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self-control home

no other animal has ever been endowed with such self-control as you possess
you've been endowed with a car or to use the most highly organized form of energ
y known
it is not improbable that thought is the closest connecting link there is betwee
n the mature real physical fringe of this world and world of divinity
you have not only the power to think but what a thousand times more important st
you have the power to control your thoughts and to write them to do your bit
we're coming out to the really important part of the slash and
listen carefully and medicare to flee
i approach the sport of lois and almost with fear and trembling for brings us fa
ce to face with a subject that would you are qualified to discuss with reasonabl
e intelligence
i repeat
you have the power to control your fought and direct them to do your bidding
your brain maybe like unto would die lamar embedded generates or sets into motio
n the mysterious energy call all
the stem realize that set your brain into action or of two sorts one is auto sug
gestion and the other is a suggestion
you can select the material on which you're thinking is produced and that is aut
o suggestion for cells would just to
you can permit others to select the material which are thinking is produced and
that is suggestion
it is a humiliating for that most causes produced by the outside suggestions of
and it is more humiliating still have to admit that the majority of us ex episod
e just jump without examining it for questioning it sounds
we read the daily papers as though every word were based on fact we are swayed b
y the gossip and idle chatter of others as though every word were true
thought is the only thing over which you have absolute control yet you permit ov
er people to answer the sacred mention of your mind and their deposit through su
ggestion their troubles and walls adversity them false would
often though you did not have the power to close the door and keep them up
you have within your control the power to select the material that constitute th
e dominating thoughts of your mind
and just as surely as you were listening to these lines those who are which domi
nate your mind will bring you a success or failure according to their nature
the fact that fought the only thing over which you have absolute control is almo
st profound significance
strongly suggests that thought is your nearest approach to divinity on this are
we going
i thought these were most important tool
one with which you may shape your worldly destiny according to your own like

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