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Energy System and Economic Analysis of District cooling

in the city hall of Gvle

Antoni Carreras Bertran

August 2013

Masters Thesis in Energy Systems

15 credits

Master Programme in Energy Systems

Examiner: Nawzad Mardan
Supervisor: Shahnaz Amiri
Nowadays, the energy industry is trying to modify the energy system in order to provide
their costumer with more efficient and environmental solutions. District cooling is
based on high efficient method to supply with cheap cooling the urban regions, thereby
the energy efficiency of the city considerably increases and the idea of a smart city
come true.

Gvle Energi AB is aware of the increased demand for renewable energy. For this
reason, a couple of years ago, Gvle started to develop a large cooling network all over
the town. Thus, the aim of this thesis is to analyze the energy system and the economic
aspects of the installation of district cooling for one possible costumer, the city hall of

For carrying out this investigation, first of all a theoretical study is essential. Moreover,
a full description of the building is made. One of the main challenges of the thesis is to
find out the optimal cooling load for the city hall. Due to the fact that some different
ways can be used for calculating the cooling demand, three different methods will be
carried out to have a more realistic result: Estimation of the total cooling demand
considering a constant cooling load per square meter; Determination of the current
cooling capacity of the system; and finally calculating the total cooling demand by IDA
ICE 4.5, a mathematical program which considers several factors that directly affect the
indoor environment. Hence, an optimal cooling load of 450kW is determined. Finally, it
is analyzed the economic and environmental advantages of the investment in district
cooling systems (DCS) in comparison with current water chiller systems (WCS).

The results shows that DCS are a more profitable and environmental solution than
WCS. Not only investing in DCS gives a positive net present value (NPV) in a term of
21 years, they also show that particle emissions from electricity production can be
reduced by 70%.
This way, the installation of district cooling in the city hall of Gvle will provide a
reduction of the annual costs of the building and also it will allow the city to become
more environmental friendly.

Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 1

1.1 Background ................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Purpose ......................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Limitations .................................................................................................................................................. 2
1.3 Method .......................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Outline of the thesis ................................................................................................................................. 5
CHAPTER 2 DISTRICT COOLING SYSTEM ............................................................................................... 6
2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 6
2.2 Production of chilled water .................................................................................................................. 8
2.3 Advantages and disadvantages of the system ............................................................................ 11
2.4 District cooling system of Gvle ....................................................................................................... 12
CHAPTER 3 - STADSHUS.................................................................................................................................. 17
3.1 Definition of the building .................................................................................................................... 17
3.2 Definition of the HVAC system of the city hall ............................................................................ 20
3.3 Building peak cooling load and annual energy requirements ............................................. 28
3.3.1 Watts per square meter: .................................................................................................................. 28
3.3.2 Current water chiller system ......................................................................................................... 31
3.3.3 Calculation by mathematical programs ..................................................................................... 31
CHAPTER 4 IDA ICE MODEL ....................................................................................................................... 33
4.1 Description IDA Ice model .................................................................................................................. 33
4.1.1 Location and climate ..................................................................................................................... 34
4.1.2 Body buildings ................................................................................................................................. 36
4.1.3 Definition of materials ................................................................................................................. 39
4.1.4 Walls, ceilings, roofs, doors and windows ........................................................................... 40
4.1.5 Definition of zones ......................................................................................................................... 42
4.1.6 Location of doors and windows ............................................................................................... 44
4.1.7 People, lighting and equipment................................................................................................ 45
4.1.8 Room units and Air change rate............................................................................................... 47
4.1.9 Air handling units and Plant ...................................................................................................... 49
4.1.10 Schedules ........................................................................................................................................ 53
4.1.11 Orientation and shadings ......................................................................................................... 59
4.1.12 Other properties .......................................................................................................................... 60
4.1.13 Simulation....................................................................................................................................... 61
4.1.14 Results .............................................................................................................................................. 63
4.2 Assumptions and Hypotheses ........................................................................................................... 63
4.3 Results ......................................................................................................................................................... 68
Chapter 5 DISTRICT COOLING AT STADSHUS .................................................................................... 74
5.1 Building survey and peak cooling load .......................................................................................... 74
5.2 District cooling schematic design .................................................................................................... 78
5.3 Costs and prices of district cooling ................................................................................................. 85
Chapter 6 RESULTS ........................................................................................................................................ 87
6.1 New water chiller system .................................................................................................................... 87
6.2 District cooling system ......................................................................................................................... 91
6.3 Economic analysis .................................................................................................................................. 92
6.3 Environmental analysis ....................................................................................................................... 99
Chapter 7 CONCLUSIONS & DISCUSSIONS......................................................................................... 103
REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................................... 106
REFERENCES OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................................... 110
APPENDIX ........................................................................................................................................................... 115
Appendix I: Air handling units description ...................................................................................... 115
Appendix II: Blueprints of the city hall .............................................................................................. 161
Appendix III: Areas of the model .......................................................................................................... 190
Appendix IV: calculation cooling load w/m ................................................................................... 193
Appendix V: Thermal properties of Building MAterials ............................................................. 197
Appendix VI: Algorithm solar radiation and solar position ...................................................... 198
Appendix VII: Air change rates.............................................................................................................. 199
Appendix VIII: Data Equipment city hall ........................................................................................... 201
Appendix IX: Prices .................................................................................................................................... 211
Appendix X: Economic analysis calculation ..................................................................................... 212
Appendix XI: Environmental analysis calculation ......................................................................... 224
Table 1: List of advantages of district cooing systems. ....................................................................... 11
Table 2: List of disadvantages of district cooling systems. ................................................................ 12
Table 3: Comparison between district cooling and current cooling system .............................. 16
Table 4: Total area of the building ............................................................................................................... 29
Table 5: Total cooling load of the building ............................................................................................... 30
Table 6: COOLING LOAD of the different devices of the building ................................................... 31
Table 7: Advantages vs. disadvantages of using mathematical programs to calculate the
cooling load. .......................................................................................................................................................... 32
Table 8: Mean values per month of the climate variables from IDA ICE. .................................... 36
Table 9: Coordinates of the perimeter from the different body buildings .................................. 37
Table 10: List of building materials of the IDA model ......................................................................... 40
Table 11: Composition of different types of walls, floors, roofs, doors, Windows, ground
and furniture found in the building............................................................................................................. 42
Table 12: List of all the rooms of the model. ........................................................................................... 44
Table 13: Supply and return air rates for some rooms of the building ........................................ 48
Table 14: Summarize of the input data of the IDA ICE model. ......................................................... 62
Table 15: Delivered energy of the building .............................................................................................. 71
Table 16: Delivered energy during the whole year. ............................................................................. 72
Table 17: Impact fee prices for four different years............................................................................. 76
Table 18: Total Impact fee amount per year for every calculated cooling load........................ 76
Table 19: Operation hours below the cooling demand of the building ........................................ 77
Table 20: Plane heat exchangers properties. ......................................................................................... 84
Table 21: District coolings installation costs.......................................................................................... 85
Table 22: Removal cost of the old system ................................................................................................ 86
Table 23: Annual costs of district cooling................................................................................................. 86
Table 24: Properties of the proposed cooling system. ........................................................................ 89
Table 25: Electricity prices of 2013 ............................................................................................................ 90
Table 26: District cooling properties .......................................................................................................... 91
Table 27: Prices district cooling 2013. ....................................................................................................... 92
Table 28: List of considerations for the economic analysis. ............................................................. 93
Table 29: Used equations for the economic analysis. .......................................................................... 93
Table 30: Investments for ............................................................................................................................... 93
Table 31: Annual costs of the zero period ................................................................................................ 95
Table 32: Annual costs for a normal period............................................................................................. 95
Table 33: Annual costs for the year of the water chiller replacement. ......................................... 95
Table 34: Cash flows of the investments ................................................................................................... 96
Table 35: Economic rates of the investments. ........................................................................................ 96
Table 36: Particles emission per used MWh . ...................................................................................... 100
Table 37: Emitted particles on WCS and DCS....................................................................................... 101
Table 38: Comparison between possible cooling loads ................................................................... 103
Table 39: Characteristics of the proposed water chiller system .................................................. 104
Table 40: Characteristics of the proposed district cooling system ............................................. 104
Table 41: Economic rates of the investments ...................................................................................... 105
Table 42: Particles reduction ...................................................................................................................... 105
Figure 1: List of countries with district cooling. ...................................................................................... 7
Figure 2: District cooling network. ................................................................................................................ 8
Figure 3: Different cold sources for district cooling. ............................................................................ 10
Figure 4: Refrigeration system of the cooling plant ............................................................................. 12
Figure 5: Schema of the cooling plant of Gvle. ...................................................................................... 13
Figure 6: District cooling grid for 2030 ..................................................................................................... 15
Figure 7: View of Gvles city hall from the north and west facade. .............................................. 17
Figure 8: Blueprint of the city center of Gvle. The point A indicate the situation of the city
hall............................................................................................................................................................................. 18
Figure 9: Parts of the building ....................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 10: WEST facade of the city hall. .................................................................................................... 20
Figure 11: Primary Water chiller of the city hall ................................................................................... 21
Figure 12: Secondary cooling machine ...................................................................................................... 23
Figure 13: Air cooled-condenser of the secondary cooling system ............................................... 23
Figure 14: Two air conditioner devices at the print shop.................................................................. 24
Figure 15: Location of the air handling units .......................................................................................... 25
Figure 16: European Cooling Index ............................................................................................................. 30
Figure 17: Set-up of the location .................................................................................................................. 34
Figure 18: Dry-Bulb temperature of 2010 in Gvle. ............................................................................. 35
Figure 19: Perimeter of the body building ............................................................................................... 36
Figure 20: Coordenades of the roof ............................................................................................................. 38
Figure 21: 3D view of the body building parts ....................................................................................... 38
Figure 22: Section of the 3rd floor of the model .................................................................................... 43
Figure 23: 3D view of the model................................................................................................................... 45
Figure 24: Air handling unit of the model. ............................................................................................... 50
Figure 25: Supply air temperature model ................................................................................................ 51
Figure 26: Plant of the model......................................................................................................................... 53
Figure 27: Never presents schedule .......................................................................................................... 54
Figure 28: Operation hours Stadshus schedule .................................................................................... 55
Figure 29: Operating hours shopss schedule ......................................................................................... 55
Figure 30: Operation hours Parliaments Schedule. ............................................................................. 56
Figure 31: AHU of stadshus Schedule. ....................................................................................................... 57
Figure 32: AHU shops Schedule. .................................................................................................................. 58
Figure 33: AHU parliaments Schedule. ..................................................................................................... 58
Figure 34: Always ones schedule. ............................................................................................................... 59
Figure 35: Orientation of the building........................................................................................................ 59
Figure 36: Shadow performance at one hour of the simulation...................................................... 60
Figure 37: Set point temperatures of the zones. .................................................................................... 60
Figure 38: Thermal bridges of the model. ................................................................................................ 61
Figure 39: Temperature chart of the ambient temperature during the year. ........................... 62
Figure 40: Distribution of the cooling power of the Air Handling Units. ..................................... 69
Figure 41: Distribution of the cooling power of the ideal coolers of the zones. ....................... 70
Figure 42: Distribution of the total cooling Power of the building. ............................................... 71
Figure 43: Monthly delivered energy. ........................................................................................................ 73
Figure 44: Cooling power of all calculations ........................................................................................... 75
Figure 45: District cooling piping................................................................................................................. 79
Figure 46: Schematic of the district cooling primary system. .......................................................... 80
Figure 47: Secondary system schema with district cooling. ............................................................. 83
Figure 48: Plane heat exchanger .................................................................................................................. 83
Figure 49: Piping schema of the primary and secondary system ................................................... 84
Figure 50: Peak cooling load by the room units of IDA ICE. .............................................................. 88
Figure 51: Tendency of the electrical energy price. ............................................................................. 90
Figure 52: Impact fee for district cooling of the last 4 years ............................................................ 92
Figure 53: Energy price of the last 4 years ............................................................................................... 92
Figure 54: Accumulated NPV between DCS and WCS.......................................................................... 98


Searching for more energy efficient solutions is being one of the main goals of the
current energy market. Companies and customers are attracted for more sustainable
solutions which provide energy and costs savings. The concept of environmentally
friendly energy supply by investing in renewable energy technologies has been gaining
importance in the energy sector since the last two decades1.

The annual worldwide cooling demand is increasing every year and new sustainable
ways to promote sustainable cooling are being researched and new technologies are
being installed. Technologies such as new generation chillers and district cooling are
entering really strong within the cooling market.

This way, there is a high motivation to analyze deep in detail one of the new generation
technologies in order to clarify if its installation provides several advantages to its
customers. For this reason, the aim of this thesis is to analyze the energy system, and the
economic and environmental aspects of district cooling within one building.

Hence, District cooling has to be defined as one cost effective approach to provide
cooling to its customers 2 . Generated by high efficient technologies or provided by
natural sources, a large amount of chilled water is sent to face the necessities of the
customers. Thus, current water chilled systems are completely replaced by heat
exchangers, decreasing the electricity consumption and the annual costs of the
installation3. Basically, district cooling can be understand as a big refrigeration cycle,

Green Seal. (2012). International standards for eco-labeling [Online]. Available at website:
andardsforEcoLabeling.aspx. Accessed May 2013.
J. With. (2009). Huge demand for district cooling in central Copenhagen [Online]. Available at website:
http://heating.danfoss.com/PCMPDF/VZGEH102_DC-CHP_CaseStory_lores.pdf . Accessed May 2013.
Copenhagen Cleantech Cluster. (2012). District cooling. Keeping the city cool during the summer
periods [Online]. Available at website:
http://www.cphcleantech.com/media/2115227/district%20cooling.pdf. Accessed May 2013.

whose focuses are from one side the cooling source, and from the other side the indoor
environment of the customers of the system.

This is the direction that Gvle Energi wants to point their energetic future. It wants to
invest in a sustainable way of cooling by creating a district cooling grid, which will
provide everyone with the right of cheap cooling. Hence, this thesis is wants to clarify
to one of Gvle Energis costumer if investing in district cooling is economically
profitable and an environmental friendly system.


Since new renewable and more efficient systems are being developed, interesting
researches are being carried out. For this reason, there is a high motivation to research
in one of these new renewable energy systems in order to contribute the scientific world
with another point of view.

The aim of this project consists on making a comparison between the current chilled
water systems and the future district cooling systems. This way, it is willed to determine
if district cooling systems are a more profitable and environmental solution for the
future cooling demand.


This project is centered on the implementation of district cooling at the city hall of
Gvle. For this reason, the thesis will be only focused on research all factors that
influences this conversion.

Moreover, one of the challenges of the project is calculating a good approximation of

the real cooling demand. That is why it will be taken into account as much variables as
possible, e.g., operation hours, incidental solar radiation or weather conditions.

Finally, an economic study will be carried out with the consideration of the basic
operation energy costs. However, it will not be considered all the operation costs of the
building because of the complexity of the calculations.


This project consists on the implementation of district cooling on a building. It will go

into detail about the current system of the building, with a subsequent analysis of the
optimization of the system by the installation of a new water chiller system or district
cooling system. This way, it will be finally analyzed the total costs of investment and an
environmental study for those solutions. It has to be said that the followed method is
based in the handbook of district cooling and heating foundations carried out by the
International Energy Agency4.

Several points have to be analyzed to determine which system is more profitable and
environmental friendly. For this reason, the method of the thesis has to be split up with
two different parts:

Part A
First of all, it is willed to calculate the optimal cooling load for a new cooling system,
which wants to satisfy all the workers of the building whereas the annual costs of the
installation do not highly increase. For determine the cooling demand of the building,
three methods are considered:

i) Estimate the total cooling demand considering a constant cooling load per
square meter.
ii) Determine the current cooling capacity of the system.
iii) Calculating the cooling demand by a mathematical program.

Skagestad, B., Mildenstein, P. District heating and cooling connection handbook, International Energy
Agency district heating and cooling, Pages 10-50, Canada & UK, 2001.

Moreover, in order to choose the optimal cooling demand calculated by these three
methods, two aspects will be considered: annual costs; and productive capacity.

Part B
On the second part, the thesis has to be focused in an economic and environmental
study between these two cooling system. First of all, the aim of the economic study is to
determine which cooling system is more economical profitable. The usage of economic
rates such as net present value and the internal rate of return will be essential.
Furthermore, the environmental study will determine the option that can reduce in a
bigger amount the particles emission.

Finally, it on the last part of the thesis it is willed to determine if investing for district
cooling systems is a profitable and environmental solution.

As explained before, this research has been split up in different steps to make an
extensive study about the pros and cons of district cooling system. All these steps are
summarized and listed below:

1. Part A
- Study of the cooling system of a building in Gvle.
- Calculation of the cooling demand with different methods.
- Computer simulation of the indoor environment.
- Optimization of the cooling system with a water chiller system.
- Optimization of the cooling system with district cooling.
- Design of the new installation of district cooling.

2. Part B
- Economic and environmental study between these two options.
- Choose the optimal system.


This thesis follows the same pattern as the explained method.

The chapter 2 explains the idea of district cooling and its properties. Starting with the
explanation of the system and ending with the implementation of this system at the city
where the project takes place.

On the chapter 3, it is described the building where it is willed to install district cooling.
It can be found the description of the architecture, functionality and heat ventilation air
conditioning. In addition, it is described the research of the cooling demand.

Furthermore, the chapter 4 describes the followed process of calculating the cooling
demand with the mathematical program IDA ICE.

The chapter 5 explains the implementation of district cooling at the building. As

explained before, this chapter is composed by the final estimation of the cooling load,
the modification of the piping system and the schema of the new system. Finally, an
estimation of the operation costs.

The results of the project are shown on the chapter 6. First of all, two options for
changing the cooling system are suggested on the chapters 5.1 and 5.2. Afterwards, it is
carried out an economic study and also an environmental study between these two

Finally, on the chapter 7, there are explained the conclusions of the project and also it is
described the optimal system for the building.


This chapter explains the main purpose of district cooling systems. For defining this, it
will be explained the main principles of production and distribution. It has to be
explained also the advantages and disadvantages between the current chilling
technologies. Finally, an explanation about the current system in Gvle will be carried


The investment made by the energy sector for turning towns in to Smart cities has
encourage the cooling market to find more efficient and environmentally friendly
solutions. For this reason, companies have been investing in new chillers technologies
which have reduced the electricity costs by performing the coefficient of performance of
the devices. Nevertheless, the main disadvantage of the current chiller system is the
amount of devices that have to be installed in every building or area. In
contradistinction to this problem, the development of a global water chilled grid that
would replace all these devices was created.

District cooling uses high developed technology for producing, from some sources,
chilled water on a large scale. It can supply, with a big amount of cooled water, areas
and buildings in order to cool them down.

Since 2004, governments have been applying this system for satisfying the demand of
their population and also for investing in a more environmentally friendly system,
which reduces in a highly level the usage of electricity and increases the energy
effectiveness of the cities. In the European city of Paris, it can be found this
effectiveness, where it has been designed the biggest district cooling grid all over the
world. About more than 70 km of pipe network supply a cooling demand of 347 MW5.
Furthermore, Stockholm is planning to build a bigger system.

Climatespace (2013), The Company in figures, Available at the website: http://www.climatespace.fr.
Accessed April 2013

On the figure 1 it can be seen all the places of all over Europe which have invested in a
district cooling grid6. It can be seen that the Scandinavian market is taking the lead with
49 operating district cooling networks, followed by Germany(28) and Itali(14). Hence,
it is clear to say that this is a market in expansion and in the following years more
countries will invest in this new generation technology.

Nevertheless, there is a big difference between this

investment in the south European countries and the
northern ones. On one hand, the cooling demand of
south Europe is nowadays clearly higher than in
north Europe because of the difference of
temperatures and population density. On the other
hand, there is also a big difference between the
electricity prices. Thus, the south European
countries should increase their energy effectiveness
by investing more in these technologies.



Definition of the system

The technology of District Cooling System (DCS), or district cooling network, is based
on the idea of improving the efficiency of air conditioning systems by a centralization
of the system. The DCS produce refrigerated energy on a large scale in centralized
installations, which improve the efficiency of users individual systems. It distributes
the cooling to each consumption point, through a series of underground and insolated
pipes, by a refrigerant fluid (usually water). At the consumption point, the fluid yields
the transported cold to weatherize the building. The potential users are residential
buildings, businesses (shops, offices, hotels) or buildings facilities (schools, hospitals,
government, etc.).

Dalin, P., Nilsson, J. and Rubenhag, A. (2006). The European cold market. Available at website:
http://www.euroheat.org/files/filer/ecoheatcool/documents/Ecoheatcool_WP2_Web.pdf. Accessed
April 2013.



Several systems can be used for producing chilled water. This range of systems goes
from natural systems, which use a little portion of energy, to heat sources that use their
residual heat for increasing their systems efficiency.

Natural cooling
The concept refers to the extraction of available cold water. It can be compared to the
use of geothermal energy in district heating systems. The cold water required to cool
down buildings can be found in oceans, lakes or rivers and aquifers. Via heat
exchangers the cold is transferred to the distribution network and delivered to the
customers where the cold is used in the cooling infrastructure of the building. The
maximum cooling temperature delivered to customers can be guaranteed with additional
cold added from different sources. Nevertheless, such a system can be developed when
the water temperature is cold enough and when the plant is close to the buildings where
the water is carried. The advantage of free cooling is that the system is based on
renewable sources.

Cool storage
This cold source is defined as the storage of cooling in big tanks. This cool technology
is an effective way of leveling the electrical loads during the peak periods by increasing
the load during the off-peak periods. In this way, the electric system benefit from a

reduction of the peak electricity generation. Hence, the costumers also benefit with
lower electricity bills taking advantage of the lower rates at the off-peak7.

Furthermore, three cool-storage media are commonly in use, including chilled water, ice
and eutectic salt.

- Chilled water
In a chilled water storage system, the cooling capacity depends on the difference
of temperatures across the storage tank. This chilled water can be stored from 4
to 6C on the night. Nevertheless, during the day the water is used for supply the
cooling demand.

- Ice storage
In an ice storage system, water is used as a phase-change storage medium to take
advantage of its higher cooling capacity for the same storage space, known also
as sensible and latent storage.

- Eutectic salts
Eutectic salts are mixtures of inorganic salts, water and nucleating and
stabilizing agents. Like ice storage, the cooling capacity of a eutectic salt system
depends on the latent heat of fusion of the salt and the amount of frozen salt.

7Apple L.S. Chan, Tin-Tai Chow, Square K.F. Fong, John Z. Performance evaluation of district cooling
plant with ice storage. Energy: Volume 31, Issue 14, Pages 2750-2762. November 2006.


High efficient chillers

High efficient chillers are based on a development of the refrigeration system for
reaching a high efficiency of the process. Also compound of compressor, condenser,
expansion device and evaporator, this system usually uses renewable sources as cold
focus as another way for increasing its efficiency, e.g., a river, a lake or the sea.

Heat sources for cooling. Absorption chillers

Absorption chillers use heat as primary energy and not electricity as is the case for
conventional compression chillers. The benefits of this technology compared to
conventional chillers are that the electricity consumption and primary energy use is
reduced8 due to the fact that the Coefficient of Performance (COP) (i.e., cooling effect-
to-power input to compressor ratio), for a compressor chiller is about 2 while for an
absorption chiller the COPel for electricity (i.e., cooling effect-to power input to pumps
ratio) is about 50. Surplus heat from, municipal waste incineration, industrial processes,
Biomass and power production may be utilized for cooling production by integration of
an absorption chiller to the plant. The cooling production can also be distributed out in
local areas or buildings using the district heating system as the distributor of the waste
heat to the local absorption chillers. As the heat demand is seasonal and low during
summer time, cooling production through an absorption chiller enable to increase the

8 Amiri, S. Economic and Environmental Benefits of CHP-based District Heating Systems in Sweden,
Linkping, June 2013.

efficiency of the plant by using excess heat that is available while displacing less
environmentally friendly alternatives.


On this chapter it is analyzed the advantages and disadvantages between district cooling
and the decentralized systems. First of all the benefits of district cooling are shown.
These are split up in three categories: environmental, operation and economic9.

Advantages DC
Important CO reductions up to 80%.
Environmental Eliminate gradually environmentally harmful refrigerants.
Less noise and space requirements.
Easy operation and high security of supply.
Flexible power requirements. District cooling, the cooling
demand can easily be increased.
A wide range of production methods and always the latest
type of equipment.
Noise reduction from the cooling system.
The cheapest way to a green profile, related to fulfilling a
cooling demand.
Reduced investments and operation costs.
Lower energy costs.
Lower capital costs.
Lower operating and maintenance costs.
Easy payment of utility bills, which leads to increased
transparency of costs.
Future proof investment.
Leases become more attractive.

Moreover, the table of disadvantages is shown below. In order to compare with the
advantages, it has been maintained the same categories.

Disadvantages DC
DCS are not totally environmental friendly.
Depending on the used cold source, the system will be more
Environmental environmental than other (i.e. free cooling).
The system consume vast amount of water. It is a problem
for areas with lacking of water.
For ventilation systems, there has to be a centralized air
condition system at the building.

Copenhagen Cleantech Cluster (2013), District cooling, Available at website:
http://www.cphcleantech.com/media/2115227/district%20cooling.pdf. Accessed July 2013.

Costumer can suffer delay of the service, disturbance and
possibility of incidental leakages.
Initial high investment costs before the costumer can have the
All decentralized devices, as air conditioners, are
incompatible with DC. They would have to be modified.
Usage of sea water increases the capital costs because of
corrosion issues.



From some years ago, Gvle has been adapting a policy of centralizing a cooling grid
for satisfy the cooling demand of the habitants of Gvle10.

The construction of a cooling plant and the implementation of part of the piping
network, has transformed in reality the initial idea of a district cooling system at the

Cooling plant
Last years, Gvle Energi finished the construction of the cooling plant for district
cooling. The main porpoise of this plant is to generate cooling and distribute it to the
costumers. It is planned that in the next few years, around 50% of the network will have
been developed. Moreover, the project will totality be finished around 2020-2030, when
all the buildings from the city center will have the
opportunity of being provided with district cooling.

As explained in the chapter 2.2, there are some

cold sources for cooling down the water from the
network. On this case, the cooling plant of Gvle is
based on the production of cold water by a high
efficient refrigeration cycle that uses efficiency
water chillers for producing more cooling. As
shown on the picture, at the condenser, the
refrigerate exchange heat with the incoming
Gvle Energi AB(2008), En ljus framtid. Available at website: http://www.gavleenergi.se/include/
omgavleenergi/dokument/arsredovisning/arsredovisning2009.pdf. Page 30. Accessed May 2013.

water from the river whose temperature varies from 5C on winter to 20C on summer.
Hence, the river is used as cold focus. Moreover, at the evaporator, the return water
from the network, exchanges its heat with the refrigerant in order to be cool down and
sent again to the network. On this case, the water from the network operates as hot
focus of the refrigeration system.

Certainly, the explained refrigeration system is an overall representation of the current

system. It is based on some absorption chillers distributed in parallel for increasing the
cooling capacity of the plant. On the next picture, it can be seen in more detail the
schema of the plant. On the left side of the schema, there are two pumps which propel
water from the river to the system. The rivers water exchanges its heat with the
refrigerant of every absorption chiller and returns to the river. On the summer, the water
enters to the system with an average temperature of 20C and returns to the river at


Furthermore, on the middle of the schema it can be found the absorption chillers. These
chillers are based on a single stage 11(Absorption chillers can be based on a single or
two stages cycle, depending on the refrigerants piping circuit) with a cooling capacity

Dalkia (2013), Trane refrigeration, Available at website:
http://www.dalkia.com.au/tr_refrigeration.htm. Accessed June 2013.

that varies from 728kW to 3200kW each chiller. The water chillers are in charge of
exchanging heat between the water from the river and the return water from the network
by the usage of the explained refrigeration cycle. Their coefficient of performance
varies from 0.7 to 0.8, which means that the chiller produces 0.7 or 0.8 kW of cooling
for every kW of both electricity and water from the river. To sum up, it can be seen that
absorption chillers have not a high coefficient of performance. However, their
electricity usage is very low because they only need electricity for running the pumps.
Hence, the current total cooling capacity of the plant rises up to 2.55MW. Furthermore,
Gvle Energi AB is planning to increase their cooling capacity up to 9.678 MW
between 2020 and 2030.

Lastly, the chilled water, outgoing form the chillers, goes to the right side of the
schema. There, the water is propelled to the network by two big pumps located in
parallel. This water will arrive to every building of the city provided with district
cooling. Moreover, the outgoing and return water have an average temperature of 5.5C
and 13C respectively.

Nevertheless, on the winter, the cooling plant operates different as in the summer.
Because of a lower cooling demand and a lower temperature of the river, the cooling
plat uses a heat exchanger instead of the absorption chillers. The incoming water from
the river exchange the heat with the return water from the network by a big heat
exchanger located in the plant. Hence, there is a big electricity reduction during winter,
which means that the system only uses the demanded electricity from the pumps.

The cooling plant is located next to the river Gavlen on the side of the district of

The district coolings grid starts at the cooling plant, where one pipe of 400mm of
diameter is sunk within the river. The pipe goes up to the city center under the water.
Thus, the pipe has not to be insulated because of the low temperature of the river. There
some branches spread over the city center for providing all the houses with district
cooling. On the picture below, it can be seen the future grid for the district cooling.


Cooling demand
At the last figure, it is also shown an schema of the future district cooling grid in Gvle.
There are also shown the approximate cooling demands of all the buildings connected to
the district coolings network, from where a total cooling demand of the city can be
calculated. This way, for the next 20 years, Gvle will have an approximate cooling
demand of 12.37 MW.

Overall reduction costs

On the next table it is shown an overall calculation of the energy and pollutants
reduction with the implementation of district cooling at the city.

Without DCS With DCS Difference Units

Cooling demand 12,37 12,37 - MW

COP chillers/Efficiency DC (%) 3,00 93,00 - -

Electricity demand 4,12 0,87 3,26 MW

Operation hours at max power 900,00 900,00 - hours

Electric energy 3709,50 778,99 2930,51 MWh

CO 3472409,96 729206,09 2743203,87 kg/year

SOx 1907,74 400,63 1507,12 kg/year

NOx 1130,51 237,41 893,11 kg/year


Taken a cooling demand of 12.37MW, it is proceed to calculate the electricity demand.

It is considered an overall coefficient of performance of 3 for all the decentralized
systems, and an electric efficiency for the district cooling of 93%. This efficiency
represents that the 7% of every kW of chilled water would be used for electricity. Thus,
the electricity demand for both cases has been calculated. There is a difference of
3.26MW between the current system and district cooling system. Moreover, taking into
account 900 hours at full power, the difference of energy would be 2.9 GWh per year.

Furthermore, it has to be analyzed the reduction of pollutants therefore the reduction of

the electricity. It would be reduced 2743 Tons of CO per year, which represents a
reduction of 79% from the old system. Moreover, it can be appreciate that there is a
reduction for the sulfur and nitrogen oxides of 1.5 and 0.9 tons per year respectively.



This Project is carried out at the city hall of Gvle, Stadshus in Swedish. It is the
headquarter of Gvle Stadshus AB, one company owned by the municipally of Gvle,
Gvle Kommun AB.

The Stadshus is in charge of some part of the administration of the Gvle Kommuns
companies12. Moreover, once per month, the City Council13 meets at the auditory of the
Stadshus, where politicians from every elected party approve their decisions.

The Stadshus was built on the 18th

century. Nevertheless, the building
only conserves the original
structure therefore it has been
restored some times and it has also
been extended by adhering new
buildings to its original body. On
the figure 7 it can be seen the

current building, whose entrance is FIGURE 7: VIEW OF GVLES CITY HALL FROM THE NORTH
situated at the north face of the

Recently, Energitjnstefretaget TAC has been certified the city hall as a Green
building. It was decided by the European Commissions energy department based on a
30% energy savings that the building has carried out. These energy savings were not
only produced by technical changes, since there has been a big afford by the City halls
personal with a more environmental and economic behavior.

Gvle Kommun owns a serial of companies, for instance, Gvle Energi AB or Gavlegrdarna AB. More
information about the Gvle Kommun structure and administration can be found at www.gavle.se.
The City Council are a group of 65 members elected in general elections from the main political
parties of the city (Social democrats, moderates or Green party, for instance).

There building is owned by Gvle Fastigheter14, which is the company in charge of the
maintenance of the electric system, heating system, cooling system and ventilation
system. Moreover, the technical measures implemented by Gvle Fastigheter made
possible that the city hall was defined as a green building.

The Stadshus is placed at the city center of the village of Gvle 15 . Particularly at
Drottninggatan 22, 80311 Gvle. Moreover, on the following figure it can be seen that
the plot of the building is delimitated by Norra Rdmansgatan, Drottninggatan, Norra
Kpmangatan and Kyrkogatan.


This building is situated at the latitude 60.7 and altitude of 17.1, with a considered
elevation of 0 meters. Moreover, the building structure is orientated 62.25 between the
west facade and the horizon.

Gvle Fastigheter is a company owned by Gvle Kommun, in charge of maintain the buildings the
Gvle is a city in Sweden. It is the capital of Gvlegorg Country and it is also the oldest city of the
historical Norrland. It is situated at the Middle East coast of Sweden and it has approximately 70000
habitants. Gavlen is the river that flows through the city from west to east.

Architecture of the building
The building is divided in 5 parts, therefore, as mentioned before, the main structure of
the building was constructed on the 18th century and other body buildings has been
added. For these reason, the main facades of the building still conserves the 18th
centurys style and also the new parts has been constructed respecting this style.

At the figure 9 is shown the different parts of the building:

HUS A. This is one of the old parts of

the building. It consist in 3 floors
(Entrance, 1st floor and 2nd floor), one
basement and the consequently
penthouse. Nevertheless, the area of the
auditory and its corridor has a different
height that the rest of the part, equivalent
of one extra floor. Moreover, the
external facade is delimitated by the

FIGURE 9: PARTS OF THE BUILDING north and east face.

It is one of the most important parts of the building because it has the auditory room (2nd
floor), and it has also a restaurant just next to the auditory room. There are two dressing
shops at the ground level, whose entrances are at the north face.

HUS B. This is the other old part of the building. It consists in 3 floors, one basement
and the penthouse, as well as the part A. It has two facades: one at the north side and
other at the west side. It has to be said that the tourist information of the city occupy the
basement and the ground floor of the building and its entrance is located at the outdoor
corner of the Hus B.

HUS C. This part of the building was constructed afterwards. It can be appreciated
from inside when one is at the basement because the structure of the walls and columns
is completely different than the other two parts. It has 3 floors, one basement and the
penthouse. Its facades point the west and the south side.

Within this part, there are offices, a printer shop and it contains the heating, cooling and
electric system of all the building at the basement.

HUS D. Together with the HUS E, they are the newest parts of the building. There
were built on the end of the 70s. This building consists in a 4 floors building (entrance,
1st floor, 2nd floor and 3rd floor), one basement and its respective penthouse. However,
the height of this part is the same as the HUS A, because of the lower height of every
floor of the HUS D. On the picture below, it can be appreciate the differences between
the HUS A and D. At the left side of the picture it can be found is the HUS D and on the
right side, the HUS A.


Moreover, there are two facades, one at the east side and the other, as well as the HUS
C, at the south side. On the basement it is located all the documentation owned by the

HUS E. It corresponds to the entrance of the building. It consists in one extra building
of just only one floor, without basement and penthouse. This part is situated between
the HUS A, B and C, that is why its facade is just pointing to the south.


The Heat Ventilation Air Conditioning (HVAC) of the building uses several air
handling units for providing with the enough air flow the rooms of the entire building.

The system is based on two water chillers, located at the basement of the Hus C, and
three air condition units at the print shop at Hus C.

Primary water chiller

It is the main device for cooling the water of the ventilation system. It consists in a basic
refrigeration system unit that uses R404A as refrigerant for the thermal system. This
refrigerant is flowing within the water chiller in order to exchange heat between the
water incoming from the cooling towers and with the water incoming from the cooling
coils of the different air handling units. Moreover, the system is switched on at the
beginning of May, when the summer season is starting, and it is switched off at the end
of September, when the winter season is starting.

At the following figure it can be seen the cooling room where the machine is working. It
consists in a room of 30 m which has a high air exchange rate in order to remove all the
heat emitted by the compressors during the performance.


The maximum power of the installation is 170KW when the two compressors of the
water chiller are full operating. Nevertheless, when the cooling demand of the building
is low, only one of the compressors is working.

Moreover, the electricity use of the device has been determined by the product between
the voltage and the intensity of the electricity. The two compressors are connected to a
3-phase network of 400V. Furthermore, there are two intensity sensors, for every

compressor, which show the current intensity of the machines. In order to have a correct
electrical intensity, a measure has to be taken at the steady state because of the high
intensity when the compressor is working out of the steady state. This measure is
around 50 amperes per compressor.
Below this paragraph, the equation is shown for calculating the electrical power of the
two compressors. Moreover, it has also been calculated the electrical power of these


V = 400V; I = 50 A ; Number of units = 2; 16.

The coefficient of performance of the System is defined as the ratio of useful energy (in
this case cooling capacity of the water chiller) to the rated output power of the
compressors 17 . After having calculated the electricity power of the compressors, the
following procedure is to calculate the coefficient of performance for the water chiller:

With this result, it can be said that for every kilowatt of electricity used by the
compressors, the cooling machine is able to chill the incoming water from the
ventilation system with 4.25 kilowatts.

16 It is considered a negligent reactive power, hence

Ozgener, L . Coefficient of performance (COP) analysis of geothermal district heating systems (GDHSs):
Salihli GDHS case study Renewable and Sustainable Reviews: volume 16, Issue 2, Pages 1330-1334,
February 2012.

Secondary water chiller
This water chiller was added after the installation of the primary water chiller. Because
of the high temperatures that the Hus E and the calling office were reaching, a solution
had to be found. That is why the city hall opted for the installation of a small cooling
system. This system was installed also at the basement of the Hus C.

The cooling device is cooling water and brings it to two cooling coils located at both
sides of the reception and another one at the calling office. This cooling machine is
operating the whole year, as the heat emitted from the computers at the calling center is
really high, even in winter time.

The system is shown on the next two figures. Figure 13 shows the cooling machine
located in the basement. It consists of a small refrigeration system that exchanges heat
between the incoming water stream from the air cooled-condenser (figure 12) and the
chilled incoming water from the cooling coils of the reception.




From the operation manual of the water chiller, it was extracted:

Cooling capacity: 11.8 kW

Electrical Power: 2.2 kW

After having the electricity power of the compressors the coefficient of performance for
the water chiller has to be calculated:

In this case, it can be said that for every kilowatt of electricity used by the compressors,
the cooling machine is able to chill the incoming water from the cooling coils with 5.36

Extra air conditioning units

At the ground floor of the Hus C there is an industrial print shop located. This shop uses
big machineries that emit a big amount of heat while they are operating. For this reason
4 extra air conditioner units are located all over the room to decrease the air temperature
of the shop. In figure 14 some of the devices are shown.


It has to be mentioned that a cooling capacity of 1 kilowatt for every air conditioner of
the room is assumed, as well as a coefficient of performance of 3 kW of cooling per
every kW of electrical power. For these reason, the total cooling capacity of the extra air
conditioners is 4kW with a coefficient of performance of 3.

Total coefficient of performance of the building
From the last chapters the total cooling capacity of the building and the electrical power
can be calculated:

Moreover the COP of the entire building can be calculated:

Air handling units

The current ventilation system of the city hall is distributed in 8 air handling units
located in every part of the building. These devices are split up because of the different
requirements of the building and also because of the structure of the building. The
distribution of the air handling units is shown in the following figure:


The air handling units are:

- TA1
This first air handling unit (AHU) is in charge of ventilating the printing shop
and the offices located at the east and west facades of the building18. The air
handling unit is located at the penthouse of the Hus C. The cooling coil of the air
handling unit cools the incoming air down to 18C, and then it is propelled to the

In order to decrease the costs of the building, the air handling unit is also
operating at the night. It takes the outside air, when it is between 4 and 18
degrees. That means the air handling unit does not need the incoming cooling
from the water chiller and provides the room with free cooling so that the rooms
are cooled down.

- TA2
This second AHU ventilates the mechanical room 19 and the primary chiller
room. It consists of two big ducts that propel a big amount of air to have big air
change rates. The supply air temperature is regulated by a thermal sensor, which
allows the air handling unit to regulate the air between 10 and 25 degrees.

- TA3
This AHU is in charge of refreshing the conference rooms and some offices
from the Hus B. The incoming air flows through the air handling and it reaches
a temperature around 20C.

Moreover, there is also night cooling at this unit. When night temperatures reach
2C below the indoor temperature, the system is activated and it puts fresh
outdoor air within the rooms. So that, this sector of the building is covered with
free cooling. This night cooling is intermittent operating from 00:00 to 02:00.

See the appendix for the air handling unit schemas.
At the mechanical room there are the connections with the district heating and the secondary water

- TA4
The fourth AHU supplies all the rooms located at the north and south faces of
the building. As well as the air handling unit TA1, this AHU is working with a
supply air of 18C when cooling is required at the ventilation system.

Furthermore, this AHU is also working at night. It provides the building with
fresh air when the outdoor temperature is below 18C and also when it is not
lower than 4 C.

- TA5
This fifth AHU is in charge of providing supplied air to the shops and the tourist
information that can be found at the ground level of the building. This device has
the same air supply temperature as TA1 and TA4.

As well as TA1 and TA4, it is also working at night with the same temperature

- TA6
This is the AHU in charge of the auditorium, the restaurant and some special
rooms of the 3rd floor. It is located at the penthouse of the building A, where it
takes, cools and propels the outside air to the rooms. This ventilation system has
to supply big amounts of cooling. Due to this the supply air temperature is lower
than the other AHUs, with a temperature of 15C.

This AHU is operating also in some specific nights, as it introduces air

depending on the set schedule of the AHU. However, it has the same
characteristics concerning the supply air ranges.

- TA8
This is the last AHU that can be found at the building20. It is responsible for the
ventilation of all the rooms of the Hus D. For this reason, this unit is also located

In the picture 15 it is described a unit called TA7. Nevertheless, this is not considered as an air
handling unit because it is a heat pump.

at the penthouse of the Hus D. This device has also the same air supply
temperature as TA1, TA4 and TA5.

As well as TA1, TA4 and TA5, it is also working at night with the same
temperature setting. It supplies the rooms when the outside air is between 4C
and 18C.


The next step of the project is calculating the cooling peak load and the annual energy
requirements of the building. The cooling peak load is defined as the maximum cool
power required by a system in unsteady state conditions 21, as the peak cooling load
occurs during the day due to the solar radiation and the weather conditions22. Moreover
the annual energy requirement is the total amount of energy needed by the system in
order to satisfy the cooling demand during the year.

To establish an accurate cooling load of the building, three different methods can be
applied. It has to be mentioned that the more information are provided by the system,
the more accurate and less theoretical the peak cooling load will be. The three
calculation methods are specified in the following parts:

1) Usage of watts per square meter based on the climatic conditions of the area and
the building type.
2) Determination of the buildings current installed chiller capacity.
3) Heat gain and cooling load calculation by mathematical programs.


For calculating the cooling peak load the following procedure has to be followed:

1) Calculation of the total area of the building.

Skagestad, B., Mildenstein, P. District heating and cooling connection handbook, International Energy
Agency district heating and cooling, Pages 10-50, Canada & UK, 2001.
Bhatia, A., Cooling load calculations and principles, Continuing Education and Development, Inc. New
York, 2001.

2) Determination of the desired watts per square meter.
3) Calculation of the peak cooling load.

Area building
This step of the procedure has to be done accurate that the results are as exact as
possible. Thus, an accurate measurement of the blueprints of the city hall is necessary. It
is considered that all the space of the building is ventilated by the AHUs. That is why
the area of every room and corridor has to be calculated. Also it has to be said that the
thickness of walls is not considered due to the fact that the total area of the building is
much bigger than the total area occupied by the walls.

Hence, in the next table it can be seen the total area of every floor of the city hall23:

Floor Area [m]

Basement 1467.16
Plant 1 1915.09
Plant 2 1729.55
Plant 3 1729.55
Plant 4 + Penthouses 1729.55
Penthouse 374.75
Total area 8945.64

Cooling per square meter

It is defined as the cooling load that has to be introduced in each square meter of a
building. This approximation is taken because a homogenous cooling load is desired. In
figure 16 it can be seen the European Cooling Index (ECI), which represents the cooling
demand (Watts/m), all over Europe. The traced lines represent a constant cooling

See the appendix IV for the calculations.

Hence, in Sweden the cooling
demand is compressed between 40
W/m and 70 W/m. In this case an
intermediate value between this
range, 50 Watts/m was considered.

Cooling demand
In this final step of the procedure, a
simple equation has to be done in
order to calculate the total cooling
load of every floor:


In the next table the obtained results of the calculation are shown:

Floor Cooling Load [kW]

Basement 73.35

Plant 1 95.75

Plant 2 86.47

Plant 3 86.47

Plant 4 + Penthouses 86.47

Penthouse 18.73

Total cooling load 447.28


Electricity demand
Furthermore the electricity demand required for a cooling load of 447.28kW has to be
calculated. Considering a normal coefficient of performance of 3 kW of cooling per
every kW of electricity, it can be calculated the electricity power:



As explained before, the cooling load of the chiller system is shown in the next table:

Chiller system Cooling Load [kW]

KA1 Primary water chiller 170

KA2 Secondary water chiller 11.8

Extra Air Conditioners 4

Total cooling load 185.8


Moreover the electrical power for cooling these 185.8 kW is:


There are some mathematical programs that follow a thermal model to calculate the
cooling demand. Firstly, these programs calculate the heat gain of the system and then,
using an operation factor, they determine the total cooling load of the building.

Before making a calculation with this option, the advantages and disadvantages of this
option have to be analyzed. They are shown in the next table:

Advantages Disadvantages
More realistic calculations of the
Calculations are more
cooling load
Determination of the areas Lots of variables have to be
where the building has cooling considered


Optimization of the system and

reduction of the expenses Takes more time

Energy distribution, satisfaction

charts or energy savings can be



Thus, for this project a good option is calculating the cooling load using a mathematical
program. Hence, the mathematical program IDA ICE 4.5 is used.

In the following chapter this program is explained in more detail and the procedure
followed for calculating the cooling load and the energy distribution of the building.



Ida Ice 4.5 is defined as a simulation program for the indoor environment and the
energy usage 24 . It allows defining a building and consequently it simulates the
performance of the heating and cooling system due to the heat gain and heat transferred.

Because of the decision to use this program the performance of the cooling demand of
the city hall during the summertime has to be calculated.

In order to explain all the process followed for creating the model and its simulation,
this chapter has been divided in some subchapters, depending on the steps followed
within IDA ICE. These ones are:

1) Location and climate

2) Body building
3) Definition of materials
4) Walls, ceilings, roof, doors and windows
5) Definition of zones
6) Location of doors and windows
7) People, lighting and equipment
8) Room units and Air change rate
9) Air handling units and Plant
10) Schedules
11) Orientation and shadings
12) Other properties
a. Set points
b. Thermal bridges
13) Simulation
14) Results

EQUA Simulations AB (2013), IDA indoor Climate and Energy, Available at website: http://www.equa-
solutions.co.uk. Accessed May 2013.

Furthermore, in order to create the model all the measures and information from
blueprints of the city hall have been taken, proportionated by Gvle Fastigheter.
Moreover, some data has been obtained by examining the entire building.


The simulation is taking part at the city hall of Gvle. As shown in figure 17, the
latitudes and longitudes are 60.7 North and 17.1 East respectively. Due to the fact that
Gvle is located on the coast of Sweden it has been considered an elevation of the
building of 0 meters with respect to the sea. Moreover, it has to be assigned the time
zone of the area. Hence, Gvle has a time zone of +01:00 hours with respect to the
Greenwich meridian25.


The climate conditions are one of the most important parts to define with IDA ICE. This
condition allows the program to make a real simulation of the surrounding environment

At IDA, the time zone is expressed in east or west with respect to the Greenwich meridian. That is why
it is written 1 E, that means 1 hour at the east part.

for every hour of the year. Therefore, this variable has to be defined as accurate as
possible in order to have simulated a real period of time with the program.

The main variables that have to be collected are: Dry-Bulb temperature; relative
humidity of the environment; wind direction; speed of the wind; direct normal radiation,
and diffuse radiation26.

Moreover, all these data has to be taken at the same period of time. The Swedish
Meteorological and Hydrological Institute was the provider of some of this data. The
monthly reports from 2010 have been provided, where the Dry-Bulb temperature,
relative humidity, the wind direction, the speed of the wind and the direct normal
radiation is expressed. In order to obtain the last variable, the diffuse radiation, an
algorithm has to be calculated, which considers the direct normal radiation and the
azimuth angle of Gvle27. In figure 18 the Dry-Bulb temperature of 2010 in Gvle is


Table 8 shows a report of the climate variables per month. Here the summertime period
and the winter time are clearly defined. Therefore the cooling demand simulation will
be carried out from May till September.

These variables are expressed per hour.
See the appendix VI for the azimuth calculations.



The body building is defined as the outline

of the building 28 . The limits of all the
facades, the basement and the different
roof surfaces of the whole building have to
be set.

Firstly the coordinates of the perimeter

have to be defined. The measures are
taken from the blueprints proportionated

FIGURE 19: PERIMETER OF THE BODY and introduced in the program with the
correct scale.

Thus, in figure 19, the perimeter of the building is shown. It can also be seen the points
which define the perimeter of the building. Five body buildings have been defined
because of the geometric of the city hall. Moreover, the table below shows the
coordinates of every point of the perimeter. It has to be said that the perimeter of
buildings A, B, C, and D are found at 3 meters below the ground level. Nevertheless,
the perimeter of building E is found at 0 meters above the ground level.

EQUA Simulations AB, User manual IDA indoor climate and energy version 4.5, EQUA Simulations AB,
Solna. February 2013.

Points Coordinates Points Coordinates Points Coordinates Points Coordinates
1 0; 0; 0 12 30,5; 11; 0 23 22,6 ;35,9; 0 34 0; 49,4; 0
2 27,8; 0; 0 13 31,7; 12; 0 24 22,6; 36,6; 0 35 0; 13; 0
3 55; 0; 0; 0 14 31,7; 16,7; 0 25 26,3; 36,6; 0 36 21,6; 16,7; 0
4 55; 12,8; 0 15 27,8; 16,7; 0 26 27,5; 36,6; 0 37 21,6; 23,4; 0
5 53,1; 12,8; 0 16 27,8; 13; 0 27 27,5; 36,4; 0 38 23,6; 23,4; 0
6 53,1; 9,3; 0 17 14,75; 13; 0 28 53,1; 36,4; 0 39 23,6; 26,3; 0
7 42,3; 9,3; 0 18 14,75; 36,6; 0 29 53,1; 35,2; 0 40 20,4; 26,3; 0
8 42,3; 12; 0 19 17,5; 36,6; 0 30 55; 35,2; 0 41 20,4; 28; 0
9 37,4; 12; 0 20 17,5; 35,9; 0 31 55; 49,7; 0 42 26,3; 34,4; 0
10 37,4; 9,3; 0 21 18,4; 34,4; 0 32 27,5; 49,7; 0
11 30,5; 9,3; 0 22 21,6; 34,4; 0 33 27,5; 49,4; 0


Furthermore, the height of all the body building parts has to be defined. Hence, in order
to define the final outline, the coordinates of the roof have to be specified and the roof
surfaces have to be created. Figure 20 shows all coordinates of the different points29.
Moreover, the roof surfaces can only be defined as flat surfaces.

The figure shows the coordinates of the different points of the body parts A, B, C and D. There are not
shown the coordinates from the building E because it has been considered a flat roof.


Thus, having defined all these parameters, the final view of the body parts is the one at
the figure below:



The building materials from walls, ceilings, roof, furniture and ground have been
defined in the table below30:

Heat conduct., Specific heat,

Material W/mK Density, kg/m3 J/kgK

Furniture material* 0,13 1000 1300

Soil* 2 2000 1000

Ground insulation* 0,036 32 750

Concrete Block (Heavy weight) 1,63 2300 1000

Concrete block (Medium weight) 0,51 1400 1000

Brick (outer leaf) 0,84 1700 800

Brick (inner leaf) 0,62 1700 800

Cast concrete (light weight) 0,38 1200 1000

Cast concrete (Dense) 1,4 2100 840

Stone (Limestone) 1,5 2180 910

External rendering 0,5 1300 1000

Plaster (light weight) 0,16 600 1000

Vinyl 0,01 1650 3000

Expanded polystyrene slab 0,035 25 1400

Mineral fiber slab 0,035 30 1000

Wood blocks 0,14 650 1200

Metal tray 50 7800 480

Aerated concrete slab 0,16 500 840

Felt/Bitumen layer 0,5 1700 1000

Air 0,025 1,2 1005

*Materials provided by IDA ICE 4.5

Department of Architecture and civil engineering of the University of Bath (UK), Thermal properties of
building materials, Available at website: http://people.bath.ac.uk/absmaw/BEnv1/properties.pdf.
Accessed April 2013.
See the appendix V for more thermal properties.


The next step for building the model is defining the walls, doors, windows and furniture
composition so that the program can calculate the U-value of every part of the building.
As explained before, IDA ICEs simulation is based on an energy balance all over the
building. That is why the obtaining of U-Values is a very important step to calculate the
heat gains and consequently cooling demand.

In table 11 below, the compositions, the thickness and the U-Value of the walls, doors,
windows, floors, roofs, ground and furniture are shown. IDA ICE has calculates
automatically the U-Value31 from the equation of energy balance32 also shown below:

Walls and
U, W/m2K Thickness, m Layer material
Furniture 4,05 0,01 Furniture
Ground with Ground insulation
0,29 1,1
insulation Soil
EW - 1.5m Plaster (light weight)
0,8313 1,5
(Basement) Concrete Block (Heavy weight)
EW - 1m Plaster (light weight)
1,116 1
(Basement) Concrete Block (Heavy weight)
EW - 0.75m Plaster (light weight)
1,346 0,75
(Basement) Concrete Block (Heavy weight)
Plaster (light weight)
Concrete block (Medium weight)
EW - 0.5m (In) 0,2687 0,5
Expanded polystyrene slab
Mineral fiber slab

Brick (outer leaf)

External rendering
External rendering
Plaster (light weight)
EW - 0.6m (In) 0,2552 0,6
Concrete block (Medium weight)

The convection coefficients are from IDA ICE.
Karimipanah, T. Lectures of building and energy systems: Building Physiscs part 1, Hgskolan I Gvle,
Gvle, 2013.

Expanded polystyrene slab
Mineral fiber slab/Brick (outer leaf)
External rendering
External rendering
Plaster (light weight)
Concrete block (Medium weight)
EW - 0.6m (Out) 0,268 0,6 Expanded polystyrene slab
Mineral fiber slab
Stone (Limestone)
Plaster (light weight)
Concrete block (Medium weight)
EW - 0.75m
0,261 0,75 Expanded polystyrene slab
Mineral fiber slab
Stone (Limestone)
Plaster (light weight)
Concrete block (Medium weight)
EW - 1m (Out) 0,2501 1 Expanded polystyrene slab
Mineral fiber slab
Stone (Limestone)
Plaster (light weight)
EW - 0.25m (E) 1,9 0,25 Brick (outer leaf)
External rendering
Plaster (light weight)
IW - 0.5m 1,244 0,5 Cast concrete (Dense)
Plaster (light weight)
Plaster (light weight)
IW - 0.25m 1,599 0,25 Cast concrete (Dense)
Plaster (light weight)
Plaster (light weight)
IW - 0.1m 2,358 0,1 Brick (inner leaf)
Plaster (light weight)
Vinyl/Cast concrete (Dense)
IF - B-1 0,2608 0,4
Expanded polystyrene slab
IF - 1-2 0,4096 0,4
Cast concrete (Dense)
Wood blocks
IF - 2-3 1,403 0,4
Cast concrete (Dense)
Wood blocks
IF - 3-4 1,403 0,4
Cast concrete (Dense)
Wood blocks
IF Attic 0,172 0,35
Mineral fiber slab
Cast concrete (Dense)
R - 0.3m Metal tray
0,6248 0,3
(A,B,C,D) Wood blocks
Bitumen layer
R - 0.5m (E) 0,09645 0,5 Aerated concrete slab
Air/Mineral fiber slab
Cast concrete (Dense)

Cast concrete (light weight)
EF - 0.4m
0,5143 0,4 Expanded polystyrene slab
Cast concrete (Dense)
Cast concrete (light weight)
EF - 0.42m (E) 0,2535 0,42
Expanded polystyrene slab
Cast concrete (Dense)
IF - 1-2 (D) 0,4219 0,3
Cast concrete (Dense)
IF - 2-3 (D) 0,4219 0,3
Cast concrete (Dense)
IF - 3-4 (D) 0,4219 0,3
Cast concrete (Dense)
Doors 0,8055 0,15 Wood blocks



This next step consists on the constructive part of the model. All rooms have to be
defined and connected with the surrounding by the usage of the properties mentioned
before. Hence, at this step of the modeling, all types of wall, ceiling and roof have to be
used. Moreover the height of every floor has to be defined. It has to be said that some
assumptions has been taken:

The toilet areas have been considered as a unique room because of their activity
The elevators space has been considered as part of the corridors.
The stairs space has also been considered as part of the corridors of every floor.

In the following image, it is shown the 3rd floor of the buildings. It can be appreciated
the different thicknesses of the walls, and also of the ceiling.


The rooms have been named corresponding to its location of the building. Hence, the
nomenclature of the rooms is X.X.X where the first digit corresponds the building, the
second digit corresponds the floor and the third digit corresponds the number of rooms.
For instance, the name of the tourist office room is B.1.1. In the table below it is shown
the list of rooms at the IDA model separated by body buildings:

List of rooms
A.B.1 A.2.10 A.3.10 B.3.5 C.2.7 D.B.4 D.2.12 D.4.1
A.B.2 A.2.11 A.3.11 B.3.6 C.2.8 D.1.1 D.2.13 D.4.2
A.B.3 A.2.12 A.3.12 B.3.7 C.2.9 D.1.2 D.2.14 D.4.3
A.B.4 A.2.13 A.4.1 B.3.8 C.2.10 D.1.3 D.2.15 D.4.4
A.B.5 A.2.14 A.A.1 B.3.9 C.2.11 D.1.4 D.2.16 D.4.5
A.B.6 A.2.15 A.R.1 B.A.1 C.2.12 D.1.5 D.2.17 D.4.6
A.B.7 A.2.16 B.B.1 C.B.1 C.2.13 D.1.6 D.2.18 D.4.7
A.B.8 A.2.17 B.B.2 C.B.2 C.2.14 D.1.7 D.2.19 D.4.8
A.B.9 A.2.18 B.B.3 C.B.3 C.2.15 D.1.8 D.2.20 D.4.9
A.1.1 A.2.19 B.B.4 C.B.4 C.2.16 D.1.9 D.2.21 D.4.10
A.1.2 A.2.20 B.1.1 C.B.5 C.2.17 D.1.10 D.3.1 D.4.11
A.1.3 A.2.21 B.1.2 C.B.6 C.3.1 D.1.11 D.3.2 D.4.12
A.1.4 A.2.22 B.1.3 C.B.7 C.3.2 D.1.12 D.3.3 D.4.13
A.1.5 A.2.23 B.1.4 C.1.1 C.3.3 D.1.13 D.3.4 D.4.14
A.1.6 A.2.24 B.1.5 C.1.2 C.3.4 D.1.14 D.3.5 D.4.15
A.1.7 A.2.25 B.2.1 C.1.3 C.3.5 D.1.15 D.3.6 D.4.16
A.1.8 A.2.26 B.2.2 C.1.4 C.3.6 D.1.16 D.3.7 D.4.17
A.1.9 A.2.27 B.2.3 C.1.5 C.3.7 D.1.17 D.3.8 D.4.18
A.1.10 A.2.28 B.2.4 C.1.6 C.3.8 D.1.18 D.3.9 D.4.19
A.1.11 A.2.29 B.2.5 C.1.7 C.3.9 D.1.19 D.3.10 D.4.20
A.1.12 A.2.30 B.2.6 C.1.8 C.3.10 D.1.20 D.3.11 D.A.1
A.1.13 A.2.31 B.2.7 C.1.9 C.3.11 D.2.1 D.3.12 D.A.2
A.1.14 A.2.32 B.2.8 C.1.10 C.3.12 D.2.2 D.3.13 D.A.3

A.2.1 A.3.1 B.2.9 C.1.11 C.3.13 D.2.3 D.3.14 D.A.4
A.2.2 A.3.2 B.2.10 C.1.12 C.3.14 D.2.4 D.3.15 D.A.5
A.2.3 A.3.3 B.2.11 C.1.13 C.3.15 D.2.5 D.3.16 E.1.1
A.2.4 A.3.4 B.2.12 C.2.1 C.3.16 D.2.6 D.3.17 E.1.2
A.2.5 A.3.5 B.2.13 C.2.2 C.3.17 D.2.7 D.3.18
A.2.6 A.3.6 B.3.1 C.2.3 C.A.1 D.2.8 D.3.19
A.2.7 A.3.7 B.3.2 C.2.4 D.B.1 D.2.9 D.3.20
A.2.8 A.3.8 B.3.3 C.2.5 D.B.2 D.2.10 D.3.21
A.2.9 A.3.9 B.3.4 C.2.6 D.B.3 D.2.11 D.3.22


At this step of the modeling, the doors and windows of the building have to be
calculated. It is really important to calculate the geometry of the windows, as the solar
radiation is entering through them into the building. Moreover, the heat exchanged
through the windows supposes a higher value than through the walls. That is why it has
to be detailed and very accurate. Hence, some geometries have been implemented to the

- 1.2x2.8 m
- 1.75x3.75m
- 0.75x2m
- 1.2x1.5m
- 1.2x2m

Moreover, it has been defined one schedule for the doors of the building. They are
following the schedule explained in chapter 4.1.10.

In figure 23 it can be seen a 3D view of the building with all rooms, windows and



IDA ICE considers on its models the heat gain produced by people, lighting and
equipment. Hence, it introduces on its model these variables in order to estimate more
accurately the total heat gaining of the building. Thus, an important step on the
modeling is defining all this variables for every room of the building. Therefore, the
building had to be inspected in order to carry out a list of people, lighting and
equipment of the building33.

Depending on the amount of people per room, more heat is emitted to the environment.
Due to this the number of people per zone is an important variable to take into account
because of the different distributions of workers in the whole building. Moreover, the
activity levels and the amount of clothing, defines how much heat (sensible and latent)
and carbon dioxide a person emits. It has been considered that the main activity level of
the workers is 1 met34. It corresponds to 58.2 W per m2 of body surface, which is the
amount, one sitting, inactive person is assumed to emit. In IDA Indoor Climate and
Energy, body surface have been selected to be 1.8 m2, corresponding to an average
See the appendix VIII for the building equipment, lighting and people.
Consideration taken from IDA ICE

adult. Moreover, another consideration that has to be taken into account are the
operation hours of the building, as there will be no heat gained by the people during the
non- operation hours. This will be explained later.

Another focus of heat gaining is the lighting of the rooms. The total number of bulbs
and fluorescents that every room has, has to be taken into account as well, because of
different distributions of heat gaining at the building. For instance, the auditorium of the
building has a big amount of lighting. Therefore, the heat gained by the auditorium has
a different distribution than other rooms with less lighting.

Moreover, two considerations have been taken:

- There are only two kinds of lighting units, light bulbs with an electrical power of
60W and fluorescents with an electrical power of 35W.
- The convective fraction35 of every unit is 0.3.

Nevertheless, there is another variable that has to be considered, the schedule of the
lighting. This will be explained later more in detail.

As well as the lighting, the heat emitted to the environment has another emitter: The
equipment. For instance, one calling room with a big amount of computers will gain
more heat than other kinds of rooms. That is why this is one of the most important
emitters of heat gaining. This is the case of the city hall, which has a calling center with
an independent ventilation system because of the emitted heat by the computers. That is
why there has to be one independent cooling system, running all over the year in order
to satisfy the comfort of the workers.

Also, there have been taken some considerations:

Fraction of rated input emitted as convective heat. (0-1)

- The heat emitted by computers, televisions, printers and other office equipment
has been considered 60W per unit.
- It has been considered a thermal efficiency of 90% for especial equipment as
water pumps, chillers and other industrial equipment. That means that 10% of
the electrical power is converted to heat power.

Nevertheless, there is also another variable that has to be considered: The schedule of
the equipment. This will be further explained in another chapter.


Room units
A room unit is defined the device that supplies the room of the model with warm or cold
air36. In this model, all the rooms have been equipped with ideal coolers.

The ideal cooler is a room unit that cools the zone when no detailed information about
an actual room unit
is available or this amount of detail is unmotivated, such as a fan coil or active chilled
beam. It has no given physical location on any room surface and is not connected to the
plant of the building 37 . Hence, the incoming air from the air handling units flows
through the room units to cool down or warm up the indoor environment.

Air change rate

The air change rate (ACH) for a given urban airspace is defined as the relative amount
of air exchanged between this volume and its surrounding within 1 h, which can be
calculated by the volumetric ventilation rates and the volume of this airspace 38 .
Depending on activity level and the equipment within the room, the ACH would be
different. For this reason, it has to be set an ACH that satisfies the comfort of the
occupants, by heat or cold supply, and also cleans the environment of pollution.

EQUA Simulations AB, User manual IDA indoor climate and energy version 4.5, EQUA Simulations AB,
Solna. February 2013.
The chiller and the boiler are located at the plant of the building.
Jian Hang, Y.L., Ventilation strategy and air change rates in idealized high-rise compact urban areas,
Building and environment: Volume 45, Issue 12, Pages 27542767, December 2010.

Moreover, it has to be introduced the current air change rates of all the rooms of the
building into the model. The data has been collected from the blueprints of the building,
where the air flow of almost all the rooms is shown 39 . Nevertheless, it has been
considered for all the rooms without an air flow value shown on the blueprints, a
standard ACH40. In the next table, some air supply rates are shown:

Name Room Area Supply air Supply air Supply air Return air
height [m] [m] [h] [m/h] [L/sm] [L/sm]
B.B.1 2,6 143 3 - 2,16666667 2,16666667
B.B.3 2,6 92,29 3 - 2,16666667 2,16666667
B.B.2 2,6 23,63 3 - 2,16666667 2,16666667
B.B.4 2,6 81,34 0,5 - 0,36111111 0,36111111
C.B.1 2,6 29,04 - 200 1,91307009 1,91307009
C.B.2 2,6 29,04 - 200 1,91307009 1,91307009
C.B.3 2,6 21,12 - 200 2,63047138 2,63047138
C.B.4 2,6 28,86 - 1800 17,3250173 17,3250173
C.B.6 2,6 94,79 - 1500 4,39568168 4,39568168
C.B.5 2,6 84,68 - 200 0,65606466 0,65606466
C.B.7 2,6 5,7 - 200 9,74658869 9,74658869

In table 13 two different methods to calculate the final value of air supply flow in
[L/sm]41 can be seen. The first four rows of the table have been calculated from a
standard air change rate. So that, this rate has been converted to the required air supply
rate with the following equation:

Moreover, the other rows have been calculated from the data taken from the blueprints.
Hence, these other values have been converted also the required air supply rate with the
following equation:

See the appendix II for the blueprints of the city hall.
The engineering tool box (2013), Air change rates for typical rooms and buildings, Available at
website: http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/air-change-rate-room-d_867.html. Accessed May 2013.
IDA ICE need the air supply rate in L/sm.


Finally, it can also be seen in the table that the return air rates of the building have been
considered the same as the calculated air supply rates.


A building model consists of a single or several thermal zones, a single or several air
handling units and a single primary system. The primary system, also called plant,
provides the rooms or the air handling units with cold or warm water produced by the
chiller or the boiler.

IDA ICE defines a default primary system and an air handling unit when a model is
created. However some values can be changed in order to simulate the desired
ventilation system. Nevertheless, the default system has to be explained because some
considerations have been taken from the default model.

The default systems have unlimited capacity for providing the zones with air and water
at given temperatures. By default, the supply air temperature is kept constant at 17C;
the chilled water temperature to zones is 15 C and the heated water temperature is a
function of the outdoor air temperature. For many studies nothing needs to be altered in
the HVAC systems.

In the next paragraphs the air handling unit system and also the primary system used
will be explained more in detail.

Air handling units

The model has been defined with 3 air handling units depending on the schedule of its

1) AHU Stadshus
2) AHU Parliament

3) AHU Shops

Every air handling unit has the same basic properties. Nevertheless, the only thing that
they do not have in common is the operation time of the air pumps. That is why these
three systems are running with different schedules for the air pumps.

In the next paragraphs the basic properties that all the air handling units of the model
have in common will be explained:

The standard air handling unit is based on a system that contains: one air pump for the
supply air, one air pump for the return air, one cooling coil, one heating coil and one
heat exchanger. In figure 24 all these devices that compound the AHU can be seen.


Some of the parts of the AHU are explained:

1) Set point for supply air temperature

The rooms of the building are continuously supplied with fresh air. However, the
system is detecting when the cooling and heating coils have to run in order to
supply the rooms with the correct air supply temperature. For this reason, it has
to be defined a set point for the air supply flow. However, in this model it is

considered that the heating coils are not running in the whole simulation,
because it is willed to be analyzed only the cooling demand of the building.

Moreover, the current AHU of the city hall operates for maintaining a constant
air supply temperature of 18C by the usage of cooling and heating coils.
Nevertheless, in order to save some energy, the system is set up for supplying air
at the ambient temperature when it is lower than 18C and higher than 4C.

Hence, one supply air temperature model has to be introduced to the program to
simulate this performance of the system. This model is shown in figure 25:


Thus, this model explains when the cooling coil of the AHU will remove heat
from the air or when it will not run. When the ambient temperature is lower than
18C, the AHU will supply the rooms with the incoming air without being
cooled down by the cooling coils. However, there is a boundary value for this
action, when the temperature is lower than 4C. Then, the supply air is set up to
18 degrees. It has to be said that this is a boundary value because these
temperatures are not reached in summer time. Moreover, when the ambient
temperature is higher than 18C the cooling coil will start running and it will
cool down the incoming air to 18C.

2) Cooling coil
The cooling coil is in charge of cooling down the incoming air by the heat
exchanged with the chilled water incoming from the plant. The incoming chilled
water, at 5C, removes some parts of the heat from the incoming air. Hence, at
the end of the process, the outgoing chilled water temperature warms up to 10C.

As explained before, the cooling coil starts running when the system detects that
the temperature of the ambient is higher than 18C. Then, the system starts to
remove heat. Moreover it has been supposed an air side effectiveness of 1,
therefore, it can be said that it is considered a thermal efficiency in the cooling
coil of 100%.

3) Air supply and return air pumps

These two pumps are in charge of the air flow speed. They propel the incoming
and outgoing air at the set point, that every room has the correct air flow. These
two pumps are working together at the same time, which is specified in the next
paragraphs. Thus, when the pumps start to run, the building is provided with
fresh air.

It has also been considered that the incoming and outgoing airs temperature
does not change during the propulsion. Therefore the temperatures remain on a
steady state. Moreover it has been taken 60% efficiency for all the pumps of the
air handling units.

4) Heating coil and heat exchanger

Both heat exchanger and heating coil are in charge of heating the incoming air.
The heating coil uses the incoming water from the boiler to warm up the
incoming air. Moreover the heat exchanger removes some heat from the return
air and gives it to the incoming air, so that the energy savings increase.
However, in this model neither heating coil nor air exchanger are used, that is
why it has been considered an air side effectiveness42 of zero for both devices.

It is considered as the efficiency of the device. In order to turn them off it has to be considered an
efficiency of zero.

5) Fan schedule
The schedule of the fans will be also explained in chapter 4.1.10.

Plant of the building

The plant of the building is in charge of producing warm or chilled water. This resource
is provided by the boiler and the chiller. In this model, the boiler of the plant is not
considered because only the cooling demand during the summertime will be analyzed.
Moreover, the boiler of the building is used only for tap water during summertime. This
is also why it is not considered.

The chiller of the plant is represented in the figure below with a blue tank connected
with blue pipes that go to the air handling units or to the zones. It is considered that this
water chiller has a coefficient of performance of 4.27 and an unlimited cooling capacity,
in order to calculate the ideal cooling demand of the building. Moreover the water
chiller supplies with chilled water at 5C the air handlings units, and returns to the
chiller at 10C.



The schedule is defined as the agent that regulates the operation time of all the variables
of the model43. There are different schedules for every variable: Four schedules for the

EQUA Simulations AB, User manual IDA indoor climate and energy version 4.5, EQUA Simulations AB,
Solna. February 2013.

people, lighting, equipment and doors; three other schedules for the AHUs; and one for
the Chiller of the plant.

The schedules are expressed with time charts, where the abscissa corresponds to the
daily hours and the ordinate corresponds to a binary value44. When the binary variable is
1, the models variables are considered as operating. Otherwise, if the binary variable is
0, the model variables are considered as not operating.

Schedules for people, lighting, equipment and doors

The following schedules define the operation time of people, lighting, equipment and
doors from all the rooms of the building. These schedules are:

1) Never present
The variable is not operating at any time of the simulation. That is why the
binary variable is considered 0 from Monday to Saturday for all the weeks of the
year. Figure 27 shows this schedule.


2) Operation Hours Stadshus

The variables are operating corresponding to the charts of the following figure. It
can be seen that the variables are operating from 8 am to 5 pm from Monday to
Friday all over the year unless summertime, when the variables are operating
from 8 am to 4 pm, also from Monday to Friday. Nevertheless, during all the
weekends and holidays of the simulation, the variables are not operating.

The binary value can be 0 or 1, depending on the Schedule followed by the variables.


3) Operation Hours Shops

In this case, the variables are operating from Monday to Sunday and holidays as
shown below. First of all, from Monday to Friday the variables are operating
from 10am to 7pm. All Saturdays they are operating from 10am to 5 pm. On
Sundays and holidays they are operating from 12am to 4pm.


4) Operation Hours Parliament
This schedule represents the operation hours of the auditorium and some rooms
at the surrounding of the auditorium. As shown on the webpage of Gvle
Kommun, it can be seen the meeting days all over the year. It has been
considered that the meetings have been produced the first Monday of every
month, except July and August, when there are no meetings. The operation hours
of the meetings are from 9am to 5 pm. In figure 30 it can be seen the days of the
year when the meetings have been considered.


Schedules for the AHUs

The different ventilation systems of the building start running one hour before from the
different operation ours of people, lighting, equipment and doors. Hence, the properties
of the indoor environment are successfully changed for a proper comfort at the start of
the working day. For this reason, the operation times between these schedules are

In summertime the air temperature at night is much lower than during the day. For this
reason, the air handling units of the city hall are also running during the night in order to
supply all rooms that have been warming up the building during the day with free
cooled air. That is why with this method, the building reduces the energy usage of the

1) AHU Stadshus
This schedule follows the same pattern than the operation hours or the stadhus.
However, the ventilation system is initialized one hour before the operation time
of the building and is switching down one hour after this. Moreover, as said
before, at night the AHU is working from 0 am to 4 am.


2) AHU Shops
This AHUs schedule follows the same pattern as the AHU stadhus schedule. It
starts running one hour before and it is switched down one hour after the
operation hours of the building. As well as before, the system is also working at
the night from 0am to 4am.


3) AHU Parliament
The AHU of the parliament is operating one hour before and one hour after the
operation hours of the zones. Moreover, during the night of the meeting days,
the system is also operating from 0 am to 4am.


Schedule for the chiller

The chiller of the building has to operate all over the year in order to provide the
building with cold water at any time. However, if there is no cooling demand during the
day, the water chiller is not consuming energy. This is the assumption that is
considered. In the next figure this schedule can be seen.



One important characteristic of the model is the orientation and the surrounding
shadings of the building. Depending in these two variables, the building will be warmed
up completely different because of the solar radiation. For this reason, these two
variables have to be correctly defined in order to consider the best solar trajectory which
will determine the shading of the surrounding building and the solar radiation direction.

The orientation of the building is defined as the angle
between the north direction and the direction of the east
facade of the building. On this model it has been
considered an orientation of 27.75. Picture 35, shows the
orientation of the building.



The shadings of the model are defined by the surrounded building. The nearest facades
of the surrounded building have to be defined in order to create a model of the shadows
during all the days of the simulation.

5 surrounding buildings have been defined. Two buildings are located at the north
facade with a height of 15 meters. Another one is located at the west facade with a
mixed height of 15 and 10 meters. Finally two other buildings have been located at the
south facade of the building. These two have a total height of 15 meters. In the picture
below, it can be seen a performance of the shadows at one hour of the simulation where
it can be appreciated the effect of the surrounded buildings to the city hall.



Other properties have to be considered at the model in order to simulate a better model
that reflexes more the real building. For these reason, properties as thermal bridges and
set points of the rooms have to be mentioned.

Set points
The set points of the rooms are defined as value
when the heating or cooling devices are operating.
In picture 37 it can be seen this performance. When
the indoor temperature is between the two boundary
values, heating and cooling devices are not

FIGURE 37: SET POINT operating. Nevertheless, when the temperature is

above the highest boundary value, the cooling
devices start working. For this model, it has been considered a maximum boundary
value of 25C. This value is located within the range of optimal comfort temperatures
set by the CSA Standard CAN/CSA Z412-00 (R2011), 23-28C 45 . Other way, a
minimum value of -50C is taken into account. It has been considered -50C in order
not to calculate the heating demand during summertime.

Canadian Centre for Occupational Health & Safety 2013, Thermal comfort for office work. Available at
website: http://www.ccohs.ca/oshanswers/phys_agents/thermal_comfort.html. Acceded June 2013.

Thermal Bridges
These coefficients are used to calculate the loss
factors in thermal bridges in zones. The total loss
factor for a zone is calculated as sum of loss factors in
bridges created by different construction elements.
The coefficients are given per unit of element size (in
most cases per meter).

In order to represent a more real model, it has been

considered that the heat transfer through the thermal
bridges is not high. That is why, in picture 38, it can
be appreciated a good insulation of the thermal


IDA ICE is creating a mathematical model for calculating all the energy usage and the
cooling and heating demands. As explained in this chapter, it all this input data has to be
introduced in order to define the model the best possible way. In the next table it can be
seen a summary of the input data that has been explained during chapter 4:


Moreover, before simulating the time period of the simulation has to be defined. As
explained before, the simulation will take part during summertime. In wintertime the
water chiller is not running because of the minimum cooling demand, that is why it has
been considered that all the cooling
demand is negligible during winter.
Hence, to determine the period of the
simulation, the period of time when the
ambient temperature is higher than the set
point temperature of the air handling units
has to be taken into account. Thus, all the
period of time that the temperature of the


ambient is 18C higher has to be considered. As shown in the picture below, this period
of time has been considered from the 1st of May at 00:00 to the 15th of September at
24:00, a total of 138 days.

4.1.14 RESULTS

IDA ICE offers a lot of options for having some different results. It can calculate from
cooling and heating demand to Fangers comfort chards or lost work of the system.
Nevertheless, in this project it will be considered:

- Cooling demand
- Outdoor, indoor and supply/return air temperatures.
- Fangers comfort indices;
- Delivered energy of the system;
- Systems energy;
- Energy balances.

With all this information explained in this chapter, one IDA model can be executed and
the desired results can be obtained. Nevertheless, it has to be said that there are more
variables that has not been considered in this model of the city hall. For instance,
ground properties, infiltrations, pressure coefficients and extra energy losses.


In this part, all the assumptions and Hypotheses that have been considered in order to
build the model are summarized. It has to be said how less assumptions and hypotheses
are made in a model, more real values will be obtained. Hence, despite all the
considered variables, the model will not be the same as the reality, and there will be a
fluctuation of the results compared to the reality.

Thus, the assumptions and Hypotheses made in this model are:

- Weather: The data was provided by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrogical
Institute (SMHI). Some reports have been collected with the temperatures, wind
speed, wind direction and humidity of Gvle in 2010. The measures have been
taken every 3 hours. This is why it has been considered that these properties are
constant every 3 hours.

- The direct and global irradiance was taken from the Strang model system.
Moreover, the diffuse irradiance was calculated from the algorithm
proportionated by NOAAs Global Monitoring Division of the National Oceanic
& Atmospheric Administration46 .

- Materials: The thermal properties of the materials have been extracted from the
webpage of the University Of Bath (UK). Moreover, the windows have been
considered as 2 pane glazing proportionated by IDA ICE.

- Walls :
o Inner walls: It has been considered 3 types of inner walls depending on
their thickness: 0.5meters, 0.25 and 0.1meters
o Outer walls: It has been considered 5 types of walls.
o Floors: 6
o Roof: 2 types of floors

- It has been considered 6 body buildings depending on the structure of the

building and the facade:
o Bodybuilding A.1
o Bodybuilding A.2
o Bodybuilding B
o Bodybuilding C
o Bodybuilding D
o Bodybuilding E

NOAAs Global Monitoring Division , Algorithm solar radiation and solar position, Available at website:
http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/gmd/grad/solcalc/solareqns.PDF. Accessed April 2013.
See the appendix VI for the algorithm

- Orientation: It has been calculated from Google maps, = 27.75.

- Outer shadows:
o The buildings surrounding the City hall have a height of 15 and 10
meters approximately. The distance between them is 10 meters to the
building at the north, 8 meters to the building at the right, 40 meters to
the building in the south.

- Modeling of areas:
o All kind of areas have been considered. However, areas as toilets have
been considered as the same area.
o Moreover, the areas from the elevators have been considered as parts of
the corridors from the building.
o The stairs have been modeled as space of the corridors or own areas in
the case of stairs without corridors.

- Doors: It has been considered 8 kinds of doors:

o 2x0.8 meters (high x length)
o 2.8x1.2 meters
o 2.8x2 meters
o 2.8x1.8 meters
o 3.8x2.25 meters
o 2.8x1.1 meters
o 3x1.6 meters
o 1.28x0.8 meters

- Windows : 8 kind of windows

o 2.8x1.2meters (facade 1st floor)
o 1.5x1.2 meters (building D)
o 2x1.2 meters (inner facade building B&C)
o 2x0.75 meters (parliament windows)
o 2.8x1.75 meters (building A.1)
o 0.5x0.5 meters (building D stairs)

- Building construction:
o The roof from the building E has been considered flat.
o There is no inclination in the parcel of the building.

- People:
o The number of people has been calculated by observation, and counting
number of chairs in the building.
o Schedule depending on the operation hours.

- Lighting: 3 kinds of lights in the whole building have been considered:

o Bulb 60W
o Fluorescent 35W
o Spotlight 120W
o Schedule depending on the operation hours

- Furniture: Different kinds of heat irradiance from the furniture have been
o Pc ,printer, TV, projector, fridge, microwaves, coffee machine = 60W
o Pumps = Power X Electrical efficiency (90%)
o Water Chiller = Power compressor X Electrical efficiency (90%)
o Schedule depending on the operation hours

- Supply/return air from/to AHU:

o For some zones it has been considered a standard air change rate
provided by the engineering tool box47.
o There is an ideal cooling device in every room of the building, where the
airflow comes from the AHU.
o Schedule depending on the operation hours.
o The temperature of the air supplied is constant, it is 16 degrees.

- Schedules:
o Operation hours of the company are:

See the appendix VII for the considered air change rates.

From 1st June to 31st August : 7:50 16:00
Rest of the year: 7:50 17:00
Coffee time: 9:30 10:00 / 14:30 15:00
Lunch time : 12:00 13:00
o The schedule of the parliament:
1 day per month from 9 to 17 (July and August there is no
o The schedule of IDA for the ventilation has been considered 1 hour
earlier and 1 hours later than the current company schedule therefore, the
documents from the course building energy systems, consider that the
operation hours starts 1 hour earlier and finish 1 hour late48.
o The schedule of the doors has been considered:
Always open the inner doors
Always closed toilet doors and security doors
Always closed or Op. H. Stadshuset the ones at the entrance
Op. H. shops the ones in the shops

- Thermal bridges: It has been considered that the thermal bridges in the building
are good within the range that IDA ICE provides.

- Set points:
o Heating: In order not to calculate the heating, the temperature when the
heaters have to be operating is -50 degrees.
o Cooling: 25 degrees

- Simulation:
The simulation is carried out from the 1st of May to the 31st of September due to
the fact that the temperatures from the other month are not higher than 20
degrees. That is why it has been analyzed only the months where the
temperature is higher than 20 degrees therefore the cooling coils are activated
when the inside temperature is higher than 25 degrees.

Karimipanah, T. Lectures of building and energy systems: the energy balance of a building part II,
Hgskolan I Gvle, Glve, 2013.


The results of the simulation will be organized depending on the obtained chars from
IDA ICE. Moreover, the results are subclassifyed depending on the requirements of the

Cooling power
First of all, the obtained results are split up in total cooling power of the air handling
units and total cooling power of the cooling units of the zones. Herefore it has been split
up the coolin power of the air handling units represents the current cooling power that
the city hall have, and the total cooling power of the cooling units define the extra
cooling power that the city hall needs to supply in order to respect the set points of
every room and having a comfortable environment. Thus, for calculating the ideal
cooling load of the building, these two cooling powers have to be added to the

In the next two figures are shown the cooling power of the air handling units and the
coolin units from the zones. It can be seen that the biggest amount of cooling is
provided by the air handling units. However, there are some zones that they need an
extra cooling load so that they can satisfy their requirements.


In figure 40 can be seen that the cooling load increases from the beggining of June until
the end of August, having a cooling peak in the middle of July. It can also be seen that
July is the month where the system is operating more than the others. The calculated
maximum cooling power of the cooling coils from the AHUs is 570.7kW on the 13/07
at 1:00pm.


On the other hand, in figure 41 can be seen the cooling load of the cooling units. As
well as in the cooling power of the AHUs, the cooling power of the cooling units
increases from the middle of June. However, it decreases earlyer, around the end of
July. For this case, the calculated maximum cooling power peak of the cooling units is
143.3 kW the 3/07 of July at 4:00pm.

After having compared the two cooling powers from both AHUs and unit coils, it has to
be calculated the ideal cooling power that the building has to fullfil. In the following
figure, it is shown the addition of these two cooling powers to one total cooling power.
The figure shows how every cooling power affect the total cooling power. So that, it can
be seen that the maximum cooling power is found the same day as the cooling power of
the AHUs cooling peak. This cooling peak rises up to 671kW on the 13/07 at 1:00pm .

Cooling Power
500 Total Cooling Power
Power [Watts]

400 Cooling Power AHU
300 Cooling Power
250 Cooling Units
2800 3300 3800 4300 4800 5300 5800


Delivered energy
It has to be distinguished the cooling energy usage and the electrical energy usage. As
explained in the lasts chapters, the water chiller of the city hall uses electricity for
cooling down the incoming water from the air handling units. So that, the delivered
energy that has to be considered is the electrical one.

In the next table, it is shown the total delivered energy of the building: The electrical
energy is split up in lighting, cooling, HVAC aux49 and Equipment.


In this table it can be seen the distribution of delivered energy of the cooling. The total
delivered energy of the month of July rises up to 12MWh, which represents a 57% or
It corresponds to the electricity usage of the air pumps from the AHUs.

the total delivered energy of cooling. On the month of August and June, the delivered
energy represents a 23% and a 17% respectively. Finally, in June and September
represents less that 1% of the total amount of the cooling energy. So that, the total
amount of energy for cooling production rises up to 21MWh per year.

Moreover, in the next table it can be seen the total delivered energy during the whole
summer season. It can also be seen the power demand of lighting, cooling, HVAC
system and the equipment.


Thus, it has been considered that the ideal power demand of electricity for the cooling is
164.3kW. With this power demand, it can be satisfied all the cooling requirements of
the building, ensuring a total comfort in every zone of the building.

Finally, these values can be compared in order to see the energy distribution of the
building. On the next figure is shown this distribution.


In this picture it can be seen that the ventilation system of the city hall uses more than
the 50% of the total delivered energy during June, July and August.


On this chapter it is explained all the procedure followed for converting the current
water chilled system to a district cooling system. For that, from the international Energy
Agency, it has been taken their procedure for converting a building with water chillers
to a district cooling building. The steps that it has to be followed are:

1) Building survey and schematic design.

2) Building peak cooling load and annual energy requirements.
3) Component compatibility.
4) Conversion concept and cost estimates.
5) System optimization and detailed design.
6) Construction schedule.
7) Installation, testing and commissioning.

Nevertheless, it has to be said that in this project it will only be followed until the 4 th
step due to the fact that the aim of this project is to calculate the total costs of
installation and performance of district cooling. This way, this thesis could be continued
by starting from the 5th step.
On the next paragraph these steps are explained in more detail.


Building survey
The building survey has been done on the other chapters, however, it is summarized in
the next paragraphs.

1) Current system:

2) Cooling load by 50 W/m


3) Calculation by Mathematical programs

Building peak cooling load

For calculating the peak cooling load of the building, the above cases have to be
compared to decide the supposed cooling power of the district cooling system.

First of all, in the next figure there are shown the different cooling loads calculated in
this project.


First of all, it can be seen that with the cooling power of the current system, there will
be some days where the system would have to work at full capacity and even that it will
not fulfill all required cooling demand. Moreover, with the cooling power of IDA ICE it
will be fulfilled the cooling demand of every day of the year. Finally, with the cooling
power of the 50W/m calculations, it can fulfill almost all the required cooling demand
of the building. However, there will be two days of the entire simulation where the
cooling demand would not be fulfilled.

It has to be chosen one cooling load for the consequently design of the system. There
has to be considered two reasons in order to choose the appropriate cooling power of the
system. These are: an economic point of view of the investment; and the cooling
demand required.

- Economic point of view:

Depending in which cooling power is contracted, the impact fee can vary a lot.
In the following table it is calculated the impact fees 50 for the different
calculated cooling loads51:

Cooling Power 2010 2011 2012 2013 Average Units

Q = 185.8 kW 192.16 191.11 189.03 188.99 190.32 kr/kW
Q = 447.28 kW 252.41 253.03 254.26 254.29 253.50 kr/kW
Q = 671 kW 303.96 306.01 310.07 310.15 307.55 kr/kW


In this first table there are shown the different prices per year of the calculated
cooling loads. Hence, the average price of four years has been calculated in
order to calculate the impact fee per year of each cooling load. This is shown in
the following table.

Cooling Power Impact fee / year Units

Q = 185.8 kW 35.36 kSEK
Q = 447.28 kW 113.38 kSEK
Q = 671 kW 206.36 kSEK


Hence, it can be seen that the impact fee increases depending on the cooling
power that it is contracted.

Impact fee is defined as the tax which corresponds to the cost for providing district cooling to the
The Prices have been proportionated by Gvle Energi AB. See the appendix IX.

- Cooling demand
It has to be considered the amount of hours that the system will work below the
cooling demand of the building. In the next table it is shown this amount of
hours for every calculated cooling load. It is also calculated the % of time that
has been operating below the requirements compared to the total operation hours
of the cooling system

Cooling Power Hours % total O.P.

Q>185.8kW 160 8,82
Q>447.28kW 13 0,72
Q>671kW 0 0


On this paragraph it is decided the optimal cooling power for the district cooling that the
city hall should have.

Analyzing the two factors explained above, the best option for the city hall would be
contracting a cooling load of 447.28kW for the district cooling. This option fulfills
99.28% of the total cooling demand of the building and also it has a relative good
impact fee of 113.38 kSEK / year.

It has to be said that Gvle Energi AB provides their customers with a value of 450kW
of chilled water. Thus, it is considered a final cooling power of 450 kW for the district
cooling system. Moreover, it is considered that the chilled water within the building is
propelled by two water pumps in parallel. Each water pump has an electrical power of
1.1 kW. Hence, the total electrical power needed for the cooling system is 2.2 kW.


The connection between the district cooling pipes from the cooling plant and the chilled
water system of the building are split up in two systems: primary system and secondary

The primary system is defined as the connector between the incoming pipe from the
cooling plant and the heat exchanger of the building. On the other hand, the secondary
system is defined as the piping system between the heat exchanger and the cooling
devices of the building (air handling units or chilled beams, for instance). In the next
paragraphs these two systems are explained in more detail.

Primary system
The primary system is constructed and owned by the energy supplier of the building, in
this case Gvle Energi AB. The company is in charge of providing the building with all
the piping and heat exchangers needed. Afterwards, the costumer would have to pay an
impact fee for the use of all these material.

The primary system is split up between the connection of the building with the cooling
plant and the piping system of the primary system within the building.

- Connection between cooling plant and the building:

From the main pipe (PE 500mm of diameter) sunk in the Gavlen, the river of
the city, there is a branch upcoming under Norra Kpmangatan until it finds the
current district heating grid in Kyrkogatan. There the pipe turns to the left for
going together with the district heating grid. At Kyrkogatan, the pipe divides in
two branches. One is continuing to the city center for providing all the costumers
with chilled water, the other is incoming to the Stadshus plot. The pipe
connected directly to Stadshus has a diameter of 150mm and it also has a water
flow of 15.3 L/s which provides the building with a peak load of 450kW of

The pipes are buried in the ground, and connected to the chilled room at the
basement of the zone C of the building. All this description can be appreciated
in figure 45.


- Primary system within the building:


In figure 46, it can be seen the piping system of the district coolings primary and
secondary system.

First of all, the incoming pipes, from the cooling plant, enter to the zone C.B.6 of the
building C, where the heating and cooling rooms are. The incoming chilled water flows
through the 150mm diameter pipes to the primary system within the building.

The main components of the piping system of the primary system are:

- Isolation valve:
It can be seen this valve at the beginning of the system. It stops the flow of the
process, usually for maintenance or safety purposes.

- Needle valve:
It uses a tapered pin to gradually open a space for fine control of flow. Hence, the
needle valve is used in flow metering applications. In this case, it is used for
calculating the difference of pressure between the incoming cooled water and the
return water.

- Air vent:
It is used for removing air from the cooled water.

- Pressure safety valve:

It is a valve mechanism which automatically releases a substance the system
when the pressure or temperature exceeds preset limits.

- Control valve:
It is used to control conditions such as flow, pressure, temperature, and liquid
level by fully or partially opening or closing in response to signals received from
controllers that compare a "set point" to a "process variable" whose value is
provided by sensors that monitor changes in such conditions.

- Freeze protection:
It consists in an optional system which prevents the water to be frozen during
cold days. This system opens the valve to keep flowing the income water when
there is no need for cooling within the building.

- Other meters:
The energy meter registers the quantity of energy transferred from the users
secondary system to the primary system. Cooling energy is the product of mass
flow, temperature difference, the specific heat of the water, and time. It is
difficult to measure mass flow in an enclosed pipe system, so volume flow is
measured with the flow meter. The result is corrected for the density and specific
heat capacity of the water, which depends on its temperature, also measured by
the two temperature meters. The effect of pressure is so small that it can be
neglected, however it is calculated by the pressure meters between the incoming
and the return pipes. Moreover, an energy meter consists of a flow meter, a pair
of temperature sensors, and an energy calculator that integrates the flow,
temperature data and correction factors.

Secondary system
In this case, the secondary system is owned and constructed by the customer.
Nevertheless, the city hall has already built all this system because of the current water
chiller system that the building has. So that, only a few parts of the secondary system
have to be changed in order to be connected to the heat exchanger.

The current secondary system is composed by two parallel pumps, one expansion tank,
two butterfly valves, a strainer and all the pipes that connect the water chiller with the air
handling units. Hence, in order to adapt the current system to district cooling, only the
pipe connected to the water chiller has to be modified and connected to the future heat
exchanger. In the following scheme, it is shown the future secondary system with district


It can also be appreciate that there is an incoming pipe connected to the secondary
system. This pipe is in charge of supplying with new water the system in case of
leakages or substitution of the water of the secondary system. Moreover, the secondary
system is connected to an expansion tank, which is responsible to regulate the water
pressure of the system.

Heat exchanger
This part of the system represents the connector between the
primary and the secondary systems. The properties of the cooling
system, for example the cooling capacity, are defined with the
heat exchanger. For this reason, the definition of the Heat
exchangers power defines the cooling capacity of the whole
system. That is why, for this case it has to be installed a heat
exchanger whose capacity raises 450kW. Moreover, it will be

used a plane heat exchanger because of its high efficiency. In the FIGURE 48: PLANE HEAT
following paragraph there are explained the properties of the
selected heat exchanger:

Hot side Cold side Units
Density 999.8 1000 Kg/m
Specific heat 4.20 4.20 KJ/(kg*K)
Thermal conductivity 0.588 0.587 W/(m*k)
Viscosity in 1.11 1.54 cP
Viscosity out 1.50 1.14 cP
Water flow 10.2 10.2 l/s
Temperature in 16 11.3 C
Temperature out 5.5 4.5 C
Pressure 98.8 96.9 kPa

Primary and secondary system

The incoming pipes from the district cooling enters the basement of the building C, as it
can be seen in figure 49. These two pipes go across the heating room in the right side of
the room, and then they enter to the cooling room, where they find the heat exchanger.
Moreover, the pipes from the secondary system leave the heat exchanger for going
across the heating room by the ceiling of the room. Then they go up following the stairs,
which are located at the middle of the building C, and then they go up to the roof by the
outside wall of this building.

The secondary system is already installed on the building, that is why it has to be only
installed the district cooling piper, the heat exchanger and then it has to be connected
the heat exchanger with the current pipes of the secondary system.



After having designed the primary and secondary system, it has to be explained the list
of costs and prices of district cooling. These costs are split up in some parts in order to
consider every part of the investment and the expenses.

In the first table it can be found the cost of installing district cooling to a building. This
installation costs are split up in substation cost and access charge. On the one hand, the
substation cost consists on the price of all the parts, for instance pipes or devices. This
cost also includes the construction costs. On the other hand, the access charge includes
all the cost of construction for bringing chilled water from the main pipes of the city to
the plot of the building52.

In this table in can also be seen the total installation costs, which rises up to 1250 kSEK.
This investment can be paid by a loan provided by the supplier company53.

Installation Costs
Substation 350 kSEK

Access Charge 900 kSEK

Total installation 1250 kSEK


Moreover, the cost associated with the tear down of the old system has to be mentioned
on the investment of district cooling. This cost includes the removal of the old system,
which includes pipes, water chiller and cooling towers. See table 22.

Hence, the owner of the building has also to pay this extra cost in order to install the
new cooling system. Nevertheless, this cost is not considered in the mentioned loan,
therefore this is an operation made by an external company.

All the costs and prices for district cooling, which are show on this chapter, have been provided by
Gvle Energi AB. See appendix IX
On the Results chapter, it is explained in more detail this payment.
Other Costs
Teardown the old system 103 kSEK

Total investment 1353 kSEK


Finally, it can be found the annual costs of this system. These are split up in three
different parts: Energy usage; Impact fee; and Maintenance.

Annual Costs
Energy Price 270/310 SEK/MWh

Impact fee 230/520 (350/1500 kW) SEK/kW

Maintenance 5 kSEK

Total costs Costs > 5 kSEK


- Energy usage: This charge is associated to the total amount of cool used by the
costumer. For these reason this fee is expressed in SEK per MWh used. As
showed in the next table, this value has varied between 270 to 310 SEK on the
lasts 5 years54.

- Impact fee: it is a charge associated to the usage of the district cooling system.
Depending on the installation, the fee can vary. On the table below, it is show
some prices depending on the cooling power of the installation. The impact fee
can vary from 230 SEK per kW, for an installation of 350kW, up to 520 SEK
per kW for an installation of 1500kW.

- Maintenance: This is the cost associated to the maintenance of the system.

Thus, the total cost per year of the system would be up to 5 kSEK per year. Then,
depending on the energy usage and the cooling power of the installation, the total
annual cost will vary significantly.

See appendix IX.

In this chapter the results of the energetic and economic analysis are mentioned. Firstly,
it is explained the lacks of the current cooling system coopered to the optimal cooling
load calculated at chapter 5. Moreover, one solution is proposed for fulfilling all the
requirements of the building. Secondly, this solution is compared with district cooling
with an economic and environmental analysis. To conclude, an optimal solution will be


As explained in all the other chapters, during the summertime the city hall is cooled
down with a water chiller and another secondary chiller, located in the basement. Both
chillers have a total cooling load of 185.8kW with an electrical power of 43.53kW.
Moreover, the coefficient of performance of these combined chillers is 4.27.

Nevertheless, as explained before, there is a lack of cooling on the summertime, which

highly affects the indoor environment of the building. Thus, the workers will also be
affected. For this reason, in order to fulfill the best possible way the comfort of the
workers, another cooling system should have to be installed.


In the figure above, it is shown the critical points of the current system. In the legend it
can be seen the different cold supplied in every room for satisfying the comfort in a
good level. For instance, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th floors from the building D are exposed to
higher temperatures, for this reason, they are been cooled down more than other rooms.
Thus, some cooling units should be installed in the critical points. Nevertheless, this is
solution should not be considered because of the expenses that suppose an installation
of this level.

New system
The optimal solution for this problem is providing the building with a new cooling
system that would fulfill the cooling load of all the rooms. As explained in chapter 6.1,
one good solution would be the installation of a cooling system with a cooling load of

An economic solution for this issue would be the installation of a high efficient water
chiller with a cooling capacity of 450kW. For this device it has been considered the
same coefficient of performance as the current one, 4.27. Hence, the required electrical
power would increase up to 106 kW. Furthermore, the calculated energy usage by
cooling would be 88,47MWh per year.

The cost of investment for one water chillers can fluctuate depending on the quality of
the device, the cooling load, the coefficient of performance and the life expectancy. It
has been considered that the price of buying a new cooling device rises up to 1400
kSEK. Moreover, it is taken into account a maintenance cost of 60 kSEk per year and
also a life expectancy around 20 years55.

The properties of the chosen solution are exposed in the following table:

Proposed Cooling System Units

Type Water chiller -
Cooling power 450 kW
Electrical power 106 kW
COP 4.27 -
Cooling Energy 88.47 MWh/year
Electrical Energy 20.72 MWh/year
Life expectancy 20 years
Price 1400 kSEK
Maintenance costs 60 kSEK

To conclude, this water chiller can fulfill the requirements of the building almost during
all the operation hours in summertime56. Moreover, the prices of tear down of the old
system are not considered.

Energy prices
The performance of the system requires some energy costs that have to be paid every
year to the energy company. In the table below, there are shown the electricity prices on
2013 from Gvle Energi AB for a building with a low voltage grid.

Prices Electricity 2013

Energy price ( EPe ) 507.5 SEK/MWh

Impact fee (Low voltage) ( IFe ) 252 SEK/kW

This prices have been provided by Gvle Energi AB.
As explained before, a system can fulfill 100% of the cooling demand if its cooling power is higher than
Mobile network charge ( MNCe ) 58 SEK/MWh

Fixed fee ( FFe ) 4000 SEK

Reactive electricity charge 0 SEK/KVAr


The electricity bill is split up in five components. The first one is the price of every
MWh used. The following four prices correspond to the different charges associated to
the installation. In this case, it has not been considered the costs of reactive electricity.

Furthermore, in the following char, there is shown the temporal distribution of the
energy price on the last 5 years. It can be seen that the electricity price are fluctuates
around 0.15 SEK on this 5 years. However, observing the tendency line it can be said
the energy price is overall increasing. For this reason, in future calculations, it will be
considered a linear tendency of the energy prices. In addition, all the electric charges
will be considered as the same linear tendency as the energy price57.

Energy price




2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014


It has been chosen this tendency for all the charges because there is only temporal data from the
energy pricing.

The district cooling system is considered another good solution for solving the heat gain
problems of the building. As mentioned in chapter 5, this centralized system can
provide big amounts of cooling without using big amounts of electrical energy as
normal chilled systems do.

Furthermore, the properties of the estimated system are described in the table below.
There are explained most important characteristics of the system. There is a difference
between the needed cooling energy and the supplied cooling energy because of the
efficiency of the heat exchanger. For this reason, the secondary system needs 88.47
MWh per year for fulfilling its requirements. However, the cooling plant has to provide
91.21 MWh per year due to the heat exchanger.

Proposed Cooling System Units

Type District Cooling -
Cooling power 450 kW
Electrical power 2.2 kW
Efficiency heat exchanger 97 %
Needed Cooling Energy 88.47 MWh/year
Supplied Cooling Energy 91.21 MWh/year
Life expectancy Unlimited years
Price & Replacement costs 1353 kSEK
Maintenance costs 5 kSEK


Another point that has to be considered is the life expectancy of the installation. Due to
the fact that heat exchangers have a long operation life, it has been taken into account an
unlimited live expectancy of the device. Also, the described electrical power of 2.2kW
corresponds to the pumping power. Hence, this energy use will not be considered in
further chapters.

Energy prices
As well as in chapter 5, there are expressed the energy prices of district cooling.
Nevertheless, in the following table there are only shown the prices from 2013.

Annual Prices 2013 District cooling
Energy price ( EPdc ) h

Impact fee (450kW) ( IFdc ) 254.97 SEK/kW


In addition, there is also shown the temporal distribution of the energy price and the
impact fee for district cooling on the lasts 5 years. It can be seen that there are different
tendency lines between this two costs. In one hand, the energy price has been
fluctuating between 40SEK on the last 5 years. However, it can be appreciated a
reduction of the energy price on the last year. On the other hand, the impact fee has
been rising during all this 4 years with small fluctuations of its value. Due to this
different correlation between prices, it will be considered two different linear tendencies
on the following chapters.

Energy price Impact fee

315 255,5


295 254
280 253

275 252,5
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Year Year



In this part of the project it is compared the two suggested solutions for the cooling
system of the building. First of all, it will be done an economic analysis of every
solution that will determine the total costs of each solution. Afterwards, it will be
compared both costs and determined the savings between the optimal solution and the
other solution. To conclude, the optimal solutions costs will be exposed.

Considerations of the analysis
General assumptions

Investment period ( n ) 30 Years

Consumer price Index ( CPI ) 2 %

Capital Cost ( i ) 7 %

In the next table there are shown the different equations used for calculating the cash
flow per year of every solution. It can be perceived that all prices have the subscript n
that corresponds to the year n of the period. The investment of each operation is also
detailed below the next table.

Costs Water chiller system District cooling system

Maintenance ( ) ( )

Energy , ,

Impact fee , ,

Mobile network
, -

Fixed fee ( ) -

Cash Flow ( CF )


Water chiller system ( ) District cooling system ( )

Investment ( ) (n = 0 & 21) n=0


Furthermore, there are described some economical values that determine the
characteristics of the investments:

- Net present value ( NPV ):

( )
( )

- Net present value between two investments ( ):

( )
( ) ( )
( )

- Internal rate of return ( IRR ):

( ) , ( )

- Pay back of the investment ( Pay back ):

( ) ( )

- Benefit:
( ) Or ( )

In this part of the economic analysis all the calculations are done. In the next tables
there are shown three different annual cash flows. The first one expresses the cash flow
for the zero period (n=0), when both systems are still not running and the investments
are done. The second table shows a normal cash flow when the systems are operating
correctly. And finally, the third table shows the cash flow when another water chiller is
installed in the building, due to the fact that the current water chiller has reach its life

Annual costs 2012

Water chiller system District cooling system

Investment 1400 kSEK 1353 kSEK

Maintenance - kSEK - kSEK

Energy - kSEK - kSEK

Impact fee - kSEK - kSEK

Mobile network charge - kSEK - kSEK

Fixed fee - kSEK - kSEK

Total costs 1400 kSEK 1353 kSEK


Annual costs 2014

Water chiller system District cooling system

Investment - KSEK - kSEK

Maintenance 61.20 kSEK 5.10 kSEK

Energy 11.39 kSEK 26.57 kSEK

Impact fee 28.95 kSEK 115.14 kSEK

Mobile network charge 1.30 kSEK - kSEK

Fixed fee 4.33 kSEK - kSEK

Total costs 107.17 kSEK 146.81 kSEK


Annual costs 2033

Water chiller system District cooling system

Investment 2121.93 kSEK - kSEK

Maintenance 89.16 kSEK 7.43 kSEK

Energy 14.47 kSEK 24.44 kSEK

Impact fee 36.79 kSEK 121.16 kSEK

Mobile network charge 1.65 kSEK - kSEK

Fixed fee 5.51 kSEK - kSEK

Total costs 2269.5 kSEK 153.04 kSEK


In addition, in the next table it can be seen all cash flows for both investments of the

Cash Flow (kSEK)


2012 -1400,00 -1353,00 2023 -125,01 -149,65 2034 -150,01 -153,39
2013 -102,43 -145,23 2024 -127,12 -149,98 2035 -152,48 -153,74
2014 -107,17 -146,81 2025 -129,27 -150,31 2036 -154,99 -154,10
2015 -109,05 -147,12 2026 -131,45 -150,64 2037 -157,54 -154,47
2016 -110,96 -147,43 2027 -133,65 -150,97 2038 -160,13 -154,83
2017 -112,88 -147,74 2028 -135,89 -151,31 2039 -162,75 -155,20
2018 -114,84 -148,05 2029 -138,16 -151,65 2040 -165,41 -155,57
2019 -116,82 -148,37 2030 -140,47 -151,99 2041 -168,11 -155,95
2020 -118,82 -148,69 2031 -142,80 -152,34 2042 -170,86 -156,33
2021 -120,86 -149,01 2032 -145,17 -152,68
2022 -122,92 -149,33 2033 -2269,50 -153,03

First of all, it has been calculated the net present values for each operation. It can be
seen that the NPV of the investment is negative for both cases because all the costs are
considered expenses. Nevertheless, for choosing the optimal solution, these two
solutions have to be compared. For this reason, it has been calculated the NPV between
them. In the next table there are shown the economic rates of the economic study.

- 3465.81 kSEK
- 3208.78 kSEK
259.11 kSEK
12 %
21 years
19 %

The rates of the economic study are explained on the following points:

The total net present value for the water chiller system will rise up to 3465.8
kSEK in 30 years. This value represents the total expenses of the system
considering that the price of the currency during all the period is the same as the
price at the zero period.

In this case, the NPV for the district cooling system will rise up to 3208.8 kSEK
in 30 years. It can be seen that the total expenses of this investment will be lower
than the water chiller systems ones. For this reason, it can be said that the
district cooling system is more profitable than the water chiller system.

This rate determines the amount of expenses that can be saved comparing the
two systems. Because of lower expenses of the DCS, the net present value
between the systems is positive. For this reason, it can be said that the money
savings of district cooling system will be 259.11 kSEk during this period of 30
years. However, before reaching the conclusion that district cooling is a better
option than a water chiller system it has to be analyzed the internal rate of return.

- & Capital Cost

The internal rate of return on an investment is the "annualized effective
compounded return rate" or "rate of return" that makes the net present value of
all cash equal to zero 58 . In this case, the IRR between the district cooling
system and the water chiller system is 12%.

To determine if the district cooling system is a better solution than the water
chiller system, it has to be compared the IRR with the capital cost of the
operation. When a project has a higher IRR than the capital cost, the yield of
the operation is higher than the minimum required yield, which meant that the
project is profitable. In this case the IRR (12%) is higher than the capital cost

Main, M.A., Project Economics and Decision Analysis, Volume I: Deterministic Models, Page 269
(7%), for this reason, investing for a district cooling system is a better operation
than investing for a water chiller system, in a period of 30 years.

Payback period in capital budgeting refers to the period of time required for
the return on an investment to "repay" the sum of the original investment59.
The payback of this operation is 21 years, which means that the district cooling
system will start to have more benefits than the water chiller system after 21
years of the installation.

Accumulated NPV

-100 0 5 10 15 20 25 30



In the last figure it is shown the accumulated NPV between DCS and WCS. It
can be seen that on the first year, installing DCS is more profitable than WCS.
Although after the second year, WCS is more profitable. However, after 21
years, installing DCS would be more profitable.

To conclude, in a short-term investing on WCS is a profitable option.

Nevertheless, in a long-term, investing on DCS would be definitely more

Due to the fact that DCS is a better investment than WCS, the benefit of DCS
compared with WCS will be 19% in a term of 30 years. This rate tells the
percentage of benefits of the investment compared to the initial investment
( ).

Williams, J.R., Financial and Managerial Accounting, Mcgraw Hill, Page 1117, 2012.
- Energy prices
Nevertheless, one last aspect has to be considered. Depending on the chosen
energy prices the results can vary a little bit. On this case, data provided from the
local energy company has been used for a more realistic calculation for this
specific area. The energy prices have been collected taking into account the
different characteristics of the electric and cooling system. This way, for the
electric installation of the city hall, it has been considered a low voltage
installation and always operating in low load60.

The results of the economic analysis have shown that, in a long term, investing on a
district cooling system is a better choice than water chiller system. As explained before,
the investment of DCS compared to WCS will have a net present value of 259.11 kSEK,
with an internal rate of return of 12% and a payback of the investment of 21 years.
Moreover, the benefits of this investment will rise up to 19% at the end of the 30Th


Apart from the economic analysis, it has to be analyzed another point before concluding
that DCS are a better choice than WCS. Nowadays, the environmental part of projects is
being considered more than in the past. Two reasons of this change are the subsidies for
investing in renewable energies and a more environmental behavior. For this reason, it
has to be done an environmental analysis between district cooling and water chillers.

Considerations of the analysis

For doing an environmental research, it has to be analyzed the emission of particles
from used energy from each system. Due to the fact that the cooling energy does not
emit polluted particles, it has only to be considered the electrical energy, which is used
for generating cooling energy.

On one hand, water chillers use big amounts of electricity for generating cooling. This
amount of energy can be calculated from the coefficient of performance of the device.

Gvle Energi AB (January 2013), Ntavgifter. Available at website: http://www.gavleenergi.se/
index.asp?meny=foretag&show=elnat&src=include/foretag/elnat/ natavgifter.htm. Accessed July 2013.
Moreover, the electricity used is provided by the electrical grid of the building. On the
other hand, the amount of electrical energy used in district cooling is much lower than
the other system. However, it has to be also considered for a more real solution. In this
case, the used energy is delimitated by the electrical efficiency of the water chillers of
the cooling plant. Hence, the electrical energy is used in the cooling plant instead of in
the main building.

In the next table it is shown the amount of emitted particles per electrical MWh used61.

CO ( ) 936,09 Kg/MWh year
SOx ( ) 0,51 Kg/MWh year
NOx ( ) 0,30 Kg/MWh year


As explained in the chapter above, it has to be calculated the electrical energy from both
cases. The equations for calculate this energy are expressed below:

- Electrical energy DCS ()

( ) ( )

- Electrical energy WCS ( ):

( )

- Carbon dioxide emissions ( ):

( )

- Sulfur oxides emissions ( ):

( )

Data provided by Gvle Energi AB.
- Nitrogen oxides emissions ( ):

( )

Taking into account the previous equations, the particles emission can be calculated.
The results can be seen in the following table. After the table, the results are explained
in more detail.

WCS DCS Difference Units

Power installation 450 450 - kW
Cooling demand 88,47 91,21 -2,74 MWh
COP chiller/Efficiency DC (%) 4,27 93% - -
Electrical Energy 20,72 6,38 14,34 MWh
CO 19395,16 5976,51 13418,65 kg/year
SOx 10,66 3,28 7,37 kg/year
NOx 6,31 1,95 4,37 kg/year
Reduction - - 69,19 %


- Electrical energy (EE)

As explained in this chapter, the electrical energy is responsible in a big part of
the generation of cooling energy. The emitted particles from the process of
transformation electric energy to cooling energy are neglected, whereas it has to
be considered the emitted particles by the power plants during the electricity
generation. For this reason, it has to be calculated the electrical energy used by
each process. In this case, the associated electrical energy used for each process
would be 20.72 MWh/year for WCS and 6.38 MWh/year for DCS. In other
words, there is a 69.19% of energy reduction with district cooling.

Due to the fact that there is an energy reduction of approximately 70%, the
difference between the emitted particles between both systems has the same
reduction. In the case of carbon dioxide, there is a reduction between systems of

13.4 Tons/year. Nevertheless, as explained before, depending on the type of
cooling plant this value can vary. For instance, the emitted particles would be
radically reduced if in the production of chilled water free cooling systems
would be used.

- &
Despite the fact that the amount of emitted particles of sulfur and nitrogen
oxides is lower than the carbon dioxide particles, it has also to be carefully
considered because of the high contaminant rate of these two particles. The
reductions of using DCS instead of WCH are 7.37 kg/year and 4.37 kg/year for
and respectively.

In this environmental study it can be seen that the usage of DCS compared to WCS can
reduce a 70% the amount of emitted particles to the atmosphere due to the reduced
electrical energy.

Compared to other particles, the carbon dioxide is the most produced particle in
electricity generation. Thus, a big decrease of the electricity usage can reduce in a high
level the amount of this emitted particle.

To sum up, this district cooling system can reduce 14.34 MWh in electricity, which
means an energy reduction of 70% compared to a water chiller system. Moreover, the
carbon dioxide emitted is reduced 13.4 Tons/year whereas sulfur and nitrogen oxides
are reduced 7.37 and 4.37 kg/year respectively.


- It has been analyzed the cooling system of the city hall of Gvle. It is composed
by a primary water chiller and other secondary cooling systems with a total
cooling capacity of 185.8 kW and a coefficient of performance of 4.27.

- The optimal cooling load for the building has been calculated by three methods:
o Watts per square meter: 450kW
o Current cooling capacity: 185.8kW
o Mathematical program: 671kW

- By the program IDA ICE it has been simulated the performance of the cooling
system. With the analysis of the indoor environment and taking into account the
comfort rates, it has been calculated a cooling demand for all the building of
671kW whereas it has also calculated an associated electrical demand of

- There has to be a modification of the cooling system in order to satisfy the

comfort in every room of the building by more cooling load. That is why a new
cooling system has to be installed.

- For selecting the optimal cooling load of the new system, the following table has
been used. On the one hand, it has been taken into account an economic point of
view, where different energy charges have been calculated. On the other hand, it
has been considered an operation time point of view, where depending on the
maximum cooling capacity of the solutions, the building will be more hours
under the required cooling demand.

Cooling load Impact fee (kSEK/year) % < Operation hours

Q = 185.8 kW 35.36 8,82
Q = 447.28 kW 113.38 0,72
Q= 671 kW 206.36 0


Hence, the optimal cooling load of the system would be 450kW with a yearly
impact fee of 113.38 kSEK and an operation time below the cooling demand of
0.72% of the operation hours.

- With a cooling load of 450 two cooling systems have been chosen:

o New water chiller system with the following characteristics:

Proposed Cooling System Units

Type Water chiller -
Cooling power 450 kW
Electrical power 106 kW
COP 4.27 -
Cooling Energy 88.47 MWh/year
Electrical Energy 20.72 MWh/year
Life expectancy 20 years
Price 1400 kSEK
Maintenance costs 60 kSEK/year


o District cooling system with the following characteristics:

Proposed Cooling System Units

Type District Cooling -
Cooling power 450 kW
Electrical power 2.2 kW
Efficiency heat exchanger 97 %
Needed Cooling Energy 88.47 MWh/year
Supplied Cooling Energy 91.21 MWh/year
Life expectancy Unlimited years
Price & Replacement costs 1353 kSEK
Maintenance costs 5 kSEK/year


- Both options have been compared in order to select the optimal one. For this
research it has been carried out two analysis:

o Economic analysis:

259.11 kSEK
12 %
21 Years
19 %


o Environmental analysis:

CO 13418,65 kg/year
SOX 7,37 kg/year
NOX 4,37 kg/year


- Installing District cooling at the building is a good investment in a long term.

The investment will produce 260kSE benefits compared to a water chiller
system. The payback of the investment would be 21 years with an internal rate
of return of 12% and a 19% of benefits compared to the first investment.

Moreover, the usage of district cooling would decrease the particles emission up
to 70%. In case of carbon dioxide, there would be reduced 13.5 tons per year
whereas 7.4 and 4.4 kg per year of sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides would be


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On the next pages, there are shown the manuals of the different air handling units of the
city hall.
First of all, there are shown the schemas of every machine where there are listed all
sensors from different points of the air flow. Furthermore, there is described the
operation time of the device, where it is explained its performance during the day and
After the operation times, there are described the operation levels of all parts of the
machine. Finally, a table with the settings of the machine is shown.

List of devices:

- TA1/FF1
- TA2/FF2
- FTX 3
- TA4/FF4
- TA5/FF5
- TA6/FF6
- TA8/FF8




Apparatskp: A1CB


Aggregatet styrs via tidsschema.

Vid uppstart startar frst frnluftsflkten FF1 och

avluftspjll ST2 ppnar. Vrmetervinning RV
styrs till maximal tervinning.
Efter instlld uppstartstid
startar tilluftsflkten TF1
samt uteluftspjll ST1 och
tilluftsspjll ST6ppnar och
normal reglering vidtar.

Vid stopp stnger uteluftspjll ST1 och tilluftsspjll ST6och avluftspjll ST2.

Nattkylan r i drift om frnluftstemperaturen verstiger instlld startgrns
och fljande villkor r uppfyllda:

- Det r sommarperiod.
- Utetemperatur ver instlld grns.
- Utetemp. har verstigit brvrde tilluft med mer n 2C i
mer n 3 timmar under normal drifttid.
- Tidsschema nattkyla aktiv.
- Aggregatet ej i ordinarie drift.

Under de frsta 10 minuterna ignoreras frnluftsvillkoren fr

att invnta korrekt mtvrde.

Nattkylan stoppar nr frnluftstemperaturen sjunkit till 4 grader

under instlld startgrns eller ngot av vriga startvillkor
upphrt att glla.

Aggregatet r i drift, vrmeventil SV11-14V och kylventil SV11K

r stngda och vrmetervinning RV r urkopplad.

Fr att undvika teruppvrmning nr nattkyla varit i drift, begrnsas

tilluftstemperaturen vid GT11,12 och 13 s att den ej verskrider inomhustemperaturen
fr respektive zon- under sex timmar efter det att tidsschema fr nattkyla stoppat.

Cirkulationspump P11V, P12V, P13V

Pumparna r i drift oktober - april eller vid lg utetemp samt
nr vrmeventil respektive vrmeventil ppnar ppnar.
Motionering vid pumpstopp via tidsschema.

Cirkulationspump P11K, P12K, P13K

Pumparna startar nr respektive kylventil ppnar och r i drift till dess ventilen
varit stngd i 5 minuter. Motionering vid pumpstopp via tidsschema.

Verkningsgradsberkning och larm

Berkning av verkningsgraden utfrs nr aggregatet r i drift.
Verkningsgrad = (GT2 - GT41) / (GT2 - GT3U) * 100

Larm fr lg verkningsgrad ges om verkningsgraden

underskrider instlld larmgrns och
fljande villkor r uppfyllda:
- Aggregatet r i drift.
- tervinningen i max.
- Vintertid gller.

Larmet terstlls om ngot av villkoren

upphr att glla.


Cirkulationspumparna P11V, P12V och P13V frreglar flktar
TF1 och FF1 nr pumparna r iordinarie vinterdrift.
Tilluftsflkten och frnluftsflkten r korsvis
frreglade, frregling terstlles via serviceomkopplare SO1.
Serviceomkopplare SO1 stoppar aggregatet och ger larm.
Kortsluten givare GT2:1, GT3:1 eller GT4:1 i
vrmebatteriretur frreglar aggregatet och ger larm.

Uteluftspjll ST1 och tilluftsspjll ST6och avluftspjll ST2 stnger
via fjdertergng.

Frysvakt utlses vid lg temperatur i vrmebatteriets retur
GT2:1, GT3:1 eller GT4:1 och
stoppar aggregatet fr att undvika snderfrysning.

Frysvakter terstlles via serviceomkopplare SO1.

Utlst rkdetektor GX71 i tilluften eller GX72 i frnluften eller vid centraltbrandlarm
stoppar TF1 och FF1 startar
Uteluftspjll ST1 och tilluftsspjll ST6 stnger. .
Avluftspjll ST2 ppnar


Tilluftstemperaturen till de olika lokalerna (kopiering, fasad vst och fasad st) regleras av en shuntgrupp fr vrme och
en fr kyla. Dessutom skickar varje lokal en signal om vilken hastighet vrmevxlaren skall drivas med. Fr att
anlggningen skall vara energieffektiv styrs VVX enligt fljande:

1. Vintertid vljs den signal som r hgst. Fr att inte kyla skall starta fr de lokaler som eventuellt r varma
blockeras denna.
2. Sommartid vljs den lgsta signalen. Kyla tillts starta.


Tilluftstemperaturen regleras via GT11.

Grundbrvrdet fr GT11 kompenseras av utetemperaturen GT3U

Och frnluftstemperaturgivaren GT15 via kurva.

Vid kande vrmebehov sker regleringen i fljande sekvens:

- 1. Kylventil SV11K stnger fr kyla

- 2. Vrmeventil SV11V ppnar fr vrme

Tilluftstemperaturen regleras via GT12.

Grundbrvrdet fr GT11 kompenseras av utetemperaturen GT3U

Och frnluftstemperaturgivaren GT5-7 via kurva.

Vid kande vrmebehov sker regleringen i fljande sekvens:

- 1. Kylventil SV12K stnger fr kyla

- 2. Vrmeventil SV12V ppnar fr vrme


Tilluftstemperaturen regleras via GT13.

Grundbrvrdet fr GT11 kompenseras av utetemperaturen GT3U

Och frnluftstemperaturgivaren GT8-10 via kurva.

Vid kande vrmebehov sker regleringen i fljande sekvens:

- 1. Kylventil SV13K stnger fr kyla

- 2. Vrmeventil SV13V ppnar fr vrme

Den gemensamma roterade vrme vxlaren styrs av den son som frtitillfllet har lgst vrme behov.

Returvattenreglering fr respektive zon

Aggregat i drift:
Om returtemperaturen vid underskrider instllt vrde kommer
returvattenregulatorn att ta ver styrningen av vrmeventilen
fr att frhindra att frysvakten lser ut.

Stoppat aggregat:
Returvattenregulatorn reglerar vrmeventilen s att nskad retur-
temperatur vid erhlles.

Sommartid, d frnluftstemperaturen vid GT2 r 2 lgre n utetemperaturen,
startas "vrmetervinning" fr maximal tervinning av kyla. Kylvxling upphr
d frnluftstemperaturen ej lngre r lgre n utelufts-

Tilluftstrycket vid GP71 regleras via varvtalsstyrning
av tilluftsflkten TF1. Frnluftstrycket vid GP72
regleras via varvtalsstyrning av frnluftsflkten FF1.

Grundbrvrdet fr GP71,GP72 kompenseras av utetemperaturen

via kurva.


Reglering temperatur: Frnluftsreglering

med max/minbegrnsning av tilluftstemp

Reglering tryck: Tillufts- och frnluftstryck

och utekompensering av tryckbrvrdet

Objekt Frklaring Lev.inst.

GP71_B Grundbrvrde tryck tilluft 496 Pa
GP71_BB Berknat brvrde tryck BERKNAT
GP72_B Grundbrvrde tryck frnluft 346 Pa
GP72_BB Berknat brvrde tryck BERKNAT
GP71_X Kurva utetemperatur: -20 5 C
GP71_Y Kompensering tryck: -25 0%
GT11_B Grundbrvrde tilluftstemperatur 18 C
GT11_BB Brvrde tilluft m.h.t. kurva
GT11_X Kurva utetemperaur: -10 0 20 25 C
GT11_Y Kompensering brvrde: 2 1 0 3 C
GT15_X Kurva frnlufttemperatur: 19,0 20,0 21,0 22,0 C
GT15_Y Kompensering brvrde GT11_BB: 1,0 0,0 -1,0 -3,0 C
Fasad st
GT12_B Grundbrvrde tilluftstemperatur 18 C
GT12_BB Brvrde tilluft m.h.t. kurva
GT12_X Kurva utetemperaur: -10 0 20 25 C
GT12_Y Kompensering brvrde: 2 1 0 3 C
GT5-7_X Kurva frnlufttemperatur: 19,0 20,0 21,0 22,0 C
GT5-7_Y Kompensering brvrde GT11_BB: 1,0 0,0 -1,0 -3,0 C
Fasad vst
GT13_B Grundbrvrde tilluftstemperatur 18 C
GT13_BB Brvrde tilluft m.h.t. kurva
GT13_X Kurva utetemperaur: -10 0 20 25 C
GT13_Y Kompensering brvrde: 2 1 0 3 C
GT8-10_X Kurva frnlufttemperatur: 19,0 20,0 21,0 22,0 C
GT8-10_Y Kompensering brvrde GT11_BB: 1,0 0,0 -1,0 -3,0 C

GT2:1-4:1 MIN_B Mingrns retur drift 12 C

GT2:1-4:1 RET_B Brvrde retur stopp 20 C
GT2:1-4:1 Frysvakt 7 C
P11-4V_STP Utetemperaturgrns stopp P11-3V 10 C
SV11-13V_X Kurva utetemperatur: -15 10 C
SV11-13V_Y "Kick" under uppstart: 50 0%

RV_LLG Larmgrns lg verkningsgrad 50 %

GT2_G Frnluftstemperaturgrns nattkyla 23 C

GT3UNK_G Utetemperaturgrns nattkyla 12 C

Sommardrift Gller Maj - September

eller utetemperaturen verstiger 10 C
KOMPP_X Kompensering av tryckbrvrde -20 5 C
KOMPP_Y via utetemp 25 0%


Objekt Drifttid Drifttidsmtning

TF1 Drift Enligt tidsschema X (aggregat)
06:00-11:00 m-fre
FF1 Drift Samkrs med TF1

Nattkyla 01:00-05:00 m-fre

Uppstartsfrdrjning 120 sek.

Pumpmotion 12:00-12:10 mndagar

P11-13V Kontinuerligt vintertid X

samt vid ppen vrmeventil
P11-13K Vid ppen kylventil X

Objekt Frklaring Larmklass
TF1 Driftstopp B
TF1 Handkrning B
FF1 Driftstopp B
FF1 Handkrning B
SO1 Serviceomkopplare B
P11V Driftstopp B
P11V Handkrning B
P11K Driftstopp B
P11K Handkrning B
P12V Driftstopp B
P12V Handkrning B
P12K Driftstopp B
P12K Handkrning B
P13V Driftstopp B
P13V Handkrning B
P13K Driftstopp B
P13K Handkrning B

RV Summalarm B
RV Lg verkningsgrad B

GT2:1-4:1 Frysvakt A/B (A om utetemp <8C B om utetemp >8C)

GX71/GX72 Rkdetektor B

GT11-13 Temperaturlarm B (hg/lg tilluftstemperatur)

GT Givarfel B
GP71 Trycklarm B (hgt/lgt tilluftstryck)
GP72 Trycklarm B (hgt/lgt frnluftstryck)
GT3U Givarfel B

TF1 Lng drifttid B

FF1 Lng drifttid B

Komponenter utanfr apparatskp

Beteckning Benmning Typ TAC-artikelnummer

STADSHUSET-TA1/FF1-GT1 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA1/FF1-GT2 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA1/FF1-GT41 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA1/FF1-GT5 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA1/FF1-GT6 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA1/FF1-GT7 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA1/FF1-GT8 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA1/FF1-GT9 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA1/FF1-GT10 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA1/FF1-GT11 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA1/FF1-GT12 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA1/FF1-GT13 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA1/FF1-GT15 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA1/FF1-GT2:1 Temperaturgivare Rr EGXA1 5131500000
STADSHUSET-TA1/FF1-GT3:1 Temperaturgivare Rr EGXA1 5131500000
STADSHUSET-TA1/FF1-GT4:1 Temperaturgivare Rr EGXA1 5131500000
STADSHUSET-TA1/FF1-GP71 Differenstryckgivare DMD 6552071000
STADSHUSET-TA1/FF1-GP72 Differenstryckgivare DMD 6552071000
STADSHUSET-TA1/FF1-GX71 Rkdetektor Kanal UG-2-J 6553010000
STADSHUSET-TA1/FF1-GX72 Rkdetektor Kanal UG-2-J 6553010000
STADSHUSET-TA1/FF1-ST1 Stlldon spjll TAC M-AF24 1740000010
STADSHUSET-TA1/FF1-ST2 Stlldon spjll TAC M-AF24 1740000010
STADSHUSET-TA1/FF1-ST6 Stlldon spjll TAC M-AF24 1740000010
STADSHUSET-TA1/FF1-SV11V Ventilstlldon M400 8800230020
STADSHUSET-TA1/FF1-SV11K Ventilstlldon M400 8800230020
STADSHUSET-TA1/FF1-SV12V Ventilstlldon M400 8800230020
STADSHUSET-TA1/FF1-SV12K Ventilstlldon M400 8800230020
STADSHUSET-TA1/FF1-SV13V Ventilstlldon M400 8800230020
STADSHUSET-TA1/FF1-SV13K Ventilstlldon M400 8800230020
STADSHUSET-TA1/FF1-CTF1 Frekvensomriktare Danfosss VLT6011 6526007000
STADSHUSET-TA1/FF1-CFF1 Frekvensomriktare Danfosss VLT6008 6526006000



Placering: FLKTRUM HUS C

Apparatskp: A1CB


Aggregatet startas vid kylbehov

Vid uppstart startar frnluftsflkten FF1 och drefter tilluftsflkten

TF1. terluftspjll ST1 stnger successivt under instlld uppstartstid
till instlld grns fr max terluft och drefter vidtar normal reglering.

Vid stopp stnger terluftspjll ST1 mot uteluft.


terluftspjll ST1 stnger mot uteluft. via fjdertergng.

Utlst rkdetektor GX71 i tilluften eller GX72 i frnluften eller vid centraltbrandlarm
stoppar TF2 och FF2 startar
terluftspjll ST1 ppnar fr uteluft


Rumstemperaturen regleras via GT2 och 3. Tilluftens temperatur begrnsas
mellan 12 och 25 C via temperaturgivare GT1.

Vid kande vrmebehov 1 ppnar terluftsspjll ST till max terluft.


Reglering temperatur: Rumsreglering

med max/minbegrnsning av tilluftstemp

Objekt Frklaring Lev.inst.

Start Start av aggregat 22C
Frd_stopp Frnslagsfrdrjning av aggregat 15Min
GT2_3_B Brvrde rumstemperatur 23 C
GT1_BB Berknat brvrde tilluft KASKAD
ST1_ML Brvrde fr max terluft 100 %

Sommardrift gller Maj - September

eller utetemperaturen verstiger 10 C


Objekt Drifttid Drifttidsmtning

TF1 Drift Vid kylbehov
FF1 Drift Samkrs med TF1

Uppstartsfrdrjning 20 sek.


Objekt Frklaring Larmklass

TF1 Driftstopp B
TF1 Handkrning B
FF1 Driftstopp B
FF1 Handkrning B
SO1 Serviceomkopplare B

GT1 Temperaturlarm B (hg/lg tilluftstemperatur

hglarm blockeras sommartid)
GT2_3 Klimatlarm B (hg/lg temperatur)
GT1 Givarfel B
GT2_3 Givarfel B

TF1 Lng drifttid B

FF1 Lng drifttid B

Komponenter utanfr apparatskp

Beteckning Benmning Typ TAC-artikelnummer

STADSHUSET-TA2/FF2-GT1 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA2/FF2-GT2 Temperaturgivare Rum EGRL 5152120010
STADSHUSET-TA2/FF2-GT3 Temperaturgivare Rum EGRL 5152120010
STADSHUSET-TA2/FF2-GX71 Rkdetektor Kanal UG-2-J 6553010000
STADSHUSET-TA2/FF2-GX72 Rkdetektor Kanal UG-2-J 6553010000
STADSHUSET-TA2/FF2-ST1 Stlldon spjll TAC M-AF24-SR 8770000010
STADSHUSET-TA2/FF2-GP1 Tryckvakt KS500 C2 30-500 Pa 9500060003
STADSHUSET-TA2/FF2-GP2 Tryckvakt KS500 C2 30-500 Pa 9500060003




Apparatskp: AS-VVS3

Aggregatet styrs via tidsschema.
Vid uppstart startar frst frnluftsflkten. Vrmetervinning RV styrs till maximal tervinning.
Efter instlld uppstartstid startar tilluftsflkten samt utluftspjll ST11 ppnar och normal
reglering vidtar.
Vid stopp stnger uteluftspjll ST11 och frnluftsspjllet
ST12 Intermittent drift av FTX 3 mellan 24.00 och 02.00.

Timer TM1-TM2
Aggregatet startas fr frlngd drift under instlld tid via tryckknappstimer. TM1 placerad i
rum 318 och TM2 i rum 237.
Vid frnyat tryck p timerknappen stoppas timerfunktion.

Nattkylan startar om inomhustemperaturen verskrider instlld startgrns och fljande villkor
r uppfyllda:
- Utetemperatur minst tv grader under inomhustemperaturen.
- Utetemperatur ver grns "varmt ute".
- Tidsschema nattkyla aktiv.
- Aggregatet ej i ordinarie drift.

Nattkylan stoppar nr inomhustemperaturen sjunkit till 4 grader under instlld startgrns eller
ngot av vriga startvillkor upphrt att glla.
Aggregatet r i drift, vrme- och kylventil r stngda och vrmetervinning r urkopplad.

Cirkulationspump FTX 3-P61

Pumpen r i drift oktober - april eller vid lg utetemp samt nr vrmeventil SV61
ppnar. Motionering vid pumpstopp via tidsschema.

Cirkulationspump FTX 3-P51

Pumpen startar nr kylventil ppnar och r i drift till dess ventilen varit stngd i 5
minuter. Motionering vid pumpstopp via tidsschema.


Cirkulationspumpen P61 frreglar flktar TF1 och FF1 nr pumpen r i ordinarie
vinterdrift. Tilluftsflkten och frnluftsflkten r korsvis frreglade, frregling terstlles
via serviceomkopplare.
Serviceomkopplare stoppar aggregatet och ger larm.
Kortsluten givare GT81 i vrmebatteriretur frreglar aggregatet och ger
larm. Spnningsbortfall
Uteluftspjll ST11, frnluftspjll ST12 och brandspjllen ST71:1-2 stnger
via fjdertergng.

Frysvakt utlses vid lg temperatur i vrmebatteriets retur och stoppar aggregatet fr att
undvika snderfrysning.
Frysvakt terstlles via serviceomkopplare.

Om brandlarmcentralen indikerar brandgas stoppar FTX 3 och spjll ST11, ST12 samt ST71:1-
2 stnger.

Utlst rkdetektor GX71 i tilluften eller GX72 i frnluften stoppar FTX 3.
Uteluftspjll ST11, frnluftspjllet ST12 och brandspjllen ST71:1-2 stnger.

Brandspjllen ST71:1-2 motionskrs var 48:e timme fr kontroll av funktion. Om spjllen

inte indikerar rtt lge utgr larm och aggregatet stoppar.


Temperaturreglering FTX 3
Tillluftstemperaturen frn det smsta (rum med lgsta temp) styr tilluftsbrvrdet
som regleras via GT11 med ddzon mellan vrme- och kylsteg.

Vid kande vrmebehov sker regleringen i fljande sekvens:

- 1. Kylventil SV51 stnger fr kyla
- 2. Vrmevxlare RV kar vrmetervinning
- 3. Vrmeventil SV61 ppnar fr vrme
Brvrdet fr tilluftstemperaturen hmtas frn smsta zon.

FTX 3 betjnar fem zoner.

Lokaltemperaturen vid GT21:1-5 konstanthlles via DUC som vid kat kylbehov ppnar ST21:1-
2, ST22:1-2, ST23:1-2, ST24:1-2 och ST25:1-2 till max flde.
GT11 har min- och max funktion.
Smsta zon styr tilluftsbrvrdet p FTX
3. Min- och max flden instlles i DUC.

Aggregat i drift:
Om returtemperaturen vid GT81 underskrider instllt vrde kommer returvattenregulatorn att
ta ver styrningen av vrmeventilen fr att frhindra att frysvakten lser ut.
Stoppat aggregat:
Returvattenregulatorn reglerar vrmeventilen s att nskad retur-temperatur vid GT81 erhlles.

Sommartid, d frnluftstemperaturen r 2 lgre n utetemperaturen, startas "vrmetervinning"
fr maximal tervinning av kyla. Kylvxling upphr d frnluftstemperaturen ej lngre r lgre n

Tryckreglering FTX 3
Tilluftstrycket regleras via GP11 och varvtalsstyrning av tilluftsflkten. Frnluftstrycket regleras
via GP12 och varvtalsstyrning av frnluftsflkten.

Verkningsgradsberkning och larm
Berkning av verkningsgraden utfrs nr aggregatet r i drift.
Verkningsgrad = (GT12 - GT13) / (GT12 - GT3U) * 100

Larm fr lg verkningsgrad ges om verkningsgraden

underskrider instlld larmgrns och
fljande villkor r uppfyllda:
3. Aggregatet r i drift.
4. tervinningen i max.
5. Vintertid gller.

Larmet terstlls om ngot av villkoren

upphr att glla

Reglering temperatur: Tilluftsreglering
Reglering tryck: Tillufts- och frnluftstryck

Objekt Frklaring Lev.inst.

GP11.B Brvrde tryckreglering 70 Pa
GP12.B Brvrde tryckreglering 100 Pa
GT11.B Brvrde tilluftstemperatur max 20 C
GT11.DZ Ddzon vrme - kyla 2 C
GT21:1-5 Brvrde rumstemperatur 20C
START.T Uppstartsfrdrjning 120 sek.
TM1.T Frlngd drift timer 120 min.
TM2.T Frlngd drift timer 120 min.
GT81.BD Mingrns retur drift 12 C
GT81.BS Brvrde retur stopp 20 C
GT81 Frysvakt 5 C
SV61.X Kurva utetemperatur: -15 10 C
SV61.Y "Kick" under uppstart: 50 0%
GT21:1.NK Inomhustemperaturgrns nattkyla 23 C


Objekt Drifttid Driftindikering Drifttidsmtning
TF1 Drift Enligt tidsschema DUC X (aggregat)
06:00-22:00 m-fre
00:00-02:00 m-s
eller via timer
FF1 Drift Samkrs med TF1 DUC

Nattkyla 01:00-05:00 m-fre

Pumpmotion 12:00-12:10 mndagar

P61 Kontinuerligt vintertid DUC X

samt vid ppen vrmeventil
P51 Vid ppen kylventil DUC X

Objekt Frklaring Larmind Larmklass
TF1 Driftstopp B
FF1 Driftstopp B
SO1 Serviceomkopplare DUC B
P61 Driftstopp B
P51 Driftstopp B
RV Summalarm DUC B
TV Lg verkningsgrad VVX B
GT81 Frysvakt A/B (A om utetemp <8C B om utetemp >8C)
GX71/GX72 Rkdetektor DUC B
GT11 Temperaturlarm B (hg/lg tilluftstemperatur)
GT21:1-5 Klimatlarm B (hg/lg temperatur)
GP11 Trycklarm B (hgt/lgt tilluftstryck)
GP12 Trycklarm B (hgt/lgt frnluftstryck)
TF1 Lng drifttid B
FF1 Lng drifttid B
P61 Lng drifttid B
P51 Lng drifttid B
ST71:1 Fel lge B
ST71:2 Fel lge B

Komponenter utanfr apparatskp
Beteckning Benmning Typ TAC-artikelnummer
FTX 3-GT11 Temperaturgivare kanal EGL 5111120000
FTX 3-GT21:1-5 Temperaturgivare rum EGRL 5152120010
FTX 3-GT12 Temperaturgivare kanal EGL 5111120000
FTX 3-GT81 Temperaturgivare rr EGX2 5121500010
FTX 3-GP11 Tryckgivare med display DMD5 0-500 Pa 0-10V 9999189964
FTX 3-GP12 Tryckgivare med display DMD5 0-500 Pa 0-10V 9999189964
FTX 3-TM1 Tryckknapp med indikering 9403 9990052002
FTX 3-TM2 Tryckknapp med indikering 9403 9990052002
FTX 3-GX71 Rkdetektor kanal UG2-J 9990030079
FTX 3-GX72 Rkdetektor kanal UG2-J 9990030079
FTX 3-ST11 Stlldon spjll
FTX 3-ST12 Stlldon spjll
FTX 3-ST71:1-2 Stlldon spjll
FTX 3-ST21:1-2 Stlldon spjll LM24-SR
FTX 3-ST22:1-2 Stlldon spjll LM24-SR
FTX 3-ST23:1-2 Stlldon spjll LM24-SR
FTX 3-ST24:1-2 Stlldon spjll LM24-SR
FTX 3-ST25:1-2 Stlldon spjll LM24-SR
FTX 3-SV61 Stlldon ventil M300 8800210000
FTX 3-SV51 Stlldon ventil M750 8800010000
FTX 3-CTF1 Frekvensomriktare VLT 3504
FTX 3-CFF1 Frekvensomriktare VLT 3502
FTX 3-HD Kontrollenhet ABAV-S 24V 9990030048
FTX 3-SHG Shuntgrupp V294-1,6/20V-22-0,1/5,5-0,17/2,0
FTX 3-SHG2 Shuntgrupp V394-16/32K-12-0,9/9,5-0,9/6




Apparatskp: A1CD


Aggregatet styrs via tidsschema.

Vid uppstart startar frst frnluftsflkten FF4 och avluftspjll ST2

ppnar. Vrmetervinning RV styrs till maximal tervinning.
Efter instlld uppstartstid startar tilluftsflkten TF4
samt uteluftspjll ST1 och tilluftsspjll ST6ppnar
och normal reglering vidtar.

Vid stopp stnger uteluftspjll ST1 och avluftspjll ST2.

Nattkylan r i drift om frnluftstemperaturen verstiger instlld startgrns
och fljande villkor r uppfyllda:

- Det r sommarperiod.
- Utetemperatur ver instlld grns.
- Utetemp. har verstigit brvrde tilluft med mer n 2C i
mer n 3 timmar under normal drifttid.
- Tidsschema nattkyla aktiv.
- Aggregatet ej i ordinarie drift.

Under de frsta 10 minuterna ignoreras frnluftsvillkoren fr

att invnta korrekt mtvrde.

Nattkylan stoppar nr frnluftstemperaturen sjunkit till 4 grader

under instlld startgrns eller ngot av vriga startvillkor
upphrt att glla.

Aggregatet r i drift, vrmeventil SV41V och SV42V och kylventil SV41K OCH 42k
r stngda och vrmetervinning RV r urkopplad.

Fr att undvika teruppvrmning nr nattkyla varit i drift, begrnsas
tilluftstemperaturen vid GT7och GT8 s att den ej verskrider inomhustemperaturen
fr respektive zon- under sex timmar efter det att tidsschema fr nattkyla stoppat.

Cirkulationspump P41V, P42V,

Pumparna r i drift oktober - april eller vid lg utetemp samt
nr vrmeventil respektive vrmeventil ppnar ppnar.
Motionering vid pumpstopp via tidsschema.

Cirkulationspump P41K, P42K

Pumparna startar nr respektive kylventil ppnar och r i drift till dess ventilen
varit stngd i 5 minuter. Motionering vid pumpstopp via tidsschema.

Verkningsgradsberkning och larm

Berkning av verkningsgraden utfrs nr aggregatet r i drift.
Verkningsgrad = (GT2 - GT41) / (GT2 - GT3U) * 100

Larm fr lg verkningsgrad ges om verkningsgraden

underskrider instlld larmgrns och
fljande villkor r uppfyllda:
- Aggregatet r i drift.
- tervinningen i max.
- Vintertid gller.

Larmet terstlls om ngot av villkoren

upphr att glla.

Cirkulationspumparna P41V och P42V frreglar flktar
TF4 och FF4 nr pumparna r i ordinarie vinterdrift.
Tilluftsflkten och frnluftsflkten r korsvis
frreglade, frregling terstlles via serviceomkopplare SO1.
Serviceomkopplare SO1 stoppar aggregatet och ger larm.
Kortsluten givare GT3:1 eller GT4:1 i vrmebatteriretur
frreglar aggregatet och ger larm.

Uteluftspjll ST1 och avluftspjll ST2
stnger via fjdertergng.

Frysvakt utlses vid lg temperatur i vrmebatteriets retur
GT2:1, GT3:1 eller GT4:1 och
stoppar aggregatet fr att undvika snderfrysning.

Frysvakter terstlles via serviceomkopplare SO1.

Utlst rkdetektor GX71 i tilluften eller GX72 i frnluften eller vid centraltbrandlarm
stoppar TF4 och FF4 startar
Uteluftspjll ST1 stnger. .
Avluftspjll ST2 ppnar


Tilluftstemperaturen till de olika lokalerna (fasad syd, fasad norr+ st) regleras av en shuntgrupp fr vrme och en fr
kyla. Dessutom skickar varje lokal en signal om vilken hastighet vrmevxlaren skall drivas med. Fr att anlggningen
skall vara energieffektiv styrs VVX enligt fljande:

6. Vintertid vljs den signal som r hgst. Fr att inte kyla skall starta fr de lokaler som eventuellt r varma
blockeras denna.
7. Sommartid vljs den lgsta signalen. Kyla tillts starta.


Tilluftstemperaturen regleras via GT7.

Grundbrvrdet fr GT7 kompenseras av utetemperaturen GT3U

Och frnluftstemperaturgivaren GT10 via kurva.

Vid kande vrmebehov sker regleringen i fljande sekvens:

- 1. Kylventil SV41K stnger fr kyla

- 2. Vrmeventil SV41V ppnar fr vrme

SYD Temperaturreglering
Tilluftstemperaturen regleras via GT8.

Grundbrvrdet fr GT8 kompenseras av utetemperaturen GT3U

Och frnluftstemperaturgivaren GT9 via kurva.

Vid kande vrmebehov sker regleringen i fljande sekvens:

- 1. Kylventil SV42K stnger fr kyla

- 2. Vrmeventil SV42V ppnar fr vrme

Returvattenreglering fr respektive zon

Aggregat i drift:
Om returtemperaturen vid underskrider instllt vrde kommer
returvattenregulatorn att ta ver styrningen av vrmeventilen
fr att frhindra att frysvakten lser ut.

Stoppat aggregat:
Returvattenregulatorn reglerar vrmeventilen s att nskad retur-
temperatur vid erhlles.

Sommartid, d frnluftstemperaturen vid GT2 r 2 lgre n utetemperaturen,
startas "vrmetervinning" fr maximal tervinning av kyla. Kylvxling upphr
d frnluftstemperaturen ej lngre r lgre n utelufts-

Tilluftstrycket vid GP71 regleras via varvtalsstyrning

av tilluftsflkten TF4. Frnluftstrycket vid GP72
regleras via varvtalsstyrning av frnluftsflkten FF4.
Grundbrvrdet fr GP71,GP72 kompenseras av utetemperaturen
via kurva.

Reglering temperatur: Frnluftsreglering

med max/minbegrnsning av tilluftstemp

Reglering tryck: Tillufts- och frnluftstryck

och utekompensering av tryckbrvrdet

Objekt Frklaring Lev.inst.

GP71_B Grundbrvrde tryck tilluft 365 Pa
GP71_BB Berknat brvrde tryck BERKNAT
GP72_B Grundbrvrde tryck frnluft 405 Pa
GP72_BB Berknat brvrde tryck BERKNAT
GP71_X Kurva utetemperatur: -20 5 C
GP71_Y Kompensering tryck: -25 0%
Fasad nordost
GT7_B Grundbrvrde tilluftstemperatur 18 C
GT7_BB Brvrde tilluft m.h.t. kurva
GT7_X Kurva utetemperaur: -10 0 20 25 C
GT7_Y Kompensering brvrde: 2 1 0 3 C
GT10_X Kurva frnlufttemperatur: 19,0 20,0 21,0 22,0 C
GT10_Y Kompensering brvrde GT11_BB: 1,0 0,0 -1,0 -3,0 C
Fasad st
GT8_B Grundbrvrde tilluftstemperatur 18 C
GT8_BB Brvrde tilluft m.h.t. kurva
GT8_X Kurva utetemperaur: -10 0 20 25 C
GT8_Y Kompensering brvrde: 2 1 0 3 C
GT9_X Kurva frnlufttemperatur: 19,0 20,0 21,0 22,0 C
GT9_Y Kompensering brvrde GT11_BB: 1,0 0,0 -1,0 -3,0 C

GT3:1-4:1 MIN_B Mingrns retur drift 12 C

GT3:1-4:1 RET_B Brvrde retur stopp 20 C
GT3:1-4:1 Frysvakt 7 C
P41-42V_STP Utetemperaturgrns stopp P11-3V 10 C
SV41-42V_X Kurva utetemperatur: -15 10 C
SV141-42V_Y "Kick" under uppstart: 50 0%

RV_LLG Larmgrns lg verkningsgrad 50 %

GT2_G Frnluftstemperaturgrns nattkyla 23 C

GT3UNK_G Utetemperaturgrns nattkyla 12 C

Sommardrift Gller Maj - September

eller utetemperaturen verstiger 10 C


Objekt Drifttid Drifttidsmtning

TF4 Drift Enligt tidsschema X (aggregat)
06:00-11:00 m-fre
FF4 Drift Samkrs med TF4

Nattkyla 01:00-05:00 m-fre

Uppstartsfrdrjning 120 sek.

Pumpmotion 12:00-12:10 mndagar

P11-13V Kontinuerligt vintertid X

samt vid ppen vrmeventil
P11-13K Vid ppen kylventil X

Objekt Frklaring Larmklass
TF4 Driftstopp B
TF4 Handkrning B
FF4 Driftstopp B
FF4 Handkrning B
SO1 Serviceomkopplare B
P41V Driftstopp B
P41V Handkrning B
P41K Driftstopp B
P41K Handkrning B
P42V Driftstopp B
P42V Handkrning B
P42K Driftstopp B
P42K Handkrning B

RV Summalarm B
RV Lg verkningsgrad B

GT3:1-4:1 Frysvakt A/B (A om utetemp <8C B om utetemp >8C)

GX71/GX72 Rkdetektor B

GT7-8 Temperaturlarm B (hg/lg tilluftstemperatur)

GT Givarfel B
GP71 Trycklarm B (hgt/lgt tilluftstryck)
GP72 Trycklarm B (hgt/lgt frnluftstryck)
GT3U Givarfel B

TF4 Lng drifttid B

FF4 Lng drifttid B

Komponenter utanfr apparatskp

Beteckning Benmning Typ TAC-artikelnummer

STADSHUSET-TA4/FF4-GT1 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA4/FF4-GT2 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA4/FF4-GT41 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA4/FF4-GT7 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA4/FF4-GT8 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA4/FF4-GT9 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA4/FF4-GT10 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA4/FF4-GT11 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA4/FF4-GT3:1 Temperaturgivare Rr EGXA1 5131500000
STADSHUSET-TA4/FF4-GT4:1 Temperaturgivare Rr EGXA1 5131500000
STADSHUSET-TA4/FF4-GP71 Differenstryckgivare DMD 6552071000
STADSHUSET-TA4/FF4-GP72 Differenstryckgivare DMD 6552071000
STADSHUSET-TA4/FF4-GX71 Rkdetektor Kanal UG-2-J 6553010000
STADSHUSET-TA4/FF4-GX72 Rkdetektor Kanal UG-2-J 6553010000
STADSHUSET-TA4/FF4-ST1 Stlldon spjll TAC M-AF24 1740000010
STADSHUSET-TA4/FF4-ST2 Stlldon spjll TAC M-AF24 1740000010
STADSHUSET-TA4/FF4-SV41V Ventilstlldon M400 8800230020
STADSHUSET-TA4/FF4-SV41K Ventilstlldon M400 8800230020
STADSHUSET-TA4/FF4-SV42V Ventilstlldon M400 8800230020
STADSHUSET-TA4/FF4-SV42K Ventilstlldon M400 8800230020
STADSHUSET-TA4/FF4-CTF4 Frekvensomriktare Danfosss VLT6005 6526004000
STADSHUSET-TA4/FF4-CFF4 Frekvensomriktare Danfosss VLT6005 6526004000


Betjnar: Butiker nr 150, 152

Butiker nr 143,144, 148
Butiker nr 131 132, 133
Butiker nr 130,138

Placering: FLKTRUM VID HUS b

Apparatskp: A1CF


Aggregatet styrs via tidsschema.
Vid uppstart startar frst frnluftsflkten FF5 och avluftspjll ST2
ppnar. Vrmetervinning RV styrs till maximal tervinning.
Efter instlld uppstartstid startar tilluftsflkten TA5
samt uteluftspjll ST1 ppnar
och normal reglering vidtar.

Vid stopp stnger uteluftspjll ST1 Tilluftspjllet ST3.

Nattkylan r i drift om frnluftstemperaturen verstiger instlld startgrns
och fljande villkor r uppfyllda:

- Det r sommarperiod.
- Utetemperatur ver instlld grns.
- Utetemp. har verstigit brvrde tilluft med mer n 2C i
mer n 3 timmar under normal drifttid.
- Tidsschema nattkyla aktiv.
- Aggregatet ej i ordinarie drift.

Under de frsta 10 minuterna ignoreras frnluftsvillkoren fr

att invnta korrekt mtvrde.

Nattkylan stoppar nr frnluftstemperaturen sjunkit till 4 grader

under instlld startgrns eller ngot av vriga startvillkor
upphrt att glla.

Aggregatet r i drift, vrmeventil SV51V-54V och kylventil SV51K-54K r

stngda och vrmetervinning RV r urkopplad.

Fr att undvika teruppvrmning nr nattkyla varit i drift, begrnsas

tilluftstemperaturen vid GT11,12, 13 och 14 s att den ej verskrider inomhustemperaturen
fr respektive zon- under sex timmar efter det att tidsschema fr nattkyla stoppat.

Cirkulationspump P51V, P52V, P53V och P55V
Pumparna r i drift oktober - april eller vid lg utetemp samt
nr vrmeventil respektive vrmeventil ppnar ppnar.
Motionering vid pumpstopp via tidsschema.

Cirkulationspump P51K, P52K, P53K och P55K

Pumparna startar nr respektive kylventil ppnar och r i drift till dess ventilen
varit stngd i 5 minuter. Motionering vid pumpstopp via tidsschema.

Verkningsgradsberkning och larm

Berkning av verkningsgraden utfrs nr aggregatet r i drift.
Verkningsgrad = (GT2 - GT41) / (GT2 - GT3U) * 100

Larm fr lg verkningsgrad ges om verkningsgraden

underskrider instlld larmgrns och
fljande villkor r uppfyllda:
- Aggregatet r i drift.
- tervinningen i max.
- Vintertid gller.

Larmet terstlls om ngot av villkoren

upphr att glla.


Cirkulationspumparna P51V, P52V, P53V och P55V frreglar
flktar TA5 och FF5 nr pumparna r iordinarie vinterdrift.
Tilluftsflkten och frnluftsflkten r korsvis
frreglade, frregling terstlles via serviceomkopplare SO1.
Serviceomkopplare SO1 stoppar aggregatet och ger larm.
Kortsluten givare GT3:1, GT4:1, GT5:1 eller GT6:1 i
vrmebatteriretur frreglar aggregatet och ger larm.

Uteluftspjll ST1 och tilluftspjll ST3 stnger
via fjdertergng.

Frysvakt utlses vid lg temperatur i vrmebatteriets retur
GT3:1, GT4:1, GT5:1 eller GT6:1 och
stoppar aggregatet fr att undvika snderfrysning.

Frysvakter terstlles via serviceomkopplare SO1.

Utlst rkdetektor GX71 i tilluften eller GX72 i frnluften eller vid centraltbrandlarm
stoppar TA5 och FF5 startar
Uteluftspjll ST1 och tilluftspjll ST3 stnger.


Tilluftstemperaturen till de olika lokalerna (fasad syd, fasad norr+ st) regleras av en shuntgrupp fr vrme och en fr
kyla. Dessutom skickar varje lokal en signal om vilken hastighet vrmevxlaren skall drivas med. Fr att anlggningen
skall vara energieffektiv styrs VVX enligt fljande:

8. Vintertid vljs den signal som r hgst. Fr att inte kyla skall starta fr de lokaler som eventuellt r varma
blockeras denna.
9. Sommartid vljs den lgsta signalen. Kyla tillts starta.


Tilluftstemperaturen regleras via GT11.

Grundbrvrdet fr GT11 kompenseras av utetemperaturen GT3U

Och frnluftstemperaturgivaren GT15 via kurva.
Vid kande vrmebehov sker regleringen i fljande sekvens:

- 1. Kylventil SV51K stnger fr kyla

- 2. Vrmeventil SV51V ppnar fr vrme

REGLERING BUTIK NR 143, 144, 148

Tilluftstemperaturen regleras via GT12.

Grundbrvrdet fr GT12 kompenseras av utetemperaturen GT3U

Och frnluftstemperaturgivaren GT16 via kurva.

Vid kande vrmebehov sker regleringen i fljande sekvens:

- 1. Kylventil SV52K stnger fr kyla

- 2. Vrmeventil SV52V ppnar fr vrme


Tilluftstemperaturen regleras via GT13.

Grundbrvrdet fr GT13 kompenseras av utetemperaturen GT3U

Och frnluftstemperaturgivaren GT17 via kurva.
Vid kande vrmebehov sker regleringen i fljande sekvens:

- 1. Kylventil SV53K stnger fr kyla

- 2. Vrmeventil SV53V ppnar fr vrme

Tilluftstemperaturen regleras via GT14.

Grundbrvrdet fr GT14 kompenseras av utetemperaturen GT3U

Och frnluftstemperaturgivaren GT18 via kurva.
Vid kande vrmebehov sker regleringen i fljande sekvens:

- 1. Kylventil SV54K stnger fr kyla

- 2. Vrmeventil SV54V ppnar fr vrme

Den gemensamma roterade vrme vxlaren styrs av den son som frtitillfllet har lgst vrme behov.

Returvattenreglering fr respektive zon

Aggregat i drift:
Om returtemperaturen vid underskrider instllt vrde kommer
returvattenregulatorn att ta ver styrningen av vrmeventilen
fr att frhindra att frysvakten lser ut.

Stoppat aggregat:
Returvattenregulatorn reglerar vrmeventilen s att nskad retur-
temperatur vid erhlles.

Sommartid, d frnluftstemperaturen vid GT2 r 2 lgre n utetemperaturen,
startas "vrmetervinning" fr maximal tervinning av kyla. Kylvxling upphr
d frnluftstemperaturen ej lngre r lgre n utelufts-

Tilluftstrycket vid GP71 regleras via varvtalsstyrning
av tilluftsflkten TA5. Frnluftstrycket vid GP72
regleras via varvtalsstyrning av frnluftsflkten FF5.

Grundbrvrdet fr GP71,GP72 kompenseras av utetemperaturen

via kurva.


Reglering temperatur: Frnluftsreglering

med max/minbegrnsning av tilluftstemp

Reglering tryck: Tillufts- och frnluftstryck

och utekompensering av tryckbrvrdet

Objekt Frklaring Lev.inst.

GP71_B Grundbrvrde tryck tilluft 500 Pa
GP71_BB Berknat brvrde tryck BERKNAT
GP72_B Grundbrvrde tryck frnluft 258 Pa
GP72_BB Berknat brvrde tryck BERKNAT
GP71_X Kurva utetemperatur: -20 5 C
GP71_Y Kompensering tryck: -25 0%
GT11_B Grundbrvrde tilluftstemperatur 18 C
GT11_BB Brvrde tilluft m.h.t. kurva
GT11_X Kurva utetemperaur: -10 0 20 25 C
GT11_Y Kompensering brvrde: 2 1 0 3 C
GT15_X Kurva frnlufttemperatur: 19,0 20,0 21,0 22,0 C
GT15_Y Kompensering brvrde 1,0 0,0 -1,0 -3,0 C
Fasad st
GT12_B Grundbrvrde tilluftstemperatur 18 C
GT12_BB Brvrde tilluft m.h.t. kurva
GT12_X Kurva utetemperaur: -10 0 20 25 C
GT12_Y Kompensering brvrde: 2 1 0 3 C
GT16_X Kurva frnlufttemperatur: 19,0 20,0 21,0 22,0 C
GT16_Y Kompensering brvrde 1,0 0,0 -1,0 -3,0 C
Fasad vst
GT13_B Grundbrvrde tilluftstemperatur 18 C
GT13_BB Brvrde tilluft m.h.t. kurva
GT13_X Kurva utetemperaur: -10 0 20 25 C
GT13_Y Kompensering brvrde: 2 1 0 3 C
GT17_X Kurva frnlufttemperatur: 19,0 20,0 21,0 22,0 C
GT17_Y Kompensering brvrde 1,0 0,0 -1,0 -3,0 C
GT14_B Grundbrvrde tilluftstemperatur 18 C
GT14_BB Brvrde tilluft m.h.t. kurva
GT14_X Kurva utetemperaur: -10 0 20 25 C
GT14_Y Kompensering brvrde: 2 1 0 3 C
GT18_X Kurva frnlufttemperatur: 19,0 20,0 21,0 22,0 C
GT18_Y Kompensering brvrde 1,0 0,0 -1,0 -3,0 C
GT3:1-6:1 MIN_B Mingrns retur drift 12 C
GT3:1-6:1 RET_B Brvrde retur stopp 20 C
GT3:1-6:1 Frysvakt 7 C
P5V1-54V_STP Utetemperaturgrns stopp P81V 10 C
SV51V-54V_X Kurva utetemperatur: -15 10 C
SV51-54V_Y "Kick" under uppstart: 50 0%

RV_LLG Larmgrns lg verkningsgrad 50 %

GT2_G Frnluftstemperaturgrns nattkyla 23 C

GT3UNK_G Utetemperaturgrns nattkyla 12 C
Sommardrift Gller Maj - September
eller utetemperaturen verstiger 10 C


Objekt Drifttid Drifttidsmtning

TA5 Drift Enligt tidsschema X (aggregat)
06:00-18:00 m-fre
FF5 Drift Samkrs med TA5

Nattkyla 01:00-05:00 m-fre

Uppstartsfrdrjning 120 sek.

Pumpmotion 12:00-12:10 mndagar

P51-4V Kontinuerligt vintertid X

samt vid ppen vrmeventil
P51-4K Vid ppen kylventil X

Objekt Frklaring Larmklass
TA5 Driftstopp B
TA5 Handkrning B
FF5 Driftstopp B
FF5 Handkrning B
SO1 Serviceomkopplare B
P51V Driftstopp B
P51V Handkrning B
P51K Driftstopp B
P51K Handkrning B
P52V Driftstopp B
P52V Handkrning B
P52K Driftstopp B
P52K Handkrning B
P53V Driftstopp B
P53V Handkrning B
P53K Driftstopp B
P53K Handkrning B
P54V Driftstopp B
P54V Handkrning B
P54K Driftstopp B
P54K Handkrning B

RV Summalarm B
RV Lg verkningsgrad B

GT2:1-5:1 Frysvakt A/B (A om utetemp <8C B om utetemp >8C)

GX71/GX72 Rkdetektor B

GT11-14 Temperaturlarm B (hg/lg tilluftstemperatur)

GT Givarfel B
GP71 Trycklarm B (hgt/lgt tilluftstryck)
GP72 Trycklarm B (hgt/lgt frnluftstryck)
GT3U Givarfel B

TA5 Lng drifttid B

FF5 Lng drifttid B

Komponenter utanfr apparatskp

Beteckning Benmning Typ TAC-artikelnummer

STADSHUSET-TA5/FF5-GT1 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA5/FF5-GT2 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA5/FF5-GT41 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA5/FF5-GT11 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA5/FF5-GT12 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA5/FF5-GT13 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA5/FF5-GT14 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA5/FF5-GT15 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA5/FF5-GT16 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA5/FF5-GT17 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA5/FF5-GT18 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA5/FF5-GT2:1 Temperaturgivare Rr EGXA1 5131500000
STADSHUSET-TA5/FF5-GT3:1 Temperaturgivare Rr EGXA1 5131500000
STADSHUSET-TA5/FF5-GT4:1 Temperaturgivare Rr EGXA1 5131500000
STADSHUSET-TA5/FF5-GT5:1 Temperaturgivare Rr EGXA1 5131500000
STADSHUSET-TA5/FF5-GT6:1 Temperaturgivare Rr EGXA1 5131500000
STADSHUSET-TA5/FF5-GP71 Differenstryckgivare DMD 6552071000
STADSHUSET-TA5/FF5-GP72 Differenstryckgivare DMD 6552071000
STADSHUSET-TA5/FF5-GX71 Rkdetektor Kanal UG-2-J 6553010000
STADSHUSET-TA5/FF5-GX72 Rkdetektor Kanal UG-2-J 6553010000
STADSHUSET-TA5/FF5-ST1 Stlldon spjll TAC M-AF24 8740000010
STADSHUSET-TA5/FF5-ST3 Stlldon spjll TAC M-AF24 8740000010
STADSHUSET-TA5/FF5-SV51V Ventilstlldon M400 8800230020
STADSHUSET-TA5/FF5-SV51K Ventilstlldon M400 8800230020
STADSHUSET-TA5/FF5-SV52V Ventilstlldon M400 8800230020
STADSHUSET-TA5/FF5-SV52K Ventilstlldon M400 8800230020
STADSHUSET-TA5/FF5-SV53V Ventilstlldon M400 8800230020
STADSHUSET-TA5/FF5-SV53K Ventilstlldon M400 8800230020
STADSHUSET-TA5/FF5-SV54V Ventilstlldon M400 8800230020
STADSHUSET-TA5/FF5-SV54K Ventilstlldon M400 8800230020
STADSHUSET-TA5/FF5-CTF1 Frekvensomriktare Danfosss VLT6006 6526005000
STADSHUSET-TA5/FF5-CFF1 Frekvensomriktare Danfosss VLT6004 6526003000


Betjnar: ZON 1: Festsal 335.

ZON 2: Cafe' 339, 345, 346.
ZON:3 Enneska salongen 324, 326, 334.


Apparatskp: AS-VVS6

Aggregatet styrs via 4st tidsscheman ett fr varje zon + Kks kpan. Samt via 4st timers
placerade: Rum 339 Serveringsrum fr ZON1 som betjnar 335 Festsal.
Rum 346 Kk fr ZON2 som betjnar Kk,Cafeteria 339,345,346. Rum
324 Foaj fr ZON3 som betjnar Ennerska salongen 334,326,324. Om
ngon av zonernas tidkanal eller timers r aktivt startas aggregatet.

Vid uppstart startar frst frnluftsflkten. Vrmetervinning RV styrs till maximal tervinning.
Efter instlld uppstartstid startar tilluftsflkten samt utluftspjll ST11 ppnar och normal
reglering vidtar.
Vid stopp stnger uteluftspjll ST11 via
fjder. ST22:4 ppnar vid start av FF6-2.
ST22:4 stnger via fjder vid stopp av FF6-2.

Intermittent drift av TA6 och FF6-1 mellan kl. 24.00 och 02.00.

Nattkylan startar om inomhustemperaturen verskrider instlld startgrns och fljande villkor
r uppfyllda:
- Utetemperatur minst tv grader under inomhustemperaturen.
- Utetemperatur ver grns "varmt ute".
- Tidsschema nattkyla aktiv.
- Aggregatet ej i ordinarie drift.

Nattkylan stoppar nr inomhustemperaturen sjunkit till 4 grader under instlld startgrns eller
ngot av vriga startvillkor upphrt att glla.
Aggregatet r i drift, vrme- och kylventiler r stngda och vrmetervinning r
urkopplad. Cirkulationspumparna P1-SHG61-63
Pumparna r i drift oktober - april eller vid lg utetemp samt nr resp. vrmeventil SV61-SHG61-
63 ppnar.
Motionering vid pumpstopp via tidsschema.

Cirkulationspump P1-SHG61-62K
Pumpen startar nr kylventil ppnar och r i drift till dess ventilen varit stngd i 5
minuter. Motionering vid pumpstopp via tidsschema.

Cirkulationspumparna P1-SHG61-63 frreglar flktar TF6 och FF6-1 nr pumparna r i ordinarie
vinterdrift. Tilluftsflkten TF6 och frnluftsflkten FF6-1 r korsvis frreglade, frregling
terstlles via serviceomkopplare. TF6 frreglar FF6-2.
Serviceomkopplare stoppar aggregatet och ger larm.
Kortsluten givare GT81 i vrmebatteriretur frreglar aggregatet och ger larm.

Uteluftspjll ST11 och frnluftsspjllet ST22:4 stnger via fjdertergng.

Frysvakt utlses vid lg temperatur i vrmebatteriets retur och stoppar aggregatet fr att
undvika snderfrysning.
Frysvakt terstlles via serviceomkopplare.

Om rkdetektor GX71 i tilluften eller GX72 i frnluften eller centralt brandlarm indikerar
brandgas stoppar aggregatet.
Uteluftspjll ST11 och frnluftsspjllet ST22:4 stnger.


Temperaturreglering TA6/FF6
Tilluftstemperaturen regleras via GT11.
Vid kande vrmebehov kar varvtalet p vrmevxlaren.

TA6,FF6-1 och FF6-2 r uppdelat i tre temperaturzoner:

Temperaturgivare GT21:2 styr via Duc styrventil SV61-SHG61 och SV51-SHG61K i sekvens s
att instlld frnluftstemperatur erhlles.
Temperaturgivare GT21:1 har min., max. och stabiliseringsfunktion.
ZON 2: Cafe' 339, 345, 346
Temperaturgivare GT22:2 styr via Duc styrventil SV61-SHG62 och SV51-SHG62K i sekvens s
att instlld frnluftstemperatur erhlles.
Temperaturgivare GT22:1 har min., max. och stabiliseringsfunktion.
ZON:3 Enneska salongen 324, 326, 334.
Temperaturgivare GT23:2 styr via Duc styrventil SV61-SHG63 s att instlld
frnluftstemperatur erhlles.
Temperaturgivare GT23:1 har min., max. och stabiliseringsfunktion.



Aktiveras antingen via tidkanal eller via omkopplare.
OK21:1 har tv knappar med indikering.
Med tryckknapp i lge TILL startar TA6 och FF6-1.
ST21:1 och ST21:2 ppnar fr grundflde. Grundflde och drifttid instlles i Duc.
Med tryckknapp i lge FORCERING ppnar spjllen ST21:1 och ST21:2 fr
forceringsflde Forcerings och drifttider instlles i Duc.
Efter forcering automatisk tergng till grundflde.

Zon 2: Cafe' 339, 345, 346

Aktiveras antingen via tidkanal eller via omkopplare.
Omkopplare OK22:1 har en knapp med indikering.
Med tryckknapp i lge TILL startar TA6 och FF6-1.
ST22:1 ppnar 100%, ST22:2 ppnar till grundflde och ST22:3 ppnar fr
grundflde. Grundflde och drifttid instlles i DUC.

Zon 2: Kks kpa

Aktiveras antingen via tidkanal eller via omkopplare.
Omkopplare OK22:2 har en knapp med indikering.
Med tryckknapp i lge TILL startar TA6, FF6-1 och FF6-2.

ST22:1 ppnar 100% och ST22:2 ppnar fr minflde och ST22:3 stnger till minflde
ST22:4 ppnar 100% . Grund och min flden samt drifttid instlles i DUC.
Nr instlld drifttid gtt ut stoppar FF6-2 och spjll ST22:4 stnger.
Om OK22:1 str i lge TILL nr drifttiden fr OK22:2 gtt ut skall spjll ST22:2 och ST22:3 terg till
grundflde, annars stoppar ven TA6 och FF6-1 och spjllen ST22:1, ST22:2 , ST22:3 stnger.

Zon 3: Enneska salongen 324, 326, 334.

Aktiveras antingen via tidkanal eller via omkopplare.
Omkopplare OK23:1 har en knapp med indikering.
Med tryckknapp i lge TILL startar TA6 och FF6-1.
ST23:1 och ST23:2 ppnar fr grundflde. Grundflde och drifttid instlles i DUC.

Kompensering av tilluft fr ZON2 erhlls via festsal 335 genom att erhlla hgre grundflde p
tilluften. Vid forcering av flde i festsalen erhlls ett lgre frnluftsflde i festsal 335 fr att
tilluften i ZON2 skall kompenseras.

Aggregat i drift:
Om returtemperaturen vid GT81:1-3 underskrider instllt vrde kommer returvattenregulatorn att
ta ver styrningen av vrmeventilen fr att frhindra att frysvakten lser ut.
Stoppat aggregat:
Returvattenregulatorn reglerar vrmeventilen s att nskad retur-temperatur vid GT81:1-3 erhlles.

Sommartid, d frnluftstemperaturen r 2 lgre n utetemperaturen, startas "vrmetervinning"
fr maximal tervinning av kyla. Kylvxling upphr d frnluftstemperaturen ej lngre r lgre n

Tryckreglering TA6/FF6
Tilluftstrycket regleras via GP11 och varvtalsstyrning av tilluftsflkten. Frnluftstrycket regleras
via GP12 och varvtalsstyrning av frnluftsflkten.

Reglering temperatur: Tilluftsreglering och utekompensering av brvrdet

Reglering tryck: Tillufts- och frnluftstryck

Objekt Frklaring Lev.inst.

GP11.B Brvrde tryckreglering-TF 380 Pa
GP12.B Brvrde tryckreglering-FF 270 Pa
GT11.B Grundbrvrde temperatur 15 C
START.T Uppstartsfrdrjning 120 sek.
OK21.T Frlngd drift timer 120 min.
GT81:1-3.BD Mingrns retur drift 12 C
GT81:1-3.BS Brvrde retur stopp 20 C
GT81:1-3 Frysvakt 5 C
GT91.PG Utetemperaturgrns stopp P1 10 C
SV61.X Kurva utetemperatur: -15 10 C
SV61.Y "Kick" under uppstart: 50 0%
GT21:1 Brvrde min 15 C
GT21:1 Brvrde max 19 C
GT22:1 Brvrde min Sommar / Vinter 15/19C
GT22:1 Brvrde max 22 C
GT21:2 Brvrde 20C
GT22:2 Brvrde 20C
GT23:2 Brvrde 21C
GT91 Utetemperaturgrns nattkyla 12C
GT 23:1 Brvrde min 15C
GT 23:1 Brvrde max 22 C

ST21:1_Grund Grundflde 48%

ST21:1_Forc Forcerarflde 77%
ST21:2_Grund Grundflde 47%
ST21:2_Forc Forcerarflde 57%

ST22:1_ ppen 100%

ST22:1_S Stngd 40%

ST22:2_Grund Grundflde 63%

ST22:2_Min Minflde 40%
ST22:3_Grund Grundflde 100%
ST22:3_Min Minflde 0%

ST23:1/2_Grund Grundflde 92%

P-BAND: Tilluft: 2000 Pa

P-BAND Frnluft 1750 Pa

I-TID Tilluft 40 Sek

I-TID Frnluft 25 Sek

Tidsbegr. TF 180 Sek

Tidsbegr. FF 180 Sek
Uppstart TF 54%
Uppstart FF 40%

Objekt Drifttid
TA6 Drift Enligt tidsschema
Zon1 06:00-17:00 ti-fre
04:00-17:00 m
eller via timer

TA6 Drift Enligt tidsschema

Zon2 06:00-17:00 ti-fre
04:00-17:00 m
eller via timer

TA6 Drift Enligt tidsschema

Zon3 06:00-17:00 ti-fre
04:00-17:00 m
eller via timer

FF6-1,FF6-2 Drift Samkrs med TA6

Nattkyla 01:00-05:00 m-fre

Pumpmotion 12:00-12:10 mndagar

P1-SHG61-63 Kontinuerligt vintertid

samt vid ppen vrmeventil
P1-SHG61K-63K Vid ppen kylventil

Objekt Frklaring Larmklass
TA6 Driftstopp B
FF6-1 Driftstopp B
SO1 Serviceomkopplare B
P1-SHG61-63 Driftstopp B
P1-SHG61K-63K Driftstopp B
RV Summalarm B
GT81:1-3 Frysvakt A/B (A om utetemp <8C B om utetemp >8C)
GX71/GX72 Rkdetektor B
GT11 Temperaturlarm B (hg/lg tilluftstemperatur)
GP11 Trycklarm B (hgt/lgt tilluftstryck)
GP12 Trycklarm B (hgt/lgt frnluftstryck)
GP22 FF6-2 Flktvakt B

Komponenter utanfr apparatskp
Beteckning Benmning Typ TAC-artikelnummer
TA6/FF6-GT11 Temperaturgivare kanal EGL 5111120000
TA6/FF6-GT12 Temperaturgivare kanal EGL 5111120000
TA6/FF6-GT21:1 Temperaturgivare kanal EGL 5111120000
TA6/FF6-GT21:2 Temperaturgivare kanal EGL 5111120000
TA6/FF6-GT22:1 Temperaturgivare kanal EGL 5111120000
TA6/FF6-GT22:2 Temperaturgivare kanal EGL 5111120000
TA6/FF6-GT23:1 Temperaturgivare kanal EGL 5111120000
TA6/FF6-GT23:2 Temperaturgivare kanal EGL 5111120000
TA6/FF6-GT91 Temperaturgivare ute EGU 5141100000
TA6/FF6-GT81:1 Temperaturgivare rr EGX2 5121500010
TA6/FF6-GT81:2 Temperaturgivare rr EGX2 5121500010
TA6/FF6-GT81:3 Temperaturgivare rr EGX2 5121500010
TA6/FF6-GP11 Tryckgivare med display DMD5 0-500 Pa 0-10V 9999189964
TA6/FF6-GP12 Tryckgivare med display DMD5 0-500 Pa 0-10V 9999189964
TA6/FF6-OK21:1 Tryckknapp med indikering
TA6/FF6-OK22:1 Tryckknapp med indikering
TA6/FF6-OK22:2 Tryckknapp med indikering
TA6/FF6-OK23:1 Tryckknapp med indikering
TA6/FF6-GX71 Rkdetektor kanal UG2-J 9990030079
TA6/FF6-GX72 Rkdetektor kanal UG2-J 9990030079
TA6/FF6-ST11 Stlldon spjll FMA24 8740000010
TA6/FF6-ST22:4 Stlldon spjll FMA24 8740000010
TA6/FF6-ST21:1 Stlldon spjll AF24-SR
TA6/FF6-ST21:2 Stlldon spjll AF24-SR
TA6/FF6-ST21:3 Stlldon spjll AF24-SR
TA6/FF6-ST21:4 Stlldon spjll AF24-SR
TA6/FF6-ST22:1 Stlldon spjll AF24-SR
TA6/FF6-ST22:2 Stlldon spjll AF24-SR
TA6/FF6-ST22:3 Stlldon spjll NM24-SR
TA6/FF6-SHG61 Shuntgrupp V294-2,5/20V-23-0,18/8-0,18/1,7
TA6/FF6-SHG61 Stlldon ventil M300 8800210000
TA6/FF6-SHG62 Shuntgrupp V294-1,6/20V-24-0,12/8-0,12/1,0
TA6/FF6-SHG62 Stlldon ventil M300 8800210000
TA6/FF6-SHG63 Shuntgrupp V294-1,0/20V-23-0,10/13-0,10/1,0
TA6/FF6-SHG63 Stlldon ventil M300 8800210000
TA6/FF6-SHG61K Shuntgrupp Bef.
TA6/FF6-SHG62K Shuntgrupp Bef.
TA6/FF6-CTF1 Frekvensomriktare VLT 3516
TA6/FF6-CFF1 Frekvensomriktare VLT 3516
TA6/FF6-HD Kontrollenhet ABAV-S24




Apparatskp: B1D


Aggregatet styrs via tidsschema.

Vid uppstart startar frst frnluftsflkten FF8 och avluftspjll ST2

ppnar. Vrmetervinning RV styrs till maximal tervinning.
Efter instlld uppstartstid startar tilluftsflkten TF8
samt uteluftspjll ST1 och tilluftsspjll ST6ppnar
och normal reglering vidtar.

Vid stopp stnger uteluftspjll ST1 och tilluftsspjll ST6och avluftspjll ST2.

Nattkylan r i drift om frnluftstemperaturen verstiger instlld startgrns
och fljande villkor r uppfyllda:

- Det r sommarperiod.
- Utetemperatur ver instlld grns.
- Utetemp. har verstigit brvrde tilluft med mer n 2C i
mer n 3 timmar under normal drifttid.
- Tidsschema nattkyla aktiv.
- Aggregatet ej i ordinarie drift.

Under de frsta 10 minuterna ignoreras frnluftsvillkoren fr

att invnta korrekt mtvrde.

Nattkylan stoppar nr frnluftstemperaturen sjunkit till 4 grader

under instlld startgrns eller ngot av vriga startvillkor
upphrt att glla.

Aggregatet r i drift, vrmeventil SV81-84V och kylventil SV81K

r stngda och vrmetervinning RV r urkopplad.

Fr att undvika teruppvrmning nr nattkyla varit i drift, begrnsas

tilluftstemperaturen vid GT19,20,21 och 22 s att den ej verskrider inomhustemperaturen fr
respektive zon- under sex timmar efter det att tidsschema fr nattkyla stoppat.

Cirkulationspump P81V, P82V, P83V och P84V

Pumparna r i drift oktober - april eller vid lg utetemp samt
nr vrmeventil respektive vrmeventil ppnar ppnar.
Motionering vid pumpstopp via tidsschema.

Cirkulationspump P81K, P82K, P83K och P84K

Pumparna startar nr respektive kylventil ppnar och r i drift till dess ventilen
varit stngd i 5 minuter. Motionering vid pumpstopp via tidsschema.

Verkningsgradsberkning och larm

Berkning av verkningsgraden utfrs nr aggregatet r i drift.
Verkningsgrad = (GT2 - GT41) / (GT2 - GT3U) * 100

Larm fr lg verkningsgrad ges om verkningsgraden

underskrider instlld larmgrns och
fljande villkor r uppfyllda:
- Aggregatet r i drift.
- tervinningen i max.
- Vintertid gller.

Larmet terstlls om ngot av villkoren

upphr att glla.


Cirkulationspumparna P81V, P82V, P83V och P84V frreglar
flktar TF8 och FF8 nr pumparna r iordinarie vinterdrift.
Tilluftsflkten och frnluftsflkten r korsvis
frreglade, frregling terstlles via serviceomkopplare SO1.

Serviceomkopplare SO1 stoppar aggregatet och ger larm.
Kortsluten givare GT2:1, GT3:1, GT4:1 eller GT5:1 i
vrmebatteriretur frreglar aggregatet och ger larm.

Uteluftspjll ST1 och tilluftsspjll ST6och avluftspjll ST2 stnger
via fjdertergng.

Frysvakt utlses vid lg temperatur i vrmebatteriets retur
GT2:1, GT3:1, GT4:1 eller GT5:och
stoppar aggregatet fr att undvika snderfrysning.

Frysvakter terstlles via serviceomkopplare SO1.

Utlst rkdetektor GX71 i tilluften eller GX72 i frnluften eller vid centraltbrandlarm
stoppar TF8 och FF8 startar
Uteluftspjll ST1 och tilluftsspjll ST6 stnger. .
Avluftspjll ST2 ppnar


Tilluftstemperaturen till de olika lokalerna (fasad syd, fasad norr+ st) regleras av en shuntgrupp fr vrme och en fr
kyla. Dessutom skickar varje lokal en signal om vilken hastighet vrmevxlaren skall drivas med. Fr att anlggningen
skall vara energieffektiv styrs VVX enligt fljande:

10. Vintertid vljs den signal som r hgst. Fr att inte kyla skall starta fr de lokaler som eventuellt r
varma blockeras denna.
11. Sommartid vljs den lgsta signalen. Kyla tillts starta.

Tilluftstemperaturen regleras via GT19.

Grundbrvrdet fr GT19 kompenseras av utetemperaturen GT3U

Och frnluftstemperaturgivaren GT10 via kurva

Vid kande vrmebehov sker regleringen i fljande sekvens:

- 1. Kylventil SV81K stnger fr kyla

- 2. Vrmeventil SV81V ppnar fr vrme

Tilluftstemperaturen regleras via GT20.

Grundbrvrdet fr GT20 kompenseras av utetemperaturen GT3U

Och frnluftstemperaturgivaren GT6-9 (medelvrde) via kurva

Vid kande vrmebehov sker regleringen i fljande sekvens:

- 1. Kylventil SV82K stnger fr kyla

- 2. Vrmeventil SV82V ppnar fr vrme

VST Temperaturreglering
Frnluftstemperaturen regleras via GT23-26 (medelvrde) med ddzon mellan vrme- och kylsteg.
Tilluftens temperatur begrnsas mellan 16 och 25 C via
temperaturgivare GT21.
Tilluftstemperaturen regleras via GT21.
Grundbrvrdet fr GT21 kompenseras av utetemperaturen GT3U
Och frnluftstemperaturgivaren GT23-26 (medelvrde)via kurva

Vid kande vrmebehov sker regleringen i fljande sekvens:

- 1. Kylventil SV83K stnger fr kyla

- 2. Vrmeventil SV83V ppnar fr vrme

Frnluftstemperaturen regleras via GT11-14 (medelvrde) med ddzon mellan vrme- och kylsteg.
Tilluftens temperatur begrnsas mellan 16 och 25 C via
temperaturgivare GT22.
Tilluftstemperaturen regleras via GT22.
Grundbrvrdet fr GT22 kompenseras av utetemperaturen GT3U
Och frnluftstemperaturgivaren GT11-14 (medelvrde) via kurva Vid
kande vrmebehov sker regleringen i fljande sekvens:

- 1. Kylventil SV84K stnger fr kyla

- 2. Vrmeventil SV84V ppnar fr vrme

Den gemensamma roterade vrme vxlaren styrs av den son som frtitillfllet har lgst vrme behov.

Returvattenreglering fr respektive zon

Aggregat i drift:
Om returtemperaturen vid underskrider instllt vrde kommer
returvattenregulatorn att ta ver styrningen av vrmeventilen
fr att frhindra att frysvakten lser ut.

Stoppat aggregat:
Returvattenregulatorn reglerar vrmeventilen s att nskad retur-
temperatur vid erhlles.

Sommartid, d frnluftstemperaturen vid GT2 r 2 lgre n utetemperaturen,
startas "vrmetervinning" fr maximal tervinning av kyla. Kylvxling upphr
d frnluftstemperaturen ej lngre r lgre n utelufts-

Tilluftstrycket vid GP71 regleras via varvtalsstyrning
av tilluftsflkten TF8. Frnluftstrycket vid GP72
regleras via varvtalsstyrning av frnluftsflkten FF8.

Grundbrvrdet fr GP71,GP72 kompenseras av

utetemperaturen via kurva.


Spjll ST12 och 8 ppnar via timer nr aggregat r i drift.
Om aggregatet ej r i drift kommer aggregatet att statas up


Spjll ST13 och ST9 ppnar via timer nr aggregat r i drift.
Om aggregatet ej r i drift kommer aggregatet att statas up


Spjll ST14 och ST10 ppnar via timer nr aggregat r i drift.
Om aggregatet ej r i drift kommer aggregatet att statas up


Reglering temperatur: Frnluftsreglering

med max/minbegrnsning av tilluftstemp
Reglering tryck: Tillufts- och frnluftstryck
och utekompensering av tryckbrvrdet
Objekt Frklaring Lev.inst.
GP71_B Grundbrvrde tryck tilluft 497Pa
GP71_BB Berknat brvrde tryck BERKNAT
GP72_B Grundbrvrde tryck frnluft 595 Pa
GP72_BB Berknat brvrde tryck BERKNAT
GP71_X Kurva utetemperatur: -20 5 C
GP71_Y Kompensering tryck: -25 0%
GT19_B Grundbrvrde tilluftstemperatur 18 C
GT19_BB Brvrde tilluft m.h.t. kurva
GT19_X Kurva utetemperaur: -10 0 20 25 C
GT19_Y Kompensering brvrde: 2 1 0 3 C
GT10_X Kurva frnlufttemperatur: 19,0 20,0 21,0 22,0 C
GT10_Y Kompensering brvrde GT11_BB: 1,0 0,0 -1,0 -3,0 C
Fasad st
GT20_B Grundbrvrde tilluftstemperatur 18 C
GT20_BB Brvrde tilluft m.h.t. kurva
GT20_X Kurva utetemperaur: -10 0 20 25 C
GT20_Y Kompensering brvrde: 2 1 0 3 C
GT6-9_X Kurva frnlufttemperatur: 19,0 20,0 21,0 22,0 C
GT6-9_Y Kompensering brvrde GT11_BB: 1,0 0,0 -1,0 -3,0 C
Fasad vst
GT21_B Grundbrvrde tilluftstemperatur 18 C
GT21_BB Brvrde tilluft m.h.t. kurva
GT21_X Kurva utetemperaur: -10 0 20 25 C
GT21_Y Kompensering brvrde: 2 1 0 3 C
GT23-26_X Kurva frnlufttemperatur: 19,0 20,0 21,0 22,0 C
GT23-26_Y Kompensering brvrde GT11_BB: 1,0 0,0 -1,0 -3,0 C
GT22_B Grundbrvrde tilluftstemperatur 18 C
GT22_BB Brvrde tilluft m.h.t. kurva
GT22_X Kurva utetemperaur: -10 0 20 25 C
GT22_Y Kompensering brvrde: 2 1 0 3 C
GT11-14_X Kurva frnlufttemperatur: 19,0 20,0 21,0 22,0 C
GT11-14_Y Kompensering brvrde GT11_BB: 1,0 0,0 -1,0 -3,0 C
GT2:1-5:1 MIN_B Mingrns retur drift 12 C
GT2:1-5:1 RET_B Brvrde retur stopp 20 C
GT2:1-5:1 Frysvakt 7 C
P81-4V_STP Utetemperaturgrns stopp P81V 10 C
SV8-41V_X Kurva utetemperatur: -15 10 C
SV81-4V_Y "Kick" under uppstart: 50 0%

RV_LLG Larmgrns lg verkningsgrad 50 %

GT2_G Frnluftstemperaturgrns nattkyla 23 C
GT3UNK_G Utetemperaturgrns nattkyla 12 C
Sommardrift Gller Maj - September
eller utetemperaturen verstiger 10 C
SN1204_T Frlngd drift timer 120 min.
SN1304_T Frlngd drift timer 120 min.
SN1404_T Frlngd drift timer 120 min.


Objekt Drifttid Drifttidsmtning

TF8 Drift Enligt tidsschema X (aggregat)
06:00-18:00 m-fre
FF8 Drift Samkrs med TF8

Nattkyla 01:00-05:00 m-fre

Uppstartsfrdrjning 120 sek.

Pumpmotion 12:00-12:10 mndagar

P81-4V Kontinuerligt vintertid X

samt vid ppen vrmeventil
P81-4K Vid ppen kylventil X

Objekt Frklaring Larmklass
TF8 Driftstopp B
TF8 Handkrning B
FF8 Driftstopp B
FF8 Handkrning B
SO1 Serviceomkopplare B
P81V Driftstopp B
P81V Handkrning B
P81K Driftstopp B
P81K Handkrning B
P82V Driftstopp B
P82V Handkrning B
P82K Driftstopp B
P82K Handkrning B
P83V Driftstopp B
P83V Handkrning B
P83K Driftstopp B
P83K Handkrning B
P84V Driftstopp B
P84V Handkrning B
P84K Driftstopp B
P84K Handkrning B

RV Summalarm B
RV Lg verkningsgrad B

GT2:1-5:1 Frysvakt A/B (A om utetemp <8C B om utetemp >8C)

GX71/GX72 Rkdetektor B

GT19-22 Temperaturlarm B (hg/lg tilluftstemperatur)

GT Givarfel B
GP71 Trycklarm B (hgt/lgt tilluftstryck)
GP72 Trycklarm B (hgt/lgt frnluftstryck)
GT3U Givarfel B

TF8 Lng drifttid B

FF8 Lng drifttid B

Komponenter utanfr apparatskp

Beteckning Benmning Typ TAC-artikelnummer

STADSHUSET-TA8/FA8-GT1 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA8/FA8-GT2 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA8/FA8-GT41 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA8/FA8-GT6 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA8/FA8-GT7 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA8/FA8-GT8 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA8/FA8-GT9 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA8/FA8-GT10 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA8/FA8-GT11 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA8/FA8-GT12 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA8/FA8-GT13 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA8/FA8-GT14 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA8/FA8-GT19 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA8/FA8-GT20 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA8/FA8-GT21 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA8/FA8-GT22 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA8/FA8-GT23 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA8/FA8-GT24 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA8/FA8-GT25 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA8/FA8-GT26 Temperaturgivare Kanal EGL 5111120000
STADSHUSET-TA8/FA8-GT3U Temperaturgivare Ute EGU 5141100000
STADSHUSET-TA8/FA8-GT2:1 Temperaturgivare Rr EGXA1 5131500000
STADSHUSET-TA8/FA8-GT3:1 Temperaturgivare Rr EGXA1 5131500000
STADSHUSET-TA8/FA8-GT4:1 Temperaturgivare Rr EGXA1 5131500000
STADSHUSET-TA8/FA8-GT5:1 Temperaturgivare Rr EGXA1 5131500000
STADSHUSET-TA8/FA8-GP71 Differenstryckgivare DMD 6552071000
STADSHUSET-TA8/FA8-GP72 Differenstryckgivare DMD 6552071000
STADSHUSET-TA8/FA8-GX71 Rkdetektor Kanal UG-2-J 6553010000
STADSHUSET-TA8/FA8-GX72 Rkdetektor Kanal UG-2-J 6553010000
STADSHUSET-TA8/FA8-ST1 Stlldon spjll TAC M-AF24 8740000010
STADSHUSET-TA8/FA8-ST2 Stlldon spjll TAC M-AF24 8740000010
STADSHUSET-TA8/FA8-ST6 Stlldon spjll TAC M-AF24 8740000010
STADSHUSET-TA8/FA8-ST8 Stlldon spjll TAC NM24 8700020000
STADSHUSET-TA8/FA8-ST9 Stlldon spjll TAC NM24 8700020000
STADSHUSET-TA8/FA8-ST10 Stlldon spjll TAC NM24 8700020000
STADSHUSET-TA8/FA8-ST12 Stlldon spjll TAC NM24 8700020000
STADSHUSET-TA8/FA8-ST13 Stlldon spjll TAC NM24 8700020000
STADSHUSET-TA8/FA8-ST14 Stlldon spjll TAC NM24 8700020000
STADSHUSET-TA8/FA8-SV81V Ventilstlldon EM42 8800230020
STADSHUSET-TA8/FA8-SV81K Ventilstlldon EM42 8800230020
STADSHUSET-TA8/FA8-SV82V Ventilstlldon M400 8800230020
STADSHUSET-TA8/FA8-SV82K Ventilstlldon M400 8800230020
STADSHUSET-TA8/FA8-SV83V Ventilstlldon M400 8800230020
STADSHUSET-TA8/FA8-SV83K Ventilstlldon M400 8800230020
STADSHUSET-TA8/FA8-SV84V Ventilstlldon M400 8800230020
STADSHUSET-TA8/FA8-SV84K Ventilstlldon M400 8800230020
STADSHUSET-TA8/FA8-CTF1 Frekvensomriktare Danfosss VLT6011 6526007000
STADSHUSET-TA8/FA8-CFF1 Frekvensomriktare Danfosss VLT6008 6526006000
STADSHUSET-1204-SN1204 Tryckknapp med indikering EWT 9403 9990052002
STADSHUSET-1304-SN1304 Tryckknapp med indikering EWT 9403 9990052002
STADSHUSET-1404-SN1404 Tryckknapp med indikering EWT 9403 9990052002



The areas of the model are described below. The name of every area has three specific digits
X.X.X. First of all, the first digit shows the body building of the area. The second one
specifies the floor where the area is located and finally the last one numbers the room.



Divisions Sub Lenght(cm width(cm Lenght Width Area (m2)

divisions 1:120) 1:120) (m) (m)
P1 1 1,6 6,9 4 17,25 69
2 9,5 3,8 23,75 9,5 225,625
3 2 1 5 2,5 12,5
P2 1 10,6 5,1 26,5 12,75 337,875
P3 1 11 1,3 27,5 3,25 89,375
2 8,9 2,5 22,25 6,25 139,0625
3 9,6 1,2 24 3 72
4 8,3 0,6 20,75 1,5 31,125
P4 1 8,3 2,3 20,75 5,75 119,3125
2 10,2 6,4 25,5 16 408
3(Triangle) 2,3 2,3 5,75 5,75 16,53125
P5 1 10,4 5,5 26 13,75 357,5
2 1 5,95 2,5 14,875 37,1875
Total 1915,094 m2

1st Floor

Divisions Sub Lenght(cm width(cm Lenght Width (m) Area (m2)

divisions 1:120) 1:120) (m)
P1 1 4,8 1,5 12 3,75 45
2 2,7 2,3 6,75 5,75 38,8125
3 3,5 1,4 8,75 3,5 30,625
4 2,2 3 5,5 7,5 41,25
5 0,65 0,75 1,625 1,875 3,046875
6 1,45 0,8 3,625 2 7,25
7(triangle) 0,5 0,5 1,25 1,25 0,78125
8(triangle) 0,5 0,5 1,25 1,25 0,78125
9(triangle) 2,4 2,4 6 6 18
P2 Area P1 1915,094
Total 1729,547 m2

2nd Floor

Divisions Sub divisions Lenght(cm width(cm Lenght Width (m) Area (m2)
1:120) 1:120) (m)
P1 1 4,8 1,5 12 3,75 45
2 2,7 2,3 6,75 5,75 38,8125
3 3,5 1,4 8,75 3,5 30,625
4 2,2 3 5,5 7,5 41,25
5 0,65 0,75 1,625 1,875 3,046875
6 1,45 0,8 3,625 2 7,25
7(triangle) 0,5 0,5 1,25 1,25 0,78125
8(triangle) 0,5 0,5 1,25 1,25 0,78125
9(triangle) 2,4 2,4 6 6 18
P2 Area P1 1915,094
Total (resta) 1729,547 m2

3rd Floor and Penthouse

Divisions Sub Lenght(cm width(cm Lenght Width (m) Area (m2)

divisions 1:120) 1:120) (m)
P1 1 4,8 1,5 12 3,75 45
2 2,7 2,3 6,75 5,75 38,8125
3 3,5 1,4 8,75 3,5 30,625
4 2,2 3 5,5 7,5 41,25
5 0,65 0,75 1,625 1,875 3,046875
6 1,45 0,8 3,625 2 7,25
7(triangle) 0,5 0,5 1,25 1,25 0,78125
8(triangle) 0,5 0,5 1,25 1,25 0,78125
9(triangle) 2,4 2,4 6 6 18
P2 Area P1 1915,094
Total (resta) 1729,547 m2

Other Penthouses

Divisions Sub Lenght(cm width(cm Lenght Width Area (m2)

divisions 1:120) 1:120) (m) (m)
PH2.1 1 10,2 5,3 25,5 13,25 337,875
2 1 5,9 2,5 14,75 36,875
Total 374,75 m2

Total Building

Basement 1467,15625
Plant1 1915,09375
Plant2 1729,546875
Plant3 1729,546875
Plant4+penthouse1 1729,546875
Penthouse2 374,75
Total 8945,640625 m2

Total cooling demand

Cooling demant
Watts/m2 50 W/m2
Basement 73,3578125 kW
Plant1 95,7546875 kW
Plant2 86,47734375 kW
Plant3 86,47734375 kW
Plant4+penthouse1 86,47734375 kW
Penthouse2 18,7375 kW
Total 447,2820313 kW


Thermal Properties of Building Materials

Material Densit Thermal Conductivity Specific Heat Capacity

y (W/mK) (J/kgK)
WALLS (kg/m
Asbestos cement sheet 0.36 1050
Asbestos cement decking 1500 0.36 1050
Brickwork (outer leaf) 1700 0.84 800
Brickwork (inner leaf) 1700 0.62 800
Cast concrete (dense) 0
2100 1.40 840
Cast concrete (lightweight 1200 0.38 1000
Concrete block (heavyweight) 2300 1.63 1000
Concrete block (medium weight) 1400 0.51 1000
Concrete block (lightweight) 60 0.19 1000
Fibreboard 30
0 0.06 1000
Plasterboard 95
0 0.16 840
Stone (Artificial) 1750
0 1.3 1000
Stone (Limestone) 2180 1.5 910
Tile hanging 1900 0.84 800


External rendering 1300 0.50 1000

Plaster (dense) 1300 0.05 1000
Plaster (lightweight) 60 0.16 1000

Aerated concrete slab 50 0.16 840

Asphalt 1700
0 0.50 1000
Felt/Bitumen layers 1700 0.50 1000
Screed 1200 0.41 840
Stone chippings 1800 0.96 1000
Tile 1900 0.84 800
Wood wool slab 50 0.10 1000

Cast concrete 2000 1.13 1000

Metal tray 7800 50.00 480
Screed 1200 0.41 840
Timber flooring 65 0.14 1200
Wood blocks 65
0 0.14 1200

Expanded polystyrene slab 25 0.035 1400

Glass fibre quilt 12 0.040 840
Glass fibre slab 25 0.035 1000
Mineral fibre slab 30 0.035 1000
Phenolic foam 30 0.040 1400
Polyurethane board 30 0.025 1400
Urea formaldehyde foam 10 0.040 1400


First, the fractional year (() is calculated, in radians.

2 *(day_ of _ year 1 hour 12 )

365 24
From (, we can estimate the equation of time (in minutes) and the solar declination angle
(in radians).

eqtime 229.18* (0.000075 + 0.001868cos - 0.032077sin

- 0.014615cos 2 - 0.040849sin 2 )

decl 0.006918 - 0.399912cos + 0.070257sin - 0.006758cos 2

+ 0.000907sin 2 - 0.002697cos 3 + 0.00148sin 3

Next, the true solar time is calculated in the following two equations. First the time offset
is found, in minutes, and then the true solar time, in minutes.

time_ offset eqtime - 4 *longitude + 60 * timezone

where eqtime is in minutes, longitude is in degrees, timezone is in hours from UTC

(Mountain Standard Time = +7 hours).

tst hr * 60 mn sc / 60 time_ offset

where hr is the hour (0 - 23), mn is the minute (0 - 60), sc is the second (0 - 60).

The solar hour angle, in degrees, is:

ha (tst / 4) 180

The solar zenith angle (N) can then be found from the following equation:

cos sin(lat ) sin(decl) cos(lat ) cos(decl) cos(ha)

And the solar azimuth (2, clockwise from north) is:

sin(lat ) cos sin(decl)

cos(180 )
cos(lat ) sin


Air Change Rates

Building / Room -n-
All spaces in general min 4
Attic spaces for cooling 12 - 15
Auditoriums 8 - 15
Bakeries 20
Banks 4 - 10
Barber Shops 6 - 10
Bars 20 - 30
Beauty Shops 6 - 10
Boiler rooms 15 - 20
Bowling Alleys 10 - 15
Cafeterias 12 - 15
Churches 8 - 15
Club rooms 12
Clubhouses 20 - 30
Cocktail Lounges 20 - 30
Computer Rooms 15 - 20
Court Houses 4 - 10
Dental Centers 8 - 12
Department Stores 6 - 10
Dining Halls 12 -15
Dining rooms (restaurants) 12
Dress Shops 6 - 10
Drug Shops 6 - 10
Engine rooms 4-6
Factory buildings, ordinary 2-4
Factory buildings, fumes and moisture 10 - 15
Fire Stations 4 - 10
Foundries 15 - 20
Galvanizing plants 20 - 30
Garages repair 20 - 30
Garages storage 4-6
Homes, night cooling 10 - 18
Jewelry shops 6 - 10
Kitchens 15 - 60
Laundries 10 - 15
Libraries, public 4

Air Change Rates
Building / Room -n-
Lunch Rooms 12 -15
Luncheonettes 12 -15
Nightclubs 20 - 30
Malls 6 - 10
Medical Centers 8 - 12
Medical Clinics 8 - 12
Medical Offices 8 - 12
Mills, paper 15 - 20
Mills, textile general buildings 4
Mills, textile dye houses 15 - 20
Municipal Buildings 4 - 10
Museums 12 -15
Offices, public 3
Offices, private 4
Police Stations 4 - 10
Post Offices 4 - 10
Precision Manufacturing 10 - 50
Pump rooms 5
Restaurants 8 - 12
Retail 6 - 10
School Classrooms 4 - 12
Shoe Shops 6 - 10
Shopping Centers 6 - 10
Shops, machine 5
Shops, paint 15 - 20
Shops, woodworking 5
Substation, electric 5 - 10
Supermarkets 4 - 10
Town Halls 4 - 10
Taverns 20 - 30
Theaters 8 - 15
Turbine rooms, electric 5 - 10
Warehouses 2
Waiting rooms, public 4


Floor Zone # occupants Equipment
Bulbs Fluoresc.
A.B.1 4 (sometimes) - - -
A.B.2 - - - -
A.B.3 - 3 - -
A.B.4 - 2 - -
A.B.5 - - - -
A.B.6 - - - -
A.B.7 - 3 - -
A.B.8 - 2 - -
A.B.9 - - - 60W
B.B.1 - - - 5 Pc+ elevator
B.B.2 - - - 1 kW
B.B.3 - - - -
B.B.4 - - - -
C.B.1 - - - 60W
C.B.2 - - - 60W
C.B.3 - 3 - Minifridge + micro (700W)
3 Pumps + 170 kW Chiller + 2*2.2kW (Pumpscooling
C.B.4 - - -
C.B.5 - - - -
C.B.6 - - - 1kW pump + 0.75 kW pump + 15A*400V (cooling)
D.B.1 - - - elevator
D.B.2 - - - -
D.B.3 - - - Big printer
D.B.4 - 1 - -

Floor Zone # occupants Lights Equipment
A.1.1 3+costumer 179 9 TV
A.1.2 1 9 PC
A.1.3 - 6
A.1.4 - 6
A.1.5 - 2 mecro + minifridge
A.1.6 2+costumers 43 18 TV + coffemachine
A.1.7 - 6
A.1.8 - 5
A.1.9 - 2 micro + fridge + vacuum
A.1.10 - 14
A.1.11 1 2 PC
A.1.12 1 2 2 PC + Big printer
A.1.13 8 (lunch) 6 3 micros + fridge
1st A.1.14 6 2 22 2 TV + 6 PC
B.1.1 3 34 5 PC + 2 big printers + 2 TV
B.1.2 - 6 elevator
B.1.3 4 (lunch) 2 4 fridge + micro
B.1.4 1 1 2 2 PC + printer + speakers
B.1.5 1 5 4 big printers + 2 PC
C.1.1 1 2 2 PC + waching machine(800W) + vacuum
C.1.2 - 16
C.1.3 - 6
C.1.4 1 54 1kW + 220v*6A*2TImes (macroprinter)
Big printer + micro + fridge + projector + PC +
C.1.5 6 (conference) 4 5
C.1.6 - 1
C.1.7 1 2 1 PC + TV

C.1.9 1 1 1 PC
C.1.10 1 2 PC
C.1.11 2 3 2 2 PC
C.1.12 1 1 1 PC
C.1.13 - 1
D.1.1 10 (lunch) 4 3*Micros + Fridge
D.1.2 1 4 2 Pc
D.1.3 1 1 1 Pc
D.1.4 1 1 1 Pc
D.1.5 1 1 1 Pc
D.1.6 1 1 1 Pc
D.1.7 1 1 1 Pc
D.1.8 1 1 1 Pc
D.1.9 1 1 1 Pc
D.1.10 - 3 Elevator
D.1.11 14 (beaks) 14 6 Big printer + Destructora + Fax + Coffemachine
D.1.12 - 1 -
D.1.13 1 5 -
D.1.14 1 1 1 Pc
D.1.15 1 1 1 Pc
D.1.16 1 1 1 Pc
D.1.17 1 1 1 Pc
D.1.18 1 1 1 Pc
D.1.19 1 1 1 Pc
D.1.20 - 1 -
E.1.1 2+costumers 26 Pc + 2Tv
E.1.2 - 4 -

Floor Zone # occupants Lights Equipment
A.2.1 1 1 1 PC
A.2.2 1 1 1 PC
A.2.3 1 1 1 PC
A.2.4 1 1 1 PC
A.2.5 1 1 1 PC
A.2.6 5 PC +projector + fridge
A.2.7 1 1 1 PC
A.2.8 1 1 1 PC
A.2.9 1 2 1 PC
A.2.10 1 1 1 PC
A.2.11 - 3
A.2.12 - 3
2nd A.2.13 - 1 2 Big printer
A.2.14 - 4 2 big printers
A.2.15 9 (Conference) 8 PC + projector
A.2.16 - 1
A.2.17 - 1 1
A.2.18 1 + (4) 1 1 PC
A.2.19 1 + (4) 1 1 PC
A.2.20 1 1 1 PC
A.2.21 1 1 1 PC
A.2.22 1 2 1 PC
A.2.23 1 2 1 PC
A.2.24 1 1 1 PC
A.2.25 2 2 2 2PC
A.2.26 1 + (5) 1 1 PC

A.2.27 1 + (5) 2 PC
A.2.28 1 2 1 PC
A.2.29 2 2 2PC
A.2.30 1 (sleep) 2
A.2.31 - 28
B.2.1 1 1 1 PC
B.2.2 1 1 1 PC
B.2.3 2 17 Projector
B.2.4 - 12 Big printer
B.2.5 - 2
B.2.6 - 14 8
B.2.7 - 7 Big printer + Massage Airchair + Gym machine
B.2.8 4 (fika) 4
2nd B.2.9 1 1 1 PC
B.2.10 1 1 1 2PC
B.2.11 2 2 2 2PC
B.2.12 1 2 1 PC
B.2.13 1 2 1 PC
C.2.1 - 6
C.2.2 - 2
C.2.3 11 (kitchen) 7 2 fridges + 4 micros + coffemachine
C.2.4 - 1
C.2.5 - 3
C.2.6 1 1 1 PC
C.2.7 1 1 1 PC
C.2.8 1 + (5) 1 5 PC
C.2.9 - 1
C.2.10 - 13 Big printer
C.2.11 1 2 1 PC + printer
C.2.12 1 1 1 PC
C.2.13 1 1 1 PC
C.2.14 1 1 1 PC
C.2.15 1 2 1 PC
C.2.16 1 1 1 PC
C.2.17 1 3 PC
D.2.1 1 2 PC + printer
D.2.2 1 + (2) 2 2 PC
D.2.3 1 1 1 PC
D.2.4 1 1 1 PC
D.2.5 1 1 1 PC
D.2.6 1 1 1 PC
D.2.7 1 1 1 PC
D.2.8 1 1 1 PC
D.2.9 1 1 1 PC
D.2.10 - 4 elevator
D.2.11 10 (fika) 18 4 big printer + 2 printers
D.2.12 - 4
D.2.13 1 1 1 PC
D.2.14 1 1 1 PC
D.2.15 1 1 1 PC
D.2.16 1 1 1 PC
D.2.17 1 1 1 PC
D.2.18 1 1 1 PC
D.2.19 1 1 1 PC
D.2.20 1 1 1 PC
D.2.21 - 1

Floor Zone # occupants Lights Equipment
A.3.1 62 (Lunch) 30 8 3 fridges + micro + PC
A.3.2 4 1 26 3 big fridges + 4 dishwashers + micro + oven
A.3.3 11
A.3.4 27 (lunch) 24
A.3.5 3
A.3.6 1
A.3.7 2
A.3.8 5 1
A.3.9 231 + 9 (120W) 2 PC + projector
A.3.10 2
A.3.11 8 (After parl) 13
A.3.12 2
B.3.1 40 (After parl) 10
B.3.2 13(After parl) 6 + 2 (focos) 22
B.3.3 16 elevator
B.3.4 12(conference) 6 2 TV + projector
B.3.5 2 6
B.3.6 5
B.3.7 5
B.3.8 4 (wardrop) 10
B.3.9 12(conference) 6 2 TV + projector
C.3.1 8 2 PC + projector
C.3.2 65 PC + projector
C.3.3 1

C.3.4 1
C.3.5 2 2
C.3.6 1
C.3.7 6 (Kitchen) 1 fridge + washdisher + micro + coffemachine
C.3.8 1 1 1 PC
C.3.9 1 + (10) 2 PC + TV(big)
C.3.10 - 1
C.3.12 - 8
C.3.14 1 1 1 PC
C.3.15 1 1 1 PC
C.3.16 1 1 1 PC
C.3.17 1 1 1 PC
C.3.18 1 1 1 PC
C.3.19 1 + (4) 2 1 PC
D.3.1 (4) conference 2 PC
D.3.2 1 1 1 PC
D.3.3 1 1 1 PC
D.3.4 1 1 1 PC
D.3.5 1 1 1 PC
D.3.6 1 1 1 PC
D.3.7 1 1 1 PC
D.3.8 1 1 1 PC
D.3.9 1 1 1 PC
D.3.10 1 2 1 PC
D.3.11 - 4 -
D.3.12 16 (fika) 18 6 -

D.3.13 - 5 -
D.3.14 (5) conference 1 1 TV
D.3.15 1 1 1 PC
D.3.16 1 1 1 PC
D.3.17 1 1 1 PC
D.3.18 1 1 1 PC
D.3.19 1 1 1 PC
D.3.20 1 1 1 PC
D.3.21 1 1 1 PC
D.3.22 - 1

Floor Zone # occupants Lights Equipment

A.4.1 - 4
A.4.2 - 14
A.4.3 - 1 1.1kW AHU fan
A.4.4 -
A.4.5 - 1
A.4.6 -
A.4.7 -
A.4.8 2 (parlam) 3 2 2PC
B.4.1 - 16
B.4.2 - 6
B.4.3 - 10
C.4.1 - 12
C.4.2 - 1
C.4.3 - 4

C.4.4 - 4
C.4.5 - 20
C.4.6 - 1
D.4.1 (4) conference 2 PC
D.4.2 1 1 1 PC
D.4.3 1 1 1 PC
D.4.4 1 + (2) 2 1 PC
D.4.5 1 1 1 PC
D.4.6 1 1 1 PC
D.4.7 1 1 1 PC
D.4.8 1 1 1 PC
4th/Attic D.4.9 1 1 1 PC
D.4.10 - 2 4 elevator
D.4.11 15 (fika) 18 6 TV + 2 micros + fridge + 2 Big printers + 2 printers
D.4.12 - 5
D.4.13 1 1 1 PC
D.4.14 1 1 1 PC
D.4.15 1 1 1 PC
D.4.16 1 1 1 PC
D.4.17 1 1 1 PC
D.4.18 6 (conference) 2 2 PC + projector
D.4.19 1 1 1 PC
D.4.20 - 2



- Energy price city hall:

2007 46,78
2008 45,65
2009 57,62
2010 57,14
2011 51,22
2012 53,86
2013 50,75

- Charges 2013:

District cooling

- Energy price:

avgift kr/MWh
2010 285
2011 304,66
2012 308,7
2013 279,55

- Charges:

Effekt 1500 kW
2010 495 kr/kW
2011 502,33 kr/kW
2012 516,88 kr/kW
2013 517,16 kr/kW


1) Prices district cooling

Year Impact fee (450kW) Performance fee
2013 254,970435 Kr/kW 279,55 Kr/MWh
2014 255,8644 Kr/kW 291,366 Kr/MWh
2015 256,569 Kr/kW 290,135 Kr/MWh
2016 257,2736 Kr/kW 288,904 Kr/MWh
2017 257,9782 Kr/kW 287,673 Kr/MWh
2018 258,6828 Kr/kW 286,442 Kr/MWh
2019 259,3874 Kr/kW 285,211 Kr/MWh
2020 260,092 Kr/kW 283,98 Kr/MWh
2021 260,7966 Kr/kW 282,749 Kr/MWh
2022 261,5012 Kr/kW 281,518 Kr/MWh
2023 262,2058 Kr/kW 280,287 Kr/MWh
2024 262,9104 Kr/kW 279,056 Kr/MWh
2025 263,615 Kr/kW 277,825 Kr/MWh
2026 264,3196 Kr/kW 276,594 Kr/MWh
2027 265,0242 Kr/kW 275,363 Kr/MWh
2028 265,7288 Kr/kW 274,132 Kr/MWh
2029 266,4334 Kr/kW 272,901 Kr/MWh
2030 267,138 Kr/kW 271,67 Kr/MWh
2031 267,8426 Kr/kW 270,439 Kr/MWh
2032 268,5472 Kr/kW 269,208 Kr/MWh
2033 269,2518 Kr/kW 267,977 Kr/MWh
2034 269,9564 Kr/kW 266,746 Kr/MWh
2035 270,661 Kr/kW 265,515 Kr/MWh
2036 271,3656 Kr/kW 264,284 Kr/MWh
2037 272,0702 Kr/kW 263,053 Kr/MWh
2038 272,7748 Kr/kW 261,822 Kr/MWh
2039 273,4794 Kr/kW 260,591 Kr/MWh
2040 274,184 Kr/kW 259,36 Kr/MWh
2041 274,8886 Kr/kW 258,129 Kr/MWh
2042 275,5932 Kr/kW 256,898 Kr/MWh
2043 276,2978 Kr/kW 255,667 Kr/MWh

2) Prices Electricity

Performance fee Fixed fee impact fee(High voltage) Mobile network charge
50,75 re/KWh 4000 kr/year 252 kr/kW 5,8 re/KWh
54,9648 re/KWh 4334,234 kr/year 273,1474 kr/kW 6,263 re/KWh
55,748 re/KWh 4395,965 kr/year 277,0365 kr/kW 6,3525 re/KWh
56,5312 re/KWh 4457,696 kr/year 280,9256 kr/kW 6,442 re/KWh
57,3144 re/KWh 4519,427 kr/year 284,8147 kr/kW 6,5315 re/KWh
58,0976 re/KWh 4581,158 kr/year 288,7038 kr/kW 6,621 re/KWh
58,8808 re/KWh 4642,889 kr/year 292,5929 kr/kW 6,7105 re/KWh
59,664 re/KWh 4704,62 kr/year 296,482 kr/kW 6,8 re/KWh
60,4472 re/KWh 4766,351 kr/year 300,3711 kr/kW 6,8895 re/KWh
61,2304 re/KWh 4828,082 kr/year 304,2602 kr/kW 6,979 re/KWh
62,0136 re/KWh 4889,813 kr/year 308,1493 kr/kW 7,0685 re/KWh
62,7968 re/KWh 4951,544 kr/year 312,0384 kr/kW 7,158 re/KWh
63,58 re/KWh 5013,275 kr/year 315,9275 kr/kW 7,2475 re/KWh
64,3632 re/KWh 5075,006 kr/year 319,8166 kr/kW 7,337 re/KWh
65,1464 re/KWh 5136,737 kr/year 323,7057 kr/kW 7,4265 re/KWh
65,9296 re/KWh 5198,468 kr/year 327,5948 kr/kW 7,516 re/KWh
66,7128 re/KWh 5260,199 kr/year 331,4839 kr/kW 7,6055 re/KWh
67,496 re/KWh 5321,93 kr/year 335,373 kr/kW 7,695 re/KWh
68,2792 re/KWh 5383,661 kr/year 339,2621 kr/kW 7,7845 re/KWh
69,0624 re/KWh 5445,392 kr/year 343,1512 kr/kW 7,874 re/KWh
69,8456 re/KWh 5507,123 kr/year 347,0403 kr/kW 7,9635 re/KWh
70,6288 re/KWh 5568,854 kr/year 350,9294 kr/kW 8,053 re/KWh
71,412 re/KWh 5630,585 kr/year 354,8185 kr/kW 8,1425 re/KWh
72,1952 re/KWh 5692,316 kr/year 358,7076 kr/kW 8,232 re/KWh
72,9784 re/KWh 5754,047 kr/year 362,5967 kr/kW 8,3215 re/KWh
73,7616 re/KWh 5815,778 kr/year 366,4858 kr/kW 8,411 re/KWh
74,5448 re/KWh 5877,509 kr/year 370,3749 kr/kW 8,5005 re/KWh
75,328 re/KWh 5939,24 kr/year 374,264 kr/kW 8,59 re/KWh
76,1112 re/KWh 6000,971 kr/year 378,1531 kr/kW 8,6795 re/KWh
76,8944 re/KWh 6062,702 kr/year 382,0422 kr/kW 8,769 re/KWh
77,6776 re/KWh 6124,433 kr/year 385,9313 kr/kW 8,8585 re/KWh

3) Investments

- District cooling

Installation DC on basement 350 kSEK

Access charge 900 kSEK
teardound old system 103 kSEK

- Water chiller:

Water chilelr commount price 1400 kSEK


4) Energy demand

- District cooling:

Cooling capacity 450 kW

Cooling demand 91,2081828 MWh
efficiency heat exchanger 97%

- Water chiller:

Electricity capacity 106 kW

Electricity demand Electricity 20,7194233 MWh
COP 4,27

5) Cash flow calculations

- District cooling

2013 Maintenance 5 kSEK

Impact fee 114,736696 kSEK
Energy 25,4972475 kSEK
Total costs 145,233943 kSEK

2014 Maintenance 5,1 kSEK

Impact fee 115,13898 kSEK
Energy 26,5749634 kSEK
Total costs 146,813943 kSEK

2015 Maintenance 5,202 kSEK

Impact fee 115,45605 kSEK
Energy 26,4626861 kSEK
Total costs 147,120736 kSEK

2016 Maintenance 5,30604 kSEK
Impact fee 115,77312 kSEK
Energy 26,3504088 kSEK
Total costs 147,429569 kSEK

2017 Maintenance 5,4121608 kSEK

Impact fee 116,09019 kSEK
Energy 26,2381316 kSEK
Total costs 147,740482 kSEK

2018 Maintenance 5,52040402 kSEK

Impact fee 116,40726 kSEK
Energy 26,1258543 kSEK
Total costs 148,053518 kSEK

2019 Maintenance 5,6308121 kSEK

Impact fee 116,72433 kSEK
Energy 26,013577 kSEK
Total costs 148,368719 kSEK

2020 Maintenance 5,74342834 kSEK

Impact fee 117,0414 kSEK
Energy 25,9012997 kSEK
Total costs 148,686128 kSEK

2021 Maintenance 5,85829691 kSEK

Impact fee 117,35847 kSEK
Energy 25,7890225 kSEK
Total costs 149,005789 kSEK

2022 Maintenance 5,97546284 kSEK

Impact fee 117,67554 kSEK
Energy 25,6767452 kSEK
Total costs 149,327748 kSEK

2023 Maintenance 6,0949721

Impact fee 117,99261
Energy 25,5644679
Total costs 149,65205 kSEK

2024 Maintenance 6,21687154

Impact fee 118,30968
Energy 25,4521907
Total costs 149,978742 kSEK

2025 Maintenance 6,34120897

Impact fee 118,62675
Energy 25,3399134
Total costs 150,307872 kSEK

2026 Maintenance 6,46803315

Impact fee 118,94382
Energy 25,2276361
Total costs 150,639489 kSEK

2027 Maintenance 6,59739382

Impact fee 119,26089
Energy 25,1153588
Total costs 150,973643 kSEK

2028 Maintenance 6,72934169

Impact fee 119,57796
Energy 25,0030816
Total costs 151,310383 kSEK

2029 Maintenance 6,86392853

Impact fee 119,89503
Energy 24,8908043
Total costs 151,649763 kSEK

2030 Maintenance 7,0012071

Impact fee 120,2121
Energy 24,778527
Total costs 151,991834 kSEK

2031 Maintenance 7,14123124

Impact fee 120,52917
Energy 24,6662497
Total costs 152,336651 kSEK

2032 Maintenance 7,28405586

Impact fee 120,84624
Energy 24,5539725
Total costs 152,684268 kSEK

2033 Maintenance 7,42973698

Impact fee 121,16331
Energy 24,4416952
Total costs 153,034742 kSEK

2034 Maintenance 7,57833172

Impact fee 121,48038
Energy 24,3294179
Total costs 153,38813 kSEK
2035 Maintenance 7,72989835
Impact fee 121,79745
Energy 24,2171407
Total costs 153,744489 kSEK

2036 Maintenance 7,88449632

Impact fee 122,11452
Energy 24,1048634
Total costs 154,10388 kSEK

2037 Maintenance 8,04218625

Impact fee 122,43159
Energy 23,9925861
Total costs 154,466362 kSEK

2038 Maintenance 8,20302997

Impact fee 122,74866
Energy 23,8803088
Total costs 154,831999 kSEK

2039 Maintenance 8,36709057

Impact fee 123,06573
Energy 23,7680316
Total costs 155,200852 kSEK

2040 Maintenance 8,53443238

Impact fee 123,3828
Energy 23,6557543
Total costs 155,572987 kSEK

2041 Maintenance 8,70512103

Impact fee 123,69987
Energy 23,543477
Total costs 155,948468 kSEK

2042 Maintenance 8,87922345

Impact fee 124,01694
Energy 23,4311997
Total costs 156,327363 kSEK

2043 Maintenance 9,05680792

Impact fee 124,33401
Energy 23,3189225
Total costs 156,70974 kSEK

- Water chiller:

2013 Maintenance 60 kSEK

- 0
Energy 42,4288339
Total costs 102,428834 kSEK

2014 Maintenance 61,2 kSEK

- 0
Energy 45,9739054
Total costs 107,173905 kSEK

2015 Maintenance 62,424 kSEK

- 0
Energy 46,6286994
Total costs 109,052699 kSEK

2016 Maintenance 63,67248 kSEK

- 0
Energy 47,2834934
Total costs 110,955973 kSEK

2017 Maintenance 64,9459296 kSEK

- 0
Energy 47,9382875
Total costs 112,884217 kSEK

2018 Maintenance 66,2448482 kSEK

- 0
Energy 48,5930815
Total costs 114,83793 kSEK

2019 Maintenance 67,5697452 kSEK

- 0
Energy 49,2478755
Total costs 116,817621 kSEK

2020 Maintenance 68,9211401 kSEK

- 0
Energy 49,9026695
Total costs 118,82381 kSEK

2021 Maintenance 70,2995629 kSEK

- 0
Energy 50,5574635
Total costs 120,857026 kSEK

2022 Maintenance 71,7055541 kSEK
- 0
Energy 51,2122575
Total costs 122,917812 kSEK

2023 Maintenance 73,1396652

- 0
Energy 51,8670515
Total costs 125,006717 kSEK

2024 Maintenance 74,6024585

- 0
Energy 52,5218455
Total costs 127,124304 kSEK

2025 Maintenance 76,0945077

- 0
Energy 53,1766395
Total costs 129,271147 kSEK

2026 Maintenance 77,6163978

- 0
Energy 53,8314335
Total costs 131,447831 kSEK

2027 Maintenance 79,1687258

- 0
Energy 54,4862275
Total costs 133,654953 kSEK

2028 Maintenance 80,7521003

- 0
Energy 55,1410215
Total costs 135,893122 kSEK

2029 Maintenance 82,3671423

- 0
Energy 55,7958155
Total costs 138,162958 kSEK

2030 Maintenance 84,0144852

- 0
Energy 56,4506095
Total costs 140,465095 kSEK

2031 Maintenance 85,6947749

- 0
Energy 57,1054035
Total costs 142,800178 kSEK

2032 Maintenance 87,4086704

- 0
Energy 57,7601976
Total costs 145,168868 kSEK

2033 Maintenance 89,1568438

- 0
Energy 58,4149916
Total costs 147,571835 kSEK

2034 Maintenance 90,9399806

- 0
Energy 59,0697856
Total costs 150,009766 kSEK

2035 Maintenance 92,7587802

- 0
Energy 59,7245796
Total costs 152,48336 kSEK

2036 Maintenance 94,6139559

- 0
Energy 60,3793736
Total costs 154,993329 kSEK

2037 Maintenance 96,506235

- 0
Energy 61,0341676
Total costs 157,540403 kSEK

2038 Maintenance 98,4363597

- 0
Energy 61,6889616
Total costs 160,125321 kSEK

2039 Maintenance 100,405087

- 0
Energy 62,3437556
Total costs 162,748842 kSEK

2040 Maintenance 102,413189

- 0
Energy 62,9985496
Total costs 165,411738 kSEK
2041 Maintenance 104,461452
- 0
Energy 63,6533436
Total costs 168,114796 kSEK

2042 Maintenance 106,550681

- 0
Energy 64,3081376
Total costs 170,858819 kSEK

2043 Maintenance 108,681695

- 0
Energy 64,9629316
Total costs 173,644627 kSEK

6) Accumulate


Cash flow Acumulat Cash flow ACUMULAT Price WC
2012 1353 1353 1400 1400 1400
2013 145,233943 1498,23394 102,428834 1502,42883 1428
2014 146,813943 1645,04789 107,173905 1609,60274 1456,56
2015 147,120736 1792,16862 109,052699 1718,65544 1485,6912
2016 147,429569 1939,59819 110,955973 1829,61141 1515,40502
2017 147,740482 2087,33867 112,884217 1942,49563 1545,71312
2018 148,053518 2235,39219 114,83793 2057,33356 1576,62739
2019 148,368719 2383,76091 116,817621 2174,15118 1608,15993
2020 148,686128 2532,44704 118,82381 2292,97499 1640,32313
2021 149,005789 2681,45283 120,857026 2413,83202 1673,1296
2022 149,327748 2830,78058 122,917812 2536,74983 1706,59219
2023 149,65205 2980,43263 125,006717 2661,75654 1740,72403
2024 149,978742 3130,41137 127,124304 2788,88085 1775,53851
2025 150,307872 3280,71924 129,271147 2918,15199 1811,04928
2026 150,639489 3431,35873 131,447831 3049,59983 1847,27027
2027 150,973643 3582,33237 133,654953 3183,25478 1884,21567
2028 151,310383 3733,64276 135,893122 3319,1479 1921,89999
2029 151,649763 3885,29252 138,162958 3457,31086 1960,33799
2030 151,991834 4037,28435 140,465095 3597,77595 1999,54475
2031 152,336651 4189,621 142,800178 3740,57613 2039,53564
2032 152,684268 4342,30527 145,168868 3885,745 2080,32635
2033 153,034742 4495,34001 2269,50472 6155,24972 2121,93288
2034 153,38813 4648,72814 150,009766 6305,25948 2164,37154
2035 153,744489 4802,47263 152,48336 6457,74284 2207,65897
2036 154,10388 4956,57651 154,993329 6612,73617 2251,81215
2037 154,466362 5111,04288 157,540403 6770,27657 2296,84839

2038 154,831999 5265,87487 160,125321 6930,4019 2342,78536
2039 155,200852 5421,07573 162,748842 7093,15074 2389,64107
2040 155,572987 5576,64871 165,411738 7258,56248 2437,43389
2041 155,948468 5732,59718 168,114796 7426,67727 2486,18257
2042 156,327363 5888,92454 170,858819 7597,53609 2535,90622
2043 156,70974 6045,63428 173,644627 7771,18072 2586,62434

7) Net present value

Capital cost = 0,07


0 47 47
1 -40,004775 6,99522495
2 -34,6231443 -27,6279194
3 -31,0748575 -58,7027769
4 -27,8255313 -86,5283082
5 -24,8520354 -111,380344
6 -22,1329492 -133,513293
7 -19,6484384 -153,161731
8 -17,3801413 -170,541873
9 -15,311062 -185,852935
10 -13,4254725 -199,278407
11 -11,7088203 -210,987227
12 -10,1476439 -221,134871
13 -8,72949305 -229,864364
14 -7,44285583 -237,30722
15 -6,27709002 -243,58431
16 -5,22235985 -248,80667
17 -4,26957706 -253,076247
18 -3,41034627 -256,486593
19 -2,63691414 -259,123508
20 -1,94212228 -261,06563
Pay back 21 511,155197 250,089567
22 -0,76254111 249,327026
23 -0,26603127 249,060994
24 0,17535201 249,236346
25 0,56638938 249,802736
26 0,91148627 250,714222
27 1,21470086 251,928923
28 1,47977 253,408693
29 1,71013331 255,118826
30 1,90895546 257,027782
31 257,027782 kSEK
NPV 257,027782 kSEK

8) Results

NPV 257,0278 kSEK

IRR 12%
cost 7% IRR > Capital cost


1) Particle production

CO2 936,0857143 Kg/MWh year

SOx 0,514285714 Kg/MWh year
NOx 0,304761905 Kg/MWh year

2) Particles calculation

WCS DCS Diference Units

Power installation 450 450 - kW
Qcooling demand 88,4719373 91,2081828 -2,736245484 MWh
COPchillers/Efficiency DC (%) 4,27 93% - -
Energy electricity 20,7194233 6,38457279 14,33485046 MWh
CO2 19395,1561 5976,50739 13418,64873 kg/year
SOx 10,6557034 3,28349458 7,372208808 kg/year
NOx 6,3144909 1,94577457 4,368716331 kg/year
Reduction 69,18556701 %


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