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List of best books (100 books):

39. Oedipus Rex (The Theban Plays,

1. Pride and Prejudice 40. Ulysses
2. 1984 41. Gulliver's Travels
3. Crime and Punishment 42. Pippi Longstocking
4. Hamlet 43. The Sound and the Fury
5. Wuthering Heights 44. The Collected Tales of Edgar
6. One Hundred Years of Solitude Allan Poe
7. Anna Karenina 45. The Idiot
8. The Odyssey 46. Blindness
9. The Man Without Qualities 47. Hunger
10. The Arabian Nights 48. The Magic Mountain
11. Faust: First Part 49. Things Fall Apart (The African
12. The Adventures of Huckleberry Trilogy, #1)
Finn 50. Diary of a Madman and Other
13. Zorba the Greek Stories
14. The Stranger 51. Beloved (The Trilogy, #1)
15. The Trial 52. Molloy, Malone Dies, The
16. Ficciones Unnamable
17. Lolita 53. Dead Souls
18. Don Quixote 54. Midnight's Children
19. The Brothers Karamazov 55. A Doll's House
20. Swann's Way (In Search of Lost 56. The Epic of Gilgamesh
Time, #1) 57. Middlemarch
21. Gargantua and Pantagruel 58. The Death of Ivan Ilych
22. Great Expectations 59. Selected Stories
23. The Old Man and the Sea 60. Leaves of Grass
24. War and Peace 61. Invisible Man
25. The Book of Disquiet 62. Medea
26. Journey to the End of the Night 63. The Complete Stories
27. The Iliad 64. The Aeneid
28. Madame Bovary 65. Metamorphoses
29. Moby-Dick; or, The Whale 66. The Decameron
30. The Divine Comedy 67. The Red and the Black
31. King Lear 68. Pre Goriot
32. The Complete Fairy Tales 69. Mahabharata
33. Jacques the Fatalist 70. The Castle
34. To the Lighthouse 71. Memoirs of Hadrian
35. Love in the Time of Cholera 72. Demons
36. The Canterbury Tales 73. Absalom, Absalom!
37. Othello 74. Buddenbrooks: The Decline of a
38. Mrs. Dalloway Family
75. Ramayana
76. The Tin Drum 89. Grande Serto: Veredas
77. The Complete Essays 90. History
78. Sons and Lovers 91. Poems of Paul Celan
79. Pedro Pramo 92. Zeno's Conscience
80. The Life and Opinions of Tristram 93. Nostromo
Shandy, Gentleman 94. Berlin Alexanderplatz
81. The Golden Notebook 95. The Poems Of Leopardi
82. The Book of Job 96. The Recognition of akuntal
83. Season of Migration to the North 97. The Orchard: The Bostan Of
84. Sentimental Education Saadi Of Shiraz
85. The Tale of Genji 98. Romancero gitano
86. Independent People 99. Frankenstein
87. The Sound of the Mountain 100. Emma
88. Njal's Saga

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