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Tiempos de

Actividad de Resultado de entrega

Tipo de evidencia
aprendizaje aprendizaje a alcanzar
Inicia Termina

Update of personal

Answers to the Prior

Previous knowledge survey. Semana 1
Getting to Presentation in the
(Del 08 al 14 de
know English Social forum.
Dot Works Participation in the
Platform exploration
First Virtual Session
Reflection activity.
Evidence: Forum
My eating habits.
Intercambiar Interactive activity
informacin con The recipe. Semanas 1 y 2
Learning sustantivos contables y
activity 1 no contables, haciendo Evidence: Going to (Del 15 al 22 de
uso de la estructura y el the restaurant. Febrero)
vocabulario requeridos. Evidence: Describing
my kitchen.
Evidence: Virtual
session Learning
activity 1.
Reflection activity.
Narrar experiencias
Evidence: What did I Semana 3
pasadas haciendo uso
Learning do yesterday?
de la estructura
activity 2 (Del 23 de Feb. al
gramatical y Evidence: 03 de Marzo)
vocabulario requeridos. Interactive activity
Telling a story.
Evidence: Blog My
favorite vacation.
Evidence: Virtual
session Learning
activity 2.
Reflection activity.

Realizar Evidence: I cant

comparaciones believe it.
haciendo uso de la
estructura gramatical y Evidence: Interactive
vocabulario requeridos. activity City and Semana 4
Learning country.
activity 3 (Del 04 al 11 de
Evidence: Blog My Marzo)
favorite city.
Evidence: Your next
holiday destination.
Evidence: Virtual
session Learning
activity 3.
Reflection activity.
Evidence: Planning
my trip.
Evidence: Interactive Semanas 5 y 6
Intercambiar activity At the
informacin haciendo airport. (Del 12 al 20 de
uso de los verbos Marzo)
activity 4 modales con la Evidence: Describing
estructura y el cities and places. CIERRE DE
vocabulario requeridos. CURSO
Evidence: Getting to
Bogota. (20 DE MARZO)
Evidence: Virtual
session Learning
activity 4.
Answers to the
Program evaluation

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