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The Importance of Exceptional Web Design

Brooke Quinones

Western Oregon University

The Importance of Exceptional Web Design

In order for design to be successful, it must meet peoples basic needs

before it can attempt to satisfy higher-level needs

(Lidwell, W., Holden, K., & Butler, J. 2010)


Website design is a rewarding and tedious task. Reward comes when you can see your

work published on the web for others to enjoy, while the tedious work can range from picking a

host site to deciding on a color scheme. Building a website that will successfully show the

product or information you are wanting to display has many components. Knowing who will be

using the site and what their capabilities are is impossible to know. Because of the unknown,

web designers need to address possible roadblocks prior to publishing their site. Blindly

designing a site is like an archery competition without targets. Even though the web has been

around for more than 20 years, it has not been the primary source of communication for people

until the recent decade. It may be helpful to think in the context of communication methods such

as a debate. People involved in a debate had a point of view that was founded in facts. Debaters

researched and laid out their information prior to being in a live debate. Pamphlets have been

used as another method of communication. Much research went into the design, making sure the

information provided was appropriate and accurate. But how do we know if our design will be


Having an understanding of how the brain works has a direct correlation to successful

design of the visualized concept. Every brain is wired differently and as we learn, the wiring of

our brain changes. The brain processes in multiple ways and these changes are a form of

survival. Each brain has a unique makeup resulting in an individual way of processing
The Importance of Exceptional Web Design

information. When designing a website, finding commonalities is key. Some of these

commonalities are pointed out by Don Norman (2013) in his book, The Design of Everyday

Things, that the two most important characteristics of good design are discoverability and

understanding (p. 3). Discoverability relates to finding a website and exploring what it has to

offer. This can be hard for a designer to prioritize essential information but it is key to the

success of the website. Understanding is looking at the information on the website and knowing

what to do with it. Information in the form of signals must be presented to a user so the data can

be processed by the brain. An example of this would be seeing words that are blue and

underlined as an active link, or when you hover the mouse over an area and it changes color.

This has become a standard in web design, and users have become conditioned. Designers must

be mindful of the potential users prior knowledge. Similarly, a web designer should have an

objective prior to creating a visualized concept.

This paper will provide tools needed to build successful websites. Please keep in mind

that every web viewer is different and the information to follow is a guide, not a steadfast rule.

With this in mind, we can start designing a website. You will need to spend a good amount of

time planning, and talking to the people who are mutually vested in the success of the site. You

can then make a template that you can have ready as information and ideas come in. Be open to

making changes as the need arises. As we dive into the makeup of the brain, and explore what

people desire in good web design we will learn what steps need to be taken to achieve this

through exploring aesthetics, attention, and memory.

The Importance of Exceptional Web Design


Aesthetics relates to the interpretation of art. Out of your five senses, vision is the most

dominant sense using up half of our brain's resources. According to Medina (2014), We see

with our brains not our eyes (p.197). The best way to get and keep attention is with the use of

pictures. Using relevant pictures and videos aids in the processing of informing. I have been able

to import youtube videos to my websites as well as create my own youtube videos. Although

this may seem like an overwhelming task it can be easily completed. There are many easy to

follow videos that walk you through the steps of designing, creating, and then to publishing

your site. The impact that a video can make will compensate for the time spent creating. Some

users find it pleasing to be able to look without listening so having a mixture of audio and visual

sources is important. When adding visual sources be sure that you are thoughtful with your

placement of color. The color we see is processed as animation and animation can be very

distracting if it is not placed correctly. When used correctly, however, color can reinforce the

organization and meaning of elements of design (Lidwell, et al., 2010). Colors of high contrast

are aesthetically pleasing but placement needs to be thought out. Take this into consideration if

users will be printing the page. If you use a black background, while this may look cool, it will

make your site undesirable to print. Using color with purpose will keep your site organized and

readable. Mann, Moore and Macarthur (1999) recommend using animation and large graphics

sparingly. Although we see a colored picture, we all have a black spot in each eye and the brain

detects the surrounding area and fills the black spots.

Be sure to meet the needs of all your viewers. The ADA (Americans with Disability Act)

requires that accommodations are being made for students with learning-disabilities,
The Importance of Exceptional Web Design

sight-impaired, or hearing-impaired. Options should be provided for viewers who are not able to

play videos. Access and connection quality vary from region to region. A website designed

without considering the limitations of rural areas can limit the audience. Some users may be

running an older processing model taking away their ability to watch the video. Adding an audio

Podcast can be very helpful in this case. Viewers can listen to the same information provided in

the video but in a way that their technology allows them. Podcasts can also be helpful for a

viewer who is on the go. Listening to a Podcast can be done while driving, unlike watching a

video. Making sure that users are not confused with both options would be key, as well as

keeping in mind that inundating them with information could turn them away. The placement of

tabs to organize the videos and Podcasts allows the user to choose a medium that best suits their


Organization is key for a positive experience. Users are typically on a mission and that

mission is to find the information they need, fast. Placement of content is important and

organizing information under tabs that are easily found is a great way to embed information. This

allows the user to easily see what the options are before making a selection. It becomes less work

for the user and is visually effective. Hierarchical organization and context sensitivity are good

solutions for managing complexity while preserving visibility, (Lidwell, et al., 2010). Be sure

to organize the page layouts so the viewer's eyes can easily find what they are searching for. On

average, viewers spend less than 15 second on a site to determine if they find it valuable.

In order to keep the viewer engaged, make sure that your web page titles are captivating..

Viewers should be able to quickly find the information they are looking for. Careful and

thoughtful placement is a large piece of mapping out a website. This relates to the mapping of
The Importance of Exceptional Web Design

our brains and making a template at the beginning stages of web design. Television was a simple

precursor to computers and the internet; the user had certain standardized expectations to its form

and function. The average user of a remote control would instinctively look to the top of the

remote for the power button. Similarly, a web user typically expects to find a search option near

the top of the web page. Keeping the layout of your site standardized will help users find the

important information you provide and make your site desirable to use in the future.


First impressions are everything. Krug emphasizes that When youre creating a site,

your job is to get rid of the question marks (as cited in Butters, 2014). Be proactive! Websites

should have the essential needs on the homepage with links or tabs that can be accessed for more

information. Users are ready to jump feet first with an expectation that they can easily find what

they are looking for. It is best to use a conventional arrangement to follow users expectations.

First meet basic needs, then offer more for those who desire it. This promotes usability and

accessibility. Elements of design that need to be followed are color, closure (shapes), layering,

orientation, chunking (defined regions) and the Rule of Thirds.

According to Lidwell, et al. (2010):

The Rule of Thirds is applied by dividing a medium into thirds both vertically and

horizontally, creating an invisible grid of nine rectangles and four intersections. The

primary element within a design is then positioned on an intersection of the grid. The

asymmetry of the resulting composition is interesting to look at, and generally agreed to

be aesthetic. (p.208)
The Importance of Exceptional Web Design

The use of pictures was previously mentioned in aesthetics but it is important enough to discuss

again. Pictures will grab a user's attention and embed it into memory much more efficiently than

words. Having a combination of pictures and words will give the best result for information

retention. The use of videos can be very distracting. Thoughtfully place these on a page that

users can elect to visit which will limit the distractions. When available and appropriate, have a

tab that users can access with text and video testimonies. If your site is providing products or

services, you want your users to know that others are happy with your quality. Text is very

important and you should use short text to hold attention. When larger texts are essential, use

bold or italicized print to avoid the text being skipped over. Remember that users are visiting

your site and they want a quick look on the home page with options to dig deeper if they desire.

Be sure to thoughtfully place your pieces.

Medina introduced the Trinity Model in his book Brain Rules. This model is made up of

the Alert/Arousal Network, the Orienting Network and the Executive Network. The

Alert/Arousal Network is the brain's response to unusual activities. This can relate back to the

mapping of a website. If items are in an odd spot it will spike the Alert/Arousal Network. The

Orienting Network occurs after the alarm is set off from the distraction. Attention is then turned

to the distraction to gain information about the stimulus which pulls attention from the main

focus. Executive Network controls which action is taken next. Will the distraction take priority

or will you refocus on the original information? If there is irrelevant information added to a well

flowing site it would be very distracting, causing the user to become frustrated and possibly

move on to a different site. Mapping needs to be thoughtful to ensure a successful outcome.

The Importance of Exceptional Web Design

(Norman, 2013, p.113) Keeping the uniqueness of the brain in mind will result in exceptional

web design. Understanding the makeup of the brain lends itself to the understanding of design.


Understanding the many ways that the brain retrieves memories is crucial in web design.

In order for the brain to pull from our long term memory we need to use relevant, real world

examples along with repetition for retrieval. According to Steve Krug (2014), the author of

Dont Make Me Think, the most important attribute in web design is memorability. The

process of memory making is what we need to keep in mind when working on web design.

People usually forget 90 percent of what they learn in a class within 30 days (Medina, 2014,

p.130). Having an understanding of memory processing will help ensure that your site will not be

forgotten. Hicks Law states, the time it takes to make a decision increases as the number of

alternatives increases, (Lidwell, et al., 2010). If a user is having to bounce around, and finds

your site hard to follow,they would be less likely to return. In order to maintain the

concentration of users, having an understanding of memory processing is key.

There are five types of memory processing to consider; declaration memory, conscious

awareness, automatic processing, effortful processing, and recognition memory. An example of

declaration memory is when you think back to the last time you wrote down a phone number in

order to recall the number. Conscious awareness is used during physical processes like riding a

bike. Your muscles remember what steps need to be taken without you having to recall the

memories. Automatic processing is done with minimal processing to recall events such as what

happened at a concert. Effortful processing requires conscious attention to details. This is

The Importance of Exceptional Web Design

represented when you are trying to remember your password to login and purchase the concert

tickets. This memory is not used as often causing more effort to recall information. We use

recognition memory when seeing a picture such as a family photo. Although we do not know the

names of all the people, we know that they are family from the memories we hold. The retrieval

of our memories happens through an array of synapses throughout our brain. The memories a

user holds can give positive or negative bias and memories can play a large part in website

usability. Understanding how memories recur through the synapses in our brain will aid in


The wiring of the brain is like a road map,;there are main highways and many small

roads. When the need arises, the brain rewires itself. Expansion of the current brain wiring

occurs as a person explores the small roads and pathways. The mapping or layout of a design is

in direct relation to the usability factor. Designing a website that has a smooth flow allows the

user to find their way, staying on the highway without having to backtrack. When a user is able

to stay on the main highways with little to no backtracking ,that will result in greater use of your

website. When mapping out a website, best practice is to have no more than 2 steps to get to

important information. A quick path will create a more captivated audience and creates a better

learning experience. An important feature is the ability to scroll over a tab to get an inside view.

Having information readily available allows users an upfront view of what can be found. I have

found this to be helpful when searching websites. I have looked over websites and I am less

aggravated if I can quickly move on from a site that does not have the information I am looking

for. This situation reminds me of how it feels when I make a phone call and I get sent to five

different people before one is able to help me. When this happens I am less likely to continue
The Importance of Exceptional Web Design

working with that business or website because they were not able to communicate appropriate


Communication can be interpreted differently because of the differences in people's

wiring. Communications can be verbal or nonverbal, emotional or nonemotional. These can be

very apparent between men and women. Research shows that women tend to use both

hemispheres when speaking and processing verbal communication. Men primarily use one,

(Medina, J., 2014). Women have thick cables connecting the two hemispheres while men have

thin cables. These differences will affect the way a website is used or evaluated. Some women let

their emotions play a part in decision making; looking for an aesthetically pleasing site. While

some men use logic when making choices. Knowing that your website can be used by many

different communication styles allows you to focus on the aesthetics of web design.


With aesthetics, attention, and memory as a design focus, the users experience will be

successful. Norman (2007), says that the users experience is the memories made which will

outweigh the reality of the experience. Understanding that not everything will be perfect, but if

the positives outweigh the negatives, the overall experience is good! Norman (2007), also states

that one side effect of todays technologically advanced world is that it is not uncommon to hate

the things we interact with (p. 158). Be prepared for negative responses. Be willing to take

criticism; taking everything with a grain of salt. Know that you do not have to implement all the

suggestions given. Having a page that allows users to leave suggestions or comments will only
The Importance of Exceptional Web Design

better your site for you and your users. There is such a large divide in generations that may be

using your site, and it is the task of the web designer to make the website as enjoyable as


A website that adheres to every design technique could become featureless and awkward.

In my website building experience, I have gained a new appreciation when viewing websites. I

have taken time planning, organizing, designing, changing, adjusting and repeating this process.

Even when the site is active, there are still changes to be made in order to keep the site up to

date. I have had to make adjustments as I created because my audience was changing. I

originally created my site as a tool for my graduate program. As time passed, I was able to utilize

my site for a job application. I made appropriate changes so it would be user friendly for the

potential employer. After completing the interview process I made changes to bring my site back

to its original purpose. Developers need to keep in mind that web design can be a daunting task

to create and maintain. Be sure to find enjoyment in the product or information you are providing

on your site. Employing the helpful information presented by researchers, you can create a

successful user experience.

The Importance of Exceptional Web Design

Works Cited

Butters, K. (2014). Designer 'Must-reads' #1: Don't Make Me Think- Steve Krug. Retrieved from

Krug, S. (2014). Don't make me think, revisited: A common sense approach to Web usability
(Third ed.).

Lidwell, W., Holden, K., & Butler, J. (2010). Universal principles of design: 125 ways to
enhance usability, influence perception, increase appeal, make better design decisions, and teach
through design ([2nd ed.). Beverly, Mass.: Rockport.

Mann, M., Moore, W., & Macarthur, M. S. (1999). Web Design-Effective and Aesthetic. The
Serials Librarian, 36(1-2), 27-32. doi:10.1300/j123v36n01_05

Medina, J. (2014). Brain rules: 12 principles for surviving and thriving at work, home, and
school (Second ed.).

Norman, D. (2007). Emotional Design: Why we love (or hate) everyday things. New York: Basic

Norman, D. (2013). The design of everyday things. New York: Basic Books.

UX Week 2008 | Don Norman | Peter Merholz Speaks with Don Norman. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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