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Mata Kuliah : Speaking for General Purposes Semester: 1 sks: 2 Kode: MKB-041202
Program Studi : D3 Bahasa Inggris Dosen Pengampu/Penanggungjawab :
Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan After completing this course, students are expected to be able to understand and
speak in good English
Capaian Pembelajaran Matakuliah After completing this course, students are expected to be able to understand about
English topics and functions in English
Deskripsi Matakuliah This course aims at introducing The students about basic speaking skills, starting from
greetings, how to introducing oneself and others, etc., to make them capable of using
simple English in daily conversation. Students are engaged in various activities, some of
which are role playing, discussions, and pair works.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
Pert Capai Bahan Bentuk Pengalaman Indikator Teknik Bobot Waktu 0
e an Kajian/ / Belajar Penilaian Penilaia Penila si
muan Pembelaja PokokBahas Mode n ian
Ke- ran an l
1 Students are able to Addressing Pembelajar
-Pair work Describing people Students are able Oral test 1 2x Wajib
address people in people -Whole class correctly based to addressing 45
English depending correctly activity on their tittle, people correctly. menit
status, and sex.
on their title, status,
and sex.
2 Students are Greetings -Pair work Using Students are Oral test 1 2 x 45 Wajib
able to use - Formal - Whole class appropriate able to using menit
appropriate greetings activity greeting appropriate
greeting forms, - Informal forms,based on greeting forms.
based on the greetings the time of
time of speaking speaking
and the and the
Usulan Akreditasi Program Studi Baru Diploma 4 Bahasa Inggris Politeknik Wakatobi 1
3 Students are able Spelling : -Pair work Students spell Students are Oral test 1 2 x 45 Wajib
to spell various Name of - Whole class various words able to spell menit
words alphabeth activity and name of name of
alphabeth alphabeth and
various words.
4 Students are able Introducing - Pair work Describing and Students are Process 1 2 x 45 Wajib
to introduceoneself and introducing able to Oral test menit
themselves usingother people oneself and introduce
appropriate other people themselves
introductory using
words. appropriate
5 Students are able Introducing Pair work Responding when Students are Oral test 1 2 x 45
to response when oneself and Whole class introduced to able to response menit
introduced to other people activity others. when introduced
others. to others.
6 Students are Introducing - Pair Introducing other Students are Process 1 2 x 45 Wajib
able to introduce others work people using able to Oral test menit
other people - Whole appropriate introduce
using class introducting other people
appropriate activity words. using
introducting appropriate
words. introducting
7 Students are able to Cardinal - Pair work Describing Students are Process 1 2 x 45 Wajib
count from 1-100 in numbers 1- - Whole class cardinal number. able to count Oral test menit
English 100 activity the cardinal
number from 1
100 in

Usulan Akreditasi Program Studi Baru Diploma 4 Bahasa Inggris Politeknik Wakatobi 2
9 Students are able to Ordinal Pair work Describing the Students are Oral test 1 2 x 45 Wajib
count from 1-100 Numbers Whole class ordinal numbers. able to count menit
using appropriate activity from 1 100
using ordinal
ordinal numbers numbers.
10 Students are able to Dates Whole class Describing the Students are Process 1 2 x 45 Wajib
tell date in English activity date in english able to Oral test menit
describe date
in english
11 Students are able to Using please Pair work Using please Students are Oral test 1 2 x 45 Wajib
use please and and thank you Whole class and thank you in able to process menit
thank you in Please activity conversation Use please and
conversation Thank you thank you in
12 Students are able to Talking about Whole class Describing about Students are Oral test 1 2 x 45 Wajib
differenciate the countries, activity the name of able to Process menit
name of countries, nationalities countries, Differenciate
nationalities and and language nationalities and the name of
language in English language in countries,
english nationalities and
13 Students are able to Expressing Whole class Expressing likes language are
Students in Process 1 2 x 45 Wajib
express likes and likes and activity and dislike in able to express Oral test menit
dislikes in English dislikes Pair work engiish like and dislike
in english
14 - Students are able Asking for and Pair work Asking and giving Students are Process 1 2 x 45 Wajib
to ask permission giving Whole activity permission using able to Oral test menit
using good permission good english Ask and give
English - Asking permission
- Students are able for using good
to give permission english.
permission using - Giving

Usulan Akreditasi Program Studi Baru Diploma 4 Bahasa Inggris Politeknik Wakatobi 3
15 Students are able to Finishing a Pair work Describing about Students are Oral test 1 2 x 45 Wajib
finish a conversation Whole class how to finish a able to Process menit
conversation using and saying activity conversation using Finish a
good English good bye good english conversation
using good
16 UAS

No. Komponen Bobot(%)
1. Kuis/soal Evaluasi 10%
2. Tugas-tugas 20%
3. UjianTengahSemester 30%
4. UjianAkhir Semester 35%
5. Lainnya ........ 5%
Ju mla h 100%

Usulan Akreditasi Program Studi Baru Diploma 4 Bahasa Inggris Politeknik Wakatobi 4


Kode Mata Kuliah :
Bobot : 2 SKS Jenjang Program : D3
Deskripsi Mata Kuliah : The emphasis of their subject in on functional syllabus. The students are taught basic speaking skills,
starting from greetings, introducing oneself and others, etc., to make them capable of using simple
English in daily conversation. Students are engaged in various activities, some of which are role playing,
discussions, and pair works.
Mata Kuliah Prasyarat : -
Kompetensi : Students can understand about English topics and functions in English.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Students are able to address people in Addressing people - Pair work - Process Hand out Materials fo
English depending on their title, status, an correctly - Whole class activity - Oral test speaking I
sex. Prepared by
Sulfasyah (2001)

2 Students are able to use appropriate Greetings - Pair work - Process Hand out Materials fo
greeting forms, based on the time of Formal greetings - Role play - Oral test speaking I
speaking and the recipients. Informal greetings Prepared by
Sulfasyah (2001)
3 Students are able to spell various words Spelling - Pair work - Process Hand out Materials fo
Name of alphabet - Oral test Pictures speaking I
Prepared by
Sulfasyah (2001)
4& Students are able to introduce themselves Introducing oneself and - Pair work - Process Hand out Materials fo
5 using appropriate introductory words. other people - Oral test speaking I
Students are able to response when Introducing oneself to Prepared by
introduced to others. other people Sulfasyah (2001)
Students are able to introduce other people Introducing others
using appropriate introducting words.
6 Students are able to count from 1-100 in Cardinal numbers 1-100 - Whole class - Process Hand out Materials fo

Usulan Akreditasi Program Studi Baru Diploma 4 Bahasa Inggris Politeknik Wakatobi 5
English activity - Oral test speaking I
- Pair work Prepared by
Sulfasyah (2001)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
7 Students are able to count from 1-100 Ordinal Numbers - Whole class - Process Hand out Materials for
using appropriate ordinal numbers activity - Oral test speaking I
- Pair work Prepared by
Sulfasyah (2001)
8 Students are able to tell date in English Dates Pair work - Process Hand out Materials for
Whole class - Oral test speaking I
activity Prepared by
Sulfasyah (2001)
9 Students are able to use please and thank Using please and thank Pair work - Process Hand out Materials for
you in conversation you Whole class - Oral test Pictures speaking I
Please activity Prepared by
Thank you Sulfasyah (2001)

10 Students are able to differenciate the name Talking about countries, Pair work - Process Hand out Materials for
of countries, nationalities and language in nationalities and language Whole class - Oral test speaking I
English activity Prepared by
Sulfasyah (2001)
11 Students are able to express likes and Expressing likes and Pair work - Process Hand out Materials for
dislikes in English dislikes Role play - Oral test Pictures speaking I
Prepared by
Sulfasyah (2001)
12 Students are able to talk about what they Talking about ability Pair work - Process Hand out Materials for
can and cannot do using good English Role play - Oral test Pictures speaking I
Prepared by
Sulfasyah (2001)
13 - Students are able to ask permission Asking for and giving Pair work - Process Hand out Materials for
using good English permission Role play - Oral test Pictures speaking I

Usulan Akreditasi Program Studi Baru Diploma 4 Bahasa Inggris Politeknik Wakatobi 6
- Students are able to give permission Asking for permission Prepared by
using good English Giving for permission Sulfasyah (2001)
14 Students are able to ask someone to do/not Asking someone to do Pair work - Process Hand out Materials for
to do something in good English something/not to do Role play - Oral test Pictures speaking I
something Prepared by
Sulfasyah (2001)
15 Students are able to finish a conversation Finishing a conversation Pair work - Process Hand out Materials for
using good English and saying good bye Role play - Oral test Pictures speaking I
Prepared by
Sulfasyah (2001)

Usulan Akreditasi Program Studi Baru Diploma 4 Bahasa Inggris Politeknik Wakatobi 7

Mata Kuliah : Reading For General Purposes Semester: 1 SKS: 2 Kode: MKB-041408
Program Studi : D3 Bahasa Inggris Dosen Pengampu/Penanggungjawab :
Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan Mahasiswa diharapkan dapat mengungkapkan pokok pikiran wacana, menjawab
pertanyaan, pemahaman literal, interpretatif, dan kritis, menyatakan kembali
wacana yang telah dibaca, membuat ikhtisar, menganalisa struktur kalimat, dan
menerka arti kata melalui konteks.

Capaian Pembelajaran Mata kuliah Mahasiswa diharapkan dapat mengungkapkan pokok pikiran wacana, menjawab
pertanyaan, pemahaman literal, interpretatif, dan kritis, menyatakan kembali
wacana yang telah dibaca, membuat ikhtisar, menganalisa struktur kalimat, dan
menerka arti kata melalui konteks.

Deskripsi Mata kuliah Mahasiswa memahami wacana tulis, struktur kalimatnya dan juga kosakatanya
sesuai dengan tingkatan bacaan.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
Pert Capai Bahan Bentu Pengalaman Indikator Teknik Bobot 0
Waktu Referen
e an Kajian/ k/ Belajar Penilaian Penilaian Penila si
muan Pembelaja Pokok Mod ian

Usulan Akreditasi Program Studi Baru Diploma 4 Bahasa Inggris Politeknik Wakatobi 8
Membaca dan Mahasiswa
Mengungkapkan The Clever
Mengungkapkan mampu
pokok pikiran Parrot. Oral reading, Pronounciati 2 x
pokok pikiran mengungkapkan
wacana tentang (Reading with Silent on and 45
1 wacana tentang pokok pikirian 1 Wajib
The Clever Parrot Understandin reading and comprehensi meni
The Clever Parrot dalam wacana
g) Role play on t
tentang The
Clever Parrot
The Bag of Membaca dan mampu
Money Oral reading, mengungkapkan mengungkapk Pronounciati 2 x
pokok pikiran
(Reading with Silent pokok pikiran an pokok on and 45
2 wacana tentang 1 Wajib
Understanding reading and The Bag of pikiran dalam comprehensi meni
The Bag of Money
) Role play Money wacana on t
tentang The
Bag of Money
Mengungkapkan The Old man Membaca Mahasiswa
pokok pikiran Oral reading,
dan mampu Pronounciati 2 x
and the Goat.
wacana tentang Silent mengungkap mengungkapkan on and 45
(Reading with 1 Wajib
3 The Old man and reading and kan pokok pokok pikiran comprehensi meni
the Goat. Role play pikiran The dalam wacana on t
Old man and The Old man
Membaca Mahasiswa
1. Oral dan mampu
Menjawab The Most Reading Menjawab Menjawab
pertanyaan Dangerous 2. Silent pertanyaan pertanyaan
pemahaman 2 x
pemahaman Animal Reading pemahaman Comprehensi
4 literal, interpretif, (Reading 3. Reporting literal, literal, on and 1 Wajib
dan kritis tentang Project 4. Discussion interpretif, interpretif, dan Assignment
dan kritis t
The Most Achievement)5. Role Play. kritis tentang
Dangerous Animal tentang The The Most
Most Dangerous
Dangerous Animal

Usulan Akreditasi Program Studi Baru Diploma 4 Bahasa Inggris Politeknik Wakatobi 9
Menjawab 1. Oral Membaca dan Mahasiswa
Bikes,Old and Reading Menjawab mampu
New 2. Silent pertanyaan Menjawab 2 x
pemahaman Comprehensi
(Reading Reading pemahaman pertanyaan 45
5 literal, interpretif, on and 1 Wajib
Project 3. Reporting literal, pemahaman meni
dan kritis tentang Assignment
Achievement)4. Discussion interpretif, dan literal, t
wacana Bikes,Old
and New 5. Role Play. kritis tentang interpretif, dan
wacana kritis tentang
Menjawab 1. Oral Membaca dan Mahasiswa
A Strange Reading Menjawab mampu
Sight 2. Silent pertanyaan Menjawab 2 x
pemahaman Comprehensi
(Reading Reading pemahaman pertanyaan 45
6 literal, interpretif, on and 1 Wajib
Project 3. Reporting literal, pemahaman meni
dan kritis tentang Assignment
Achievement) 4. Discussion interpretif, dan literal, t
wacana A Strange
Sight 5. Role kritis tentang interpretif, dan
Play wacana A kritis tentang A
Membaca dan Mahasiswa
1. Oral Menjawab mampu
Reading pertanyaan Menjawab
pertanyaan A Long Fall 2 x
2. Silent pemahaman pertanyaan Comprehensi
pemahaman (Reading 45
7 Reading literal, interpretif, pemahaman on and 1 Wajib
literal, interpretif, Project meni
3. Reporting dan kritis tentang literal, Assignment
dan kritis tentang Achievement) t
4. Discussion wacana A Long interpretif, dan
wacana A Long Fall
5. Role Play Fall kritis tentang
wacana A Long

1. Oral Mahasiswa
Not-so mampu
Membuat Reading Membaca dan
Famous First 2 x
Ikhtisar Wacana 2. Silent Membuat Ikhtisar membaca dan Comprehensi
(Reading Membuat 45
9 Not-so Famous Reading Wacana Not-so on and 1 Wajib
Project Ikhtisar meni
First 3. Reporting Famous First Assignment
Achievement Wacana Not-so t
4. Discussion
5. Role Play Famous First

Usulan Akreditasi Program Studi Baru Diploma 4 Bahasa Inggris Politeknik Wakatobi 10
10 Not-so 1. Oral Membaca dan Mahasiswa
Membuat Famous First Reading Membuat Catatan mampu 2 x
Catatan 2. Silent tentang wacana Membuat Comprehensi
(Reading 45
tentang wacana Reading Not-so Famous Catatan on and 1 Wajib
Project meni
Not-so Famous 3. Reporting First tentang Assignment
Achievement t
First 4. Discussion wacana Not-
5. Role Play so Famous
11 1. Oral Mahasiswa
The Same Reading Membaca dan mampu 2 x
Membuat Catatan Name 2. Silent Comprehensi
Membuat Catatan Membuat 45
tentang wacana (Reading Reading Catatan on and 1 Wajib
tentang wacana meni
The Same Name Project 3. Reporting tentang Assignment
The Same Name t
Achievement) 4. Discussion wacana The
5. Role Play Same Name
12 1. Oral Membaca dan Mahasiswa
Menganalisis Air Scares Reading mampu
Menganalisis 2 x
struktur kalimat (Reading 2. Silent Comprehensi
struktur kalimat Menganalisis 45
dalam wacana Air Project Reading on and 1 Wajib
dalam wacana Air struktur meni
Scares Achievement) 3. Reporting kalimat dalam Assignment
Scares t
4. Discussion wacana Air
5. Role Play Scares
13 1. Oral Mahasiswa
Reading mampu 2 x
Do the English 2. Silent Membaca dan Comprehensi
Membaca dan 45
Menerka Arti Speak English Reading menerka arti on and 1 Wajib
menerka arti meni
melalui konteks 3. Reporting melalui konteks Assignment
melalui t
4. Discussion konteks
5. Role Play
14 1. Oral
mampu 2 x
The Best Art 2. Silent Membaca dan Comprehensi
Menerka Arti Membaca 45
Critics Reading menerka arti on and 1 Wajib
melalui konteks dan menerka meni
3. Reporting melalui konteks Assignment
arti melalui t
4. Discussion
5. Role Play

Usulan Akreditasi Program Studi Baru Diploma 4 Bahasa Inggris Politeknik Wakatobi 11
15 1. Oral
mampu 2 x
2. Silent Membaca dan Comprehensi
Menerka Arti Taxi dan Foot Membaca 45
Reading menerka arti on and 1 Wajib
melalui konteks Ball or Polo. dan menerka meni
3. Reporting melalui konteks Assignment
arti melalui t
4. Discussion
5. Role Play

No. Komponen Bobot(%)
1. Kuis/soal Evaluasi 10%
2. Tugas-tugas 20%
3. UjianTengah Semester 30%
4. UjianAkhir Semester 35%
5. Lainnya ........ 5%
Ju mla h 100%

Usulan Akreditasi Program Studi Baru Diploma 4 Bahasa Inggris Politeknik Wakatobi 12


Kode Mata Kuliah : MKB-041408
Bobot : 2 SKS : S-1
Deskripsi Mata Kuliah : Mahasiswa memahami wacana tulis, struktur kalimatnya dan juga kosakatanya sesuai
dengan tingkatan bacaan.
Mata Kuliah Prasyarat :
Kompetensi : Mahasiswa diharapkan dapat mengungkapkan pokok pikiran wacana, menjawab pertanyaan,
pemahaman literal, interpretatif, dan kritis,
menyatakan kembali wacana yang telah dibaca, membuat ikhtisar, menganalisa struktur
kalimat, dan menerka arti kata melalui konteks.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Mengungkapkan pokok 1. The Clever Parrot. 6. Oral Reading 1. Pronunciation 1. Tape 5 Elementary
pikiran wacana (Reading with 7. Silent 2. Comprehension Recorder Stories for
Understanding) Reading 3. Assignments 2. Language Reproduction.
2. The Bag of Money 8. Reporting 4. Reporting Lab. LA. Hill
(Reading with 9. Discussion 5. Oral and written 6 English
Understanding) 10.Role Play. test Preparatory
2. Menjawab pertanyaan3. The Old man and the Goat. 6. Final Test Exercises.
pemahaman literal, (Reading with Z.A.Muchtar.
interpretif, dan kritis. Understanding) 7 Points of
4. The Most Dangerous Animal Discussion.
3. Why Formal Links are not (Reading Project Prof. Dr.Muh.
enough. Achievement) Amin Rasyid, MA.

Usulan Akreditasi Program Studi Baru Diploma 4 Bahasa Inggris Politeknik Wakatobi 13
5. Bikes,Old and New 8 Reading with
(Reading Project Understanding
Achievement) 1 J.B. Heaton.
6. A Strange Sight 9 Practice and
(Reading Project Progress. (L.G.
Achievement) Alexander).
7. A Long Fall
(Reading Project

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
4. Membuat Ikhtisar Wacana 8. Not-so Famous First Looking for the
(Reading Project same Meaning
Achievement (Words and
5. Membuat Catatan tentang9. Not-So-Famous First Phrases).
wacana (Reading Project
6. 10. The Same Name
Menganalisis struktur kalimat (Reading Project
dalam wacana Achievement)
11.Air Scares
(Reading Project
7. 12. Do the English Speak
Menerka Arti melalui konteks English
13. The Best Art Critics
15.Foot Ball or Polo.

Usulan Akreditasi Program Studi Baru Diploma 4 Bahasa Inggris Politeknik Wakatobi 14

Mata Kuliah : Writing For General Purposes Semester: 1 sks: 2 Kode:

Program Studi : D3 Bahasa Inggris Dosen Pengampu/Penanggungjawab :
Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan The students are able to comprehend the English language Sentence correctly.
Capaian Pembelajaran Matakuliah The Students are able to comprehend the English language mechanics in English sentences
Deskripsi Matakuliah This Course Present the Comprehension and the Skills of Mechanics Use and also teaching the
English language mechanics and Types of Effective English Sentences
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
Pert Capai Bahan Kajian/ Bentuk Pengalaman Indikator Teknik Bobot 0
Waktu Referen
e an PokokBahasan / Belajar Penilaian Penilai Penil si
mua Pembelajar Mode an aian
n an l
Ke- Pembelajar

Usulan Akreditasi Program Studi Baru Diploma 4 Bahasa Inggris Politeknik Wakatobi 15
1 The students are Introduction to -Lecturing Understanding Students are able Process 2 2x Wajib
able to understand the course and -Pair work the basic to understand Writen 45
the basic concept overview of basic -Whole class concept of the basic concept test meni
writing activity writing in of writing in t
of writing in english. English.

2 The students are Types of -Lecturing Write the Students are Process 1 2x Wajib
able to write the sentences -Pair work english able to write the 45
English sentences - Introduction - Whole class sentences in english menit
- Simple activity simple forms sentences in
in appropriate sentences appropriate
forms. forms.
3 The students are Recognizing and -Pair work Writing Students are able Process 1 2x Wajib
able to write the writing complete - Whole class english to write complete 45
English sentences sentence activity sentences in sentences in menit
in appropriate complete english.
forms. form.
4 The students are English language - Pair work Using all Students are Process 1 2x Wajib
able to use all mechanics and - Whole class kinds of able to use all 45
kinds of mechanics Grammar. activity punctuation kinds of menit
in English such as - Punctuation marks in the mechanics in
spelling, capital marks; the sentences. English.
letter, comma, full using of
stop and etc. capitalization,
Period / full
5 The students are stop. language - Pair work
English Using all kinds of Students are able Process 1 2 x 45
able to use all mechanics and - Whole class punctuation to use all kinds of writen menit
kinds of mechanics Grammar. activity marks in the mechanics in test
in English such as - Comma sentences English.
spelling, capital - Conjunction
letter, comma, full
stop and etc.

Usulan Akreditasi Program Studi Baru Diploma 4 Bahasa Inggris Politeknik Wakatobi 16
6-7 The students are English language- Pair work Using all kinds of Students are Process 1 2 x Wajib
able to use other mechanics and - Whole class punctuation able to use all Written 45
kinds of mechanics grammar 2 activity marks in the kinds of test meni
in English such as- The using of sentences mechanics in t
quotation marks, : English.
apostrope, - Quotation
question mark and marks
exclamation mark. - Apostrope
- Question
- Exclamation

9 The students are How to make a - Lecturing Writing and Students are Process 1 2 x 45 Wajib
able to arrange compound - Whole arrange the able to write Written menit
the sentences sentence class compound compound test
activity sentence. sentence.
from three
different kinds of
10 sentences.
The students are How to make a - Writing and Students are Process 1 2 x 45 Wajib
able to arraenge complex Whole class arrange complex able to write Writen menit
the sentences sentence activity sentence complex test
from three - sentence.
different kinds of Lecturing

Usulan Akreditasi Program Studi Baru Diploma 4 Bahasa Inggris Politeknik Wakatobi 17
11 The students are Simple Sentence I - - Learn the Students are writen 2 2 x 45 Wajib
able to arrange the Lecturing common features able to learn test menit
simple sentence in a - of a paragraph the common process
good order. - Identify the features of
Whole class
topic of a
activity paragraph, to
- Identify weak identify the
and strong topic of a
paragraph paragraph and
to identify
weak and
12 - The students are Simple Sentence - Students learn Students are Written 2 2 x 45 Wajib
13 able to write the II Whole class about : able to write test menit
simple stories using activity - Topics and arrange Process
the all tenses. Sentence simple stories
Pair work - Supporting using the all
- Sentence tenses.
Lecturing - Concluding
14-15 The students are Simple sentence - Students write Students are written 1 2 x 45 Wajib
able to write the III Pair work about place and able to write test menit
concise paragraph - people in a good theconcise Process
about the daily paragraph.
Whole class paragraph
16 UAS

No. Komponen Bobot(%)
1. Kuis/soal Evaluasi 10%
2. Tugas-tugas 20%
3. UjianTengahSemester 30%
4. UjianAkhir Semester 35%

Usulan Akreditasi Program Studi Baru Diploma 4 Bahasa Inggris Politeknik Wakatobi 18
5. Lainnya ........ 5%
Ju mla h 100%



Kode Mata Kuliah :
Bobot : 2 SKS Jenjang Program : S-1
Deskripsi Mata Kuliah : Mata kuliah ini menyajikan pemahaman dan keterampilan menggunakan serta mengajarkan
The English language mechanics, dan Types of Effective English Sentences.
Mata Kuliah Prasyarat :-
Kompetensi : Mahasiswa mampu memahami dan mengerjakan The English language mechanics in English
sentences correctly.


1 Mahasiswa dapat English language - Ceramah - Assignment Buku - Handbook of Practical
memahami semua mechanics - Menulis - Mid test (writing test) Pegangan writing

Usulan Akreditasi Program Studi Baru Diploma 4 Bahasa Inggris Politeknik Wakatobi 19
ragam mekanik dan Punctuation marks - Discussion - Final test - Previous lecture materials
kalimat bahasa - Quotation marks - Pemberian
Inggris - Apostrope tugas
2 - Capitalization
Mahasiswa mampu - Italics
menggunakan tanda (underlining)
baca, kapital, ejaan - Spelling
dan singkatan - Abbreviation
3 Types of sentences
Mahasiswa dapat - Introduction
menyusun empat - Simple sentences
jenis bentuk kalimat - Exercise
4 Compound sentences
Mahasiswa dapat Complex sentences
membuat Copound complex
reproduction sentences
exercise from Reproduction exercise
reading and listening - From Reading
- From Listening


Mata Kuliah : Ilmu Alamiah Dasar Semester: 1 SKS: 2 Kode: MKK-041201

Program Studi : D3 Bahasa Inggris Dosen Pengampu/Penanggungjawab :
Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan Mahasiswa diharapkan memilki dasar-dasar ilmu pengetahuan secara umum dan
dasar-dasar IPA secara khusus untuk lebih membuka cakrawala berpikir mengenai
fenomena alam untuk selanjutnya sebagai dasar bertindak.
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata kuliah Mahasiswa diharapkan memilki dasar-dasar ilmu pengetahuan secara umum dan
dasar-dasar IPA secara khusus untuk lebih membuka cakrawala berpikir mengenai
fenomena alam untuk selanjutnya sebagai dasar bertindak.
Deskripsi Mata kuliah Menjelaskan lahirnya IPA , ruang lingkup dan perkembangannya dalam memenuhi

Usulan Akreditasi Program Studi Baru Diploma 4 Bahasa Inggris Politeknik Wakatobi 20
kebutuhan manusia sampai pada dampaknya terhadap kelangsungan hidup
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
Pert Capa Bahan Bentuk Pengalaman Indikator Teknik Bobot 0
Waktu Referen
e ian Kajian/ / Belajar Penilaian Penilaia Penilai si
muan Pembelaj Pokok Mode n an
Ke- aran Bahasan l
Pembelajar Mampu Mahasiswa
memahami Perkembangan Diskusi dan menjelaskan mampu Tugas 2 x 45
1 pikiran proses menjelaskan 1 Wajib
perkembangan Ceramah Individu menit
pikiran manusia manusia perkembangan proses
pikiran manusia perkembangan
Mampu Mitos dan Mampu Mahasiswa
memahami penalaran dan Diskusi dan menjelaskan Mitos mampu Tugas 2 x 45
2 mitos dan pengetahuan dan penalaran dan menjelaskan 1 Wajib
Ceramah Individu menit
penalaran dan IPA pengetahuan IPA Mitos dan
pengetahuna penalaran
Mampu Mampu
memahami Metode ilmiah Diskusi dan menjelaskan mampu Tugas 2 x 45
menjelaskan 1 Wajib
3 metode ilmiah sebagai ciri IPA Ceramah metode ilmiah Individu menit
sebagai ciri IPA sebagai ciri IPA metode ilmiah
sebagai ciri IPA
Mampu Mampu
memahami IPA IPA dan menjelaskan mampu
Diskusi dan menjelaskan Tugas 2 x 45
4 dan perkembangan IPA dan 1 Wajib
Ceramah IPA dan Individu menit
perkembanganny nya perkembangan
a nya perkembangan
Mampu Mampu
Alam semasta mampu
memahami Alam Diskusi dan menjelaskan Alam Tugas 2 x 45
5 dan tata surya menjelaskan i 1 Wajib
semesta dan tata Ceramah semesta dan tata Individu menit
Alam semesta
surya surya
dan tata surya

Usulan Akreditasi Program Studi Baru Diploma 4 Bahasa Inggris Politeknik Wakatobi 21
Mampu Mampu
Bumi dan asal Diskusi mampu
memahami bumi menjelaskan bumi Tugas 2 x 45
6 mula dan menjelaskan 1 Wajib
dan asal mula dan asal mula Individu menit
kehidupan Ceramah Bumi dan asal
kehidupan kehidupan
mula kehidupan
Mampu Mampu mampu
Peranan IPA
memahami menjelaskan menjelaskan
dan teknologi
Peranan IPA dan Diskusi dan Peranan IPA dan Peranan IPA Tugas 2 x 45
7 dalam 1 Wajib
teknologi dalam Ceramah teknologi dalam dan teknologi Individu menit
permulaan permulaan dalam
kebutuhan kebutuhan permulaan
Mampu Mampu
Perkembangan mampu
memahami Diskusi dan menjelaskan Tugas 2 x 45
9 IPA dan menjelaskan 1 Wajib
Perkembangan Ceramah Perkembangan IPA Individu menit
teknologi Perkembangan
IPA dan teknologi dan teknologi
IPA dan
10 Mampu Dampak IPTEK Mampu Mahasiswa
memahami yang menjelaskan mampu
Dampak IPTEK berkenalan Diskusi dan Dampak IPTEK menjelaskan Tugas 2 x 45
1 Wajib
yang berkenalan dengan Ceramah yang berkenalan Dampak IPTEK Individu menit
dengan kebutuhan dengan kebutuhan yang
kebutuhan pokok pokok pokok berkenalan
11 Mampu Dampak Mampu Mahasiswa
memahami terhadap menjelaskan mampu
Dampak pencapaian Diskusi dan Dampak terhadap menjelaskan Tugas 2 x 45
terhadap kemakmuran pencapaian Dampak 1 Wajib
Ceramah Individu menit
pencapaian dan perluasan kemakmuran dan terhadap
kemakmuran dan kehidupan perluasan pencapaian
perluasan kehidupan kemakmuran

Usulan Akreditasi Program Studi Baru Diploma 4 Bahasa Inggris Politeknik Wakatobi 22
12 Mampu Mampu Mahasiswa
memahami Dampak IPTEK menjelaskan mampu
Diskusi dan Tugas 2 x 45
Dampak IPTEK terhadap SDA Dampak IPTEK menjelaskan 1 Wajib
Ceramah Individu menit
terhadap SDA terhadap SDA Dampak IPTEK
terhadap SDA
13 Mampu Dampak Iptek Mampu Mahasiswa
memahami terhadap Diskusi dan menjelaskan mampu
Tugas 2 x 45
Dampak Iptek industri dan Dampak Iptek menjelaskan 1 Wajib
Ceramah Individu menit
terhadap industri kesehatan terhadap industri Dampak Iptek
dan kesehatan dan kesehatan terhadap
14 Mampu Mampu Mpu
Dampak Iptek menjelaskan
memahami menjelaskan
terhadap Mahasiswa
Dampak Iptek Diskusi dan Dampak Iptek Tugas 2 x 45
komunikasi Dampak Iptek 1 Wajib
terhadap Ceramah terhadap Individu menit
dan terhadap
komunikasi dan komunikasi dan
transportasi komunikasi dan
transportasi transportasi
15 Mampu IPA, teknologi Mampu Mahasiswa
memahami IPA, dan menjelaskan IPA, mampu IPA,
teknologi dan kelangsungan teknologi dan teknologi dan
Diskusi dan Tugas 2 x 45
kelangsungan hidup kelangsungan kelangsungan 1 Wajib
hidup manusia: manusia: Ceramah hidup manusia: hidup manusia: Individu menit
- usaha - usaha - usaha - usaha
mencari SD mencari SD mencari SD mencari SD
16 energi energi energi energi

No. Komponen Bobot(%)
1. Kuis/soal Evaluasi 10%
2. Tugas-tugas 20%
3. UjianTengah Semester 30%
4. UjianAkhir Semester 35%
5. Lainnya ........ 5%

Usulan Akreditasi Program Studi Baru Diploma 4 Bahasa Inggris Politeknik Wakatobi 23
Ju mla h 100%



Kode Mata Kuliah :
Program Studi : D3 Bahasa Inggris
Bobot : 2 SKS Jenjang Program : S1
Deskripsi Mata Kuliah : Menjelaskan lahirnya IPA , ruang lingkup dan perkembangannya dalam memenuhi kebutuhan
manusia sampai pada dampaknya terhadap kelangsungan hidup manusia.
Kompetensi : Memilki dasar-dasar ilmu pengetahuan secara umum dan dasar-dasar IPA secara khusus untuk
lebih membuka cakrawala Berpikir mengenai fenomena alam untuk selanjutnya sebagai dasar

N Kegiatan
Kompetensi Materi dan Perincian Assesmen/Evaluasi Alat/Media Rujukan
o Pembelajaran
Perkenalan dengan ilmu
1. Memahami manusia dan pengetahuan : - Diskusi Tugas individu Buku/ bahan Abdullah A.,Eny
ilmu pengetahuan a. Perkembangan pikiran - Ceramah kuliah OHP Rahman. Bab I
manusia White boord,

Usulan Akreditasi Program Studi Baru Diploma 4 Bahasa Inggris Politeknik Wakatobi 24
b. Mitos dan penalaran dan spidol. Diktat IAD (Tim)
pengetahuan IPA
c. Metode ilmiah sebagai ciri
d. IPA dan perkembangannya
Ruang lingkup IPA Buku/ bahan Abdullah A.,Eny
2. Memahami ruang lingkup IPA a. alam semasta dan tata - Diskusi Tugas individu kuliah OHP Rahman. Bab II
surya - Ceramah White boord,
b. Bumi - Telaah sumber spidol Diktat IAD (Tim)
c. asal mula kehidupan
Bambang Hidayat
IPA dan perkembangan Buku/ bahan
3. Memahami perkembangan teknologi - Diskusi Tugas individu kuliah OHP Abdullah A.,Eny
IPA dan teknologi a. Peranan IPA dan teknologi - Ceramah White boord, Rahman. Bab III
dalam permulaan - Telaah sumber spidol
kebutuhan Diktat IAD (Tim)
b. Perkembangan IPA dan

4. Memahami dampak Dampak perkembangan

perkembangan IPTEK IPTEK - Diskusi Tugas individu Buku / bahan Abdullah A.,Eny
a. Dampak IPTEK yang - Ceramah kuliah, OHP, Rahman. Bab IV
berkenalan dengan - Telaah sumber White board,
kebutuhan pokok spidol. Diktat IAD (Tim)
b. Dampak terhadap
pencapaian kemakmuran R.E. Soeriatmaja
dan perluasan kehidupan
c. Dampak IPTEK Amsyani. F
terhadap SDA
d. Dampak Iptek
- industri
- kesehatan
- komunikasi

Usulan Akreditasi Program Studi Baru Diploma 4 Bahasa Inggris Politeknik Wakatobi 25
- transportasi
IPA, teknologi dan
5 Memahami IPA, teknologi kelangsungan hidup manusia - Diskusi Tugas individu Buku / bahan Abdullah A.,Eny
dan kelangsungan hidup usaha mencari SD energi - Ceramah kuliah, OHP, Rahman. Bab V
manusia rekayasa genetik - Telaah sumber White board,
. spidol. Diktat IAD (Tim)

Usulan Akreditasi Program Studi Baru Diploma 4 Bahasa Inggris Politeknik Wakatobi 26
Usulan Akreditasi Program Studi Baru Diploma 4 Bahasa Inggris Politeknik
Wakatobi 27

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