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Deforestation forests cover 31% of land area on our planet. They

produce vital oxygen and provide homes for people and wildlife. Many at
the world most threatened and endangered animals live these forests. 1.6
billion people rely on benefits forests offer, including food, clothing,
traditional medicine and shelter. Causes of deforestation are clearing land
to build housing, Felling trees for wood, other land uses. Countries resort to
deforestation to cope with the increasing demand for housing brought
about by the growing population. Logging or simply cutting down trees for
timbre is one of the main causes of deforestation. Also provide land for food
in to people. And undisturbed rainforest areas end up being removed

Plantations are large commercial farms that typically grow a

singular crop. Examples of common plantation crops include sugar cane,
coffee, tea, tobacco, oil palm and rubber. Plantation is also used in forestry;
timber plantation, forest plantation. Forest plantations are man-made
forests where cultivations generally less intensive.

Plantation agriculture is a form of commercial farming where

crops are grown for profit. Large land areas are needed for this type of
agriculture. Countries that have plantation agriculture usually experience
high annual temperatures and receive high annual rainfall. Plantation is
mainly found in countries that have a tropical climate.


Soil Erosion is the loss natural nutrients and possible fertilizers

directly affect crop emergence, growth, and yield. Seed can be disturbed or
removed and pesticides can be carried off. The soil quality, structure,
stability, and texture are also affected, which in turn affect the holding
capacity of the soil.


Soil fertility decline occurs when the quantities of nutrients

removed from the soil in harvested products exceed the quantities of
nutrients being applied. In the situation, the nutrients requirements of the
crop are met from soil reserve cannot meet crop demands. This results in a
reduction of plant growth and yield.

Biodiversity, a contraction of biological diversity, generally

refers to the variety and variability of life on Earth. One of the most widely
used definitions defines it in terms of the variability within species, between
species and between ecosystems.


The natural environment encompasses all living and non-living

things occurring naturally. The term is most often applied to the Earth or
some part of Earth. This environment encompasses interaction of all living
species, climate, weather, and natural resources that affect human survival
and economic activity.


Crop yield is the measurement often used for a cereal, grain or

legume and is normally measured in metric tons per hectare (or kilograms
per hectare). Crop yield can also refer to the actual seed generation from
the plant.

There for I conclude, the idea of the writer is to know people what

happen now. The problem faces of the tropic country are the taking about

of the author. To point what the possible happen of the world. The writer

shows there capability to think the issue. The issue is all about problem of

the Earth, human and animal, are the mean players of the life cycle. The

key point of the text, are the facing problem before until now.

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