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Name: Gavrila Ortansa Madelen

Date: March 1st , 2017
School: Anghel Saligny High School
Level: beginners
Grade: 2nd B
Lesson: A butterfly
Textbook: Fairyland 2B
Timing: 50 min
Type of lesson: mixed lesson
Vocabulary: egg, caterpillar, chrysalis, butterfly
Grammar revision: can, numbers from 1-20
Skills: speaking, listening, reading, writing
General goals: to learn about the life cycle of a butterfly
to use the numbers from 1 to 20 in games
A) Cognitive objectives: By the end of the lesson the Ss will be able to:
- name the stages from the life of a butterfly
- listen to a story and get the gist
- talk about animals abilities
- recognise the numbers from 1 to 20 when written and listened.
B) Affective objectives:
- to create a warm atmosphere in order to offer the background for smooth, easy
conversation between teacher and students
- to make students confident in themselves when speaking a foreign language
Interaction:T-Ss, Ss-T, IW, PW, GW
Teaching techniques:
- conversation
- repetition
- drills
- example
- explanation
- short story
- games
Methods and approaches:
Communicative approach,TPR
Teaching aids: flip chart, DVD, laptop, projector, textbook, blackboard, cards,
activity book worksheet

Activity 1 Warm-up
Aim: to focus attention and provide a lead-in
T checks the attendance, corrects the homework
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T, Ss-Ss
Timing: 2 min
Activity 2 pre-listening
Aim: to stir Ss interest on the topic
T writes the title of the lesson on the blackboard and tells the Ss they will talk about
the life cycles of a butterfly. T puts the DVD showing the Ss the image from exercise 1
page 12, pointing and explaining (in L1 if necessary) the stages to them. Ss repeat
and say them by themselves. T gives the Ss a worksheet with the life cycles of a
butterfly and small cutouts (with the name of the life cycles written on them) and asks
the Ss to work in pairs. 1 S has the worksheet and the other has the envelope with the
cutouts. The S with the cutouts has to tell the other the stage and how to colour it.(eg.
Green eggs, a pink caterpillar, a yellow chrysalis, a red butterfly) and then to put the
cutout under the right stage. Ss will check the work of the pair next to them. Finally
they will report to the class.
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T, PW
Timing: 10 min

Activity 3 pre-listening
Aim: to make them predict what they are going to listen
T asks the Ss to open their textbook page 10 and tells them they will listen to a story
the explains the life cycles of the butterfly. T points to the first image and asks them:
Who are they?, Who is Cathy?What can Cathy do?( picture 2), What can Cathy do?
(picture 3),What can Cathy do in picture 7? What can Cathy do in picture 8?
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T
Timing: 5 min

Activity 4 while-listening
Aim: to listen for details
T plays the DVD and Ss follow and point in their textbooks. T plays the recording
again, stopping it for the Ss to repeat the lines and work on their pronunciation.
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T
Timing: 4 min

Activity 5 post-listening
Aim: to consolidate Ss pronunciation
T asks the Ss if they liked the story and what they liked. T gives the roles to the Ss and
they read the text.
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T, GW
Timing: 5 min

Activity 6 pre-listening
Aim: to predict what they are going to listen
T tells the Ss they are going to do exercise 2 page 13 and explains the activity to them
by telling that they are going to listen and number the pictures of the animals in their
T points to the picture of the frog and asks: Has it got big eyes?, What colour is it?,
What can it do? And the same with all the pictures.
Interaction: T-Ss, IW, Ss-T
Timing: 6 min

Activity 7 while-listening
Aim: to listen for details and to practise listening
T plays the recording as many times as she thinks necessary and the Ss do the task
writing in their notebooks the name of the animals in the correct order.
Interaction: T-Ss, IW, Ss-T
Timing: 4 min

Activity 8 consolidation
Aim: to consolidate the knowledge acquired in the previous lessons from this unit
T splits the Ss in pairs and gives them the worksheet of a game. T explains the task to
them. T monitors the activity and helps when necessary.
T splits the class in 2 big groups. On a flip chart T puts cards with numbers from 11
to 20 and of the animals learnt in a previous lesson ( butterfly, elephant, monkey,
frog, spider, bird) in aleatory order, asks the Ss to tell the numbers and the animals,
then asks them, as groups, to remember the order. After 1 minute T asks the Ss to
close their eyes and removes one card from the flip chart. Ss open their eyes and have
to tell the missing number or animal. The first group that know have to say the
If there is time they will play a bingo game with numbers from 1 to 20.
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T, PW, GW
Timing: 12 min

Activity 9 assignment of the homework and teachers appreciation

Homework: ex 2 page 15 and exercise 6 page 31 from activity book
T asks the students about the lesson if it was easy or difficult and praises the Ss
activity both verbally and by giving marks to those who were very active during the
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T
Timing: 2 min

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