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Corpus callosum – it is largest commissure of the

brain it connects two cerebral hemisphere

Parts & relations
1. Genu - relations
Anterior - anterior cerebral artery
Posterior - ant. Horn of lateral ventricle
2. Rostrum
Superior - anterior horn of lateral ventricle
Inferior - indusium griseum long striae
3. Trunk -
Superior - anterior cerebral artery
Falx cerebri
Gyrus cinguli
Indusieum grieseum
Longitudinal striae
Inferior - forms roof of centralpart of lateral
4. Splenium
Inferior surface – tela choridae of lateral ventricle
The pineal body
Tectum of mid brain
Superior – inferior sagittal sinus
Falx cerebri
Posterior - great cerebral vein
Straight sinus
Free margin of tentorium cerebelli
1. Rostrum - connects the oribital surface
2. Forceps minor – these are fibres of genu
connects two frontal lobes
3. Forceps major - these are fibres of splenium
connecting two occipital lobes
4. Tapetum - formed by fibres of trunk &
splenium it forms roof & lateral wall of
posterior horn & lateral wall of inferior horn
of lateral ventricle
Functions - it helps in coordinating activities of
two cerebral hemisphere
Blood supply - branches of ICA
Applied - injury to corpus callosum causes loss of
co ordination bet two cerebral hemisphere

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