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Physical Education Lesson

Grade: 10, 20, 30 Unit: Badminton Lesson: 1/4 Date: March 13, 2017


Activities Benefits Health Cooperation Do It DailyFor Life

Goal Setting/ Active Living

Specific Basic Application of Functional Body Well- Communi- Personal In the
Outcomes Skills Basic Skills Fitness Image being cation Fair Play Leadership Teamwork Effort Safety Challenge Community

2:03pm-3:33pm Assessment/Evaluation
Introduction/Warm Up Teacher will take note of
Students will partner up and start rallying, some free time to hit the birdie back and students attitude and
forth cooperation with partner, and
effort during game play.
Learning Activities/Teaching Strategies
-Bring students together - ask which students have played badminton before, note any Differentiation
advanced players Beginner: Pair with other
-Show hand grip like shaking the hand of your racquet, make sure students hold the beginner, give feedback during
racquet properly rally time
-Have students stand around one side of a court Advanced: can help students
Go over the rules for serving for doubles: underhand serve, across court, must cross who are learning
the service line, double serve boundary is short and wide (lines), for play its long and
wide Comments
-Practice serving over net in partners
-Gather students and explain proper footwork, have a student demo. Always lunge
with racquet leg forward, shuffle back to the middle. Ex Front right court: take step
with left leg and then lunge with the right to take the shot.
-Doubles games up to 11, students chose court, practice proper technique
- Have students gather and explain 4 different shots and when/why they would be good
to use: (5min)
-Forehand overhead clear (back court to back court)
-Forehand smash (high racquet speed)
-Drop shot (to fool opponent, high shot that drops front court)
-Backhand Lob (high shot to back of court)
Kings Court games, winners move up, losers move down.

Closure/Cool Down
Students can rally if there is a few extra mintues
Students change

Equipment Safety Considerations

Racquets -Make sure studetns have space before swinging racquet
Birdies -court free of obstructions, no spectators on courts
Nets -check to see if someone is close when grabbing birdie on the ground
-set up with enough space in between partners so no one gets hit with
the racquet
-keep racquets still when listening to instructions
-no throwing of the racquets

Physical Education Guide to Implementation (K12) Lesson Plan Templates /1

Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada June 2000

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