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Student Name: ___________________________
Assessment and Recording Directions
Teachers will be provided with a one page, pre-printed student roster with columns
labeled to match each of the following assessments. These forms will be delivered
to schools on Thursday, September 1. Record each students score in the
pleted student roster with
appropriate scores
column. needs to be
ssment coordinator by September 21.

Task 1: Count in order by 1s

Task 2: Read numbers 0 to 32
Task 3: Letter Naming Inventory
Task 4: Letter Sound Inventory

Task 1: Count in order by 1s

Directions: Ask students to count out loud beginning with numeral one; stop them
when they no longer are counting accurately in order. Record last numeral stated
accurately in order. Count to at least 51 if student is capable.

Student is able to count to ______ accurately in order.

Task 2: Read Numerals 0-31
Directions: Point to each number on the chart to check the childs ability to
recognize numerals. Ask students to say the following numerals. Highest score is 33

8 15 3 10 16
1 11 20 14 4
13 19 5 18 9
6 17 2 12 7
0 21 25 27 29
24 26 23 28 22
30 32 31
Task 3: Letter Naming Inventory
k u L t D S c h g I
W C x B E Y n J O a
v K z e M f l d y T
F P j r H V q N X p
b Z Q A m U s G i R
O w

Task 4: Letter Sound Inventory

n l e p c r h d j k
x f qu y a v w i t z
s g o m u b
Student Form

Task 3: Letter Naming Inventory Scoring Sheet

k u L t D S c h g I /10
W C x B E Y n J O a /20
v K z e M f l d y T /30
F P j r H V q N X p /40
b Z Q A m U s G i R /50
O w /52

Task 4: Letter Sound Inventory Scoring Sheet

n l e p c r h d j k /10
x f qu y a v w i t z /20
s g o m u b /26

Teacher Form

Letter Naming Inventory Directions

All unique uppercase and lowercase letters appear once within this inventory (i.e.,
first 52 letters). You will need to make a single copy of the Student Form prior to
administering the Letter Naming and Letter Sound Inventory assessments.

(point to demonstrate)

(guide the student to the first letter)


Three Second RuleIf the student fails to say the letter n ame after 3 seconds, say
the letter name, mark it as incorrect.
Discontinue Rule If the student does not get any correct letter sounds within the
first 10 letters (i.e., 0 out of 10 letter sounds named correctly in the first row),
discontinue the task and record all as incorrect.
Types of potential errors:
1. Incorrect task: Student says the sound of the letter and not the letter name.
2. Incorrect letter: Student says the wrong letter name.
3. Omission: Student omits or skips (a) letter(s) name. If a whole row is missed,
each item is counted incorrect.
4. 3-second rule: If the student hesitates for 3 seconds, provide the letter name
and have the student continue with the next item.
Letter Sound Inventory Directions
You will need to make a single copy of the Student Form prior to administering the
Letter Naming and Letter Sound Inventory assessments.

(point to demonstrate)

(guide the
student to the first letter)


Three Second RuleIf the student fails to say the letter s ound after 3 seconds, say
the letter sound, mark it as incorrect.
Discontinue Rule If the student does not get any correct letters within the first 10
(i.e., 0 out of 10 letters named correctly in the first row), discontinue the task and
record all as incorrect.
Types of potential errors:
1. Incorrect task: Student says the name of the letter and not the letter sound.
2. Incorrect letter sound: Student says the wrong letter sound.
3. Omission: Student omits or skips (a) letter(s) sound. If a whole row is missed,
each item is counted incorrect.
4. 3-second rule: If the student hesitates for 3 seconds, provide the letter sound
and have the student continue with the next item.

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