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Introduction to Internet

Protocol Over Satellite

Sebastian Coe
TSM 601
Professor Bowman

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How is IPoS attractive as a business opportunity?

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What Technologies is IPoS
IPoS has the objective of replacing previous VSAT
systems for satellite internet

In order to use these systems you had to be under the

particular operators footprint, using only its technology

This forced users to only subscribe to their satellite

provider and to be forced to pay whatever the provider
felt fit as an acceptable rate

Sebastian Coe - IPoS (TIA-1008) 3

IPoS as a Business Opportunity
There are many potential winners from the
implementation of IPoS, according to Hughes Network
Systems these include [1]:
Residential and Corporate End Users
Applications Developers
VPN Application and Appliance Vendors
A/V Streaming, and Multimedia Appliance Vendors
PC Hardware, OS, and Appliance Vendors
Satellite Operators
Service Providers
Satellite Terminal and Appliance Developers
Hub Manufacturers

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How will the winners make money?
Satellite Operators: By selling transponder

Application and Appliance Vendors: By creating

software and Hardware systems compatible with

Service Providers: By offering users access to

the internet through IPoS connected networks
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How will the winners make money?
PC Hardware, OS, Appliance Vendors: By
selling more advanced systems that can take
advantage of full-broadband

Hub Manufacturers: By Developing equipment

that works well with the IPoS standard

End Users: Will benefit through lower costs and

better service
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But what are the Costs?
For Users:
Monthly Service Fees (as low as $30-40/month)
Equipment (many times included in monthly fee) [5]

For Satellite Operators:

Existing Transponder Capacity can be Used (no cost)
New satellites could be launched (80 million $ each) [10]

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Making Money
Hughes Network Systems wished for its standard to be
open for the greatest amount of interoperability
between satellite systems

This means that a host of application developers can

develop software to be run on IPoS systems with the
assurance that it will work on a wide variety of

More Users of an application means more potential for

greater profits

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Saving Money
An IPoS terminal is 30-40 percent cheaper than using
other satellite terminals [9]

there are several satellite operators who can offer

global coverage without any investments in expensive
terrestrial networks which is good news for ISPs. [5]

Laying cable across the Atlantic costs 175 million

dollars, much more than what it costs to develop and
launch a successful comsat [10]

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What Technology could Threaten
A cheap solution for areas that cannot get traditional
access to Cable and DSL technologies [9]

Does not require the setup, launch, and maintenance

of expensive satellite technologies

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[1] Hughes Network Systems. HNS-30740. January 2004. IP Over Satellite (IPoS) October 12,

[2] Telecommunications Industry Association. Standards Department. 2008. About Standards

October 23, 2008. http://www.tiaonline.org/standards/about/index.cfm

[3] Ciber Habitat. Gobierno de Mexico Satelites Mexicanos. 2008. Sistema Satmex October 23,
2008 http://ciberhabitat.gob.mx/medios/satelites/mexicanos/satmex.htm

[4] Project MESA. MESA DTR 70.0008v1.5.4 Technical Report. Technical Specifications Group
SYSTEM. April, 2005. Technologies with Potential Applicability to Project MESA. October 12,

Sebastian Coe - IPoS (TIA-1008) 11

[5] Viinamaki, Jarkko. Department of Electrical Engineering, Helsinki University of Technology. IP Over
Satellite. October 12, 2008, http://www.tml.hut.fi/Opinnot/T-109.551/2004/reports/ipoversatellite_v3.doc

[6] Working Party 4B. Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R S. 1709. 2006 Technical Characteristics of
Air Interfaces of Global Broadband Satellite Systems. October 12, 2008,

[7] Universidade de Vigo. Recomendacin UIT-R S. 1709-1 Cuestion UIT-R 269/4. 2005-2007 Caractersticas
tcnicas de las interfaces radioelctricas para sistemas mundiales de comunicaciones por satlite en banda
ancha October 12, 2008, http://webs.uvigo.es/servicios/biblioteca/uit/rec/S/R-REC-S.1709-1-200701-

[8] Rahul Neel Mani. May 17, 2004. Express Computer, Indias No.1 IT Weekly. IPoS: Lifeline of Satellite
Industry. November 22, 2008. http://www.expresscomputeronline.com/20040517/newsanalysis01.shtml

[9] Wimax.Com. n.d. Faqs. Will WiMax Replace DSL and Cable? November 22, 2008.

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[10] Megan G. April 17, 1997. Communications Satellites. November 22, 2008.

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