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erenigingen van patinten met reumatische aandoeningen, Commissie Morbus Bechterew Postbus 1370, 3800
BJ Amersfoort Tel. (0031-33) 61 63 64, Fax (0031-33) 65 12 00 Norway Norsk Revmatikerforbund (NRF) / Bekhterev
Postboks 2653 Solli, N-0203 Oslo Tel. (0047) 22 55 72 16, Fax (0047) 22 43 12 51 Email: nrf.adm@rheuma.no,
Internet homepage: www.rheuma.no Portugal Associao Nacional da Espondilite Anquilosante (ANEA) Rua Fernando
Ribeiro, n: 57, P-2645-094 Alcabideche Tel. (00351-21) 46 02 511, Fax (00351-21) 46 02 509 Email:
anea@mail.telepac.pt Internet homepage: www.terravista.pt/mussulo/2553 Slovenia Drus tvo za ankilozirajoc i
spondilitis Slovenije (DASS) c/o Marjan Hudomaji, parmova 53, SI-1000 Ljubljana Tel. (00386-61) 159 30 21, Fax
(00386-61) 159 20 Email: dbiass@guest.arnes.si Internet homepage: www.drustvo-as.si Spain Coordinadora Nacional
de Espondilitis anquilosante c/o Liga Reumaolgica Espaola (LIRE), C/ Cid 4-10, Apartado 112, E-28001 Madrid Tel.
(0034-1) 914358132 und (0034-1) 902113188 Email: fepamic@mx2.redestb.es Asociacin Cordobesa de Enfermos
Afectados de Espondilitis (ACEADE) Apartado de Correos 762, E-14080 Crdoba Sweden Bechterewreumatikernas
Intresseorganisation (BERI) Seglaregatan 29/ Box 12031, S-402 41 Gteborg Tel. (Mo-Fr 10-15) (0046-31) 147 147,
Fax (0046-31) 122 305 Switzerland Schweizerische Vereinigung Morbus Bechterew (SVMB) Rntgenstr. 22, CH-
8005 ZrichTel. (0041-1) 272 78 66, Fax (0041-1) 272 78 75 Email: mail@bechterew.ch Internet homepage:
www.bechterew.ch Singapore Singapore Ankylosing Spondylitis Club (SASC) c/o National Arthritis Foundation, 336
Smith Street, #06-302 New Bridge Centre, Singapur 050336 Tel. (0065) 227-97 26, Fax (0065) 227-02 57 Internet
homepage: www.ttsh.gov.sg/medical/as/ Taiwan Ankylosing Spondylitis Caring Society I R. O C. Dr Hwa-Chang Liu,
Department I Orthopaedic Surgery, National Taiwan University Hospital, 7 Chung-Shan South Road, Taipei Tel.
(00886-2) 397 08 00 Ext. 5688, Fax (00886-2) 395 69 88 Email: wei3228@ms3.hinet.net Internet homepages:
www.health.nsysu.edu.tw/wei/as and www.ascare.org.tw Ukraine Society I Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis
(Bechterew's disease), Bechterew group in Soloonosha c/o Osirskij Vikor Dmitrijewich), Boulevard Gagarina 13/8,
Soloonosha, Ukraine 258100 Tel. (+380-475) 83 34, Fax (+380-475) 2172 USA Spondylitis Association I America
(SAA) PO Box 5872, Sherman Oaks, CA 91413 Tel. (001-818) 981-1616, Fox (001-818) 981-9826 Email:
info@spondylitis.org Internet homepage: www.spondylitis.org Research organizations Anyone interested in research
studies in North America can contact the following organizations: Spondylitis Association I America (SAA) PO Box
5872, Sherman Oaks, CA 91413 Tel. (001-818) 981-1616, Fax (001-818) 981-9826 Email: info@spondylitis.org,
Internet homepage: www.spondylitis.org North American Spondylitis Consortium (NASC) Internet homepage:
www.asresearch.org In Europe research studies ino AS have also been under way for some years. Interested
families there can contact the following organizations: Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, Oxford, England
Consortium Europen pour les tudes gntiques et immunogntiques de la Spondalarthrite Ankyosante et des autres
Spondylarthropathies with research partners in Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Portugal, and
Sweden. Internet-based rheumaology education www.rheuma21st.com http://rheuma.bham.ac.uk
www.jointandbone.org www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus Appendix 2 Glossary Achilles tendinitis inflammation I the Achilles
tendon, causing swelling and tenderness at the lower end I the calf where it inserts ino

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