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Area of Study Unit Outcome Assessments

1 Essentials of English 1 1 prose summaries

concept maps
visual or diagrammatic representations
2 a piece of informative writing
a piece of narrative writing
a piece of personal writing
2 1 an analysis of an aspect or aspects of a text in response
to a set topic
short answers on an aspect or aspects of a text
a review of a short text
2 a piece of personal writing
a piece of argumentative writing
a piece of informative writing
a piece of instructional writing
2 Communication and the 1 or 2 1 a business letter
Workplace an email and fax
a job application and rsum.
2 role-play of an interview or a problem-solving situation
active participation in or leadership of a meeting
description and explanation of a work-related process
3 Technology and 1 or 2 1 a web page
Communication a video clip with accompanying written text
a newspaper, magazine or e-zine
a multimedia presentation
2 a datashow presentation
a radio program
a formal presentation using information and
communications technology
4 The Study of Texts 1 or 2 1 comparing different types of texts dealing with similar
content, themes or issues
comparing similar types of texts to identify common
structures and features
comparing texts dealing with the same or similar themes
or issues across different times, places or cultures
2 active participation in or leadership of a group
an oral presentation
presentation of a role-play plus a short oral commentary
5 The Analysis and 1 or 2 1 a written short-answer analysis of an argument
Construction of Argument a written response to an argument, putting forward a
reasoned point of view
a short written evaluation of the effectiveness of an
2 active participation in or leadership of a group
an oral presentation
presentation of a role-play plus a short oral commentary
6 Information Literacy 1 or 2 1 a feature article
a website
a written report
2 a group discussion
an oral presentation
a datashow presentation

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