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Modelling pitting corrosion of stainless steel

in atmospheric exposures to chloride

containing environments
D. Krouse*1, N. Laycock2 and C. Padovani3
We describe work in modelling pitting corrosion of 300 series stainless steel during exposure to
chloride containing environments, with a focus on atmospheric conditions. It is well known that,
under certain conditions of temperature and humidity, pitting corrosion can initiate on stainless steel
if sufficient quantities of chloride containing salts are deposited on its surface. One of the key
hypotheses that this work intended to test is the existence of bounds on maximum pit depths in the
presence of fixed and possibly limited amounts of cathodic current. In the presence of the relatively
high cathodic currents associated with high relative humidity and high surface contamination by
hygroscopic salts, which are most likely to be representative of outdoor environments, maximum pit
depths are predicted to be of the order of 150300 mm, developed over periods of several months.
In conditions more likely to be representative of indoor conditions with corrosion occurring under
thin moisture layers, pit propagation is severely inhibited and very high chloride concentrations are
required that favour the development of shallow, dish shaped pits.
Keywords: Atmospheric pitting corrosion, Modelling, Stainless steel

This paper is part of a special issue on Long-Term Prediction of Corrosion Damage in Nuclear Waste Systems

Introduction not only in electrochemistry and associated mechanistic

understanding but also in computer modelling.
In this paper, we describe work in modelling pitting One of the key hypotheses that this work intended to
corrosion of 300 series stainless steel during exposure to test is the existence of bounds on maximum pit depths in
chloride containing environments, with a focus on atmo- the presence of fixed and possibly limited amounts of
spheric conditions. Among other applications, such work cathodic current, such as those likely to be present in
is important to understand the durability of thin walled atmospheric conditions where only relatively small
stainless steel containers for intermediate level radioactive cathodic areas develop in the presence of droplets or
wastes, such as those used in the UK. These containers thin moisture films. This hypothesis is currently sup-
will have to maintain their integrity during prolonged ported by observation of pits formed in atmospheric
periods of interim storage in surface facilities potentially in conditions over periods of up to a couple of decades.5
coastal locations and, later on, during the operational We use deterministic model simulations to show that a
period of a geological disposal facility in which radioactive pit has a finite lifetime, making it possible to predict
wastes would be finally disposed.1 It is well known that, maximum pit depths over the long term. This approach
under certain conditions of temperature and humidity, can be contrasted with stochastic predictions in which a
pitting corrosion can initiate on stainless steel if sufficient population of propagating pits is considered. Classically,
quantities of chloride containing salts are deposited on its an extreme value distribution is used to predict the
surface.2 Stress corrosion cracking can also develop from maximum pit depth over an extended area of exposed
pits,3,4 so understanding the factors affecting both the metal using only information from a small sample
long term stability and growth rate of pits is important for area.27 Methods such as deterministic extreme value
a robust assessment of container integrity. The time scales statistics (DEVS) extend the classical method by
relevant to the management of radioactive wastes, incorporating mechanisms for passivity breakdown such
expected to be many decades,1 pose significant challenges as the point defect model and also repassivation.28 Using
such methods, it is possible to make longer term
predictions of maximum pit depths based on short term
Callaghan Innovation, PO Box 31-310, Lower Hutt, Wellington, New data, and DEVS has been considered elsewhere in the
context of evaluating its applicability to intermediate
School of Metallurgy and Materials, University of Birmingham,
Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK level radioactive waste containers.29 Given the relative
Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, Radioactive Waste Management scarcity of data pertinent to the problem in question
Directorate, Harwell, UK (most studies reporting long term pitting data for
Corresponding author, email donal.krouse@callaghaninnovation.govt.nz relevant stainless steel grades focus on outdoor exposure

2014 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining

Published by Maney on behalf of the Institute
Received 15 February 2014; accepted 11 July 2014
DOI 10.1179/1743278214Y.0000000221 Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 2014 VOL 49 NO 6 521
Krouse et al. Modelling pitting corrosion of stainless steel

to marine environments), this approach has not been Here, xi is the numerical product of the pit depth x and
pursued in this study, since a fully deterministic the current density i. Values of between 0?3 and
treatment requires some knowledge of the distribution 0?6 A m22 have been reported for stainless steels.1113
of pit growth rates from relevant measurements on an The xi criterion was originally developed by Galvele14
adequate sample size. Moreover, it is known that under for model one-dimensional pits by solving the steady
current limitation, pits do not grow independently and state mass transport equations for the main ionic
that after a time there is a champion pit that eventually species.15 The product xi is numerically proportional
consumes all the current.22,30,31 For this reason, we do to the total metal ion concentration at the bottom of the
not consider that a stochastic prediction is necessary for pit and so corresponds to a critical concentration of
determining pit depth bounds. dissolved metal. Accordingly, for the pit to grow, the
Following other workers,6,7 our modelling strategy metal must dissolve at a rate sufficient to maintain the
has been to deconstruct the overall model into two critical concentration of metal ions, which, as a result of
component models: one for the anode (i.e. the pit where metal ion hydrolysis, corresponds to a critical chemistry
the metal dissolves to produce metal ions) and one for in terms of pH and chloride ion concentration.
the cathode (i.e. the unpitted surface of the metal where The xi criterion has been used to assess the stability of
oxygen is consumed). We then couple the two models three-dimensional pits including hemispherical7 and dish
using the principles of charge and mass conservation. shaped.16 In these cases, in order to apply the stability
For the anode, we refined the pit propagation model criterion, the current density is generally assumed to be
previously developed by Laycock and White (LW).8 For constant along the pit surface. Since x cannot decrease,
the cathode, we consider that an oxygen reduction repassivation of the pit can only occur by a decrease in
reaction (ORR)6 occurs on the metal surface, which is pit current. Moreover, the drop in current required to
immersed in a thin film volume of electrolyte. For all stifle the pit can be calculated knowing the repassivation
simulations, we have used NaCl solutions, for which potential Erp, which is the potential at which a stably
experimental data on both conductivity and expected growing pit will cease to grow.17 The current drop is
corrosion behaviour are readily available. given by integrating the current density as a function of
Fundamental to this work has been the inclusion in the potential between the limits Erp and the potential of the
model of the effects of the local chemistry on the pit. In any estimates of pit stability yielded by this
electrochemical behaviour of the metal as well as method, however, a key limitation is that it neglects the
transport limitations associated with the development of effect of the local chemistry in determining the actual
a lacy cover, not fully considered in the previous work dissolution kinetics as well as the stabilising effect of
(section on Mechanisms for pit repassivation). Here, remnants of dissolution processes such as lacy covers,
chemistry refers to the composition of the principal which provide a diffusive barrier able to stabilise pits.
chemical species in solution. The anode model (section on
Anode model) shows that both the lifetime and Effect of local chemistry and lacy cover
maximum size of pits are determined by a number of formation
other key parameters, especially the critical current Using artificial one-dimensional pits, which are not able
density icrit, which is the current density at the critical to develop a lacy cover, Gaudet et al.18 showed how to
concentration of electrolyte required to hamper repassi- back calculate the concentration of metal ions within a
vation.8 We have then calibrated the model with better pit assuming effective diffusive transport. The boundary
data (section on Model calibration), in particular using conditions are given by the pit current density and the
kinetic information obtained from in situ, real time two- effective potential, which is the applied potential
dimensional pit cross-sections imaged using synchrotron adjusted by the solution potential. By this method, they
radiography. We have also developed a method for were able to characterise the dissolution kinetics,
incorporating in the model concentrated solution effects, developing empirical correlations between the current
including non-linear conductivity, not previously con- density and the metal ion concentration and potential.
sidered (section on Modification of LW model for high Gaudet et al. found that a strong correlation exists
chloride). The latter effects are likely to be particularly between the metal concentration and the anodic current
important in atmospheric conditions where highly con- density at the corroding interface at the pit bottom,
centrated solutions can form in specific conditions as also which indicated a very fast dissolution above a critical
described elsewhere.9 With our present simulation soft- concentration and much slower dissolution or repassiva-
ware, it is infeasible to run simulations of pitting tion below such concentration. Examples of Gaudet
corrosion in long term atmospheric exposures. In order curves are shown later on in this paper.
to extrapolate mechanistic information to sufficiently Simulations of real pits, both two- and three-dimen-
long time scales, we also present (section on Long term sional, suggest that the local metal ion concentration
atmospheric pitting of stainless steels) a long term along the corroding interface of a propagating pit can
simulation method based on analytical approximations change significantly depending on the relative ability of
of the LW model considering a simplified pit morphology transport processes to locally reduce the concentration
in which there is no undercutting at the metal surface. of metal ions released by dissolution and in particular
enhanced transport closer to the pit mouth. In these
Mechanisms for pit repassivation conditions, as a result of the characteristics observed
by Gaudet et al., local changes in concentrations of
Classic criterion of pit stability dissolving metal ions can result in drastic changes in
A widely accepted view in the relevant scientific anodic current density, with areas corroding actively to
literature is that a pit continues to grow so long as its form lobes and other areas being effectively passivated.
pit stability product, xi, maintains a critical value.10 Using the results of Gaudet et al.,18 as an approximation

522 Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 2014 VOL 49 NO 6

Krouse et al. Modelling pitting corrosion of stainless steel

1 Model pit propagating at 20 mA in 1M NaCl after a 15 s, b 20 s and c 50 s; undissolved metal is white region and elec-
trolyte lls remainder; contours give concentration of dissolved metal ions (mol L21), which increases with depth into
pit; pit cavity grows in form of expanding elliptical lobe at pit bottom

to the dissolution kinetics, Laycock and White8 have delimited by a critical boundary where C5Ccrit and the
proposed that the current density along the pit surface potential is E5Ecrit. Below this boundary, the pit current
can be modelled by density decreases to its mass transport limited value ilim,
 where there is a metal salt film and the metal ion
ia , CCcrit concentration is at its saturation value Csat. Above the
iC ~ (1)
0, CvCcrit critical boundary, the pit current density drops steeply
where C is the total metal ion concentration, ia is the to zero where the pit surface is passive.
anodic current density assumed to be independent of C An additional complication that needs to be con-
and Ccrit is a critical metal ion concentration, defined as sidered when modelling pit propagation is the formation
the value of C in the Gaudet curve above which the of lacy covers observed by a number of authors. The
anodic current density increases sharply. The pit surface mechanism of formation of these covers has been
is therefore passive wherever the metal ion concentration attributed to local dilution of the aggressive local
chemistry required to support metal dissolution once,
lies below Ccrit. Together with Ccrit, the LW model
during pit growth, upward propagating lobes intersect
defines also a critical current density, icrit, which is an
the environment external to the pit that is more
increasing function of the metal ion concentration
dilute.19,20 In modelling terms, according to the math-
that intersects the pit current density at Ccrit. From
ematical expressions described above, the metal forming
equation (1), the intersection occurs at a definite
a lacy cover repassivates when C,Ccrit similarly to other
potential Ecrit given by
surfaces within the pit.
ia Ecrit ~icrit Ccrit (2)
Anode model
Owing to the solution resistance, the effective metal The LW model of pits propagating under constant
potential increases from the bottom of the pit to the rim potential has been described elsewhere.8,21 Here, we
and, as a result, the passive region of a propagating pit is present unpublished material on the LW model applied

Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 2014 VOL 49 NO 6 523

Krouse et al. Modelling pitting corrosion of stainless steel

to pits growing at a constant current, which is closer to  

zeff F dQ
the reality of pits growing under atmospheric conditions; JM ~{D 1z C +C (5)
in this case, the cathodic current is determined by the RT dC
size of wet areas forming the cathode and the thickness where zeff is the effective charge of the metal ions given
of moisture layer available, which decreases the rate of by
oxygen reduction. The main features of model pits
developed under a constant current are illustrated in 1X
zeff ~ metal ions zi ci &z (6)
Fig. 1. Initially, the pit grows and undercuts the metal at C
the pit mouth but, in doing so, ionic transport outside Applying equation (5), the effective diffusion coefficient
the pit is enhanced and, locally, the metal ion of the LW model is seen to be
concentration falls below the critical value. Further  
growth can only occur where the metal ion concentra- z2 C
Deff ~D 1z (7)
tion is sufficiently high for active dissolution. As the 2 cb zC
figure shows, the pit must grow by forming an where D is assumed to be constant (1025 cm2 s21).
expanding elliptical lobe at the pit bottom where the Thus, the effect of the electric field is to enhance
metal ion concentration exceeds the critical value. diffusion of the metal ions and increase conductivity
As reported by Laycock and White,8 the simulation with a relative magnitude that decreases with increasing
time step is constrained, and in our simulations, 45 s of bulk chloride concentration.
computer time is needed to simulate 1 s of pit growth. It
is therefore infeasible to run simulations over long time Spacetime variation of concentration
scales without suitable approximations. These are Because the transport of the metal ions is by effective
discussed later on in this paper. diffusion with a variable diffusion coefficient that
depends on the concentration, the similarity transfor-
Conductivity submodel for NaCl solution mation method can be applied to determine the space
In NaCl solutions, species contributing to the conduc- time variations of metal ion concentrations. Applying
tivity of the electrolyte are Naz and Cl2, which are both this analysis, the concentration must take the following
monovalent and assumed to behave as in an ideal functional form
solution, and the dissolved metal ions Mzz, which are r{r z{z

0 0
assumed to behave as in a non-ideal solution. In this CM ~C , n (8)
tm t
case, the solution conductivity takes the form
where r and s are the lateral dimension and depth of the
DF 2     pit cavity, r0 and s0 are time dependent offsets, t is the
s~ 2cb z z2 zc C (3)
RT time, and m and n are numerical values correlating the
metal ion concentration with space and time. Short time
where cb is the bulk chloride (and sodium) concentra- simulation results suggest m5n51/2 for a pit growing
tion, c is a free parameter to correct the non-ideality of under constant current, which are representative of
the solution with respect to metal ions, and C is the parabolic behaviour in both the depth and lateral
concentration of Mzz ions. D is the diffusion coefficient, dimension. This behaviour has been observed in 304
F is the Faraday constant, R is the gas constant and T is SS foils under galvanostatic conditions in 0?010?1M
the absolute temperature. NaCl.22
In these conditions, the steady state solution poten-
tial as defined by Ohms law is then given by Lacy cover and repassivation under constant
current conditions
zRT cC When there is a lacy cover, in the LW model, the
Q~ ln 1z (4)
cF 2cb potential at the pit mouth is spatially constant, since the
metallic nature of such a feature is assumed to make it
This equation results by integrating the ionic current sufficiently conductive to dissipate any differences in
density divided by the conductivity, with the boundary potential. This situation also occurs when the solution
condition that the potential is zero where the metal ion conductivity is high due to high bulk chloride concen-
concentration is zero. In the original computer pro- trations. By equation (4), there is also a spatially
gramme that generated the LW model results,8 the constant concentration of metal ions Cmouth at the pit
conductivity is calculated using equation (3) with c52. mouth corresponding to the potential.
However, with this value, there is a 64 mV/decade In the revised version of the model, this boundary
dependence of the potential drop on the bulk chloride condition leads to the following estimate of the
concentration, whereas it is well known that the repassivation potential
dependence should be ,90 mV/decade. A value of  
zRT cb zCcrit
c51?45 is required for the correct value and has been Erp &DEcorr zba logicrit z ln (9)
2F cb zCmouth
employed in the latest simulations.
where the quantity
Equivalent diffusive transport
DEcorr :Ecorr {ba logicorr (10)
The fact that the potential is a function of metal ion
concentration, logarithmic or otherwise, leads to a is fixed (y20?35 V for model 316 SS). Moreover, in
simplification of the transport equations, which are these circumstances, the difference between the potential
equivalent to diffusive transport with a concentration of the pit and the repassivation potential is directly
dependent diffusion coefficient proportional to the current but inversely proportional to

524 Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 2014 VOL 49 NO 6

Krouse et al. Modelling pitting corrosion of stainless steel

2 a radiograph of pit grown for 400 s on 20 mm foil 304 SS in 0?005M NaCl at 650 mV(Ag/AgCl), b triangular mesh
required for model and c representative metal ion concentration (mol L21) calculated from model

the diameter of the pit mouth dm. Consistent with this,

short time simulations, which show variations of dm with
t0?5 as confirmed experimentally,22 imply that the time to
achieve repassivation varies as the square of the current.

Model calibration
The meaning of calibration in this context is that we
are using the experimental data to provide or refine
inputs to the model as opposed to using them to test
the outcomes of the model. In our simulations, pit
morphology is ultimately determined by the evolution of
the current density with time, from which the velocity of
the pit surface can be calculated and integrated over
time by application of Faradays second law. To
accurately predict the pit morphology, especially over
long time scales, it is necessary to obtain accurate
estimates of the model parameters that determine the
local current density and its relationship to metal
potential and metal ion concentration. In order to
calibrate the model, we have used direct measurements 3 Simulation of current density i as function of metal ion
of the local current density derived from two-dimen- concentration and potential E (corrected for potential
sional cross-sections of pits in metal foils obtained using drop within pit, y130 mV) also known as Gaudet
fast in situ synchrotron radiography. The experimental curves, obtained using LW model (304 SS in 0?1M NaCl
work was undertaken by Ghahari and Davenport, and 10 mA current); data are for two positions within
detailed in a PhD thesis.22 The calibration procedure is pit (at rim where C is lowest and at bottom where C is
described in limited detail below. highest) and three different times (indicated by lines of
same style); range of E occurs as both applied poten-
Back calculation of parameters used for model
tial and potential drop in solution adjust to match
calibration applied current
Model parameters are obtained by a process of back
calculation that is a generalisation of the methodology
of Gaudet et al. for one-dimensional artificial pits.18 We velocity of the corroding interface and hence the local
start from in situ, real time measurements of two- current density can be measured accurately. We then use
dimensional pit growth in foils from which the local a finite element model to back calculate the metal ions

Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 2014 VOL 49 NO 6 525

Krouse et al. Modelling pitting corrosion of stainless steel

and solution potential taking the local current density as

a boundary condition. This process is illustrated in
Fig. 2. From this work, we have verified that mass
transport can be treated with an effective diffusivity and
we were able to reproduce curves of a similar shape to
those of Gaudet et al., as shown in Fig. 3.

Modification of LW model for high

From Laycock and White,8 the icrit parameter in the LW
model is defined by the empirical equation
icrit ~x10yC=Csat (11)
where x and y are chosen such that Ccrit is between ,50
and 80% of the saturation value Csat which is assumed to
be independent of the bulk chloride concentration.
However, as the bulk chloride concentration increases,
the saturation concentration of dissolved metal ions
reduces due to a common ion effect.9 As a result of this, 4 Simulation of open circuit potential of stainless steel
as the chloride concentration increases, there is a (316 SS) under thin moisture layer (50 mm thick) and at
concomitant reduction in the ratio Ccrit/Csat. In order concentrations of 1, 3 and 5 mol L21 NaCl; horizontal
to capture these bulk chloride effects, we modified the dotted line is open circuit potential when there is no
icrit parameter9 according to the following equation pitting, i.e. when only passive current on metal con-
sumes cathodic current
icrit ~x10yDC=DCsat (12)
in which DCsat decreases with increasing bulk chloride. corrosion potential observed on passive stainless steel
Here, x and y are chosen to satisfy equation (2) using surfaces in aerated solutions that are indicative of
experimental values of DCcrit and DCsat from Ernst and repassivation.
Newman23 over the range of bulk chloride concentra- Differently from the others, the pit grown in a 7M
tions from 1 to 9 mol L21. NaCl solution propagated stably during the simulation
In the present work, we have conducted simulations period (y30 min in real time). Aside from their lifetime,
of atmospheric pitting in open circuit conditions using however, a key difference between the morphology
the amended critical current density defined in equa- observed in these cases was that pits grown in 5M NaCl
tion (12). Simulations with an initial pit cavity of radius indicated the formation of a lacy cover, while pits
3 mm and mouth diameter 1?6 mm below a 50 mm film of developed in 7M NaCl did not; instead, they showed a
electrolyte with an area 3 cm2 were performed. In these salt film. These simulations suggest that increasing
simulations, the ORR kinetics are those described by chloride concentration increases the lifetime of the
Chen et al.6 Model parameters and data are given in metastable pits and that, in NaCl, 5 mol L21 chloride
Table 1. The variation of the free corrosion potential appears to be a critical concentration for stable pit
with time, for the pits grown in 1, 3 and 5M NaCl, is propagation (note that a concentration of 5 mol L21 in
shown in Fig. 4. All pits started with a relatively low an electrolyte with a surface of 3 cm2 and an electrolyte
potential, indicative of active anodic dissolution. After thickness of 50 mm would be achieved with an average
relatively short periods, however, all pits eventually surface contamination of ,1 mg cm22). This concentra-
attained a higher potential equal to typical values of the tion is also just below the saturation concentration of

Table 1 Model parameters and data used in simulations of atmospheric pitting (section on Modication of LW model for
high chloride)

Parameter Description Value

D Metal ion diffusion coefficient 1029 m2 s21

F Faraday constant 96 485 C mol21
R Gas constant 8.314 J mol21 K21
T Temperature 298.15 K
z Metal ion charge 2.2
ba Anodic Tafel slope 0.1 V/decade
icorr Anodic corrosion current density 1 A m22
Ecorr Anodic corrosion potential 20.35 V(SCE)
cb Bulk chloride concentration 17M NaCl
Csat Saturation concentration of metal ion (5.98983150.63919546cb)/1.25M
Ccrit Critical concentration of metal ion (0.6676944160.0309266246cb0.0023897516cb2)6Csat/M
DO2 Oxygen diffusion coefficient 1029 m2 s21
bc Tafel slope (ORR) 0.1 V(SCE)
io,c Exchange current density (ORR) 1025 A m22
Eo,c Reversible potential (ORR) 20.05 V(SCE)
ip Passive current density 1024 A m22

526 Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 2014 VOL 49 NO 6

Krouse et al. Modelling pitting corrosion of stainless steel

sodium chloride at room temperature. If this result was

verified experimentally, this would indicate that, in the
presence of very thin moisture layers y50 mm as in this
simulation, pit propagation is very severely inhibited. It
is interesting to rationalise this result in the context of
experimental observations from long term exposure tests
such as described below. These tests show very limited
propagation in indoor environments when only thin
moisture layers are likely to form as opposed to the
deeper propagation observed in outdoor environment
where bulk condensation or even wetting due to
rainwater can occur. It is also interesting to note that
conditions of high chloride concentration under thin
moisture layers are conditions in which stress corrosion
cracking is observed, i.e. close to the deliquescence point
of available salts.

Long term atmospheric pitting of

stainless steels
5 Model results for depth of propagating pit in 300 series
The risk factors for pitting corrosion under natural
stainless steels growing under atmospheric conditions
atmospheric exposures are well known to be moisture,
with varying NaCl DD and RH; uctuations in calcu-
chloride and hygroscopic particulates. These factors are
lated depth arise from errors in nite element approxi-
linked: ultimately, the main parameters determining the
mation used to implement model
ability of pits to initiate and grow are the geometry and
chemistry of the layer of liquid that forms on the metal
surface under a humid atmosphere. In order to simulate shallow dish shaped morphology, in which the current
long term atmospheric exposure of stainless steel, we becomes confined to a decreasing lateral area of the pit
have coupled the LW anode model8 adapted to high as the bottom of the pit repassivates, while the lateral
chloride conditions with a cathode model similar to that surfaces are able to grow. The model does not include
developed by Chen et al.6 Our main difficulty has been the effects of the wetting and drying cycle and corrosion
to extend the time scales of computer simulations from product formations, which are likely to hinder the long
tens of seconds to the much longer times necessary to term propagation of single pits; instead, we use relatively
assess whether a pit has indeed reached a maximum size. aggressive conditions of continuous high DD and high
We have been able to overcome some of these problems RH to simulate a worst case scenario. Under such
using a method of quasi-steady state simulation in conditions, the model predicts a maximum depth of pits
which the pit grows at the current required to maintain a of the order of 100300 mm attained over periods of
chloride dependent critical concentration of metal ions several months, as shown in Fig. 5. The maximum depth
on the bare metal surface. increases with the DD, and for a given density, this
Model of long term pit propagation under depth increases with the RH.
atmospheric conditions Both the time scales and depths predicted by the
model are consistent with available field data, although
We have used a finite element model to represent the
such data are insufficiently time resolved to be able to
system. The geometry is three-dimensional but sym-
attempt a rigorous validation of the model. In parti-
metric about the axis of the pit. The main parameters
employed in the model are the liquid film characteristics cular, quantitative data on long term pit growth for
(i.e. chloride concentration, oxygen solubility, conduc- stainless steel under atmospheric conditions show a
tivity, thin film electrolyte thickness and radius of the relatively limited variability in maximum pit depths in
thin film rc); the electrochemical parameters Ecorr, Erp similar exposure conditions. Chen and Kelly7 collated
and ip (the passive current); an empirical parameter DC field measurements of pits exposed under atmospheric
that determines the diffusion limited current of the pit; conditions for up to 26 years. These data show
and an assumed diffusion coefficient D. All parameters maximum pit depths of 80 mm for type 316 SS and
are calculated at room temperature. The DC parameter ,150 mm for type 304 SS. The maximum pit depth in
is a key parameter that both sets the time scale of the 304 SS was attained in only 0?4 year (i.e. 150 days). In
simulations and captures the effects of the high chloride other reports of exposure tests of 304 SS and 316 SS in
concentration. This parameter is calculated from the outside environments, even in the most aggressive areas,
chloride concentration9 using a curve based on experi- heavy industrial and marine, a maximum of only 80 mm
mental values from Ernst and Newman.23 The liquid after 18 years was observed.5 However, in short term
film characteristics except rc are derived from known tests, maximum depths of 55 mm have been observed in
correlations with NaCl deposition density (DD) and sheltered, external marine environments after 1 years
relative humidity (RH) as reported by Chen et al.6 exposure.24 By contrast, monitoring data for an
Finally, rc and the electrochemical parameters used are uncontrolled indoor, inland environment showed a
those reported by Chen and Kelly.7 maximum pit depth of ,5 mm over 511 years (see
The results of simulations run employing this model Smart24 and Smart et al.25), while inspections of stainless
indicate that a pit growing under a thin liquid film tubing on offshore platforms showed deep pits of several
adapts to the cathodic current limitation by adopting a millimetres within a few years.26

Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 2014 VOL 49 NO 6 527

Krouse et al. Modelling pitting corrosion of stainless steel

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