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by David Andersson
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not characterized or caused by the presence of bacteria

inability to walk or stand due to impairment in muscular coordination

an injectable protein drug used to treat rheumatoid arthritis by inhibiting T-cells

abdomen n
the part of a human and vertebrates body located between the chest and the pelvis
which contains the digestive organs
also called belly, middle, gut
in arthropods, the posterior region of the body behind the thorax

abdominal hernia n
a type of hernia which is characterized by protrusion of an anatomical part through a
tear, opening, or weakness in the abdominal wall.

abdominal reflex n
contraction of the abdominal wall muscles caused by stimulation of the overlying

abdominoplasty n
a cosmetic surgery procedure on the abdomen that involves the removal of excess
flesh or skin and firming of the abdominal fascia and muscles
commonly called tummy tuck

abducens nerve n
also known as sixth cranial nerve (CN6), it is composed of motor fibers which control
the lateral rectus muscle of the eyes.

abduction n
movement of a part away from the median line of the body such as the limbs from
the body or toes and fingers from the foot and hand
the rotation of the eye on the horizontal and vertical axis
abductor hallucis n
a foots muscle that abducts the big toe

abductor policis brevis n

a thin flat hand muscle located between the base of the thumb and the wrist which
functions as abductor of the thumb

aberrant adj
deviating from the standard or typical type
straying from the normal or right way

aberration n
mental disorder or unsoundness of the mind
inability of a mirror, lens, or refracting surface to produce an exact correspondence
between an object and its reflection

aberometer n
a machine designed to detect and measure structural imperfections of the eyeball

abetalipoproteinemia n
a rare genetic disorder which is characterized by the bodys inability to absorb fat
soluble vitamins and dietary fats due to the missing apolipoprotein B-containing
lipoproteins in the blood

abeyance n
temporary suspension or inactivity

ABG abbr.
arterial blood gas

ABI abbr.
ankle-brachial index
acquired brain injury

abiotrophy n
progressive loss, disorder, or degeneration of function or vitality in an organism or
its tissues or cells that are generally attributed to genetic causes

ablate v
to destroy or remove by cutting or surgery
abnormal adj
deviating from the normal or average

abnormality n
the state or quality of being abnormal

abnormal psychology n
a branch of psychology which deals with emotional and mental disorders such as
psychoses and neuroses and with incompletely understood common phenomena
such as dreams.

aboral adj
located away from or opposite to the mouth

abort vb
to stop a process in its early stages
to undergo or cause abortion

abortifacient adj
an agent or substance that induces abortion

abortion n
termination of pregnancy resulting in the death of the embryo
spontaneous expulsion of the fetus anytime during the gestation period
induced expulsion of fetus before completion of pregnancy
the arrest or stoppage of a disease in its early stages.

abortion pill n
a drug administered orally to induce abortion

abortive adj
imperfectly developed or formed
failing to develop normally or completely

abrasion n
grinding, rubbing, or wearing away due to friction
the scraping or rubbing of the cell or tissue surface from the mucous membrane or
abrasive adj
tending to abrade

abrasive n
a substance used for smoothing, polishing, or abrading

abruption n
instantaneous breaking off or detachment of a part from a mass

abscess n
a localized accumulation of pus within an inflamed tissue

abscopal adj
pertains to the effect produced by the irradiation of a body tissue on a nonirradiated

absence seizure n
a nonconvulsive seizure characterized by a brief, sudden, and temporary lapses of
consciousness commonly manifested as a vacant stare usually accompanied by
recurring movements such as eyelid fluttering, lip smacking, finger rubbing, or

absolute adj
pure, unadulterated, or free from mixture

absolute humidity n
measure of water vapor or moisture per unit volume of air

absolute refractory period n

the period immediately occurring after a successful stimulation of a nerve fiber when
no second shock or stimulus, no matter how great, can elicit a response

absorb vb
to take in or soak up by capillary, solvent, osmotic, or chemical action
to convert radiant energy into another form usually followed by an increase in

abstinence n
the practice or act of restraining oneself from engaging or indulging in something
like sexual intercourse, alcohol, or smoking.
abstract n
a written summary of the key points of a scientific paper, research article, review,
thesis, in-depth analysis, or conference proceedings

abulia n
inability or lack of willpower to make decisions as a symptom of mental illness or
neurotic and psychotic conditions

abutment n
a tooth or dental implant used as a support for a prosthetic appliance such as an
artificial crown or bridge

acalculia n
acquired impairment in a persons ability to perform basic mathematical tasks
usually as a result of damage to the left parietal lobe

acanthamoeba n
a microscopic amoeba usually found in fresh water and soil which can cause
infections of the eyes, skin, brain, central nervous system, and respiratory tract

ACE Inhibitor
medications that dilate the blood vessels and are used to treat hypertension

acellular adj
devoid of cells
not divided into cells

drug for pain relief and fever reduction

achilles tendon n
a strong band of fibrous tissue that joins the muscles of the calf to the heel bone

acidity n
a group of symptoms associated with the excess acid production by the gastric glands

acne vulgaris
a chronic skin disorder that occurs when dead skin cells and oil clog up the hair
follicles and is characterized by intermittent lesions, whiteheads, blackheads,
pimples, cysts, and nodules
acromegaly n
a hormonal disorder in which the pituitary gland secretes excessive amounts of
growth hormones leading to excessive growth of body tissues

ADD abbr
Attention Deficit Disorder

ADEM abbr
Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis

adenoidectomy n
surgical removal of the adenoids

adolescence n
the transitional period of psychological and physical development that occurs
between puberty and adulthood

adoptive immunotherapy n
a treatment for cancer that involves the transfer of cells cultured with immunity and
antitumor action into a patient to induce tumor regression

adrenal glands n
endocrine glands located at the top of each kidney which secrete hormones such as
adrenaline and the steroids cortisol and aldosterone

adrenaline n
a substance released in the body of an individual who is feeling an extreme emotion

adrenalectomy n
a medical operation to remove one or both adrenal glands

adrenoceptor n
membrane-bound receptors that are activated by norepinephrine or epinephrine

adsorption n
adhesion of molecules, ions, or atoms from a gas, dissolved solid, or liquid to solid or
liquid surfaces to which they come into contact

adult n
a human being or other organisms that has reached maturity or full development
advancement flap n
a flap of partially removed tissue used to cover an injury or defect on a surrounding

adventitia n
the outermost layer of a connective tissue that covers a vessel, organ, or other

aerobic adj
a tissue or organism that requires oxygen to exist

aerophobia n
abnormal fear of air or drafts

afebrile adj
marked by the absence of fever
having normal body temperature

agglutinin n
a substance that causes agglutination

agnosia n
loss or impairment of ability to process sensory information usually resulting from
brain damage

agonist n
a drug that activates brain receptors and stimulates a biological response

agoraphobia n
irrational or extreme fear of open or public places

aggramatism n
a form of aphasia characterized by the inability to construct intelligible or
grammatical sentence

agyria n
severe lissencephaly characterized by the lack or underdevelopment of cerebral
aichmophobia n
extreme fear of pointed or sharp objects such as needle, scissors, or knife

ailment n
bodily disorder or illness

ailurophobia n
irrational fear of cats

albino n
a person or animal exhibiting deficient pigmentation resulting in translucent,
abnormally white, or milky skin and eyes with blue or pink iris and deep-red pupil.
a plant lacking in chlorophyll

albumen n
the clear liquid inside an egg, also known as white of an egg

albumin n
a water-soluble protein usually found in blood plasma

alcoholism n
a disorder that causes extreme craving to drink alcoholic liquor

aldrin n
an extremely poisonous insecticide

algesia n
sensitivity to pain

rigor mortis n
the stiffening of the bodys joints and muscles following death

alimentary canal n
digestive tract

alkaloid n
a class of naturally occurring organic bases that contain nitrogen atoms
alkalosis n
an excessive alkalinity of tissues or body fluids which can result to cramps or

allantoin n
naturally ocurring compound used to promote healing of wounds and infections and
as a conditioning agent for the skin

allele n
an alternative form of a gene

allergen n
a substance that induces an allergic reaction

allergic contact dermatitis n

an allergic response caused by contact between skin and a substance or material and
characterized by itchy skin rash

alogia n
inability to speak due to profound mental retardation or advanced dementia.

alopecia areata n
an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system attacks hair follicles leading
to massive hair loss in one or more areas of the body

alpha tocopherol n
a naturally-occurring type of Vitamin E which is the preferred form for absorption
and accumulation by humans

alphavirus n
a virus classified under group IV Togaviridae family

Alzheimers Disease n
an irreversible brain deterioration that gradually destroys mental functions such as
memory and intellectual abilities

amenorrhea n
suppression or abnormal absence of menstrual bleeding
Ames test n
a test to determine a chemicals mutagenic potential

amlodipine n
a calcium channel blocker used to treat hypertension and chest pain

ammonia n
an inorganic compound of hydrogen and nitrogen

amnesia n
complete or partial memory loss caused by brain damage, psychological trauma,
injury, or disease

amoeba n
a small unicellular organism with the ability to move and change its shape by
retracting and extending its pseudopods

amphetamine n
a psychostimulant drug used for the treatment of conditions like attention deficit
hyperactive disorder, obesity, and narcolepsy

amygdalin n
commonly known as laetrile, a toxic cyanogenic glycoside naturally occurring in
plant-based foods such as apricot seeds, peach, bitter almonds, plum, and apple

amylase n
an enzyme that helps break down and digest carbohydrates

amyotonia n
generalized loss or deficiency of muscle tone

anemia n
a condition characterized by decreased number of circulating healthy red blood cells
or hemoglobin causing fatigue and paleness

anaerobic organism n
an organism that does not require oxygen to live or grow

analgesia n
inability to feel pain
anatomy n
the field of biology that deals with the structure and body parts of organisms
the identification and description of an organisms body parts

anesthesia n
general or local loss of sensibility to pain and similar sensations produced by
administering one or more drugs

angina n
chest pain or discomfort resulting from inadequate blood flow to the heart muscle

ankylosis n
stiffness or immobility of a joint due to trauma, disease, surgery, or injury

anonychia n
congenital absence of nails

anoscope n
a short speculum used for visual examination of anal canal and lower rectum

anosmia n
impairment or loss of the ability to perceive odor

anosognosia n
lack of insight or self-awareness; inability to recognize a clinically evident disorder or

anovulation n
absence of ovulation; failure of the ovary to release mature egg

antacid n
an agent which neutralizes stomach acidity

antemortem adj
before death

antenatal adj
prenatal; before birth (during pregnancy)
antepartum adj
relating to or occurring before childbirth

antibacterial adj
a drug or substance that works actively against bacteria

antibody n
a Y-shaped protein produced by the immune system when it identifies harmful
foreign bodies or antigens such as bacteria and viruses

anuria n
absence of or impaired urine excretion

apoptosis n
programmed cell death; a process where cells that are no longer required or are
posing a threat to an organism are destroyed though cell suicide

arachnoiditis n
chronic inflammation of the arachnoid

arachnophobia n
pathological or excessive fear of spiders

arrhythmia n
irregular heart rhythm

artery n
a blood vessel that conveys oxygenated blood from the heart to the other parts of the

arthritis n
an inflammation that affects one or more joints

arthropod n
an invertebrate animal with an external skeleton (exoskeleton)

artificial insemination n
a fertility treatment that involves direct insertion of semen into the uterus without
sexual intercourse
artificial respiration n
a procedure that uses manual or mechanical means to cause air to flow in and out of
a person whose breathing has stopped or faltered significantly

ascaris n
an ascarid nematode worm

ascariasis n
a small intestine infection caused by Ascaris lumbricoides

ascorbic acid n
Vitamin C, a water-soluble vitamin with antioxidant properties

asexual reproduction n
a reproduction process by which an offspring arises from a single parent

Aspergers syndrome n
a developmental disorder marked by difficulty in non-verbal communication and
social interaction, restricted interest range, and repetitive behavior

ATL abbr.
Adult T-cell leukemia

attic n
tiny upper space of the middle ear

atticotomy n
surgical procedure on the tympanic attic

audiology n
branch of science dealing with hearing and related disorders

audism n
a notion of superiority based on hearing ability or an attitude marked by prejudice
against deaf or hearing-impaired people

auditory canal n
one of two ear passages

autism n
autism spectrum disorder n

autistic savant n
an individual affected with autism who exhibits brilliance or profound skills in some
field such as music, art, or mathematics

autoclave n
a container or apparatus that uses superheated stream and pressure to produce
chemical reactions and processes such as stream sterilization

autoeroticism n
sexual stimulation that occurs through internal stimuli
sexual gratification achieved by stimulation of ones own body

autogenous adj
self-generated, self-produced

autovaccination n
production of antibody by an organism in response to an internal stimulus

aviophobia n
fear of flying

avoidance-avoidance conflict n
psychological conflict that arises when an individual must make a choice between
two undesirable options

Ayurveda n
a traditional holistic medicine system developed in India

an ABO blood group marked by the presence of B antigens and the presence of
antigens found in the A blood group

Babinskis reflex n
a normal reflex movement in infants in which the big toe turns upward when tickled
or stroked as the other toes fan out

bacillary adj
caused by bacilli

bacillary angiomatosis n
a bacterial disease marked by elevated red or purple lesions or scaly nodules that
occurs in individuals with compromised immune system

bacillosis n
infection caused by bacilli

backbone n
spine, spinal column
the column of connected bones located in the middle of the back which serves as
protection of the spinal cord

backing n
the metal part of a bridge, dental crown, or similar dental appliances to which the
artificial tooth facing is attached

bacteremia n
invasion of the blood by a pathogenic bacteria

bacteriocidin n
a bactericidal antibody

bacterin n
a suspension of killed or weakened bacteria
bacteriocin n
proteinaceous toxin or antibiotics derived from bacteria and used to inhibit the
development of similar bacterial strains

bacteriologist n
a professional with specialized training in bacteriology

bacteriology n
a branch of microbiology that deals with the study of bacteria

bacteriolysin n
an antibody that causes the destruction or disintegration of bacterial cells

bacteriolysis n
disintegration or destruction of bacterial cells

bacteriophage n
a virus that infects bacteria

bacteriostasis n
the process of inhibiting the growth of bacteria

bacteriotherapy n
the use of transplanted bacteria within the same organism for the treatment of a

bacterium n
a microscopic single-celled organism

bacteriuria n
presence of bacteria in urine

bagasse n
the dry fibrous residue from sugar cane or grapes after juice extraction

bagassosis n
an industrial disease marked by cough, chills, fever, breathing difficulty, and
prolonged fatigue acquired by inhaling bagasse dust
baking soda n
sodium bicarbonate

balanitis n
inflammation of the glans (head) of the penis

balanoposthitis n
inflammation of the foreskin or the tip of the penis skin

balantidiasis n
infectious disease caused by protozoans called Balantidium coli

balantidium n
a genus of parasitic ciliate protozoans which include Balantidium coli, the largest
and the only ciliated protozoan to infect humans.

bald adj
lacking all or a significant portion of the hair on the head or other parts of the body.

Balkan frame n
An overhead frame fastened to bedposts or to another structure from which a
splinted arm or leg is suspended

ball n
a rounded or protuberant part of the human body

ball and socket joint n

a joint in which the rounded head of a bone fits into a cuplike depression of another
bone allowing greater mobility in different directions than other types of joint

ballism n
a condition characterized by abnormal shaking, twisting, and jerking movements

ballistocardiograph n
a device that measures cardiac output by recording body movements that results
from contraction of heart muscles as it ejects blood from the ventricles into the aorta
balloon angioplasty n
an endovascular procedure that involves dilation of obstructed or narrowed veins or
arteries by passing a balloon catheter through the vessel and inflating its tip at the
narrowed part to compress the plaque

ballottement n
a palpatory technique used in physical examinations in which a finger is used to push
against the uterine wall to detect pregnancy or fetal position through the return
impact of the fetus

balm n
an aromatic preparation or ointment used for healing or soothing the skin

balneology n
the study of the therapeutic value of baths especially those using natural mineral
the therapeutic use of mineral water or natural spring waters in baths

balsam n
an aromatic resinous substance used in fragrances, cosmetics, and medical

bamboo spine n
the spine in the progressive stage of ankylosing spondylitis when the vertebrae
become fused and inflexible

Bancroftian filariasis n
a helminth infection caused by Wuchecheria bancrofti which is transmitted by
mosquitoes, dwells in lymphoid tissues and lymph vessels, and frequently causes
elephantiasis by obstructing the lymphatic drainage

bandage n
a strip of fabric used to bind a wound, secure a dressing, or protect the injured area.

band cell n
a young neutrophil with an elongated nucleus which is not lobulated

band keratopathy n
corneal degeneration marked by the deposition of calcium just below the epithelium
manifesting as an opaque grayish-white streak across the central cornea
baneberry n
a poisonous herbaceous plant of the family Ranunculaceae

bank n
a depot used for collecting and storing human biological products for medical use

Bantis disease n
a chronic disorder marked by congestive enlargement of the spleen commonly
accompanied by anemia, cirrhosis of the liver, and leukopenia

bar n
a strip of metal that connects parts of removable partial dentures

barbers itch n
a superficial infection of the skin follicles in the beard area

barbital n
a white crystalline powder barbiturate C8H12N2O3 formerly used as a hypnotic and

barbiturates n
synthetic drugs that act on the central nervous system and are used as depressant,
sedatives, and antispasmodics

barbotage n
the repeated and alternate injection and aspiration of fluid

Bardet-Biede syndrome n
a ciliopathic genetic disorder characterized by a range of effects such as obesity,
polydactyly, retinal dysfunction, hypogonadism, or learning disabilities among
others symptoms

bariatrics n
a field of medicine that deals with the study and treatment of obesity

baritosis n
a benign form of pneumoconiosis caused by inhalation of Barium particles

barium chloride n
a water-soluble salt of barium with the formula BaCl2
barium meal n
a solution administered orally to patient to facilitate diagnosis of abnormalities in
the stomach, esophagus, and small bowel using X-ray imaging

baroreceptors n
sensory nerve endings in the blood vessels which are sensitive to blood pressure

baroreflex n
the sensory mechanism used by basoreceptors to regulate blood pressure

Barr body n
An inactive X chromosome found only in the somatic cells of most female mammals
and is commonly used as a test to determine genetic femaleness

bartholinitis n
inflammation of Bartholins glands

Bartholins gland n
one of two pea-sized recemose glands lying on each side of the vaginal opening and
secreting lubricating mucus

bartonella n
Gram-negative bacteria

bartonellosis n
a group of infectious diseases caused by a bacterium of the genus Bartonella

Barters syndrome n
a rare genetic kidney defect characterized by hypokalemia, alkalosis,
hyperreninemia, aldosteronism, and juxtaglomerular cells hyperplasia.

basal body temperature n

the bodys temperature at rest

basal cell n
a cell in the innermost epidermal layer

basal metabolic rate n

amount of energy that the body requires when at rest for twenty-four hours
BCC abbr
basal cell carcinoma

BDNF abbr
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor

bedbug n
a wingless blood-sucking bug

Bells palsy n
a temporary paralysis or weakness of the facial nerve causing one side of the face to
droop or weaken

benign adj
of a mild type that is not health or life-threatening

benign paroxysmal positional vertigo n

a condition marked by repeated short periods of vertigo due to changes in head

benign protatic hyperplasia n

a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate

benzalkonium chloride n
a mixture of chloride salt used as antimicrobial preservative, detergent, and surface

benzene n
a colorless, toxic, and aromatic liquid hydrocarbon C6H6 commonly used as a
solvent in the pharmaceutical and chemical industries

benzene ring n
a hexagonal ring arrangement consisting of 6 carbon atoms connected by alternating
single and double bonds found in benzene and similar compounds

benzestrol n
a crystalline estrogenic compound C20H26O2

benzidine n
a crystalline compound C12H12N2 commonly used in making dyes
benzimidazole n
a crystalline base with formulation of C7H6N2 used therapeutically in the treatment
of helminthiasis in humans and animals

benzoapyrene n
the highly carcinogenic benzopyrene mixture isomer produced in the burning of
gasoline, oil, wood, coal, charbroiled foods, and cigarettes

benzoate n
ester or salt of benzoic acid

benzocaine n
a local anesthetic used in cough drops or in preparation of topical pain relievers

benzodiazepines n
a group of psychoactive drugs used for the treatment of anxiety, panic attacks,
nausea or vomiting, and alcohol or drug withdrawal and for general anesthesia and
muscle relaxation.

benzomorphan n
a base compound for a class of analgesics that includes phenazocine and

benzophenone n
an aromatic white crystalline ketone used in perfumery and sunscreen products

benzoyl peroxide n
a crystalline compound C14H10O4 used as antibacterial ingredient in acne

beriberi n
a nutritional disease caused by the lack of or inability to absorb thiamine (vitamin
B1) and characterized by inflammatory or degenerative condition of the heart,
nerves, and digestive organs.

berkelium n
a radioactive metallic element
berlock dermatitis n
a brownish skin discoloration that appears on exposure to sunlight after using
perfume with certain compounds or essential oils

berry aneurysm n
a berry-shaped small aneurysm that usually occurs at a junction of the cerebral
artery and circular artery

berylliosis n
metal poisoning resulting from exposure to or inhalation of beryllium fumes, vapors,
dusts, or its alloys or compounds

bestiality n
sexual intercourse between a human being and a lower form of animal

beta agonist n
a group of sympathomimetic agents that combine with and activate beta
adrenoceptors to relax and widen the airways to ease breathing

beta amyloid n
a derivative of amyloid precursor protein, the principal component of plaques found
in the brains of Alzheimers disease patients

beta blocker n
medication that act on a beta receptor to lower the blood pressure and decrease heart

beta carotene n
an organic reddish-orange pigment found mainly in orange, dark yellow, and dark
green vegetables and fruits

beta cell n
an insulin-secreting cell

beta endorphin n
endogenous opioid neuropeptide produced by the pituitary gland

beta hemolysis n
breakdown of the red blood cells hemoglobin near or under a bacterial colony
bile n
a complex fluid produced and secreted by the liver

biliary atresia n
a rare, life-threatening infantile disease in which the bile ducts are abnormally
absent, blocked, or narrow

biliary cirrhosis n
an autoimmune liver disorder in which the bile ducts of the liver are destroyed

biliary dyskinesis n
motility and functional disorder affecting the sphincter of Oddi

biliary fever n
a liver ailment affecting cats, dogs, and horses

bilirubin n
a yellow pigment found in stool and blood

binge eating disorder n

a disorder marked by recurrent episodes of consuming large amounts of food

binomial nomenclature n
a formal system of giving two-part names to species

bioavailability n
the rate and degree at which a drug or substance is absorbed and becomes available
at the intended site of activity

biobank n
a repository of biological samples or medical data for research use

biochemistry n
a field of science that deals with the chemical processes that occur in and relating to
living organisms

biocide n
a poisonous substance such as a herbicide, pesticide, or fungicide
biodegradable n
a material that can be broken down by microorganisms such as bacteria

bioflavonoid n
water-soluble yellow compounds present in citrus fruits, rose hips, blackcurrants
and other plant

biology n
scientific study of life and living organisms

biometrics n
the use of distinguishing biological traits such as fingerprints, iris patterns, DNA,
and voice waves to identify a person

biopsy n
a procedure that involves the removal of a tissue from a living body and its
examination to assess the presence, extent, or origin of a disease

bipolar disorder n
a mental disorder marked by extreme shifts in mood

birthmark n
a congenital benign skin blemish or irregularity that can be caused by melanocytes,
fat, keratinocytes, fibroblasts, or blood vessel overgrowth

bladder n
a round expandable muscular sac that collects urine for excretion

blastema n
primary undifferentiated cells that are capable of developing into an organ or

blastocyst n
a mammalian blastula which has undergone some modification

blastula n
hollow rounded cells with fluid-filled cavity formed in the early embryonic
development stage
blood n
a constantly circulating body fluid that delivers essential substances such as oxygen
and nutrient to the living cells and carries metabolic waste materials away

blood alcohol n
a measure of alcohol intoxication in the blood

blood cell n
a cell or platelet normally found in the blood

blood count n
a measure of concentration of blood cells in a specific blood volume

blunt trauma n
an physical injury sustained from a blunt force or impact with a blunt surface

body mass index n

estimate of body fat derived from the ratio of a persons weight in kilograms over the
square of the height in meters

bone marrow n
a soft fatty tissue found in the cavities of most bones

botulism n
a rare and serious illness caused by a toxin from the bacterium Clostridium
botulinum and marked by muscle weakness, fatigue, and paralysis accompanied by
speech, vision, and swallowing difficulties

bowel n
the long tube in the gastrointestinal tract which helps break down food and eliminate
solid waste

bowel movement n
defecation; passage of stool through the rectum and anus

Bowens disease n
a precancerous skin condition marked by red scaly patch which, if untreated, can
progress to squamous cell cancer
brachial artery n
the chief artery of the upper arm

bronchial artery n
an artery that originates from the thoracic aorta and is responsible for supplying
oxygenated blood and nutrient to the lungs

bronchial asthma n
a chronic inflammatory disease affecting the airways of the lungs and is marked by
periodic attacks of wheezing, coughing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath

bronchitis n
inflammation of the lungs bronchial tubes characterized by chest discomfort,
wheezing, shortness of breath, and coughing

brucella n
a genus of Gram-negative Brucellaceae bacteria

bulimia n
an eating disorder marked by compulsive overeating followed by compensatory
behaviors such as vomiting, diuretic or laxative abuse, and depression

cadaver n
a corpse

caffeine n
a bitter substance typically found in coffee, energy drinks, soft drinks, tea, chocolate
and is used as a stimulant and psychoactive drug in medicine

calamine n
the chief component of calamine lotion which is used as an anti-itching agent in the
treatment of rashes, insect bites, sunburn, poison ivy, and chickenpox

calcification n
build up of calcium salts in body tissues, organs, or blood vessels

calcium n
a mineral needed by the body for healthy bones and teeth, cardiovascular health, and
efficient muscle and nerve function

calcium carbonate n
calcium salt that occurs naturally in limestone, bones, or chalk and used in medical
preparations as antacid and calcium supplement

calcium channel blocker n

prescription drugs that prevent or slow down the entry of calcium ions into the heart
muscles and are used to treat or prevent angina and arrhythmias

calcium chloride n
an ionic compound used in medicine as a diuretic and calcium source

calcium lactate n
a crystalline salt used as a source of calcium in medicine and as baking powder

calories n
units of heat that signify the energy value of food

calyx n
a cuplike cavity or structure
a flowers sepal
Canavan disease n
a hereditary disorder associated with enzyme deficiency that causes progressive
damage to the neurons and disrupts transmission of nerve signals

cancer n
a malignant tumor capable of uncontrolled division that expands either by invasion
or metastasis

cancerology n
the study of cancer

cancerophobia n
abnormal fear of cancer

candela n
basic unit of luminous intensity in SI

candida n
a yeastlike parasitic fungus typically found in the mouth, intestinal tract, or vagina

candidiasis n
fungal infection caused by any of the candida fungi

canicola fever n
acute febrile diseases of humans and dogs marked by gastrointestinal inflammation
and jaundice

canine n
a conical pointed tooth
dog and dog-like animals or canine mammals

canities n
whiteness or grayness of hair

canker sore n
a painful mouth ulcer or open sore

cannabis n
a genus of an annual flowering plant Cannabis with subspecies sativa, rederalis, and
Capgras syndrome n
a delusional disorder characterized by an irrational belief that a spouse, close family
member, or friend has been replaced by an impostor or double

capillariasis n
a parasitic infection caused by nematode worms of Capillaria

capsaicin n
an active component that makes chilli peppers hot
extract of chilli pepper used in topical preparations due to its analgesic properties

capsicum n
a genus of the nightshade family Solanaceae commonly called sweet bell peppers

cardiology n
the study and treatment of heart disorders

cardiomegaly n
enlargement of the heart

caries n
progressive destruction of tooth or bone

carotene n
red-orange hydrocarbon pigment naturally occurring in plants most notably carrots
and colorful vegetables

cartilage n
a firm, resilient type of connective tissue found in different parts of the body

Castleman disease n
A disorder marked by enlargement of lymph nodes resulting from overgrowth of
cells in the lymphatic system

catabolite n
a product of catabolism

catalyst n
a substance that enables a chemical reaction to occur faster or to happen under
different conditions without involving itself in the reaction
cataract n
clouding of the eyes lens that leads to vision impairment

catheter n
a hollow tube inserted through an opening into a vessel, body cavity, canal, or
passageway for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes

cavity n
a hole in a tooth caused by tooth decay
an empty space within a mass

cerebellitis n
inflammation of the cerebellum

cerebral edema n
abnormal accumulation of fluid resulting to swelling in the brain

cerebral hemorrhage n
a type of stroke that occurs when an artery in the brain is ruptured and causes bleeding
in adjacent tissues

cerebral palsy n
a disorder that affects the movement, posture, muscle tone, or motor skills that
results from a damage to the developing brain commonly before birth

ceresin n
a yellow or white hard brittle wax derived from ozocerite

cerumen n

cervix n
the lower part of the womb that connects to the vagina

cesarean section n
a surgical operation performed to deliver a child which is carried out by cutting
through the mothers abdomen and uterus

cholecalciferol n
Vitamin D3; essential for calcium absorption and utilization in the body
cholecysectomy n
surgical procedure to remove the gall bladder

cholecystitis n
inflammation of the gallbladder

cholemia n
the occurrence of bile salts in the blood often indicative of a liver disorder

cholera n
acute diarrheal disease caused by small intestine infection by a strain of Vibrio
cholera bacterium

cholesterol n
a fat-like substance essential for producing Vitamin D, hormones, and substances
that facilitate digestion

cholorrhea n
excessive secretion of bile

choluria n
presence of bile in urine

chondritis n
inflammation of cartilage
chondroblast n
a cell that forms the matrix of cartilage

chondrocalcinosis n
chondroclast n

chondrocyte n
a cartilage cell

chondrogenesis n
the development of cartilage

chorioamnionitis n
inflammation and infection of fetal membranes
chorioangioma n
non-cancerous vascular tumor of the placenta

choriocarcinoma n
a malignant tumor that occurs in the uterus and starts from trophoblastic tissue that
would become the placenta

chorioma n
benign or malignant chorionic tissue tumor

chorion n
an outer membrane surrounding the embryo

chorion laeve n
the smooth, non-placental part of the chorion

choroiditis n
inflammation of the choroid

choroidoiritis n
inflammation of the iris and choroid

chromaffinoma n
a tumor composed of chromaffin cells

chromosome n
a threadlike DNA-containing structure located inside the nucleus of cells

chronobiology n
branch of biology that deals with biological temporal rhythms

chronotropism n
the process of interfering with a regular periodic function such as the heart beat
treatment by administration of gold compounds

Churg-Strauss syndrome n
is a rare, progressive form of vasculitis (blood vessels inflammation)
cilium n
a slender, microscopic, hair-like, vibrating structure or organelle that occurs on the
surface of most mammalian cells

circulatory system n
a network of organs and vessels responsible for the circulation of blood, oxygen,
hormones, nutrients, and other substances throughout the body

circumcision n
removal of the foreskin of the penis

claudication n
pain or discomfort in the leg usually resulting from obstruction of arteries

claustrophobia n
excessive fear of being in narrow or closed spaces

clavicle n
also known as collarbone, one of two long bones that links the scapula and sternum

cleft palate n
a birth defect characterized by an abnormal opening on the roof of the mouth

clump n
a clustered or compacted mass of particles

coagulant n
a substance that causes coagulation of blood or liquid

coagulation factor n
clotting factor

cobalamin n
Vitamin B12
cocaine n
a highly addictive stimulant frequently used as a recreational drug

cocarcinogen n
an agent that aggravates the effects of a carcinogenic substance
colectomy n
surgical removal of a portion or the entire colon

coliform n
relating to rod-shaped Gram-negative bacteria that are usually present in the
digestive tract and feces of humans and other animals

coliphage n
a bacteriophage that acts against Escherichia coli

collagen n
the major fibrous protein in the connective tissues and in extracellular matrix

colloidal silver n
a preparation consisting of silver particles suspended in a colloidal base

coloboma n
a genetic eye fissure

colon n
the large intestine that extends from the rectum to the cecum

colonoscope n
a flexible endoscope inserted into the rectum to facilitate inspection and entry of
another instrument

colonoscopy n
endoscopic inspection of the colon

colostrum n
milk secreted in late pregnancy and a few days after childbirth

colpotomy n
surgical incision in the vagina
coma n
a state of unconsciousness or profound unresponsiveness

complete blood count n

a test that determines the concentration of platelets, red blood cells, and white blood
cells in the blood to detect disorders and assess overall health
compound n
a substance produced by the chemical bonding of two or more elements

congestion n
excessive accumulation of mucus, blood, or other fluid

congestive heart failure n

the weakness and failure of the heart to pump enough blood resulting in the
accumulation of fluid in the lungs and adjacent tissues

conjunctiva n
a thin clear mucous membrane that lines the eyelid

constipation n
a condition marked by infrequent bowel movement and difficulty in passing usually
hardened stool

contact dermatitis n
a condition that occurs when the skin comes into contact with a substance causing
inflammation or red itchy rashes

contraception n
the use of techniques or methods to actively prevent pregnancy

convulsion n
a sudden, irregular involuntary contraction of muscles commonly linked to brain

coronary heart disease n

the build up and hardening of plaque in the corona arteries which reduces the flow of
blood and oxygen to the heart

cough n
a sudden reflex action which helps clear the breathing passages from mucus, fluids,
microbes, foreign particles, or irritants

Cowpers gland n
a pea-shaped male gland located below the prostate gland which discharges fluid to
craniectomy n
a surgical procedure in which a portion of the skull is removed

craniometry n
a branch of science that deals with cranial measurement

cranioschisis n
a congenital malformation in which the skull fails to close completely

creatinine n
a chemical waste product of the creatine phosphate breakdown in the muscles

cri du chat syndrome n

a chromosomal disorder that involves the partial deletion of chromosome 5 and
characterized by a group of symptoms that include mental retardation, growth
failure, facial abnormalities, microcephaly, and a high-pitched cry in infancy

Crohns disease n
a chronic inflammatory bowel disease that can cause fatigue, severe diarrhea,
malnutrition, and abdominal pain

Cushings syndrome n
an abnormal condition caused by overproduction of corticosteroid hormones and is
characterized by high blood pressure, truncal obesity, moon face with plethora, easy
bruising, and muscle weakness,

cyanocobalamin n
Vitamin B12

cyclotomy n
division or incision of the ciliary body

cyst n
a membranous sac usually filled with fluid and gas

cystectomy n
surgical removal of a cyst

cytogenetics n
a field of genetics that deals with the study of the cells structure and function
cytoplasm n
the thick solution that fills the cell

dacryoadenectomy n
removal of a lacrimal gland

dacryocystitis n
inflammation of the lacrimal sac

dandruff n
dry flakes of dead skin cells

death n
the cessation of all biological functions that maintain life

death cap n
a poisonous basidiomycete fungus of the genus Amanita

decongestant n
a pharmaceutical drug used to relieve nasal congestion

defloration n
rupure of the hymen

defluvium n
loss by falling away or falling as in nails or hair

degeneration n
progressive deterioration of an organ or tissue marked by impaired structure or
diminished functions

dehydration n
excessive depletion of body fluids

dementia n
a progressive disorder of mental processes resulting from an injury or brain disease
characterized by memory impairment, aphasia, and failure to initiate complex behavior

dentulous adj
having teeth
dentures n
removable replacement for teeth

depressant n
an agent that reduces nervous or functional activity

dermatitis n
inflammation of the skin

dermatitis herpetiformis n
dermatofibroma n

dermatology n
branch of medicine that deals with the skin, hair, nails, and related diseases

dermatosis n
skin disease

dermis n
layer of skin that lies between the subcutaneous tissue and the epidermis

dermoid cyst n
a cystic tumor that often contains an array of tissues such as hair, skin, hair follicles,
thyroid, or bone

dessicant n
a drying agent

designer drug n
a synthetic functional or structural analog of a legally prohibited or controlled drug

diagnosis n
the identification of an illness, problem, or disease through an examination and/or
assessment of symptoms

diaphragm n
a muscular partition that separates the thorax from the abdomen
diarrhea n
the abnormally frequent passage of soft, loose, watery stools that may or may not be
accompanied by abdominal bloating and cramps

diastematomyelia n
a congenital disorder marked by a division of a part of the spinal cord

diet n
the totality of food and drinks habitually consumed by a person or another organism

dietetics n
the science of applying the principles and theories of nutrition to maintain good

digestive gland n
a gland that secretes digestive enzymes

diplegia n
paralysis of corresponding parts on either side of the body

disease n
a disorder or abnormal condition that affects all or part of an organism

disinfectant n
a chemical agent that destroys bacteria

dowagers hump n
the abnormal forward curvature of the spine that results to a stoop

Down syndrome n
a genetic disorder that results from the presence of a third copy of Chromosome 21
and marked by mental retardation, flattened nose bridge, slanting eyes, large hands
with small fingers, and short stature

Dresslers syndrome n
a form of pericarditis in which the sac that surrounds the heart becomes inflamed
after a heart attack, injury, or surgery and marked by symptoms that include chest
pain, breathing difficulty, pleurisy, fever, and pleural and pericardial effusions
duction n
rotating eye movement n

dumping syndrome n
a condition marked by symptoms that may include dizziness, weakness, nausea,
palpitation, and abnormally fast bowel movement occurring immediately after meals
in some people who have gone through a gastric surgery

duodenal ulcer n
a peptic ulcer or sore on the duodenum frequently caused by the Helicobacter pylori

dyslexia n
a learning disability that involves difficulty in acquiring and processing language
marked by problems with reading, writing, and spelling

dysphagia n
difficulty in swallowing

dysphasia n
deficiency in generating and/or comprehending speech as a result of brain injury or

dysplasia n
the abnormal growth or enlargement of an organ or tissue

dystrophy n
degeneration of tissue

the organ of hearing and equilibrium

ear wax n
a yellowish waxy secretion in the ear canal which protects the ear from foreign
articles and microorganisms

Ebola n
a viral hemorrhagic fever caused by an Ebola virus

echinacea n
a genus of herbaceous flowering plants

echocardiogram n
a test that produces images of the heart through sound waves

echolalia n
pathological repetition of words spoken by another person

ecology n
a field of biology concerned with the interrelationships of organisms and their
physical surroundings

ectasia n
a dilation or expansion of a tubular or hollow organ

ectopic pregnancy n
gestation that occurs outside the uterus

eczema n
an inflammatory skin condition marked by itching, redness, dryness, and lesions
that become crusted or scaly

ego n
the self
egoism n
a theory that the self-interest of an individual is the valid end or motivation for all

egomania n
obsessive self-centeredness

egotism n
exaggerated sense of self-importance

ejaculation n
the discharge of semen

Electra complex n
the Oedipus complex that involves a girl in psychosexual rivalry with her mother

embalm vb
to protect a corpse from decay commonly with preservative chemicals that are
injected through the arteries

embolism n
the obstruction of blood flow in an artery by an embolus which can be a blood clot,
air bubble, or foreign material

embryo n
an organism in its initial stages of development

encephalitis n
inflammation of the brain

endocrine gland n
a gland that secretes hormones directly into the blood

endocrine system n
a network of glands that secrete hormones that regulate reproduction, growth and
development, metabolism, mood, sleep, sexual function, and tissue function and
includes the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, adrenals, testes, ovaries, islets of
Langerhans, and parathyroids
endometrium n
the inner lining of the uterus

endoskeleton n
an internal skeleton or bone structure

enteropathy n
an ailment of the intestinal tract

epicondylitis n
tennis elbow; inflammation of the muscles and tendons of the forearm

epidemiology n
a study of the patterns, distribution, causes, and effects of diseases and health factors
in a defined population

epidermis n
the outer layer of skin cells

epidural anesthesia n
a local anesthesia that blocks the pain in a specific part of the body

epiglotitis n
inflammation of the epiglottis

epilepsy n
a chronic disorder marked by recurrent seizures

epithelioma n
a tumor of the epithelium

epithelium n
the layer of cells that form the outer surface of the body and lines hollow structures
such as the alimentary canal

erectile dysfunction n
inability of a male to achieve or sustain an erection adequate enough for sexual
erection n
an enlarged and firm condition of the penis typically during sexual arousal

eructation n
act of belching

erythrocyte n
red blood cell

a slough of dead tissue that falls off from the skin usually after a burn

Escherichia n
a genus of Gram-negative, rod-shaped, non-spore forming bacteria of the
Enterobacteriaceae family that includes pathogenic types such as E. coli that are
usually found in the lower intestine

escutcheon n
the shield-like distribution of adult pubic hair

ethanol n
a colorless liquid synthesized from sugars in grains such as barley, corn, and
sorghum and used as fuel and intoxicating agent in alcoholic beverages

ethchlorvynol n
a hypnotic and sedative drug that has been generally replaced as treatment for

ether n
a highly flammable volatile liquid formerly used as an anesthetic

ethmoidectomy n
surgical removal of bones or tissues in the ethmoid sinuses

eupnia n
normal respiration

euthanasia n
the practice of deliberately ending a life in a painless way to relieve someones
evacuant n
a diuretic, emetic, or purgative agent

exanthema n
an eruptive disease or its eruption

excision n
resection or surgical removal of a diseased body part

excrement n
waste matter eliminated by the body

excyst vb
to come out of a cyst

exfoliant n
a skin treatment that removes dead cells from the skins surface

exitus n
fatal ending of a disease; death

exoenzyme n
an extracellular enzyme

exophthalmic goiter n
Graves disease

expectorant n
an agent or drug that stimulates the discharge of mucus

expiration n
exhalation of breath

Fabrys Disease n
a genetic X-linked disorder where the body fails to metabolize alpha galactosidase A
resulting in abnormal deposits of globotriaosylceramide

fallopian tube n
tube that carries eggs from the ovary to uterus

false morel n
a fungus under the genus Gyromitra

farsightedness n
hyperopia; a vision condition in which a person can see distant objects clearly but
have difficulty focusing on nearby objects

fasciectomy n
the surgical removal of a diseased fascia or its segments

fascitis n
inflammation of a fascia

fat n
triglycerides; fleshy and flabby tissue

fatigue n
extreme tiredness

fauna n
the animal life of a specific region, period, or environment

febrile adj
having a fever

feces n
bodily waste excreted from the bowels

felatio n
a sex act involving penis stimulation though the mouth or throat
felodipine n
a calcium channel blocker used mainly for treating hypertension

fermentation n
the process of breaking down substances such as carbohydrates into organic acids or
alcohol using bacteria, yeasts, or other microorganisms

fertility n
the ability to conceive an offspring

fetus n
an unborn or unhatched mammal

filaricide n
an agent or pesticide that acts against filariae

first line adj

the standard or preferred treatment

fissure n
a tear, deep furrow, groove, or elongated cleft in different parts of the body

flagellate n
a group of protozoans with whip-like organelles called flagella

flagellation n
the formation of flagella

flatulence n
the accumulation of stomach or intestinal gas

flatus n
gas produced in the stomach or intestines

flocculent adj
composed of loosely clumped particles

flora n
plant life
focal epilepsy n
epilepsy marked by partial seizures

focal infection n
focal length n

focal seizure n
partial seizure

follicle n
follicle-stimulating hormone n

fugitive adj
tends to be transient or inconstant

fungicide n
an agent that acts against fungi or inhibit their development

fungus n
a eukaryotic organism that includes microorganisms such as molds or yeasts

gadolinium n
a magnetic metallic element

galactocel n
a cystic tumor

galactose n
a sugar that is less sweet and less soluble than glucose

gall n
a skin sore due to chronic irritation

gallic acid n
a crystalline acid commonly found in plants

gallstone n
crystalline mass that forms abnormally in the gallbladder or biliary passages

gamete n
a mature germ cell

gametogenesis n
the process by which gametes are produced

ganglioma n
tumor of a ganglion

ganglion n
a nerve cell found in the autonomic nervous system

ganglionectomy n
a surgery to remove a ganglion or ganglion cyst

ganglionitis n
inflammation of a ganglion

gangrene n
localized death of body tissue due to insufficient blood supply
gap junction n
contact area between adjacent cells

gastrectomy n
a total or partial surgical removal of the stomach

gastritis n
inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach

gaultheria oil
oil of wintergreen

gavage n
the administration of food or drug into the stomach through a tube

gelcap n
a tablet placed inside gelatin capsules

gender n

gender identity n
behavioural and physical traits designated by culture as either masculine or
feminine; an individuals sense of gender

gene n
the basic unit of heredity

general anesthesia n
anesthesia that affects the whole body and induces loss of consciousness

general paresis n
neurosyphillis marked by muscle weakness, paralysis, seizures, progressive
dementia, or memory loss

general practitioner n
physician or veterinarian who practices general medicine and is not bound to a
gene splicing n
the technology involved in the preparation of recombinant DNA by cutting a DNA
part and adding a new DNA fragment

genetics n
a field of biology concerned with heredity and variation of organisms

genital herpes n
herpes simplex that affects the genitals

genitalia n
the external organs of the reproductive system

genitourinary tract n
a network of organs involved in reproduction and urine production and excretion

genogram n
a diagram that outlines the medical or behavioral history of the members of a family
across several generations

genome n
genetic material of an organism

genotype n
genetic constitution of a group or an individual

geophagy n
the practice of eating soil or soil-like substances like chalk or clay

geotrichosis n
fungal infection of the lungs or bronchi caused by Geotrichum candidum

geriatric adj
field of medicine concerned with aging people and the diseases and problems
associated with old age

germ n
a microorganism that causes diseases
German measles n
An infectious viral disease with milder symptoms than regular measles and caused
by a specie of Rubella virus

germicide n
an agent that acts against germs

gingivitis n
inflammation of the gums

glandered adj
affected with glanders

glossitis n
inflammation of the tongue

glossopathy n
disease of the tongue

glucose n
sugar with the formula C6H12O6

glycemia n
presence of glucose in the bloodstream

glycemic index n
ranking that indicates the relative effect of carbohydrates in a particular food to
blood glucose levels

glycerol n
clear, viscous, colorless, sweet-tasting, and non-toxic liquid under the alcohol family
of compounds

glycogen n
a polysaccharide of glucose that functions as main storage form for energy in human
and animal cells

glycolisis n
the breakdown of carbohydrates (as glucose) by enzymes, producing pyruvic or lactic
acid and energy
glycoprotein n
a protein that has oligosaccharide chains attached to its polypeptide chain

goiter n
thyroid gland enlargement usually visible as swelling of the neck

Golgi apparatus n
a cytoplasmicorganelle involved in protein modification and intracellular transport

gonad n
sex gland; an endocrine gland that produces sex cells or gametes

gonadotropin n
a hormone released by the pituitary gland that stimulates the sex glands to produce
sex hormones and sperm or ova

gonitis n
inflammation of the knee

gonorrhea n
a sexually-tranmitted disease caused by the Neisseria gonorrhoeae bacterium

gout n
a disease in which a disorder in uric acid metabolism results in arthritis, excessive
amount of chalkstones, and acute pain

gouty arthritis n
an arthritis caused by deposition of uric acid crystals in a joint that results to sudden
painful attack and inflammation

graft vb
to surgically implant a living tissue

granuloma n
an area of inflammation in the tissue usually produced in response to an
inflammation, infection, or a foreign substance

graphomania n
the strong urge to write
Graves disease n
An autoimmune disorder that causes the overproduction of thyroid hormones by the
thyroid glands and marked by goiter, weight loss, irritability, anxiety, eyeball
protrusion, and irregular heartbeat

gravida n
number of pregnancy

GRE abbr
gradient echo

Guillain-Barre syndrome n
a disorder in which the immune system attacks cells of the peripheral nervous
system resulting in muscle weakness, paralysis, or tingling sensations in the lower

Guthrie test n
a test for detection of phenylketonuria

habitat n
the environmental or ecological area where a specie naturally occurs

habronema n
stomach parasites commonly found in horses and birds

haemophilus n
a genus of rod-shaped Gram-negative bacteria of the Pasteurellaceae family

hair n
a thin threadlike fiber that grows from the follicles of the dermis

hairy cell leukemia n

a chronic cancer of the blood marked by the excessive production of the lymphocytes

halitosis n
a condition of having extremely unpleasant breath

hallucination n
a sensory perception of something that seems real but does not actually exist

hallucinogen n
a psychoactive substance that induces hallucinations

hamartoma n
a benign mass that resembles a tumor but is actually a result of faulty tissue

hammertoe n
a deformity of the joint that causes a toe to curl downward

hamstring n
any of the posterior thigh muscles (biceps femoris, semimembranosus, and

hangnail n
a loose strip of skin at the bottom or side of a fingernail or toenail
Hansens disease n

hapalonychla n
thinning or softening of toenails or fingernails causing it to break or bend

hatchet n
a dental excavator

hay fever n
an allergic reaction to dust or pollen characterized by watery eyes, runny nose, and

head n
the upper part of the human body that contains the eyes, the nose, the ears, the
mouth, and the brain

hearing aid n
an electronic device worn to amplify sounds and improve hearing

heart n
a hollow muscular organ that pumps blood throughout the body

heart attack n
a medical emergency that occurs when blood flow to the heart is suddenly blocked
causing it to be deprived of oxygen

heartbeat n
complete pulsation of the heart

Heimlich maneuver n
abdominal thrusts; manual upward pressure on the abdomen to remove a foreign
object from the airway of a chocking victim

helminth n
a parasitic worm

hematocele n
a blood-filled cavity
hematochezia n
presence of blood in the feces

hematoma n
coagulated blood that develops in an organ or tissue due to a damaged blood vessel

hematuria n
occurrence of blood in urine

hemeralopia n
a vision defect marked by impaired visual ability in bright lights

hemigastrectomy n
surgical procedure to remove half of the stomach

hemiplegia n
partial or total paralysis of half of the body as a result of injury to or disease of the
brains motor center

hemocoagulation n
coagulation of blood

hemoglobin n
a red blood cell pigment that contains iron and facilitates the transport of oxygen

hemopathy n
diseases or abnormal conditions of the blood or blood-forming tissues

hemophilia n
a male hereditary blood disorder characterized by delayed blood clotting and profuse
bleeding after surgery or injury

hemorrhage n
excessive discharge of blood from a ruptured blood vessel

hemorrhoid n
an abnormal mass of enlarged and dilated blood vessels in an inflamed tissue that
may occur around the anus or in the anal canal
hemostasis n
sluggishness or obstruction of blood circulation

hepatitis n
a disease characterized by inflammation of the liver

hepatitis A
an inflammatory liver disease caused by the Hepatitis A virus transmitted mainly by
ingestion of contaminated water and food

heredity n
transmission of traits from ancestors to descendants

hernia n
protrusion of an organ through an opening in the tissue or muscle that secures its

heroin n
an opioid with strong euphoric effects commonly used as a recreational drug

herpes n
an inflammatory disease caused by the herpes simplex virus that commonly affects
the cervix, the genitals, and the skin in other areas of the body

herpetiform n
resembling herpes

heterosexual n
sexual relations between persons of opposite sex; an inclination to direct sexual
attraction towards a person of opposite sex

hiccup n
a spasmodic air intake with glottis closure and a peculiar sound

Hippocratic oath n
an oath that represents the code of medical ethics and is usually taken by
professionals who are about to commence their medical practice

histology n
a field of anatomy concerned with the minute structures of tissues
homogenous n
having uniform composition or structure throughout

homologous n
having similar relative structure, value, or position,

homosexuality n
sexual activity with an individual of the same sex

Hong Kong flu n

Influenza caused by an H3N2 subtype of the Influenza A virus

hormone n
a regulatory substance secreted by the glands directly into the blood which transport
it to the different tissues and organs of the body

hormone replacement therapy n

a treatment that involves the administration of female hormones as a substitute for
hormones that a woman no longer produce after menopause

HPV abbr
Human Papilloma Virus

human chorionic gonadotrophin n

a glycoprotein hormone produced by the placenta to maintain the corpus luteum in
the early stages of pregnancy

human growth hormone n

a hormone that naturally occurs in humans
a synthetic hormone used to treat children with deficiency in growth hormone

hump n
rounded protuberance

hydrocephalus n
a condition distinguished by the excessive build up of fluid in the brain

hydrolysis n
the chemical breakdown of a molecule in the presence of water
hydrophobia n
excessive or irrational fear of water

hypersomnolence n
persistent drowsiness; excessive sleepiness

hypertension n
persistent elevation of blood pressure in the arteries

hyperthermia n
the condition of having an abnormally elevated body temperature

hypoxemia n
deficient oxygen levels in the blood

hypoxia n
deficient oxygen supply in the tissue

hysterectomy n
surgical removal of the uterus

ibotenic acid n
a psychoactive compound found naturally in the mushroom Amanita muscaria

ibuprofen n
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug used in preparations for pain relief and fever

ichtyosis n
a genetic skin disorder marked by thickened, dry, scaly, or flaky skin

idiopathic intracranial hypertension n

a disorder marked by increased pressure around the brain, papilledema, vision loss
or blurring, and headaches

ileocecal valve n
a sphincter muscle which allows the passage of digested materials from the small
intestine into the colon

ileostomy n
a surgical operation that connects the ileum to an artificial opening in the abdomen

ileum n
the last part of the small intestine

ileus n
obstruction of the ileum or other parts of the bowel

ilium n
the large and upper region of either hipbone

immune complex n
a cluster of antibodies and antigens that form a molecular network

immune globulin n
an antibody obtained from the blood plasma of a human or animal immune to a
immune system n
a system consisting of biological structures and processes that protects the body
against diseases or harmful foreign substances

immunization n
the process of creating immunity or resistance to a disease usually by administering
a vaccine

immunobiology n
branch of biology that deals with the immune response and the structure of the
immune system

impetigo n
an acute contagious bacterial skin infection characterized by the occurrence of red
sores or blisters on the neck, face, and hands

impotence n
a sexual dysfunction marked by a mans failure to achieve or maintain erection

incest n
sexual intercourse between individuals who are closely related by blood

incision n
a surgical cut or wound on body tissue

incretin n
a gastrointestinal hormone that stimulates insulin secretion by the pancreas

indigestion n
difficulty in digesting food usually marked by stomach pain, discomfort, or a burning

infancy n
early childhood

infection n
the invasion, establishment, and replication of harmful microorganisms such as
parasites, bacteria, or viruses on a host body
inferior alveolar artery n
a facial artery that traverses the mandibular canal to supply the teeth of the lower

inferiority complex n
an intense feeling of inadequacy resulting either in extreme reticence or extreme
aggressiveness to overcompensate

infiltrate n
a substance that passes into a body tissue and accumulates abnormally

inflammation n
a localized biological response to a cellular infection or injury

influenza n
a contagious respiratory disease caused by an influenza virus

influenza virus n
an orthomyxovirus that causes seasonal epidemic diseases

inheritance n
the transmission of genetic traits from parent to offspring

injection n
a method of infusing drug or liquid substances into the body through a hypodermic
syringe or catheter

inoculation n

inositol n
a stereoisomeric cyclic alcohol with the formula C6H12O6

insomnia n
habitual inability or difficulty to obtain adequate sleep

instinct n
an innate tendency of an organism towards a complex or specific behavior in
response to environmental stimuli
insulin n
a peptide hormone manufactured in the pancreas and secreted by Langerhand islets
beta cells

intestinal flu n

invertebrate n
an animal which, by nature, lacks backbone or internal skeleton

investment n
the external covering of tissues, organisms, or parts

inviable adj
incapable of surviving or developing normally

in vitro adj
a process performed on a controlled environment outside of an organisms body

in vitro fertilization n
an assisted reproductive technique that involves combining the sperm and eggs in a
laboratory dish to induce fertilization

involuntary muscle n
muscle that functions without deliberate control

iodine n
a trace element required by humans to produce thyroid hormone

iris n
the pigmented ring-shaped membrane between the lens and the cornea

irritable bowel syndrome n

recurrent colon disorder marked by diarrhea or constipation and abdominal pain

isoniazid n
an antiobiotic used to prevent or treat tuberculosis

ixodicide n
an agent that kills ticks

jacket crown n
a full porcelain metal-free crown used to cover the entire surface of a decayed,
weakened, or broken tooth

Jacksonian epilepsy n
a partial seizure that starts in a muscle group on one side of the body and
progressively spreads to adjacent muscles

Jaffe reaction n
a clinical method used to measure creatinine levels in serum and urine

janiceps n
conjoined twins with fused thorax and heads that look in opposite direction

jaundice n
yellowish discoloration of the skin, sclerae, some body fluids, and tissues caused by
excessive deposition of bilirubin in the blood

jejunutis n
inflammation of the jejunum which is located between the ileum and duodenum in
the small intestine

joint n
the contact point between bones or skeletal elements

Junin virus n
An arenavirus transmitted by rats and the causative agent of Argentine hemorrhagic

Kahn test n
a serum-precipitation test to diagnose syphilis

Kallman syndrome n
a genetic developmental disorder marked by delayed onset or absence of signs of
puberty arising from deficiency of gonadotropins and anosmia

Kartageners syndrome n
a genetic disorder characterized by defects in the structure and action of the cilia and
chronic sinusitis and bronchiectasis

Katayama syndrome n
acute clinical manifestation of schistosomiasis in its early stages

Kawasaki disease n
a childhood disease marked by the inflammation of blood vessels all over the body

keloid n
benign irregular fibrous tissue that appears at the site of injury or scar

Kennedys disease n
a hereditary X-linked neuromuscular disorder marked by neurological degeneration
and muscular atrophy and weakness

keratosis n
growth of horny tissue on the skin

ketogenesis n
a process through which organisms form ketone bodies by breaking down fatty acids

ketogenic diet n
a diet consisting of high-fat and low-carbohydrate foods

ketosis n
increased amount of ketone bodies in an organism usually linked to disorders in
lipid or carbohydrate metabolism
kidney n
a pair of bean-shaped organs that excrete metabolic wastes and are involved in the
regulation of electrolyte balance and blood pressure

klebsiella n
a genus of rod-shaped, oxidase-negative, Gram-negative bacteria of the
Enterobacteriaceae family that causes urinary and respiratory diseases

kleptolagnia n
sexual excitement and gratification engendered by committing theft

kleptomania n
a persistent urge to steal with no consideration for economic profit

koillocyte n
an squamous ephitelial cell with distinctive cytoplasmic and nuclear changes
associated with infections of the human papillomavirus

Kopliks spots n
tiny red spots with white center which manifest on the buccal mucosa two to three
days before the onset of measles rash

Korean hemorrhagic fever n

hemorrhagic fever caused by hantaviruses and marked by acute renal failure

Korsakoff syndrome n
a neurological disorder arising from abnormally low levels of thiamine (vitamin B1)
and characterized by memory gaps and inability to process new information

kwashiorkor n
severe malnutrition characterized by enlarged liver, edema, anemia, ulcerating
dermatoses, pigmentation changes in skin and hair, and irritability

labetalol n
a beta adrenergic antagonist used to treat hypertension

labial artery n
any of the facial arteries distributed to the upper and lower lips

labial gland n
minor salivary gland found under the mucous membrane of the lips

lacrimal apparatus n
the bodily parts that take part in the production and drainage of tears

lacrimal caruncle n
a small reddish nodule at the inside corner of the eyes

lactase n
an enzyme present in the small intestine that is essential for lactose breakdown and

lactation n
the process by which the mammary gland produces and secretes milk

lactic acid n
a compound produced after the breakdown of glucose and glycogen

lactic acidosis n
a condition marked by the build up of lactic acid in the body resulting in an
abnormally low Ph

lactobacillus n
a genus of rod-shaped Gram-positive lactic acid-forming bacteria

lactogenesis n
the onset of milk secretion

lactose n
a disaccharide sugar found in milk
lactosuria n
presence of lactose in urine

Lafora disease n
a hereditary form of myoclonic epilepsy marked by gradual neurological

Lamaze n
childbirth technique that involves physical and psychological preparation by the
mother to help suppress pain and facilitate normal delivery

laparoscopy n
visual examination of the abdomen by means of a fiber-optic instrument
a surgical procedure that uses a thin lighted tube to view the abdominal or pelvic
organs through an incision in the belly

large-cell carcinoma n
a type of non-small cell lung cancer

large intestine n
the last section of the gastrointestinal tract which is responsible for water absorption
and feces formation

Larsens syndrome n
a genetic disorder characterized by skeletal malformation, multiple joint
dislocations, foot deformities, and distinctive limb and facial features

laryngitis n
inflammation of the larynx

laryngocele n
a benign dilatation of the air sac

larynx n
a hollow tubular structure in the neck that holds the voice cords

laxation n
bowel movement
laxative n
a medication, food, or compound that loosens the stool or stimulates bowel

lead palsy n
a localized paralysis resulting from lead intoxication

learning disability n
a neurological-based processing disorder that interferes with acquiring basic skills
such as writing, reading, or arithmetic

lecithin n
yellow-brownish phospholipids found in animals and plants

legionella n
a genus of rod-shaped Gram-negative bacteria of the Legionellaceae family

leiomyoma n
benign soft tissue tumors that occur in smooth muscle fibers

leiomyosarcoma n
a malignant tumor of the smooth muscle connective tissues

leontiasis osea n
a medical condition marked by the overgrowth of the cranial and facial bones
resulting in distortion of the face

leprechaunism n
a hereditary disorder marked by endocrine disorders, face and head abnormalities,
and physical retardation

leproma n
a swollen lesion or lump on the skin associated with leprosy

lepromin skin test n

a standard test used to identify the type of leprosy that a person has contracted

leprosy n
a chronic disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae
leukemia n
a chronic disease characterized by the production of abnormally high levels of
immature white blood cells by the blood-forming tissues of the body

leukopenia n
a condition characterized by the abnormally low amount of white blood cells

Machupo virus n
an Arenavirus that causes Bolivian Hemorrhagic Fever

macroadenoma n
a benign tumor of the pituitary and adrenal gland

macrobiotics n
a dietary system based on the principles of macrobiotics

macula n
a spot or blotch on the skin
an oval yellowish center area of the retina

magnetic resonance imaging n

a diagnostic technique that uses radio wave energy to produce images of internal
body organs and structures

malaise n
a general feeling of discomfort, debility, or pain that usually precedes an illness

malaria n
a life-threatening disease caused by parasitic protozoans and transmitted by the
Anopheles mosquito

mammal n
a warm-blooded vertebrate within the class Mammalia

mammary gland n
milk-producing gland found in the breast of female mammals

mammogram n
x-ray image of the breasts

marasmus n
severe malnutrition usually caused by insufficient intake of calories and protein and
characterized by low body weight, lack of energy, and stunted growth
Marfans syndrome n
a genetic disorder of connective tissue which can cause problems in the joint, eyes, or

marijuana n
dried leaves, stems, flowers, and seeds of Cannabis sativa used as medicine or
psychoactive drug

masochism n
sexual gratification derived from physical or emotional pain

mastitis n
breast tissue inflammation

mastocytoma n
a tumorous mass caused by the accumulation of mast cells

medicine n
a preparation or substance administered to treat a disease; the science, art, and
practice of diagnosing, treating, and preventing diseases

megaloblastic anemia n
a condition that occurs when the body produces abnormally structured large red
blood cells and inhibits DNA formation

meiosis n
a process in which a single cell divides to produce four gamete cells with half the
number of chromosomes contained in the parent cell

melanin n
the pigment that gives color to human hair, eyes, and skin

melanoma n
a more serious type of skin cancer that develops in the melanocyte, the cell that
contains pigments

melasma n
a common skin disorder that causes brown or gray-brown patches on the face
menarche n
the first menstrual period

meningitis n
inflammation of tissues that surround the brain and spinal cord

meningococcemia n
the dissemination of Neisseria meningitidis bacteria into the bloodstream

menopause n
cessation of menstrual cycles

menorrhagia n
prolonged or abnormally heavy menstrual bleeding

menses n
regular menstrual flow

mental retardation n
intellectual disability

mesothelioma n
mesothelial tissue cancer usually associated with asbestos exposure

metabolism n
all chemical reactions that transpire in living organisms including digestion and
intracellular transport

migraine n
a disorder marked by recurrent headaches that range from moderate to severe

mitosis n
the phase of the cell cycle when a single cell divides into two identical daughter cells

multiple myeloma n
a cancer of the plasma cells found in the bone marrow

multiple personality disorder n

a dissociative disorder marked by the apparent existence of several personalities with
distinct behavior patterns and identities in an individual
multiple sclerosis n
an autoimmune disease that attacks and damages the insulating covers of the central
nervous system resulting in varying physical disabilities such as vision loss and
paralysis or a reduced brain function

muscle n
body tissues that contract and produce motion

muscle dysmorphia n
a pathological preoccupation with the negative perception of ones musculature and
body which often results to excessive workouts, eating disorders, or steroid abuse

myasthenia n
muscular debility

myasthenia gravis n
a chronic neuromuscular disease marked by progressive muscle weakness

mycosis n
disease or infection caused by a fungus

myomectomy n
surgical removal of uterine fibroids

myopia n

nabothian cyst n
a mucus-filled lump that form on the cervix

narcissism n
excessive or sexual interest in ones own body or physical appearance

nausea n
stomach discomfort or unease usually accompanied by an urge to vomit

necrophilia n
an erotic attraction to or desire to perform sexual act with corpses

nematocyst n
a minute stinging capsule produced by various coelenterates

neophobia n
irrational aversion to or fear of novelty n

neoplasm n
an abnormal growth of tissue

nephritis n
inflammation of the kidney

nephrosclerosis n
a progressive kidney disease caused by the hardening of renal arterioles

nervous system n
a complex network of nerve cells and fibers that carry nerve impulses between the
different parts of the body

neurology n
a field of medicine that deals with structure, function, and treatment of the disorders
of the nervous system

nodule n
an abnormal growth of tissue
nucleus n
a membrane-bound organelle present in eukaryotic cells

obesity n
a condition marked by excessive accumulation of body fats

ochronosis n
a condition marked by diffused pigmentation of the skin or mucosa

Oedipus complex n
a childs fixation for the parent of the opposite sex accompanied by a feeling of
competition with the parent of the same sex

oncology n
the field of medicine that deals with the study, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment
of cancer

oogenesis n
the creation and maturation of an egg cell (ovum)

opium n
an addictive stimulant narcotic made from the dried latex form extracted from the
seed pod of Papaver somniferum

organ n
a differentiated structure of tissues that perform a specific function

organism n
an individual life form

osteoblastoma n
a benign bone tumor

osteochrondritis n
inflammation of cartilage or bone

osteomyelitis n
inflammatory disease of the bone or bone marrow commonly caused by bacterial
osteoplasty n
reparative surgery that involves replacement or reconstruction of lost or defective
bony tissues

osteoporosis n
a condition marked by decreased bone density resulting in weak and fragile bones
that are highly susceptible to breakage or fracture

osteotomy n
a surgical procedure that involves the excision of a bone to lengthen, shorten, or
adjust its alignment

otitis n
ear inflammation

otitis externa n
inflammation of the auricle, external auditory canal, or both

otitis interna n
inner ear infection

otitis media n
a middle ear inflammation which may be accompanied by fever, pain, swelling,
temporary hearing loss, and fluid build up

otology n
a field of medicine which studies the anatomy and diseases of the ear

otomycosis n
fungal infection of the auricle or external auditory canal

otoscope n
an instrument used to facilitate visual inspection of the ears

ovariotomy n
surgical incision or removal of an ovary

ovary n
a paired female reproductive organ which produces eggs or ova
ovum n
a female reproductive cell

oxalosis n
a rare abnormal condition that occurs when the kidneys fail to eliminate calcium
oxalate crystals resulting in their formation in other tissues of the body

oxidative stress n
the cumulative damage caused by unneutralized free radicals

oxidoreductase n
any enzyme that catalyzes the transfer of electrons between molecules

oxygen n
a gaseous element which comprises more than 20% of the atmosphere and forms
part of various physiological processes

ozone n
a highly reactive elemental oxygen with 3 atoms per molecule

pacemaker n
a device used to stimulate or stabilize heartbeat

pachygyria n
a developmental disorder caused by abnormal neuronal migration in the nervous
system and the brain during fetal development period

pachymeningitis n
a rare illness characterized by the inflammation or thickening of the dura mater

pachytene n
the 3rd stage of meiosis prophase during which the paired chromosomes become
thick and short and divide into 4 different chromatids

Pagets disease n
a rare type of cancer which is marked, in its early development stage, by a scaly red
spot on nipple skin and areola
a localized bone remodelling disorder caused by the excessive bone breakdown and

palate n
the roof of the mouth

palilalia n
a speech defect characterized by the involuntary and abnormal repetition of
syllables, words, or phrases

palliative adj
reduces the severity of an illness or condition without treating it

pallor n
a pale appearance

palpation n
physical examination conducted by applying pressure of the hand or finger to a body
palpitation n
an abnormally rapid or irregular heartbeat that may be caused by panic,
overexertion, arrhythmia, agitation, or illness

pancarditis n
inflammation of the heart

pancreas n
a large organ in the digestive and endocrine systems which is found in the abdomen

pancreatic juice n
a liquid produced by the pancreas containing digestive enzymes such as elastase,
chymotrypsinogen, trypsinogen, pancreatic lipase, and amylase

pancytopenia n
a deficiency of the red and white blood cells and platelets

panhypopituitarism n
a condition marked by deficient secretion of anterior pituitary hormones

pannus n
a vascular tissue that extends over an organs surface or anatomical structure
causing, for example, an opacity in the cornea

pantothenic acid n
Vitamin B5; a water-soluble vitamin found in all living tissues

papain n
a cysteine protease present in Carica papaya fruit

papilledema n
swelling or protrusion of the eyes optic nerve due to increased intracranial pressure.

papilloma n
a benign tumor caused by the overgrowth of epithelial tissues from surrounding

paraysis n
the partial or complete loss of function, sensation, or motion of a body part
paramnesia n
a condition characterized by distorted memory or confusion between facts and
fantasies such as dj vu or confabulation

paranoia n
a mental illness marked by systematized delusions of persecution

paraplegia n
paralysis of the lower limb and trunk usually resulting from a disease or injury of the
spinal cord

Parkinsons disease n
a progressive neurological disorder associated with deficient production of dopamine
and is characterized by muscular rigidity, tremor, shuffling gait, impaired balance,
and slow movement

perimenopause n
the phase before the final cessation of menstrual periods marked by hormonal
fluctuations and symptoms such as hot flashes, menstrual irregularity, and vaginal

perspiration n
a clear, salty liquid released by the sweat glands

pertussis n
whooping cough

perversion n
aberrant sexual behavior, practice, or interest

phobia n
exaggerated, irrational, or disabling fear

platelet n
a tiny colorless anucleate disk-shaped cell fragment found in blood which assists in

pneumonia n
an inflammation in one or both lungs caused by a bacteria, virus, or fungi
polycystic ovary syndrome n
a female endocrine system disorder associated with an abnormally elevated
androgen (male hormone) levels with varying symptoms that include irregular
menstrual cycle, reduced fertility, excess hair growth, and acne

polyuria n
excessive secretion or passage of urine

preeclampsia n
a serious pregnancy disorder characterized by elevated blood pressure and

proctitis n
inflammation of the anus and rectum

progeria n
a rare genetic disorder marked by dramatic signs of rapid aging in childhood and
slow physical growth

progesterone n
a hormone released by the corpus luteum and the placenta to prepare for and
maintain pregnancy; a synthetic steroid with similar action

prokaryote n
a microscopic single-celled organism that lacks a distinct nucleus, mitochondria, and
specialized organelles

ptosis n
a drooping eyelid

pulmonary embolism n
an obstruction in a pulmonary artery

pyromania n
an obsessive desire to start fire

pyuria n
the occurrence of leukocytes (pus) in the urine

qigong n
an ancient Chinese holistic health system that advocates controlled breathing,
meditation, and coordinated body movement and posture for health and fitness

quadrantectomy n
a partial mastectomy that involves the excision of a quarter of a breast along with
the underlying fascia

quadriparesis n
muscle weakness that affects both arms and legs

quinine n
a crystalline alkaloid derived from cinchona bark and used for the treatment or
resistant malaria and babesiosis

rabies n
an acute viral disease affecting the central nervous system of human and other
warm-blooded animal caused by a rhabdovirus and transmitted through the saliva
of an infected animal

radial keratotomy n
a surgical procedure performed on the cornea to correct myopia

radiation n
the process of emitting energy in the form of particles or waves

radiation therapy n
radiotherapy; the use of high energy radiation to destroy cancer cells and shrink

radiograph n
an image produced by X-rays or gamma rays

radioiodide n
an iodide with radioactive iodine

radiotherapy n
radiation therapy; treatment of a diseases through radiation

rosacea n
a chronic skin condition marked by redness, telangiectasia, flushing, or inflamed
lesions on the cheeks, forehead, chin, and nose

rubella n
German measles

rubeola n

Rubulavirus n
a genus of paramyxoviruses that causes mumps

Sabin vaccine n
an oral polio vaccine that contains weakened strains of the three poliovirus

saccade n
the quick jerky movement of the eyes as they jump between fixation points

saccharide n
a general term for sugar

saccharin n
a zero-calorie artificial sweetener

saddlebag n
lumpy fat around the hips and upper thighs

sadism n
a perversion in which sexual gratification or pleasure is derived by inflicting physical,
emotional, or mental pain

sadomasochism n
the act or practice of deriving or giving pleasure by inflicting physical, emotional, or
mental pain on oneself or others

Saint Louis encephalitis n

a mosquito-transmitted viral illness marked by brain parenchymal and meningeal

salycilic acid n
a phenolic acid with the formula CHO which is used as a disinfectant and
antiseptic and as a component of skin treatment products and dyes

saline n
a solution made up of water and sodium chloride

saliva n
a watery substance secreted by salivary glands into the mouths of human and
animals to facilitate swallowing and mastication
salivary gland n
any of the glands that secretes fluid such as saliva into the mouth

Salk vaccine n
an anti-polio vaccine that contains three stereotypes of inactivated poliovirus and is
administered though intramuscular injection

salmonella n
a genus of gram-negative enterobacteria that can cause food poisoning, typhoid
fever, or gastrointestinal inflammation

salpingitis n
inflammation of one or both fallopian tubes

sarcoma n
a malignant tumor that arises in the connective or nonephithelial issue

a viral disease caused by a coronavirus; abbreviation for severe acute respiratory

scarlet fever n
an infectious fibrille disease caused by Group A Streptococcus

schizophrenia n
a mental illness marked by hallucinations, delusions, or abnormal social behavior

seizure n
abnormal electrical surges in the brain that causes changes in the actions and
behavior of an individual

semen n
a whitish fluid secreted by the male reproductive organs which may carry sperm and
other enzymes

shigella n
a genus of rodshaped, nonspore-forming, Gram negative bacteria that causes
sickle cell anemia n
a chronic hereditary anemia marked by crescent-shaped red blood cells

SIDS abbr
sudden infant death syndrome

skin test n
a test that checks the allergic or immune reactions to a substance

spondylosis n
a degenerative disease of the spinal column

stem cell n
undifferentiated cell that can replicate itself or differentiate into cells with
specialized functions

sudden infant death syndrome n

unexpected death during sleep of a seemingly healthy infant below one year old

suspended animation n
temporary slowdown or cessation of vital life functions

syphilis n
a bacterial disease caused by a bacterium of Treponema pallidum and contracted
congenitally by a fetus or through sexual intercourse

tabes dorsalis n
a degeneratie disorder involving the dorsal columns of the spinal cord which is
marked by pain, urinary incontinence, and unsteadiness

tachyarrhythmia n
a condition marked by a rapid and irregular heartbeat that exceeds the normal
resting rate

tachypnea n
abnormal rapid breathing

Takayasus arteritis n
a rare inflammatory disease of the aorta resulting in occlusion, progressive stenosis,
and aneurysm formation

talipes equinovarus n
also called clubfoot; a congenital deformity in which the affected foot points inward
and downward

tamoxifen n
an estrogen antagonist administered orally to treat or reduce the risk of breast

tapeworm n
parasitic flatworm that lives on the intestine and is acquired by ingesting
contaminated food or water

tartar n
hardened dental plaque
Tay-Sachs disease n
a rare hereditary metabolic disorder characterized by abnormal lipid accumulation
in the brains nerve cells

telangiectasia n
a condition marked by the abnormal dilation of capillaries beneath the skins surface
giving them the appearance of spidery red, purple, or blue clusters

tendon n
a fibrous connective tissue that connects a muscle to other structures and conveys
the force exerted by the muscles

testes n
a pair of ovoid male reproductive organs responsible for the production of sperm and

testosterone n
a hormone produced by the testicles or manufactured synthetically and is
responsible for the development and maintenance of male sex characteristics

therapeutic abortion n
intentional termination of a pregnancy that poses significant threat to the mothers
life or health

thrombasthenia n
a rare genetic platelet function disorder

thrombosis n
coagulation or clotting of blood within a blood vessel

thyroid n
an endocrine gland in the neck that secretes the hormones thyroxine and

tissue n
a group of cells with similar structure and origin that performs a specific function

Tourettes syndrome n
a neuropsychiatric disorder characterized by repetitive involuntary tics in
vocalization and body movements

trauma n
an injury to a living organism arising from an external source

trisomy n
a chromosomal disorder in which an additional chromosome occurs in the cell nuclei
resulting to abnormalities in development

tuberculosis n
a disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacterium that usually attacks the
lungs but may infect other body parts like the spinal column or kidney

ulcer n
a break in the mucous membrane or skin that does not heal

ulcerative colitis n
a chronic inflammatory bowel disease that causes diarrhea, abdominal pain, and
digestive tract ulcers

ultrasound n
a medical imaging technique based on ultrasound

umami n
a meaty or savory taste sensation produced by a combination of amino acids and

umbilical cord n
a cord that serves as a conduit between the placenta and the fetus

umbilicus n

undecylenic acid n
a fatty acid with the formula C11H20O2 which is used to inhibit or treat skin fungal

uptake n
the process of incorporating or absorbing something into a living organism, cell, or

urate n
salt obtained from uric acid

urea n
a nitrogenous compound CH4N2O and the chief organic component of mammalian

uremia n
abnormal accumulation of urea in the blood due to falure or deterioration of the
renal function associated with kidney disease or injury

vaccine n
a biological preparation that produces or increases active immunity against a specific

vacuole n
a membrane-bound cellular cavity

vagina n
a muscular elastic tube extending from the vulva to the cervix

vaginitis n
inflammation of the vagina

varicella zoster n
a herpesvirus that can cause chicken fox and shingles

varicocele n
an abnormally large and twisted vein inside the scrotum that drains blood from the
testicles and often impairs males fertility

varicocelectomy n
a surgical treatment on the varicocele

varicose vein n
an abnormally large and twisted vein

vas deferens n
a duct that conveys sperm cells from the epididymis to ejaculatory ducts

vasectomy n
surgical division and sealing of the vas deferens to prevent sperm release during

vasovasostomy n
a surgical procedure designed to partially reverse vasectomy by bypassing the
obstruction in the vas deferens
vectorcardiography n
the measurement and recording of the direction and magnitude of the electrical
forces produced by the heart

vegan n
a strict vegetarian who does not eat animal meat or dairy products

vein n
a tubular vessel that carries blood towards the heart

vena cava n
any of the two large veins that carry deoxygenated blood to the right atrium of the

venereal disease n
a contagious disease typically transmitted through sexual intercourse

venom n
a toxic fluid secreted by some animals (snakes, bees, scorpion) and introduced into
the bodies of their prey by stinging or biting

ventilate n
to allow air to enter and circulate freely

ventilation n
the exchange and circulation of air into the lungs or gills; the process of allowing air
entry and circulation

ventricle n
a cavity or hollow part of an organ; any of the two main chambers of the heart; any of
the four communicating cavities in the brain

ventricular fibrillation n
the high frequency uncoordinated fluttering contractions of the hearts ventricular
myocardium resulting in irregular heart rhythm

ventriculitis n
inflammation of the brains ventricles
vermicide n
an agent used to kill worms

vermifuge n
a substance used to destroy or expel parasitic worms from the intestines

vermin n
common pests or nuisance animals that destroy livestock or crops or spread diseases

Verner-Morrison syndrome n
a condition marked by severe watery diarrhea, achlorhydria, and hypokalemia
frequently associated with excessive production of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide
due to a pancreatic tumor (VIPoma).

vertebrae n
bones or cartilaginous segments that make up the spinal column

vertex n
the topmost part of the head or skull

vertigo n
a sensation in which the individual or the environment appears to move or spin

vesiculectomy n
a surgical incision of a part or each of the seminal vesicles

vestibular gland n
one of four glands that open into the vaginal orifice

vibrio n
curved rod-shaped Gram-negative bacteria of the Vibrionaceae that can cause
gastrointestinal diseases or other foodborne infection

vilazodone n
an oral anti-depressant drug

Vincents angina n
a progressive gum infection that leads to swelling, ulceration, and tissue death
virus n
a tiny organism that replicates inside the living cells of its host and causes an
infectious disease

vital signs n
clinical measurements, specifically of the temperature, pulse rate, blood pressure,
and respiration rate, which indicate an individuals essential life functions

vitamin n
an organic compound which are essential in small quantities to an organisms

vitiligo n
a long term condition caused by localized or generalized loss of the normal skin
pigment and marked by white patches on the affected areas of the body

voluntary muscle n
a muscle that is typically controlled by individual volition

vulva n
female external genital organs

vulvitis n
inflammation of the vulva

Waardenburg syndrome n
a genetic disorder marked by deafness and changes in the pigmentation of the skin,
eyes, and hair

Wada test n
a procedure that evaluates which side of the brain is dominant for an individuals
memory and language function

walking pneumonia n
a mild form of pneumonia caused by Mycoplasma bacterium

Wallerian degeneration n
a stereotypical degeneration of a nerve fiber which occurs when a nerve axon is cut,
frozen, or crushed

warfarin n
an anticoagulant medication used to prevent and treat blood clots

wart n
a benign skin growth caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV)

Wasserman test n
a diagnostic test to detect syphilis infection

Weils disease n
severe leptospirosis infection marked by fever, chills, muscle pain, jaundice,
meningitis, or lung bleeding

Werner syndrome n
a rare progressive genetic disorder marked by the appearance of premature aging
symptoms with onset in adolescence or early adult years

white blood cell n

a colorless blood cellular component that contains a nucleus and lacks haemoglobin

Wuchereria bancrofti n
a thread-like parasitic roundword which causes lymphatic filariasis


xanthoma n
a yellowish skin patch, lesion, or nodule associated with disorders of fat metabolism

X chromosome n
a sex chromosome which occurs as a pair in female cells and single in male cells

xenon n
a dense, colorless, odourless, and inert gas

xenophobia n
irrational fear or dislike of foreigners or strangers

xerosis n
abnormal skin dryness

X-ray n
a type of electromagnetic waves radiation

xylazine n
a veterinary analgesic, sedative, anesthetic, and muscle relaxant

Y-chromosome n
a sex chromosome which occurs only in male cells and are commonly paired with an

yeast n
eukaryotic, unicellular fungus of the Saccharomycetaceae family which includes
forms that cause alcoholic fermentation

yeast infection n
a fungal infection marked by vaginal discharge, irritation, and extreme itchiness
frequently caused by Candida albicans, a yeast-like fungus

yellow fever n
an acute viral disease marked by fever, jaundice, fatigue, muscle pain, vomiting, and
nausea and transmitted by flavivirus-infected yellow-fever mosquitoes

zygogenesis n
reproduction through the union of male and female gametes

zygote n
a cell formed with the union of sperm and egg

zygotene n
the second phase of meiotic prophase during which homologous chromosomes begin
to pair

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