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1. Basic Subject Verb Agreement
2. Subject Verb Agreement :Using Expression of Quantity
3. Subject Verb Agreement : Some Irregularities
4. Subject Verb Agreement :Using THERE + BE
5. Personal Pronouns : Agreement with Nouns
6. Personal Pronouns : Agreement with Indefinite Pronouns
7. Personal Pronouns : Agreement with Collective Nouns

Fakultas Program Studi Tatap Muka Kode MK Disusun Oleh

HUMAS DAN 90026 Yayah Makiyah, SS, MP.d

Abstract Kompetensi
Problem with Agreement sering Mahasiswa dapat memahami dan
digunakan pada sturktur Bahasa Inggris mengggunakan struktur kalimat
dan sering terjadi kesalahan dalam Problem with agreement yang
penulisan maupun pengucapan. Modul tepat dalam Bahasa Inggris
ini secara singkat akan membahas
mengenai topik tersebut.

There are some rules in English that you should concern in it. One of the rules is the use of
Subject Verb Agreement which is important enough to use.
Agreement is the relationship between a subject and verb or between pronoun and noun, or
between a pronoun and another pronoun. It can be said that subject and verb should be agree each
Here will describe the rules in using Subject Verb Agreement

1. Basic Subject Verb Agreement

2. Subject Verb Agreement :Using Expression of Quantity
3. Subject Verb Agreement : Some Irregularities
4. Subject Verb Agreement :Using THERE + BE
5. Personal Pronouns : Agreement with Nouns
6. Personal Pronouns : Agreement with Indefinite Pronouns
7. Personal Pronouns : Agreement with Collective Nouns

1. Basic Subject Verb Agreement

Basic subject verb agreement is agreement between singular verb and plural verb with the
subject itself.
Example :
Basic Subject Verb agreement


My friend lives in Boston My friends live in Boston Verb + -s / -es = third person
singular in the simple
present tense
Noun + -s / -es = plural
That book on political parties is The ideas in that book are A prepositional phrase that

Betty S. Azar. 1989. Understanding and Using English Grammar 2nd Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc,

2 BAHASA INGGRIS 3 Pusat Bahan Ajar dan eLearning

YAYAH MAKIYAH, SS, MP.d http://www.mercubuana.ac.id

interesting interesting comes between a subject
and a verb does not affect
the verb
My brother and sister live in Two or more subject
Boston connected by and take a
plural verb
Every man, woman, and child Exception: Every and each
needs love are always followed
Each book and magazine is immediately by singular
listed in the card catalogue nouns. In this case, even
where there are two or more
nouns connected by and, the
verb is singular
Growing flowers is her hobby A gerund used as the subject
of a sentence takes a
singular verbs

2. Subject Verb Agreement : Using Expressions of Quantity

Expression of quantity is a large amount or number of something. Some expression of
quantity are used with countable noun; some only with uncountable noun; some with either
countable or uncountable noun.
In this part verb is determined by expression of quantity. Some expressions of quantity are
each, every, several, many, much, a number of, some, a lot of, the number of, a number of , both,
all, etc

Some of the worker is lazy : singular verb The verb is determined by the
noun that follows of in most
Some of the workers are lazy : plural verb expression of quantity

Some of + singular noun+ singular verb

Some of + plural noun + plural verb

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Neither you nor my friend is not here today : singular verb
Neither you nor my friends are not here : plural verb

The verb is determined by subject that comes before verb

Neither + subject + nor + singular subject + singular verb
Neither + subject + nor + plural subject + plural verb

One of my friends is here

One of my family gets prize
Each of workers takes salary one of, each of, and every one of take singular verb
Each of my friends is here
Every one of my friends is here

One of
Each of + plural noun + singular verb
Every one of

The number of students in the class is eleven : singular

A number of students were absent on Monday : plural

The number of + plural noun + singular verb

A number of + plural noun + plural verb

Note: A number has same meaning with a lot of

3. Subject Verb Agreement : Some Irregularities

a) There are some noun ends by es and their position is singular
The news is really fascinating people
Physics is really hard for me and my friend
The United States is really great country in the world

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b) Expression of time, money and distance are singular


I wait for you ten hours and it is really boring

Four dollars is enough for paying my debt to you
One miles is close enough from here

4. Subject Verb Agreement : Using THERE + BE

There + is : There is is for uncountable noun and single countable noun
There is a guest in the lounge
There is a lawyer behind me
There + are : There are is for plural countable noun
There are some students in my class
There are three drivers under tree

5. Personal Pronoun : Agreement with noun

Personal Pronoun
Subject Object Possessive Possessive Reflexives
adjective Pronoun
I Me My Mine Myself
You You Your Yours Yourself
She Her Her Hers Herself
He Him His His Himself
We Us Our Ours Ourselves
They Them Their Theirs themselves
It It Its - itself

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Mr. Andrew came late to the congress. He got traffic jam an hour.
He takes my money without permission. If I meet him, I will kick him by myself
You will hear good news about Mrs. Lana because she will marry with her boyfriend this
He looked at himself in the mirror
She lives by herself
You kills yourself if you tell the truth to our manager
He gives a lot of flowers to show his great love to you
This is my expensive car and this is yours
Their cars are still in parking area

6. Personal Pronouns : Agreement with Indefinite Pronouns

These are part of Indefinite Pronoun

1) Someone, somebody and something

Generally, those indefinite pronouns take singular noun and they use for positive
I see someone here now
Someone tells me about the truth
2) Anyone, anybody, and anything
These indefinite pronouns take singular noun and they use for negative sentences
Is there anyone here
I dont want buy anything today
3) Everyone, everybody, everywhere and everything
Those indefinite pronouns take singular noun
Everyone I know has gone
I have gone everywhere

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4) No one, nobody, and nothing
No body and nothing are taking a singular. No one or none can be used in
singular or plural noun
None can tell it
Nobody came here again
5) Another, others, the other, and the others
Another is one more in addition to the one(s) already mentioned. Others is
several more in addition to the one(s) already mentioned. Another can be used for
singular pronoun while others can be used for plural pronoun.
The other (s) is all that remain from a given number; the rest of specific group. The
other can be used for singular pronoun and The others can be used for plural
I dont like this book. I want another
Three of those books are expensive, but the others are expensive
I have students from many countries. One of my students from Indonesia.
Another student is from America. Another is from Japan. Other students are
from Malaysia. I really enjoy teaching them.
There five books from Mr. Hamid. Three are Lindas book and the others are

7. Personal Pronouns : Agreement with Collective Nouns

Below examples of collective nouns
Audience class family
Public couple crowd
Government staff committee
Group faculty team

Those collective nouns can be used in singular or plural; it depends on a single

impersonal unit or a collection of various individuals.

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If collective nouns refer to a single impersonal unit, use a singular verb or pronoun.
Otherwise, if collective nouns refer to various units, use plural verb or pronoun.

1. Staff
My staff is good for creating new design
My staff are smart enough for learning design
2. Family
My family is large. It is composed nine members
My family is full of affection. It seems hard to leave them
3. Committee
The committee has decided to choose him as a leader
The committee have decided to choose him as a leader
4. Faculty
The faculty give students chance to choose their course
The faculty gives students chance to choose their course
5. Couple
The couple looks very gorgeous with that dress
The couple are very serious and nervous when they say a vow in front of people

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Daftar Pustaka

Azar. S. Betty. 1989. Understanding and Using English Grammar 2nd Edition. New Jersey:
Prentice Hall, Inc
Philips Deborah.2001. Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test: New York: Addison Wesley
Wishon, E.G & Burks. M. Julia. 1980. Lets Write English Revised Edition. New York: Litton
Educational Publishing
Oshima, A & Hogue A. 1997. Writing Academic English Second Edition: New York: Addison
Wesley Longman
Karnedi. 2001. Grammar Translation Exercises: Pusat Penerbitan Universitas Terbuka

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