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**** FILED: BROWARD COUNTY, FL Brenda D. Forman, CLERK 3/27/2017 4:29:03 PM.**** IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17™ JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR, BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA STATE OF RLORIOA, caseno: 16-09 48S CF loa é (SEH ONFRO Judge: LYNCH "Defendant. oy PLEA OF GUILTY OR NO CONTEST TO CRIMINAL CHARGE(S) IN CIRCUIT COURT (The Defendant should initial each paragraph reading and understanding each provision) pire Oe CP 1am leding othe carat of = 47g GeMy, a Forme ara understand the maximum penaty provided bytwis: / Loe Boycav fap The minimum penaly face upon a plea to, or conviction at trial ofthe charges) is: WO Ears 3p BEERS AR) mresiatieS Fo ESP Gel YS Lundergnd ti h ry lato the chara ied above, my sentence ive: 7. fecre Ksfocet an Cwee years Brocton tld ar Dre « “conewnrenk O _crverthan the proposed sentence set forth above, no one as made any promises or guarantees to me, nor has anyone threatened me in any’ ray forced me to enter this plea; lam doing this freely and voluntary. SOWes 1 understand that a plea of Guity means that committed the offense. A pea of Not Gulty means, dis not commit the offen and want 3 1g. know thats plea of No Contest or Nolo Contendere sa plea of convenience. If plead No Contest know that lam not admitting that Idi Tam saying that! consider itt bein my best intrest to resolve the matter and thistime by gving Up the right listed on this form, anythige. sndestand Ihave the right toa jury tral. Tal by Jury means cizen wil iste to the facts ofthis case and decide whether have been proven, ity ofthe offense understand | have the right tobe represented by a lawyer and the ght to have a lawyer appointed i cannot afford one, and 12m satisfied with rice and representation! have received from my attorney and! ntering this pea with hs or her ade. ‘understand { have the right to plead not guilty, the right to persist in my not gullty plea, and the right to presumed innocent and to require the rove mye yon seen coe sean have he igh to confon and co-eamine nse eran bar thet to cal witnesses my own atl and have those wes subpoenaed byte Court understand{ ave the ih opel i psec ct tes ony aa LR tesan nov ve eh ren set an ot hve at ct andre bye oor ya understand ave thee atte otncnte my derstand nae the ght testy wh, an have my testimony consdered bythe some tanderd the ote wins understand that by entering this plea | gve up my rights to challenge the manner in which evidence against me was obtained and! donot want tole any motions to suppres evidence. acknowledge that myattomey and | have reviewed any discovery disclosed by the State. My attorney and | are unaware of any physical ence for which DNA may exonerate me. nf leading Guilty or No Contest, t acknowledge that! wish to give up the above sted rights propriate if thisis an open plea, or the sentence above if negotiated. cannot aford a lawyer, have the right to havea lawyer appointed to present me. oF mentally or Impated a ths time. understand that have any felony convictions nthe future, what happens today willbe a ute understand this plea may require me to register as a sex offender LL rtersan yt tam 13 5 en my pe wb! met deport usin tteduna toy assend eng caso aoa EF understand that have the right 0 speak tothe Judge concerning the sentence befor en ose, nd nave the right to have an attome} Sppoited to such an appeal if cannot afford one. Zine lg 30 day of e date te sentdnce imposed 2, Qandesiond my divers iense, os wellas anyother sateisued case, maybe sspende espaainst me are drugrtated understand this plea may violate any probation, community contro or parole was Senin a am found gully of olating any conditions of probation or community control |understan forthe sentencing guidelines. 2g(L.P rover vee treated of cored it tsps, and have ot ben poe nye fixe mei nre mate ioos iSong ing read and understood both sdes ofthis ‘uly lam hereby enter ny plea of No Contest ‘tothe above ‘Swoen toby the above named Defendant before me this ind the pea tobe by a Defendant who appears tobe alert and intl plea. Further, the pla i freely and voluntarily made with a knowing and intligent waiver of ght prepared to prove ae sufcent to sustain the plea. day of, Fed in Open Cour Brenda D. Forman, Clerk Hows m. amnot under the influence of any alcoho or drugs at this time, and ful understand the i the charge to which 1am pleadings asexually lent offense ora serualy motivated offer fence, understand that this plea may sujet me to involuntary cil commitment asa sexually vo and have the Judge impose the sentence the udge ries structions, and what my right ae. 12m not ctor determining my purishment for that felony. ie, orifhave been previously convicted of uch an nt predator upon my completion of my sentence he laws and regulations governing the US fom the United tates fencing, and to appeal the jndgment and sentence [understand a notice of appeal must be fied with a result ofthe plea 1am now entering ithe on the date ofthe offense to which Lam now 1 that | may get sentenced to more severe penates or favor forgiving up my rights by anyone. sie chores. Cae nm: 72 AY Qe, 2017, ent, who understands the nate of he chargels| and the consequences ofthe ako ind atthe Fats which the prosection i Sa YN, v, Creat Cour tude

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