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instituto american heritage of word frequency

on - The shoes are on the rug. (Os sapatos esto sobre o tapete)
in - The boy in the pool. (O menino est na piscina)
She's in the living room. (Ela est na sala)
under -The dOi is under the rug. ( O cahorro est embaixo do tapete)
into - The boy is jumping intothe pool. (O menino est pulando na piscina)
at - Mary's at school. (Mary est na escola)
bellow -The temperature is bellow zero. (A temperatura est abaixo de zero)
beside -lohn is beside Mary. (lohn est ao lado de Mary)
behind.- The board is behind the teacher. (A lousa est atrs da professora)
inside -My mother is inside the house. (Minha me est do lado de dentro da casa)
outside -The boy is playing outside tbe building. (O menino est brincando do lado
de fora do edifcio)
Fr9m - (de) -Para indicar procedncias. He's from Brazil. I'm fram lapan.

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