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Jackson H. Mazzone
JMC Artificial Intelligence Division
123 Fake st.
Madison, Wisconsin
Phone: (555) 555-5555

Addressing concerns about the RealThought artificial intelligence given by the public.

Madison, WisconsinSeptember 23, 2020Im sure that most of you here are aware of the
rumors surrounding RealThought AI and that it could be dangerous to further experiment with
high level intelligence. While yes, the dangers of sentient artificial intelligence is a distinct
possibility in the distant future. The technology just is not there yet. And the technology will not
be there for a long time. Systems like deep learning have been made to make us think that
machines have intelligence but it is just a facsimile. True artificial intelligence may not even be
possible. The journalist Toby Walsh has said There are many fundamental limits within the
universe. Some are physical: you cannot accelerate past the speed of light, know both position
and momentum with complete accuracy, or know when a radioactive atom will decay. Any
thinking machine that we build will be limited by these physical laws. Of course, if that machine
is electronic or even quantum in nature, these limits are likely to be beyond the biological and
chemical limits of our human brains. Nevertheless, AI may well run into some fundamental
limits. (Walsh). He is correct in his statement that the technology is not here yet and may not
ever be. We at JMC are creating the very best AI in the industry yet even we dont think we can
make true human level intelligence. As Yoshua Bengio said Beginning in 2005, AIs outlook
changed spectacularly. That was when deep learning, an approach to building intelligent
machines that drew inspiration from brain science, began to come into its own. In recent years
deep learning has become a singular force propelling AI research forward. Major information
technology companies are now pouring billions of dollars into its development. (Bengio). Even
with the deep learning that we are creating for our machines, it is not on the same page as true
intelligence. The two subjects are like apples and oranges. Nello Cristianini said Researchers
also ditched the assumption that AI would provide us with further understanding of our own
intelligence. Try to learn from algorithms how humans perform those tasks, and you are wasting
your time: the intelligence is more in the data than in the algorithm. (Cristianini). There is still
more about intelligence that neuroscientists have yet to uncover. All we can say for sure is that
intelligent AI will not be here for a long time.

For additional information contact Jackson Mazzone.

(555) 555-5555

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