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Vindhyct Telcli ntr5 LtcL

Reg. Office: Udyog Vihar, PO Chorhata

Rewa - 486 006 (M P.) INDIA
Tel. : (07662) 400400 . Fax: (07662) 400591
E-Mail : headoffice@vtlrewa.com
Website : www.vtlrewa.com
PAN No. tuMCV7757J
CIN No. L31 300MP1 983P1C0021 34

vTLlcsl16-17 I 1O FEB 2OI7

BSE Ltd. The Manager,

Corporate Relationship Department Listing Department,
lst Floor, New Trading Ring, The National Stock Exchange of India Ltd,
Rotunda Building Exchange PIaza, C- 1, Block G,
P.J.Towers, Dalal Street, Bandra Kurla Complex,
Fort, Bandra (E),

Company's Scrip Code: 517015 Companv's Scrip Code: VINDHYATEL EO

Dear Sir,

Sub: Outcome of Board Meeting

This is to inform you that the Board of Directors of the Compaly in its Meeting held today
i.e. 1Ott February, 2077, inter-alia approved;
(a) Standalone Unaudited Financial Results for the Quarter and Nine months ended on
31"t December, 2016 pursuant to Regulation 33 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and
Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 20 15; and
(b) The issuance of Unsecured, Unlisted, Redeemable Non-Convertible Debentures
aggregating to Rs.5O.00 Crores to HDFC Bank Ltd. on private placement basis as
per details furnished in ANNEXURE-I.
The Statement in the prescribed proforma showing the Standalone Unaudited Financial
Results of the Company for the Quarter and Nine Months ended on 31"t December,2016
along with the "Limited Review Report of the Statutory Auditors" thereon are enclosed
herewith for your kind information.
The aforesaid meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company conunenced at 12.15 P.M.
and concluded at 3.30 P.M.
Please acknowledge the receipt.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
For Vindhya Telelinks Limited

(Raj )
Vice President (Commercial) & Secretary

Encl: As above.

Works: i) Plot No.1, Udyog Vihar, P.O. Chorhata, Rewa - 486 006 (M.P.)
rso | lso
18001 ii) Plot No. 1-C & 1-D, Udyog Vihar, P.O. Chorhata, Rewa - 486 006 (M.P.)

Pursuant to the provisions of Regulation 30 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India
(Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (Listing Regulations) read
together with Part A of Schedule III of the said Regulations, we hereby furnish relevant details
of Non-Convertible Debentures (NCD's) in the prescribed form, which are as follows:

sl. Particulars Details

1. Type of issuance. Unsecured, Unlisted, Rate, Redeemable, Non-
Convertible Debentures (NCDs) of face value
Rs.10,0O,00O/- each.
2. Size of the issue . Rs. 50.00 Crores
.), Whether proposed to be listed? If Unlisted.
yes, narne of the stock exchange(s).
+ Name of Investor. HDFC Bank Limited
5. Tenure of the Instrument - Date of Tenor: 5 Years
Allotment and Date of Maturitv. Date of Allotment: 1Stn Febru ary, 2OI7
Date of Maturity : 15tt' Februarv. 2022
6. Coupon/interest offered, schedule of NCDs carries a Coupon rate of 8.50% p.a.,
payment of coupon/ interest and payable annually from the date of allotment
principal. and are redeemable at par in 3 annual
instalments as follows:
. 33oh at the end of 3rd year (Friday l4tr'
February, 2O2Ol.
c 33oh at the end of 4u yeat (Friday 13tr'
February, 2O2I).
. 34oh at the end of Sth year (Tuesday 15th
February, 2022).
7. Charge/security, if any, created over Unsecured.
the assets.
8. Special right/interest/ privileges Not Applicable.
attached to the instrument and
changes thereof.
9. Delay in payment of interest Not Applicable.
principal amount for a period of
more than three months from the
due date or default in payment of
interest/ principal.
10. Details of any letter or comments Not Applicable.
regarding payment/non-pa5rment of
interest, principal on due dates, or
any other matter concerning the
security and lor Il:,.e assets along
with its comments thereon, if anv.
$atyarn cinema tompiex. Ranjit lrlaEar comrnunity centre, New Deltri-1Jo0os

Frrr rrr,rc { 2A2 - Tel (91-11)-2570?6$1, ?5T046g9,4ST03 $

r" 301 - ]'el
{s1-1't)-2b70s233. 20709A32, 4.91s0 5
E-rnail newdethi@vsa,cD in & vsand@vsnl.com

Limited Review Report to the Board of Directors of


We have reviewed the accompanying statemenl of un-audited standalone

financial results of Vindhya Telelinks Lirnited, for the quarter and nine months peniod
ended 3'1"1 December, 20'16 This statenrent is the responsrbility of the
company's lVlanagement and has been approved by the Board of Directors
Our responsibility is to issue a report on these financial statements based on
oLrr revrew.

We conducted our review in accordance with the Standard on Review

Engagetnents (SRE) 2410 'Review of Interim Financial information Perforrned
by the lndependent Auditor of the Entity' issued by the Institute of Charlered
Accouniants of India. This standard requires that we plan and perform the
review to obtain moderate assurance as to whether the financial statements
are free of material misstatement. A review is limited primarily to inquiries of
company personnel and analytical procedures applied to financial data and
tlrus provides less assurance tharr an audit We have not performed an audrt
and accordingly, we do not express an audit opiniorr.

Based on our review conducted as above, nothing has come to our attention
that causes us to believe that the accompanying statement of un-audited
standalone financial resuits prepared in accordance with the applicable
Accounting Standarcis ancj other recognrsed accounting practices and poficies
has not disclosed the information required to be disclosed in terms of
Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations,2015, including the manner in which it is to be disclosed, or that it
contains any material misstatement.

For V. Sankar Aiyar & Co.

Chartered Accountants
lCAl Firrn Regn. 109208W

."' t
f ".'
R. Raghuraman
Place : New Delhi Membership No.081350
Dated : lOthFebruary, 2017

ildurnbai : 2-ti, courl charrrbens, 35, New fi4arine Lines sdumbai - 400 020. Tel (022) 2200 ,44s5 / 2206 7440 F-mail : mumbai@vsa
chenrial : 4.l, cjreiriar Road, unrtecJ India cotony, Kodambakkam, chennai - 600 024 Tel (0a4) 2372 572a E-rnai! :chennai@vsa.co.in
Rcgd Otficer Udyog Vihar, P.O,Chorhata, Rewn ,486 006 (r\I,p ,
CIN: L31 300MP1983PLC002J34
Telcplrono No: 07562-400400, Fax No: 07G62-40009.l

(? in lacs
st. Particulars Quarter Quarier Quader Nine Months Nine l\'lonhts Freviovs Year
ended etl0e0 ended endeo ende0 endE0
31.12.2016 30 0g 2016 3t 122015 31.12 2016 31 1220r5 31 03 201ij
(Unaudited) (U naudited) (Unsudited) (Unaudited) (Unauditedi (Aildiled)
Incomo from Operations
(a) Gross Salesllilcome from Operations (lnclusive of Excise 21332 93 24295.65 25612 26 67376.84 71610 31 10215841
Less: Exci$e Duty 655 37 465 55 760 92 1615,15 3285 19 4386 54
Nqt Salesllnconre frorn Operations 20677.56 23830 44851 34 05761.69
1 0 68324 12 97771 87
ibJ Othef Cperating loconre (Net) 85,86 1B0 54 11111 323.40 433 66 613 8g
Total lfrcome trotn Operations (Nt) 20763.42 24414 54 24962 45 66085.O9 68757.78 983A5 76
2 Expense5

(a) (i) Cosl of Nlalerrals Consurred 4'143.90 371 0.1 4 4784 '1 0 1 0651.s6 21423 52 27208 73
(ii) Cosl of lvlaterial Bnd Other Contract Expenses 1 4646.36 1s432 46 J4076 1 1 43 206.50 28083 84 4?473.28

(b) trurchases ot Stock-in-trade 36 1.82 152.95 35 77 582.47 61 07 126 3E

(c) Changes in Inventolies of Finished Goods, Work,in"progress (4640.62) (1 8B2.37) a7c7 081 (67s8.1 3) t2?45 69) (1i39 e3)
efl d Slock-in-tradi,, etc

(d) Employee Beneltts Expense 1167.24 1 138 13 1 039 63 34'16.1 I ?s56 01 3985 05
(e) Depr8clalion and AmofliZation Expense 315.45 3'16 14 26ri 6 1 948.78 492 2? 131t 37
(n Other Expenses 21 89.91 2433 ?2 21DA 40 5986.28 5745 36 8653 Bs
Total Expenses 1 81 85.06 ?1300 67 21 603 54 58034 05 50918 33 423?5 B1

3 Pioiitfrom Operations before Other Income, Finance Costs

and Exceptional lteils (1-21 2578.36 2705 97 3358 91 &051 04 11839 45 1 5559 95
Other Incarne 158.35 613 24 ?11.39 881.44 1 102.33 1 788.1 B

5 Profitfrom Ordinery Activltios beforB Finance Cost6 and

Exceptional ltems (3+4) 2736.71 JJZJ.Z I 3570.30 8932.48 12941 7B 't714I i 3
6 Finance CoFts 1135.12 803,1 9 118't 97 2495,20 3791 03 52Se 33
7 Profit from Ordinary Activilies after Finance Costs but before
Excaptionat ltems {5'6) 1 601.59 2520 02 2388.3 3 6434.?8 91 50 75 12059 80
B Exceptional ltem 438 477 76 477 75
9 Prafit from Ordinary Actiy)ties before Tax {7-8} 1601 .59 25?0,A2 2363.95 6434.28 4672.99 1158?04
10 Iax Expense 532.00 726 00 Ba6,65 2065.20 2080_86 3847 33
1 Net Frofi t fo/ tho PBriod (9-1 0) 1 059,5S 1794,02 1b57 30 4369.08 5692 1 3 7734 71

12 Paid-up Fquity Share Capilal 1184.18 1184 17 1144 15 1 1 84.18 1184,15 1184 15
iFace value o{ Y1 0l' per SharE)
IJ Reser vas iexcluding Revoluation Reserves) 35564 13
3aslc & Diluled EPS (f) (not annualised) 9.03 15 14 13 14 36.87 48 03 65.2f



SI Particularc (< in lacs

Qua rter Qr,arter Quafier Nlne Months
No, Nine Monhts PrevioLrs Year
ended ended er)oeo eno(t enoe0
31 .12 2016 30 09.20 1 6 31 ;2 201 5 3t 12.?016 31 12 20.15 31 03 201r1
(U na ud iied) (Unau d jled) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audiiedi
1 S0ntent Revenue
(a) Oables
5519.29 4970 0 1 7245 44 14771.78 32617 15
(b) Engineering, Frocurentenl & Conslructron
1 9040 63 17717 .O1 51 31 3.31 36080 63 5s336 36
I olal
20763.42 24A10 64 24 962.45 66085.09 68757 78 983S5 76
Less: Inier-Segment RevenLie
29 AA 2C.84 16 59 r6,/:
20763.42 23930 80 ?196?_ 4s 66055.25 68741 19
e Segment REsr,lts

Seomenl Prolit before Tax and Inrerest

1a) Cables
766.1 I 160 64 780 01 1443.38
(b) Enginaerjng, ProcLlrement & Construction
5706 42 7238 56
1 2394 Ct3 2506 12 6278.1 5 5016 60 71 68 37
2447 49 2555 27 3286 13 7721.5n 1Q723 02 1 4406 95
Less: In(eresl (Ne1)
(782.091 (40s 44) (B4s 35) 11s28,221. i2423 79) i34 96 84)
Add Otlrer Unallocable In60nre Net cf Unallocable Expenses (63.81) 370, 1 I (52 B3) 240.97 373 76 671 93
1 60 1.59 7520 02 2333 l5 6434,28 86/2 99 1 1582 Q4
J Segment Assets
ta) Cables
201 s5 85 27419,33 35147 51
lbl En(]ineering, f,rocurert6nt& Constrlrction
2V737 t5
57245 76 6 5708,62 45903 62
(c) L,lnaliocableCorporaleAssets
1 4859 86
{10365 $9
14874.94 14009 1Z 1.4 142 63
98261.47 1 08002 89 95060 25 94245 37
4 ScgneDt l.iabilities
(a) 0ables
65i 9 57 6351.3S 7279 45 60?3 68
ab) Engineerlng, Ptocuremenl & Oonstruction
22799 90 24933.8 1 1 5336 23 1 8?38 30
(c) UnallocablFCo/parate Liabililies
28832 1 5 35173 36 3697 r- 92 i]3!33 26
58211 62 66458 56 s95S3 60 3/-455 24
5 Capitl Enploysd
($o0ntcnt nssets S$gme/tl i iabIilies)
(al Cabl8s
1 9576 28 2 10 67.94 27868
{b) Engirreerrng. Proc0remenl & Construslion
l-lg 2.3713 a7
34445 86 44774.81 30567 32127 29
(c) Unallocable Corpofale Assets less Liabilitres
113972 29) (?0298.42]' (229S8 B0) ( 1 e09c 63j
40049 85 41544 33 35466 65 36i50 13
'1 The a ve un,lldrted standalone Fitrancial Results have b
by the Auclit comnrittee and approved by the Board of Directors
held q 10th February, 2017. The Statulor)i,Auclitors of lhe iil its meetrng
e conducted the limited review of the sanre.
2 Tax Expense comprises of CurTent Tax and Deferred Tax.
3 [:tgttres for the previous periocls are re-classiliedlre-artanged/re-groupeci, wherever necessary,
Dl assificatr 0D/disclosure
to correspond wrth rhe current pericd,s


r " .lr-'='ri
$**' fr' rr-- .#" .illi-rYl"
Ptace : New Delhi CHAIRMAN
Dale 1 Oth February, 20 1 7

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