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PC Version of Health Guide

bullet time:
-milk, eggs, nuts, and juice should be as un-processed as possible
-avoid use of wi-fi and wireless phone devices, sticking to ethernet/home phones
-stay away from any form of extreme stress like loud sounds, cold/hold, etc
-avoid hard-to-chew foods like steak and celery. if you can cook it to where it
's easy to chew, good for you. also, any skins on fruits are bad
for you unless it is dried fruit.
-eat what tastes good to you mostly. high in fat is good. salt is good. sugar
is good. the only thing is that you need to store things
properly because bacteria is attracted to such things which is what makes it bad
(more on this later but the whole reason things like greens are
cited as being "good for you" is because they do not begin to attract much bacte
ria until they actually rot/decay).
-plastic is good/bad. never heat anything in a plastic container/plastic wrap.
storage containers are fine but any time it is heated it
releases horrible chemicals.
-drink natural spring water or use a Berkey brand filter for ideal water.
-medications are good for you. HOWEVER. they have to be stored properly in a B
RF jar and in the fridge. otherwise, they attract bacteria like
nothing else. even a few seconds of being open matters with these.
-try to use natural/organic cleaning products, detergents, hygiene products. av
oid synthetic scents (these can be very harmful in Lysol and
-raw food diet = myth. you want vegetables as palpable/pre-cooked as is ideal f
or easy digestion and chewing. broccoli is an exception as it
is technically a flower.
-sunlight is not good for you. seriously. EVEN if you are black though you wil
l be less sensitive to the negative effects of it.
-wear natural clothing materials not treated with pesticides or synthetic dyes (
some of this is impossible because it includes seats in cars,
furniture, paint on your walls, etc. it's also great if you get a mattress that
is the same).
-do not wear braces or retainers or permanent retainers. ever. if your health
is going properly, your body can do the rest for you
WHOLISTICALLY. more on this later. also do not floss, and avoid even brushing
your teeth but since i know you're going to do this anyway just
make sure you use an organic toothpaste and a gentle toothbrush. eventually, on
ce your body is attuned you will see this habit actually hurts
you. so-called evil plaque is actually helping your enamel and is not something
you have to remove.
-here's the fun one: exercise and any body strengthening activities, and in fac
t ANY activity that increases respiration/calorie burning is bad
for your immune system. you can learn to manage your body and find out what cho
ice of daily activities is best for you but avoid the things that
are strenuous that you would not choose to do if you did not have to. the point
is that all stress is bad for you, but you ultimately choose
what is best for your lifestyle type. the more time you spend laying down, doin
g nothing (or just doing low-stress mental activities) the
stronger you are going to become wholistically. if you want to learn more about
this idea, i have a nice lecture in my other document after all
the main points. but you will find that your body is still doing A LOT while la
ying down doing nothing. i actually gained 45 lbs of healthy,
muscular weight this way after being horrifically skinny/lanky my whole life whe
reas exercise never helped.
-do not donate blood plasma/blood/organs if possible. there is a bit of a funny
thing about this, and that is that is really is best for the
person is question to make their own blood/repair their own organs for ideal fun
ction but our culture does not understand the concepts of self-
healing/how the known self IS the physical body. also never ever give away your
wisdom teeth/appendix/gallbladder.
-odd one but avoid beds that are high off the ground. your nervous system react
s to this negatively because it fears (whether you know it
consciously or not) falling off and will relax more if you are near the ground.
also you should be able to lay exclusively on your back for
ideal results.
-okay i'm gonna talk about cotton for a little bit. i have a 100% cotton futon.
there is an odd thing about cotton: it seems to have some kind
of an immune system. if you put food that would rot if left our normally in or
on the futon it will actually remain edible for...like ever.
even when it looks bad. i'm not condoning putting food in your futon or whateve
r (and they are btw ideal over springed mattresses if you can fix
your spinal nervous system to lay on your back and not your side) but there is a
n interesting observation here which will be useful to men [woman
and children need not continue reading, especially younger ones]. okay...so you
know how you get super tired after and orgasm? there is
something in Hinduism that speak about the "sacredness" of semen but all you rea
lly need to know is this: sperm cells are = stem cells. this
should speak volumes in regards to immortality since a lot of it focuses on stem
cells. the objective is to orgasm in the correct location so
that is proceeds to function in conjunction with your immune system. you can do
this by cumming directly on the futon (this won't work with a
spring mattress that is not nearly as dense in cotton) or with your partner by h
im/her swallowing it or massaging it into your skin. so, weird
right? but you will find that miraculously, you will not grow tired from orgasm
s. you will notice different, interesting results that make you
feel better/just as good. so anyway, enough about that...i just wanted to menti
on it so badly because i struggled for years trying to manage my
sexuality with tantra, abstinence, etc only to discover these tricks and that se
xuality is indeed a good thing and an inexorable part of life that should always
be accepted.
-oh and while we're on sex...........avoid anal sex always. i have personally a
whole theory about homosexual activities and why it is a perfectly fine thing b
ut irregardless of your orientation anal sex should NEVER BE PERFORMED.
here's the bit about storage:
most health myths come from this sort of a misunderstanding but the truth is ANY
food is good for you so long as you do it right. i'm a
perfectionist so i keep all my opened/bacteria susceptible things in bormioli ro
cco fido jars. you really only need them for things like milk
and medications that are very sensitive. orange juice too--you'll find if you p
ut it in one of these right after opening then it will literally
just not go bad even if you open the initial vacuum seal after the expiration da
te. true fact: believe me i'm hypersensitive to bad things.
works perfectly with supplements as well--don't even bother taking them otherwis
e. most things, however, are going to be fine if stored in a
ziplock bag (NOT the pinch-sealing ones. those are almost useless. it must be
the zipping kind). meat should never be so openly exposed like
at the grocery store/butcher. keep any/and all meat frozen until thawing 12-24
hours before use (ideally in a ziplock bag or whatever packaging
it comes in). another thing is that pre-sliced bread is not good (btw, never ea
t crust. that is only there to protect the inner part). you
should avoid such a thing but the alternative here is to buy a bread that is pre
-sliced while maintaining a vacuum-seal for freshness before you
open it like that one brand of raisin swirl bread has. after you open it, just
store it like you would anything else and you're good!
so a little about wholistic principals (and no, "alternative" health practicioni
ng is not really the solution to anything any more than modern
medicine and here's why...). EVERY negative symptoms or disease is the body is
the result of inflammation caused by stress. the form it takes
is subjective to the person who is coping with the pain. the unfortunate thing
is that our current society keeps us in a constant state of
negative/useless environmental and physical stress. once we eliminate these thi
ngs at the source and realize life as it can be and connect with
our true selves, the assertion that "all pain is healing" is very easy to digest
. you can see your body for what potential it has rather than
something you have to drag with you. you can avoid all the pains of aging if yo
u simply treat yourself with the same carefulness/delicateness as
an older person will already exhibit. so yeah, it's really all about how you ma
nage yourself to find your greater individual self. you can use
the pain in things like raw garlic to speed up your healing process and in fact
medication has this odd effect i've noticed of allowing you to
feel like you are "sick" even when you would otherwise be fine. this is your bo
dy turning healing on hyper-mode by turning off other features.
you really have to thing of it in the same vein as bandwidth: so that's what wh
olistic basically is in premise. when you're sick or feeling pain
from garlic it's really just like your body is strengthening itself in the same
way you might think about lifting weights.
and one quick note on obesity: it's not a matter of exercise or healthy eating
like i stated. it is a lack of METABOLISM and necessary body
processes. there are some things i don't totally know, like how much someone sh
ould exercise if they actually want to subject themselves to the
stress of sports but i can tell you the healthiest thing you can do irregardless
of your situation is to incorporate more anabolic/healing time
contrary to what our society says which is to always stress yourself out/exert y
ourself catabolically. your body isn't gaining what you really
want when you exercise to burn fat--it's just doing what it can to reduce the st
ress load you're putting on it by removing whatever it already
there. once you give your body proper time to metabolize food, your body will e
nter a more idealized state. and it may not always be exactly
the way you want because the body will always act wholistically rather than on s
pecific issues you may thing are "more important." you may find
things like mental acuity, less overall stress, and even spiritual awareness are
what your body is naturally tuning into and i would say whatever
happens is just right and MORE POWER TO YOU.

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