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Dialectical Journal for ED 335 Teaching Practicum Name: Ashish Syangtan


Observations/ Account Reflections & Critical Response

(What Happened?) (What do I think of it? What went well? What
could be improved? How? What will I do
differently? How does this connect to the
theory I have read from class?)

It was my last day of my practicum. I went back to my

I think I students really enjoyed my teaching because
school after one week. I was the only one person in my
they missed when I was not there. In the class I just
class because I arrived there early. I was sitting on a
did not observed the class but I also helped some
chair and when students started to came inside the
students. From that day what I learned that we need to
class they hugged me and ask me that why you did not
check students understanding. Most of the time we
come for one week. That day was really hard day for
just leave them to do by their selves or we really did
me to leave those cute students. I helped my
not care about it. We think that they got the lesson. But
cooperating teacher by checking students papers,
that is not true, we need to go around and check how
bringing students one class to another classes and also
they are doing. Sometime students can learn using
helped some of the students those who were week then
different method because there is no one way to teach
students effectively which I learned from the children

literature class.

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