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AGATE--Acceptance, grounding, emotional, physical balance. Strengthens effects of other


AMAZONITE--Soothing to nervous system. Aligns etheric and mental bodies.

AMBER--Fossilized resin--not a stone. Lungs, memory, calming, protection.

AMETHYST--Purple quartz. Assists spiritual/psychic opening in a grounded way, creativity,

courage, intuition, and self-esteem.

AQUAMARINE--Mental clarity, spiritual inspiration, calming, enhances self-expression.

ADVENTURINE--Green quartz--Mental clarity, joy, positive attitude

AZURITE--Activates expansion of consciousness, amplifies healing abilities

BERYL--Intestines, Cardiovascular system, sedative

BLOODSTONE--Blood disorders, heart circulation, vitality, courage, generates higher states of


BLUE QUARTZ--Detoxification, creativity, calming

CALCITE--Kidney stimulant, aids in astral projection, balances yin/yang qualities

CARNELIAN -Strengthening, creativity, prosperity, lower back problems, reproductive organs,

encourage opening & curiosity.

CITRINE--Breaks up energy blockages in the body, strengthens will, vision, balance, self-
confidence, helps in letting go of addictions

CLEAR QUARTZ--Powerful transmitter, amplifies/directs thought forms, healing energy

balancer, promote clarity, attunes one to higher self

DIAMOND--Removes blockages, negativity, brain balancer, draws toxicity from the body

ELESTIALS: Crystal of the angels. Aligns one to the Christ principles. Access past life
information relevant to today. Releases blockages and negativity. One of the most powerful
healing crystals. May be used on any part of body..

EMERALD--Improves relationships, meditation, relaxation, heart balancer, strengthens

clairvoyance, psychic abilities, aids in mental illness

FLOURITE--Arthritis, strengthens abilities to perceive higher levels of reality, absorbs and

clears air of psychic clutter

Rare stone - found only in NJ - only grows in pyramid shapes - stopping with the Star Tetrahedron.
This is the only stone in the world that grows in this pattern.

GARNET--Circulation (especially in lungs, skin, intestines), promotes heat, energy, vitality,

strengthens imagination, self-esteem, willpower

HEMATITE - Blood disorder, increases self esteem, aids astral protection

HERKIMER DIAMOND - Releases physical stress, tension, cleanses subtle bodies, discharges
toxicity from system, aids in past life memories, and stimulates clairvoyance and dream work,
stores information.

IOLITE - is one of the major stones used in healing, guided meditations and during astral
travel adventures. It works through the third eye/crown area. The "correct" positioning of the
stone needs to be intuited individually. The purpose for this stone is to enhance the evolution of
spiritual growth as painlessly and effortlessly as possible. The electrical charge from the
gem/crystal boosts the strength in aligning the auric field with the spiritual bodies. It balances
the yin and yang of the male and female energy. It brings a balance to self-enabling a greater
sense of responsibility in the management of relationships and money management. It releases
disharmony allowing the movement towards perfection, not only in this world but also in the
next world. It allows for patience as the acknowledger of access to inner knowledge, and in the
knowing of direction.

JADE--Blood cleanser, strengthens immune system, kidneys, generates divine love, encourages
altruistic nature & expression of feelings, strengthens earth connections, protects from injury
and accidents.

LAPIS LAZULI--Increases psychic abilities, opens clairvoyance, throat (expressiveness)

cleansing, aligns etheric, mental, spiritual bodies, thought amplifier

MALACHITE--Balance right/left brain, mental illness, over toxification protects against

radiation, promotes tissue regeneration, inspires giving of self, self expression, assists vision on
all levels.

MOLDAVITE--The richly colored translucent green stone known as Moldavite is the only known
gemstone of extraterrestrial origin. The only recorded fall of Moldavite occurred about fifteen
million years ago! Moldavites are the rarest of gems, perhaps even rarer than diamonds, rubies
or emeralds. Since their origin is not of this Earth, further discovery of new deposits seems
highly unlikely. Many people find it easy to 'connect' with the energies of Moldavite. Typically,
though not upon every occasion, people first experience heat radiating from the stone and a
sense of pulling energy, with very strong and firm pulsations. Sometimes, when the connection
is very strong, holding the stone will bring on a flush to the face and neck, accompanied by the
activation of the heart chakra and sometimes the higher chakras, especially the third eye.
Moldavite assists the expansion of your crystal and cosmic consciousness. All moldavite is made
available to all those who would serve it in Truth. Moldavite, however, is not for everyone. Those
of you reading these words - and who are immediately 'drawn' to the idea of working with this
experiential stone - will intuitively realize that it is right for you to acquire one!
MOONSTONE--Opens one to "feminine" qualities-receptivity, sensitivity, intuition, clairvoyance,
(perfect for men wanting to open to these qualities) and for female problems & emotional

OBSIDIAN--protects sensitive people, wards off negativity, reduces tensions, good for letting
go of old love, travel, strengthens prophecy

OPAL--Protection, enhances cosmic consciousness, intuition, harmony, emotional balance, joy,


PERIDOT--Stimulates tissue regeneration, enhances clarity, patience, calming, balancing,

aligns all subtle bodies, increases clairvoyance, encourages positive emotional outlook

PHANTOM QUARTZ- the crystal to meditate on when you feel you have become stuck in life
and need to get going again.

PYRITE--Digestive aid, good for red corpuscles, circulation, eases anxiety, frustration
depression, money magnet
RHODOCHROSITE--Cleanses subconscious, strengthens self-identity, attunes one to natural
androgynous state

ROSE QUARTZ--Increases confidence, personal expression, creativity, emotional balance, self-

love, for "heartbreak" , opening to Universal love and comfort

RUBY--Heart, spiritual balance, confidence, flexibility, energy, vitality, devotion, leadership

RUBILATED QUARTZ--Helps break old patterns, childhood blockages, tissue regeneration,

builds immune system, eases depression

SAPPHIRE--Enhances glandular function, elevates mood, stimulates clairvoyance, telepathy,

"feminine" qualities, improves expression, communication with one's spirit guides.

SMOKY QUARTZ--Increases fertility, creativity, joy, balances emotional energy, grounding,

strengthens adrenal glands, aids protein assimilation

SODALITE--Encourages harmony, balance, courage, communication, strengthens lymphatic

system, alleviates subconscious fear and guilt

TIGER EYE--For beginning detoxification, works on mass consciousness to separate desire

from need.

TOPAZ--Assists understanding, balances, emotions, helps in letting go of the past, enhances

creativity, relaxant, aids tissue regeneration.

TOURMALINE--Dispels fear, negativity, grief, promotes health, environment, tranquil sleep,

balance in relationships, self-expressions, eases compulsiveness. Tourmaline is electromagnetic;
therefore it interacts with our bodies electromagnetic system. It has a strong anti cancer
vibration and is good for the heart chakra. It is known as a master healer

BLACK--Activates base chakra, for arthritis, adrenals, protects against negativity. Provides
ground to Mother Earth.

GREEN--Heart chakra, immune system, balancer

BLUE--Throat chakra, communication, lungs

WATERMELON--Stimulates, strengthens effect of other tourmalines, heart, balance,


PINK/RUBELLITE--Heart balancer, increases insight, perception, creativity, fertility, balances


IN QUARTZ--Crown chakra, attunement to higher self, increases spiritual understanding,

promote peace

TURQUOISE--Strengthens entire body, promotes nutrient absorption, tissue regeneration,

circulation, aligns subtle bodies, protects against harm, environmental pollutants, increases psychic
communication skills.

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