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52.0. man with a 17-year history of diabetes. Presents with pain in his legs. Please examine his lower limbs. (4.5 mins) INSPECTION PVD exam NEURO ~ painted on gangrenous ulcer in between toes! = trophic changes etc.... -N.B. capillary return - pulses were hard to find but were present. - motor - reflexes only (no need tone, power, coordination) - sensory - vibration ~pain = light touch (no need proprioception) N.B: make sure you delineate a sensory level, do not just examine in dermatomal distribution! How would you manage a patient with a diabotia foot? a () oy 4) a a a etc Education injury can be unexpected inopect regularly demonstrate nail cutting technique to patient wear comfortable shoes don't walk barefoot regular podiatrist assessment What pharmacological treatment? (3 marks) a) a) (1) TCAs (e.g. Amitriptyline) Carbamezepine Capsacin spray?? / simple analgesia 27?

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