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Man term has several meanings. It can be used to refer to hominids to any
person of the human species that is male or, in a historical context, the human in
general, without gender distinction (eg, with phrases like "The man was nomadic and
migrated in search of food ").

In its usual meaning, the word man identifies those belonging to the male
gender, i.e., it refers to the biologically human male.

Mulier of Latin, a woman is a female person. It is a term that is used in contrast

to man, concept appointing the human male.

The specific use of the word woman is linked to the female who have already come to
puberty or adulthood. Therefore, the girl (or girl) becomes a woman, according to the
cultural standards, from its first period.

In society, gender identity refers to the gender of the person is identified, it can
also be used to refer to the sort that certain person attaches to the individual based on
what that person recognized as social role of indicating genus ( clothes, haircut, etc.).
First use, it is believed that gender identity is constituted as fixed and as such does not
suffer variations, regardless of gender social role of the person to present it.
Second, it is believed that gender identity may be affected by a variety of social
structures, including ethnicity, work, religion or unreligion and family.

Why Women Live More than Men?

Regardless of country of birth, women tend to live longer than men. "Men are
biologically and sociologically disadvantaged since they are conceived until the time
they die."

Females are more resistant in the uterus - are designed 2.5 boys for every girl.
However, they are more likely to succumb to prenatal infection and other complications
in the womb. This means that, at birth, the ratio is close to 1 to 1. "They also take longer
than girls to develop physically in the prenatal period, which means they are more likely
to die if they are premature due to lung underdevelopment or brain.

Women tend to be less "bold" - Unintentional injuries are the 3rd leading cause
of death in men, according to the Control Center and the United States Disease
Prevention; for women, it is only the 6th cause. This is because the frontal lobe of the
brain - which deals with responsibility and risk calculation - develops much later in men
than in women, Legato says. The result: they often take more risks. "Almost inevitably a
boy will take risks that a girl of the same age would not run," he says.

Heart Disease

Women suffer from heart disease later - heart conditions are the leading cause of
death for both men and women. However, they have more chances of developing - and
dying from - around 30 or 40 years. They, moreover, develop heart disease 10 years
later. Women are protected in this condition until the menopause due to estrogen, which
maintains the strong and flexible arteries.

Network of Friends

Women have networks of stronger friends - Friends are a good remedy: people
with strong social connections have 50% less likely to die than those with few ties of
friendship, according to a 2010 study from Brigham Young University. "Most men tend
to hold stress and concerns close to the chest, while women tend to externalize and chat
with others," says the teacher. The only exception are married men, which explains why
studies show that they tend to live longer and be healthier.


Women take better care of themselves - There are 24% less chance a man has
gone to the doctor in the last year than a woman. Additionally, they are 22% more likely
to escape the cholesterol test, says the Agency for Research and Quality Health Care to
the United States. In fact, 28% of them do not have a regular doctor, and about 1 in 5
had no health agreement in 2012, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. "Men
usually deny diseases; they minimize the symptoms because they do not want to have to
go to the doctor and find out that something is wrong."

They are Hereby More Patients

One of the most intriguing aspects of this difference, and that has no equivalent
in other known species, is that although women live longer than men, seem to have
worse health throughout adulthood.

The higher prevalence of physical limitations in women's adult life is seen in

Western societies, and also in women of Bangladesh, China, Egypt, Guatemala, India,
Indonesia, Jamaica, Malaysia, Mexico, Philippines, Thailand and Tunisia.

An intriguing explanation for this paradox is a possible connection with health

problems that appear later in life. Women are more prone to bone and joint problems
such as osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and pain, than men. Such conditions tend to be more
severe in women, and this may mean chronic deprivation of sleep and stress.


Thus, the differences between the sexes could be due to connective tissue
diseases. The connective tissue in humans is known to respond to female sex hormones.
But this is only one of several plausible hypotheses for the mystery of why women live
longer on average than men. The studies will need to continue to have a better sense of
the factors involved.

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