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Target Audience
The style of the advert will show the
positives of drinking energy drinks but The people I will be aiming my advert at is mostly towards
also the long term effects that it could young people. As young as 10 and as old as 25. The
cause someone after drinking them on a advert is being aimed at this age range exclusively since
continuous basis. The benefits of short they are the ages which are most likely to drink energy
term and also the dangers that come drink. It will be targeting both genders and people of all
with them. types of income as well as race, education and

Image Thumbnails

Energy Drink Awareness

Previous adverts regarding

energy drink awareness.


Arvin Regular is a suitable font for my advert as it would Planetium-X would be a suitable font for my
promote the brand positively. It will be used for the main advert if the advert was about gaming Fyodor Bold is an informal font and has connotations of
font. or if it was technology based. Its a youthful more futuristic and isn't really suitable for my advert
font. as it is about energy drinks.

Goldoni Regular is a formal font and has connotations of

class and sophistications.

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