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The CoriolisEffect

Euerything that moaesoner the surface of the eartfu-x4;s5sy,

air, animals, machines and projectiles-sidles to the right
in the LYorthern'HemisTthereand to the teft in the Sorthern

by James E. McDonald

T IS A curious firct that all things second torvald an assistant standing 15 are concerned with the Coriolis efiect do
which move over the surface of tlie feet from you on the merry-go-round.'the treat it us a force, and their ectultions
earth tend to sidle from their ao- apparently curving ball will miss the as- work-out all right. What they sdt dorvn
rted paths-to
pointed paths-to the
the right
right in the
the North-
North- sistant by a little over six feet to the as a force in the Newtonian Lquation is
ern Hemisphere, to the left in the right. When you throw a ball to your actually a correction for the arrparent
Southern Hemisphere. Since man has other assistant,in the outer rvorld off the acceleration. The pure dynamicist looks
managed to make himself one of the merry-go-round, it will again seem to at it in a differeni way:'he likes to re-
most mobile of creatures, one might drift rightward. This time,-however, by gard these motions as oicurring in obedi_
think that so ubiquitous an effect m"ust great concentration you may be able to ent Nervtonian fashion in whit he calls
long lurve been a matter of common fix your attention orr the nonrotating "inertial space."
knowledge. It has not been and still is framework of the outer world sufficientli
not, even in this errr of rapid speeds, to sense thlt the ball is really moving ai OW let us look at some interesting
which accentuirte the sidling tendency. it ought to move, and you -ay e"ven examples of the Coriolis effect, as ii
Probably few people realize that ns they make proper allowance ior the merry- applies to projectiles, flight, vehicles,
drive down a straight highway at 60 go-round's rotttion so that the ball ocean currents and even our weather.
miles per hour this all-pervrrding drift reaches your assistant'shands. The Coriolis efiect is greatest near the
would carry them off the road to the North and South Poleslwhere the earth
right at the nte of some 15 feet per mile tl.HE APPARENT strirngeness of the turns most_rapidly under a moving ob_
wele it not for the frictional resistance of I balls' behavior in thesJexperiments ject)
and decretses to zero at the Equa-
the tires to any lateral motion. arises from the fact th:rt almosi inescap- ^also
tor. The magnitude of ,the effect
This sidewise drifting tendency is ably you take the merry-go-round is depends directly on the speed of the
called the Coriolis effect, after the l9th- y.our reference system. and in this system movtng oDJect.
cenfury French mrrthematician G. G. the laws of dynamics in their ur.rai for- In middle latitudes of the Northern
Coriolis, who mircle the first complete simply do nol hold. No such difficulties Hemisphere a bullet fired with a velocity
analysis of it. The effect is due simply to confront the assistant who stands out on of 800 feet per second at a target 40b
the rotation of the earth, and it appears firm ground. He is not so compelled to feet arviry will drift one-tenth of "an inch
in all motions as soon as we refer those view these motions with respect to your to the right (without considering wind
motions to any coordinlte system fixed rotirting coordinate system. He will feel effects or any other interference)". That
with respect to the earth (e.g., the lati- certain that the balls have at all times is, in the half-second during rvhich the
tude-longitude grid). been moving in well-behaved fashion. bullet is in flight, the rotiiion of the
There is really only one satisfactory If he lias a little understancling of the earth hls shifted the bull's-eye bv about
way to obtain a vivid impression of the problem, he may be able to ex lain to one-tenth of an inch. This ii not serious
nature of the Coriolis principle. That is you that the drifting to the righi whiclr to a pistol mirrksman, but the efiect can
to go to a carnivll. Every carnival worth you seem to see is really due to the fact make rluite_a djfierence to a long-range
the nirme h:rs a Corioliirn coordinate sys- t h a t y o u r s y s t e r ni s t r r r n i r r go u t l r o n r u r r - g u n r ) e r ' .A l r l t t l e s h i p g u n n e r
whb takFs
tem: uiz., tlre merry-go-rorrnd.With only der the movins b:Llls. derrd itim rtt the bridge of t destroyer 20
a ferv balls irs lirboratory e<luipment and The earth ls a sphericrrl nren.y-go- miles lwav irnd fires l shell at 2,5d0
two nssistiurts, one otr tir" merry-go- rorrnd, irrrd rrll of tlre Cor.iolis<lrifis ivc per seconil rvill miss the clestroyer com-
rouncl with you and the other on the observe when rve use terrestriirl coordi- pletely, lrecirusethe lirterrrlCoriolis drift
ground, you cirn cirrry out many interest- nate systems are due ultimntely to the rvill be more than 200 feet. In World
ing Coriolian experiments. f r r c t t h i r t t h e e : r r t h , l i k c t h e m e r r y - g o - War I the shells of the giant German
When the merry-go-round starts up, round, is trlwirys spinning out from under -which
gun crrlled Big Bertha, bom-
you begin a game of catch. Things will our dynamical systems. To be sure, there 6arded P:rlis fr6m a firinq site some 70
probrrbly go very poorly for several are certirin subtleties that enter into milcs away, took three minutes to reach
throrvs (rvhich is the reason for your some Coriolis effects, but at bottorn the their destination, and they underrvetrt ir
trrking the precrrutionof etluipping your- whole thing is just the mer.ry-go-r-ouncl Coriolis dritt to the righI amounting to
self rvith several balls). The ball will iderr. To an observer conscioirsbf Nerv- almost l ftrll mile-an eiror for whiclithe
seem to veer from its throrvn direction in ton's second hw of motiorr. the allptrent Germirn bnllistics exper.ts crrefully al-
the most amirzing firshion. Let us say the "acceleration" (deflection frtrm rr siriright lowerl-
merry-go-round turns counterclockrvise, prrth) of rrn object movirrg ou". th" For a really dramatic effect rve c:rn
rs cloes the earth rvhen vierved frorn earth suggests that some lolce is irctirrg take the case of a rocket fir-eclfrom the
above the North Pole. If it makes one on it, and he is strongly ternlrted tJ North Pole ancl aimecl at, say, Nerv York
complete furn irr l0 secontls, anrl yorr speak of the C<-rriolis"foice." Fir con- C i t y . A s s r r r r r i r r gf o, r t h e s a k e o f s i r r r p l i c -
throrv tlre I'1ll rrt ir speedof o0 fect per. venience, meteorologistsirnclotliers u,ho itv, that ttre rocket tritvels lt I constirnt




V I B R A T O RP O W E R S U P P T Y. . . T h e
age vibrator power supply gives accu-
rate and reliableoperafionusingstand-
ard bafteries.
latesttechniquesin casedesignprovide
a waierproof, tough, lightweighf lami-
nale.d plastic case for the ruggedesl
VERSATILITY. . . A wide selectionof
interchangeable counter tubes makes
the instrumentadaptable for many ap-
" F I N G E R T I P "C O N T R O I . . . " F i n g e r -
rr'frr.. iip" operationof the instrumentis facili-
tated by proper placementof the one
confrol knob.
. . . A sliding
shieldon the probe enablesthe operator
to discriminaieagainst beta radiation.
Rodiqtion: Beta,gamma,and cosmic
l n d i c o t i o n : 3 " m e t e ra n d d e t a c h a b l e
Sensitivity: 800, 8000, 80,000counts
per minute or 0.2, 2.0,
20.0 mr/hour using the
I B85Thyrode
Accurocy: l0Y'
Bottery Life: I l0 hoursat 4 hoursper
Dimensions: 9l/r" long by 4l/2" wide
by 6t/2" high
Weight: 5/2 pounds
MERRY-GO-ROUND EXPERIMENT demonstrates Coriolis drift. Seen
from above, the merry-go-round rotates counterclockwise. In the top draw-
ing a man at P attempts to throw a ball to a man at Q. The rotational motion
of the man at P (short arrou), however, cauees the ball to head in the direc-
tion PE. In the bottom drawing the man at P has moved to P', the man at Q to
H O U G H A V E . C T E V E I A N3
O, O H I O
Q' and the ball crosses the edge of the merry-go-round at E. To the rotating
observers on the rnerry-go-round the ball appears to have described a curve.
G e n e r o lP u r p o s e
S t r o i nG o g e


MISSILE flying{ror'.the North pote (A} to^New_york (B) with a speed of
a mile per second would_land near Ch.icaijo ( C ) unless tfie'Corioiis effect were
taken into account' In the 55 rnintrtes tliat it would take the missile to reach
tlre latitude of New York the earth would have rotatJ ,"-ii. about 15
S I N G I , E .C H A N N E I . "*i.
sPeedof :r mile pcr second,it will be in Chicago to New York and flew at 600
flight for irbout55 minutes.Durirrg g aall
l miles per hour without changing its
of this
ot this tirne
tirne the
the target,
tarcet. Ncrv
Ncrv York
Citv heading-worrldmiss New York by several
\ v r r r be
u u tlaveling
rtirveltng a
at-i8 miles
t ro m p".
lles p e r s,.",,,id
econd hundred miles to the south (assuming no
throughsolar-syitem space (the speecl of lllowance for any wind). And.if ihe
the earth's movemen, arouncl the sun) slme pilot tried t-o fly in a similar wrv
and rvill irlso be turning with tlre rotrr- from Senttle to New york, he wouli
tion of the earth at the rrite of 15 degr.ees find himself down in South America bv
:rf longitude
lrngitrrde per hour. horrr. As the resu-lt resu"ltof the time he crossed the meridinn throusit
these motions the rocket, at the end of Nerv York! In acturl flights a pilot con_
55 minutes, rvill come to earth in some tinullly brrnks his plune slightly left_
cornfield in northeastern Illinois, not far rvrrld, in our.hemisphere. to compenstte
flom Chicaqo! for Coriolis drift. It'shoulcl be nodd that,
The ealthbounrl observers rvho liirve large as these cleviations clue to the rota-
b e c n p l o t t i n g t h e r r p p a l e r r tp r r t h o f t l r i s tion of the ertrth are, they are still small
rocket rvith tlreir rirdar nctrvork will siry coml)lred to the effects o[ cross_wirrds
that it traced out a graceful curve rvhicir nolmally
sta-rteclout straighi south in the longi- .en_counteredin irctual {lights.
Reco,ding chonnelr in The pilot's Coriolis corrections o."'[h.,,
l h e 3 es y 3 t e h , m o y i n c l u d e tude of Nerv York City, but .rr""r.E.l crbscurcdby the jockeying necessirryto
fllllfR o Stroin Goge or
steaclil.y w,estrvarl, an'iving in Illinois c o m p e r r s a t el 0 r w i n d d r i f t . T o c o m D e n _
Generol Purpose Ampli-
fier, or the lotter in com-
lrom ir tlircction irborrt I I ile[rees e:rst s:rte l'or the Curiolis drift and keeo a
binorion (in 2-, ond 4- o [ n o r t h . A l c s s l r l o v i r r c i r r ol b i c r v e r o r r t !0,0001ound jet fighter on ,r strai'ght
chonnel ryrtemr) wiih i n i r r t e r p l r r r r e t a rsyl ) r r c er v i l l s c e t l r l t t l r e terrestnll course rrt 6O0 miles nt,r hour
eilher AC or DC Preompti-
e f f e c t .i i c n t i r e l v i r e s r r l t o I t l r e e i r r t l r leqrrires a leftrvrrrd force of rihorrt 55
fierr. For, ony of the
Amplifie.r or Preompti,
itself havins turned out fron'r uncler.the pounds in miclcllelatitudes of the North_
fierr moy be qu;ckly moving rocket. e r n H e m i s p h e r . eT. h i s t h e p i l o t m u n : r g c s
REMOVED from ir5 pto(e This is an iclenlized cirse; in rrctual b y ^ m . a n i p r r l l l i o r ro f t h e . p l : r n e ' su . i n g s .
ond os quickly REPLACED situations the Coriolis effect is nruch less Raihond cirl.srrre much more massive-
wilh oo olternoietype.
eviclerrt, becuuse other forces such rrs s o t l r e C o r i o l i s r e : r c t i o ni n t h e i r .c : r s ei s
irir lesistirnce,neglectcd in this example, g r e : t l e r . A 5 0 O - t o r rl o c , o m g t i v em o v i n I
SANBORN RECORDING SYSTEMS l l s o r t c t o u r n o v i r r go b j c c t s .F u r t l t c r r n i , r c . r r t 6 0 m i l e s p e r h o u r d e v e l o p sa l r L t e r r i i
produce permanent r e c o r d s b y i n k l e s s . h e a l t e d the n'rotion of a
st)'lus on plastic coated paper io true rectaltgular
projectile fir'ed from anv l ) l ' e s s u l eo n t h e r a i l s r t r n o r r n t i n gt t r l l r o r r t
coordinates. Systems available in single-, two-. place on the earth other thirn the Pole.s 30() pounds in middle LLtitriles.This
and four.chinnel models.Channcls operate inde- rvoulcl be influenced not only bv the has given rise to the story thrt the rvheels
pendently ofeach otlrer, but record simultaneously.
Up to eight paper speeds. Timing and coding. Coliolis cffect lrrrt iLlsobv tire irritiitl on tnrins weur uneven[. Srrcha result
i r n P s [ 1 1 I5l o m t h e c i r c r r m p o l r t rr o t r r t i o r r < ' o r r l dh a n l l y b e d e t e c t e d o n c o : r c h e so r
Write for completelydescriplive of the lirunching site. lreight crrls, rvhich for rrrilrolding r.eir-
An airplane experiences Coriolis sons have no definite right or left"sicles,

COMPANY M o s s o c h u s e rrvere
clrifts rvhich rvould lercl to astonishing
e r r o l s i n l o r r g f l i g h t si I r r o c o m p e n s r r t i o i
s made for tl-ren. A jet fighter thrrt
and tlre Engineer.irrgDepartment of the
Union Pacific Rrrilro-rrd
iurthor that even in the case of locomo-
his inlormecl the

sct out otr ir great,circle hctcling front tive rvheels the difference of rve:rr on the

degleesa-rrdtraveled along its orbit sorue59,000nriles.WitIi1 t[e coordilate You'r.l say with pride, "I'm a Boeing
:l_lt:ru of the earth rhe rnissile would appear to descr.ibethe trajectory A,C,. engineer!" For Boeing men meet the
highest standards and enjoy the pres.
within tlre coordi'are_systerrr-of the sun and all th.eplanets, it Hiould ip1r"u.
to descrilre the path AC' igruy tine running diagonally ocrorr'rioro r*o pogcs tige of engineering leadership. They
). rvork on such vital and challenging
p r o j e c t s a s g u i d e d n r i s s i l e s ,s u p e r s o n i c
flanges of tl.reright and left whcels is too could develop. Hence there would be no research, the stilltlassified 8.52 eight-
small to be measured. jet heavy bomber, the six.jet 84? me-
opporturrity for the build-up of the in_
dium bomber, and other revolutionary
tense cyclones and the lnrge inticyclones programs.
\f/HY lS SO universrl (one should thut control and give vaii:rbility'to otir.
ty sll, "so terrestlial") an effect not Ae a Boeing engirreer, you'll share
weatlrer, and oui weather rvoultl bc asaignments rvith men who have pio.
readily allp:trent in our. ever.ydiry lc- mucli less changenble than it is. This is neered some of the most excitins new
t i v i t i e s ? ' l ' l r e r r n s r v c li s t l r t t f o r m , r n v precisely the sihration in the Tropics, d e v e l o p m e r r t si r r b o t h c i v i l i a r r a n d m i l i .
moving objects the tender.rcy towarcl i 'r,"ru iary aviation.
where the Coliolis efiect is r"ro o.
lateral drift is <1uiteeasily corurteracted small. In that almost Coriolis-free beft Boeing has cxcellent openings, right
as the motions ploceed. Thus in the case irny atmosplreric pressure pr, now, for experienced and junior
of the clr speed;ng dorvn the highway produced by heatiirg of the air rrt the engineers for sircraft
rrt 60 miles per hour. the poterrtlal 15 gr'ollnd rnd a are
re q quickly
u i c k l y ismootlred
mootlred o o DESIGN o RESEARCH
u t , ::rrrd
feet o[ shift per rnile is prevented by the t.[re
t l r e region
r e g i o r rhas
l r r r srvell
r v e l l earned
e r r r n e dthe
t l r c name
r r i r m eol:
frictional lesistarrc.e o[ tlrc tires to latenrl "the doldrums." Hrrlricrneq o TOOLING
Hurricanes :rnrl and rrr- ty-
motion. p l r o o r r sr r e v e rf o r m c l o s e rt o t l r e E r t u i r t o r also for scrvo-mechanism and elec-
A rvalking rnan makes corrections for tronics designcrs and analysts, and
tharr about five degreesof latitude.
for physicists and mathematicians
the CorioliJe{Iect easily and quito un- Avvay from tlie Erluator, horvever, with advanced degrees.
consciously. O,n frictionless ice that pre- the case is very different. There the Your choice of locations-Seattle in
vented his making any small lateral cor- Coriolis acceleration causcs rvinds to the Pacific Northwest, orWichita. Kans.
rections ( l>ut sornehorv still rtermitted veer around and ltlorv nt right angles to Boeing provides generous moving and
Irim to rv:rlk!) rr nr,rn rvirlkirrg rrt four 'parll-
tne p.l:tt"."_graclient,
pressure gracltent, inste.rd insterr of travel allowances, givee you special
miles pel lrour rvorrld drift flom lris in- lh: training, and pays a good salary that
lel wrthrvith rt.it. TheI he result is the pattern of
tended straigl.rt path by about 250 feet grows with you. Enjoy a rewarding,
strong lorvs and highs anci cir.cular
long,.range career in a rompany that
at the end of one mile. Lost ^a ltolar ex- movement that is responsible for chr-rnges h_aas 6b e e n g r o w i n g s t e a d i l y f o r 3 5 -yyeeaarrss..
plorers are reported to have strong rn our weather. You'll be proud ro be a memlier of
tendency to circle sterdily toward the On other planets, where tl-re :rngulirr the great Boeing "team."
right near tl.re North Pole :rnd to the left velocity of rotation is different fronr-that
near the South Pole; this marz very well of tl.re earth, the Coriolis efiect is cor- WRITE TODAY TO THE ADDRESS BELOW
be due to the Coriolis efieci, *hi"h i, OR USE THE CONVENIENT COUPON
respondinglydifferent. Jupiter and Sat-
tbout 50 per cent stronger at the Poles urn must have very mrrked
mnrked Coriolis
l---- ---I
than in middle latitudes. It is said that effects, beeause each rotates about two
even the penguins in the Antarctic wad- :rnd a half times more r.apidly than does ! tOlff C.SANDERS, I
dle in arcs to the left, but this the au- the earth.. Their atmospf,eres of hyclro- I DEPT.C.5 I
thor will have to see to believe. gen, methane and amrironia must have I BoelngAlrplaneCompany,
Seatile11,Wash. I
very steep pressure gradients, if their E n g i n e e r i n go p p o r i u n i l i e s a i B o e i n gi n l e r e s i
; l
AMONG ALL the physical phenom- winds compare in st;ength with ours. m e , P l e a s es e n d m e f u r l h e r i n f o r m a l i o n
fL 6n1 in which the Coriolis effect plays In contrast, the atmosphere of Venus is Nqme
a role, the most striking is the weather. probably very calm, because Venus ro-
Were it.not for the Coriolis effect. rvinds tates much more slowlv than the earth-
on the earth would rush directly from perhaps once in about 30 terrestrial Cltv ond State
higher-pressure areas to lower-piessure 1
ones, and no strong "highs" or "lows"
Just as the motionsof the atmosphere

exhibit the Coriolis efiect, so also do the banks faster than the other. The Russian
more ponderous movements of the great scientists P. A. Slavsov and Karl von
ocean cun'ents. To simplifv the piJture Baer reported. that river valleys in
a- bit, let us assume thit the derisity of Si_
belia tend to have steep walls on their
the sea is uniform. The oceans are not rjght.side and gently sioping *"11,
perfectly level, for the rvinds shift the on
their left side. Si'milai asymmEt.ieshave
waters and give them a gentle relief. been observed in some Aiaskan ,iu".r,
Since wirter fows downhill, the natural i,.,
the Missouri River and i., u .rr-r.lr".
l2-chonnel tendency of the oceans' water is to flow
trom regions where the mean sea_level
streams^onLong Island. This surrrrosecl
ettect ot the Coriolis drift is ,orn"ti_.,
is relatively high to those where it is
Recorder lower. But as soolr as the water tries to
crilled Baer's law. But students
effect have not all been willing ; ;;t.il,
of the
move- in so forthright a fashion, the ute it to the Coriolis infuence. Even
oninstru. Coriolis drilt causes"the moving water in a river a mile wide flowing at
to veer off to the right (in the N"orthern the fast
rate o_f ffve miles pe. hour" in
nenl of ninirnumsizeondweight Hemisphe-re). trveitually the currents latitudes of the No^rthern Hemisphere.
flow steadilv along the contour lines, the Coriolis drift to the right ;;fJ;;l;
with the rvater surTacesloping ,lp*".d
to the right irs one looks inihe"diriection ! p . t h e r v i r t e ro n l v a l i t t l e , i r o . . t f , " , , i i " .
inch. higher- at [he right b"nk
of flow. In practice, of course. internal ih,;,r- ;;
*t, bank. possibly such a slight
ecldy-stresses rvithin the ocean irnd the :l-: rlif_
in height might cause sig"nificunt
winds blowing across the sea surface ::L"1""
clrfferencesin erosion over
..?.djfy, this trinrl. Brrt the general nrle gJological
periods of time, but the rluesti-on is"still
still holds unsettled.
Lest the reirder mistakenly conclude -fhl;
is as gootl a place us any to cor_
tlrat he shoukl hitve slroited these
oceanic hills and virllevs on his last sea ::", T".p,ersistent- misconception rhat
the Lioriolis lcceleration ciruses tlre
vo_virge. it shotrld be mentiorred that the water to run out of a rvashbowl
total differencc of metn height across in a
clockrvise direction in the No.th".r,
even the fastest-moving pnii, of the Hemisphere and counterclockrvise
Culf Stream system is oily'about a foot irr
the Southern Hemisphere. The Coriolis
and a hall in some 80 or d0 miles. Even rnfllrence is so small at the velocitv
this modest slope is only partly due to of
rvater in a washbowl, the time invoivecl
Coriolis effects, the t"-"ir,.1", iesulting is so short and other factors are
from the sort of hor.izontal .l""siii so
numerous (hands, noncirculirr
gradients we have agreed to overlooli. borvl_
shapes, r_non) that one may fecl
Yet, slight as such suti"ce slopesmav be. ld
sure the Coriolis effect is never in cbntrol
they.constitute a mirjor frrctoi in tne ar_ here. This is regrettable, U"",,,r* ii
nitmics of the oceun-cur-renrs. ii
6.3| 4,, x 9.13 I | 6,, r r:-: were, a rvashbowl rvould constitute
!,0,, a
JJ 'bS. useful analoguc of a cyclone in the ai_
p)EOPLE ON tlre Plcific Co:rst :rr.e mosDnere.
The HeilondA.500 portobleOscillo. I well acrluaintedrvith certain other
groph Recorder has been designed consequences of the Coriolis accelera_ E SHALL consider one rnore Dos_
tion, though not mitnv rellize tlris is sible caseo[ l Coriolis effect. Tllcrc
developed for recording strains, pres-
the cause.Coriolis driftls mninlv resl)on_ is.a.theory
sures, accelerations, temperatutes, etc. that some birds may be guicl_
sible for the notorious Califoinia iogs ed in their migrations by sensitivilv to
under conditions requiring an inst-ument
and the colclness of the rvater on C,rii_ the Coriolis
of minimum size, light weight and ex. acciler.ation to q"o#,,g_
fornia's beaches. Off the Cnlifornia coast. netic latitude. H. L. yeaglev "n._l
treme versatiliry, .Incorporated in where tlre prevrriling rvinds are from the o"f penfi_
"500" are many features found
the sylvania Strrte College "hrrs recentlir
only in northrvest, the rvirrd stress and Coriolis .
studied this amazing tf,eory in an effo,:t
much larger instruments. . , simultaneous clrift genernllv combine to make the to d,etermirrethe navigrting technirlues
viewing and recording. .. four ,.quick coirstal rvaters sidle off in a southrvest- of the homing
change" paper speeds...easy loading
and erly direction. As rvrrter is transoortecl When a biid-flies lt constrnt sr.ourrcl
operation ., . irway frorn tlre shore torvanl the south- speetl
in the Northern HemisnhEre. its
west, the deficit must be made uD some_ Coriolis
For complete informqtion on the accelerution towrrd ihe .ieht
Heiland horv. The rvater moving offsho,; is re- glows greater the farther north it flies.
A-500 and the possible application placed by rvater r.isingfiom helorv. This
of Yeirgley suggests thrrt if, throrrgh sorne
this instrument to your parricular prob_ uprvellirrt lrrirrgs up- rvrrter frorn cold delicrrte sensorv or-grrn.the birtl.-c:rncle.
lem, write or wire .. . stnrtrrly.irrgat deptlrs as great rs severirl tect slight
cliffer.eni.esin this lcceler.rr-
h u n < l r e <l le e t . A s r Lr e s r r l tt h e r e i s i r c o o l tion, irnd
cirn contbine tl-ris infor.rnrrtion
TheHeilondReseorch strip of rvirter along the Californirr coast, rvith an tccurirte estimate of its grouncl
Corporotion superimposed, in fact, on the :tlreirclv speed, it mrry be able to serrseiis qeo.
l3O EostFifth Avenue, Denver 9, Colorsdo
cool California Current florving clown g n t p h i c r t l l i t t i t r r d e .I f , r r t t h e s , r n r et i n e ,
from the north. In surnmer. thE u,irrrn rtrrothtr sensor.yorg:rn rvitlr the neces-
de endoble
inslrumenls moist Pircific air streaming ir-r from the
Iiorthrvestis cooled br the-coiLstirl
siLrv electricirl'propierties senses difier.-
rvrrter, t-rrcesirr the ntirirrteelectromotive for.ccs
rild this is rvhat formi the foes for rvhicli generlted bv virtue of the bircl's motion
C l l i f o r r r i r r l e g r e t s t o b e [ : r n i o r r sA
. s i r r r - t l r l o u g h t h e e a r t h ' sn r a g r r e t i cf i e l d ,
ilirr situation lrrevrils off the coust of t l r i s p l r r s t l r e l r i r - d ' se s t i i r u t e o f i t s s r r e e t l
Pelu ar-rdparti of the' rvestern corrst of rvorrld provide :r brisi:,for sensing'geo_
Af ricir. rnilgnetic lrtitude. Norv, since tlre*niag_
Some gerokrgistsbelieve the, Cor.iolis rretic poles
of tlre errr.tlrure rlispl,rccl<l
effect ciruses ii river to er.ocleone of its sorne l0 <lcgreesfrom tlre geogr,iplric,rl
poles, the parallels of geomagnetic lati-
tude form-a grid with"the p"arallels of
geographical latitude, and wiih this qrid
it is theoretically possible to navisatj.
Most pfrlsicisti would regaid the
theory as of very low a priori pla'usibilitv.
Even assuming that a'bird's sen'sesaie
so delicate th;t it can detect tlie tinv
differences in Coriolis rrccelerationanll
magnetic field, these cnnnot be trans-
lated into latitude until the bird has com-
pared each efiect rvith a very precise
estimate of its ground speed.- Further-
more, the bird iust so.niho* allow for
the effect of cross-rvinds, which is nor-
mally much greater than the Coriolis
drift. As if this rvere not enough. the bird
rvoulcl have to defy relativity theorv.
which says that it could not clistinsuiih
the efiecis of the normol ot-orpi".l"
electric fteld from those induced bv the
bird's motion through the earth's mag-
netic field. Yet despite thcse difficulties.
certain leatures of Yerrglev'stheory seem
to have been borne o"i bv his exiensive
strrcliesrvith lroming pigeons.
If fruther' ."r""."X ihdulrl confirm the
rnagnetic-Coriolis theory of bird navi_
g i r t i o n , t l r e s o h r t i o no f t l i i s t l . , t , pm v s t e r v
of the animal world will be ."ih"i rnu..
a s t o n i s h i n gt h r r r rt l r c o r i g i n a l m v s t e r y . I t
worrld_certainlybe startling to lerrrnihtt
this efiect has been used }iy generations
of golden plovers and Aicti"c terns to
hold true to their coursesas thev flv over
thousands of miles of tracklesi o'""",rr.
Whether the birds are really thrt
clever or not, we may be rluite suie that
they inexorably tend to drift as thev flv.
All things that move over the turf^"" 6f
our _ spinning earth, whether birds,
winds, rivers, oce:rn crrrrents, explorers,
cars, trains, bullets or rockets, ire in-
evitably subjected to this efiect as we
view them in our terrestriirl coordinate
systems. Even r,vhen man gets away
from his planetrrry home :rnrlltakes orit
better-behaved coordinlte svstems irr
interplanetrrry space,he will not be rrble
to omit consideration of the Coriolis ef-
fect from his dynamics. For the solar
system itself, aiong with all its neirr
neighbors, is slowly- brrt srrrelv rotating
:rround the Irub of our girltxy. somc
30,000 light-vears arvay. Undoubtedly
a precise analvsis of the waddling of
Ant:rrctic penguins rvould show not only
Coriolis effects due to the earth's circum-
polirr lotation, ancl similar but smaller
effects clue to oul pltnet's annual circuit
arouncl the sun, bnt also a tinv Coriolis
d r i f t t l r r e t o t l r e s t : L t e l vr v l r i r l o l ' o r r l s o l r r r '
system about tl.re ceirter of the galaxy.
Hele we find ourselves in somewhat
the surne situation ns Archimedes with
his earth-n'roving lever-all roe need to
demonstlrrte oui point is a suitable co-
ordinirte svstent.

Iames E. NlcDonald is as-

sistantprofessorof plrysics
0t Ioua Statc College.

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