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ModelingtheMotionof a Spring
Considera weight attachedto a spring
that is suspended from a horizontalbar
asillustratedin the figule, Whenthe
objectcomesto restwe sayit is at
"equilibdum" which is labeled0 on the
verticalnumberline. If you give the
weighta push,eitherup or down,it vr'ill
stafi to movg andtho motion canbe
modeledby sine andcosinefunctions.
The "stiffuess"ofthe springandthe
massof the objectaffect how faxthe
objectmovesftom the equilibrium
position.The initial velocity andinitial
positionalsoaffect the motion of the
spring,(We don't alwaysstartat the
equilib um position.)

If we neglectanydampingforces(air
etc.)thenthe motionofthe
- ' = bsin(ar) + x^cos(arr)

where x(r) is the position ofthe objectalongthe numberline at time t. Tho othor
quantitiesarc constants:@ is a constantthat dependson the stiftress ofthe springand
themassofthe weight,voistheinitialvelocity,and rois theinitiaipositionofthe object.

Modelthe motionof a weighton a springl

Suppose a weightis setin motionfrom a position3 ce[timetersbelowtheequilibrium

positionandwith a do[nward velocity of4 centimetersper second.(Pleasenotethat the
verticalnumberline usedfor position is "upsidedovm".This is a conventionfrom
physiosandit meansthat positionsbelowequilibdumactuallyconespondto a positive
value.)Assumethat the springstiffuessandmassofthe weight meanthat ar= 2 for this

Part I
1) Write the function ,(/) that givesthe positionof the weightasa fimction oftime r in
seconds. (Your fuuctionshouldconsistof a sinetermanda cosineterm.)

X(t) --Z s;^ Gn +3c-o5

2) Craphthe sepantesine andcosinecomponentsof your firnction ftom (1) on the same
setofaxes. That is graph x, = asin(r,t) and .x?= to cos(arr)on the setof a,Yes
(Sketchthasegaphs by hard andshowtwo tull cycles.)

*, rlrn(tt)
&: tc65(t()

3) Usea graphingcalculator(or onlinegraphingutili9 to graphtheentirefi]Itctionfrom

part(l). Usethewindowsettingsindicatedbelow,Sketchwhatyouseeon yor[

xmin= 0
xscl= f
ymin= -5
ymax= 5
yscl= I

4) Writeanequetionfor yourcalculatorgraphin thefolm ,(r) = I oos[r(t - C)] . (Use
thexraceor maximumfeatureof yourgraphiryutility to helpyoufind valuesfor A, B,
andC. I expeclto seedecimalapproximationsfor thesevalues.)
ze Periol Y(t)= 3.!l cosEz(t-o,Ls))
5) How arc the graphsftom part 2) relatedto the graphin part 3)? Are the valuesfor
periodaIIdamplitudethe sameor different?Why do you think we seetheseresults?
Pleasewriteout yourexplanation usingcompletesentences.
Tle coine 3 si,s q.aph laa po,l-If is lhc Anyh inpo.'l JE vla lfii,
(s;r'eJ cqir<\. h,e cabahlell"qelt". ;1" o siryla sin4o1f,,!cur,,e,
Tk p,;*& lt" i^e, bll q,-1,ry7 rk or. J i(nonf
"n "qol,:Ldns
volucs&. e4h 3' ad <osiac and v"icU o la,;,aj app,a<imolU & lk
h in pd E . \/e ft ,.e obloin 'h l)E qr,eh o( o"*W
J'af lle rarl6
Y*, *.Sy.h t{lqk }I< val-es J anthh\q +r" sile J..si*
5L.ml&thhd iilo o s,tgk hgo".r,cl,L A,Jb"!

Part II:

6) Provethatthefollowirg is anidentily(A is a positiveoonstant)

by filling in theblanks

A si.\0 sir\(@t)+ Acos0 cos(@t)= Acos(d - A)

lsin / sin(@t)+,4 cos/cos(@/) = 5;^6 s;Ako+) + cos dtr,',{tA FactoroutA

C<><6 c nct't.tt\ t <:- ts <:^/t *'l
==,4 Comn!tarivePropcnyol'
/ + sin(arr)
[cos(arl)ios sin/]
= A aos(ot-0)

of theform
+Ecos(arr)= F.io7l.i"(rr) +E*rdlcos(@t)in telmsof a cosine
Esin(@t) tunctionl
lcos(rdf-l). Usethe followingdefinitionsandyourresultfrom pal1II:

U c,=,asin4
+ slnp=.9r
bn( = 9L
),-/;#S*; cl C' ,L* rntlt1
(9 c ) = A c o s Q : : 1 c o s=| -
) possrb\,1 1oc
ca r\lgoJt\)(-
,,1,is theamplitudeofthe cosinefunctionandd, "phi", is calledthephaseangieandis
measured in radians.
Example:Write 4sin3t+2cos3t in termsof a cosinefunction.

4sinjt * lcos3tp o(.l5co5 -

(3+ \, \t)

I to'r / = *' r s alsc,'[:(+-o,{
/=t*..'(r-) r \,rt-
\ Rod";^*'Al-

function:I cos(al- /) . Show

7)RewiteybulfiDctionftompartI ) in termsof acosine
yow work,
x(9 =Lt;n(zt)+k4(zq
A. "'l 6). r (t)z
4.1 t3
e = O,5?6
Zt;n(ze) t3<os(ze)- iii <os(ze-o.sfi)
= {E qsfz(qro.2ev)l

8) Compareyourfunctiol &ompart4) andpert7).Whatdoyouobserve? Vy'ritea oneor

two sentencc
explanation.Thz (qalfia
2r,,ol o..+ *obe ,laibl I
3.( coslz(t - o,zr)l =\,F caEz7- o.zqtD

All Math 1060studentsmustpost a copyofthe mass-spingproject in their General

Education eportfolio.Thecompleted projectshouldbe scarmed to a pdffile andpostedin
thatform. The eportfolio mustbe linked to Mypage.Studentsmust
alsoincludsomereflectivewriting aboutthe project in the epotfolio. The reflective
*riting shouldincludea responseto the follo!r'irg :

Givesomeexamples of mass-springsystems importantin everydaylife.

Describewhy it wouldbe impotantto understand theamplitude,periodand
frequency ofthesesystems. Did thisprojectchangetheway you think about
how trigonometrycan be appliedto the real world? Statewhat ideas
changedandwhy. If this projectdid not changethe way you think, write
how this projectgavefurtherevidenceto supportyour existingopinion
aboutapplyingtrigonometry.Be specific.
ft".l da-lt l o..s *o mymiada(hr Ekch"lur,ralocroi
on |h,'spa)<*
VatH lse aftboJ Juspensio^ ugcJ,h or
\oybe offred tr"ci ,wia.E i,htl il,+ i+ w.,,tJ be impo,lonl
tl Y<,4 invol"eJt'.,syi17, shak, ar yvtl tusp..rsio".'
ot tJv h Z,rl-t/-d l-i. t -oJ"l tp,,',1 Ji'{6ns.
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",:: lttcnoAh/ly,
:::::-*,, yhe i^, cantr&t al m"Jo,,ednll, ,ed
'*-f",,"''" +onl''* bsed on lzle
'Pe.tHc 4ltlrh@ q, "yh''-l y"r$"""""

ne.p?Prl, J;J cbry my prcubusvie,zs

o( hov lr,i2"rw,otry,J
aryliidn 'tienot ,uV"1S,'&*on t,t*+ t .fli hA;"*& n-, u"lJ,h
.,..,,11a17tato.J rol,ix . T Jro-lSEn ,,'Jg."*uJ yo*
b, uial lo n&7 harmon,Ztnohi,n,lhol o( a ip
ryi o. p-d-l-,,.
no- ve,,l,,e 12gy 9,1 llu ,-t-lc pt yr*"i,.."f tJ o.a,/d qsl
!tn y:A
|Juu/, co^A be r&l"t mofkmott"ok),i'( lt ir*, -Lc.on,uc hod lAe
cereci onJ
.mol)aa64ps cor! .*,..oly of,h,:noll lhe v inro..t/^
Values in uthbh uu"r,nuJd f, ^o)" I lh. e.o7Ly -.ld ..;A;,''-'

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