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Ring Documentation, Release 1.

12.4 Using Sublime Text 2

Folder : ring/editor/sublime text 2

In the folder Sublime_Text_2 you will find the next three files
1 - ring.json-tmlanguage
2 - ring.sublime-build
3 - ring.tmlanguage
Just Copy the files to the next path
C:Users{UserName}AppDataRoamingSublime Text 2PackagesUser
The file ring.sublime-build includes the next line
cmd: [B:\ring\bin\ring.exe,$file],
You can modify it according to the ring.exe path in your machine

12.4. Using Sublime Text 2 60

Ring Documentation, Release 1.2

12.5 Using Visual Studio IDE

Folder : ring/editor/visualstudio
Check the ReadMe file for installation instructions.

12.5. Using Visual Studio IDE 61




To create a new variable, you just need to determine the variable name & value. The value will determine the variable
type and you can change the value to switch between the types using the same variable name.
<Variable Name> = <Value>

Tip: The operator = is used here as an Assignment operator and the same operator can be used in conditions, but
for testing equality of expressions.

Note: The Variable will contains the real value (not a reference). This means that once you change the variable value,
the old value will be removed from memory (even if the variable contains a list or object).

13.1 Dynamic Typing

Ring is a dynamic programming language that uses Dynamic Typing.

x = "Hello" # x is a string
see x + nl
x = 5 # x is a number (int)
see x + nl
x = 1.2 # x is a number (double)
see x + nl
x = [1,2,3,4] # x is a list
see x # print list items
x = date() # x is a string contains date
see x + nl
x = time() # x is a string contains time
see x + nl
x = true # x is a number (logical value = 1)
see x + nl
x = false # x is a number (logical value = 0)
see x + nl

13.2 Deep Copy

We can use the assignment operator = to copy variables. We can do that to copy values like strings & numbers. Also,
we can copy complete lists & objects. The assignment operator will do a complete duplication for us. This operation
called Deep Copy

Ring Documentation, Release 1.2

list = [1,2,3,"four","five"]
list2 = list
list = []
See list # print the first list - no items to print
See "********" + nl
See list2 # print the second list - contains 5 items

13.3 Weakly Typed

Ring is a weakly typed language, this means that the language can automatically convert between data types (like
string & numbers) when that conversion make sense.

Note: The same operator + can be used as an arithmetic operator or for string concatenation.

x = 10 # x is a number
y = "20" # y is a string
sum = x + y # sum is a number (y will be converted to a number)
Msg = "Sum = " + sum # Msg is a string (sum will be converted to a string)
see Msg + nl

13.3. Weakly Typed 63




In this chapter we will introduce the operators provided by the Ring programming langauge.

14.1 Arithmetic Operators

The next table presents all of the arithmetic operators provided by the Ring language. Assume variable X=50 and
variable Y=10 then:
Operator Description Example Result
+ Add x+y 60
- Subtract x-y 40
* Multiplies x*y 500
/ Divide x/y 5
% Modulus x%y 0
++ Increment x++ 51
-- Decrement x- - 49

14.2 Relational Operators

The next table presents all of the relational operators provided by the Ring language. Assume variable X=50 and
variable Y=10 then:
Operator Description Example Result
= Equal x=y False
!= Not Equal x != y True
> Greater than x>y True
< Less than x<y False
>= Greater or Equal x >= y True
<= Less than or Equal x <= y False

14.3 Logical Operators

The next table presents all of the logical operators provided by the Ring language. Assume variable X=True and
variable Y=False then:
Operator Description Example Result
and Logical AND x and y False
or Logical OR x or y True
not Logical Not not x False

Ring Documentation, Release 1.2

14.4 Bitwise Operators

The next table presents all of the bitwise operators provided by the Ring language. Assume variable X=8 and variable
Y=2 then:
Operator Description Example Result
& Binary AND x&y 0
| Binary OR x|y 10
^ Binary XOR x^y 10
~ Binary Ones Complement ~x -9
<< Binary Left Shift x << y 32
>> Binary Right Shift x >> y 2

14.5 Assignment Operators

The next table presents all of the assignment operators provided by the Ring language.
Assume variable X=8 then:
Operator Description Example Result
= Assignment x = 10 x=10
+= Add AND assignment x += 5 x=13
-= Subtract AND assignment x -= 3 x=5
*= Multiply AND assignment x *= 2 x=16
/= Divide AND assignment x /= 3 x=2.67
%= Modulus AND assignment x %= 2 x=0
<<= Left shift AND assignment x <<= 2 x=32
>>= Right shift AND assignment x >>= 2 x=2
&= Bitwise AND assignment x &= 4 x=0
|= Bitwise OR and assignment x |= 3 x=11
^= Bitwise XOR and assignment x ^= 4 x=12

14.6 Misc Operators

Operator Description
:literal using : before identifier mean literal
Start:End create list contains items from start to end
[list items] define list items
list[index] access list item
obj.name using the dot operator to access object members (attributes/methods).
obj {stmts} execute statements with direct access to object attributes & methods
func(para,...) call function using parameters separated by comma

14.7 Operators Precedence

The next table present operators from higher precedence (Evaluated first) to lower precedence.

14.4. Bitwise Operators 65

Ring Documentation, Release 1.2

. [] () {}
- ~ :Literal [list items]
++ - -
<< >>
< > <= >=
= !=
and or
Assignment = += -= *= /= %=>>= <<= &= ^= |=
See 3+5*4 # prints 23

14.7. Operators Precedence 66




In this chapter we are going to learn about the control structures provided by the Ring programming language.

15.1 Branching

If Statement
if Expression
Block of statements
but Expression
Block of statements
Block of statements

see "
Main Menu
(1) Say Hello
(2) About
(3) Exit

" give nOption

if nOption = 1 see "Enter your name : " give name see "Hello " + name + nl
but nOption = 2 see "Sample : using if statement" + nl
but nOption = 3 bye
else see "bad option..." + nl

Switch Statement
switch Expression
on Expression
Block of statements
Block of statements

Ring Documentation, Release 1.2

See "
Main Menu
(1) Say Hello
(2) About
(3) Exit

" Give nOption

Switch nOption
On 1 See "Enter your name : " Give name See "Hello " + name + nl
On 2 See "Sample : using switch statement" + nl
On 3 Bye
Other See "bad option..." + nl

15.2 Looping

While Loop
while Expression
Block of statements

While True

See "
Main Menu
(1) Say Hello
(2) About
(3) Exit

" Give nOption

Switch nOption
On 1
See "Enter your name : "
Give name
See "Hello " + name + nl
On 2
See "Sample : using while loop" + nl
On 3
See "bad option..." + nl

For Loop

15.2. Looping 68
Ring Documentation, Release 1.2

for identifier=expression to expression [step expression]

Block of statements

# print numbers from 1 to 10
for x = 1 to 10 see x + nl next

# Dynamic loop
See "Start : " give nStart
See "End : " give nEnd
See "Step : " give nStep
For x = nStart to nEnd Step nStep
see x + nl

# print even numbers from 0 to 10
for x = 0 to 10 step 2
see x + nl

# print even numbers from 10 to 0
for x = 10 to 0 step -2
see x + nl

For in Loop
for identifier in List/String [step expression]
Block of statements

aList = 1:10 # create list contains numbers from 1 to 10
for x in aList see x + nl next # print numbers from 1 to 10

15.3 Using The Step option with For in

We can use the Step option with For in to skip number of items in each iteration
aList = 1:10 # create list contains numbers from 1 to 10
# print odd items inside the list
for x in aList step 2
see x + nl

15.3. Using The Step option with For in 69

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