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Name of Ministry Consecration of Bishop

Consecration Service
Chief Consecrators:


1. Praise & Worship

2. Processional

3. Prayer

4. Welcome & Special Greetings

5. Offering

6. Ministry of the Word


6. Hymn Take My Life & Let It Be /

Lord, Im Available To You

7. Scripture Reading 1 Timothy 3:1-7

8. Prayer

9. Presentation of Bishop-Elect

10. Charge to Bishop-Elect

11. Examination of Bishop-Elect

12. Consecration Prayer

13. Vestments

14. Presentation of Certificates

15. Presentation of Bishop

16. Benediction Jude 1:24 & 25

Name of Ministry Consecration of Bishop

Consecration of Bishop


The Bishops, representatives of Churches, Five-fold ministers and lay persons standing beside the His/her,
presents the His/her, to the consecrating team of Bishops saying:

Your Lordships, (The Name of Church). The (name of Network) in conjunction with the International
Communion of Charismatic Churches (ICCC) have chosen (Name of His/her) to be consecrated as a Bish-
op. The election had been done according to the will of God.
The Presenting Bishop then directs that testimonies of the election be read.

(Name of His/her), called to be an Apostle of God was saved..

(Name of His/her),



Name of Ministry Consecration of Bishop


Archbishop/Bishop: Blessed be God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit

Congregation: And blessed be his kingdom, now and forever, Amen.

Archbishop/Bishop: Let us mediate upon Gods Word


(Name of Reader): 1 Timothy 3: 1-7

Archbishop/Bishop: Bishop repeat after mein the name of the father and of the son, and of
the Holy SpiritI, (name(s) person), chosen do solemnly declare
that I do believe the Holy Scriptures that they contain all things
necessary to salvation.. And I do solemnly promise to conform to the
doctrinediscipline and worship of my brothersin the body of Christ
and Name of Ministry

Archbishop/Bishop: Congregation is it your will that we Consecrate Name of Bishop-Elect

into the office of a Bishop? If so declare: It is our will.

Congregation It is our will.

Archbishop/Bishop: Bishop-Elect, you have been chosen by God. A Bishop of Gods holy
church is called to feed the flock of God, proclaiming the gospel of the
kingdom, and testifying of the resurrection of Christ and his
sovereignty as King of kings and Lord of lords.

You are called to promote the unity and discipline of the churchto
assist in the celebration and to provide for the administration of the
sacraments of the new covenant and to be in all things a faithful Bishop
a wholesome example for the entire flock of Christ.

With your fellow Bishops and Bishops you will share in the leadership
of this local church. Your heritage is the faith of patriarchs, prophets,
apostles and martyrs, and those of every generation who have looked to
God in hopeyour joy will be to follow himnot to be served, but to
serve and to give his life as a ransom for many. Are you persuaded that
God has called you to the office of Bishop? If so, say.
I am persuaded.

Bishop-Elect: I am persuaded.

Archbishop/Bishop: The scriptures tell us that our Saviour Christ Jesus spent the whole
night in prayer before he chose and sent forth his twelve apostles. Let
us now all pray as we pray.

Name of Ministry Consecration of Bishop


Archbishop/Bishop: Bishop-Elect Charles Olowojoba I will ask you several questions and if your
answer is yes, after each question, say,
I will

Archbishop/Bishop: Will you accept this call, and fulfill this trust in obedience to Christ?

Bishop-Elect: I will

Archbishop/Bishop: Will you be faithful in prayer, and in the study of the Holy Scriptures, that you
may have the mind of Christ?

Bishop-Elect: I will

Archbishop/Bishop: Will you boldly proclaim and interpret the gospel of Christ, enlightening the
minds and stirring up the conscience of your people?

Bishop-Elect: I will

Archbishop/Bishop: As a Bishop, will you encourage and support all baptized people in their gifts
and ministries, nourish them from the riches of Gods grace.pray for them
without ceasing and celebrate with them our redemption?

Bishop-Elect: I will

Archbishop/Bishop Will you share with your fellow Bishop in the government of the local church.
Will you sustain your fellow presbyters and take counsel with them. Will you
guide and strengthen the deacons and all others who minister in the church?

Bishop-Elect: I will

Archbishop/Bishop: Will you be merciful to all, show compassion to the poor and strangers, and
defend those have no helper?

Bishop-Elect: I will

Archbishop/Bishop: Bishop lead the congregation in the Apostles' creed.

Name of Ministry Consecration of Bishop

Apostles' Creed

I believe in God the Father, Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth:

And in Jesus Christ, his only begotten Son, our Lord:
Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary:
Suffered under Pontius Pilate; was crucified, dead and buried:
He descended into hell:
The third day he rose again from the dead:
He ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty:
From thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead:
I believe in the Holy Ghost:
I believe in the holy catholic church: the communion of saints:
The forgiveness of sins:
The resurrection of the body:
And the life everlasting. Amen.


Archbishop/Bishop: Bishop-Elect will you kneel for the laying on of hands.

Archbishop/Bishop: Let us Pray the Prayer of Consecration.

Archbishop/Bishop: Introduces the vestments and adorn Bishop

with vestments.

Archbishop/Bishop: Presents Certificate

Archbishop/Bishop: Presents Bishop to the congregation


Name of Ministry Consecration of Bishop


Vestments are garments worn in liturgical worship as symbols of various important events and anointing. Litur-
gy is worship with visual form. All of these vestments closely parallel the priests garments of the Old and New

Purple is the color worn by the bishop most often. It comes from red and blue being mixed together. It is a
symbol of the heavenly Christ (blue) and the blood (red) of the martyrs. It serves as a reminder that at any
time; a bishop must be willing to defend the faith, even if it means giving his or her life.

1.The Alb Is a long, white, tunic-like garment worn by priests and ministers at official
liturgical celebrations. It is usually off-white, but is often substituted by a simple black
robe. It is the longest of the garments worn. It is not decorative and symbolizes the
garment of a servant.

2.Cassock This is the permanent garment of the bishop, is a close fitting garment, usually
black, Roman Blue Purple or Roman Red (white in warm climates), worn especially by
priests and ministers at official church functions of worship. It is often adorned with black
buttons for Deacons, red for Ministers, purple for Bishops. It is the second longest garment
worn and represents the robe of authority, the symbol of a Chief Servant. The bishop is
first and foremost a servant among his/her brothers.

3.Cincture A 3fold girdle, belt or cord worn around the waist over the cassock or
an ecclesiastical vestment. The garment girded about the waist serves as a symbol
of humility. Just like the towel with which our Lord Jesus Christ girded himself. It
speaks of the bishops willingness to wash the feet of the saints pursuant to the ex-
ample of the Lord.

4.Rochet A white linen vestment or garment with close fitting sleeves. It is a symbolic
of the Priesthood and just like Aarons white linen ephod. It is a reminder to the bishop
that his/her role as celebrant and worship leader is prominent in the total mandate
for the office.

Name of Ministry Consecration of Bishop

5.Chimere A loose sleeveless robe worn over the Rochet. This/her garment serves as
the symbol of mantle of a prophet. It is worn by the bishop because it signifies one as
chief Proclaimer and defender of the faith in the apostolic Pentecostal tradition.

6.Chasuble Is the colored outer garment, worn over the alb, and is used especially at the
Celebration of Communion. It is often colored according to the season of the event and is
the third layer, or length, and covers primarily the chest area. It represents the bishops
commitment to righteousness and holiness

7.Stole Long band worn by the Priest round the neck and hanging down in front of him.
It has the appearance of a Scarf. Is a vestment of distinction which speaks of one called
to an office with broad measure of authority within a communion of jurisdiction, or sym-
bol of their office of service in the church. It is often colored according to the season or
the event and represents the authority of the church.

8.Zuchetto Skull cap. This garment is the head covering of the bishop while con-
ducting services. It speaks of the bishop being under the submission of the Hand and
Will of God. It is a reminder to the bishop to always come before God covered (seek-
ing His direction).

Name of Ministry Consecration of Bishop

9.Mitre This is the liturgical headdress worn by the bishop, shaped like a pointed arch,
worn as a distinct mark of their office. In shape it resembles the flames of fire of the
Holy Ghost and represents the mind of Christ and the anointing of the Holy Ghost. The
triangular shape is a symbol of the total man: spirit, soul and body. In the Old Testament,
there was a gold plate on the miter, which spoke of the divine thoughts or revelation of
God. Gold always represents purity and divinity. the two bands hanging from the back of
the mitre represent the everlasting living water that Christ offers to the believer upon re-
ceiving the holy spirit.

10.Cross The cross of gold is hung around the neck of the bishop as a symbol of the im-
prisonment to Christ and the need to stay hid behind the Cross and should be placed in the
pocket over the heart as a reminder both of our Lords sacrifice and our willingness to sacri-
fice our life to him. The gold chain is symbol of the divine life which emphasizes that the
bearer is not a novice.

11.Ring The sign of induction in the College of Bishops in the Church of God and
seals the union between the bishop and the Church. It contains the amethyst (purple)
stone. Purple is the color of the bishop and historically belongs only to a bishop. The
ring, as in the Old and New Testaments, is a signet or seal of the oath of office. It
should be worn as a reminder of that covenant and not for kissing.

12.Cope This/her is the outwear of the bishop which reaches to the ankle. It is worn with
choir dress or cassock during processional or special rites. It speaks to the bishop of the need
to be draped in warmth and splendor. (Holy, glory and beauty) and diversity of the body of

13.Crozier The pastoral Staff of the Bishop with a shaped head of a Shepherds staff. This
Staff represents the bishop as a Chief Shepherd among the leadership.

Name of Ministry Consecration of Bishop

14.Surplice Loose-fitting, white ecclesiastical gown with wide sleeves, worn over the cas-
sock. It is plain white fabric except for decorative work about the throat and hem.

15.The Clerical Collar Is a symbol of the universal church. It is public identification

with the body of Christ. It is a symbol of being a bondservant of the Lord. The whole band
clerical collar comes from the Protestant Reformation.


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