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War. Res. Vol. 29, No. 1, pp.

165-177, 1995
Pergamon Copyright 1994ElsevierScienceLtd
0043-1354(94)E0105-F Printed in Great Britain.All rights reserved
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Department of Civil Engineering, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716, U.S.A.

(First received June 1993; accepted in revised form April 1994)

Abstract--Collection and analysis of pore water has become an important aspect of many environmental
programs. Pore water analyses are used for toxicity identification, sediment quality assessment and
diagenetic studies. This paper reviews the four commonly used methods for collection of pore water and
potential artifacts from their use, particularly in the preparation of samples for trace metal analysis. Two
of the methods, centrifugation and squeezing, are ex situ, requiring the removal of sediment from the
natural environment. The other two, dialysis and suction filtration, are used in situ. Each method has its
advantages and disadvantages, and usage must be determined by the individual researcher. The handling
of most samples should be conducted in an inert atmosphere until pore water samples are acidified because
oxidation has been shown to significantly alter sample speciation. Significant errors have also been found
to result from temperature alteration. Sample contamination by fine particles is important in all methods
as differentiation of particulate and soluble components is based on membrane pore size.

Key words--pore water, trace metals, centrifugation, squeezing, suction filtration, dialysis, sediment
quality criteria, oxidation

INTRODUCTION ation of the contribution of sediments to the pol-

lution of the overlying water column (Aggett and
Bottom sediments in natural systems are formed by
O'Brien, 1985). Knowledge of pore water chemical
sedimentation of particles from the overlying water
concentrations is also important in dredging oper-
column. During this process, water will be trapped
ations, as these chemicals will potentially be released
and entrained in the sediment, forming the interstitial
into the water column and/or mobilized after
or pore water (Batley and Giles, 1979). During the
sediment disposal as sediment is removed from
sedimentation process, chemical species that were
the natural environment (Adams and Darby,
found in the water column and adsorbed to the
1980; Brannon et al., 1980; Brannon and Patrick,
suspended sediment will also be trapped in the
bottom sediment. As a result of this process, sedi-
More recently, it has been suggested that sediment
ments serve as a valuable sink for pollutants, elimi-
pore water may be used for determination and assess-
nating them from the water column and reducing
ment of Sediment Quality Criteria (SQC) (U.S.
the potential toxicity to aquatic organisms
Environmental Protection Agency, 1989; DiToro
(Ramamoorthy and Rust, 1978; Salomons et aL,
et al., 1991). Current methods of assessing SQC are
1987). Within the sediment system, chemical species
indirect and use normalization techniques. One such
will tend toward equilibrium between the pore water
method involves the use of Acid Volatile Sulfide
and solid phase. However, due to diagenetic processes
(AVS) and Simultaneously Extracted Metals (SEM)
such as precipitation, adsorption, sulfide formation,
(DiToro et aL, 1990; Ankley et al., 1991; Carlson
remobilization, biological degradation, and biologi-
et al., 1991; DiToro et al., 1992; Allen et al., 1993).
cal uptake, the concentrations of chemical species in
It has been shown that if the ratio SEM/AVS is less
the pore water and the overlying water will not
than or equal to one, a sediment is not toxic due to
necessarily be the same (Elderfield et al., 1981; Oakley
the presence of trace metals. However, if SEM/AVS
et aL, 1981; Graybeal and Heath, 1984; Sakata, 1985;
is greater than one, there is potential for a sediment
Salomons et aL, 1987).
to be toxic. There are binding phases in addition to
Pore water has been collected and analyzed for
sulfide, such as organic matter and metal oxides,
studies of diffusion of chemical species into the water
which can also remove trace metals from the pore
column (Sayles, 1979; McCaffrey et al., 1980).
water (Nissenbaum and Swaine, 1976; Elderfield,
Knowledge of pore water concentrations is useful in
1981; Oakley et al., 1981; Luoma and Davis, 1983;
determining sediment contamination and in evalu-
Davis, 1984; van den Berg and Dharmvanij, 1984;
Douglas et al., 1985; Jenne et al., 1985; Salomons
*Author to whom all correspondence should be addressed. et al., 1987; Tessier and Campbell, 1987; Morrison,


1989; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1989; WQC are based on total recoverable metals, this
F6rstner, 1990; Fu and Allen, 1992; Fu et al., 1992; approach would provide a conservative measure of
Allen, 1993). In fact, Bennett and Cubbage (1992) sediment contamination until WQC are developed
found no significant correlation between the cop- that do account for metal speciation (Allen, 1993).
per/AVS ratio and toxicity when analyzing sediments The assessment of pore water metal concentrations
from Steilacoom Lake, Washington, where copper could provide a more direct means of assessing
was determined to be the major pollutant. Sediment sediment toxicity than do the present normalization
with a copper/AVS ratio of only 0.6 showed signifi- methods. Thus problems associated with determining
cant effects for Hyalella azeteca and Hexagenia lim- partition coefficients in complex equilibrium parti-
bata. However, sediment with a ratio of 27 did not tioning modeling schemes to predict pore water con-
exhibit any significant effects for the species tested. centrations would be eliminated.
They suggested that for copper, organic matter is a In general, there are four means of extracting
more important binding phase than AVS. This theory sediment pore water. Two of the methods, squeezing
has also been suggested by others (Nissenbaum and and centrifugation, are ex situ and require the re-
Swaine, 1976; Davis, 1984; Douglas et al., 1986). It moval of the sediment from the natural system, and
has also been shown that iron and manganese oxides the other two, vacuum filtration and dialysis, are in
can be important binding phases for copper (Swallow situ. In addition to each method having its own
et al., 1980; Lion et al., 1982; Tessier et al., 1985; Fu advantages and disadvantages, there are several gen-
et al., 1991). These observations provide evidence eral sources of error that can alter pore water chemi-
that binding phases other than AVS can play an cal concentrations. This paper reviews the four
important role in removing trace metals from pore methods of extraction and the potential artifacts that
water. may result from the usage, focusing on obtaining
An alternative to normalization techniques is the pore water for trace metal analysis. Methods of
direct assessment of sediment quality. It has been analysis of the isolated pore water were not discussed.
established that the fraction of trace metals that cause
the most significant biological effects is the free metal SOURCES OF ERROR
ion (Sunda and Guillard, 1976; Sunda et al., 1978;
Allen et al., 1980; U.S. Environmental Protection TO better understand why some methods of pore
Agency, 1989; F6rstner, 1990; DiToro et al., 1992). water sampling may produce incorrect results, it is
This fraction is often referred to as the bioavailable helpful to first look at the various sources of error
fraction (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, that may alter the trace metal concentrations in the
1989). It should be noted that free metals does not pore water.
refer to soluble metal because soluble metal includes
complexed, as well as free metals. For example,
metals that are bound by organic matter, such as One of the primary sources of error is the oxidation
humic materials, can be soluble in natural waters, but of anoxic pore waters. Sediment-water systems can
because they are in a complexed state, they will not be divided into three distinct parts: the oxic layer, the
be bioavailable. Because the fraction of soluble anoxic layer and the oxic-anoxic interface (Salomons
metals that is free is not constant, the concentration et al., 1987). The oxidative state of the sediment
of soluble metal will not always correlate to a biologi- system is determined by the primary electron receptor
cal effect. This effect is substantially more important in each constitutive layer. In the oxic layer the
in interstitial waters than it is in overlying waters primary electron receptor is oxygen. Once the oxygen
because interstitial organic matter concentrations are supplies are exhausted, the oxic-anoxic boundary
10--50 times those of overlying waters (Lyons et al., layer is created. At this layer, nitrate acts as the
1979a; Neubecker and Allen, 1983; Douglas et al., electron receptor. The extent of this reaction is
1986). Thus, if an interstitial water sample and an usually limited due to the generally small amount of
overlying water sample contained the same soluble available nitrate. In the anoxic layer sulfate ions are
concentration of a metal, we would expect there to be converted to sulfides. Once the supply of sulfate ions
less metal bioavailable in the interstitial water sample is exhausted, methanogenesis becomes the primary
because it is in an environment with greater complex- redox reaction. In marine environments, this reaction
ing capacity than the overlying water. will generally occur only at great depths in the
Additional tests have shown a correlation between sediment due to the large supply of sulfate available
the total trace metal concentrations in pore water and in sea water (28 mM = 2700 mg/l) (Stumm and Mor-
organism mortality (Swartz et al., 1985; DiToro et al., gan, 1981). In freshwater, methanogenesis can be
1990). If one were to sample the sediment pore water more significant because there is a much smaller
and analyze for trace metal concentrations (or prefer- supply of sulfate in the water (0,12 m M = 11.5 rag/l).
ably free metal concentrations), these numbers could Bray et al. (1973) and Troup et al. (1974) were
be compared to the established Water Quality among the first researchers to notice the problems
Criteria (WQC) in order to evaluate potential sedi- associated with pore water oxidation. In their studies
ment toxicity. However, because the established of phosphate in pore waters, they encountered several
Collection and analysis of pore water 167

problems while squeezing sediments in a nitrogen centrifuge tubes or squeezers, be flushed with the inert
atmosphere. First, as the volume of pore water gas before sediment samples are processed; otherwise,
passing through the squeezer increased, the concen- any residual oxygen will react with the extracted pore
tration of Fe(II) also increased. They determined that water. However, once the samples are acidified, they
this trend was due to the oxidation of Fe(II) to Fe(III) can be exposed to air without chemical losses (Loder
by oxygen trapped in the squeezer. Second, they et al., 1978; Batley, 1989).
noticed significant losses of phosphate in pore water
samples that were intentionally exposed to the lab- Sediment sampling
oratory atmosphere. These losses were caused by A second source of error can result from improper
direct precipitation of the phosphate with ferric iron sampling of the sediment from the natural environ-
and also by ferric hydroxide scavenging of the phos- ment for ex situ analyses. If oxic and anoxic sedi-
phate. In later studies, Loder et al. (1978) and Lyons ments are allowed to mix during sampling, the trace
et al. (1979b) analyzed silicate, phosphate and iron metal speciation in the sediment and pore water will
concentrations in pore water. In each study, samples be altered due to oxidation. In general, there are three
were handled both in a nitrogen atmosphere and in different methods of sampling sediments: dredging,
the laboratory atmosphere. Loder et al. found that grab sampling, and coring. Several authors have
75% of the Fe(II) in the pore waters was lost during summarized the various samplers that are available
a 12 rain exposure to air and Lyons et al. found an and the advantages and disadvantages of each
81% loss of Fe(II) during a 10 min exposure. Both of (Plumb, 1981; Batley, 1989; Baudo, 1990; ASTM,
these groups also found significant losses of silicate 1991; Burton, 1991; Mudroch and MacKnight, 1991).
and phosphate in the pore waters when the samples Dredges only sample the surface sediment and pro-
were handled outside of a nitrogen atmosphere. duce the most disturbance. Grab samplers, such as
Stumm and Lee (1961) and Eary and Schramke the Ponar and Ekman, obtain samples at greater
(1990) have computed the oxidation kinetics of depths and provide larger volumes than dredges.
ferrous iron solutions and have found a strong depen- However, they too can produce mixing sediments.
dence on both pH and oxygen concentration. At pH Corers produce the least disturbance of the sediment.
less than 3.5, the oxidation rate is independent of pH. They come in two types--box and cylindrical. Box
At higher pH values, the oxidation rate has a second corers provide a larger volume of sample, but are
order dependent on the hydroxyl concentration. bulky and difficult to handle. Cylindrical corers
Calculated half-lives for ferrous iron range from provide less sediment, but are easier to handle, es-
years at pH less than 3.5, but decrease to minutes at pecially in deep waters. They also provide samples
pH greater than 6.5 (Eary and Schramke, 1990). that may be sealed to prevent oxidation of anoxic
The above observations provide significant evi- sediments if core liners are used.
dence for the need to prevent oxidation when hand-
ling anoxic sediments and pore waters. If the samples M e t a l contamination
are allowed to oxidize, the speciation of iron and
other trace metals will be altered. In addition, when An important consideration when sampling sedi-
ferrous iron oxidizes, it forms ferric (oxy)hydroxides ments and pore waters for trace metal analysis is to
which precipitate from the aqueous phase (Stumm avoid contact by the samples with metal parts which
and Morgan, 1981; Belzile and Tessier, 1990). These may potentially contaminate the samples. This prob-
solids have the ability to scavenge other trace metals, lem is another reason why dredge and grab samples
removing them from the aqueous phase (Davis and are less appropriate for sediment sampling as most
Leckie, 1978; Swallow et al., 1980; Benjamin and are made of stainless steel or aluminium. PVC liners
Leckie, 1982; Benjamin, 1983; Tessier et al., 1985). should be used in core samplers to prevent contami-
Data on this process have been compiled and a model nation. These liners can then be removed from the
to predict trace metal sorption on ferric hydroxides sampler and capped to prevent oxidation. The pore
has been developed by Dzombak and Morel (1990). water samplers should also be made from inert
It is important that anoxic sediments can be materials if trace metal analyses are to be performed.
handled in an inert atmosphere, usually nitrogen or For example, squeezers should be made from ma-
argon, within a glove bag or glove box when extract- terials such as nylon, PVC, or Teflon and centrifuge
ing pore water. The glove bag or glove box must be tubes should be polycarbonate, polysulfonate, or
flushed several times with the inert gas being used in Teflon. These particular considerations are discussed
order to remove the air that is originally present. in following sections.
Glove boxes offer more room for equipment than do
glove bags, but it is often difficult to manipulate Temperature artifacts
equipment in the glove boxes due to the bulky gloves. Another source of error can result from changes
Additionally, they are not as transportable for field in composition due to temperature changes
use as glove bags. Also, it is more difficult to flush the (Mangelsdorf et al., 1969; Bischoff et aL, 1970; Fan-
air from glove boxes due to the larger volume. It is ning and Pilson, 1971). Mangelsdorfet al. (1969) were
also important that any sampling apparatus, such as the first to mention possible changes due to squeezing

at temperatures higher than the in situ temperature in section squeezers (often referred to as filter presses)
their analysis of potassium enrichments in oceans. are the more widely used (Lusczynski, 1961; Siever,
They suggested that the warming of the samples from 1962; Hartman, 1965; Manheim, 1966; Presley et al.,
the ocean bottom to room temperature, an increase 1967; Reeburgh, 1967; Sasseville et al., 1974). The
of approximately 25C, may shift the ion exchange squeezers designed by Manheim (1966), Sasseville
equilibria of the sediment, thus causing a release of et al. (1974), and Siever (1962) all employ a mechan-
ions from the sediment into the pore water. However, ical means of pressurizing the sediment. In all three,
they did caution that not all composition changes a rod is forced against a piston, which in turn
observed in sediments are due to thermal effects. pressurizes the sediment sample, forcing the pore
Fanning et al. (1971) squeezed sediments at 2C and water through an exit port. Siever's sampler used a
21-23C found a 40-60% increase in silica concen- turn-screw to apply 100-200 psi of pressure;
trations at the higher temperatures. However, phos- Saseville's squeezer also used a turn-screw, however,
phate concentrations were the same at the two no pressures were reported. Manheim's squeezer uti-
different temperatures. Although the data in these lized a standard 10-ton laboratory press to push the
papers demonstrate that there can be changes in the ram which squeezed the sediment at a pressure of
concentrations of some chemical constituents in pore 5000 psi.
water when the water is extracted at temperatures The samplers designed by Harman (1965),
other than in situ there is no direct evidence that Lusczynski (1961), Presley et al. (1967), and
extraction temperature plays a significant role in trace Reeburgh (1967) all extract the pore water by means
metal concentrations in pore water. of gas pressure. A typical squeezer is shown in Fig. 1.
Most employed an inert gas such as nitrogen or argon
Filtration in order to avoid oxidation artifacts. Carbon dioxide
If samples are not filtered during or after extrac- is not recommended, as it can dissolve in the pore
tion, the residual particles in the pore water can cause water and lower the pH of the samples. Hartman,
errors in two ways. First, the particles can cause
interferences in analytical procedures in a number of
ways including clogging tubing or scattering light in
spectroscopic measurements. Second, if particles are
allowed to remain in solution, trace metals could
adsorb to or be released by the particles, thus altering
the trace metal concentrations in the pore water.
Therefore, it is recommended that filtration be a step
in the processing of pore water samples in order to
avoid the potential problems that not filtering may
cause. It is important to note that the accepted
definition for dissolved phases being that material
which will pass through a 0.45/~m pore size filter is
an operational one and not an absolute parameter
(Stumm and Bilinski, 1973; A P H A et al., 1989). This
fact leaves room for potential discrepancy when
comparing data from different laboratories and in
comparison of experimental results to theoretical


E x situ techniques are the oldest and currently the

most widely used methods for obtaining pore waters.
These methods include squeezing and centrifugation.
Because the sediment must be removed from the
natural environment in order to be processed, hand-
ling of the sediment and pore water samples should
be conducted in an inert atmosphere in order to avoid
oxidation artifacts.

There are various apparatus to pressurize a sedi-
Fig. 1. Core section squeezer: I--bolt: 2----cap;3--gas inlet
ment sample in order to force the pore water through compression fitting; 4---rubber diaphragm; 5 ~ - r i n g seal;
an exit port. These samplers can be classified into two 6---sample chamber; 7--filter; 8--base; 9--compression
types: core section and whole core squeezers. Core fitting with sample outlet tubing.
Collection and analysis of pore water 169

When using these samplers, the sediment remains in

the core liner with which it was removed from the
natural environment. All three samplers apply press-
ure to the sediment by the use of plungers. The
samplers designed by Kalil and Goldhaber (1973) and
Bender (1987) employ a specially designed piston on
the top to allow the water to exit. One problem with
these samplers is that they do not allow for the depth
resolution which is often desired. Jahnke's (1988)
sampler is designed with tapped holes at various
depths along the side of the core liner. These holes are
sealed with nylon screws until extraction is begun.
The sediment is pressurized by pistons on both ends
of the sediments. When pore water is desired at a
certain depth, the screw is removed and a specially
designed syringe, fitted with an in-line filter, is in-
serted into the hole and the pore water is extracted.
Fig. 2. Whole core squeezer: l--top plunger; 2--sample One unique feature included in the Kalil squeezer
outlet chamber; 3--tubing; 4---squeezing stand; 5--sedi- is a cooling jacket. The jacket allows the sediment to
ment core; 6--O-ring seal; 7--bottom plunger. be squeezed at the in situ temperature, thus, avoiding
potential artifacts due to temperature differences.
However, Kalil cites no data illustrating the effective-
Lusczynski, and Reeburgh used pressures up to
ness of the sampler to control sediment temperatures
200 psi, while Presley reported squeezing pressures up
or eliminate temperature artifacts.
to 1000 psi. The use of gases for squeezing at press-
One problem with whole core squeezers for trace
ures this high is not recommended because of possible
metal analysis is caused by solid-solution interactions
"channeling effects" that may be created while
(Bender et al., 1987). Bender states that as pore
squeezing the sediment.
waters travel through the sediment in a whole core
The squeezer designed by Reeburgh (1967) has
squeezer, they come into contact with sediment par-
been widely cited for its favorable features (Duchart
ticles that have previously been in equilibrium with
et al., 1973; Weiler, 1973; Robbins and Callender,
waters of different compositions. Therefore, if ex-
1975; Bricker et al., 1977; Chapman, 1981; Andrews
change kinetics between the sediment and water are
and Hargrave, 1984; Gibiln and Howarth, 1984). This
more rapid than the rate of squeezing, reequilibration
inexpensive sampler, constructed of nylon and Del- with the sediment will occur and the trace metal
rin, is simple to operate and compact, thus making it concentrations will be altered. This problem can be
an ideal sampler for use on board sampling vessels. lessened in one of two ways. Either the pressure of
The unique feature of this squeezer is that pressure is squeezing must be increased, which is sometimes
applied to the sediment sample by means of a rubber physically impossible, or the size of the sample must
diaphragm compressing the sediment instead of be small enough to allow for complete extraction
direct gas pressure. This allows the pressure to be before reaction kinetics override.
distributed across the surface of the sediment sample
and prevent channeling in the squeezed sample. This Centrifugation
sampler is also ideal for extracting pore water Centrifugation of sediment is another widely used
samples for trace metal analysis because of its non- and simple technique to obtain pore water. Extracted
metallic construction, although adsorption onto the samples have been used for trace metal analysis in
rubber diaphragm has not been tested. Other core such studies as toxicity testing (Giesy et al., 1988;
section squeezers have been fitted with nonmetallic Swartz et al., 1989; Ankly et al., 1990; Hoke et al.,
linings when trace metal analysis was conducted 1990; Swartz et al., 1990; Ankley et al., 1991;
(Presley et al., 1967). Schubauer-Berigan and Ankley, 1991), mobilization
Core section squeezers are an inexpensive and studies (Sakata, 1985), and speciation studies (Iver-
simple means of extracting sediment pore water. They son et al., 1990). Centrifugation is a fairly rapid
also offer immediate filtration of the water samples, technique--times of 30 min or less are generally
thus eliminating a handling step which may introduce sufficient. The speed and time necessary may vary for
contamination to the samples. The disadvantage of different sediments and should be tested on an indi-
core section squeezers is that their use requires hand- vidual basis. Samples may be processed at the in situ
ling the sediment which may introduce artifacts re- temperature in a refrigerated centrifuge in order to
sulting from oxidation or temperature differences. avoid potential temperature artifacts.
This potential for artifacts can be decreased by the As with squeezing, centrifugation requires hand-
use of whole-core squeezers (Kalil and Goldhaber, ling sediment samples to extract the pore water.
1973; Bender et al., 1987; Jahnke, 1988) (Fig. 2). These manipulations should be conducted in an inert

atmosphere in order to avoid oxidation artifacts.

The tubes or bottles used should be air-tight to 7 f'-]
preclude reaction with oxygen once the tubes are
removed from the inert atmosphere and are placed
in the centrifuge.
0---' II
One problem that is avoided in squeezing but
encountered in centrifugation is that of sample
filtration. When samples are centrifuged, some fine
particulates may still be suspended in the pore water
especially if the sediment is disturbed while decant-
ing the extracted water from the tube. Therefore, an
extra handling step is required, adding another po-
tential source of error.
There are two modified approaches that help to
Fig. 3. Basal cup centrifuge tube: 1---centrifuge tube; 2--
avoid this problem. The first means is a centrifuge filter; 3--filter support; 4--sample cup.
tube that employs a built-in filter (Edmunds and
Bath, 1972; Saager et al., 1990) (Fig. 3). These
modified centrifuge tubes, often referred to as basal other 1 or 2 centimeters from the tip (Makemson,
cups, use a detachable cup on the bottom for collec- 1972). The holes are covered with a nylon mesh
tion of the pore water. A filter is seated on top of the screen held in place with epoxy cement. The sample
cup and the sediment placed on top. This method is withdrawn by placing a pipette filler on the open
has found success for extraction from coarse, sandy end and suctioning the pore water through the mesh
sediments and for sandstone aquifer samples. covered holes. This device proved to be successful
The second alternative to filtration is displacement for the sandy beaches that Makemson was studying;
of the pore water in the sediment by an inert solvent however, its use is probably limited to these types of
(Batley and Giles, 1979). In this method, a dense, sediments because finer particles would pass through
inert fluorocarbon, FC-78, is placed in the tube on the mesh that covered the holes and produce turbid
top of the sediment. During centrifugation, the more samples. <

dense solvent replaces the pore water in the spaces There are other devices that offer the simplicity
between the particles, forcing the less dense pore of Makemson's sampler, but produce cleaner
water to the top. This method provides a greater samples. One employs a fused glass air stone
percentage of pore water removal than conventional (Winger and Lasier, 1991), and the others use
centrifugation and should alleviate the need for porous tetrafluoroethylene (TFE) (Zimmermann
filtration of the water because the solvent provides a et al., 1978; Howes et al., 1985). Air stones with
barrier between the sediment and water. Addition- metal stems are not appropriate for trace metal
ally, the investigators found no significant loss of analysis due to possible contamination. This prob-
trace metals into the solvent in extraction studies, lem can be avoided by using an inert porous
which validates the use of this method for trace medium such as TFE. The primary difference be-
metal analysis. tween Howes' sampler and Zimmermann's sampler
is that the porous medium is attached to a glass tube
in Howes' and a section of PVC pipe in Zimmer-
The two in situ techniques, suction filtration and The main problem with these in-situ samplers is
dialysis, eliminate many of the potential sources of that they do not offer the depth resolution in
artifacts present in the ex-situ methods. For sampling in which some researchers are interested.
example, because sediment samples are not required, This problem can be solved by using multi-level
potential contamination from the sampling devices is samplers. Two such devices employing TFE inserts
decreased. Any artifacts that may arise due to tem- to filter the pore water were designed by Mont-
perature or pressure differences are also eliminated. gomery et al. (1981) and Watson and Frickers (1990)
The changes of oxidation can be decreased by using (Fig. 4). When using these samplers, a vacuum is
these devices if the extracted samples are handled applied through the porous TFE inserts, withdraw-
carefully and rapidly. ing the pore water sample into an acrylic (or other
solid plastic) sample chamber. Both can be used
with in-line filters in order to assure particle free
Suction filtration samples. Samples can then be withdrawn from the
There are a wide variety of suction filtration sampler body and collected directly into sample
apparatus available for pore water extraction. The bottles in an inert atmosphere in order to avoid
simplest of these devices is a glass volumetric pipette oxidation artifacts.
modified for sampling purposes by closing the deliv- Two other devices employ spring driven pistons in
ery end and blowing two small holes opposite each order to provide the suction necessary for sample
Collection and analysis of pore water 171

Fig. 4. Suction filtration sampler: l--sample tubing; 2--compression fittings: 3--porous filtering media;
4--in-situ probe; 5--sample chamber; 6---in-line filter; 7--vacuum valve; 8--inlet valve; 9--anaerobic jar;
10--sample collection tube.

extraction (Barnes, 1973; Sayles et al., 1973; Sayles sediment disturbance or compacting as the samplers
et al., 1976). Pore water samples are drawn through are placed into the sediment. The placement of the
mesh screen and filter paper covered sample ports samplers may require the removal of a sediment plug
into storage tubing within the sampler. Sample collec- to facilitate easy placement. Therefore, it may be
tion is accomplished by inserting a syringe into the necessary to allow the sediment to reequilibrate be-
port and withdrawing the sample. fore pore water samples are extracted.
These sampling devices avoid many of the prob-
lems associated with using the ex situ methods. In
addition, some devices may be placed in the sediment The second in situ method for collecting sediment
for repeated monitoring at one location. The main pore water is dialysis. The general principle of these
disadvantages of these samplers is their complexity samples involves allowing a volume of deionized,
and expense of construction. In addition, their usage distilled water to come to equilibrium with the sedi-
can be limited by the depth of the body of water due ment pore water in order to determine chemical
to the suction pressures that would be required to concentrations. The dialysis sampler most often used
draw the pore water to a surface vessel. Finally, it is is known as a "peeper" (Fig. 5). It is based on the
important to consider the fact that there may be some design of Hesslein (1976), and has been modified by


Fig. 5. Peeper: l--sample chamber; 2--plexiglass body; 3--plexiglass top.

WR 29/1--L

Table 1. Advantageand disadvantagesof pore water samplingmethods

Method Advantages Disadvantages
Squeezing Simple, inexpensive, Potential for oxidationand
Immediate filtration temperature artifacts
Centrifugation Rapid, simple Potential for oxidationand
temperature artifacts
Suction filtration Limitedpotential for artifacts, Expensive,
continuous monitoring depth limitations
Dialysis Limited potential for artifacts Equilibration time,
placement and retrieval

others (Carignan, 1984; Carignan et al., 1985; Gillard 1994). Diffusive equilibration in a thin-film (DET)
et aL, 1986; Belzile et al., 1989; Belzile and Tessier, has been found to reach equilibrium with the pore
1990; DiToro et aL, 1990). The body is constructed water in less than one hour.
of clear acrylic plastic with a bottom piece drilled One important problem in the use of dialysis
with holes to hold the samples and a top piece to hold samplers is the production of oxidation artifacts.
down the membrane. Sample chambers in Hesslein's Carignan (1984) conducted a study on the effect of
sampler were spaced one centimeter on center and deoxygenating the water in the sample chambers and
were less than 1/2 in. deep. The sample chambers found that when the samplers were not deaerated
were filled with distilled water and a dialysis initially (8.32 mg/l 02 present), there were noticeable
membrane was placed over the chamber to retain losses of Fe, Mn, and phosphate when compared to
the distilled water. A second piece of plastic was samplers that had been deaerated. Not only can the
placed over the first and the two were held together dialyzer water contribute to the oxidation of reduced
with nylon screws. Nylon screws were used to prevent species, but the sampler body itself can contribute to
contamination. The samplers were then placed the reaction because all plastics are more or less
into the sediment and the chemical species in the permeable to oxygen. Plexiglas samplers produced
pore water diffused across the membrane until equi- less artifacts than did polycarbonate samplers (Carig-
librium was achieved. Equilibration times reported nan, 1984). Dialysis samplers must be deaerated
have varied anywhere from 3 to 20 days (Carignan, before insertion into anoxic sediments and they need
1984). to be stored in airtight containers when not in use in
A dialysis sampler that is similar to Hesslein's was order to minimize possible oxidation artifacts.
designed by Bottomley and Bayly (1984). The sam- Another important consideration when using di-
pler consisted of a perforated Lexan tube which alysis samplers is the type of membrane material
contained small vials called stackers. Each stacker used. The membrane must be able to exclude sedi-
(vial) had three side ports of 2 cm diameter which ment particles, allow the chemical species in the pore
were covered with a 0.45/~m polysulfone membrane water to diffuse into the sampler, retain the dialysis
and could hold a 10-12 ml sample. The stackers were water in the sampler, and maintain its integrity while
emptied by inserting a syringe through a rubber in the sediment. Hesslein only mentioned the use of
septum attached on one end. The equilibration time a dialysis membrane in his samplers. Brandl (1991)
for these samplers was tested in anoxic sediments for recommended the use of cellulose membranes; others
1 to 27 days and it was determined that the samplers have shown that cellulose membranes biodegrade
reached equilibrium within l0 days. while in the sediment, thus causing the physical
Dialysis bags have also been used to sample sedi- breakdown of the membrane and rupturing of the
ment pore water (Mayer, 1976). The sampler con- ports (Martens and Van Klump, 1980; H6pner, 1981;
sisted of a perforated Lucite tube which was Carignan, 1984). Several authors have found success
separated into chambers by rubber washers fitted with polysulfone filtration membranes (Gelman HT-
over an inserted Lucite rod. One dialysis bag per 450) (Carignan, 1984; Carignan et al., 1985; Belzile
chamber was wrapped around the Lucite rod and the et al., 1989; Belzile and Tessier, 1990).
rod was inserted into the perforated Lucite tube. The final consideration when using dialysis pore
Equilibration times for unconsolidated clay and silt water samplers is the equilibration time for the
sediments were found to be 100 h. samplers in the sediment. This time will be dependent
Another dialysis technique, which employs a thin upon a number of factors including the porosity of
layer of ion exchange resin in a membrane "sand- the sediment, diffusion coefficient of the species
wich", has been developed in our laboratory and is of interest, temperature, and the area/volume ratio of
undergoing further evaluation (Desnoyers et al., the sample compartment.
1993). The resin equilibrates with the free metal ions The primary advantage of dialysis pore water
in the pore water phase in order to determine the samplers is that they sample the pore water at in situ
bioavailable fraction of trace metals in the sediment. conditions. Potential artifacts that can result from
A similar technique has also been developed which removing the sediment from its natural environment
uses a thin layer of gel instead of ion exchange resin are avoided by using these samplers as long as they
(Davidson et al., 1991; Davidson and Zhang, are deaerated properly. However, the volume of
Collection and analysis of pore water 173

sample obtained is limited and the equilibration times brane, slightly lower concentrations were found com-
for these samplers can be as long as 20 days. This is pared to the other membranes. This observation
a much longer period of time for obtaining pore indicates either incomplete equilibration or exclusion
water samplers than for other methods, Finally, the of certain metal-organic complexes with this pore
use of these samplers often requires their placement size.
and retrieval by SCUBA divers, thus increasing the The study of Schults et aL (1992) consisted of two
costs of a study. parts. The first was a comparison of different hard-
ware materials. They compared stainless steel and
Teflon (FEP) centrifuge tubes, glass fiber and Nude-
pore (polycarbonate) filters, dialysis membranes, and
As can be seen from the preceding discussions, fritted glass tubing with glass fiber filters using sea
there are several different means of extracting sedi- water samples dosed with known concentrations of
ment pore water and various ways of applying some Cd, Cr, Cu, and Pb. Very little change was seen in the
of the techniques. Because of the variety of extraction Cd and Cr concentrations for the different materials.
techniques, it is often difficult to compare data from However, significant losses were seen for Cu for all
different studies. This predicament raises the question the materials except the Teflon tubes. Significant
of which method provides pore water samples that losses were also seen for Pb in the stainless steel tubes,
best represent the natural system. glass fiber filters, and the fritted glass tubing, while
This question has been addressed by a few re- significant increases were seen for the polycarbonate
searchers. Adams et al. (1980) compared sediment filters and dialysis bags. The losses with the stainless
squeezing with centrifugation. All samples were steel and glass based materials were in agreement
handled under a nitrogen atmosphere to avoid oxi- with the findings of Batley (1989).
dation artifacts and were filtered with a 0.4#m The second part of the study consisted of a com-
Nuclepore membrane filter before storage. Squeezing parison of different pore water extraction methods.
produced lower concentration of calcium, manganese Schults et al. (1992) tested centrifugation within
and phosphate but higher zinc concentrations than Teflon (FEP) tubes followed by vacuum filtration,
those for centrifugation. Iron concentrations were the basal cup centrifugation using a Pyrex tube with a
same for each. No reasons were stated for the differ- glass fritted disk and a Teflon cup, vacuum filtration
ences between the two methods. One possible expla- using a fritted glass sampler (Pittinger et al., 1988),
nation might be the temperature at which the samples squeezing with a Teflon squeezer (Reeburgh, 1967),
were processed. Centrifugation was conducted at and dialysis with Spectrapor 3 cellulose based dialysis
4C; we assume that the squeezed samples were bags. All sample filtration was done with glass fiber
processed at room temperature because no tempera- filters. A test sediment was prepared by adding
ture was stated. The differences might be due to solutions of Cd, Cu, Cr, and Pb to a silty-sand
shifting ion exchange equilibria as suggested by sediment and rolling the sediment for 2 days. Pore
Mangelsdorf et al. (1969) and Bischoff et al. (1970). water samples were extracted at this time using the
Carignan et aL (1985) compared in situ dialysis various methods except dialysis, which required a 6
with centrifugation for Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Cr, Co, Ni, day equilibration period. Centrifugation produced
Cu, Zn, Cd and organic carbon. Within the study, the lowest coefficient of variance (8-23%) while
Carignan also compared different dialysis membranes dialysis produced the highest variance (93-123%) for
and different membranes for filtering the centrifugate. the replicates. However, it is difficult to say which
The dialyzers (peepers) used were similar to those of method actually produced the most accurate results
Hesslein (1976). The membranes compared were because the expected concentrations for the different
Nuclepore polycarbonate (0.03 ~m pore size), metals were not reported.
Amicon PM-10 (0.002/zm pore size), and Amicon Ankley et al. (1991) conducted studies comparing
YM-2 (0.001/zm pore size). The Nuclepore mem- trace metal concentrations in pore water samples
branes were used in conjunction with Gelman HT- extracted by centrifugation (2500 and 10,000g, with
450 polysulfone membranes (0.45/~m pore size) to and without filtration through a glass fiber filter),
help provide a seal. Two different centrifugation squeezing (with a Teflon lined press using a glass-fiber
experiments were run. The first was conducted at filter), and dialysis (5 ml cups with 0.45/~m Nucle-
5000 rpm and was followed by filtration with a pore membranes) from two different sediment
0.45/zm filter. This procedure produced results simi- samples.
lar to dialysis for Co, Ni, Cr, Fe, and Mn but gave At the first site (Saginaw River, MI), only centrifu-
higher and more variable results for Cu, Zn, and gation and squeezing were compared for Cr, Cu,
organic copper. When the centrifugation speed was Ni, Pb, and Zn. They found that low speed centrifu-
raised to 11,000 rpm followed by filtration with 0.2 gation produced the highest concentrations of trace
or 0.03 lam membranes, similar results were found metals, followed by high speed centrifugation, then
for centrifugation and dialysis. Decreasing the squeezing. When the centrifuged samples were filtered
dialysis membrane pore size had little effect until after extraction, they lost 85-98% of the original
the 0.001 pm membrane was used. For this mem- trace metal concentrations. Refiltering the squeezed

samples that had previously been filtered did not that is used should have the lowest potential for
change the concentrations. producing sampling artifacts. The e x situ techniques,
At the second site (Keweenaw Waterway, MI), all centrifugation and squeezing, require the removal of
four methods were compared for Cu, Pb, and Zn. sediment samples from the natural environment. Of
Results similar to the first site were found, with low the two, squeezing has the lower potential for arti-
speed centrifugation having the highest concen- facts because all handling steps can be conducted in
trations and dialysis having the lowest concentrations an inert atmosphere contained in a glove bag in order
of trace metals. Again, all samples showed significant to avoid oxidation artifacts. In addition, pore water
losses (35-63%) of trace metals when filtered. filtration can be conducted in-line, thus eliminating a
Ankley suggests that the loss of trace metals during handling step that is required in centrifugation, and
filtration may be due to removal of particle associated lowering the potential for artifacts, l n - s i t u tech-
chemicals, filtration of oxidized metal-ligand com- niques, such as dialysis and vacuum filtration, have
plexes or sorption to the filter. These are all reason- less potential for producing sampling artifacts than
able assumptions. Because no precautions were taken e x situ techniques because pore water samples are
against oxidation, ferric (oxy)hydroxide precipitates extracted directly from the natural environment. Di-
may have formed, sorbing trace metals and removing alysis has limitations because equilibration times can
them from the aqueous phase. During filtration, these last several weeks. In addition, the volume of sample
precipitates would be removed from the samples. is limited by the size of the sample chambers, not by
Sorption by the glass fiber filters is also a possibility. the physical features of the sediment. Vacuum
In his reviews of sampling and storage of water filtration has the best potential for producing artifact
samples for trace metals analysis, Batley (1977; 1989) free samples. The primary limitation for this tech-
explains that glasses have been shown to function as nique is its usage in waters of great depth because of
weak ion exchangers, with the negatively-charged the pressures that would be required for extracting
silicic acid groups permitting cation exchange. Thus the samples. The advantages and disadvantages of
it is distinctly possible that the glass fibers themselves each technique are summarized in Table 1.
removed some of the trace metals that were originally Because there are different techniques available for
present. extracting sediment pore water, it is often difficult to
compare data from different laboratories. What is
needed to eliminate these discrepancies is to compare
the existing techniques and to develop a sampling
With the increasing concern for developing Sedi- methodology that will produce pore water samples
ment Quality Criteria, much debate has been encoun- that best resemble the in-situ conditions and can be
tered concerning the best means of developing and easily utilized by all researchers. Until such time,
assessing the criteria. Current proposals for develop- individual researchers must determine which method
ing SQC for trace metals suggest equilibrium parti- best suits their needs based on the characteristics of
tioning models or other normalization techniques to their particular study,
determine the criteria. However, many problems exist
in determining an overall partition coefficient for
trace metals. Unlike organic molecules, there are REFERENCES
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