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Destry Glover
Spring 2017

Classroom Management Plan

Physics 12 - Biology 11 - Biology 12

The goal of my Classroom Management Plan is to set the groundwork for a well organized, cohesive
classroom. I believe students will be in the best position to learn if they are comfortable in their learning
environment, and I will strive to create a classroom environment that is calm, orderly, and safe. The
following plan is tailored to the courses I will be teaching in my Spring 2017 practicum at G.P. Vanier

Classroom Set-Up

Physics 12 Biology 12 Biology 11

Seating Students are allowed the freedom to select their own seat. If a student becomes a distraction to
the teacher or the other students, they may be moved at the teachers discretion.

Materials Tablet - notes are written in Tablet - notes are written in MS Word, OneNote or Powerpoint
(notes) MS Word or OneNote Chalkboard - occasionally used for examples.
Chalkboard - used for
example problems and some

Materials All materials required for Materials required for demos are available in the store rooms, or
(demos) demos are located in the by request of the lab technician.
store closets.

Materials Labs are numbered and Materials required for labs are available in the store rooms, or by
(labs) stored in tupperware boxes request of the lab technician.
with associated instructions.
Labs are conducted by
students on Fridays, after
which an audit of the
supplies in each lab box
should be conducted.

Computer/ Computer lab access is Computer lab access is scheduled once a week. Students are
Online scheduled on an as-needed expected to upload their assignments and labs to the course
Access basis. There is generally no website.
need for computer access in
this classroom.

Organization Unit outlines are prepared in Unit outlines are prepared in advance, and daily lesson plans are
advance. Daily lesson plans tweaked in response to the outcome of the previous leson and
are tweaked in response to the needs of the students.
the outcome of the previous
lesson and the needs of the Daily note outlines are pre-written in MS Word or OneNote with
students. related images and projected via tablet to projector screen.

Note outlines and example

problems are prepared
ahead of time, and
transcribed onto tablet or
Mrs. Destry Glover
Spring 2017

Classroom Routines

Physics 12 Biology 12 Biology 11

Attendance Students are expected to arrive on time, and be in their seat when the bell rings.

Dismissal Students are expected to remain in their seats until the dismissal bell rings.

Washroom Students are welcome to use the washroom at any time, provided that they ask the teacher, ant
breaks that it is not disruptive to the class.

Moving Students are free to move During note taking, demos, or lab work, students will remain at
within the within the classroom and their desk or station. During class work time, students are free to
Classroom collaborate with other move within the classroom and collaborate with other students.
students during class work Students who are causing a distraction or disturbance to other
time. Students who are students, however, will be asked to remain in their seat, at the
causing a distraction or discretion of the teacher.
disturbance to other
students, however, will be
asked to remain in their seat,
at the discretion of the

Distribution Students are responsible for Students are responsible for ensuring they have completed the
and ensuring they have the required submissions for their portfolio, and uploaded to the class
collection of appropriate practice problem site.
materials worksheets, and that they
and student complete the assigned
work problems by test day.

Monitoring Worksheet answers are Submitted work is assessed on a weekly basis. Marks and
work provided in conjunction with feedback is provided on the class site. All required labs, reports,
completion the worksheets. Assigned write-ups and worksheets required for student portfolios must be
worksheets must be completed by the dates provided.
submitted by the day of the
associated unit test. Lab
write-ups must be submitted
within two school days of lab

Homework Class time is provided for Computer time is available once a week during class time to
work on worksheets, any complete labs and projects. Any work not completed in class is
worksheets not finished in to be completed at home.
class are to be completed at
Mrs. Destry Glover
Spring 2017

Management Strategies

Physics 12 Biology 12 Biology 11

Getting Students are expected to arrive on time, and be in their seat when the bell rings.

Managing I will strive to create an environment in which students feel comfortable to freely ask questions
Discussions and discuss concepts. During in-class discussions, students are expected to respect the
teacher, themselves, and other students. As the teacher I will strive to act as facilitator of the
discussion and guide the students to their own conclusions.

During discussions, students shall:

1. Listen respectfully while others are speaking
2. In no way mock or belittle other students or other students ideas

Dealing with The following steps will be taken when dealing with a disruptive student:
Disruptive 1. Student will be asked to cease disruptive behaviour
Behavior 2. If behaviour continues, student will be relocated within the classroom
3. If relocated student continues with disruptive behaviour the student will be asked to:
a. Stay after class to discuss behaviour
b. Leave the class

Positive I will strive to notice and acknowledge positive behaviour in my classroom


Classroom Rules and Tasks

Physics 12 Biology 12 Biology 11

Classroom Students are expected to be respectful of the teacher, their classmates and themselves.
Environment Disrespectful behaviour in any form will not be tolerated. Specific classroom rules related to
food, hats, gum, cell phones, and seating arrangements will be developed with input from the

Lateness Students will be expected to arrive in class on time, and be in their seats when the bell rings. If
arriving late, students are expected to enter quietly and respectfully and take their seat quickly,
causing as little disturbance to the other students as possible.

Repeated lateness will be addressed according to school policy.

Cell phone use Cell phone use is not permitted during instruction time. Cell phone policy regarding where cell
phones are kept during class, and cell phone use during class work time will be developed for
each class with input from the students.

Food Food in class policy will be Food is not permitted in the lab. Water bottles and other closed
developed with input from beverage containers are permitted.
the students.

Classroom Students are expected to Students are expected to clean up after themselves. Students
Cleanup clean up after themselves. are expected to return all lab equipment in clean and functioning
Mrs. Destry Glover
Spring 2017

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