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Handball, a popular game throughout the world, was introduced in Germany by a

gymnastics teacher, Max Heister, in 1917. The game was primarily devised for girls and
played 11 aside on a football field. There are, however, authentic reports of a similar
game, Handhold being played in Denmark as early as 1904.

In 1919, another Berlin sports teacher, Carl Schelling, modified the existing rules. He
advocated the use of a smaller ball, the players were allowed to fight for the ball there step
rule was introduced and the 16metre penalty area of the football field provided an ideal
throwing zone. Soon other countries accepted these rules and hand ball w.as on its way to
becoming an international sport. In 1923, the first inter-city match between Berlin and
Dresden took place while the first international handball match was played between Germany
and Austria on 13 September 1925.

During the Olympics Games of found the international Handball federation (IHF). Along
with the increase in members, another innovation took place in the Scandinavian countries,
where due to

Climatic conditions, handball was taken indoors. The rules were modified and adapted to
indoor conditions and finally evolved to the format prevailing today. A great boost to the
sport was provided when in 1972, handball was introduced as on Olympic discipline at

The growing popularity of handball is not only due to the fact that it is a healthy
competitive sport, but also due to the simple rules and even simpler equipment needed; a ball,
two goals and a small playing field (not forgetting, of course the seven players needed in a
team). The introduction of referees, unlimited substitutions, tactical moves, the quick switch
from defence to attack have all contributed to the game enjoying universal popularity and it is
now played in as many as 95 countries. In India, the game was first played at Rothay
(Haryana) in 1972 and since then it has spread all over the country. Is inclusion in 1982 Asian
Games at New Delhi was a major factor in helping to popularize the game in India.

Handball is played by two teams, composed of six players and a goalkeeper each, who try
and throw the ball into their opponents goal. Since the basis of the game is catching,
throwing jumping and shooting at goal, handball is a sport that develops the bodies of young
players as well as keeping older players physically fit. A handball player must first and

foremost be a good runner with an ability to make quick sports. He must also have a knack of
catching and throwing with precision to teammates. Good dribbling skills are a basic
requirement and finally, a player must have the ability to school at goal. These requirements
mean that a player must train his body, arms and legs to function as one harmonious unity.

Handball is sometimes called the complete game because nearly every part of the body is
exercised. It is a game that can be enjoyed by individuals regardless of their age or sex.
Although the game is primarily dominated by men, women in recent years are being
introduced to it and more and mare playing every day.


The handball is a sport of recent creation, though there is expert that motion that the
history repair to the antiquity. In ancient already was practiced a play of ball with the hand.
Known as the play of Ukraine, in which was utilised a ball of the size of an apple and the
participants must intend that might not touch the used to. This play was arrived it at to
describe Homer in the odyssey in the roman epoch, a doctor called Claudio Galena was
recommending to unwell that might play to the Halation that was practised with a ball.

The sports of handball are a thrilling and exciting indoor game that can best be
described as a mixture of soccer and basketball. The ball is passed in quick-fire succession
yup the field until, near the goal; the striker throws it at the back of the net. The current
game evolved from several different versions played around the world, especially in Eastern

The modern origins of the handball date from end of the country XIX, when it was
used as complement to train and to prepare the gymnasts. In 1982, the gymnastics professor,
Conrad Koch, created rafballspied, this game characteristics very similar to present

Handball.in this time.in Czechoslovakia a game practised in the schools in which

equipment was formed by seven players, hazing was denominated and its first regulation
appeared in 1905.

The game of handball as played as played today originated in Ireland, probably

during tenth century. The game became every popular and was referred to as fives,
representing the five fingers used in hitting the ball

The game played in the early days was slightly different from the game played today.
The courts were larger, the ball was harder and travelled faster and the players were allowed
to kick the ball as well as hit with hands. The peoples of the emerald isle instituted town and
country tournaments during the early 1800s and the name that became legend was john
Cavanaugh of York. The written accounts of his skill leave little doubt that he was truly the
champion of the day following the death of in 1819 there was no mention of truly
outstanding player until around 1850 when the name of William bags become the talk of the
handball world. William bags are credited with developing the technique of applying spin or

English to the ball so that it would hop as it rebounded. This style of play added a new
dimension to the game and created new interest in handball. For the contribution that he
made to the game, William bags is generally referred to as the father of modern handball. As

The Irish immigrants began arriving in the United States so did an interest in

Several great handball players came to this country from Ireland in the mid-1800s and
among them was Phillip Casey. He became instrumental in developing an interest in the
game and in the building of handball courts in the eastern part of the country.

He was soon classified as the handball champion of the United States and in 1887 was
a participant in the first International handball tournament. Phillip Casey, representing the
United States, defeated the Irish champion, John Lawler and thereby became the world
championship for many years and because of his enthusiasm and interest in the sport
eventually became known as the father of American handball. Another memorable name in
the history of handball is that of Michael Eagan. He dominated the handball scene for
several years following the retirement of Phillip Casey and won the first handball
tournament conducted but the amateur athletic union in 1897.

Thaw YMCA gymnasiums and the local athletic clubs contributed to the interest in
handball by providing courts and conducting tournaments. The first invitational four wall
tournament was held at The Detroit athletic club in 1915, with Fritz Severed of Cleveland
the winner.

The first National championship was held in Los Angeles in 1919 under the
sponsorship of the amateur athletic union. The singles tournament was won by the team of
Raft and Lacy, both of Los Angeles. The nation-wide spread of popularity for handball can
be seen by reviewing the different cities represented by the winners of the national singles
championships from 1919 to 1950. Los Angeles, St. Paul, Milwaukee, San Francisco,
Baltimore, Detroit, New York, Memphis and Chicago.

The earliest mention of a sport somewhat similar to handball dates back to the Greek
(600BC). In The Odyssey a sport was described which was similar to Handball, according
to Claudius Galenas (Roman Doctor, 130-200AD). In the middle ages, the ball games
played by the maids of honour and knights appear to be the forerunner to Handball as it is
played now. Rabelais (1494-1533) tells of a game played in France similar to Handball.

The most conclusive evidence of handball in the past came from Denmark. Holder Nielsen
introduced a game and set down the rules for a game, which was the starting point of
handball. The rules were

Finalised in 1897, and these rules form the basis of the rules used today.

The forerunner to the International Handball Federation was founded in 1928, with the
If replacing it in 1946. The first big International competition was the 1936 Olympic Games
in Berlin, followed by the first Handball World Championships being played in 1938. To
begin with Handball was played on football fields with 11 players per team. Indoor
Handball, as being now, replaced the outdoor version in the 1960s. The sport as we know it
now was first introduced to the Olympic Games in 1972 for men and 1976 for women.

Handball is very popular all over the world, with the best teams coming from Europe with a
few teams other countries (e.g. Egypt). The Eastern European teams lost a bit of ground on
their waster counterparts softer 1990, but are now catching up. Some of the top nations are
Germany, Sweden, and France for the national teams and Spain, France and again Germany
being the strongest leagues in the world.

Handball players on the continent can earn a lot of money, not equal to football but still not
bad. In many countries on the continent, handball is the second most important ball and team
sport, only second to football.


Prior to participating in the strenuous handball match. It is recommended that you

warm up muscles properly. Many research studies have indicated that athletic performance is
enhanced by a proper loosening up period. A proper warm-up that increases your flexibility
and stretches the muscles to their maximal length will help to prevent injury and add more
power to your shots. The pregame warm-up is even more important to the week-end
warrior and those players in the seniors, masters and golden masters divisions. The
maintenance of flexibility helps to prevent many of the aches and pains that are common
playing a match without warming up.

Although the need for and the values of losing the muscles up have been common
knowledge for many years, what is not common knowledge was the proper method of
obtaining maximum flexibility. Maximal or optimal flexibility cab is achieved safely by
utilizing a well-rounded program of static stretching exercises. This method is preferred over
the ballistic or bunching method because the latter

Expands too much energy and is likely to cause post game soreness. There is also the
danger of over stretching or exceeding the extensible elastic limits of muscle or tendon group
in question while performing this type of movement.

On the other hand, static stretching exercises permits the connective tissue and the
muscle being exercises to be belonged safely because of the slow and steady stretching that
take place. The following are static stretching exercises that are recommended as a pre-game
warm-up to participating in a vigorous handball game or match. After completing these
exercises, you should then moves into the final phase of the pre-game warm-up this last phase
consists of throwing and hitting the ball easily at first and then slowly increasing the tempo
utilizing or performing the different types of shots executed during a game.




The exercise


From a standing position with your arms hanging loosely at you sides, extend and rotate each
of the following joints:

Trunk and shoulder blades

Feet and toes


Flexion/extension- tuck your chin into your chest, and then lift your chin upward as
far as possible. 6 to 10 repetitions.
Lateral flexion- lowers your left ear toward your left shoulder and then your right ear
to your right shoulder.
6 to 10 repetitions.
Rotation- turns your chin laterally toward your left shoulder and then rotates it
towards your right shoulder 6 to 10 repetitions.


Stand tall, feet slightly wider than shoulder- width apart, knees slightly bent.
Raise your right shoulder towards your right ear, take it backwards, down and then up
again to the ear in a so oath action
6 to 10 repetitions
Repeat with the other shoulder


Stand tall, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent.
Keep the back straight at all times.
Overhead/Down and back Swing both arms continuously to an overhead position
and then forward, down, and backwards.
6 to 10 repetitions.


Stand tall with good posture, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, knees
slightly bent, and hands resting on hips.
Lift your trunk up and away from your hips and bend smoothly first to one side, then
the other, avoiding the tendency to lean either forwards or backwards.
Repeat the whole sequence 6 to 10 times with a slow rhythm, breathing out as you
bend to the side, and in as you return to the centre.


Circles- With your hands on your hips and feet spread wider than your shoulders,
make circles with your hips in a clockwise direction for 6 to 10 repetitions. Then
repeat in a counter clockwise direction.

Twists- Extend your arms out to your sides, and twist your torso and hips to the left,
shifting your weight on to the left foot. Then twist your torso to the right while
shifting your weight to the right foot
6 to 10 repetitions on each side.


Stand tall with good posture holding your hands out in front of you for balance.
Now bend at the knees until your thighs are at 450 with the floor.
Keep the back long throughout the movement, and look straight ahead.
Make sure that your knees always point in the same direction as your toes.
Once at your lowest point, fully straighten your legs to return to your starting position.
Repeat the exercise sixteen times with a smooth, controlled rhythm.
Breath in as you descend, and out as you rise
6 to 10 repetitions.


Flexion/Extension- stand sideways on to the wall.

Weight on your left leg and your right hand on the wall for balance.
Swing your right leg forward and backward.
6 to 10 repetitions on each leg.
Cross-Body flexion/Abduction- leaning slightly forward with both hands on a wall
and your weight on your left leg, swing your left leg, swing your right leg to the left in
front of your body, pointing your toes upwards as your foot reaches its furthest point
of motion.
Then swing the right leg back to the right as far as comfortable, again pointing your
toes up as your foot reaches its final point of movement.
6 to 10 repetitions on each leg.


Standing tall both feet together (starting position)

Keeping the back straight lunge forward with the right leg approx. 1 to 11/2 metre.
The right thigh should be parallel with the ground and right lower leg vertical.
Spring back to the starting position.
Repeat with the left leg.
6 to 10 repetitions on each leg.


Double leg bounce- leaning forward with your hands on the wall and your weight on
your toes, raise and lower both heels rapidly (bounce).
Each time, lift your heels one to two inches from the ground while maintaining
ground contact with the ball of your feet.
6 to 10 repetitions.
Single leg bounce-leaning forward with your hands on a wall and all your weight on
your left foot, raise the right knee forward while pushing the left heel towards the
The lower the right foot to the floor while raising the left heel one or two inches.
Repeat in a rapid, bouncy fashion.
6 to 10 repetitions



Start this exercise with your body in an erect position with your feet about one or two
feet from a wall. Next place your hands on the wall approximately chest high. Keeping the
heels of your feet on the floor, bend the elbows of your arms until your head touches the
wall.Reapeat several times increasing in the distance of your feet from the wall.


Start this exercise by lying in the prone position. Then, place your hands several
inches in front of your shoulders with palms of your h and in contact with floor. Next while
keeping your pelvis on the floor, extend your arms so that your chest is raised from the floor,
Exhale, and then repeat this exercise several times moving your hands closer to your
shoulders with each effort.


To start this exercise you should take a sitting position on the floor with your legs
extended and the toes pointing toward your head .Then lean forward placing your hands on
your shins. Repeat this exercise several times, each time moving wrists closer to your toes.


Start this exercise with your body in an erect position. Without moving your feet, turn your
upper trunk to the left. For leverage, place your right hand on your lift hip and your left hand
behind your back on your right hip. Exhale repeat twisting motion several times reverse the
direction of the twist.


To start this exercise, you should stand erect, and then bring your right hand up and over your
shoulder on your right side to the upper part of your back. Next place your left hand behind
your back and try to clasp your finger together. Repeat this exercise several times and then
reverse it by bringing the left arm over your left shoulder and your right hand behind your
pack trying to clasp your fingers on the opposite side.


Internal Training:

Advantages for Hand ballers

Internal Training-work or exercise followed by a properly prescribed relief interval is

superior to continuous exercise training programs. With this opening sentence authors
Edward fox Donald Mathews plunge into a unique means of training for any sport-form ping
pong to football. In their recently book, interval training: Conditioning foot sports and
General fitness, these two physical upon the physiological and biochemical reactions
involved in exercise and say up numerous example interval training programs for a variety of
sports .

The work is divided into three portions, which will be expanded upon below. The
main concept behind interval training is alluded to about in the initial sentence of this article,
and it is worth rereading right now. Stated in other words, if one were to utilize running to get
jin shape for handball, a superior work out would include exercise punctuated by rest periods
rather than continuous running. Thus we have a simplified definition fora interval training. It
is non-continuous exercise. Pioneered by track and swimming coaches,

Interval training is the superior way to condition the body. It requires less time to
perform and provide more rapid progress than any other training technique, according to the
authors. The gut reaction to this last statement is probably, it always through that the longer
and harder that worked the more conditioning benefits itd reap.


Hand ball is an enjoyable, fast moving which requires a high degree of motor skills,
mental concretion. A high degree of motor skills, mental concentration, and physical ability.
While there are several factors which affect the amount of improvement which can be
attained in motor skill or mental concentration, the literature is reflect which conditioning
programs purporting to improve personal physical fitness.

One of the more common techniques included in such self-improvement programs is

the use of progressive resistances training- weight training. Unfortunately, despite its wide
acceptance as a potentially valuable conditioning tool, weight lifting is frequently plagued by
misconceptions, miss applications, and ill-founded habits.

The weight training will help to develop the hand ball players for the initial task is to
organize a programmed which is sound, functional and efficient. It is sound based a scientific
principles. It is functional if the strength developed is specific to the objectives of the
programmer. The shortest period of time is doing work. The lay man developed a weight
training programme in seven basic strength training variables are:

1. Sets: there is no need to perform more than two sets of any exercises. Two sets of a
properly performed exercise will produce maximum efficiency. The key to any
exercise program is the quality of the exercise and not the quantity. Strive to exert a
maximum effort on each exercise. Try to reach the point where you can no longer
perform a properly executed repetition.

2. Reps: maximum gains in strength can be obtained by performing 8-12 repetitions of
each exercise. If you can perform less than eight reps, the weight is too heavy, more
than 12, the weight is too light. And more weight when you can perform 12
repetitions of any exercise.
3. Workload: it based on over load principle in this case when the muscles work is very
hard by using more weight or repetitions.
4. Frequency of workouts: it is based on law of use and disuse the frequency of work
out should be three times per week while alternative days. The muscles continue to
hyper trophy it must be exercise every 48 to 72 hours or it will be gradually beginning
to workout. Inversely, a muscle needs 48 72 hours to complete recover from
exercise. The best organized program will not significantly increase your strength if it
is not performed regularly. It should be emphasized that the few
Months of any exercise program are probably the most important.
5. Time interval: the time interval between the first and second set of the same exercise
should be somewhere between 30 seconds and one and half minutes the time interval
between the different exercises based on ability to recover from the previous exercise.
6. Exercise to be performed: when the general strength development programmer we
can select multi joint or compound exercise. That will help an increase in strength of
the major muscle groups of the body. Although handball is a game requiring a total
body effort the arms, legs and shoulder girdle area play a particularly important rule,
performing a specific handball skill use the following procedures.
a) Observe an analysis the movement.
b) Determine what the major muscles or the prime movers are involved executing
that particular event
c) Prescribe specific exercise to strengthen the muscles used to perform that
d) Order of Exercise: the order of exercise for maximum efficiency should be as

The legs are exercised first because they possess the greatest potential for gaining strength
they are also the largest muscle groups in the body. When exercising the muscle we can
should alternative pressing and pulling movements when performing and pressing movement
we can muscles of the pectorals, deltoids and triceps.

The muscle of the arms are much smaller and weaker than the larger and stronger muscles of
the torso and assist when performing all of the exercises for the torso. To fatigue the smaller
and weaker muscles of the arms first would result in a non-productive workout for the larger
and stronger muscles of the torso.



There are many researches which contain lots of method aimed to develop condition
of the athletes. Sports branchs nature is very important to understand to design the training
programme for reaching best results.

It is impossible that not the handball specific interval training (intensive and / or
extensive, aerobic and /or anaerobic) can gain the performance.

In conclusion as the trainers we have to design the condition training programmes

according to the handballs specifies .Game duration , heart rate, working loads, running
profile, running distances and the specifies for the playing positions have to shape the
training plans.

The interval training examples in the present study suggest that a handball specific
interval training methods have more effect on game performance.


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