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Rancidity is the deterioration of fat resulting in undesirable flavors and

odors. Rancid fats are extremely dangerous to the human body. They cause
free radical damage to the body which leads to inflammation and a whole
host of problems such as heart disease, obesity, Alzheimers, etc. The more
points of unsaturation a fatty acid contains the higher the risk of rancidity.
This means saturated fat is the most stable and resistant to rancidity, and
polyunsaturated fats are the least stable and the most prone to rancidity.
Exposing fats to heat, air, and light increase the risk of rancidity. To protect
your fats and oils from rancidity, store them in tightly sealed containers in a
cool, dark place. Store nuts, seeds, and flour (flour contains a small amount
of fat) in the freezer and pull out as needed. Store vegetable oils in the
refrigerator, especially polyunsaturated oils. They will become cloudy but
allowing them to come to room temperature will clear it away. Buy oils in
small amounts that you will quickly go through. It is not safe to buy in bulk
and have the oil sit in the cabinet for many months.

Since rancidity is the chemical decomposition of fats, oils and other lipids.
There are three basic types of rancidity. Hydrolytic rancidity occurs when
water splits fatty acid chains away from the glycerol backbone in glycerides.
Oxidative rancidity occurs when the double bonds of an unsaturated fatty
acid react chemically with oxygen. Microbial rancidity refers to a process in
which microorganisms such as bacteria use their enzymes, including lipases,
to break down chemical structures in the fat. In each case, these chemical
reactions result in undesirable odors and flavors.
it is a condition produced by aerial oxidation of unsaturated fat present in
foods and other products, marked by unpleasant odour or flavour. When a
fatty substance is exposed to air, its unsaturated components are converted
into hydroperoxides, which break down into volatile aldehydes, esters,
alcohols, ketones, and hydrocarbons, some of which have disagreeable
odours. Butter becomes rancid by the foregoing process and by hydrolysis,
which liberates volatile and malodorous acids, particularly butyric acid.
Saturated fats such as beef tallow are resistant to oxidation and seldom
become rancid at ordinary temperatures.
Types of Fat
Triglyceride: This is the most common form of fat found in plants and
humans. It is made of three fatty acid chains that are attached to a glycerol
Saturated Fat: A triglyceride made mostly of saturated fatty acids. The
fatty acid is saturated with hydrogens making the structure straight and
rigid. This rigid structure makes it easy for the triglycerides to stack on top
of each other and form a solid. Saturated fats are solid at room temperature
and food sources include animal foods: beef, lamb, chicken, pork, fish, dairy
products, butter, lard, eggs and plant foods: coconut and palm oil.
Monounsaturated Fat: A triglyceride made mostly of monounsaturated
fatty acids. The fatty acid has one point of unsaturation which means
hydrogens are lost and a double bond is formed. This double bond forms a
kink in the fatty acid which makes it difficult for it to stack together.
Monounsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature and food sources
include olive oil, avocado, peanut oil, and canola oil.
Polyunsaturated Fat: A triglyceride made mostly of polyunsaturated fatty
acids. The fatty acid has more than one point of unsaturation which means
there are more hydrogens lost and more double bonds formed. Just like
monounsaturated fat, this makes it difficult to stack together and, therefore,
is a liquid at room temperature. Food sources include nuts and seeds,
safflower oil, corn oil, soybean oil, sesame oil, and sunflower oil. Most of our
vegetable oils are in the form of polyunsaturated fats. They are found
abundantly in plant foods.
Trans Fat: An unsaturated fatty acid that loses its natural kink through the
process of hydrogenation so the fatty acid is rigid like saturated fat and,
therefore, solid at room temperature. The most common food sources
include margarine, shortening, foods made with and/or fried in these fats,
and in very small amounts, it is naturally found in meat and dairy products.

Hydrolytic rancidity

Hydrolytic rancidity refers to the odor that develops when triglycerides are
hydrolyzed and free fatty acids are released. This reaction of lipid with water
sometimes requires acatalyst, but results in the formation of free fatty
acids and salts of free fatty acids. In particular, short-chain fatty acids, such
as common butter fats, are odorous. Rancidity in foods may be very slight,
indicated by a loss of freshness to very severe, indicated by objectionable
odors and/or flavors. Slight degrees of rancidity are much more common in
foods than severe rancidity, yet slight rancidity is a much more practical
concern. A slight degree of rancidity may not be objectionable to consumers,
but products which do not seem fresh will not attract repeat purchases. If
customers do not return to a product, the long-term effects of a slight degree
of rancidity can be economically serious.

Oxidative rancidity
Oxidative rancidity is associated with the degradation by oxygen in the air.
Via a free radical process, the double bonds of an unsaturated fatty acid can
undergo cleavage, releasing volatile aldehydes and ketones. Oxidation
primarily occurs with unsaturated fats. For example, even though meat is
held under refrigeration or in a frozen state, the poly-unsaturated fat will
continue to oxidize and slowly become rancid. The fat oxidation process,
potentially resulting in rancidity, begins immediately after the animal is
slaughtered and the muscle, intra-muscular, inter-muscular and surface fat
becomes exposed to oxygen of the air. This chemical process continues
during frozen storage, though more slowly at lower temperature. The process
can be suppressed by the exclusion of oxygen or by the addition
of antioxidants.Thus, airtight packaging will slow rancidity development.

Microbial rancidity
Microbial rancidity refers to a process in which microorganisms, such as
bacteria or moulds, use their enzymes such as lipases to break down fat. This
pathway can be prevented by sterilization.

Factors that affects the food shelf:

1) Changes in water content (result of contact with the air) example :

-moist foods becoming dry -dry food absorb water vapour from air, become
moist, vulnerable to microbial degradation >Increase exposure to air ,
increase the rate of oxidation -decrease in nutrient value, discolouration of
the surface, rancidity.
2) Chemical reaction :result in pH changes, development of other
undesirable flavours, colour changes in food, decrease in nutritional value.
3) Light :provides energy for photochemical reaction to occurs:-rancidity,
fading of the colour, oxidation of the nutrients (vitamins).
4) Temperature :-increase in temperature, increase in the rate of
degradation of food. water molecules will either chemically bonded to
carbohydrate or protein polar group ,changes in temperature, change in the
force of attraction between carbohydrates or protein chain with water
molecules, influence how much water molecules it can hold. Thus affecting
texture, softness of the food.
5) Catalysts: trace metal ions like iron,zinc etc& inorganic salts

Ways to minimize rate of rancidity

a) Packaging - Opaque packaging and coloured glass bottles will reduce
light induced oxidative rancidity. - Gas impermeable wrapping film will
reduce the exposure of the product to oxygen and water vapour in the
air. - Free space in the container should be kept to minimum to reduce
the amount of oxygen and water vapour present. The best way is to
use vacuum packaging or fill the package with inert gases. -Example:
Potato crisps which are usually packed in thick foil packets filled with
b) Storage - Refrigeration will reduce the rate of most reactions that
produce rancidity. - Storing fat and oil rich foods in the dark will reduce
the rate of photo-oxidation, which is less affected by temperature. -
Reducing the water level content of the foods (such as drying or
smoking) and then storing them away from moisture helps to reduce
hydrolytic rancidity and discourage the growth of micro-organisms.
c) Additives - The process of salting and having a high sugar content
(as in preserves) will reduce the amount of water in the foodstuff via
osmosis. - The rate of hydrolytic rancidity will also be reduced as well
as making the environment less suitable for the growth of micro-
organisms. - Sulfur dioxide and sodium sulfites (used with fruit
products), along with sodium and potassium nitrites (used in curing
meats) are examples of reducing agents that function to prevent the
oxidative reactions that will lead to browning of many substances when
stored too long.
d) Anti-microbial agents - Many organic acids and their salts are
added to discourage the growth of moulds and bacteria in foods. -
Examples : addition of benzoic acid and sodium benzoate to fruit
juices addition of propanoic acid along with its sodium and calcium
salts to bread and cheese.
e) Traditional methods to extend shelf life of foods Pickling - The use of
vinegar creates an environment that is too acidic for micro-organisms.
f) Fermentation - Ethanol is produced which limits the growth of
bacteria - Wine keeps much better than fresh fruit juice and distilled
spirits - Higher alcohol concentration will last longer.
g) Salting reduces amount of water Preserves high sugar content
will also reduce the amount of water.
h) Others:-
Prevention Using inert gases in packaging
Antioxidants are added to some foods to slow down oxidative
deterioration BHAButylated Hydroxy-Anisole BHTButylated
Hydroxy-Toluene Using antioxidants Refrigeration Ways to prevent
rancidity (BHA, BHT). Natural antioxidants include polyphenols (for
instance flavonoids), ascorbic acid (vitamin C)
and tocopherols (vitamin E). Synthetic antioxidants include butylated
hydroxyanisole (BHA), butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), TBHQ, propyl
gallate and ethoxyquin.
Vacuum packaging to keep oxygen out
Adding inert gas such as nitrogen to the bag to replace the oxygen
Refrigeration will reduce the rate of most reactions that take part in
Packing food protected from light Vacuum packaging Storing in a
dark place

Harmful effects of rancid food

Rancid fat can destroy vitamins, which could lead to deficiency Anemia
hair loss Dermatitis
diarrhea kidney and liver bleeding gastric papilloma reproductive
failure and loss of offspring cancer
1. What is shelf life?Length of time a product can bestored until degradation
occurs.>Foodstuffs will gradually degrade, (growth of organisms) >undesirable and
unfit for consumption >changes in flavour, smell, texture, and appearance
6. RANCIDITYWhat is rancidity? Rancidity is the development of unpleasant smells
in fats and oils, which are often accompanied by changes in their texture and
appearance. Two types of rancidity: Hydrolytic rancidity Oxidative rancidity (auto-
7. Hydrolytic rancidity Oxidative rancidity (auto-oxidation)Caused by the breaking
down of a lipid into Occurs due to the oxidation of fatty acidits component fatty
acids and glycerol. chains, typically by the addition of oxygen across the C=C bond
in unsaturated fatty C-O-CO-R + H2O C-O-H + HO-CO-R acids.Occurs more
rapidly in the presence of The process proceeds by a free radicalenzymes such as
lipase, and with heat and mechanism catalysed by light in themoisture. presence of
enzymes or metal ion.The water present in the food and the high The complex free
radical reactions willtemperature will increase the rate of produce a wide variety of
products, many ofhydrolysis to fatty acids. which have unpleasant odours or
tastes.The free fatty acids have an unpleasant In highly unsaturated lipids, such as
fish oils,smell giving a rancid smell and taste to milk oxidative rancidity can be a
major problem.and butter that have been stored for toolong. Longer chain acids are
less volatile, sothe smell is less noticeable.

Rancidity -Chemistry
2. Rancidity Condition reached in certain food as the lipid material (fat) undergoes
oxidation reactions producing aldehydes, hydroxyl acids, keta acids, and other
compounds which are responsible for the odor and off-flavor producing stale food
Factors causing rancidity Light Oxygen trace elements (ie. Iron, zinc) salt
water bacteria molds
3. Food high in lipids Potato chips Butter Meat Cod-liver oil Dry fruits
4. Potato chips Ingredients : Potato Edible vegetable oil Spices &
Condiments Salt Black salt Sugar Tomato powder Citric acid Tartaric acid
5. Butter Ingredients : Butter Common salt Permitted natural color (Annatto)
6. Meat Ingredients : Meat Water Soya protein Bread crums Edible
common salt Spices Edible vegetable oil
7. Cod liver oil Ingredients : Cod liver oil Glycerin Gelatin water
8. Dry fruits Ingredients : Dry roasted nuts Sea salt Gum acacia Rice syrup
Cane sugar
9. . Rancidity & Lipid Peroxidation Preshantha Govender Roll #25 Biochemistry
2. Shelf life The shelf life of a product refers to the length of time a product may
be stored without becoming unsuitable for use or consumption. After the shelf life
of a product has reached, the food undergoes processes which results in rancidity.
3. Examples of products and their shelf life stamps
4. What is Rancidity? Rancidity, is the natural process of decomposition of fats or
oils by either hydrolysis or oxidation, or both. The process of degradation
converts fatty acid esters of oils into free fatty acids. This gives rise to an
unpleasant odour and taste in food. These lipids degrade to the point of
becoming either unpalatable or unhealthy to ingest.
5. Examples of rancid food
6. Factors Causing Rancidity Temperature Amount of PUFA Time Light
7. Types of Rancidity There are 3 types/pathways of rancidity: 1. Oxidative Rancidity
Known as autoxidation It is due to the auto-oxidation of PUFA present in
triacylglycerols by the atmospheric O2 on free radicals. The end product is the
formation of aldehyde epoxide and peroxide.
8. Example of oxidative rancidity
9. 2. Hydrolytic Rancidity Known as hydrolysis/enzymatic oxidation. It is due to
the contamination of fat by lipase leading to the formation of diacyl &
triacylglycerols with free fatty acids. The end product is the formation of
aldehyde epoxide and peroxide.
10. Structures of TAG, DAG & lipase enzyme
11. End products aldehyde epoxide & peroxide
12. 3. Microbial Rancidity In which micro-organisms such as bacteria, moulds and
yeast use their enzymes to break down chemical structures in the oil, producing
unwanted odours and flavours. Water needs to be present for microbial growth to
occur. Can be prevented by sterilization
13. Structures of yeast, mould spores & bacteria
14. Lipid Peroxidation The main cause of rancidity of lipids is the oxidative
deterioration of lipids via a free- radical chain mechanism, which is also called lipid
peroxidation. This process occurs only within our bodies. It occurs in three
stages or phases: >Initiation >Propagation >Termination

Rancidification, the product of which can be described as rancidity, is the process

which causes a substance to become rancid, that is, having a rank, unpleasant
smell or taste. Specifically, it is the hydrolysis and/or autoxidation of fats into short-
chain aldehydes and ketones which are objectionable in taste and odor.[1] When
these processes occur in food, undesirable odors and flavors can result. In some
cases, however, the flavors can be desirable (as in aged cheeses).[2] In processed
meats, these flavors are collectively known as warmed-over flavor. Rancidification
can also detract from the nutritional value of food, and some vitamins are highly
sensitive to degradation.[3] Akin to rancidification, oxidative degradation also
occurs in other hydrocarbons, e.g. lubricating oils, fuels, and mechanical cutting
Health effects[edit]
Consuming rancid food products is unlikely to cause immediate illness or harm.
Rancidification can reduce the nutritional value of food, and some vitamins are
highly sensitive to degradation.[3] In addition, rancidification can produce
potentially toxic compounds associated with long-term harmful health effects
concerning advanced aging, neurological disorders, heart disease, and cancer.[6]
Reducing rancidification[edit]

The free radical pathway for the first phase of the oxidative rancidification of fats.
Antioxidants are often used as preservatives in fat-containing foods to delay the
onset or slow the development of rancidity due to oxidation. The natural
antioxidants tend to be short-lived[citation needed], so synthetic antioxidants are
used when a longer shelf-life is preferred. The effectiveness of water-soluble
antioxidants is limited in preventing direct oxidation within fats, but is valuable in
intercepting free radicalsthat travel through the aqueous parts of foods. A
combination of water-soluble and fat-soluble antioxidants is ideal, usually in the
ratio of fat to water.
In addition, rancidification can be decreased, but not completely eliminated, by
storing fats and oils in a cool, dark place with little exposure to oxygen or free
radicals, since heat and light accelerate the rate of reaction of fats with oxygen.
Antimicrobial agents can also delay or prevent rancidification by inhibiting the
growth of bacteria or other micro-organisms that effect the process.[1]
Oxygen scavenging technology can be used to remove oxygen from food packaging
and therefore prevent oxidative rancidification

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