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Corduroy Mathematics Lesson

Bibliographical Information
Author and Illustrator: Don Freeman
Reading Level: 3.5
Publication: The Viking Press, New York
Publication Year: 1968
Genre: Fiction, Childrens literature, Picture Book

Math Concept:
Classification of Two-Dimensional Shapes

Grade Level:
Second Grade

(8) Geometry and measurement: The student applies mathematical process standards to
analyze attributes of two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional solids to develop
generalizations about their properties. The student is expected to:
(A) Create two-dimensional shapes based on given attributes, including number of
sides and vertices;
(9) Geometry and measurement. The student applies mathematical process standards to
select and use units to describe length, area, and time. The student is expected to:
(D) Determine the length of an object to the nearest marked unit using rulers,
yardsticks, meter sticks, or measuring tapes;

Have either a poster in the classroom or a chart in their math journals of the 2D
shapes that was taught prior to this activity.
Print out a copy of the scavenger hunt and shapes sheet for each child (or as a
table group depending on your preference.)
Make sure each table has these items: glue, scissors, markers, construction paper
Optional: buttons, googly eyes

Description of Lesson:
The students will make corduroy the bear using the step-by-step scavenger hunt
worksheet included.
After reading each clue on the scavenger hunt, the child will find the shape with
the correct amount of sides and vertices and measure it to make sure that it
matches the description given.

Suggested Extensions and Modifications

Gifted and Talented: Instead of making the shapes for them and
having them cut out each part of corduroy, give these students
blank sheets of paper and have them draw their own shapes
according to the directions on the scavenger hunt page.
Special Education: Give them a modified scavenger hunt with
less shapes and directions. You can also already have their
shapes cut out for them so all they will have to do is pick the
correct shape to match the description.
Connection to Writing: Give the students the prompt Write
about a time when you found your favorite toy at the store. (TEK
addressed: (18) Writing/Literary Texts. Students write literary
texts to express their ideas and feelings about real or imagined
people, events, and ideas. Students are expected to: (A) Write
brief stories that include a beginning, middle, and end;)
This lesson can be used with 3D shapes, other 2D shapes,
different height and width. You could also have the child find the
area/perimeter of the shapes as a clue in higher-grade levels.
Instructions: Read through each step and find the shape on your shape
sheet that it is describing. Cut that shape out and paste it on your
construction paper.

Scavenger Hunt

1. The first shape you cut out is 3

inches across, has 6 sides, and 6
vertices. This will be Corduroys head.
2. Next, find the two shapes that have
0 sides and 0 vertices. Use these
shapes as Corduroys ears.
3. To find Corduroys legs, cut out the
shape with 4 sides and 4 vertices. All
the sides of this shape are equal and it
is 2.5 inches tall.
4. Both of Corduroys arms have 3
sides and 3 vertices. They are also
both 2 inches tall.
5. Find Corduroys overalls by
measuring a shape with 4 sides and 4
vertices. Two of the sides are 5.5
inches tall.
6. To give Corduroy straps to his
overalls, find two 4 sided shapes with
two sides that equal 2 inches.
7. Now decorate Corduroy! Give him
eyes, a smile, and whatever else you
think he needs!

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