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Lesson Plan for task 1 (Draft)

Focus : Grammar
Date : 26th of February 2017
Time : 8.45-9.45 a.m. (60 minutes)
Class : 5 Aristotle (Intermediate)
Theme : World of Knowledge
Topic : Unit 2 (Sekolah Kebangsaan), Saving, Spending
and Sharing
Content Standards : 5.1 By the end of the 6 year primary schooling,
pupils will be
able to use different word classes correctly and

Learning Standards : 5.1.1 By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
use nouns
correctly and appropriately:
b. Collective Nouns
Behavioural objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils will be
able to:
1. Match and fill in the blanks with one correct
collective nouns by finding their pairs to
complete the sentence card.
2. Circle at least 8 out of 10 collective nouns in
the task sheet correctly.
Cross-curricular : Multiple Intelligence (Visual spatial,
Kinaesthetic, Verbal Linguistic),
emphasis Thinking skills (Understanding, Analysing,
Creating) Constructivism,
Mastery learning
Moral Values : We have to make the right choice by considering what
we need and
what we want (rationality).
We must be thankful with what we have been
gifted, spend it wisely
and also share it with the needy (gratitude).
Materials/Teaching aids : Posters with collective nouns, word
cards, sentence cards, task
sheet, text book.
Previous knowledge : Pupils have been taught about collective nouns
indirectly from text
books and essay writings from year 3 to year 4 and
also pupils have
been exposed to aspects of spending wisely in year
Vocabulary : Troupe, litter, bunch, loaf, staff, herd
Sentence Pattern : Simple sentences:
1. A troupe of dancers is dancing in the opera.
2. A school of fish is swimming in the aquarium.
3. A loaf of bread is in the oven.

Stage/Tim Content Teacher/Pupils Remarks

e Activity
Set ACT: Remember?! 1. Teacher tells CCE: Visual and
Induction Instructions: students to auditory, TS-
(+/- 5 You could an Ithink brainstorm on what Understanding,
min) map to brainstorm is Saving, Spending applying, analysing,
on what you have and Sharing using a Thinking map- bubble
in your previous thinking map. map.
lesson about Contextual learning
saving, sharing and
also spending. Material: Video from
Sesame street.
List of things to be 2. Teacher tells
noticed in the students to note Whole Class activity
video. some of the things
1. Flower in the video. Moral Value: We have
2. CD to make the right
3. Fabric choice by considering
softner what we need and
4. Bread what we want.
3. Teacher plays the
A video on how video and notifies URL:
does Elmo spents the students about https://www.youtube.c
her money? the things that om/
should be noticed. watch?v=E3J_KYPjjlU

4. Then, the teacher

Collective nouns: asks how could
A bouquet of those things group
flower and called as.
A pile of CD
A bottle of fabric
A loaf of bread 5. Teacher affirms
that they are going
to learn about
collective nouns
where is always a
way to call a group
of people, animal
and things.

3 Categories: 1. Teacher directs CCE: MI- Verbal

Presentati 1. People people to focus on linguistic, visual
on 2. Animals the 3 categories of spatial, Kinaesthetic.
(+/- 20 3. Things collective nouns and Thinking skills-
min) Presentation video their usage in the Understanding,
on the usage and video presented. applying, analysing.
different types of 2. Teacher Constructivism,
collective nouns. reinforces the use of Communication,
collective nouns and Mastery learning.
some collective
nouns that will be Materials- Video, word
focused. cards, word sentences
Questions: URL:
What do we call a www.turtlediary//collec
group of sheep? 3. Teacher ask tive-nouns/fun-way-
Answer: A flock questions to pupils 5ks
to refresh their Whole class activity
Pair Finding! (A memories by asking and pair work.
drilling game) leading questions.

4. Teacher tells
pupils about the
Example: next activity.
Red card: 5. Teacher divides
Collective nouns the class into two
Eg. A herd of groups.
Green card:
Common nouns 6. The first group
Eg. Elephants will get the red card
and the second
Red card + Green group will get a
card green card together
A herd of + with a sentence
Elephants card.

7. The ones holding

A herd of Elephants the red cards must
find their pairs with
the green card to
complete the
collective nouns.
8. After finding their
pairs, pupils will fill
in the sentence card
with the correct
collective nouns.
9. Teacher asks
each pair to read
the complete
sentence to check
their answers.
Practice Choose, circle, fill 1. Teacher tells the CCE: Thinking skills-
(+/- 20 and write! instructions to the Applying, Analysing,
min) pupils. Mastery learning.
2. Teacher
distributes the
different task sheet Materials- Task sheets
according to their for remedial,
level of proficiency intermediate and
and ability. enrichment activities.
Express it! (Remedial,
intermediate and
enrichment activity) Individual activity
3. Upon finishing
the task sheet,
pupils from remedial
are given
intermediate task
sheet and
intermediate pupils
were given
enrichment task
sheet as gradual
release of
4. As the teacher
collects the task
misconceptions are
corrected and
feedbacks are given
along the way.
Production Live it as its real! 1. Teacher divides CCE: MI- Intrapersonal,
(+/- 15 pupils into groups of logical mathematical,
min) Video on Sesame 3 to 4. interpersonal.
Street's For Me, For 2. Teacher projects a Thinking skills-
You, For Later: video of Elmo on Understanding,
Helping Others saving, spending applying, analysing,
and sharing. evaluating and
Questions: creating.
1. If you were 3. Using the video Contextual learning,
Elmo, how as a stimulus, creative,
would you teacher ask them communication,
have saved? some leading critical thinking,
2. What would questions which collaboration,
you buy with inculcates decision entrepreneurship and
the money? making strategies in financial (21st century
3. How do you their real life learning theme).
share the situation.
money with Materials- Video on
people? saving, spending and
4. Why do you sharing.
have to
share your
money with Group activity.
others in

4. Teacher asks the

students to write a
note to their parents
on how would they
save, spend and
share their pocket
money by using at
least 5 to 8
collective nouns.
5. Teacher provides
immediate feedback
on the
enhancements of
pupils idea, writing
and suitable usage
of collective nouns.
Closure Snowstorm (Lets 1. Teacher asks CCE: Thinking skills-
(+/- 5 reflect) students to write Understanding,
min) Return to your down what they applying
place silently and have learnt and
reflect on the throw it inside the I-think map: Circle
learning. basket which is kept map/Tree map.
3. on the teachers
desk. Whole class activity
2. As teacher reads
them randomly,
pupils think, pair
and share what they
have learnt on the
day using an I-think
Picture 1: A poster
of collective nouns

Picture 2: Collective nouns for Red card.

Picture 3:

Appendix: Remedial Task sheet.

Name: _______________________________ Date:

Circle the suitable collective nouns for each sentence. An example is given.
Example: All saw a / school of sheep on the hill.

Pravin went to the supermarket with his mother last Sunday. There was a

sale there. They chose to buy some things at the sale because the offers were

good. They chose to buy a (bunch / bouquet) of flowers for his sisters birthday.

They bought two (bunch / brood) of grapes, a (tub / pile) of yogurt, a (loaf /

clump) of bread and a (bunch / string) of bananas. He also wanted to buy

stationeries for his sister when he saw a (group / pile) of note-taking books at

the store. Pravins mother was very happy because they saved a lot of money

that day.
Appendix: Intermediate Task sheet.

Name: _______________________________ Date:

Identify the collective noun and write in a complete sentence. An example is

A group of people are discussing on the economical issues in the





Appendix: Enrichment Task sheet.

Name: _______________________________ Date:


Write a reminder to your friend who spends his money on unnecessary things.
Advise him on how to save, spend and share his money using at least 6 suitable
collective nouns.
Example: A pile of books, A bunch of pens.

Dear __________,



With love,

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