Zahoor, His father and our 11th Imam,
Hassan Al Askari died in 260 Hijri.

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Now if we add the 4 Years into 255 Hijri, we would get 259 Hijri.

Adding 1186 into 259 Hijri, we would get the Second Zahoor Year of our Imam

255 Hijri (First Zahoor) + 4 Years (With Imam Hassan Al Askari) + 1186 Years of
Ghaibat = 1445 1445 Hijri ..Zahoor of Imam Mahdi

255 + 4 + 1186 = 1445..1445 HijriZahoor of Imam Mahdi


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179. The Time would fly before the Zahoor e Imam

It is mentioned in the sayings of our Imams that:

There would be no Barkat in time before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi.

Now we all notice that time flies in front of our eyes. The years pass quickly.
We usually say that:

See, Muharram is again coming next month. How quickly the year passes!

So there is no Barkat in our time now as we are quickly approaching the

Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

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180. Fitna e Kharji and Zahoor e Imam Mahdi (AS)

Our first Imam, Hazrat Ali (AS) fought with Kawarij in Battle of Neharwan.
The Kawarij are the people who say that both Ali and Mawayih were
wrong and they made a group who were basically funded by Mawayih to
fight against Hazrat Ali (AS).

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) warned the Islamic Ummah about the Fitna e
Kawarij by saying:

They would have long beards and long hairs on their shoulders. They would
recite Quran with beautiful voice but no spirit in it. They would fast in the day
and would pray during the night. But they are the Dogs of Hell as they would
fight against Ali and His followers. They would kill Shias of Ali where ever
they found them. It is my will if you found them, Kill them.

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Hazrat Ali (AS) once said to Hazrat Kumail (RA) in the Battle of Nahrwan that:

The same Kawarij would appear before the Zahoor of Mahdi. Their names
would be their Kuniyats and they put the names of cities in their names.

See the name Abu Bakar AL Baghdadi Head of ISIS

Abu Bakar -------------Kuniyat

AL Baghdadi -------------- City

Now we see the same signs of Kawarij in different Islamic militant groups

Al Qaida
Al Nusra
Al Shahab
Al - Khorasani
ISIS Islamic State Group led by Abu Bakar Al Baghdadi

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There are different signs of Khawarij explained by our Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH) and they are explained as:

It was mentioned in the Sayings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that the Last
Khawarij would emerge with Dajjal. Now we see the emergence of Khawarij
in the form of ISIS with the help of Dajjal Satanic World Government.

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181. Kharooj e Dajjal near Zahoor e Imam Mahdi (AS)

When asked from Hazrat Ali (AS) about Dajjal, Maula replied to his dedicated
followers that:

Dajjal is a satanic system which would emerge before the Zahoor of Imam

Now we Dajjal A Satanic Socio Political System, which has all the
characteristics mentioned by our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Imams.

The main characteristics of Dajjal are:


The Dajjal Satanic System is everywhere in our World in all forms.

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182. Satanic Worship ----- on 28 th July Every Year

Anybody can be President of the United States, but very few can ever have any hope of
becoming President of the Bohemian Club. President Richard Nixon, 1972

Bohemian Grove is a 2,700-acre (1,100 ha) campground located at 20601 Bohemian

Avenue, in Monte Rio, California, belonging to a private San Francisco-based men's art club
known as the Bohemian Club. In mid-July each year, Bohemian Grove hosts a two-week,
three-weekend encampment of some of the most powerful men in the world.

Extract taken from --- http://bohemiangroveexposed.com/

They secretly meet for seventeen days each July in a remote sacred grove of ancient
redwood trees in the deep forests surrounding San Francisco. Some 1,500 in number, their
membership roll is kept secret, but includes the super-rich, blood dynasty member families
of the Illuminati; heavy-hitting corporate chieftains and high government officials.
Mingling among them are a number of Hollywood movie stars, Broadway producers,
famous entertainers, musicians, authors, painters and poets. Great statesmen and so
were told gentlemen.

So what is this ultra-elite club with the bizarre Druid customs? They are the Bohemians,
formally known as the Bohemian Club. They practically own their own county north of San
Francisco, a 2,700-acre summer camp they call the Bohemian Grove. Since the 1890s, the
Grovers (as they are known to intimates) have gathered amongst these redwood trees

Imam Mahdi Part - 3 Page 66

to get away from it all, have a little summer vacation fun, and avoid business dealings
altogether for two weeks. At least, thats the official story.
Then, there are the other storiessome of them too strange to believe. Tales of world
leaders plotting the worlds destiny there in secret war rooms, hand-picking Presidents
and future leaders from the Bohemian Grove. Reports of occult rituals being conducted by
these same powerful men, clad only in hooded red, black and white robes, offering an
effigy of a human being to be sacrificed by fire to a towering 45-foot stone owl God, the
Great Owl of Bohemia in a ceremony called The Cremation of Care. Sometimes, they
discard the robes, don womens clothing and parade around onstage in theatrical
productions or if the spirit so moves them they wear no clothes at all!

Things get even stranger still. Stories have come out of the Grove about wild homosexual
orgies, male and female prostitutes being engaged in what can only be described as
extreme sexual games, young children being exploited in unspeakable ways, up to and
including cold-blooded ritual murder. There are stories involving actual human sacrifice on
the altar of the owl God statue. Understandably, its all very hard to believe.

But is any of it true? Does the Bohemian Grove emulate the ancient mystery cults of
Babylon, Rome, and Greece? Do its members celebrate the old Gods such as Molech,
Ishtar, Lilith, Attis, Mithra, Apollo, Zoroaster, and others? Or is it a western secret society
like the freemasons and Yales exclusive Skull and Bones? Are they just having good clean
fun at the Grove? Or are they covertly plotting to take over the world? Why do our world
leaders meet here to share a fascination with the arts and all things Bohemian? Why the
obsession with the occult and ancient Babylon? This book proposes to answer many of the
most frequently asked questions about Bohemian Grove, investigate the rumors, fully
document what is known to be true, and hopefully destroy a few misconceptions.

Closed to the public, sealed off by helicopters, a private security force, and armed guards,
there can be no doubt that without the prying eyes of the public upon them, the power
elite may engage in whatever activities they wish at the Grove. Whether its crafting policy
matters in secret, dancing around in drag, cheating on their wives with prostitutes, taking
drugs, practicing black magic, or even committing murder, the pristine isolation of the
Bohemian Grove provides a convenient cover for any immoral, illegal, or un-gentlemanly
behavior one desires.

For most the clubs long history, the public could only speculate as to what these men
were doing in there. Books and news articles about the Bohemian Grove have been scarce;
we could only rely on a little leaked information from insiders and the tireless work of a
few dedicated researchers and activists.

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Now the truth can finally be revealed. Mike Hanson is a first-hand eyewitness who has
been inside the Bohemian Grove. In the summer of 2000, Mike secretly infiltrated the
Grove with radio talk show host Alex Jones. They filmed several hours of footage,
including the entire Cremation of Care ritual, which will be published in full here for the
first time. He peers behind the deep, green foliage and twisted vines, and the moss-
covered brown limbs and trunks of ancient, gnarled trees to discover what really goes on
at the Bohemian Grove.

Satanic Worship on ------------ Last Week of July

So they do Satanic Worship for 17 Days and in the month of July.

59 is the 17th Prime Number and there are 17 Wajib Rakats in 5 Daily Prayers.
Number 17 is the 7th Prime Number and there are only 7 Repeated names of
14 Masoomeen of Allah. And the main Satanic rituals are on 28 th July every

July is also the 7th Month of the Year. So Satan is basically the enemy of
Allah and 7 Repeated Verses or 7 Repeated Names of 14 Masoomeen.
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183. The Emergence of Black Flags of Syed Hashmi Khorasani
from Iran and Shoaib ibn Saleh from Samarkand

Shoaib ibn Saleh would emerge from Samarkand, which is the 2 nd largest city
of Modern Uzbekistan.

Khorasan was basically a big province of Iran also known as Persia. Along
with Bukhara, Samarkand is one of the oldest inhabited cities in Central Asia,
prospering from its location on the trade route between China and the
Mediterranean (Silk Road). At times Samarkand has been one of the greatest
cities of Central Asia. Uzbekistan in the past became the part of Russia and
now it is a separate country.

According to Imam Zain ul Abedeen (AS), Shoaib ibn Saleh would emerge
from Samarkand.

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The Commander of the Faithful (a) said:

The Sufyani and the bearers of the black banners will confront each other
while among the latter there will be a young man from the Bani Hashim in
the palm of whose left hand would be a black mole. He would be in front of
his soldiers and would be from the tribe of Bani Tamim. His name is Shuayb
ibn Salih.

Hasan al-Basri said:

In the land of Rey a person named Shuayb ibn Salih will appear having
broad shoulders, a dark complexion, and beardless. There will be an army of
four thousand men under his command whose garments will be white and
their banners will be black. They will constitute the vanguard of the Mahdis

Ammar ibn Yasir said:

Shuayb ibn Salih is the standard-bearer of Hadrat al-Mahdi.

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Shablanji said:

The commander of the advance forces of Hadrat al-Mahdi (atfs) will be a

man from the tribe of Bani Tamim with a slight beard and who will be called,
Shuayb ibn Salih.

Muhammad ibn Hanafiyyah said:

An army will set out from Khurasan that will wear black belts and white
shirts. One of the armys vanguards will be the commander called Shuayb ibn
Salih or Salih ibn Shuayb who is from the tribe of Bani Tamim. They will
defeat the soldiers of the Sufyani and drive them away; they will arrive in
Bayt al-Muqaddas and pave the ground for the government of Hadrat al-

Syed Hashmi Khorasani

Syed Hashmi Khorasani would also emerge from Rey, which is modern Iran.
He would go along with his forces carrying Black Flags and fight with Suffiani
forces which are currently ISIS Islamic State. The creators of ISIS knew that
Suffiani forces would be destroyed by Syed Khorasani who would carry Black
flags, that is why they made the flags of ISIS also Black to confuse the
innocent public of the world. So much so, they also call their group as
Khorasani to further confuse the Muslims particularly.

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The author of 'Eqdud-Durar' in chapter five narrates from Hafiz Abu Abdullah
Na'eem - ibn -Hemaad who narrates from Sa'eed-ibn- Musayyeb that the
Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said:

'A person from Bani-Abbass shall emerge from the East and whatever Allah
Wishes will be established accordingly. Afterwards, men with small black
flags will rise and will battle out with the offsprings of Abu Sufyan. They will
prepare the ground for the obedience and submission of Mahdi.

In the same chapter of the afore-said book, its author narrates from Na'eem-
ibn-Hemaad (from his book 'Fatan') that Muhammad-ibn-Hanafiya said:

'The people of the flag will emerge from Khorasan. Afterwards people of
another flag with white will rise. A man from Bani-Tamim called as Tamim-
ibn-Saleh will face them.... it will be then that people would seek and desire
for Mahdi.

Again, in the same chapter of the same book, its author narrates from
Na'eem-ibn-Hemaad and he from Shareey-ibn-Abdullah Rashid-ibn-Sa'ad and
Hamza-ibn-Habib as such:

'The people of the East will swear allegiance to a person from Bani-Hashim
who shall emerge with the army of Khorasan. A man from Bani-Tamim will
face them.... If mountains confront him, he will destroy them. Later he will
encounter the army of Sufyani and will defeat them. Fierce battle will take
place with them and he will kill them. He will expel them from one place to
another until he will defeat them in Iraq. Thereafter an incident shall occur
between them as a result of which Sufyani will gain victory and the Hashimi
man will escape towards Mecca and Tamim-ibn-Saleh (who is one of the
leaders of the army of Hashimi) will escape towards Baitul-Muqaddas.
When Mahdi shall reappear, the Hashimi man too will emerge.

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184. Kharooj e Yamani from Yemen before the Zahoor

It is mentioned in the sayings of our Imams that a sacred person known as

Yamani would Kharooj meaning Exit from Yemen to help Imam Mahdi

Now the world is witnessing a revolution in Yemen since 2004 AD. The war
between the Federal Government of Yemen and the Houthi clans began in
June, 2004 AD. It has been characterized by continuous fighting of varying
intensity, punctuated by multiple ceasefires and meditation attempts.

The Houthi rebellion in Northern Yemen is perhaps the largest War, the Arab
world has seen in a Decade. Most of the Houthis are Zaidis.

The Houthis share the same enemy as America: Radical Salafi Sunni Islam,
which helped instigate their emergence as rebel movement in the first place.

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185. Nafs e Zakia 15 Days before the Zahoor of Imam
14th July, 2023 AD ------ Martyred near Kaaba

It is mentioned in the Sayings of our Imams that a man from Iran who is
known as Nafs e Zakia would come to Mecca, Saudi Arabia on Hajj and
would announce the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

Nafs e Zakia would come from Iran and he would be killed by the police at the
place near Rukun and Muqam in Holy Kaaba.

This incident would occur just 15 days before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)
which would occur on 14th July, 2023 AD on Friday.

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Martyrdom of Nafs e Zakia 14th July, 2023 AD (Friday)

14 7 2023 (Friday)

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186. Distance between Imam Hussain (AS) shrine and Hazrat
Abbas (AS) shrine is same as the distance between Safaa
and Marwa i.e. 378 Meters

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The total distance between Safaa and Marwa = 378 Meters
The total distance between Imam Hussain (AS) and Hazrat Abbas Shrine = 378 Meters
Now we know that Imam Hussain is the 5 Panjetan.
Also the Abjad of name, Abbas is 133

If we multiply this amazing number 378 with the Number 5 of 5th Panjetan and
then add the Abjad of Abbas - 133, we would get:

(378 x 5) + 133 = 2023

2023..2023 AD.Year of Zahoor of Mahdi (AS)

378 x 5 = 18901

If we multiply the Abjad of Fatima 135 with the Number of 14

Masoomeen, we would get:

135 x 14 = 18902

378 x 5 = 1890 = 135 x 14

189018 + 90 = 108.Abjad of Haq

Haq .108..14 Masoomeen are Haq

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378..If we multiply the numbers 3 with 7 and then with number 8,

we would get:

3 x 7 x 8 = 168..Abjad of Bism Allah

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Now if we multiply the Number 168 with the Number 12 as our Imam
Mahdi (AS) is the 12th Imam of Allah and add the last 7 years of Tribulation or
Number 7 of the repeated Verses of the Holy Quran.

(168 x 12th Imam) + 7 (Repeated Verses of the Holy Quran) = 2023

(168 x 12) + 7 = 2023.2023 ADZahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

The Abjad of word, Ism meaning Name is 101. The number of Divinity is 8.

Now if we multiply the Number 168 with the Number of Divinity 8 and
add the Abjad of Ism 101, we would get:

(168 x 8) + 101 = 14451445 Hijri.Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

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If we multiply the Distance Number 378 meters between the two Rozas
with Number 3 and add the Abjad of Allah + Ali + Fatima as 66 + 110 +
135, we would get the Zahoor year as:

(378 x 3) + 66 + 110 + 135 = 14451445 Hijri .Zahoor Year

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187. Right of Bibi Fatima (AS) and Imam Mahdi (AS)

Bibi Fatima (AS) was the Only Daugher of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and
the wife of our First Imam Hazrat Ali (AS). She was the mother of Imam
Hassan (AS), Imam Hussain (AS), Bibi Zainab (AS) and Bibi Kulsoom (AS).

After the departure of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) from this world, muslims
choose Abu Bakar as the first Caliphate of Muslims and upon become a
Caliph, he ordered to arrest Hazrat Ali (AS) and denied Bibi Fatima (AS) her
rights on the Property of Bagh e Fidaq i.e. Garden of Fidaq which was not a
small garden but comprises of different fertile regions in more than 10 Arab
Countries at the present time.

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Bibi Fatima (AS) came to appeal in the court to get her property but Abu
Bakar and Umar did not take any notice for 4 hours and then they denied the
rights of Bibi Fatima (AS) on the Bagh e Fidaq.
This is a most quoted incident in the History of Islam and written in most
authentic Sunni and Shia books. No one can deny this fact.

After few days, Umar took 4000 people from Madina to Bibi Fatimas (AS)
house to arrest Hazrat Ali (AS) to ask him to take Oath of Abu Bakar.

But Bibi Fatima (AS) refused to open the door of her house. Umar shouted
that he would burn the door and then would arrest Hazrat Ali (AS). Bibi
Fatima (AS) again refused to hand over Hazrat Ali (AS) to Umar and his

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Upon her refusal, Umar ordered to bring the woods and then he put the
wooden door of Bibi Fatima (AS) on fire. This is the same door where Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) always comes 9 times a day to salute Bibi Fatima (AS)
and to praise her.

When the door started burning, Umar hit the door and the burning door fall
on Bibi Fatima (AS) and she was severly hurt by the nail in the door and Her
3rd Son i.e. Hazrat Mohsin (AS) was martyred at that moment.

Umar arrested Hazrat Ali (AS) with the ropes and took him to the mosque to
take His oath for Abu Bakar.

When Bibi Fatima (AS) became conscious, she walked to the Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) Grave and started praying.

The atmosphere in Madina suddenly changed, the walls of Madina lifted and
people realized that if they dont release Hazrat Ali (AS), they can come under
the severe punishment of Allah.

On that day, Hazrat Bibi Fatima (AS) said to Umar:

O! Umar, when my 11th Son, Mahdi would Zahoor, he would take my

revenge from you. I am going to my Allah totally displeased with you and
your partner (Abu Bakar).

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Surah e Sajdah (3
(32), Verse 22, Holy Quran

And who is more unjust than he who is reminded of the Verses of His Lord,
then he turns away from them. Surely We will give punishment to the

The Abjad of part of the Verse: Surely We will give punishment to

the Criminals. is 1202

The 11th Son of Maula Ali i.e. Mahdi and Hadi would take revenge from the
Criminals of Islam.

Adding the Abjad of the part of the above verse i.e. 1202 with the Surah
number 32 and Verse number -22 22 and then add the Abjad of Ali + Mahdi +
Hadi, we would get the Zahoor year i.e. 1445 Hijri.

1202 + 32 (Surah) + 22 (Verse) + 110 (Ali) + 59 (Mahdi) + 20 (Hadi) = 1445

14451445 HijriZahoor Year (Year of Punishment)

1445 Hijri.Year of Punishment of Criminals

The Abjad of the names of 3 Caliphs of Muslims are:

Abu Bakar231

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The Abjad of:

Nifaq..231meaning Hypocrisy
Munkir310.meaning Kafir
Khaeen..661..meaning Dishonest

Adding the Abjad of 3 Caliphs of Muslims, we would get:

231 + 310 + 661 = 1202

The Abjad of Haq e Fatima is 243 i.e. The Right of Fatima

Now we know that Imam Mahdi (AS) would take revenge of Bibi Fatima (AS)
from her enemies, so if we add the Abjad of 3 Caliphs of Muslims and the
Abjad of Haq e Fatima, we would get the year and century of the Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi (AS) when he would take revenge as:

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1202 + 243 = 1445..Zahoor Year
The Abjad of Aqa Imam Mahdi meaning Master Imam Mahdi is
243. Adding the Abjad of Aqa Imam Mahdi into 1202, we would again
get the Zahoor year 1445

Aqa Imam Mahdi -------------------243

1202 + 243 (Aqa Imam Mahdi) = 14451445 Hijri (Zahoor Year)

Also the Abjad of Ali and Abbas is 110 + 133 = 243

Hazrat Abbas (AS) would be the Commander in Chief of the Army of Imam
Mahdi (AS) and Imam Mahdi (AS) is the 11th Son of Hazrat Ali (AS).

Adding 243 of the Abjad of Ali + Abbas with the Number 1202 of the
Abjad of 3 Caliphs, we would again get the Zahoor year as:

1202 + 243 (Ali + Abbas) = 1445..Zahoor Year

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The Abjad of Aalim Imam Hadi meaning The Scholar Imam Hadi is
243. Adding the Abjad of Aalim Imam Hadi into 1202, we would again
get the Zahoor year 1445

Aalim Imam Hadi -------------------243

1202 + 243 (Aalim Imam Hadi) = 14451445 Hijri (Zahoor Year)

Also the Abjad of:

Imam Hadi (82 + 20 = 102)

Imam Mahdi (82 + 59 = 141)

Imam Hadi + Imam Mahdi = 102 + 141 = 243

Again adding the Abjad of Imam Hadi + Imam Mahdi with the Abjad of
1202, we would get:

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1202 + 243 (Imam Hadi + Imam Mahdi) = 1445.Zahoor Year

Recently on 5th March, 2015 AD on Thursday, the Tomb of Prophet

Muhammad (PBUH) turned Red on the Shahdat day of Bibi Fatima (AS) i.e.
15 Jamadi Ul Awwal, 1436 Hijri.

It shows How sad is our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) on her Shahdat and it
also shows that the Year of Zahoor of our Imam is very near i.e. 1445 Hijri.

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188. Zahoor e Imam Mahdi (AS) ---- Hijri Centuries and Years

Imam Mahdis first Zahoor took place in 255 Hijri.

Imam Mahdis second Zahoor would take place in 1445 Hijri.

First Zahoor Second Zahoor

255 Hijri 1445 Hijri

2 (Century) 55 (Year) 14 (Century) 45 (Year)

The reverse number of 2 is 2. The reverse number of 55 is also 55.

The reverse number of 14 is 41. The reverse number of 45 is 54.

Hijri year 255

Adding 2 with 2, we would get -- Number 4
Adding 55 with 55, we would get Number 110

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Hijri year - 1445
Adding 14 with 41, we would get --- Number 55
Adding 45 with 54, we would get --- Number 99

Now if we add the resulting numbers of Zahoor years, we would get:

110 + 99 = 20928th July, 2023 is the 209th Day

Similarly if we add the resulting numbers of Zahoor centuries, we would get:

4 + 55 = 59.Abjad of Imams name, Mahdi

59 (Mahdi)..Zahoor would take place on 209th Day of the year i.e. 28th
July, 2023 AD (10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri)

1st Jan1st Day of the Year

14th April104th Day of the Year
28th July209th Day of the Year
Imam Mahdi Part - 3 Page 96
14th April, 2023 would be 23rd Ramazan when Imam Ali (AS) would announce
the Day of Kharooj of Imam Mahdi mentioned in the Holy Quran, Surah
Qaf, Verses 41 and 42.

Also the Abjad of Allahs name, Al Adal is 104 which means Justice

209 = 19 x 11..Where 19 is the Abjad of Allahs name Wahid

and 11 is the Abjad of Allahs name, Hu.

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189. 313 Companions of Imam Mahdi

There would be 313 Companions of Imam Mahdi (AS). He would divide the
whole world into 313 provinces and appoint these 313 Chosen people as
Governors of these provinces.

1 (Imam Mahdi) + 313 Governors = 314

314.Government of Allah

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Some of the important persons from the History of Islam would join Imam
Mahdi (AS) as their 313 Companions. Among them are:

Ashab e Kahf --------------------9 People who slept 309 years and then
awake with the order of Allah. One of the Surah in the Holy Quran is in
their nameSurah e Kahf
Hazrat Abbas (AS).He would be the commander in chief of the
army of Imam Mahdi (AS) and Governor of Iran
Hazrat Salman e Muhammadi (RA)
Hazrat Malik e Ashtar.He would be the Governor of Egypt and
among the 313 people

Prophecy is history, written in advance.

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190. People from Boston, Massachusetts, USA would
join Imam Mahdi

Most of the Sayings of our Imams indicate that lot of people from Europe and
USA would join Imam Mahdi.

Even the name, Bostan is mentioned in the Sayings of our Imams that 3 to
30 people would come from Bostan to join Imam Mahdi.

Now the place Bostan in USA is the famous place, BOSTON which is in
Massachusetts State.

Boston is known in US History for many important intellectual and

technological institutions and universities like MIT and Boston University.

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As the magicians and the intellectuals in the Pharoahs palace surrendered
before Hazrat Musa (AS) when he showed his miracle from his wooden stick
when it became a large snake and swollen all the snakes of those magicians.

This story is mentioned in Surah e Qasas, Para 20 in the Holy Quran when
they said after seeing the Miracle of Hazrat Musa (AS) that we now believe in
Almighty God of Hazrat Musa and Hazrat Haroon (AS) and Pharoah kicked all
of them out of his palace saying them Rafazee of Hazrat Musa and Hazrat

Similarly the intellectuals of the Western World would join Imam Mahdi (AS)
after seeing His Miracle in the field of Knowledge.

In US History, Boston Tea Party is the famous Historical event when the
Americans threw the Tea from the loaded British Ships into the Atlantic

The learned scholars from the Western World would be first ones to join the
forces of Imam Mahdi when they would see the miracles of Imam in the field
of Knowledge.

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191. War of Modern Qaruns (Bankers)

Qarun is a famous historical character during the times of Egyptian Pharoah. He

was the wealthiest person and also knows the skill to make Gold. He opposed
Hazrat Moses (AS) and was later punished by Allah when he and his wealth were
swallowed by land.

The modern Qaruns of our times are the Banks. They are controlled by few elite
families in the world and they control all the Governments of the world by
influencing them and funding their elections.

The last War or Armageaddon or Third World War would be the War of Qaruns i.e.
War of Bankers and the credit of destroying the world and its population would go
to them.

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192. Bermuda Mystery --- Place of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Bermuda Triangle is a Big Mystery in the World. Lots of Airplanes and ships
disappeared while travelling on the Bermuda Triangle.

One of the places like Bermuda Triangle is known as Khizra Island

mentioned in the book Basir ul Darjaat which was written 1000 years ago in
the period of Shaikh Mufeed.

This place was known as the Place of Imam Mahdi where His chosen people
live there in peace and prosperity.

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There has been lot of research on this Bermuda Triangle in the recent history
but no one knows the reality of this Bermuda Triangle which is located near
USA, Bahamas and Cuba. So there are lots of hidden places on the Earth
where the people are living under the protection of Imam Mahdi (AS).

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193. New World Order by Imam Mahdi (AS)

New World Order is the most popular term used in the modern World
politics. The World Elite has been working to bring this New World Order for
more than 150 years.

Satan has given them a false hope that the New World Order is for them but
the Satan knows since beginning that Imam Mahdi (AS) would establish New
World Order for all the people living on this Earth.

So Imam Mahdi (AS) would bring a New World Order by bringing Justice in all
forms. He would divide the Earth into 313 provinces and appoint 313
Governors as His subordinates to serve the people.

There would be ONE Army, ONE Police, ONE World System for all the people
of the World.

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So the New World Order or ONE World Order is the Order of Imam Mahdi
(AS) and not the Satanic World Order as dreamed by the World Elite.



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194. Miracles of Imam Mahdi (AS) after Zahoor
After the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS), different people would ask him for the
miracles. Here are some of the miracles mentioned below:

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195. World Government of Imam Mahdi

Head of the WorldImam Mahdi

Governors of the Provinces in the World.313 Governors in 313

Provinces in the World as the whole world would be divided in 313 Provinces

70,000 Most Truthful and Chosen Shias ..Helpers of Imam Mahdi

1 Million Shias in the worldArmy of Imam Mahdi

So Imam Mahdi would rule the world as the Caliph and Imam of Allah. He
would have 313 chosen people from all times who would function as the
Governors on 313 Provinces in the whole World.

Then 70,000 Chosen Shias of all times would be His helpers who would assist
him in the Government.
His Army would comprise of 1 Million dedicated Shia soldiers.

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Then He would establish Peace and Justice in the whole world and the
world would become, Paradise under His rule.

Even the people would be able to talk to angels in His time as the angels
would be walking among the people.

Also we know that the Abjad of Mahdi is 59 and the Number 59 is the 17 th
Prime Number in Mathematics.

5917th Prime Number

There are also 17 Rakats in 5 Wajib Prayers in whole day

Now we see the link of Number 59 and Number 17 with the Year of
Zahoor e Imam as:

[(59 + 59) x 17] + 17 = 1445.1445 Hijri.Year of Zahoor

Also: 59 + 59 = 118Abjad of name, Hassan as Imam Mahdi (AS) is the

son of Imam Hassan e Askari (AS)
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196. 70,000 Shias would help Imam Mahdi (AS)

It is said that there are only 70,000 Shias of 14 Masoomeen of Allah and the
rest of the other Momineen are Muhibeen of 14 Masoomeen of o Allah.

Once Imam Ali (AS) said:

Seventy thousand (70,000) Siddique (Truthful) would rise from the back of
Masjid e Kufa after the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) and would become
helpers of Imam Mahdi (AS).

Allah has mentioned Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) as Shia in the Holy Quran in Surah
Safat (37), Verse 83 as:

Surah: Saffat (37)

So 70,000 Shias of the status of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) would become the
helpers of Imam Mahdi (AS) on his Zahoor.

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197. Apparent Age of our Imam Mahdi (AS) --- 45 Years

Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (AS) said:

One of the biggest troubles is that Imam Mahdi (AS) would Zahoor in the
Age of Youth when the people thought him to be old.

So Our Imam would be young and healthy when His Zahoor would take place.

What is the Age of our Imam Mahdi (AS)?

If we take his actual age from his first Zahoor in 255 Hijri to his second Zahoor
in 1445 Hijri, then his age is 1190 years

Age of Imam Mahdi = 1190 Years (From 255 Hijri till 1445 Hijri)

But according to Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (AS), he would look young and healthy.

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So how would He look like?

He would look like 45 years of age.

There are 114 Surahs in the Holy Quran. If we deduct the year of His birth or
Zahoor from 114, we would get his apparent age.

Now Imam Mahdi (AS) was born in the Year 869 AD. The year of His birth is
69. Now deduct 69 from 114, we would reach the apparent age of our Imam
Mahdi (AS) i.e.

114 69 = 45Apparent Age of our Imam ---- 45 Years

69..Abjad of name Zainab is also 69

114Abjad of Allahs name, Jamai meaning Complete is 114

He is also the 14th Masoom of Allah.

Now if we put his age after His designation, we would again reach the Year of
His Zahoor, i.e.

14 (Masoom of Allah) 45 (Age of Imam)..1445.Year of His Zahoor

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14th Masoom of Allah looks like 45 years of Age
14 45..Zahoor Year (Hijri)

Why 45 Years?

Imam Mahdi (AS) is the son of Bibi Fatima. The Abjad of name, Fatima is

Now if you multiply 45 with number 3, we would get:

45 x 3 = 135.Abjad of name, Fatima

Also he is the 3rd Muhammad in 12 Imams. There are 4 Ali and 3 Muhammad
in our 12 Imams. 4th Muhammad is our Prophet (PBUH).

So 3rd Muhammad x 45 = 135.Abjad of name, Fatima

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There are 3 Kalimat in our complete Kalima i.e.

1. There is no God except Allah

2. Muhammad (PBUH) is the Prophet of Allah
3. Ali (AS) is the Wali of Allah

3 Kalimat x 45 = 135Abjadof name, Fatima

4 x 5 = 20Abjad of His name, Hadi

4 + 5 = 9.Number of Bibi Fatima as 1351 + 3 + 5 = 9

20 + 9 = 29 which is the reverse number of 92Abjad of name,


29 + 92 = 121.. (Zahir and Batin of Ali and Muhammad)

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Imam Mahdi (AS) is the 11th Son of Bibi Fatima (AS) and the Abjad of name,
Fatima is 135.

The Ashra of our Universe is 10.

The Abjad of word, Imam is 82 and the Abjad of name, Ahad is 13.

Now if we multiply the Abjad of Fatima with number 10 and add the
Abjad of Imam e Ahad, we would get:

(135 x 10) + 82 (Imam) e 13 (Ahad) = 1445.1445 Hijri..Zahoor e Imam

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198. Actual Death of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia
14th December, 2014 AD

Late King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia

King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia died on 14 December, 2014 AD on

King Abdullahs death was announced after 40 days on 23
January, 2015 AD on Friday.

According to our Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (AS):

When Abdullah of Najd and Hijaz would die, his successors would hide his
death for 40 days.

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His half brother, King Salman became the King of Saudi Arabia.

King Salman --- Half Brother of King Abdullah

After the death of King Abdullah, our Imam Ali (AS) mentioned that:

There would be fifteen (15) Sultans of Najd and Hijaz after King Abdullah who
would rule for very short time one after another before the Zahoor of Imam

The Date of Abdullahs Death is 14th

The Month of His Death is 12th
The Year of His Death is 14th

Now we know that Imam Mahdi (AS) is the 14th Masoom of Allah and the 12th

If we put the Date and the Month of His Death together, it becomes:

14(Date) 12 (Month)..1412

1412.is the Abjad of Arabic word, Ghaibat

That is why His death remained hidden or in Ghaibat for 40 days till the
announcement on 23rd January, 2015 AD.
Imam Mahdi Part - 3 Page 120
14 (Date) + 12 (Month - December) + 14 (Year 2014)

14 + 12 + 14 = 40.40 Days.Death before Announcement

The people in Saudi Arabia knew that their King had died in the month of
December but because of the appointment of New King and the selection of
Crown Prince, the death of Late King Abdullah was kept hidden.

It became a tradition in Arab World to hide the deaths of their Kings. For

The Death of King Fahd of Saudi Arabia was kept hidden for some days
and then announced.
The Death of Shaikh Zaid of UAE was kept hidden for a week and then it
was announced.

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The Death of Palestine leader - Yasir Arafat was kept hidden in France for
some days

The Kingdom of Al Saud started on 1922 AD and if we count the number of years
from the start of their Kingdom till the Death of King Abdullah:

1922 till 201492 Years

92 is the Abjad of our Prophet Name, Muhammad

His death was the major Prophecy of Islam and especially our Imams.

In the famous Shia book of Allama Majlasi, Baharul Anwar, Imam Jaffar e
Sadiq (AS) said:

When Adbullah dies, people will not agree on no one, and this issue will be kept
alive till the rise of Imam Mahdi (AS). An age of a hundred year reign comes to
an end and an age of lasting Kingdom would arrive.

If one analyzes this very important Hadith of our Imam, it was mentioned that
the reign of Saudis would last for only ONE HUNDRED YEARS.
Ibn Saud reconquered his familys ancestral home city of Riyadh in 1902 AD,
touching off three decades of conquests that left him the ruler of nearly all
Central Arabia. He consolidated his control over Najd (Modern Saudi Arabia) in
the year 1922 AD. His name was Abdul Aziz ibn Abdul Rehman Al Saud.

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100 Years of Reign of Al Saud ----- 1922 to 2022 AD

So when their 100 years of Reign would finish in 2022 AD, Imam Mahdis(AS)
Zahoor would take place in 2023 AD. So as per the Hadith of our Imam Jaffar
e Sadiq (AS):

100 years of Reign of Al Saud..would end in 2022 AD

Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)would take place in 2023 AD

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A Shia Scholar in Qom, Iran said before the death of King Abdullah:

Currently, there is a possibility of a power struggle in Saudi Arabia, as King

Abdullah tried to make up the new post of deputy Crown prince. Actually with
regard to this, if Prince Salman becomes the King and Muqrin bin Abdul Aziz
named the Crown Prince, the next Deputy Crown Prince will be Mutaib ibn
Abdullah, so we can expect tensions between King Abdullahs sons and
Salmans brothers to escalate after Abdullah passes away.
The period between the King Abudullahs death and the Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi (AS) is:

o Death of King Abdullah..14th December, 2014 AD

o Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)..28th July, 2023 AD

Total Time between the Death of King Abudullah and the Zahoor of Imam is:

8 Years, 7 Months and 14 Days

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There would be 15 Kings or Sultans of Saudi Arabia in between this short
period of 8 years, 7 months and 14 days before the Final Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi (AS).

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199. King Fahd before King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia

King Fahd bin Abdulaziz Al Saud was the King of Saudi Arabia from 1982 to
2005. He was born on 16th March, 1921 AD and died on 1st August, 2005 AD

Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (AS) said:

A ruler of Hijaz whose name would be the animals name would rule before
Abdullah becomes the King.

The meaning of Fahd in Arabic is Tiger or Leapord

So this prophecy of our Imam also came true when Fahd became the King of
Saudi Arabia in 1982 before Abdullah.

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200. Conflict regarding the Succession of future Kings
after the Death of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia

According to Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (AS) mentioned in Bahar Al Anwar:

Whoever comes to me with the news of the death of King Abdullah, I

guarantee him the news of the Emergence of Imam Mahdi (AS), for when
Abdullah dies, the people will not agree upon a ruler after him and it will not
end without the appearance of Mahdi, Inshah Allah. The King of the Years will
be gone and the King of the Months and Days will come. It will not be long
after that Mahdi emerges.

Then Imam Ali (AS) said in one of his speeches in Kufa:

There would be 15 rulers of Najd and Hijaz after Abdullah and they rule
would be very short in months and days.

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Family of Al Saud Saudi Arabia

So it is quite clear from Imams Hadith that the next 15 Kings of Saudi Arabia
would rule only for months and days and not for years until we all would see
the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) in 2023 AD.

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201. The International Hajj Routes would be
abandoned by 2017 AD

In one of the famous speeches of Hazrat Ali (AS) regarding the End Times
before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) given in Kufa, he mentioned:

The routes to Mecca for Hajj would be abandoned before the Zahoor of

If we look at the current political and geographical situation of Saudi Arabia,

we see that Saudi Arabia is fighting on many military fronts with the help of
its Allies and Saudi Arabia recently launched a full scale War with Yemen. It is
also involved in Syria and Iraq Wars in helping the groups like ISIS, ISIL, Al-
Qaeda, Al Daesh, etc.

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Now it has openly staged a War against Iran by attacking all its opponents. It
has also helped Bahrain by sending its military to crush Shia uprising in

Saudi Arabia spends approximately 80 Billion Dollars on military purposes

and spends around 70 Billion Dollars to spread Wahabism its Radical Islamic
Philosophy to be propogated all over the World.

The military analysts are predicting that if the current situation worsens then
2017 AD would be the Last International Hajj because Saudi Arabia might
involve itself with the direct military confrontration with Iran.

Western countries are behind Saudi Arabia if such military action would take
place and thus the prophecy of Hazrat Ali (AS) would be fulfilled when the
International routes to Mecca for Hajj would be abandoned.

Last International Hajj Event in Mecca------------------------- 2017 AD

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202. Real and Complete Quran would be introduced
by Imam Mahdi (AS)

The real and complete Holy Quran is safe and sound in the hands of Qaim e
Aal e Muhammad i.e. Imam Mahdi (AS).

The above Hadith of Imam Baqir (AS) is the solid proof of the fact that the
Holy Quran in our hands is not that Quran which is revealed to the Holy
Prophet (PBUH).

Then our First Imam, Hazrat Ali encrypted the Holy Quran by saying that:

The Holy Quran contains 378,025 Arabic Alphabets.

The current Holy Quran contains 324,732 Arabic Alphabets with 77,878 Arabic

So the difference is: 378,025 324,732 = 53,293 Arabic Alphabets

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Bismillah contains 19 Arabic Alphabets and it is a complete Verse or Ayat.

So if we divide 53,293 with Number 19, we are missing 2804 Ayats like
Bismillah in the Holy Quran.

Or if we take the average of the current Holy Quran, there are approximately
51 Alphabets in 1 Ayat (Quranic Sentence) on average i.e.

324732 divided by Number of Ayats i.e. 6346, we would get:

324732/6346 = 51 (Approx)

So there are 1045 Ayats missing in the Holy Quran with the current average.

1045 (Approx) missing Ayats (Quranic sentences) in the current Holy Quran

The Middle of the Current Quran comes in the 19th Verse of 15th Para in Sura
18 (Surah e Kahaf).

The Middle Word of the Current Quran is Le Yatlaf meaning To Speak


The Middle Word of the Complete Quran would be 378,025/2 = 189013

18901318 + 90 + 13 = 121

The Zahir and Batin of both Muhammad and Ali is also 121

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Muhammad (92).Zahir
Muhammad (29)Batin ..The reverse number of 92 is 29

92 (Zahir) + 29 (Batin) = 121

Ali (110).Zahir
Ali (011).BatinThe Reverse number of 110 is 011

11is also the Abjad of Allahs smallest name, HU

110 (Zahir) + 011 (Batin) = 121

Muhammad (Zahir + Batin) = 121 = Ali (Zahir + Batin)

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The total Abjad of all the current Holy Quran is:

Abjad of the Current Holy Quran = 23,466,310

The research scholars of the Holy Quran know this fact that the present Holy
Quran has following characteristics in it.

The Arrangement of the Ayats (Sentences of the Holy Quran) is not

according to the Nazool of the Holy Quran upon the Holy Prophet.
The total Arabic Alphabets in the complete Holy Quran should be
378,025 according to Hazrat Ali but there are only 324,732 Arabic
Alphabets in the current Holy Quran which means there are 53,293
Arabic Alphabets missing in the Holy Quran
According to the missing Arabic Alphabets, 5 more Paras would be
added in the current Quran. The current Quran has 30 Paras and with
the addition of 5 Paras, they would become 35 Paras.
So if the Arabic Alphabets are missing so many Ayats (Sentences) are
missing from the current Holy Quran which may contain the Fazilat
i.e. the Superiority of the family of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) or
some orders which the Ummah (Muslims) do not want to follow.
The Aaraaf or the Pronounciation of some of the Holy Ayats (sentences)
is wrong.
The Names of some of the chapters of the Holy Quran has been
Even in Dua e Saname Quresh, Imam Ali (AS) said that there are
changes made in the Holy Quran. Similarly in Ziyarat e Jamiah, Imam
said: There are changes made in the Holy Quran.

So wait for the Real and Complete Holy Quran which is completely safe in
the hands of Imam Mahdi (AS).

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Read the last line of Ziyrat e Jame Masoomeen printed in Iran. It clearly
states Haraft al Quran meaning the changes made in the Holy Quran.

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Read the second last line of Dua Saname Quresh which is a famous Dua
and prohibited in Saudi Arabia to read or to carry. It is a Dua of Imam Ali
(AS) in which He said about the Changes made in the Holy Quran. He made
88 allegations on the renowned criminals of Islam.

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203. Army of Suffiani would be killed by Imam Mahdi

It is mentioned in the sayings of our Imams that:

The army of Suffiani would be killed at Muqam e Baida near Mecca by Imam
Mahdi when they are advancing towards Mecca to destroy Kaaba.

There would be approximately 150,000 people in the Army of Suffiani who

would be marching towards Mecca to destroy Kaaba when Imam Mahdi (AS)
would bury the whole army at Muqam e Baida near Mecca and would send
four (4) people of Suffiani army by turning their faces around back to Suffiani
to deliver the message of Imam.

Recently ISIS the renowned terrorist group which is basically Suffiani

group has mentioned that they would attack and destroy Holy Kaaba. That is
why Saudi Arabia place army on the borders of Syria and Saudi Arabia.

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The name of the Last Suffiani just before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)
would be USMAN. He would emerge exactly 8 months before the Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi (AS) i.e. 10th Jamadi Ul Awaal, 1444 Hijri which would be 5th
December, 2022 AD.

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204. Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) after 46th Generation
of Naqvi Al Bukhari Sadaat

It is well known among the Shia Scholars that the 46th Generation of Naqvi
Sadaat would see the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

A book written by Syed Wilayat Shah Shirazi in 2006 AD, Brief History of my
Respected Forefathers (Sadaat Shirazi/Bukhari) also available on
www.scribd.com compiled the list of all his Naqvi Al Bukari Sadaat
forefathers starting from Prophet Muhammad to the authors generation
who is the 46th Generation.

One can download the book from the website listed below:

Now the children of the author, Syed Wilayat Shah who belong to the 46 th
Generation of Naqvi Al Bukhari Sadaat starting from Prophet Muhammad

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List of the 46 Generations of Naqvi Al Bukhari Sadaat from Prophet
(Genealogy Shajara e Tayyiba of Naqvi Sadaat)

With due respect and courtesy from the author, we are taking the names of
his forefathers to validate that the 46th Generation of Naqvi Sadaat are the
living generation and they would see the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

1. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) + Bibi Khadija (SA)

2. Bibi Fatima (SA) + Imam Ali (SA)
3. Imam Hussain (SA)
4. Imam Ali Zain ul Abedeen (SA)
5. Imam Muhammad Baqir (SA)
6. Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (SA)
7. Imam Musa e Kazim (SA)
8. Imam Ali Raza (SA)
9. Imam Muhammad Taqi (SA)
10. Imam Ali Naqi (SA)
11. Abu Ali Jafar e Sani Askari (RA) ----- Brother of Imam Hasan Askari (SA)
12. Abu Abdullah Ali Asghar Al Ashtar (RA) ---- Cousin of Imam Mahdi (SA)
13. Abu Ahmad Shahabuddin Abdullah
14. Jalaluddin Ahmad Qatal Bukhari

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15. Abu Muhammad Nasiruddin Mahmood Asghar Mukhtarullah
16. Abu Al Fateh Safiuddin Muhammad
17. Syed Abu Ali Jafar
18. Syed Ali Al Moeed
19. Syed Jalaluddin Abu Al-Barakat Hassan Mir Surkh Bukhari
20. Syed Sultan Ahmad Kabir
21. Syed Jalaluddin Hussain
22. Syed Nasirud Din Mahmood
23. Syed Nizamuddin Shah
24. Syed Niamat Wali Shah
25. Syed Rahmat Wali Shah
26. Syed Ahmad Shah
27. Syed Abbas Shah
28. Syed Mahr Wali Shah
29. Syed Omar Wali Shah
30. Syed Mubarak Wali Shah
31. Syed Niamat Wali Shah
32. Syed Rahmat Wali Shah
33. Syed Sher Muhammad Wali Shah
34. Syed Muhammad Ibrahim Shah
35. Syed Hassan Shah
36. Syed Haroon Shah
37. Syed Muhammad Ahmad Shah
38. Syed Pir Sadaat Shah
39. Syed Maazud Din Shah
40. Syed Mahboob Shah
41. Syed Amir Asif Shah
42. Syed Rahmat Wali Shah
43. Syed Muhammad Shafiullah Shah
44. Syed Haroon Shah
45. Syed Wilayat Shah Shirazi author of the book
46. Syed Haider Shah, Syed Shahid Shah, and other sons and daughters

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The 45th and 46th Living Generations of Naqvi Sadaat are witnessing the signs
of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

45th Living Generation of Naqvi Sadaat:

14th Masoom of Allah i.e. Imam Mahdi (AS) would see the 45th Generation of
Naqvi Sadaat.

14th Masoom45th Generation of Naqvi Sadaat

14.45.1445 Hijri.The Zahoor Year

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46th Living Generation of Naqvi Sadaat:

The Abjad of Wali is 46. Imam Mahdi (AS) is the Wali of Allah.

46th Generation of Naqvi Sadaat would see the Wali of Allah i.e.
Imam Mahdi (AS)

The reverse number of 46 is 64. The Abjad of Deen meaning Religion is 64.

Adding both the Numbers 46 + 64 = 110

46 (Wali) + 64 (Deen) = 110 (Ali)

Wali e Deen = Ali (110)

Imam Mahdi (AS) is also Wali e Deen and 11th Son of Imam Ali (110)

That is why the 46th Generation of Naqvi Sadaat would see the Zahoor of
Wali e Deen i.e. Imam Mahdi (AS). Inshah Allah.

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205. War of Imam Mahdi (AS) in the Year 2024 AD

Once Hazrat Ali (AS) said:

Imam Mahdi would wage war against the enemies of Allah from the month
of Safar for full one year till next Safar.

The Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) would take place on 10th Muharram, 1445
Hijri i.e 28th July, 2023 AD.

1st Safar, 1445 Hijri would be on 18th August, 2023 AD Friday.

War of Imam Mahdi (AS) would start on 18th August, 2023 AD, Friday i.e. 1st
Safar, 1445 Hijri

1st Safar, 1445 Hijri1(Day) 2 (Month) 1445 (Year)

18th August, 2023 AD..18 (Day) 8(Month) 2023 (Year)

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The war of Imam Mahdi (AS) would continue till next year and would finish in
the same month of Safar, 1446 Hijri i.e. 28th Safar, 1446 Hijri

Duration of War of Imam Mahdi (AS)

1st Safar, 1445 Hijri -----to-------28th Safar, 1446 Hijri

28th Safar, 1446 Hijri..2nd September, 2024 AD (Monday)

1446 Hijri.2024 AD

The Hijri Year would be 46th of 15th Century Hijri

If we multiply the Number 46 with Number 44, we would get:

46 x 44 = 2024Year --- 2024 AD

46 is the Abjad of name, Wali and Imam Mahdi (AS) is the Wali of Allah

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206. Punishment of Major Criminals by Imam Mahdi
(AS) in the Year 2025 AD

The Abjad of Imams name, Mahdi is 59

If we multiply the numbers 5 and 9, we would get:

59.5 x 9 = 45

45 is the Abjad of name, ADAM

Now if we multiply the number 45 again with number 45, we would get:

45 x 45 = 2025Year 2025 AD

45 (ADAM) x 45 (ADAM) = 2025.............Year 2025 AD

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Imam Mahdi (AS) would take revenge by punishing Evil Adam and rewarding
Good Adam.

So the year 2025 is the Year of Punishment of Criminals of Humanity by the

Hands of Imam Mahdi (AS)

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207. Establishment of Divine Kingdom by Imam Mahdi
(AS) in the Year 2026 AD

Imam Mahdi (AS) is the 14th Masoom of Allah.

If we multiply 14 again with the Number 14, we would get:

14 x 14 = 196
Now add the result --- 196 in the Year 2026 AD, we would get:

196 + 2026 = 2222

2222 = 1111 + 1111

The Abjad of word, Zahoor is 1111

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2222 = 1111 (Zahoor e Zaat) + 1111 (Zahoor e Sifat)

1111Zahoor e Zaat

1111Zahoor e Sifat

So in the Year 2026 AD, both the Zahoor of Zaat and Zahoor of Sifat e Ilahi
would take place and the Establishment of the Divine Kingdom would take

Imam Mahdi (AS) is the Mazhar e Hu. Other Imams were the Mazhar

11 x 101 = 1111

The Abjad of Allahs name, HU is 11

The Abjad of name, Ism meaning name is 101

11 (HU) x 101 (Ism) = 1111 (Zahoor e Ism e Hu)

(11 x 101) + (11 x 101) = 2222

2026 ADEstablishment of Divine Kingdom

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208. Imam Mahdi (AS) is Mazhar e Hu

The Abjad of Allahs smallest name, HU is 11

The Abjad of Imams famous name, Mahdi is 59

Imam Mahdi (AS) is Mazhar e Hu

59 (Mahdi) x 11 (Hu) = 649

The Abjad of the names of Panjetan are:

1. Muhammad 92
2. Ali110
3. Fatima..135
4. Hasan.118
5. Hussain.128

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Adding the Abjad of Panjetans names, we would get:

92 + 110 + 135 + 118 + 128 = 583

Adding the Abjad of Allahs name, Allah i.e 66 with the Panjetan Number 583,
we would get:

Allah (66) + Panjetan (583) = 649

Allah (66) + Muhammad (92) + Ali (110) + Fatima (135) + Hasan (118) + Hussain (128) = 649

59 (Mahdi) x 11 (Hu) = 649

Imam Mahdi (AS) is Mazhar e Hu

6496 + 4 + 9 = 19

19..The Abjad of name of Allah, Wahid

All 14 Masoomeen are Noor e Wahid

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The Special Number 649:
If we multiply the numbers of 649, we would get another amazing number
216, which is the cube of Number 6 and Number 6 is the 1 st Perfect
Number in Mathematics.

649.6 x 4 x 9 = 216

2166 x 6 x 6

Number 6 is the 1st Perfect Number in Mathematics as when we add the

divisors of Number 6, it would give the resulting number as 6.


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The Abjad of Arabic words, Aal e Muhammad is also 123

The total number of Sects in all the Three 3 Abrahamic religions i.e. Islam,
Judaism, Christianity is also 216.

Islam -- 73 Sects
Christianity -- 72 Sects
Judaism -- 71 Sects

73 + 72 + 71 = 216 Sects of Abrahamic religions


If we multiply the Abjad of HU 3 times and add the Number 114, which
are also the Total Number of Surahs in the Holy Quran, we would get the
Zahoor year of Mazhar e HU i.e. Imam Mahdi (AS)

(11 x 11 x 11) + 114 = 14451445 HijriZahoor e Imam

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209. Imam Mahdi (AS) would kill first False Shias and
False Scholars of Islam

It is a famous Hadith of Prophet Muhammad:

Jews were divided into 71 Sects, 70 Sects would go to Hell and One (1) would go to
Paradise. Christians were also divided into 72 Sects, 71 Sects would go to Hell and
One (1) would go to Paradise. My Ummah would also divide into 73 Sects. 72 Sects
would go to Hell and One (1) would go to Paradise.

This Hadith is also verified from the Holy Quran. There is a complete Surah in the
Holy Quran on Sects or Groups, known as Surah e Ahzab (Surah Number 33)

The Arabic word Ahzab means Groups. There are 73 Verses in that Surah.

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Once Imam Ali described the same Hadith of Prophet Muhammad and further

Among the 73 Sects, there would be 13 Sects who would accept my Wilayat and
acknowledge my love. But 12 would go to Hell and only 1 would go to Paradise.

This is a famous Saying of Hazrat Ali (AS) and can be found in the famous
book Kitab e Sulaem bin Qais Halali

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Now we list down the names of these 13 Sects among the Shia Muslims.

13 Sects among the Shia Muslims

12 Sects would go to Hell and 1 would go to Paradise

1. Alawi The Sect who say that Imam Ali is Allah

2. Zaidia The Sect who only accepts 5 Imams till Imam Baqir and then accept
Hazrat Zaid as their Imam, who was the son of Imam Baqir and martyred.
3. Ismaeli The Sect who only accepts 6 Imams till Imam Jaffar e Sadiq and not
accepts Imam Moosa e Kazim (AS) as their Imam.
4. Waqifi The Sect who only accepts 7 Imams till Imam Moosa e Kazim and
not accepts Imam Raza (AS) as their Imam.
5. Taqavi The Sect who only accepts 10 Imams till Imam Muhammad Taqi
(AS) and not accepts Imam Ali Naqi (AS) as their Imam.
6. Nuqtavi The Sect who says that every thing in the Universe is Nuqta.
Allah is also Nuqta
7. Nazari The Sect known as Bhore and accept Imams till Imam Jaffar e
8. Darooz The Sect known as Khoje and accept Imams till Imam Jaffar e
9. Ahle Haq- Also claim them as Shia Muslims
10. Sulemani and Kasyani Also claim them as Shia Muslims
Imam Mahdi Part - 3 Page 156
11. Jaroodi Also claim them as Shia Muslims
12. Muqasir Who believe in 12 Imams but their beliefs for 14
Masoomeen are not correct -
13. Shia, Arif and Momin The Sect who believe in 12 Imams
and their belief for 14 Masoomeen are correct.

Once Hazrat Ali said:

A nation would doom to fall if they place Furoaat e Deen before Asool e Deen
i.e. Fundamentals of Deen and put people of less Fazelat before people of high

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Main Groups among Muslim Ummah

All the Muslim Ummah is also categorized in 4 Main Groups as:

1. Ghali --- The people who say and believe the Zahir of 14 Masoomeen as
their Batin. The 14 Masoomeen are Imam, Hadi, Prophet but they strictly prohibited
anyone to say them Allah. They are the Mazhar of Allah and not Allah in their

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2. Nasbi --- The people who hate the Momineen or Shia e Ali and want to kill
them or hurt them in any way.
The Abjad of Arabic word, Had meaning the Limit is 12
So any one not accepting 12 Imams of Allah or exceeding 12 Imams are Nasbi and
they are the enemies of real Shias.

3. Muqasir------ The people who say and believe the Batin of 14 Masoomeen
as their Zahir. The people who are jealous with Hazrat Muhammad and Ale
Muhammads Fazelats and Miracles and deny the words and Miracles of
Muhammad and Ahle Bait. They consider Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) and His family
are like other Creations of Almighty Allah and alike them. They dont consider 14
Masoomeen as Mazhar of Allah.

4. Arif -----------The people who believe in all the words and miracles of Hazrat
Muhammad and Ale Muhammad. They consider 14 Masoomeen as the Mazhar of
Allah and not His Creation because Creation cannot become the REAL MAZHAR
of Allahs Knowledge and Sifat.

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Once Imam Baqir (AS) said:

Allah is Shams (Sun) e Tauheed, We (14 Masoomeen) are the Shua (Rays of Sun)
and you (Shias) are linked with our Shuas (Rays of Sun) that is why you are called

So the Rays of Sun are neither born nor die. They emit from Sun in the morning
which is known as Zahoor of Sun Rays and they go back to their origin i.e. Sun at
night which is Ghaibat of Sun rays. So in the Ghaibat of Sun rays, we can not say
that the Rays exist. We only say SUN.

Similarly when 14 Masoomeen go back to their origin which is the Zaat e Tauheed
i.e. Allah, we dont have to search them in their Batin. We just have to Say that
Allah exists with His powers i.e. 14 Masoomeen

So 14 Masoomeen are the Powers of Allah, Rays of Allah, and everything of Allah
but NOT ALLAH. This should be the real concept of Real Islam and the Real faith.

Imam Mahdi (AS) would kill 70,000 Munafiqeen and mostly of them would be
Munafiqeen Shias.

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210. The last 110 Years from the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi

If we notice that in the last 110 years from 1913 AD to 2023 AD Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi (AS), 99% of all the Prophecies of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and our
Imams have been fulfilled.

1913 AD tol 2023 AD.110 Years.99% Prophecies fulfilled

If we just go through the major prophecies about the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS),
we would see that all the important prophecies have been completed.

Now we are in the count down stage. Some of the prophecies have to be fulfilled
before the Final Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) in 2023 AD and they are:

Death of 1/3rd people of the World in War

Death of further 1/3rd people of the World by International Draught and
Kharooj e Yamani from Yemen

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Kharooj e Syed Khorasani from Iran
Kharooj e Shoaib ibn Saleh from Samarkand
Face on the Moon in the Month of Rajab
Kharooj e Nafs e Zakia
The Cry of Hazrat Ali (AS) on 23rd Ramazan, Friday about the Kharooj of Imam
Mahdi (AS)
The Cry of Hazrat Jabreel (AS) on the day of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)
on 10th Muharram, Friday
The destruction of Suffiani forces by Imam Mahdi (AS) on Muqam e Baida
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ in Damascus, Syria from the 4 th Sky
Revenge and War by Imam Mahdi (AS) on Satanic forces
Defeat of Satan and his forces all over the World.
Establishment of Divine Kingdom by Imam Mahdi (AS)

Hazrat Abu Talib (AS) is the Father of all 12 Imams. Imam Mahdi (AS) is the Grand
Son of Hazrat Abu Talib (AS).

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The Abjad of name, Abu Talib is 51
The Abjad of name, Mahdi is 59
Now if we add the Abjad of Abu Talib and Mahdi, we would get:

51 (Abu Talib) + 59 (Mahdi) = 110 (Ali)

110Abjad of name, Ali

From Hazrat Abu Talib (AS) to Imam Mahdi (AS), all our Imams are Ali and Hazrat
Abu Talib (AS) whose real name was Imran was the father of all Alis

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211. Salvation of Adam and Eve by Imam Mahdi (AS)

The Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) is in the Year 1445 Hijri.

He is the 14th Masoom of Allah and would come for the final salvation of Adam and
Eve all over the world.

The Abjad of name, Adam is 45

The Abjad of name, Huaa meaning Eve is 15

The Zahoor year and century is also hidden in the Abjad of Adam and Huaa.

The Year of Zahoor e Imam Mahdi (AS) is 45

The Century of Zahoor e Imam Mahdi (AS) is 15th Century Hijri

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The Zahoor Year 1445 Hijri

14.......15th Century Hijri.15 is the Abjad of Huaa

45..Year of Zahoor45 is the Abjad of Adam

The Arrival of Last Adam is 6215 years before the 1st Hijri Year.

6215 + 1445 Hijri = 7660 Years

The Salvation of Adam and Eve would be done after 7660 years of their Arrival.

The Zahoor Year 2023 AD

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The Islamic year in which the girls are considered Baligh meaning religiously
responsible is 9 Years

For boys, the year is considered as 14 Years in which they are considered Baligh.

Islamic Baligh Age for Boys and Girls..14 (Boys) + 9 (Girls)

14 + 9 = 23Year of Zahoor 23

They need Hadi for their Hidayat

The Abjad of Hadi is 20.which is the Number of Century of Zahoor e


20 2320 (Hadi).for Baligh boys and girls- 23 (14 + 9 = 23)

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212. Vilayat and the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

The Abjad of Arabic word, Vilayat is 447. The Vilayat of Allah is

same as the Vilayat of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and same as the
Vilayat of Ali

So there are 3 Vilayats:

1. Vilayat e Allah
2. Vilayat e Muhammad
3. Vilayat e Ali

That is why, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said on the Day of Ghadeer on 18 th Zil

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Now if we multiply the Abjad of Vilayat 447 by Number 3 and add the Abjad of
Allahs name, Al Adal i.e. 104, we would get the Year of Zahoor of Imam as:

(447 x 3) + 104 = 1445..1445 Hijri.Zahoor Year of Imam

The Abjad of Arabic word, Maula written with Alphabet Alif is 77 and the Day of
Vilayat is 18th Zil Hajj.

If we multiply the Abjad of Maula i.e. 77 by the Day of Vilayat i.e. 18 and add the
Abjad of Imams name, Mahdi i.e. 59, we would get the Zahoor year as:

(77 x 18) + 59 = 1445.1445 Hijri.Year of Zahoor e Vilayat e Mahdi

The Abjad of Allahs name, Wali is 46

This famous verse of Surah e Rehman (Chapter 55) is repeated 31 times in

this Surah.

Now if we multiply the Abjad of Wali i.e. 46 with the Number 31 and add the
Abjad of Allahs name, Wahid i.e. 19, we would get the Zahoor year 1445 Hijri

(46 x 31) + 19 = 14451445 Hijri .Zahoor Year of Imam Mahdi (AS)

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The Abjad of first and most famous verse of the Holy Quran, i.e. Bismillah is

7867 + 8 + 6 = 21

The Abjad of Allahs name, Allah is 66.

Now if we multiply the Abjad of Allah i.e. 66 with the Number 21 and add the
Abjad of Imams name, Mahdi i.e. 59, we would get the Zahoor year as:

(66 x 21) + 59 = 14451445 Hijri.Zahoor Year of Imam

Our Imam is the 11th Son of Imam Ali (AS) and Bibi Fatima (AS).

The Abjad of Ali is 110 and the Abjad of Fatima is 135. Adding the Abjad of both
Ali + Fatima is 110 + 135 = 245

The Abjad of Arabic words, Wafa e Abbas is 220

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Now if we multiply the Abjad of Ali and Fatima i.e. 245 with the Number of
Panjetan i.e. 5 and add the Abjad of Wafa e Abbas i.e. 220, we would get the
Zahoor year as:

(245 x 5) + 220 = 14451445 Hijri.Year of Zahoor e Imam Mahdi

The First Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) was in the year 255 Hijri and there are
only 7 names of 14 Masoomeen of Allah.

If we multiply the Zahoor year of Imam Mahdi i.e. 255 with the Number 7 and add
the Abjad of names, Ali i.e. 110 and Hussain i.e. 128, we would get the Second
Zahoor year of Imam Mahdi (AS) as:

(255 x 7) + 110 + 128 = 2023.2023 ADZahoor Year of Imam Mahdi

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213. Abjad of Maula and Zahoor e Mahdi

The Abjad of first and most famous verse of the Holy Quran, i.e. Bismillah is

7867 + 8 + 6 = 21

The Abjad of name, Maula is 77

Now we know that our Imam Mahdi (AS) is the 12th Imam and 14th Masoom of
Allah. Now multiply the Abjad of Maula i.e. 77 with the numbers 12 and 14 and
add into the sum of 786 i.e. 21, we would get the year of Imams Zahoor.

(77 x 12) + (77 x 14) + 21 = 2023.2023 AD.Zahoor e Mahdi (AS)

(Maula x 12th Imam) + (Maula x 14th Masoom) + 21st Century AD = 2023

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214. Last words of Dua e Ahad and the Zahoor of Imam

The Last Words of the Dua which has to be recited 3 times while striking your thigh
with your hands and saying:

Al Ajal Al Ajal Ya Maulaya Ya Sahib uz Zaman

The Abjad of the above last words of the Dua is 607

Now we know that the First Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) took place in 255 Hijri.

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Also the sum of the Abjad of Five Panjetan i.e. Muhammad (PBUH), Ali (AS), Fatima
(AS), Hassan (AS) and Hussain is 583 as:

Muhammad (PBUH) ---- 92

Ali (AS) ---- 110
Fatima ---- 135
Hassan --- 118
Hussain --- 128

92 + 110 + 135 + 118 + 128 = 583

Adding the Abjad of the last words of Dua e Ahad with the Abjad of Panjetan i.e.
583 and the Year of His First Zahoor i.e. 255 Hijri, we would get the Year of Imam
Mahdis Second Zahoor i.e.

607 + 583 + 255 = 14451445 Hijri..Year of His Second Zahoor

1445 Hijri..Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

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Also we have to recite these last words 3 times. Now if we multiply the Abjad of
these words with the Number 3 and Imam Mahdi (AS) is the 12 th Caliph of Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) and 11th son of Imam Ali, so adding the Abjad of Muhammad
(92) and Ali (110) i.e. 202, we would get the Year of Imams Zahoor in Georgian
Calendar as:

(607 x 3) + 202 = 2023 .2023 AD.Year of Zahoor

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215. False Mahdi Claimants in History

People claiming to be the Mahdi have appeared across the Muslim world in South
Asia, Africa and the Middle East and throughout history.

A claimant Mahdi can wield great temporal, as well as spiritual, power: claimant -
Mahdis have founded states (e.g. the late 19th-century Mahdiyah in Sudan), as well
as religions and sects (e.g. Bbism, or the Ahmadiyya movement). The continued
relevance of the Mahdi doctrine in the Muslim world was most recently emphasised
during the 1979 seizing of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, by at least 200
militants led by Juhayman al-Otaibi, who had declared his brother-in-law,
Muhammad bin abd Allah al-Qahtani, the Mahdi.

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List of the Names of Mahdi Claimants
The following is the brief list of the names of all Mahdi claimants in the history:

1. Salih ibn Tarif, the second king of the Berghouata 8th Century AD
2. Abdullah ibn Muawiya 8th Century AD
3. Abdullah Al Mahdi Billah, the first caliph of Fatimid 10th Century AD
4. Ibn Tumart, the Morrocan 12th Century AD
5. Syed Muhammad Jaunpuri, India 15th Century AD
6. Ahmad ibn Ali Mahalli, Morroco 17th Century, AD
7. Mahamati Prannath, India 17th Century, AD
8. Diponegoro, Prince of Yogyakarta, Java 19th Century, AD
9. Ali Muhammad Shirazi, founder of Babism 19th Century, AD
10. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, founder of Ahmadiyya 19th Century, AD
11. Muhammad Ahmad, Sudan 19th Century, AD
12. Muhammad bin Abd Allah Al Qahtani 20th Century, AD
13. Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi 20th Century, AD
14. Ariffin Mohammad 20th Century, AD
15. Dia Abdul Zahra Kadim, Iraq 21st Century, AD

There were also other false claimants to be Mahdis through out the history of Islam.
Some people were also considered Mahdi by their supporters or followers but they
never claim to be Mahdi.

So one can see how important is the Concept of Mahdi in Islam and its
importance was laid by our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and our Imams in their
teachings of Islam throughout their lives. That is why so many people in Islam tried
to claim as Mahdi or some of the people were considered Mahdi by their
followers even they never claimed to be Mahdi.

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216. 1st Century Hijri 622 AD and the Year 2022 AD

We know that our Imam Mahdi (AS) is the 14 Masoom of Allah.

Also His First Zahoor took place on 29th July, 869 AD i.e. 15th Shahban, 255
Hijri. So His Zahoor Month was July.

The first month of the Islamic Calendar is Muharram.

Now we analyze that what was the First Date of the First Day of Our Islamic Hijri

1st Muharram, 1 Hijri was on 16th July, 622 AD

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Now 29th July, 2022 AD would be 1st Muharram, 1444 Hijri, which would be 1 Year
before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

2022 AD 622 AD = 1400 Years

14 x 100 = 1400 14 (14th Masoom) x 100 (Yemen--- Kharooj)

Imam Mahdis Kharooj would be from Yemen which is on the south of Saudi
Arabic in the same Hijri year i.e. on 23rd Ramazan, 1444 Hijri also on Friday.

The Abjad of the name, Yemen is 100

The Month is also the same i.e. July and 29th July is the same day of the First Zahoor
of Imam Mahdi in 869 AD. The 1st Muharram, 1st Hijri was on Friday and similarly 1st
Muharram, 1444 Hijri would also be Friday i.e. 29th July, 2022 AD

29th July, 2022 AD..1st Muharram, 1444 Hijri

1444 Hijri..Year of Imams Kharooj on 23rd Ramazan, 1444 Hijri i.e.

14th April, 2023 AD

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We know that the Kharooj of Imam Mahdi would take place 104 days before His
Final Zahoor on 28th July, 2023 i.e. 10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri.

So after 1400 years, the signs and symbols on Earth and Sky would start appearing
and the world would see the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) and the Second Coming of
Jesus Christ in the Next year i.e. 2023 AD in the same month of July i.e. 28 th July and
the same Islamic month i.e. Muharram 10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri

Karooj e Mahdi ..23rd Ramazan, 1444 Hijri (Friday)

Exit of Imam Mahdi from Yemen14th April, 2023 AD (Friday)

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217. War in Yemen and the Zahoor of Mahdi

Saudi Arabian forces, joined by nine other countries, have launched a military
operation in Yemen against Shiite Houthi rebels. The offensive, which started with
airstrikes, will also involve other military assets.

The military operation in Yemen started at 7 p.m. EST (11 p.m. GMT) on 25 th March,
2015 AD.

US has authorized the provision of logistical and intelligence support to the Gulf
Cooperation Council (GCC)-led military operations in Yemen, the White House said
in a statement, confirming that Washington had close communication with Hadi,
the Saudis and other GCC states prior to the launch of the military operation.

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While US forces are not taking direct military action in Yemen in support of this
effort, we are establishing a Joint Planning Cell with Saudi Arabia to coordinate US
military and intelligence support, the statement said.

Saudi Arabia is planning to commit 100 warplanes and 150,000 soldiers to the
Yemen offensive, according to Al Arabiya. The United Arab Emirates, Bahrain,
Qatar, Kuwait, and Jordan are also willing to contribute aircrafts, while Egypt,
Pakistan, Jordan, and Sudan want to contribute to ground operations.

Egypt is providing political and military support for the operation, the countrys
state media said. Cairo is prepared to take part in air, naval and ground operations
if necessary, the Egyptian Foreign Ministry has announced. Media reports said that
Jordan, Sudan, Morocco and Pakistan are also part of the coalition and have offered
their support for military operation in Yemen.

In August 2014, Houthi rebels moved in from the north and demanded economic
and political reforms. In September, they seized key state installations in Sanaa.

As Houthis took command of the capital last month, the US embassy closed its
operations in Sanaa, while the two rival governments in the north and south have
continued to compete for power. Last weekend, Shiite rebels seized Yemens third
largest city Taiz.

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Now the war has erupted in Yemen as mentioned by our Imams before the Zahoor
of Imam Mahdi (AS). The wars in Middle Eastern would spread to other countries
and we would see 2017 AD as the last year of International Hajj.

Yemen is in the South of Saudi Arabia as you can see in the map.

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Now one can see that all the Big Scholars of Islam are also 100% convinced that we
are living in the Age of the Coming of Imam Mahdi (AS). Ayatollah Taqi Bahjat of
Qum, Iran died in 2010 and he also prophecised about the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi
(AS) in the very near future.

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218. The Arabic word Shia and the Zahoor e Imam

The Abjad of the Arabic word, Shia meaning Follower is 380.

The word, Shia comprises of three Arabic Alphabets:

1. Sheen..Abjad 300
2. Ye. Abjad 10
3. AeenAbjad 70

Sheen.stands for Shahdat meaning to take Oath

Ye.stands for Yaqeen meaning with Faith
Aeen..stands for Ali meaning Hazrat Ali

So Shia means a person who takes Shahdat of Ali with Yaqeen as his Imam
and Wali of Allah.

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Now there are 3 Shahdats in our Kalima Tayyabba, i.e.

1. Shahdat of Allah
2. Shahdat of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
3. Shahdat of Imam Ali (AS)
Now if we multiply the Abjad of Shia i.e. 380 with the Number 3 as there are 3
Shahdats, the result would be:

380 x 3 = 1140 = 114 x 10.114 Surahs in the Holy Quran

114..1 (Allah) and 14 (Masoomeen of Allah)

Now in the above number 1140, if we add the Abjad of Mahdi i.e. 59, the Abjad
of Hassan i.e. 118 and the Abjad of Hussain i.e. 128 as our Imam Mahdi (AS) is the
son of both Imam Hassan from mothers side and son of Imam Hussain from
fathers side, the result would the year of Zahoor e Imam, i.e.

1140 + 59 + 118 + 128 = 1445.1445 Hijri Zahoor e Imam

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The Abjad of Arabic word, Noor is 256. Also if we add the Abjad of Hassan
(118) and Hussain (128), we would get 256 which is the Abjad of Noor.
The Abjad of name, Mahdi is 59

Adding the Abjad of Mahdi and Noor in the number 1140, we would get:

1140 + 59 + 256 = 14451445 Hijri..Zahoor e Noor e Mahdi

The Abjad of Arabic word, Faqar meaning Poverty is also 380.

And there are so many sayings of our Prophet and Imams that Faqar is related to
our Shias.

The Abjad of Arabic words, Faqar e Shia is 380 + 380 = 760

760 = 19 x 40

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219. Zahoor and Kharooj e Mahdi

We now know that the Abjad of name, Mahdi is 59.

So the Number 59 contains two odd numbers 5 and 9.

Also we know that the Kharooj of Imam Mahdi is from Yemen on 23 rd Ramazan,
Friday and His Zahoor would be 104 days after on 10th Muharram, Friday from

The Abjad of name, Yemen is 100

The Abjad of name, Mecca is 60

Now if we add the Abjad of Yemen and Mecca and multiply with the Number
9 from the Number 59 and then add the Number 5, we would get the Year of His
Zahoor i.e. 1445 Hijri as:

(Yemen + Mecca) x 9 + 5

(100 + 60) x 9 + 5 = 1445.1445 Hijri..Zahoor e Mahdi

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220. Face on Moon in the Month of Rajab before Zahoor

Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (AS) said:

The year in which the Cry (of Hazrat Jabraeel regarding the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi)
would be heard, the month of Rajab before there is a Sign. I asked, what would be
the Sign? Imam said: A clear face on the moon would be seen.

Now the month of Rajab is related to the Zahoor of Imam Ali (AS) on 13 th Rajab.
Rajab is the 7th Islamic month.

The Rajab before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) would be in the month of January
and February, 2023 AD.

13th Rajab, 1444 Hijri would be on 5th Feb, 2023 AD

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All the people in the world would see a clear Face on Moon in the month of Rajab
especially on 13th and 14th Rajab as the moon would be Full and Clear.

Even today, if you see the full moon closely, you would notice the name of Ali is
written on the Moon clearly.

There is another famous miracle related to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) regarding

the breaking of Moon into 2 equal parts and then joining again. One cannot do
magic on sky and the planets and its satellites. So it was a clear Miracle of Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) at his time.

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221. Nida (Announcement) of Hazrat Ali on 23 rd
Ramadhan, 1444 Hijri at Fajr --- 14th April, 2023 AD

It is mentioned in the Sayings of our Imams that the Nida (Announcement) of Hazrat
Ali (AS) would come at the time of Fajr and He would announce the Kharooj of
Imam Mahdi on 23rd Ramadhan on Friday.

14th April, 2023 is 23rd Ramadhan, Friday, 1444 Hijri. It is also mentioned in the Holy
Quran in Surah e Qaf (50), Verses 41 42 as:

And listen on the day when the Crier shall cry from a near place. The day when
they shall hear the cry in truth, that is the day of Exit. (Surah Qaf, Verses 41, 42)

Hazrat Ali (AS) would start by saying:

Haq is with Ali and His Shias.

It was mentioned by our Imams that only One Nation would understand Imam Ali
(AS) announcement and that would be only Shias of Maula Ali (AS).

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On the same day i.e. 23rd Ramadhan, Friday, Satan would announce at the time of
Maghrib as:

Haq is with Usman and his followers.

Usman is the name of Suffiani who would be ruling in major parts of Middle East
especially Syria, Iraq, Palestine.

So on 14th April, 2023 AD on Friday, the people in the World would hear two voices,
One from Hazrat Ali (AS) at the time of Fajr and the Second Voice from Satan at the
time of Maghrib on 23rd Ramadhan, Friday.

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222. Zahoor of Imam Mahdi --- 255 Hijri and 1445 Hijri

The Abjad of Muhammad O Aal e Muhammad is 221

We know that the first Zahoor of Imam Mahdi was in the year 255 Hijri

The Number of Divinity is 8.

Muhammad O Aal e Muhammad are the Mazhar of Divinity i.e. Almighty Allah. So
if we multiply the Abjad of Muhammad O Aal e Muhammad i.e. 221 with the
Number of Divinity i.e. 8 and add in the Year of Imam Mahdis first Zahoor i.e. 255
Hijri, we would get Imam Mahdis Second Zahoor year i.e. 2023 AD as:

(Muhammad O Aal e Muhammad) 221 x (Divinity) 8 + (First Zahoor) 255 Hijri

(221 x 8) + 255 = 2023.2023 ADZahoor of Imam Mahdi

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223. First Zahoor and the Final Zahoor of Imam

We know that the First Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) was on 15th Shahban, 255 Hijri
i.e. 29th July, 869 AD on Friday.

First Zahoor29th July, 869 AD (Friday).9th Century AD

We also now know that the Final Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) would be on 10 th
Muharram, 1445 Hijri i.e. 28th July, 2023 AD on Friday.

Final Zahoor..28th July, 2023 AD (Friday).21st Century AD

The Centuries in between His First and the Final Zahoors would be:

21st Century 9th Century = 12 Centuries

Our Imam is the 12 and the Last Imam and Caliph of Allah.

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224. Zahoor e Imam and the Human Body

There are 208 bones in the Human body.

The Zahoor of Imam Mahdi will be on 28th July, 2023. There are 208 days before 28th
July, 2023 AD i.e. from 1st January, 2023 to 27th July 2023 AD, there are 208 days
before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) on 28th July, 2023 on 209th Day.

Now the Human body is created by the Almighty Creator on Adal i.e. Justice. If we
divide the Number 208 by 2, we would get the Number 104.

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The Abjad of Adal i.e. Justice is also 104.

The announcement of Imam Mahdis Kharooj and Zahoor would be on 14th April,
2023 AD by Hazrat Ali (AS) which is mentioned in the Holy Quran in Surah 50,
Verses 41, 42.

There are 104 Days from 1st January to 13th April, 2023 AD before the
Announcement of Imams Zahoor and Kharooj on 14th April, 2023 AD and also there
are 104 days from 15th April to 28th July, 2023 AD i.e. The Day of Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi (AS) on 28th July, 2023 AD.

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The Abjad of Labaek Mahdi is 121. If we multiply the Abjad of Labaek Mahdi i.e.
121 with the current Hijri Century i.e. 15th Century Hijri and add into the Number of
Days in 2023 AD before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) i.e. 208 Days before 28 th
July, 2023 AD, we would get the Zahoor year of our Imam i.e. 2023 AD

(Labaek Mahdi 121) x (Current Hijri century 15th) + 208 Days = 2023

(121 x 15) + 208 = 2023..2023 ADZahoor e Mahdi

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225. End of Ottaman Caliphate in 1923 & Establishment of
Allahs Caliphate by Imam Mahdi (AS) as 12th Caliph

The Ottoman Caliphate, under the Ottoman dynasty of the Ottoman Empire, was
the last Sunni Islamic caliphate of the late medieval and the early modern era.
During the period of Ottoman growth, Ottoman rulers claimed caliphal authority
since Murad I's conquest of Edirne in 1362. Later Selim I, through conquering and
unification of Muslim lands, became the defender of the Holy Cities
of Mecca and Medina which further strengthened the Ottoman claim to caliphate in
the Muslim world.

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The demise of the Ottoman Caliphate took place because of a slow erosion of
power in relation to Western Europe, and because of the end of the Ottoman state
in consequence of the partitioning of the Ottoman Empire by the League of Nations
mandate.Abdlmecid II, the last Ottoman caliph, held his caliphal position for a
couple of years after the partitioning, but with Mustafa Kemal's secular reforms and
the subsequent exile of the royal Osmanolu family from the Republic of Turkey in
1924, the caliphal position was abolished.

The Turkish national movement, as the details explained in Turkish War of

Independence, formed a Turkish Grand National Assembly, and secured formal
recognition of the nation's independence and new borders on July 24, 1923
through the Treaty of Lausanne. The National Assembly declared Turkey
a republic on October 29, 1923, and proclaimed Ankara its new capital. After nearly
700 years, the Ottoman Empire had officially ceased to exist.

End of Ottaman Caliphate..July 24th, 1923 AD

Start of Allahs Caliphate by Imam Mahdi (AS)July 28 th, 2023 AD

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100 Years.From the End of Ottamans Caliphate to Allahs Caliphate

July ----- 1923 to July---2023 = 100 Years

The last Ottaman Caliph -- Abdlmecid II

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226. Mass Animals Deaths ---- Sign of End Times

The animals dying all over the world today in huge numbers, due to the polluted
state of the sea and air. Millions of Fish and massive numbers of whales and
dolphins are washing ashore dead. Birds are falling dead out of the sky, and millions
of poultry are dying from avian flu.

The animals of the land like cattle are also dying in large numbers from disease.
Although animals and fish have been dying all throughout history, we have not seen
the massive consistant numbers that we are seeing today. Please remember! This is
just one of the MANY signs of the last days.

In many of these events people from all walks of life are saying that they
have "never seen anything like this before".

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Mass Dead Cattle

Mass Dead Fish

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227. The Breakup of the Moon and the Judgement Day

(Surah 54, Verse 1, Holy Quran)

The Hour has come near and the moon has split (in two).

The 1st Verse of Surah e Qamar of the Holy Quran says that the Hour, meaning the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) has come near as Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) split the
moon into two by miracle.

The Abjad of name, Mujeeb meaning the ONE who Answers the Prayers is 55
The Abjad of Al Saat meaning the Hour is 562.

The Abjad of Mujeeb

Mujeeb Al Saat meaning the One who responds to the Hour is

Imam Mahdi Part - 3 Page 203

The Abjad of
is 1390

Adding the Abjad of Mujeeb + Abjad of

is 1445
= 55 + 1390 = 1445

55 + 1390 = 1445.1445 HijriZahoor of the Master of Hour

So Imam Mahdi (AS) would be the Only ONE who would respond in the Hour in
1445 Hijri.

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228. Surah e Hashar (59) and the Zahoor of Mahdi

Surah e Hashar is the 59th Surah of the Holy Quran. It has 24 Verses.

This Surah mentions about Qiyamat e Sughra i.e. the Arrival and Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi (AS) and the punishment of the Big Criminals in the History of Mankind.

Now we know that the Abjad of Imams name, Mahdi is also 59

59.5 + 9 = 14.14 th Masoom of Allah i.e. Imam Mahdi (AS)

Also the actual name of our Imam is Muhammad.

The Abjad of Muhammad is 92. The Batin of Muhammad is the reverse number
of 92 i.e. 29.

Zahir of Muhammad -------------------92

Batin of Muhammad -------------------29

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Now the Surah e Hashar is 59th Surah and has 24 Verses. If we multiply the Surah
Number i.e. 59 with the total Verses i.e. 24 and add the Batin of Muhammad, we
would get the Zahoor year of our Imam i.e. 1445 Hijri as:

(59th Surah) x (24 Verses) + (29 Batin of Muhammad)

(59 x 24) + 29 = 14451445 Hijri..Zahoor of Mahdi

1416 + 29 = 1445..1445 Hijri..Qiyamat e Sughra


The Number 59 is the 17th Prime Number in Mathematics.

If we multiply the Number 59 with Number 17 twice and then add the same
Prime Number 17, we would get the Zahoor year 2023 AD as:

(59 x 17) + (59 x 17) + 17 = 2023.2023 ADZahoor e Mahdi

1003 + 1003 + 17 = 2023..2023 AD..Qiyamat e Sughra

59.5 + 9 = 14.14th Masoom of Allah

17.1 + 7 = 8.8 Number represents the Divinity

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229. The Books written on The End Times

There are lots of books available in the market on the popular subject, The End

Most of them are available on www.amazon.com

Here are some of the important titles:

End Times Eyewitness: Israel, Islam and the Unfolding Signs of the Messiah's Return
by Joel Richardson and Philip Anthony
The End Time by Neil Ostroff
End Time by John McDonald
The Time of the End by Tim Warner
At the Time of the End by John Carswell Hull
End Times: Apocalypse by Donald Grant
End Times: Are there Biblical signs that show us that Jesus will return? By Glenn Pease
End Times by Anna Schumacher
Ebola, Plagues and the End Times by Mark Hitchcock and Jeff Kinley
Living in the End Times by Slavoj Zizek
The End: A Complete overview of the Bible Prophecy and the End of Days by Mark

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The End Times: Are we seeing any of the signs yet? By Michael J. Oldham
The End Times in Chronological Order: A Complete Overview to Understanding Bible
Prophecy by Ron Rhodes
Are we living in the Time of the End? By United Church of God
End Times to 2019: The End of the Mayan Calendar and the Countdown to Judgment Day
by David Montaigne
At the End of Time: Prophecy and Revelation: A Spiritual Paradigm by Robin Robertson
World at the End of Time by Fredrik Pohl
The Apocalypse Code: Find Out What the Bible REALLY Says About the End Times... and
Why It Matters Today by Hank Hanegraaff
Signs of the End Times in Surat Al-Kahf

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The End Times ----- Books

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230. Websites dedicated to End Times Prophecies

There are several people in this world belonging to different religions who are
working on the End Times.

Some of them also put their work, books, magazines, documentaries, videos, etc on
their websites. Some of the important websites are as follows:


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These are some of the websites on which you can find details about the End Times
prophecies to enlighten yourself.

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231. Videos dedicated to End Times Prophecies

There are so many videos available on the End Times and the Prophecies of the End
Times before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)
available on internet.

Some of the interesting videos on youtube are as follows:


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232. The Zahoor Year- 2023 AD ----- Summary of Events

5th Feb, 2023 AD on Sunday i.e. 13th Rajab, 1444 Hijri, a face would appear on
the Moon and everybody would see that miracle. 13th Rajab is the most
famous date in Shia Calendar i.e. the Zahoor of our 1st Imam i.e. Maula Ali in
the Holy Kaaba, Mecca and Sunday which is known as Ahad in Arabic is also
related to Maula Ali and His Ziarat is recited on Sundays.
8th March, 2023 AD on Wednesday i.e. 15th Shahban, 1444 Hijri, a hand would
appear on the Sky and it would be another miracle before the Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi (AS). 15th Shahban is the remembered in Shias as the Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi (AS) every year.
14th April, 2023 AD on Friday i.e. 23rd Ramadhan, 1444 Hijri, Hazrat Ali (AS)
would make Nida i.e. announce the Kharooj of Imam Mahdi i.e. The Exit
of Imam Mahdi (AS) from Ghaibat e Kubra at Fajr time. On the same day, the
Satan would announce that Haq is with Usman and the followers of Usman.
14th July, 2023 AD on Friday, i.e. 26th Zil Hajj, 1444 Hijri, Nafs e Zakia would
announce the program of Imam Mahdi (AS) in Mecca and he would be
murdered at Rukn and Mukam in front of Holy Kaaba.

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28th July, 2023 AD on Friday i.e. 10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri, Hazrat Isa (AS) i.e.
Jesus Christ Zahoor would take place at Fajr time at 04:45 am in Masjid e Bani
Ummiyah in Damascus, Syria.
28th July, 2023 AD on Friday i.e. 10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri, Imam Mahdi (AS)
Zahoor would take place on the roof of Holy Kaaba at Asr time at 14:45 pm in
Mecca, Saudi Arabia.
28th July, 2023 AD ------ 313 Companions of Imam Mahdi (AS) would join Imam
Mahdi (AS)
18th August, 2023 AD.War of Imam Mahdi (AS) would begin against the
enemies of Allah and Imam i.e. on 1st Safar, 1445 Hijri, Friday.

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Imam Mahdis Kharooj (Exit)
104 Days before His Zahoor

Month of His Kharooj ..Ramazan (9th Islamic Month)

Day of the Month of His Kharooj.23rd Ramazan(14th April)

Day of the Week of His KharoojFriday

Friday (Juma)

Time of the Kharooj of Imam Mahdi.0

4: 45 am (Fajr)

Year of the Kharooj of Imam Mahdi..1444(2023 AD)

4 2023 AD)
Century of the Kharooj of Imam Mahdi..1444(

Place of the Kharooj of Imam MahdiKaraa, Yemen 04:45am

Imam Mahdi would meet His followers ..Madina,

Madina, Saudi
Arabia ----- 14:45 pm (Asr time) Same day

And Listen on the Day when the Crier shall cry from a near place. The Day when they shall
hear the cry in truth; That is the Day of coming forth (Kharooj).
(Surah e Qaf, Verses 41, 42)

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Imam Mahdis Zahoor
Month of His Zahoor ..Muharram (1st Islamic Month)

Day of the Month of His Zahoor.10th Muharram(28th July)

Day of the Week of His ZahoorFriday (Juma)

Time of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi.14: 45 pm (Asr)

Year of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi..1445(2023 AD)

Century of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi..1445(2023 AD)

Place of the Zahoor of Imam MahdiRoof of the Holy Kaaba

in Mecca, Saudi Arabia facing Najaf (Iraq)

The World is waiting for Justice and

The Justice is waiting for Imam Mahdi

Imam Mahdi is Justice

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233. Jerusalem and the End Times

Jerusalem is located on a plateau in the Judean Mountains between the

Mediterranean and the Dead Sea, is one of the oldest cities in the world. It is
considered holy to the three major Abrahamic religionsJudaism, Christianity and
Islam. Israelis and Palestinians both claim Jerusalem as their capital, as Israel
maintains its primary governmental institutions there and the State of Palestine
ultimately foresees it as its seat of power; however, neither claim is widely
recognized internationally.

During its long history, Jerusalem has been destroyed at least twice, besieged 23
times, attacked 52 times, and captured and recaptured 44 times. The oldest part of
the city was settled in the 4th millennium BCE. In 1538, walls were built around
Jerusalem under Suleiman the Magnificent. Today those walls define the Old City,
which has been traditionally divided into four quartersknown since the early 19th
century as the Armenian, Christian, Jewish, and Muslim Quarters. The Old City

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became a World Heritage site in 1981, and is on the List of World Heritage in
Danger. Modern Jerusalem has grown far beyond the Old City's boundaries.

According to the Biblical tradition, King David conquered the city from the Jebusites
and established it as the capital of the United Kingdom of Israel, and his son, King
Solomon, commissioned the building of the First Temple.

These foundational events, straddling the dawn of the 1st millennium BCE, assumed
central symbolic importance for the Jewish people. The sobriquet of holy city, was
probably attached to Jerusalem in post-exilic times. The holiness of Jerusalem in
Christianity, conserved in the Septuagint which Christians adopted as their own
authority, was reinforced by the New Testament account of Jesus's crucifixion
there. In Islam, Jerusalem is the third-holiest city, after Mecca and Medina. In
Islamic tradition in 610 CE it became the first Qibla, the focal point for Muslim
prayer, and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) made his Night Journey there ten years
later, ascending to heaven where he speaks to God, according to the Holy Quran.

As a result, despite having an area of only 0.9 square kilometres (0.35 sq mi), the
Old City is home to many sites of seminal religious importance, among them the
Temple Mount and its Western Wall, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the Dome of
the Rock, the Garden Tomb and al-Aqsa Mosque.

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Today, the status of Jerusalem remains one of the core issues in the Israeli
Palestinian conflict. During the 1948 ArabIsraeli War, West Jerusalem was among
the areas captured and later annexed by Israel while East Jerusalem, including the
Old City, was captured and later annexed by Jordan. Israel captured East Jerusalem
from Jordan during the 1967 Six-Day War and subsequently annexed it. Israel's 1980
Basic Law the Jerusalem Law refers to Jerusalem as the country's undivided capital.
The international community rejected the annexation as illegal and treats East
Jerusalem as Palestinian territory occupied by Israel. The international community
does not recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital, and the city hosts no foreign

In 2011, Jerusalem had a population of 801,000, of which Jews comprised

497,000 (62%), Muslims 281,000 (35%), Christians 14,000 (around 2%)
and 9,000 (1%) were not classified by religion.

Many Prophets are buried here like Hazrat Yaqub (AS), Hazrat Abrahim (AS), Hazrat
Daud (AS), Hazrat Lot (AS), Hazrat Yousaf (AS), etc

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Once Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

The people would wish at the End times that they would be at Jerusalem.

Jerusalem is basically the Heart of all Nations. That is why all the 3 Major
Abrahamic religions are contesting to get hold of this city.

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234. The Greater Israel and the Great War in Middle East

The State of Israel was created in 1948 AD on the principles of Zionism. The
founding father of Zionism was Theodore Herzl. Since then, Israel kept on increasing
its land area by pushing the Palestines farther away from their mother land

Israel has fought many wars with the Middle Eastern Countries mostly Muslim
countries and attacked Gaza and people in Palestine several times during this
period and destroyed their homes, mosques, buildings, etc.

The conflict between Israel and the Muslim world is a long conflict and now Israel
has become a New World Power and it has launched its dream of Greater Israel
since 2001 AD after the September 11 attacks in New York, USA.

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The Middle East is in War since 1979 after the Islamic Revolution in Iran in 1979 AD
when Iraq attacked Iran. Then in 1990 Iraq attacked Kuwait and then USA with its
allies attacked Iraq. Again in 2003 AD, USA attacked Iraq and removed Saddam
Hussain from power. Then in 2006 Israel attacked Lebanon its neighbouring
country. In 2013 AD, Hosani Mubarak was removed from power by popular uprising
in Egypt. Then in 2013 AD, Syrian War started and it is still going on between Syrian
Government and the ISIS, the ISIL, etc.

Israel helped in the creation of ISIS and ISIL known as Daesh and it has captured
major parts in Syria and Iraq. Now the western countries are attacking ISIS to
contain them. Then in March, 2015 AD, Saudi Arabia with 10 other Middle Eastern
Countries attacked Yemen. So the whole Middle East is in a complete mess and in a
Big War since 1979 AD. This War would further escalate in 2017 AD when Saudi
Arabia with the backing of Israel would attack Iran and then 1/3rd population of the
world would die in that Great War in 2017 and 2018 AD as mentioned in the
prophecies of the End Times.

The Prophecy of the return of Jews in Jerusalem as mentioned in the Holy Quran in
Surah e Bani Israel, Verse 104 was fulfilled in 1948 AD.

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Israel was established on 14th May, 1948 AD on Friday i.e. 5th Rajab, 1367 Hijri.

Imam Mahdis Kharooj would be on 14th April, 2023 AD on Friday i.e. 23rd Ramazan,
1444 Hijri

14th is the Day and May is the 5th Month. So we can write the day and month as:

14 5145

The reverse of the number 145 is 541. The Number 541 is the 100 th Prime
Number in Mathematics.

That is why the Israel flag has 541 small circles on its Countrys flag.

The Number of years in between the creation of Israel and the Kharooj of Imam
Mahdi (AS) from His Ghaibat e Kubra are:

2023 1948 = 75 Years (In Georgian Calendar)

75..7 + 5 = 1212 Imam Zahoor

1444 1367 = 77 Years (In Hijri Calendar)

77. 7 + 7 = 14..14 Masoom of Allah

Israel is the Gods clock of End Times

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235. Destruction of Gog and Magog by Imam Mahdi

In Islam, they are known as Ya'juj and Ma'juj (or Ajuj and Majuj). The Bible in
English refers to them as Gog and MaGog. The emergence of the mighty Ya'juj and
Ma'juj is also a major sign of Qiyamah (Day of Resurrection).

Allah says in the Qur'an, "When

When Ya'juj and Ma'juj are let loose (from their Barrier)
and they swiftly swarm from every mound..." (Surah Al-Anbiya 21: 96)

Allah says in the Qur'an, "(Zul

"(Zul-Qarnain) said, 'This (barrier) is a mercy from my Lord,
but when the promise of my Lord comes, He shall level it (the barrier) down to the
d. And the promise of my Lord is ever true." (Surah Al-KahfKahf 18: 98)

Ya'juj Ma'juj (Gog & MaGog) and Zul-Qarnain

Thousands of years ago, the barbarous tribes of Yajuj and Ma'juj were imprisoned
behind an iron wall built by Zul
Qarnain. Referred to in the Qur'an in Surah Al-Kahf,
Qarnain was a pious and just king. He believed in Allah as the one and only god.

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Allah provided him with all forms of strength through which he was able to carry his
conquests. He is a mysterious figure. Zul-Qarnain seems to be just a title which has
two meanings in Arabic: (a) the one who has two horns, (b) the one who affects two
Ages. It is unknown who he is or the period in history in which he actually lived and
ruled. Many scholars have suggested that he could be Alexander the Great because
Alexander the Great is known in Arabic as Alexander Zul-Qarnain. However, many
modern Muslim scholars disagree with this conclusion because Alexander the Great
was not a monotheistic believer in God.

Once Zul-Qarnain carried out a expeditions in three directions, the far West, far
East, and then in a northerly direction. Travelling first in the westerly direction, Zul-
Qarnain conquered the lands he passed through establishing the laws of Allah
therein until he reached the setting of the sun. There, Zul-Qarnain met people that
didn't believe in Allah. Given a choice of punishing them for their Kufr (Disbelief) or
being lenient by inviting them first to Islam; he chose the latter and addressed
them, ''Those evil-doers who do injustice to themselves by rejecting Allah will be
punished by death in this World and in the hereafter, the fire of Hell is their abode.
As for those who accept the invitation and believe in Allah, they will be treated
leniently and in the hereafter Paradise is their place of rest.''

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After the expedition towards the West, Zul-Qarnain made preparation for the
expedition towards the East. Conquering the lands he passed through, establishing
he laws of Allah therein. Zul-Qarnain continued travelling in an easterly direction
until he reached the rising of the sun. In this area of the East, he saw a nation
receiving the sunshine without any obstruction. He dealt with them in the same
manner he dealt with the people in the West.

After the expedition to the East, Zul-Qarnain started his northern expedition. He
kept on travelling until he reached the midst of two mountains; it was here that Zul-
Qarnain came across a tribe who complained to him about the tribes of Ya'juj and
Ma'juj. Ya'juj and Ma'juj inhabited the land behind the mountains, plundered them,
committed bloodshed, and then ran away. Observing Zul-Qarnain's power, they
asked to set a barrier in return for a tribute for their protection from the atrocities
and bloodshed, which they often bore at the hands of Ya'juj Ma'juj. Refusing to
accept any tribute, he built an iron wall (or barrier) with their help which Ya'juj
Ma'juj could not cross or pierce. (Qurtubi, Ibn-Kathir)

The Wall of Zul-Qarnain

Many different opinions have been expressed as to the location of the iron wall of
Zul-Qarnain, such as:

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1) The Great Wall of China which was built by the Chinese King Fagfor about 3460
years after Prophet Adam was descended to the Earth.
2) The wall in Central Asia near Bukhara and Tirmiz in a place called Derbent.
3) The wall in Dagestan, Russia also known as Derbent near the Caspian Sea.
4) The wall which is in the westerly direction to the third in the region of the

But in reality, all the above are myths and the actual wall is hidden from the eyes of
all humans. When Imam Mahdi (AS) would come, He would destroy the Yajoj and
Majoj when they come out of this hidden Wall built by Zulqarnain.

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236. Residence of Imam Mahdi after Zahoor

The Official Residence of Imam Mahdi (AS) after His Zahoor would be Masjid e
Sehla. This Masjid is in Kufa, Iraq near Najaf where the Roza e Ali is located.

According to our Imams, all the Prophets of Allah prayed here and there are specific
locations in this Masjid where are recognized as Muqam e Ibrahim, Muqam e
Idrees, etc

Even one of the 4 Wazirs of Imam Mahdi (AS), Hazrat Idrees (AS) resided in this
Now Hazrat Idrees (AS) is waiting on the 6th Sky for the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).
The Abjad of Sehla is 95.
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95 ..9 + 5 = 14..14th Masoom of Allah

The Abjad of Mahdi is 59 and the reverse number of 59 is 95.

95 = 19 x 5
19.is the Abjad of Allahs name, Wahid


Panjetan are Noor e Wahid

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237. Labaek Mahdi and the Year of Zahoor

The Abjad of Labaek Mahdi is 121.

We know that the smallest name of Allah is HU whose Abjad is 11.

121 = 11 x 11

Now Imam Mahdi (AS) is the Mazhar of HU i.e. Allah.

We also know that there are 114 Surahs (Chapters) in the Holy Quran.

Now if we multiply the Abjad of Labaek Mahdi with the Abjad of HU i.e. 11 and
add into the Number 114 i.e. Total Surahs in the Holy Quran, we would get the
Zahoor year i.e. 1445 Hijri as:

(121 x 11) + 114 = 14451445 HijriZahoor of Imam

(11 x 11 x 11) + 114 = 1445.1445 Hijri..Zahoor e Mahdi

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In Surah e Hajj (Chapter 22), Verse 47:

And they ask you to hasten on the punishment, and Allah will by no means fail in
His promise, and surely a day with your Lord is as a thousand years of what you

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Now we know that the total years of Ghaibat e Imam e Mahdi (AS) would be 1190
years i.e.

1445 Hijri (Final Zahoor) - 255 Hijri (First Zahoor) = 1190 Years

In the above Verse 47 of Surah 22 (Surah e Hajj), Allah mentions that His
punishment would be after 1 day which would be after 1000 years.

Now adding the Verse Number 47 with the Surah Number 22, we would get:

Surah Number 22 + Verse Number 47 = 69

Adding the Number 69 with the Abjad of Labaek Mahdi i.e. 121, we would get:

121 + 69 = 190

Now add this number 190 with the Day of Allah i.e. 1000 Years, we would get:

1000 + 190 = 1190.1190Total Years of Ghaibat e Mahdi

Adding the Years of Imams Ghaibat i.e. 1190 with His First Zahoor i.e. 255 Hijri, we
would get the Year of His Final Zahoor i.e. 1445 Hijri

255 Hijri + 1190 (Total Years of Imam Ghaibat) = 1445 Hijri Final Zahoor

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Also the Abjad of Ya Ali is also 121

Labaek Mahdi = 121 = Ya Ali

(YA ALI x 11) + 114 Surahs = 1445..1445 Hijri ..Zahoor e Mahdi

(121 x 11) + 114 = 1445..1445 HijriFinal Zahoor

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238. The End of Time and the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)
by Dr. Shahid Masood

In 2004 AD, Dr. Shahid Masood, who is a famous Television Anchor of Pakistan
made 4 excellent documentaries on the End Times The Hidden Truth. These videos
are available on Internet. Then his book was published with the name, The End

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Documentaries of Dr. Shahid Masood ---- The End Times

The videos are available on internet about the documentaries of Dr. Shahid Masood
about the End Times and the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) on youtube.com.

The following are links available for these 4 documentaries as:

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNcE4gmnJ2M
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFGoImIPvHg
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32_zqBwSQgU
4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7QJ0yvqkdg

Now in this year 2015 AD, he is conducting other episodes about the End Times
with the name: The Lost Chapters The End Time

The Videos are available on youtube.com with the links as:

Chapter -1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2kkHzDHqqQ

Chapter 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_f0BtIYIYY

Chapter 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p121HbbFIhM

Chapter 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpYFXRf3ZuI

Chapter 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RILtUB4c-s

Chapter 6: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwLGklETaK4

Chapter 7: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoEkkiIGihs

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239. The City of Qom Iran and the Zahoor of Mahdi (AS)

Qom, also known as Qum or Ghom; is the 8th largest city in Iran. It lies 125
kilometres by road southwest of Tehran and is the capital of Qom Province. At the
2011 census its population was 1,074,036, comprising 545,704 men and 528,332
women. It is situated on the banks of the Qom River.

Qom is considered holy by Shia Islam, as it is the site of the shrine of Bibi Fatima
known as Masooma e Qum, sister of Imam Ali ibn Musa Reza (789816 AD). The city
is the largest center for Shia scholarship in the world, and is a significant destination
of pilgrimage.

The Hawzah (a short form of al-Hawzah al-`Ilmyah), which presently consists of

over 200 education and research centres and organisations, catering for over 40,000
scholars and students from over 80 countries of the world. The modern Qom hawza
was revitalized by Abdul Karim Haeri Yazdi and Grand Ayatollah Borujerdi and is

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barely a century old. There are nearly three hundred thousand clerics in Irans
seminaries. At present Hossein Vahid Khorasani heads Hawza 'Ilmiyya Qom.

Shrine of Bibi Fatima Masooma e Qum - Iran

There are sayings of our Imams that near the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS), the
Hawza Ilmiyya would shift from Najaf, Iraq to Qum, Iran.

Now we have seen that in the period of Saddam Hussain, the Hawza of Najaf has
practically shifted to Qum, Iran and now Qum has become a center of Islamic
knowledge. So this prophecy of our Imams has also been fulfilled.

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240. Current Wars towards the Final Armageddon

Armageddon (from Ancient Greek: Harmagedn, Late

Latin: Armagedn) will be, according to the Book of Revelation, the site of gathering
of armies for a battle during the end times, variously interpreted as either a literal
or symbolic location. The term is also used in a generic sense to refer to any end of
the world scenario. The word "Armageddon" appears only once in the Greek New
Testament, in Revelation 16:16.

The current wars in the world clearly indicate that we are heading towards a major
Armageaddon by 2017 AD. This major War which would be known as Third World
War would be fought mostly in the Middle Eastern countries and the other regional
super powers would also be affected with the loss of life and property. Then there
are other wars such as Economic Wars going on in all the World where IMF and
World Bank have imposed Economic Sanctions and the people are protesting all
over the world against the austerity measures taken by their governments.

As we all know that the major current wars in the world are as follows:

War in Ukraine War between USA and Russia

War in Syria War between West and Syria and Iran
War in Iraq War between Iraq and Saudi Extremists - ISIS

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War in Libya War between ISIS Extremists and Libya
War in Yemen War between Saudi Extremists and Yemen
War in Afghanistan War between NATO and Taliban
War in Pakistan War between Taliban and Pakistan
War in Israel War between Israel and Palestine
War in Kenya War between Kenya and Taliban
War in Egypt War between Egypt Govt. and people
War in Bahrain War between Bahrain Govt. and people
War of Iran War between Iran and Israel

So we see lots of major conflicts and mostly in the Middle Eastern countries
which are either backed by Russia or Israel or USA or NATO which are heading
towards a major Thermo Nuclear War in 2017 2018 AD when 1/3rd
population of the world would die in that war as predicted by all major
religions of the world.

After that Armageaddon, 1/3rd more population of the World would die from
diseases and draught thus fulfilling the Prophecy of our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
that 2/3rd Population would die before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

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241. Solar Weapons to be used in the Next Big War i.e. 3 rd
World War ------------------- Predicted by Maula Ali

Once Hazrat Ali said about the Wars in the End Times:

The Sun rays would be used in the wars and when they would be used,
all the people in the buildings would melt from the heat of Sun rays.

Now one can imagine the truth in the sayings of our Prophet (PBUH) and our
Imams. Almost 1400 years ago, Maula Ali mentioned about the Modern Warfare
equipment which would be used in the next Big War in the World known as
Armagedon or the Third World War.

In recent years, the scientists are developing Weather Weapons to be used against
their enemies when and where required.

There are more than 10 deadly Solar Weapons are already been developed by
USA, Russia, Europe, China and other developed nations and they would use these
deadly weapons in the coming war in 2017 2018 AD.

For your information, the list of 10 Solar weapons are listed below, so that you can
imagine the power and intensity of these weapons in the quick destruction of

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List of 10 Deadly --- Solar Weapons

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Like any other technical achievement, the space mirror could also be employed
for military purposes and, furthermore, it would be a most horrible weapon, far
surpassing all previous weapons. It is well known that fairly significant
temperatures can be generated by concentrating the sun's rays using a concave
mirror (in a manner similar to using a so-called "burning glass"). Even when a mirror
has only the size of the human hand, it is possible to ignite a handheld piece of
paper or even wood shavings very simply in its focus

Imagine that the diameter of a mirror of this type is not just 10 cm, but rather
several hundreds or even thousands of meters, as would be the case for a space
mirror. Then, even steel would have to melt and refractory materials would hardly
be able to withstand the heat over longer periods of time, if they were exposed to
solar radiation of such an enormous concentration.

Now, if we visualize that the observer in the space station using his powerful
telescope can see the entire combat area spread out before him like a giant plan
showing even the smallest details, including the staging areas and the enemy's
hinterland with all his access routes by land and sea, then we can envision what a

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tremendous weapon a space mirror of this type, controlled by the observer in orbit,
would be!

It would be easy to detonate the enemy's munitions dumps, to ignite his war
material storage area, to melt cannons, tank turrets, iron bridges, the tracks of
important train stations, and similar metal objects. Moving trains, important war
factories, entire industrial areas and large cities could be set ablaze. Marching
troops or ones in camp would simply be charred when the beams of this
concentrated solar light were passed over them. And nothing would be able to
protect the enemy's ships from being destroyed or burned out, like bugs are
exterminated in their hiding place with a torch, regardless of how powerful the
ships may be, even if they sought refuge in the strongest sea fortifications.

They would really be death rays! And yet they are no different from this lifegiving
radiation that we welcome everyday from the sun; only a little "too much of a good
thing." However, all of these horrible things may never happen, because a power
would hardly dare to start a war with a country that controls weapons of this
dreadful nature.

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Miracles by Maula Ali ------- Control of Sun

It is written in most authentic Islamic books that Hazrat Ali (AS) ordered the Sun 15
times to come back by miracle, when the sunsets and the time of Maghrib started.

So our Imams are the Imams of the whole Universe and complete control over the
celestial bodies like Sun and Moon.

As Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) broke the Moon into two pieces and then joined
again to show the miracle to the people.

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