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Date: July 28th 2011 Book: Authentic material + Market Leader Upper Unit: 11 Page: 97 Lesson: Speaking Competencies Teacher: Danilo Bertoni
Class profile:
Timetable fit:
Ti Anticipated Inter Learnin
m Stage Procedures Problems & actio g Style/ Material Evaluation
e Solutions n MI
5 Lead-in To set the 1. T shows a scene from P1: T might have S S Visual Video
scene Fun with Dick and Jane technical problems ST Intra Handout
(11:45-14:15) in which Dick with the video in his Inter
is asked some difficult notebook. Verbal
questions. S1: T has a backup in a
2. T provides questions flash drive.
and has Ss discuss in
pairs/small groups:
What happened in the scene?
How is Dick feeling?
Does he know what is really
going on?
Have you ever been asked a
difficult question?
How do you react when
youre asked a difficult
What did Dick do/say when
he didnt know the answer?
3. Feedback
5 Discourse To raise Ss 1. T provides Ss with P1: Some Ss might not TS Visual Handout
Presentat awareness handouts containing usual understand and come Ss - Verbal
ion on how to fillers. up w/ some fillers. Ss Intra
keep up a 2. T has Ss work in S1: T has groups Inter
conversati pairs/small groups. compare their answers
on 3. Ss come up with more or teacher provides
fillers they know. some.
4. Feedback
5 Discourse To 1.T has one St sit on a chair in P1: Ss might SS Verbal Desks
Speaking provides the middle of the room. exaggerate in the S Intra
Practice Ss with a 2. Ss play Hot Seat. questions. Inter
chance to 3.Ss ask the St some difficult S1: T monitors if the
work on questions. questions are
discourse / 4.T reminds the Ss how to use convenient or not.
fillers fillers.
5.St on the hot seat can avoid
3 questions.
15 Social- To check 1. T provides Ss w/ some P1: Ss might not S S Verbal Questions
linguistic Ss questions and statements understand some S-T Intra cards
understan from journalists. words (eg. Bribery). Inter Book pg 97
ding of the 2. Ss in pairs/groups S1: T monitors and Kinesthe Act C
use of categorize the questions in provides help. tic
language neutral/polite or Logical
in context. forceful/aggressive.
3. Ss check answers
comparing to the listening
4. T has Ss open their
books to page 97 act C.
5. T has Ss discuss in
pairs/groups whether the
responses are neutral/polite
or forceful/aggressive.
15 Productio To provide 1.T has Ss work in groups of 3 P1: Ss might not use S -S Verbal Role cards
n Ss an or 4. appropriate language. Intra
opportunit 2.T provides Ss w/ a situation S1: T notes down for Inter
y to work where a mobile phone delayed correction.
on the company has been attacked
speaking in several newspapers for
competen using dishonest methods to
cies freely. sell phones.
3.T assigns Ss roles:
4.Ss read their role cards and
role play a press conference.

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