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Amplifying Community Builder: Great Expectations

Student Voice: My great expectation for the school year

Why, How, &
Lakeview Elementary

Why use Community Builders? Learning Targets

Rituals engage learners (Jensen) I can define student voice and explain
Relationship building why it leads to increased student
No significant learning takes place without a achievement
significant relationship. (Comer)
Establishes how we are planning to work I can identify 3 or more strategies that
together, expectations, assumptions, values amplify student voice
Golden Circle Give One, Get One
WHY are we focusing on amplifying student

HOW can we amplify student voice?

WHAT are some instructional practices and

strategies you use that amplify student

Whole Group Share Out Student Voice Defined

Why? How? What? Protected reading time--5 minutes

Pedagogy of Confidence, p. 99-101

Graffiti Wall
Student Voice
Amplifying Student Voice--Look Literacy Strategies for Amplifying
Fors Student Voice
Student perspective is shared Pre-Reading (Priming): Anticipation Guide
Students respond to teacher perspective CAFE Strategy Alignment--Use Prior Knowledge to Connect with Text

Students have ability to de-center and During Reading (Processing): Read, Talk, Write
consider ideas of others CAFE Strategy Alignment--Monitor and fix up: check for
understanding/back up and reread
Partner/group work, with sharing out of ideas
Listing/documenting of student ideas After Reading (Retaining for Mastery): Think, Pair, Share
Many students sharing ideas (i.e., race, CAFE Strategy Alignment--Summarize text; include sequence of main

Expert Groups
Anticipation Guide:

With your group, plan to

Read, Talk, Write: share a 5 minute overview of
your strategy including:

Think, Pair, Share: Why?--Purpose of this

How?--Steps involved

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