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API 510

Pressure Vessel Remaining Life Assessment

PT Kwalita Inspectindo Dinamika

Document No :

A 18/03/14 Draft Report RR HK

Revision Date Description Prepared Checked Approved


Rev No Date Page Description

A 18/03/14 All Draft Report


4.1 Inspeksi Visual 5 4.1 Visual Inspection 5
4.2 Pengukuran ketebalan UT 7 4.2 UT Thickness Measurements 7
6.1 Ketebalan Yang Diperlukan 33 6.1 Thickness Requirements 33
6.2 Sisa Umur 34 6.2 Remaining Life 34

Laporan ini berisikan penilaian teknis untuk This report outlines the engineering
integritas mekanikal bejana tekan sesuai calculations for mechanical integrity of
dengan peraturan dan code/standard yang pressure vessels according to applicable
berlaku: code/standards.

Permen 06 Permen 96
SK 84K SK 84K
ASME BPV Section VIII, Rules for ASME BPV Section VIII, Rules for
Construction of Pressure Vessels Construction of Pressure Vessels
API Publication 510, Pressure Vessel API Publication 510, Pressure Vessel
Inspection Code: Inspection, Rating, Repair, Inspection Code: Inspection, Rating, Repair,
and Alteration and Alteration
API 572 API 572

Perhitungan teknis dilakukan untuk The engineering calculations required to

menentukan integritas mekanikal suatu bejana determine the mechanical integrity of pressure
tekan yaitu : vessel are:

Tebal dinding yang dibutuhkan Required thickness

Tekanan kerja maksimal yang diijinkan Maximum allowable working pressure
Laju korosi Corrosion rate
Sisa umur Remaining life


Tekanan Kerja Maksimum Yang Diijinkan Maximum Allowable Working Pressure
The MAWP for the continued use of a pressure
MAWP untuk suatu operasi bejana tekan vessel shall be based on computations that are
didasarkan pada erhitungan yang ditentukan determined using the latest applicable edition
dengan menggunakan edisi terbaru yang of the ASME Code or the construction code to
berlaku dari kode ASME atau kode konstruksi which the vessel was built. The resulting
untuk bejana tekan yang dibangun. MAWP MAWP from these computations shall not be
dari hasil perhitungan ini tidak boleh lebih greater than the original MAWP.
besar dari MAWP disain awal.
Computations may be made only if the
Perhitungan dapat dilakukan jika disain following essential details comply with the
parameter berikut memenuhi persyaratan applicable requirements of the code being
code yang digunakan: head, shell, dan nozzle, used: head, shell, and nozzle reinforcement
spesifikasi material, tegangan yang diijinkan, designs; material specifications; allowable
efisiensi sambungan, persyaratan inspeksi stresses; weld efficiencies; inspection
yang diterima. acceptance requirements.

Data umum bejana tekan adalah sebagai General pressure vesssel data are described
berikut : as follow :

Owner/operator : PT Pertamina
Location : RU III Plaju
Service : LPD Drum
Tag No. : FC-D-7
Code : ASME Sec. VIII Div. 1, 2010 Edition
Design Pressure : 1,69 kg/cm
Design Temperature : 68,33 C
RT : Spot


4.1 Inspeksi Visual 4.1 Visual Inspection

Inspeksi visual yang dilakukan oleh PV The visual inspection performed by PV Inspector
Inspector menunjukkan kondisi bejana tekan show generally of pressure vessel shown in the
secara umum sebagai berikut. following pictures.

Referenc Review Result

No Description
es Comply
I. Existing Pressure Vessel
A. External Inspection
1 Pressure Vessel Identification
- Verification serial no, item no, subject and -
name plate (if available) to ensure the Last SKPP
object of inspection is correct
- Check dimensional shell, head, and nozzle -
orientation comply to the drawing
2 Visual Inspection
- Check condition shell for sign of leakage, -
corrosion and pitting*, bulging, out of API 510
roundness, sagging and distortion Sec. 5.5.4
- Check condition head for sign of leakage, -
corrosion and pitting*, bulging, out of API 510
roundness, sagging and distortion Sec. 5.5.4
- Nozzles and adjacent shell areas should be API 572 -
inspected for distortion and cracking Sec. 9.3.9
- Check quality welds and weld heat-affected -
zones are for corrosion and/or service-
API 510
induced cracking as part of in the in-service
Sec. 5.10
inspections including riveted join for any
deterioration of leakage
- Check Flange joint condition for evidence of API 510 -
leakage, such as stains, deposit, or drips. Sec. 5.11
- Check structural Steel Supports and -
Attachments (supports members, ladders, API 572
platforms, stairs, pipe and Instrument Sec. 9.3.2
supports) are in good condition.

Referenc Review Result
No Description
es Comply
- Check foundation of vessel for deterioration API 572 -
such as sapling, cracking, and settling. Sec. 9.3.3
- Anchor Bolts (Examine all anchor bolts for -
structural integrity (tap with hammer) and API 572
correct tightness. Nuts are to be examined Sec. 9.3.4
for corrosion)
- Grounding System (Grounding wire cables -
shall be inspected for continuity: whether
API 572
they are firmly attached and/or are not
Sec. 9.3.10
cut/severed; Wire coating shall be inspected
for any failures)
- Safety Relief Devices (Pressure safely valves -
shaft be checked for tag information such API 572
as: PSV no., set pressure, equipment and Sec. 9.3.11
date of overhaul.)
- Pressure Indicator, Temperature Indicator, -
Level Glass are work properly
- Check condition of insulating systems for API 572 & -
sign of damaged API 510
Sec. 5.5.4
- Check condition of paint coatings (painted -
and/or galvanized heads, nozzles and API 572 &
structures shall be examined for signs of API 510
blistering/peeling/cracking due to localized Sec. 5.5.4
- Is thickness measurement are taken to API 510 -
verify the thickness of vessel components. Sec. 5.5.5 /
- Is UT scans performed in suspect areas, -
API 510
corrosion / process monitoring performed
Sec. 5.5.5
and good condition
- Is NDE Technique performed to check for -
types of damaged, include ultrasonic API 510
thickness measurement, radiography, or Sec. 5.5.3
other NDE method.

4.2 Pengukuran ketebalan UT 4.2 UT Thickness Measurements
API 510 memungkinkan inspeksi on-stream API 510 permits an on-stream inspection to be
dilakukan sebagai pengganti inspeksi internal conducted in lieu of an internal inspection
pada kondisi tertentu. Pengukuran ketebalan under certain conditions. Thickness
dinding bejana tekan, head, dan nozzle measurements of the vessel walls, heads, and
diperlukan pada setiap pemeriksaan bejana nozzles are usually required at each complete
tekan. vessel inspection.

Jumlah pengambilan titik pengukuran tebal When this approach is used, a representative
yang dilakukan pada bejana tekan harus number of thickness measurements must be
memenuhi/mewakili persyaratan dalam conducted on the vessel to satisfy the
pemeriksaan internal. Jumlah dan lokasi titik requirements for an internal inspection. A
pengukuran ketebalan harus decision on the number and location of
mempertimbangkan hasil dari pemeriksaan thickness measurements should consider
sebelumnya, jika tersedia, dan potensi results from previous inspections, if available,
konsekuensi akibat kebocoran. Secara umum, and the potential consequences of loss of
bejana tekan dengan laju korosi rendah akan containment. In general, vessels with low
memerlukan lokasi pengukuran ketebalan corrosion rates will require fewer thickness
lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan bejana measurement locations compared to vessels
tekan dengan laju korosi tinggi. with higher corrosion rates.

Hasil pengujian ketebalan UT dirangkum UT thickness resuts were summarised in the

dalam tabel berikut. following table.

0 90 180 270
COVER A 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9
B 4.9 5.0 4.8 4.9 4.8
SHELL C 5.0 4.9 4.7 5.0 4.7
D 4.9 4.8 4.9 4.8 4.8
BOTTOM E 5.0 4.9 5.3 5.0 4.9
N1 6" 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.6 7.4
PAD 12" 6.6 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.5


Design Internal Pressure (for test) 1.6900 kgf/cm
Design Internal Temperature 68 C
Type of Test not Specified
Test Position Horizontal
Projection of Nozzle from Vessel Top 0.0000 mm
Projection of Nozzle from Vessel Bottom 0.0000 mm
Minimum Design Metal Temperature -29 C
Type of Construction Welded
Special Service None
Degree of Radiography RT-3
Use Higher Longitudinal Stresses (Flag) Y
Select t for Internal Pressure (Flag) N
Select t for External Pressure (Flag) N
Select t for Axial Stress (Flag) N
Select Location for Stiff. Rings (Flag) N
Consider Vortex Shedding N
Perform a Corroded Pressure test N
Is this a Heat Exchanger No
User Defined Test Press. (Used if > 0) 0.0000 kgf/cm
User defined MAWP 0.0000 kgf/cm
User defined MAPnc 0.0000 kgf/cm

Load Case 1 NP+EW+WI+FW+BW

Load Case 2 NP+EW+EE+FS+BS
Load Case 3 NP+OW+WI+FW+BW
Load Case 4 NP+OW+EQ+FS+BS
Load Case 5 NP+HW+HI
Load Case 6 NP+HW+HE
Load Case 7 IP+OW+WI+FW+BW
Load Case 8 IP+OW+EQ+FS+BS
Load Case 9 EP+OW+WI+FW+BW
Load Case 10 EP+OW+EQ+FS+BS
Load Case 11 HP+HW+HI
Load Case 12 HP+HW+HE
Load Case 13 IP+WE+EW
Load Case 14 IP+WF+CW
Load Case 15 IP+VO+OW
Load Case 16 IP+VE+EW
Load Case 17 NP+VO+OW
Load Case 18 FS+BS+IP+OW
Load Case 19 FS+BS+EP+OW

Wind Design Code ASCE-7 93

Basic Wind Speed [V] 112.65 km/hr
Surface Roughness Category C: Open Terrain
Importance Factor 1.0
Type of Surface Moderately Smooth
Base Elevation 0.0000 mm
Percent Wind for Test 33.0
Using User defined Wind Press. Vs Elev. N
Damping Factor (Beta) for Wind (Ope) 0.0100
Damping Factor (Beta) for Wind (Empty) 0.0000
Damping Factor (Beta) for Wind (Filled) 0.0000

Seismic Design Code UBC 94

UBC Seismic Zone (1=1,2=2a,3=2b,4=3,5=4) 0.000
UBC Importance Factor 1.000

UBC Soil Type S1
UBC Horizontal Force Factor 3.000
UBC Percent Seismic for Test 0.000

Design Nozzle for Des. Press. + St. Head Y

Consider MAP New and Cold in Noz. Design N
Consider External Loads for Nozzle Des. Y
Use ASME VIII-1 Appendix 1-9 N

Material Database Year Current w/Addenda or Code Year

Configuration Directives:

Do not use Nozzle MDMT Interpretation VIII-1 01-37 No

Use Table G instead of exact equation for "A" Yes
Shell Head Joints are Tapered Yes
Compute "K" in corroded condition Yes
Use Code Case 2286 No
Use the MAWP to compute the MDMT Yes
Using Metric Material Databases, ASME II D No

Complete Listing of Vessel Elements and Details:

Element From Node 10

Element To Node 20
Element Type Elliptical
Description LEFT HEAD
Distance "FROM" to "TO" 100.00 mm
Element Outside Diameter 2547.8 mm
Element Thickness 11.000 mm
Internal Corrosion Allowance 3.1750 mm
Nominal Thickness 0.0000 mm
External Corrosion Allowance 0.0000 mm
Design Internal Pressure 1.6900 kgf/cm
Design Temperature Internal Pressure 68 C
Design External Pressure 0.0000 kgf/cm
Design Temperature External Pressure 0 C
Effective Diameter Multiplier 1.2
Material Name SA-283 C
Allowable Stress, Ambient 1103.8 kgf/cm
Allowable Stress, Operating 1103.8 kgf/cm
Allowable Stress, Hydrotest 1435.0 kgf/cm
Material Density 0.007750 kgm/cm
P Number Thickness 30.988 mm
Yield Stress, Operating 1977.8 kgf/cm
UCS-66 Chart Curve Designation A
External Pressure Chart Name CS-2
UNS Number K02401
Product Form Plate
Efficiency, Longitudinal Seam 0.85
Efficiency, Circumferential Seam 0.85
Elliptical Head Factor 2.0


Element From Node 20

Element To Node 30
Element Type Cylinder
Description SHELL

Distance "FROM" to "TO" 8160.0 mm
Element Outside Diameter 2547.8 mm
Element Thickness 8.0000 mm
Internal Corrosion Allowance 3.1750 mm
Nominal Thickness 0.0000 mm
External Corrosion Allowance 0.0000 mm
Design Internal Pressure 1.6900 kgf/cm
Design Temperature Internal Pressure 68 C
Design External Pressure 0.0000 kgf/cm
Design Temperature External Pressure 0 C
Effective Diameter Multiplier 1.2
Material Name SA-283 C
Efficiency, Longitudinal Seam 0.7
Efficiency, Circumferential Seam 0.7

Element From Node 20

Detail Type Saddle
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 638.00 mm
Width of Saddle 254.00 mm
Height of Saddle at Bottom 2800.0 mm
Saddle Contact Angle 120.0
Height of Composite Ring Stiffener 0.0000 mm
Width of Wear Plate 306.00 mm
Thickness of Wear Plate 10.000 mm
Contact Angle, Wear Plate (degrees) 132.0

Element From Node 20

Detail Type Saddle
Detail ID New Sdl
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 7522.0 mm
Width of Saddle 254.00 mm
Height of Saddle at Bottom 2800.0 mm
Saddle Contact Angle 120.0
Height of Composite Ring Stiffener 0.0000 mm
Width of Wear Plate 306.00 mm
Thickness of Wear Plate 10.000 mm
Contact Angle, Wear Plate (degrees) 132.0

Element From Node 20

Detail Type Nozzle
Detail ID BOOT 20"
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 4000.0 mm
Nozzle Diameter 20.0 in.
Nozzle Schedule STD
Nozzle Class 150
Layout Angle 270.0
Blind Flange (Y/N) N
Weight of Nozzle ( Used if > 0 ) 0.0000 kgf
Grade of Attached Flange GR 1.1
Nozzle Matl SA-106 B

Element From Node 20

Detail Type Nozzle
Detail ID N2 16
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 4200.0 mm
Nozzle Diameter 16.0 in.
Nozzle Schedule STD
Nozzle Class 150

Layout Angle 90.0
Blind Flange (Y/N) N
Weight of Nozzle ( Used if > 0 ) 0.0000 kgf
Grade of Attached Flange GR 1.1
Nozzle Matl SA-106 B

Element From Node 20

Detail Type Nozzle
Detail ID N3 8"
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 6800.0 mm
Nozzle Diameter 8.0 in.
Nozzle Schedule STD
Nozzle Class 150
Layout Angle 90.0
Blind Flange (Y/N) N
Weight of Nozzle ( Used if > 0 ) 0.0000 kgf
Grade of Attached Flange GR 1.1
Nozzle Matl SA-106 B

Element From Node 20

Detail Type Nozzle
Detail ID N4 16"
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 7500.0 mm
Nozzle Diameter 16.0 in.
Nozzle Schedule STD
Nozzle Class 150
Layout Angle 90.0
Blind Flange (Y/N) N
Weight of Nozzle ( Used if > 0 ) 0.0000 kgf
Grade of Attached Flange GR 1.1
Nozzle Matl SA-106 B

Element From Node 20

Detail Type Nozzle
Detail ID N2 3"
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 150.00 mm
Nozzle Diameter 3.0 in.
Nozzle Schedule STD
Nozzle Class 150
Layout Angle 180.0
Blind Flange (Y/N) N
Weight of Nozzle ( Used if > 0 ) 0.0000 kgf
Grade of Attached Flange GR 1.1
Nozzle Matl SA-106 B

Element From Node 20

Detail Type Nozzle
Detail ID N3 3"
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 700.00 mm
Nozzle Diameter 3.0 in.
Nozzle Schedule STD
Nozzle Class 150
Layout Angle 180.0
Blind Flange (Y/N) N
Weight of Nozzle ( Used if > 0 ) 0.0000 kgf
Grade of Attached Flange GR 1.1
Nozzle Matl SA-106 B

Element From Node 20

Detail Type Nozzle
Detail ID N1 16"
Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 600.00 mm
Nozzle Diameter 16.0 in.
Nozzle Schedule STD
Nozzle Class 150
Layout Angle 90.0
Blind Flange (Y/N) N
Weight of Nozzle ( Used if > 0 ) 0.0000 kgf
Grade of Attached Flange GR 1.1
Nozzle Matl SA-106 B


Element From Node 30

Element To Node 40
Element Type Elliptical
Description RIGHT HEAD
Distance "FROM" to "TO" 100.00 mm
Element Outside Diameter 2547.8 mm
Element Thickness 10.600 mm
Internal Corrosion Allowance 3.1750 mm
Nominal Thickness 0.0000 mm
External Corrosion Allowance 0.0000 mm
Design Internal Pressure 1.6900 kgf/cm
Design Temperature Internal Pressure 68 C
Design External Pressure 0.0000 kgf/cm
Design Temperature External Pressure 0 C
Effective Diameter Multiplier 1.2
Material Name SA-283 C
Efficiency, Longitudinal Seam 0.85
Efficiency, Circumferential Seam 0.85
Elliptical Head Factor 2.0


Element From Node 40

Element To Node 50
Element Type Elliptical
Description BOOT HEAD
Distance "FROM" to "TO" 100.00 mm
Element Outside Diameter 508.00 mm
Element Thickness 9.7000 mm
Internal Corrosion Allowance 3.1750 mm
Nominal Thickness 0.0000 mm
External Corrosion Allowance 0.0000 mm
Design Internal Pressure 1.6900 kgf/cm
Design Temperature Internal Pressure 68 C
Design External Pressure 0.0000 kgf/cm
Design Temperature External Pressure 0 C
Effective Diameter Multiplier 1.2
Material Name SA-283 C
Efficiency, Longitudinal Seam 0.85
Efficiency, Circumferential Seam 0.85
Elliptical Head Factor 2.0

Element From Node 40

Detail Type Nozzle
Detail ID N1 4"

Dist. from "FROM" Node / Offset dist 0.0000 mm
Nozzle Diameter 4.0 in.
Nozzle Schedule STD
Nozzle Class 150
Layout Angle 0.0
Blind Flange (Y/N) N
Weight of Nozzle ( Used if > 0 ) 0.0000 kgf
Grade of Attached Flange GR 1.1
Nozzle Matl SA-106 B

Element Thickness, Pressure, Diameter and Allowable Stress :

| | Int. Press | Nominal | Total Corr| Element | Allowable |

From| To | + Liq. Hd | Thickness | Allowance | Diameter | Stress(SE)|
| | kgf/cm | mm | mm | mm | kgf/cm |
LEFT HEAD| 1.6900 | ... | 3.1750 | 2547.8 | 938.23 |
SHELL| 1.6900 | ... | 3.1750 | 2547.8 | 772.67 |
RIGHT HEAD| 1.6900 | ... | 3.1750 | 2547.8 | 938.25 |
BOOT HEAD| 1.6900 | ... | 3.1750 | 508.00 | 938.25 |

Element Required Thickness and MAWP :

| | Design | M.A.W.P. | M.A.P. | Minimum | Required |

From| To | Pressure | Corroded | New & Cold | Thickness | Thickness |
| | kgf/cm | kgf/cm | kgf/cm | mm | mm |
LEFT HEAD| 1.69000 | 5.77739 | 8.16507 | 11.0000 | 5.45827 |
SHELL| 1.69000 | 2.93104 | 4.86461 | 8.00000 | 5.95882 |
RIGHT HEAD| 1.69000 | 5.48147 | 7.86606 | 10.6000 | 5.45823 |
BOOT HEAD| 1.69000 | 24.3528 | 37.1060 | 9.70000 | 4.67500 |
Minimum 2.931 4.865

MAWP: 2.931 kgf/cm, limited by: SHELL.

Internal Pressure Calculation Results :

ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, 2010, 2011a

Elliptical Head From 10 To 20 SA-283 C , UCS-66 Crv. A at 68 C


Material UNS Number: K02401

Required Thickness due to Internal Pressure [tr]:

= (P*Do*Kcor)/(2*S*E+2*P*(Kcor-0.1)) per Appendix 1-4 (c)
= (1.690*2547.7700*0.997)/(2*1103.80*0.85+2*1.690*(0.997-0.1))
= 2.2833 + 3.1750 = 5.4583 mm

Max. Allowable Working Pressure at given Thickness, corroded [MAWP]:

= (2*S*E*t)/(Kcor*Do-2*t*(Kcor-0.1)) per Appendix 1-4 (c)
= (2*1103.80*0.85*7.8250)/(0.997*2547.7700-2*7.8250*(1.00-0.1))
= 5.815 kgf/cm

Maximum Allowable Pressure, New and Cold [MAPNC]:

= (2*S*E*t)/(K*Do-2*t*(K-0.1)) per Appendix 1-4 (c)
= (2*1103.80*0.85*11.0000)/(1.000*2547.7700-2*11.0000*(1.000-0.1))
= 8.165 kgf/cm

Actual stress at given pressure and thickness, corroded [Sact]:

= (P*(Kcor*Do-2*t*(Kcor-0.1)))/(2*E*t)
= (1.690*(0.997*2547.7700-2*7.8250*(0.997-0.1)))/(2*0.85*7.8250)
= 320.817 kgf/cm

Straight Flange Required Thickness:

= (P*Ro)/(S*E+0.4*P) + ca per Appendix 1-1 (a)(1)
= (1.690*1273.8850)/(1103.80*0.85+0.4*1.690)+3.175
= 5.468 mm

Straight Flange Maximum Allowable Working Pressure:

= (S*E*t)/(Ro-0.4*t) per Appendix 1-1 (a)(1)
= (1103.80 * 0.85 * 7.8250 )/(1273.8850 - 0.4 * 7.8250 )
= 5.777 kgf/cm

Factor K, corroded condition [Kcor]:

= ( 2 + ( Inside Diameter/( 2 * Inside Head Depth ))2)/6
= ( 2 + ( 2532.120/( 2 * 634.617 ))2)/6
= 0.996669

Percent Elong. per UCS-79, VIII-1-01-57 (75*tnom/Rf)*(1-Rf/Ro) 1.897 %

MDMT Calculations in the Knuckle Portion:

Govrn. thk, tg = 11.000 , tr = 3.955 , c = 3.1750 mm , E* = 0.85

Stress Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.430 , Temp. Reduction = 49 C

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve A -5 C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -48 C

MDMT Calculations in the Head Straight Flange:

Govrn. thk, tg = 11.000 , tr = 3.975 , c = 3.1750 mm , E* = 0.85

Stress Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.432 , Temp. Reduction = 48 C

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve A -5 C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -48 C

Cylindrical Shell From 20 To 30 SA-283 C , UCS-66 Crv. A at 68 C


Material UNS Number: K02401

Required Thickness due to Internal Pressure [tr]:

= (P*Ro) / (S*E+0.4*P) per Appendix 1-1 (a)(1)
= (1.690*1273.8850)/(1103.82*0.70+0.4*1.690)
= 2.7838 + 3.1750 = 5.9588 mm

Max. Allowable Working Pressure at given Thickness, corroded [MAWP]:

= (S*E*t)/(Ro-0.4*t) per Appendix 1-1 (a)(1)
= (1103.82*0.70*4.8250)/(1273.8850-0.4*4.8250)
= 2.931 kgf/cm

Maximum Allowable Pressure, New and Cold [MAPNC]:

= (S*E*t)/(Ro-0.4*t) per Appendix 1-1 (a)(1)
= (1103.82*0.70*8.0000)/(1273.8850-0.4*8.0000)
= 4.865 kgf/cm

Actual stress at given pressure and thickness, corroded [Sact]:

= (P*(Ro-0.4*t))/(E*t)
= (1.690*((1273.8850-0.4*4.8250))/(0.70*4.8250)
= 636.448 kgf/cm

Percent Elongation per UCS-79 (50*tnom/Rf)*(1-Rf/Ro) 0.315 %

Minimum Design Metal Temperature Results:

Govrn. thk, tg = 8.000 , tr = 4.825 , c = 3.1750 mm , E* = 0.80

Stress Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.800 , Temp. Reduction = 11 C

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve A -8 C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -19 C

Elliptical Head From 30 To 40 SA-283 C , UCS-66 Crv. A at 68 C


Material UNS Number: K02401

Required Thickness due to Internal Pressure [tr]:

= (P*Do*Kcor)/(2*S*E+2*P*(Kcor-0.1)) per Appendix 1-4 (c)
= (1.690*2547.7700*0.997)/(2*1103.82*0.85+2*1.690*(0.997-0.1))
= 2.2832 + 3.1750 = 5.4582 mm

Max. Allowable Working Pressure at given Thickness, corroded [MAWP]:

= (2*S*E*t)/(Kcor*Do-2*t*(Kcor-0.1)) per Appendix 1-4 (c)
= (2*1103.82*0.85*7.4250)/(0.997*2547.7700-2*7.4250*(1.00-0.1))
= 5.516 kgf/cm

Maximum Allowable Pressure, New and Cold [MAPNC]:

= (2*S*E*t)/(K*Do-2*t*(K-0.1)) per Appendix 1-4 (c)
= (2*1103.82*0.85*10.6000)/(1.000*2547.7700-2*10.6000*(1.000-0.1))
= 7.866 kgf/cm

Actual stress at given pressure and thickness, corroded [Sact]:

= (P*(Kcor*Do-2*t*(Kcor-0.1)))/(2*E*t)
= (1.690*(0.997*2547.7700-2*7.4250*(0.997-0.1)))/(2*0.85*7.4250)
= 338.197 kgf/cm

Straight Flange Required Thickness:

= (P*Ro)/(S*E+0.4*P) + ca per Appendix 1-1 (a)(1)
= (1.690*1273.8850)/(1103.82*0.85+0.4*1.690)+3.175
= 5.468 mm

Straight Flange Maximum Allowable Working Pressure:

= (S*E*t)/(Ro-0.4*t) per Appendix 1-1 (a)(1)
= (1103.82 * 0.85 * 7.4250 )/(1273.8850 - 0.4 * 7.4250 )
= 5.481 kgf/cm

Factor K, corroded condition [Kcor]:

= ( 2 + ( Inside Diameter/( 2 * Inside Head Depth ))2)/6
= ( 2 + ( 2532.920/( 2 * 634.818 ))2)/6
= 0.996670

Percent Elong. per UCS-79, VIII-1-01-57 (75*tnom/Rf)*(1-Rf/Ro) 1.828 %

MDMT Calculations in the Knuckle Portion:

Govrn. thk, tg = 10.600 , tr = 3.955 , c = 3.1750 mm , E* = 0.85

Stress Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.453 , Temp. Reduction = 42 C

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve A -6 C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -48 C

MDMT Calculations in the Head Straight Flange:

Govrn. thk, tg = 10.600 , tr = 3.975 , c = 3.1750 mm , E* = 0.85

Stress Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.455 , Temp. Reduction = 41 C

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve A -6 C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -47 C

Elliptical Head From 40 To 50 SA-283 C , UCS-66 Crv. A at 68 C


Material UNS Number: K02401

Required Thickness due to Internal Pressure [tr]:

= (P*Do*Kcor)/(2*S*E+2*P*(Kcor-0.1)) per Appendix 1-4 (c)
= (1.690*508.0000*0.983)/(2*1103.82*0.85+2*1.690*(0.983-0.1))
= 0.4491 + 3.1750 = 3.6241 mm

Note: The thickness required was less than the Code Minimum, therefore
the Code Minimum value of 1.5000 mm per UG-16 will be used.

Max. Allowable Working Pressure at given Thickness, corroded [MAWP]:

= (2*S*E*t)/(Kcor*Do-2*t*(Kcor-0.1)) per Appendix 1-4 (c)
= (2*1103.82*0.85*6.5250)/(0.983*508.0000-2*6.5250*(0.98-0.1))
= 25.093 kgf/cm

Maximum Allowable Pressure, New and Cold [MAPNC]:

= (2*S*E*t)/(K*Do-2*t*(K-0.1)) per Appendix 1-4 (c)
= (2*1103.82*0.85*9.7000)/(1.000*508.0000-2*9.7000*(1.000-0.1))
= 37.106 kgf/cm

Actual stress at given pressure and thickness, corroded [Sact]:

= (P*(Kcor*Do-2*t*(Kcor-0.1)))/(2*E*t)
= (1.690*(0.983*508.0000-2*6.5250*(0.983-0.1)))/(2*0.85*6.5250)
= 74.341 kgf/cm

Straight Flange Required Thickness:

= (P*Ro)/(S*E+0.4*P) + ca per Appendix 1-1 (a)(1)
= (1.690*254.0000)/(1103.82*0.85+0.4*1.690)+3.175
= 3.632 mm

Straight Flange Maximum Allowable Working Pressure:

= (S*E*t)/(Ro-0.4*t) per Appendix 1-1 (a)(1)
= (1103.82 * 0.85 * 6.5250 )/(254.0000 - 0.4 * 6.5250 )
= 24.353 kgf/cm

Factor K, corroded condition [Kcor]:

= ( 2 + ( Inside Diameter/( 2 * Inside Head Depth ))2)/6
= ( 2 + ( 494.950/( 2 * 125.325 ))2)/6
= 0.983217

Percent Elong. per UCS-79, VIII-1-01-57 (75*tnom/Rf)*(1-Rf/Ro) 8.275 %

Note: Please Check Requirements of UCS-79 as Elongation is > 5%.

MDMT Calculations in the Knuckle Portion:

Govrn. thk, tg = 9.700 , tr = 1.500 , c = 3.1750 mm , E* = 0.85

Stress Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.195 , Temp. Reduction = 78 C

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve A -8 C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -86 C

MDMT Calculations in the Head Straight Flange:

Govrn. thk, tg = 9.700 , tr = 0.792 , c = 3.1750 mm , E* = 0.85

Stress Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.103 , Temp. Reduction = 78 C

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve A -8 C

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -86 C

Elements Suitable for Internal Pressure.

Nozzle Flange MAWP Results :

Nozzle ----- Flange Rating

Description Operating Ambient Temperature Class Grade|Group
kgf/cm kgf/cm C
BOOT 20" 19.0 20.0 68 150 GR 1.1
N2 16 19.0 20.0 68 150 GR 1.1
N3 8" 19.0 20.0 68 150 GR 1.1
N4 16" 19.0 20.0 68 150 GR 1.1
N2 3" 19.0 20.0 68 150 GR 1.1
N3 3" 19.0 20.0 68 150 GR 1.1
N1 16" 19.0 20.0 68 150 GR 1.1
N1 4" 19.0 20.0 68 150 GR 1.1
Minimum Rating 19.0 20.0 kgf/cm

Note: ANSI Ratings are per ANSI/ASME B16.5 2009 Metric Edition

Nozzle Schedule:

Nominal Flange Noz. Wall Re-Pad Cut

Description Size Sch/Type O/Dia Thk ODia Thick Length
in. Cls in. mm mm mm mm
N2 3" 3.000 150 WNF 3.000 16.500 - - 112.69
N3 3" 3.000 150 WNF 3.000 15.800 - - 112.69
N1 4" 4.000 150 WNF 4.000 14.100 - - 62.59
N3 8" 8.000 150 WNF 8.000 16.600 - - 112.08
N2 16 16.000 150 WNF 16.000 8.000 556.40 14.000 124.42
N4 16" 16.000 150 WNF 16.000 8.500 556.40 13.400 124.42
N1 16" 16.000 150 WNF 16.000 9.000 556.40 13.800 124.42
BOOT 20" 20.000 150 None 20.000 9.700 708.00 13.400 948.14

General Notes for the above table:

The Cut Length is the Outside Projection + Inside Projection + Drop +

In Plane Shell Thickness. This value does not include weld gaps,
nor does it account for shrinkage.

In the case of Oblique Nozzles, the Outside Diameter must

be increased. The Re-Pad WIDTH around the nozzle is calculated as follows:
Width of Pad = (Pad Outside Dia. (per above) - Nozzle Outside Dia.)/2

For hub nozzles, the thickness and diameter shown are those of the smaller
and thinner section.

Nozzle Material and Weld Fillet Leg Size Details:

Shl Grve Noz Shl/Pad Pad OD Pad Grve Inside
Nozzle Material Weld Weld Weld Weld Weld
mm mm mm mm mm
N2 3" SA-106 B 0.000 14.000 - - -
N3 3" SA-106 B 0.000 14.000 - - -
N1 4" SA-106 B 0.000 10.000 - - -
N3 8" SA-106 B 8.000 13.800 - - -
N2 16 SA-106 B 8.000 13.800 13.800 0.000 -
N4 16" SA-106 B 8.000 14.000 13.400 0.000 -
N1 16" SA-106 B 8.000 13.800 13.800 0.000 -
BOOT 20 SA-106 B 8.000 13.800 13.400 0.000 -

Note: The Outside projections below do not include the flange thickness.

Nozzle Miscellaneous Data:

Elevation/Distance Layout Projection Installed In

Nozzle From Datum Angle Outside Inside Component
mm deg. mm mm
N2 3" 150.000 180.00 100.00 0.00 BOOT 20"
N3 3" 700.000 180.00 100.00 0.00 BOOT 20"
N1 4" 0.00 50.00 0.00 BOOT HEAD
N3 8" 6800.000 90.00 100.00 0.00 SHELL
N2 16 4200.000 90.00 100.00 0.00 SHELL
N4 16" 7500.000 90.00 100.00 0.00 SHELL
N1 16" 600.000 90.00 100.00 0.00 SHELL
BOOT 20" 4000.000 270.00 914.40 0.00 SHELL

Nozzle Calculation Summary:

Description MAWP Ext MAPNC UG45 [tr] Weld Areas or

kgf/cm kgf/cm Path Stresses
BOOT 20" 2.93 ... ... OK 5.12 OK Passed
N2 16 2.93 ... ... OK 5.12 OK Passed
N3 8" 2.93 ... ... OK 5.12 OK Passed
N4 16" 2.93 ... ... OK 5.12 OK Passed
N2 3" 46.62 ... ... OK 1.50 OK NoCalc[*]
N3 3" 46.62 ... ... OK 1.50 OK NoCalc[*]
N1 16" 2.93 ... ... OK 5.12 OK Passed
N1 4" 24.35 ... ... OK 4.68 OK NoCalc[*]
Min. - Nozzles 2.93 N1 16"

Min. Shell&Flgs 2.93 20 30 4.86

Computed Vessel M.A.W.P. 2.93 kgf/cm

[*] - This was a small opening and the areas were not computed or
the MAWP of this connection could not be computed because
the longitudinal bending stress was greater than the hoop stress.

Note: MAWPs (Internal Case) shown above are at the High Point.

Check the Spatial Relationship between the Nozzles

From Node Nozzle Description X Coordinate, Layout Angle, Dia. Limit

20 BOOT 20" 4100.000 270.000 977.200
20 N2 16 4300.000 90.000 780.800
20 N3 8" 6900.000 90.000 340.000
20 N4 16" 7600.000 90.000 778.800
20 N2 3" 0.000 180.000 95.600
20 N3 3" 0.000 180.000 95.600
20 N1 16" 700.000 90.000 776.800
40 N1 4" 0.000 0.000 146.800

The nozzle spacing is computed by the following:

= Sqrt( ll + lc ) where
ll - Arc length along the inside vessel surface in the long. direction.
lc - Arc length along the inside vessel surface in the circ. direction

If any interferences/violations are found, they will be noted below.

No interference violations have been detected !

INPUT VALUES, Damage Description: THINNING LEFT H From : 10

Inside Diameter of Shell D 2525.770 mm

Thickness of Shell tnom 11.000 mm
Internal Pressure in Shell P 1.690 kgf/cm
Shell Design Temperature T 68 C
Shell Allowable Stress, Design Temp S 1103.800 kgf/cm
Shell Allowable Stress, Ambient Temp Sa 1103.800 kgf/cm
Corrosion Allowance of Shell CA 3.175 mm
Joint Efficiency of Shell E 0.85
Flaw Type General Metal Loss (Part 4)
Assessment Level Level 1
Future Corrosion Allowance FCA 3.175 mm
Allowable Remaining Strength Factor RSFa 0.90

Measurement Method Point Thickness Readings

Number of Rows 1

Rlife Thickness Approach included ? Yes

Rlife MAWP Approach included ? No
Rerate MAWP ? No
Corrosion Rate Crate 0.0840 mm/year
Previous Average Measured Thickness tam_prev 15.875 mm

Using design MAWP ? No

Using overriding values ? No

WARNING: A minimum of 15 thickness readings should be used unless
extensive nondestruction examination has been utilized.

API 579 / ASME FFS-1, 2007 Edition

Note: The equations from Annex A are written in terms of

inside diameter with the metal loss and future corrosion allowance
applied to the inside surface. See Paragraph A.3.3

Part 4, General Metal Loss

Level 1 Assessment
Point Thickness Readings

STEP 1 - Determine the minimum required thickness, tmin.


Elliptical Head:
Paragraph A.3.6

Elliptical Head Coefficient, [K]:

= ( 1/6 ) * ( 2 + Rell2 )
= ( 1/6 ) * ( 2 + 2.0002 )
= 1.000

Minimum Required Thickness, [tmin]:

= ( P * D * K ) / (2 * S * E - 0.2 * P)
= ( 1.690 * 2532.118 * 1.000 )/
(2 * 1103.800 * 0.850 - 0.2 * 1.690 )
= 2.281 mm

STEP 2 - Take point thickness reading data and determine

minimum measured thickness and average measured thickness.

Minimum Measured Thickness, [tmm]:

= 11.001 mm

Average Measured Thickness, [tam]:

= Sum of points / N
= 11.001/1
= 11.001 mm

Metal Loss, [LOSS]:

= tnom - tam
= 11.000 - 11.001
= -0.001 mm

STEP 3 - Determine viability of the point thickness readings

through the coefficient of variance (standard deviation) check.

Sum of Squares, [S]:

= SUM(trd, i - tam)2
= 0.000 cm

Coefficient of Variation, [COV]:

= ( 1 / tam )( S / ( N - 1 ) )0.5

= ( 1/11.001 )( 0.000/( 1 - 1 ) )0.5
= NaN

Coefficient of Variation < 10%

NaN >= 0.100

NOTE: The coefficent of variance, COV, is greater than 10%.

The use of thickness profiles should be considered for the assessment.

STEP 4 - Level 1 Criteria per Table 4.4


Minimum Thickness Criterion

Table 4.4

Limiting Thickness [t_lim]:

= max( 0.2 * tnom, 2.5 mm )
= max( 0.2 * 11.000 , 2.5 )
= 2.540 mm

( tmm - FCA ) >= max ( 0.5 * tmin, t_lim )

( 11.001 - 3.175 ) >= max ( 0.5 * 2.281 , 2.540 )
7.826 >= 2.540

The minimum thickness criterion passed.

Average Measured Thickness Criterion

Table 4.4

(tam - FCA) >= tmin

(11.001 - 3.175 ) >= 2.281
7.826 >= 2.281

The average measured thickness criterion passed.

Maximum Allowable Working Pressure Criterion:

Table 4.4

Note: Level 1 calculations assume that all supplemental loads are negligible.

Corroded Wall Thickness based on tam [tamr]:

= tam - FCA
= 11.001 - 3.175
= 7.826 mm

Elliptical Head:
Paragraph A.3.6

Elliptical Head Coefficent, [K]:

= ( 1/6 ) * ( 2 + (Rell) ^ 2 )
= ( 1/6 ) * ( 2 + (2.000 )^ 2 )
= 1.000

Permissible Maximum Allowable Working Pressure, [MAWPr]:

= ( 2 * S * E * tamr ) / ( K * D + 0.2 * tamr )

= ( 2 * 1103.800 * 0.850 * 7.826 )/( 1.000 * 2532.118 + 0.2 * 7.826 )
= 5.796 kgf/cm

Determining the minimum MAWP, where tmin is the wall thickness

calculated in STEP 1:

Paragraph A.3.6

Elliptical Head Coefficient, [K]:

Note: K must be recalculated to account for a different tc value
in the boundary conditions.
= 0.25346 + 0.13995 * Rell +
0.12238 * Rell2 - 0.015297 * Rell3
= 0.25346 + 0.13995 * 2.000 +
0.12238 * 2.0002 - 0.015297 * 2.0003
= 1.000

Minimum MAWP, [MAWP]:

= ( 2 * S * E * tmin ) / ( K * D + 0.2 * tmin )
= ( 2 * 1103.800 * 0.850 * 2.281 )/( 1.000 * 2532.118 + 0.2 * 2.281 )
= 1.690 kgf/cm


5.796 >= 1.690

MAWP criterion passed.

Summary of Level 1 Assessment:

Minimum Measured Thickness Criterion: PASSED

Average Measured Thickness Criterion: PASSED

Maximum Allowable Working Pressure Criterion: PASSED

This analysis passed the API 579 Part 4, Level 1 Assessment.

Remaining Life Assessment

Thickness Approach
See 4.9 Nomenclature for K definition.
Level 1

Assessment Factor, [K] = 1

Remaining Life, [R_life]:

= ( tam_prev - K * tmin ) / Crate
= ( 15.875 - 1 * 2.281 )/0.0840
= 161.8 years

INPUT VALUES, Damage Description: THINNING SHELL From : 20

Inside Diameter of Shell D 2531.770 mm

Thickness of Shell tnom 8.000 mm
Internal Pressure in Shell P 1.690 kgf/cm

Shell Design Temperature T 68 C
Shell Allowable Stress, Design Temp S 1103.820 kgf/cm
Shell Allowable Stress, Ambient Temp Sa 1103.820 kgf/cm
Corrosion Allowance of Shell CA 3.175 mm
Joint Efficiency of Shell E 0.70
Flaw Type General Metal Loss (Part 4)
Assessment Level Level 1
Future Corrosion Allowance FCA 3.175 mm
Allowable Remaining Strength Factor RSFa 0.90

Measurement Method Point Thickness Readings

Number of Rows 1

Rlife Thickness Approach included ? Yes

Rlife MAWP Approach included ? No
Rerate MAWP ? No
Corrosion Rate Crate 0.1080 mm/year
Previous Average Measured Thickness tam_prev 14.287 mm

Using design MAWP ? No

Using overriding values ? No

WARNING: A minimum of 15 thickness readings should be used unless

extensive nondestruction examination has been utilized.

API 579 / ASME FFS-1, 2007 Edition

Note: The equations from Annex A are written in terms of

inside diameter with the metal loss and future corrosion allowance
applied to the inside surface. See Paragraph A.3.3

Part 4, General Metal Loss

Level 1 Assessment
Point Thickness Readings

STEP 1 - Determine the minimum required thickness, tmin.


Cylindrical Shell:
Paragraph A.3.4

Minimum Required Thickness from Circumferential Stress, [tmin_C]:

= ( P * R ) / ( S * E - 0.6 * P )
= ( 1.690 * 1269.059 )/( 1103.820 * 0.700 - 0.6 * 1.690 )
= 2.779 mm

Minimum Required Thickness from Circumferential Stress, [tmin_L]:

= ( P * R ) / ( 2 * S * E + 0.4 * P )
= ( 1.690 * 1269.059 )/
( 2 * 1103.820 * 0.700 + 0.4 * 1.690 )
= 1.387 mm

Minimum Required Thickness, [tmin]:

= max( tmin_C, tmin_L )
= max ( 2.779 , 1.387 )
= 2.779 mm

STEP 2 - Take point thickness reading data and determine
minimum measured thickness and average measured thickness.

Minimum Measured Thickness, [tmm]:

= 8.001 mm

Average Measured Thickness, [tam]:

= Sum of points / N
= 8.001/1
= 8.001 mm

Metal Loss, [LOSS]:

= tnom - tam
= 8.000 - 8.001
= -0.001 mm

STEP 3 - Determine viability of the point thickness readings

through the coefficient of variance (standard deviation) check.

Sum of Squares, [S]:

= SUM(trd, i - tam)2
= 0.000 cm

Coefficient of Variation, [COV]:

= ( 1 / tam )( S / ( N - 1 ) )0.5
= ( 1/8.001 )( 0.000/( 1 - 1 ) )0.5
= NaN

Coefficient of Variation < 10%

NaN >= 0.100

NOTE: The coefficent of variance, COV, is greater than 10%.

The use of thickness profiles should be considered for the assessment.

STEP 4 - Level 1 Criteria per Table 4.4


Minimum Thickness Criterion

Table 4.4

Limiting Thickness [t_lim]:

= max( 0.2 * tnom, 2.5 mm )
= max( 0.2 * 8.000 , 2.5 )
= 2.540 mm

( tmm - FCA ) >= max ( 0.5 * tmin, t_lim )

( 8.001 - 3.175 ) >= max ( 0.5 * 2.779 , 2.540 )
4.826 >= 2.540

The minimum thickness criterion passed.

Average Measured Thickness Criterion

Table 4.4

(tam - FCA) >= tmin

(8.001 - 3.175 ) >= 2.779
4.826 >= 2.779

The average measured thickness criterion passed.

Maximum Allowable Working Pressure Criterion:

Table 4.4

Note: Level 1 calculations assume that all supplemental loads are negligible.

Corroded Wall Thickness based on tam [tamr]:

= tam - FCA
= 8.001 - 3.175
= 4.826 mm

Cylindrical Shell:
Paragraph A.3.4

Maximum Allowable Working Pressure from Circumferential Stress [MAWPr_C]:

= ( S * E * tamr ) / ( R + 0.6 * tamr ) - Pstatic
= ( 1103.820 * 0.700 * 4.826 )/( 1269.059 + 0.6 * 4.826 ) - 0.000
= 2.932 kgf/cm

Maximum Allowable Working Pressure from Longitudinal Stress [MAWPr_L]:

= ( 2 * S * E * tamr ) / ( R - 0.4 * tamr )
= ( 2 * 1103.820 * 0.700 * 4.826 )/
( 1269.059 - 0.4 * 4.826 )
= 5.886 kgf/cm

Permissible Maximum Allowable Working Pressure [MAWPr]:

= min( MAWPr_C, MAWPr_L )
= min( 2.932 , 5.886 )
= 2.932 kgf/cm

Determining the minimum MAWP, where tmin is the wall thickness

calculated in STEP 1:

Cylindrical Shell:
Paragraph A.3.4

MAWP based on stresses in the circumferential direction, [MAWPC]:

= ( S * E * tmin ) / ( R + 0.6 * tmin ) - Pstatic
= ( 1103.820 * 0.700 * 2.779 )/( 1269.059 + 0.6 * 2.779 ) - 0.000
= 1.690 kgf/cm

MAWP based on stresses in the longitudinal direction, [MAWPL]:

= ( 2 * S * E * ( tmin - tsl ) ) / ( R - 0.4 * ( tmin - tsl ) )
= ( 2 * 1103.820 * 0.700 * ( 2.779 - 0.000 ) )/
( 1269.059 - 0.4 * ( 2.779 - 0.000 ) )
= 3.387 kgf/cm

Minimum MAWP, [MAWP]:

= min( MAWPC, MAWPL )
= min( 1.690 , 3.387 )
= 1.690 kgf/cm


2.932 >= 1.690

MAWP criterion passed.

Summary of Level 1 Assessment:

Minimum Measured Thickness Criterion: PASSED

Average Measured Thickness Criterion: PASSED

Maximum Allowable Working Pressure Criterion: PASSED

This analysis passed the API 579 Part 4, Level 1 Assessment.

Remaining Life Assessment

Thickness Approach
See 4.9 Nomenclature for K definition.
Level 1

Assessment Factor, [K] = 1

Remaining Life, [R_life]:

= ( tam_prev - K * tmin ) / Crate
= ( 14.287 - 1 * 2.779 )/0.1080
= 106.6 years

INPUT VALUES, Damage Description: THINNING RIGHT From : 30

Inside Diameter of Shell D 2526.570 mm

Thickness of Shell tnom 10.600 mm
Internal Pressure in Shell P 1.690 kgf/cm
Shell Design Temperature T 68 C
Shell Allowable Stress, Design Temp S 1103.820 kgf/cm
Shell Allowable Stress, Ambient Temp Sa 1103.820 kgf/cm
Corrosion Allowance of Shell CA 3.175 mm
Joint Efficiency of Shell E 0.85
Flaw Type General Metal Loss (Part 4)
Assessment Level Level 1
Future Corrosion Allowance FCA 3.175 mm
Allowable Remaining Strength Factor RSFa 0.90

Measurement Method Point Thickness Readings

Number of Rows 1

Rlife Thickness Approach included ? Yes

Rlife MAWP Approach included ? No
Rerate MAWP ? No
Corrosion Rate Crate 0.0910 mm/year
Previous Average Measured Thickness tam_prev 15.875 mm

Using design MAWP ? No

Using overriding values ? No

WARNING: A minimum of 15 thickness readings should be used unless

extensive nondestruction examination has been utilized.


API 579 / ASME FFS-1, 2007 Edition

Note: The equations from Annex A are written in terms of

inside diameter with the metal loss and future corrosion allowance
applied to the inside surface. See Paragraph A.3.3

Part 4, General Metal Loss

Level 1 Assessment
Point Thickness Readings

STEP 1 - Determine the minimum required thickness, tmin.


Elliptical Head:
Paragraph A.3.6

Elliptical Head Coefficient, [K]:

= ( 1/6 ) * ( 2 + Rell2 )
= ( 1/6 ) * ( 2 + 2.0002 )
= 1.000

Minimum Required Thickness, [tmin]:

= ( P * D * K ) / (2 * S * E - 0.2 * P)
= ( 1.690 * 2532.921 * 1.000 )/
(2 * 1103.820 * 0.850 - 0.2 * 1.690 )
= 2.282 mm

STEP 2 - Take point thickness reading data and determine

minimum measured thickness and average measured thickness.

Minimum Measured Thickness, [tmm]:

= 10.599 mm

Average Measured Thickness, [tam]:

= Sum of points / N
= 10.599/1
= 10.599 mm

Metal Loss, [LOSS]:

= tnom - tam
= 10.600 - 10.599
= 0.001 mm

STEP 3 - Determine viability of the point thickness readings

through the coefficient of variance (standard deviation) check.

Sum of Squares, [S]:

= SUM(trd, i - tam)2
= 0.000 cm

Coefficient of Variation, [COV]:

= ( 1 / tam )( S / ( N - 1 ) )0.5
= ( 1/10.599 )( 0.000/( 1 - 1 ) )0.5
= NaN

Coefficient of Variation < 10%
NaN >= 0.100

NOTE: The coefficent of variance, COV, is greater than 10%.

The use of thickness profiles should be considered for the assessment.

STEP 4 - Level 1 Criteria per Table 4.4


Minimum Thickness Criterion

Table 4.4

Limiting Thickness [t_lim]:

= max( 0.2 * tnom, 2.5 mm )
= max( 0.2 * 10.600 , 2.5 )
= 2.540 mm

( tmm - FCA ) >= max ( 0.5 * tmin, t_lim )

( 10.599 - 3.175 ) >= max ( 0.5 * 2.282 , 2.540 )
7.424 >= 2.540

The minimum thickness criterion passed.

Average Measured Thickness Criterion

Table 4.4

(tam - FCA) >= tmin

(10.599 - 3.175 ) >= 2.282
7.424 >= 2.282

The average measured thickness criterion passed.

Maximum Allowable Working Pressure Criterion:

Table 4.4

Note: Level 1 calculations assume that all supplemental loads are negligible.

Corroded Wall Thickness based on tam [tamr]:

= tam - FCA
= 10.599 - 3.175
= 7.424 mm

Elliptical Head:
Paragraph A.3.6

Elliptical Head Coefficent, [K]:

= ( 1/6 ) * ( 2 + (Rell) ^ 2 )
= ( 1/6 ) * ( 2 + (2.000 )^ 2 )
= 1.000

Permissible Maximum Allowable Working Pressure, [MAWPr]:

= ( 2 * S * E * tamr ) / ( K * D + 0.2 * tamr )
= ( 2 * 1103.820 * 0.850 * 7.424 )/( 1.000 * 2532.921 + 0.2 * 7.424 )
= 5.497 kgf/cm

Determining the minimum MAWP, where tmin is the wall thickness
calculated in STEP 1:

Paragraph A.3.6

Elliptical Head Coefficient, [K]:

Note: K must be recalculated to account for a different tc value
in the boundary conditions.
= 0.25346 + 0.13995 * Rell +
0.12238 * Rell2 - 0.015297 * Rell3
= 0.25346 + 0.13995 * 2.000 +
0.12238 * 2.0002 - 0.015297 * 2.0003
= 1.000

Minimum MAWP, [MAWP]:

= ( 2 * S * E * tmin ) / ( K * D + 0.2 * tmin )
= ( 2 * 1103.820 * 0.850 * 2.282 )/( 1.000 * 2532.921 + 0.2 * 2.282 )
= 1.690 kgf/cm


5.497 >= 1.690

MAWP criterion passed.

Summary of Level 1 Assessment:

Minimum Measured Thickness Criterion: PASSED

Average Measured Thickness Criterion: PASSED

Maximum Allowable Working Pressure Criterion: PASSED

This analysis passed the API 579 Part 4, Level 1 Assessment.

Remaining Life Assessment

Thickness Approach
See 4.9 Nomenclature for K definition.
Level 1

Assessment Factor, [K] = 1

Remaining Life, [R_life]:

= ( tam_prev - K * tmin ) / Crate
= ( 15.875 - 1 * 2.282 )/0.0910
= 149.4 years

Design Code: ASME Code Section VIII Division 1, 2010, 2011a

Diameter Spec : 2547.770 mm OD

Vessel Design Length, Tangent to Tangent 8360.00 mm

Specified Datum Line Distance 100.00 mm

Shell Material SA-283 C
Nozzle Material SA-106 B
Re-Pad Material SA-283 C

Internal Design Temperature 68 C

Internal Design Pressure 1.690 kgf/cm

External Design Temperature 0 C

Maximum Allowable Working Pressure 2.931 kgf/cm

Hydrostatic Test Pressure 0.000 kgf/cm

Required Minimum Design Metal Temperature -29 C

Warmest Computed Minimum Design Metal Temperature -19 C

Warning: Computed overall MDMT was higher than the required value !

Wind Design Code ASCE-93

Earthquake Design Code UBC-94

Element Pressures and MAWP: kgf/cm

Element Desc | Design Pres. | External | M.A.W.P | Corrosion

| + Stat. head | Pressure | | Allowance
LEFT HEAD 1.690 0.000 5.777 3.1750
SHELL 1.690 0.000 2.931 3.1750
RIGHT HEAD 1.690 0.000 5.481 3.1750
BOOT HEAD 1.690 0.000 24.353 3.1750

Element "To" Elev Length Element Thk R e q d T h k Joint Eff

Type mm mm mm Int. Ext. Long Circ
Ellipse 0.0 100.0 11.0 5.5 4.7 0.85 0.85
Cylinder 8160.0 8160.0 8.0 6.0 No Calc 0.70 0.70
Ellipse 8260.0 100.0 10.6 5.5 4.7 0.85 0.85
Ellipse 4000.0 0.0 9.7 4.7 4.7 0.85 0.85

Element thicknesses are shown as Nominal if specified, otherwise are Minimum

Saddle Parameters:
Saddle Width 254.000 mm
Saddle Bearing Angle 120.000 deg.
Centerline Dimension 2800.000 mm
Wear Pad Width 306.000 mm
Wear Pad Thickness 10.000 mm
Wear Pad Bearing Angle 132.000 deg.
Distance from Saddle to Tangent 688.000 mm

Summary of Maximum Saddle Loads, Operating Case :

Maximum Vertical Saddle Load 3875.38 kgf
Maximum Transverse Saddle Shear Load 459.80 kgf
Maximum Longitudinal Saddle Shear Load 300.08 kgf

Fabricated - Bare W/O Removable Internals 6371.8 kgm
Shop Test - Fabricated + Water ( Full ) 52687.7 kgm
Shipping - Fab. + Rem. Intls.+ Shipping App. 6371.8 kgm

Erected - Fab. + Rem. Intls.+ Insul. (etc) 6371.8 kgm
Empty - Fab. + Intls. + Details + Wghts. 6371.8 kgm
Operating - Empty + Operating Liquid (No CA) 6371.8 kgm
Field Test - Empty Weight + Water (Full) 52687.7 kgm

Salah satu fokus utama dari inspeksi bejana One of the primary focuses of the pressure
tekan adalah pembentukan kemampuan bejana vessel inspection is the establishment of a
tekanan untuk aman melanjutkan operasi . pressure vessels ability to safely continue

Kondisi penilaian harus menjadi bagian resmi Condition assessment should be a formal part
dari setiap pemeriksaan, dan penentuan kondisi of every inspection, and the determination of
bejana tekan yang diterima harus acceptable vessel condition should be formally
didokumentasikan secara resmi . Kondisi ini documented. The condition will generally be
umumnya akan didefinisikan sebagai : defined as:

1) like new condition, not requiring any

1) kondisi "seperti baru", tidak memerlukan
additional actions before the next scheduled
tindakan tambahan sebelum jadwal
pemeriksaan berikutnya;
2) requiring minor repairs such as repainting,
2) membutuhkan perbaikan kecil seperti
cleaning, or minor surface work;
mengecat, membersihkan, atau pekerjaan 3) requiring major repair or replacement of all
permukaan kecil ; or a section of the vessel.
3) membutuhkan perbaikan besar atau
penggantian semua atau bagian bejana tekan.
Comparing design parameters and original
Membandingkan parameter desain dan kondisi conditions (or conditions at the time of the last
asli (atau kondisi pada saat penilaian formal formal assessment) of the pressure vessel to
terakhir) dari bejana tekan dengan kondisi saat current conditions, is the most basic form of
ini , adalah bentuk paling dasar penilaian condition assessment.
kondisi .
The inspector should evaluate if the vessel meets
Inspektur harus mengevaluasi apakah bejana the original construction parameters by inspecting
tekan memenuhi parameter konstruksi asli the condition of the vessel walls, welds, internals,
dengan memeriksa kondisi dinding bejana supporting equipment, etc. If the inspector
tekan, lasan, internal , peralatan pendukung , dll determines the vessel to meet the original
Jika inspektur menentukan bejana tekan specifications, the vessel may be identified to be in
memenuhi spesifikasi awal , bejana tekan dapat satisfactory condition. However, any degradation,
diidentifikasi berada di kondisi memuaskan. damage, or other potential issues should be noted.
Namun, degradasi , kerusakan , atau masalah
potensial lainnya harus diperhatikan.
In cases where an inspector locates degradation in
Dalam kasus saat seorang inspektur a pressure vessel, care must be taken to ensure
menempatkan degradasi bejana tekan, that this degradation either:
perawatan harus dilakukan untuk memastikan
bahwa degradasi ini baik:
1) Does not affect the ability of the vessel to
continue safe operation,
1) Tidak mempengaruhi kemampuan bejana 2) Is removed by repair or replacement of the
tekan untuk melanjutkan operasi yang aman , vessel component experiencing the
2) Apakah diganti oleh perbaikan atau degradation.
penggantian komponen bejana tekan yang 3) that the structural integrity and design
mengalami degradasi. parameters of the vessel are maintained or
3) bahwa integritas struktur dan parameter reevaluated to ensure the vessel meets the
desain bejan tekan dipertahankan atau applicable code of construction.
dievaluasi kembali untuk memastikan bejana
tekan tersebut memenuhi kode konstruksi yang
berlaku. 6.1 Thickness Requirements
From the above inspection results and
6.1 Ketebalan Yang Diperlukan engineering calculations performed, the
Dari hasil inspeksi di atas dan perhitungan current conditions of pressure vessel was
teknis yang telah dilakukan, kondisi bejana presented in the following table.
tekan pada saat ini ditampilkan dalam tabel

Min. Actual Required

Component Remarks
Thickness (mm) Thickness (mm)

Left Head 11 5,5 Acceptable

Shell 8 6 Acceptable

Right head 10,6 5,5 Acceptable

Boot Shell 9,7 5,12 Acceptable

Boot Head 9,2 4,7 Acceptable

Min. Actual Required

Nozzle Reinforcement
Thickness (mm) Thickness (mm)

N1 (16) 9 5,12 Passed

N2 (16) 8 5,12 Passed

N3 (8) 16,6 5,12 No Calc *

N4 (16) 8,5 5,12 Passed

N1 Boot (4) 14,1 4,68 No Calc *

N2 Boot (3) 16,5 1,5 No Calc *

N3 Boot (3) 15,8 1,5 No Calc *

6.2 Sisa Umur 6.2 Remaining Life
Laju Korosi Corrosion Rate
Laju korosi untuk penipisan penyebab Corrosion rate for thinning damage
kerusakan mekanis ditentukan dengan mechanisms is determined by the difference
perbedaan antara pembacaan dua ketebalan between two thickness readings divided by the
dibagi dengan interval waktu antara time interval between the readings.
Laju korosi dihitung berdasar rumus berikut : The corrosion rate was calculated from the
following formula:

Dimana : Where :
t awal : tebal awal sama dengan CML sebagai t initial : the initial thickness at the same CML
t aktual. Baik pada pengukuran ketebalan as t actual. Its either the first thickness
pertama pada saat CML atau ketebalan measurement at this CML or the thickness
pada saat awal sebuah laju korosi at the start of a new corrosion rate
lingkungan baru, dalam mm. environment, in mm.
t aktual : ketebalan sebenarnya sebuah CML, t actual : the actual thickness of a CML, in mm,
dalam mm, diukur saat inspeksi terakhir. measured during the last inspection.

Sisa Umur Remaining Life

Sisa umur dari bejana tekan (dalam tahun) The remaining life of the tank (in years) shall
dapat dihitung dengan rumus berikut ini : be calculated from the following formula:

Dimana : Where :
t aktual : tebal aktual pada sebuah CML, t actual : the actual thickness of a CML, in mm,
dalam mm, diukur saat inspeksi terakhir measured during the last inspection.
t dibutuhkan : tebal yang diperlukan pada CML t required : the required thickness at the same
atau komponen, dalam mm, sebagai CML or component, in mm, as the t actual
pengukuran t aktual. Dihitung dengan measurement. It is computed by the design
rumus desain. formulas.

Hasil perhitungan laju korosi dan sisa umur Calculation results of corrosion rate and
ditampilkan dalam tabel berikut : remaining life was summarised in the following
table :

Min. Actual Required
T initial Corrosion rate Remaining
Component Thickness Thickness
(mm) * (mm/year) Life (Years)
(mm) (mm)

Left Head 15,875 11 5,5 0.084 > 10

Shell 14,287 8 6 0,108 > 10

Right head 15,875 10,6 5,5 0,091 > 10

*note : Initial thickness data not available, use next available thickness.


Secara umum LPD Drum FC-D-7 dalam Generally the LPD Drum FC-D-7 was in good
kondisi baik dan siap beroperasi dengan condition and fit for service as per the
parameter berikut: following parameters:

o MAWP : 1,69 kg/cm

o Design Temperature : 68,33 0C

Tidak ada temuan signifikan selama inspeksi There was no significant anomaly found uring
yang berpengaruh terhadap kinerja bejana inspection that might affect the ability of the
tekan untuk lanjut beroperasi. pressure vessel to continue safe operation.

Direkomendasikan untuk merawat kondisi It is recommended to maintain the vessel

bejana tekan dalam keadaan siap beroperasi conditions to stay in fit for services as the
seperti rekomendasi berikut: following recommendations:
Inspeksi rutin oleh operator untuk Perform routine inspection by operator to
mendeteksi dini kebocoran, tumpahan dan detect early stage of leakage, spills and
kondisi operasi tidak normal yang lain (API other abnormal operating conditions (API
Std 510 5.5.4) Std 510 5.5.4)
Perform re-painting on damaged coating
Melakukan pengecatan ulang coating yang
to prevent further external corrosion (API
rusak untuk mencegah korosi luar (API Std
Std 510 5.5.4, API RP 572 9.3.12)
510 5.5.4, API RP 572 9.3.12)
Perform MPI testing to examine potential
Melakukan pengujian MPI untuk
cracking on pressure vessel (API RP 572
mendeteksi kemungkinan adanya retak
pada bejana tekan (API RP 572
Perform routine maintenance of pressure
Melakukan perawatan rutin pada katup
safety valves (API Std 510- 6.6, API RP
pengaman tekanan (API Std 510- 6.6, API
RP 576)
Perform internal inspection of pressure
Inspeksi internal pada bejana tekan sesuai
vessel as per recommendations of API
rekomendasi API Standards, termasuk
Standards, including repair as required (API
perbaikan jika diperlukan (API Std 510
Std 510 5.5.2, 6.5).
5.5.2, 6.5)


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