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''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death


Part 7.
The Voice Of One Crying In The Wilderness!
''The thing that has beenit is what will be again, & that which has been done is that which will be
done again; & there is nothing new under the sun'' Eccl 1:9 Amp.
John the Baptist receied !" reelation the coming o# the $essiah. %e &as called to close o't the (ld
)estament * to Pass the Baton to the coming $essiah+ Jes's the Christ. %e one man &as 'sed to begin
to 'sher in a new era * at the same time to begin to 'sher o't an old. %e &as not per#ect neither &as he
the $essiah+ he pointed to the per#ect one the $essiah+ JE,-, C%R.,).
Whilst teaching the new, he was auto!atically ousting the old!
Een no& there is * has !een #or some time A /(.CE CR0.12 .1 )%E 3.4DER1E,,. )he cr" is repent
&hich means change )his oice o# one corporate man is rapidl" increasing in si5e * its mandate is
closing o't one era * !ringing in another+ &hich also co'ld !e descri!ed as The Passing o! the Baton to
a greater one ''That is to be re"ealed #disclosed, unfolded$'' in 's 1Pet 6:1! Amp. ''I !ust decrease but
%e !ust increase''

Een a#ter Jes's had risen #rom the dead * the %ol" spirit had !een po'red o't there &ere some that
still co'ld not see the ne& * &o'ld * co'ld not let go o# the (4D the" tried to reie the (4D ,a!!ath
da" teaching+ circ'mcision+ 'nclean meats * drin7s+ &ashings * dippings ''until the ti!e of setting
things straight &of refor!ation, of the co!'lete new order when Christ, the (essiah, shall establish
the reality of what these things foreshadow)))a better co"enant*of the better things that ha"e co!e
& +,- TO CO(- &Then through the greater & !ore 'erfect tabernacle not !ade with &hu!an* hands
the son's of god, that is, not a 'art of this !aterial creation'' %e! 9:18!911!. %e! ::;a. Amp

As the a!oe te<t in Ecclesiastes tells 's+ * &hat is happening toda" con#irms+ that things hae not
changed+ in short we still lo"e the old wines#in$s

)his article is not aimed at people+ !'t more at a point o# deception. John the Baptist opened 'p the
spirit'al ether or atmosphere o# tr'th as m'ch as &as possi!le #or that da". .# "o' can receie it John
Baptist is on the scene once more+ the corporate %ohn that is.

As John &as ministering a new message he &as still in the time o# the la&+ =part la& part grace. .n
Re 11:: Amp &e read o# t&o &itnesses &ith a t&o9#old ministr"+ this happens chronologicall" !e#ore
erse 16 &hich tells 's that ''The do!inion #.ingdo!, so"ereignty, rule of the world has now co!e into
the 'ossession & beco!e the .ingdo! of our /ord & of %is Christ #the (essiah$, & %e shall reign
fore"er & fore"er''
J'st as the earl" Ch'rch opposer's #o'nd reason not to let go o# the (4D so the opposer's &ill #ind
eer" reason not to let 2( toda"+ * the tool that &as 'sed to s'!stantiate the position o# the opposer's in
the da" o# Pa'l * #'rther do&n the trac7 is the er" same tool that is 'sed toda". 3hat tool is that "o'
as7> )he BIB&E+ the letter o# the la&+ the in7 on the paper+ ''the letter .illeth but the 0'irit gi"es
life'' '1ou search & in"estigate & 'ore o"er the scri'tures diligently, because you su''ose & trust
that you ha"e eternal life through the! +nd these "ery scri'tures testify about (e! +nd still you are
not willing &but refuse* to co!e to (e, so that you !ight ha"e life'' Jn 6: ?99@8.
In the dense !orest o! words I was lost'
''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death
In the letter o! tr(th was tiredness ) !ear'
B(t in th* spirit is shade' water ) rest
4et 's as7 o'rseles this A'estion am . #ollo&ing tradition or tr(th+ organisation or organis+>
John !ro'ght change+ he did not teach circ'mcision or the old &a" o# dip9ping's * &ashings+ he ta'ght
repentance * practised !aptism. )his meant C%A12E.
.n the da"s o# Jes's there &ere other so called messiahs all claiming to to !e the one Bread Joseph'sC
so it is toda"D... )here is onl" one &a" * that is the &a" o# the ,pirit. Een tho'gh man" are !eginning to
'nderstand some o# &hat 2od is doing 'niersall"+ &e m'st not !e o# the opinion that it m'st come m"
&a" or "o'r &a"+ it m'st * &ill onl" come 2od's &a". .n this . am incl'ding all denominations+ sects+
gro'ps+ ch'rches or &hateerDD All o# these things &ill grad'all" lose their importance as the realisation
o# the great plan o# 2od !egins to da&n on the %'man race. B't #irst there m'st come the sorting o't+ the
ten #rom the t&o+ the ten leaders o# .srael as apart #rom Josh'a * Cale!+999 Eede7iah * the @88 prophets
as opposed to $icaiah as #o'nd in 1Fings ;;. 3hich is most important to "o' * .+ (-R Ch'rch or
moement or )R-)%> 3hich is the most important to 's>9999 ,ects+ denominations+ moements are all
impeding Bin man"C the )R-E moe o# 2od &ithin o'rseles #or toda".
3hen John &ho - represented not only the incoming new order but also the old 'art law)'art grace )
&as thro&n into gaol * then beheaded+ this is sho&ing 's toda" that 2od is going to do a&a" altogether
&ith an" in part realm &ithin 's+ &e are !eing !eheaded as it were or ''slain with a2es,'$ ''for their #or
our$ witnessing to 3esus'' Re ;8:@. )his is a =t&o edged s&ord &hich has a t&o #old e##ect. 1+
Changing 's+ * ;+ Doing a&a" &ith the ''art law' (1CE * G(R A44. ''4ehold I show unto you a !ore
e2cellent way'' )his is the cr" o# the messenger toda*
3e might notice also that #or a period John &as ministering at the same time as Jes's then at a gien
time John &as to !e ta7en o## the scene. %e &as #irst p't o't o# action * then !eheaded. ,o it &ill !e
&ith the toda* John the Baptist gro'p the in part gro'p the Hol* Place,Pentecostal &a" o# thin7ing+
&ill * m'st !e ''ta.en out of the way'' in us to ma7e room #or ''when that which is 'erfect is co!e''
1o& this does not necessaril" mean that 2od is going to literall" remoe o'r head+ !'t in o'r thin7ing or
'nderstanding the old m'st gie &a" or !e ''beheaded'' #or the sa7e o# ''the sal"ation to be re"ealed''
message. .n Re 7:? * 1@:1 &e read in !oth erses that the ''bond ser"ants are sealed & inscribed on
their foreheads'' ('r #orehead is a depiction o# the mind+ o'r minds are sealed or sancti#ied 'nto o'r
2od+ this does not mean that a laser mar7 or n'm!er is going to appear isi!l" or inisi!l" mar7ed on o'r
#oreheads. 3hilst on the s'!Hect the same applies to the +ar# o! the beast the #orehead once again has
to do &ith the mind or the sancti#ication o# o'r tho'ght li#e+ the sooner &e stop reading the ink on the
paper * !egin to arise into a third real+ in o'r thin7ing the !etter. )he Bi!le is a spirit'al !oo7 not
al&a"s to !e ta7en literall" !'t all o# these things hae a spirit'al connotation. .# &e are still going to
insist on the literal+ please let 's hae the grace to admit also to the higher or spirit'al interpretation. .n
19:? . attended a meeting &here the spea7er insisted that the rapt(re &o'ld ta7e place in no less than 6
"ears+ this spea7er presented s'ch conincing te<ts that in +* +ind . had no escape+ !'t in the ''!ind of
Christ'' there &as a de#inite no no+ that &as -. *ears ago. .n 1978 &e &ere in#ormed !" a learned elder9
preacher &ho presented a n'm!er o# conincing te<ts * reasons that &ithin ? to 6 "ears that &e &o'ld !e
all ta7ing the +ar# o! the beast ) a laser number - on o'r #oreheads or die i# &e didn't+ that &as almost
-/ *ears ago. $" dear !rothers * sisters this %ohn the baptist' in part era m'st decrease+ o'r heads or
minds m'st !e c't o## &e m'st !e &illing to receie the 0+ind o! Christ1 !e BEHEADED o# o'r carnal
minds or +ista#en identit*. %e m'st increase &ithin 's. (nce again let 's not loo7 at the in7 on the
paper !'t hae an ear #or &hat the spirit is sa"ing to 's toda".
3ohn The 4a'tist 5id +nd 5oes 6recede The Christ!
As there are t&o most important Comings o# Christ+ so there are t&o comings o# a John the Baptist or an
EliHah9har!inger ministr". .n $al @:69:+ &e read ''4ehold, I will send you -li7ah the 'ro'het before the
great & terrible day of the /ord co!es +nd he shall turn the hearts of the &estranged* fathers to the
''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death
&ungodly* children to the &'iety of* their fathers &a reconciliation 'roduced by re'entance of the
ungodly*, lest I co!e & s!ite the land with a curse & a ban of utter destruction'' .n 471:17+ a9!
''+nd he will &hi!self* go before %i! in the s'irit & 'ower of -li7ah,)))))))in order to !a.e ready for
the /ord a 'eo'le &'erfectly* 're'ared &in s'irit, ad7usted & dis'osed & 'laced in the right !oral
state'' )hen &e read in $att. 17:11+ ''-li7ah does co!e & will get e"erything restored & ready'' Amp.
)he FJ/ renders shall I#'t're tenseJ.
8irst Ca!e -li7ah, Then 8ollowed -lisha!
Personall" . thin7 that EliHah is the most e<citing o# the prophets. )he miracles+ signs * &onders are so
#aith inspiring * "et as high as he rose in 2od he &o'ld also pl'mmet into great lo&s. 3e do not seem to
#ind this #ailing in Elisha. 3heneer t"polog" is presented &e can also #ind some #la& i# &e loo7 hard
eno'gh #or it+ so let 's get &hat &e can o't o# this toda" &itho't !eing too critical. 3e are li7ening EliHah
to John the Baptist * &e are &ell &ithin o'r script'ral rights. )hen &e are li7ening Elisha to Jes's the
Christ &hich ma" !e ne& to some. )hen at the same time &e are li7ening these t&o prophets to &hat is
happening toda".

3hen John9EliHah came &ith a simple message o# repentance Bor changeC it a'tomaticall" reealed to
the people the #allac" o# the Ecclesiastical %ierarch" &ith its gar!s * titles * the pompo's separation
!et&een the clerg* ) lait*' * so it is toda" histor" has once again repeated itsel#+ the Pentecostal
moement &hich started among the lo&l" in !r'sh9ar!o'rs * shop #ronts hae no& grown (p as it were,
* in man" A'arters there is once again a ast di##erence !et&een the clerg* ) lait* &ith names li7e - *
expecting to be recognised as such - Re"erend' 2er* Re"erend' Doctor Pastor' Elder or Bishop etc'
incidentall" these are o##ices * not titles. 3here there o'ght to hae !een a contin'ed re#ormation+
instead &e hae a re9#ormation o# m'ch o# that+ &e &ere s'pposed to hae come o't o#. (nce again the
er" simple message - of repentance- change & looking for the one to soon come, the greater works
double portion man-child ministry - is !eing e<posed in its #'llness+ * those &ho are read"+ are loing *
em!racing it.
.ncidentall" in the time o# John * o# Jes's there &ere those &ho co'ld not entertain in an" &a"+ the
tho'ght that 2od &as doing something ne&+ apart #rom &hat the" alread" 7ne&+ these #actions contin'ed
een a#ter the o'tpo'ring o# the ,pirit. ,o to settle the A'estion once & for all, in aro'nd 78 AD as had
!een prophesied+ 2od arranged that the enemies o# the Je&s+ the Romans+ 'nder the leadership o# )it's to
sac7 not onl" the )emple+ !'t also Jer'salem. (n reading certain reports regarding the organised Ch'rch
s"stem as opposed to 2oernments in English spea7ing Co'ntries . see a similar thing on the #'t're
agenda. 2od is not moc7ed+ %e &ill ma7e it er" plain regarding %is tr'th's * those &ho are %is chosen.

3hen does the John the Baptist9 EliHah ministr" #inish * &hen does the Jes's9Elisha ministr" start>
)his is a A'estion . hae gien m'ch tho'ght to+ one gro'p is sa"ing that &e are there * that &e are
r'ling * reigning * are on the throne no& * this ma" !e tr'e to a degree+ the other o# co'rse is o# the
opinion it has "et to !e #'l#illed. )here are a n'm!er o# te<ts #l"ing aro'nd on !oth sides !'t o# co'rse &e
are interested in &hat the spirit &o'ld sa" to 's. 3hen Jes's sent o't the disciples t&o !" t&o to ''heal
the sic. & to cast out de"ils'' &e co'ld sa" that in a manner that the" &ere ''ruling & reigning with
%i!'' ta7ing a'thorit" oer &hat &as &ithin their rights at that time !'t not in the #'llness o# &hat &as to
come. )his &as also &hile John &as still alie. Een a#ter John had passed o## the scene this did not
a'tomaticall" p't them #'ll" into the ne<t realm ''for the %oly 0'irit was not yet gi"en'' the time #or
the #'llness o# the ne<t realm &as in no 'ncertain terms a#ter a ''dramatic diine interention'' namel" the
o'tpo'ring o# the ,pirit o# 2od.... ,o &hat . am sa"ing is that &hen the John9EliHah ministr" &hich
represents ''the in)'art, lea"ened, %oly 'lace'' realm+ is #inishing+ this Elisha9Jes's realm points to the
''tree of life, !ost %oly 'lace, a !ore e2cellent way, that which is to co!e'' realm.99999 %aing said that+
this does not mean that &e are not to act li7e * #'l#il the ''sitting together in %ea"enly 6laces'' ministr"
that &e hae !een gien. 3e are to #aith#'ll" per#orm * 'se the ministr" * a'thorit" &e hae !een gien
to date. .t has !een said !" some+ ho& can "o' people claim to 7no& o# the e<perience o# Tabernacles
&hilst some o# "o' are &earing a hearing aid+ or that "o' 'nder9&ent an operation #or hernia etc. . do not
''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death
7no& DD And . do not tr" to conH're 'p an ans&er to ma7e m"sel# all9&ise * . &ill not !e #orced to hae
an opinion &hen 2od is not spea7ing. )his is &h" there are so man" #alse doctrines #l"ing aro'nd
!eca'se men hae allo&ed themseles to !e #orced into a corner to hae an opinion &hen 2od has not
spo7en. B't this . do 7no&+ ''blessed is he, whosoe"er shall not be offended in !e''

3hen . receied m" #irst e<perience in Passoer+ . 7ne&DD 3hen . receied the in#illing o# the spirit+
. 7ne&DD 3hen . receied the e<perience o# The 3ost Hol* Place . 7ne&DD Each time man" &o'ld not
accept or !eliee it+ !'t . hae &onder#'l ne&s #or "o' man" did * . am so thrilled that it is still the same
toda" people are receiing * e<periencing a third real+ e4perience .# "o' are #eeling to &rite to some
one+ ma"!e "o' sho'ld. 3heneer people hear or read the &ord something happens. $$5aith co+es b*
hearing the word o! tr(th$$ &hether the" hear it er!all" or ia the printed page+ it is still the 3ord
And so &e are pointing to the c'lmination o# o'r Tabernacle' Third Real+ e<perience &hich is so
er" &ell * !ea'ti#'ll" e<plained in the #ollo&ing ersesK ''8or &e"en the whole* creation #all nature$
waits e2'ectantly & longs earnestly for 9od's sons to be !ade .nown &waits for the re"ealing, the
disclosing of their son)shi'*'' ''That nature #creation$ itself will be set free fro! its bondage & to
decay & corru'tion && gain an entrance* into the glorious freedo! of 9od's children'' ''+nd not
only the creation, but we oursel"es too, who ha"e & en7oy the first)fruits of the &%oly* 0'irit &a
foretaste of the blissful things to co!e* groan inwardly as we wait for the rede!'tion of our bodies
&fro! sensuality & the gra"e, which will re"eal* our ado'tion #our !anifestation as 9od's sons$''
Rom L:19+;1+;?. Amp.
)he last #e& &ords in this same erse in the 2ree7 reads:9 ''and #we$ oursel"es in oursel"es groan, a
son)shi' loo.ing for, the rede!'tion of the body of us'' Rom L:;?!.
0o once again we are loo.ing for a dra!atic 5i"ine inter"ention!
EliHah passed the Baton as it were to Elisha.
EliHah s'##ered his 'ps * do&ns9 Elisha &as on an een 7eel.
EliHah per#ormed L great miracles then he handed his $antle to Elisha
&hich incorporated a do'!le portion9greater &or7s ministr"
&ho then per#ormed 1: great miracles.
,o &e as7 the A'estion+ Does this in an" &a" #it in &ith &hat is happening toda">

)he sad hindrance to man"+ man" Christians toda" is that those &ho are in the Passoer * or
Pentecostal e<perience hae made these e<periences their end * cannot or &ill not see an" #'rther * the"
!ecome !ogged do&n+ * then in &anting to moe ahead in their partic'lar sphere o# actiit" the" tr" to
conH're 'p some ne& thing to tr" to e<cite the so'l+ &hich 's'all" dri55les o't a#ter a period o# time+ *
sadl" the =merr" go ro'nd tries to pic7 'p something else on the &a" to help sale the conscience.
3hen all the time there is a oice cr"ing in the &ilderness. There is a +ore e4cellent wa* 'n#ort'natel"
the so'l is strong * the letter o# the &A6 is er" compelling. ('r +ista#en identit* &hich stems #rom
the tree o# good ) e"il is partly responsi!le #or the in PART realm.

6asso"er Or 6entecost Is :ot The -nd!
Cries the "oice in the Wilderness
)he spirit o# the 4ord &o'ld inite "o' to step into the )he realm o# the 3ost Hol* Place or the Secret
Place o! the 3ost High. . hear the o!Hection . am not good eno'gh or . don't desere it. R'!!ishD
''3esus Christ tasted death for e"ery !an'' ''+s far as the -ast is fro! the West, so far has %e
re!o"ed our transgressions fro! us,'' someone said+ "o' m'st do this+ or "o' m'st do thatD )his thing
does not come !" &or7s+ it comes !" grace. Please allo& me to A'ote seeral erses o# script're. . &ill
''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death
'se the FJ/ in this case as . #eel it !rings o't the tho'ght . #eel the spirit &o'ld &ant to share &ith 's
more clearl". 3e are reading #rom. Rom ?:;89;@.
''Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be 7ustified in %is sight; for by the law is
the .nowledge of sin <= 4ut now the righteousness of 9od without the law is !anifested, being
witnessed by the law & the 'ro'hets; << -"en the righteousness of 9od which is by faith of 3esus
Christ unto +// & u'on +// the! that belie"e; 8O, T%-,- I0 :O 5I88-,-:C-; #Why>$ <? 8or
all ha"e sinned & co!e short of the glory of 9od;<@4eing 7ustified 8,--/1 by %is grace through
the rede!'tion that is in Christ 3esus;''
1otice in erse ;; the ,pirit thro'gh Pa'l tells 's this grace is 'nto A44+ and 'nto all them that
!eliee. As #ar as 2od is concerned eer" one is in the grace real++ !'t all hae not aailed themseles
o# it+ remem!er ''9od is not rewarding any of us according to our iniAuities'' !elieer or 'n!elieer
''unto +ll & u'on +ll who belie"e'' .# &e loo7 er" closel" in erse ;1 the la& is mentioned+ then in
erse ;; the righteo'sness o# 2od is &itho't la& or legalism+ een going so #ar as to sa" that #rom 2od's
point o# ie& there is no di!!erence !et&een !elieer * 'n!elieer. )hen in erse ;? &e are told ''8or
+// #belie"er & unbelie"er$ ha"e sinned,'' * then haing nailed the point home+ in erse ;@ Pa'l t'rns
the nail oer on the other side so that it is there to sta" * tells 's that !oth !elieer * 'n!elieer are
''3ustified freely by %is grace''
.n Rom 6:1?. 3e read+ ''8or until the law sin was in the world; but sin is not i!'uted when there is
no law'' )he la& !rings condemnation * g'ilt. )he &orld 7no&s that it is g'ilt"+ condemnation &ill
onl" add to the pro!lem+ ''I co!e not to conde!n the world 4BT that the world through !e would be
.n Rom ::1 &e read+ ''What shall we say then> 0hall we continue in sin, #!iss the !ar. or !ista.e
our identity$ that grace !ay abound'' )he tho'ght that Pa'l &o'ld share &ith 's is that een tho'gh &e
are no longer 'nder la& * condemnation+ &e o'ght not to a!'se the grace o# 2od in still &anting to
#ollo& o'r #leshl" tendencies or o'r +ista#en identit* )his erse is not a law against sin+ !'t a ''co!e
now let us reason together'' or+ is this good !ehaio'r #or those &ho 7no& !etterD
1o& to repeat /erse ;1 o# Rom ? ''4ut now the righteousness of 9od WIT%OBT the law is
!anifested, being witnessed by the law & the 'ro'hets'' 3e do not need to 'se the strong arm o# the
la& &hich !rings condemnation to conince people that 2od loes them #or in doing this &e oppose
grace. ('r tho'ght is to sho& the di##erence !et&een 4A3 * 2RACE. 1o& the reason man" hae not
'nderstood these tho'ghts to their #'ll e<tent is that the" are still in the in part real+ * that is &h" 2od
is toda" initing "o' to come !e"ond the eil o# "o'r #lesh into the 3ost Hol* Place &ithin "o'rsel#.
.n religiosit" there &as a sa"ing een tho'gh these &ords ma" not hae al&a"s !een 'sed+ the tho'ght
is still the same * it goes something li7e this.
5o 9ood 9et 9ood, 5o 4ad 9et 4eat!
This way of thin.ing is directly fro! the tree of good & e"il
1o& to loo7 at this #rom a di##erent aspect+ o'r tr'e identit" is the Christ &ho is in 's. According to Eph
?:18 &e &ere created in Christ Jes's+ in the .mage o# 2od &ho is ,pirit. J'st ho& long &e hae !een
aro'nd is a point o# conHect're. .n realit" &e hae alread" lied a good part o# o'r eternal e<istence. 1o&
this image or this Christ is o'r tr'e identit". 3hen "o' &ere !orn o# "o'r mother+ "o'r #lesh sel#+ B&hich
&hen co'pled &ith "o'r so'l !ecame your !ista.en identity$ )his !od" o# #lesh &as gien to ho'se
"o'r tr'e sel# &hich is eternal+ so that &e co'ld e<perience opposition Rom L:;8. ''The flesh against the
s'irit'' no& that &e hae &o7en 'p to this #act * realised that o'r tr'e sel# is the ,on+ or the Christ+ &e
m'st also concede to the #act that this Christ is p're * %ol" * &itho't !lemish+ * i# this is so+ so is o'r
tr(e sel!' * this is the one &ho 2od loo7s 'pon * sees &hen %e tells 's there is no di##erence !et&een
belie"er ) (nbelie"er in other &ords he sees %is ''only begotten 0on'' * i# "o' can receie it+ this is
&ho d&ells in "o' * is "o'r tr(e identit* )o ta7e this a little #'rther+ Re 1@:@ tells 's that those &ho
hae realised this are "irgins 3h"> Beca'se "o'r tr'e sel# has neer sinned * is a irgin as #ar as
''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death
religiosit*' good ) e"il ) the harlot is concerned+ * i# &e &ill allo& o'r so'l to not onl" !e espo'sed+
!'t marr" this Christ+ &ho is o'r tr'e identit"+ &e &ill li7e $ar" gie birth to o'r o&n ,on o# 2od &ho is
The Christ' the 3an,child' The sa"io(rs arising on 3t 7ion ) The +ani!ested son$s o! God
3e are not onl" spea7ing spirit'all" !'t this &ill so a##ect o'r nat'ral seles that there &ill !e a
change ''+nd 7ust as we ha"e borne the i!age &of the !an* of dust, so shall we and so let us bear the
i!age &of the !an* of hea"en))) 8or this 'erishable &'art of us* !ust 'ut on the i!'erishable
&nature*, & this !ortal &'art of us, that is ca'able of dying* !ust 'ut on i!!ortality #freedo! fro!
death$ '' 1Cor 16:@9+ 6?.
)his m'st entail a change in o'r thin7ing. )his is the one &ho the oice in the &ilderness is
proclaiming to those &ho &ill !e #ollo&ing him' ''I !ust decrease, but he !ust increase'' B't it &ill
neer happen in "o' * .+ 'nless there is a change. ''Co!e u' higher'' &as the call to the t&o &itnesses in
Re 11:1;+ &hich &e more than pres'me that man"+ i# not all+ did so. 3h"> Gor in the ne<t chapter
&hich is 1;+ the Wo!an Bor so'l collectiel"C gies !irth to ''The Man-child''.
)&o o# the reasons that The 3ost Hol* Place has !een o!sc're to most Christians is d'e to the #act
o# all o# the actiit" o# the O(ter co(rt * all o# the cele!ration going on in the Hol* Place pl's the eil
that is !e#ore it. -n#ort'natel" this has hindered 's #rom going !e"ond the eil B&hich is o'r #leshC &ithin
o'rseles to #ind o'r tr'e seles our God self o'r innermost part o# o'r !eing+ &hich is 2od. ''8or it is
9od which wor.s within you both to will & to do of %is own good 'leasure''
To (a.e +n -nd Of 0ins +nd To +noint The (ost %oly!
''0e"enty wee.s are deter!ined for your 'eo'le for your holy city, To finish the transgression To !a.e
an end of sins, To !a.e reconciliation for iniAuity, To bring in e"erlasting righteousness, To seal u'
"ision & 'ro'hecy, +nd to anoint the (ost %oly '' Dan 9:;@. 1FJ/.

)o ma7e an end o# sinsK &hen &e &ere in the in part realm &e neer &ere a!le to reall" grasp the
tr'e meaning o# imputed righteousness. .n ''%igh9roads Dictionar"'' &e hae this de#inition o# the &ord
imp'tedK to count a thing as belonging to, or done by a person. .n .saiah :;:19;. Amp. 3e read+

''8or CIO:'0 sa.e will I &Isaiah* not hold !y 'eace, & for 3erusale!'s sa.e I will not rest until
her i!'uted righteousness & "indication go forth as brightness, & her sal"ation radiates as does a
burning torchD < +nd the nations shall see your righteousness & "indication &your rightness &
7ustice)))not your own, but %is ascribed to you*, & all .ings shall behold your sal"ation & glory; &
you shall be called by a new na!e which the !outh of the /ord shall na!e''
Beca'se &e hae !een #'nctioning spirit'all" in an in part real+ part la&9part grace+ o'r &onder#'l
gracio's 'nderstanding 2od has t'rned a !lind e"e to o'r ignorance * een catered to * #or 's in this
ignorance. 3e hae in the past p't certain restrictions * la&s on 2od's ''ascri!ed imp'ted righteo'sness.''
B't no& 2od is raising 'p a ne& race o# people &ho are !ringing in a new world understanding. ''(y
.ingdo! is not of this world'' these people &ho hae !" the grace o# 2od !eg'n to ie& things as 2od
&o'ld ie& them+ * 'nderstand as 2od 'nderstands+ that the 2race o# 2od is &itho't restrictions * the
letter o! the law )o p't it another &a" 2od is no& Anointing the 3ost Hol* Place &ithin 's.
1o& to A'ote #rom another &ho has so a!l" &ritten.:9 '')his ne& coenant+ &ritten on the ta!les o#
o'r heart+is the 4a& o# the ,pirit o# 4i#e in Christ Jes's+ * it is this la& that sets 's #ree #rom the 4a& o#
,in * death. )he 4a& o# 4i#e is not act'all" a ne& law+ #or its s'!stance is ageless * eternalK it is the
Alpha * (mega+ the Beginning * the Ending+ 2od %imsel#. 3hen the Bi!le sa"s+ ''In the beginning,''
it is not re#erring to a place in time+ !'t to a realm o# conscio'sness+ a state o# !eing. )he !eginning is a
Person+ &hose name is the 3ord+ * this 3ord is ,pirit * 4i#e. 1o&+ this &ord #ormed itsel# into a !oo7
called the Boo7 o# 4i#e+ * it is this !oo7 that &e enco'nter+ in the Ar7 o# the Coenant &ithin o'rseles.
)here is an e<perience !eing held o't to 's in this ho'r+ * it is the e<perience o# entering this !oo7 o# the
ne& coenant contained &ithin the Ar7.
''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death
3hen the apostle John &as on the .sle o# Patmos+ he entered the e<perience o# opening this !oo7 *
Reelation 6+ deals &ith this er" !oo7 contained &ithin each one o# 's. John saidK
''+nd I saw in the right hand of %i! who sat on the throne a boo. written within & on the bac.side,
sealed with se"en seals'' Re 6:1.FJ/.
)he !oo7 &as sealed &ith seen seals... %ere &e hae this !oo7 &ithin 's+ the Boo7 o# 4i#e+ the &ord
o# 2od+ the 4a& o# the ,pirit o# 4i#e+ o'r er" o&n !eing * nat're+ !'t it is sealed. .n order #or it to do 's
an" good+ the seals hae to !e !ro7en so that &e can get to &hat is &ithin the !oo7.
)he &ord within is the 2ree7 &ord esoteros. .t is M;8L; in Strong$s * it means interior+ inside+
&ithin. 3e get the English &ord esoteric #rom it+ 3e!ster's Dictionar" de#inition o# esoteric is designed
for, or understood by the specially initiated- alone. Esoteric is that thing onl" 'nderstood !" those
1o&+ &e also hae an o'ter !oo7 that &e call the B.B4E+ and man" hae stopped &ith that !oo7+
calling it the word o! God )he Bi!le co'ld !e de#ined !" the &ord e4oteric &hich is the opposite o#
esoteric' * it means+ to be imparted to the public eer"!od"+ !elonging to the o'ter or less initiate
circle+ la"9man+ o'tsider+ the doctrines or disco'rses #or the 'ninstr'cted or general p'!lic.
)he Bi!le is the o'ter9!oo7. )his !oo7 is &ritten #or the general p'!lic+ !'t it is to lead 's to the !oo7
&ithin. 3e can't read the Bi!le * meet meet 2od. )his !oo7 is one !ig #air" tale+ 'nless the spirit
initiates 's into the !oo7 that is &ritten &ithin the !oo7. .# &e get the ,pirit+ the spirit &ill !ring 's to the
!oo7 that is &ritten #or onl" those &ho are initiated. )he m"steries are gien to those &ho are instr'cted.

)he !oo7 &as sealed. )he &ord sealed M@97; in ,trong's+ * it means a stamp or a priate mar7
#or sec'rit" * preseration #rom misappropriation+ to 7eep secret. )he ancients 'sed seals #or ario's
reasons. )he" &ere a g'arantee against tampering+ proiding #or sa#e delier". )he" &o'ld seal an o!Hect+
* i# the seal &as !ro7en+ the" 7ne& the contents had !een tampered &ith.

)he ,pirit is ta7ing some o# 's &ithin. .t is as &e go inside that &e !egin to discoer ,pirit * 2od &ho
is ,pirit. As &e !egin to discoer 2od+ &e discoer &ho &e are+ !eca'se &e came o't #rom %im. Pa'l
said that &e are+ o##spring o# 2od+ * li7e !egats li7e. )he #irst reason the seals are there is to do this
&hole thing in secret. 3hat 2od has !een &or7ing &ithin 's has !een a secret. %o&eer+ it &as onl"
s'pposed to !e a secret to the &orld+ !'t 'n#ort'natel"+ it has !een as secret to most !elieers as &ell'' 9:
)o add to the a!oe tho'ght in the preceding pages regarding the attit'de o# Christ to&ards sin. 4et
's loo7 at %e! 9:;L Amp.
''-"en so it is that Christ, ha"ing been offered to ta.e u'on hi!self & bear as a burden the sins of
!any once & once for all, will a''ear the second ti!e, not to carry any burden of sin nor to deal with
sin, but to bring to full sal"ation those who are &eagerly, constantly, & 'atiently* waiting for &
e2'ecting %i!''
3hilst &e are in the in9part realm+ &e cannot help !'t ie& sin or our mistaken identity #rom o'r
point o# ie&. 3h"> Beca'se in9part as &e 7no& !" no& represents part law-part grace or the tree o#
Bgood * eilC point o# ie&. 3hilst &e are in this realm * mode o# thin7ing &e can neer see things
clearl". B't there are some &ho are ''eagerly, constantly & 'atiently waiting for & e2'ecting %i! these
%e has anointed the (ost %oly 6lace'' within them * %e is !ringing them to G-44 ,A4/A).(1 * these
are 'nderstanding the #'ll realit" o# the sin A'estion+ #rom the aspect o# 2od's 'nderstanding. 9od does
not carry any burden of sin & neither does %e want us to, !'t &hilst &e insist on sta"ing in the second
realm we ha"e no choice ''+s far as the east is fro! the west 0O 8+, has %e re!o"ed the! fro! us''
Has remoed Bpast tenseC. )his applies not onl" to !e#ore &e come to Christ !'t also a#ter &e come to
Christ * reach an 'nderstanding o# the Cross. B't a#ter &e come to an 'nderstanding o# the res'rrection
* &hat it entails+ * &e appropriate it to o'rseles+ does not alter the #act that as #ar as 2od &as
concerned it &as alread" #inalised at the cross+ it &as then that eer"one's sins &ere a!olished. 3hether
&e realised it or not+ had nothing to do &ith the #act that o'r sins &ere alread" gone. )he c'lprit &as the
''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death
eil or o'r #lesh+ o(r +ista#en identit* or o'r Bd'al thin7ingC &hich told 's &e &ere separated #rom 2od
* that &e &ere sinners &hich &as * is a lie. 1o& to some this ma" seem prepostero's * so di##erent to
&hat &e hae 7no&n. !'t+ imagine i# "o' &ere a sincere J'daiser in the time o# John the Baptist or Jes's
&hat "o'r reaction &o'ld hae !een. 2od is moing on+ * the 18 spies m'st gie &a" to the Josh'a's *
the Cale!'s+ * as al&a"s in 2od's &ord the maHorit" m'st gie &a" to the minorit". )he old m'st gie
&a" to the ne& * added tr'th's that the ,pirit is reealing toda".
)he G-44 ,A4/A).(1 re#erred to in the a!oe erse is the same $$Sal"ation to be re"ealed1 that
Peter re#ers to in 1Pet 1:6+ also ''a sharer in the glory #the honour & s'lendour$ that is to be re"ealed
#disclosed, unfolded$'' 1Pet 6:1+ Both Amp. )his is also &hat Pa'l is re#erring to &hen he tells 's that.
'':ot that I ha"e now attained &this ideal*, or ha"e already been !ade 'erfect, but I 'ress on to lay hold
of #gras'$ & to !a.e !y own, that for which Christ 3esus #the (essiah$ has laid hold of !e & !ade
!e %is own =? I do not consider, brethren , that I ha"e ca'tured & !ade it !y own &yet*; but one
thing I do &it is !y one as'iration*; forgetting what lies behind & straining forward to what lies ahead
=@ I 'ress toward the goal to win the &su're!e & hea"enly* 'riEe to which 9od in Christ 3esus is
calling us u'ward'' Phil ?:1;91@. )his . might add is the more excellent way that Pa'l re#erred to in
1Cor 1;:?1+ * Chap 1?.
There Is +n -lect!
)he script'res tell 's that Jes's had 688 #ollo&ers+ then it spea7s o# 78+ then 1;+ !'t onl" ? &ere &ith him
at the $o'nt o# )rans#ig'ration+ Peter+ James * John. )his sho'ld tell 's something.

2ideon &as a man &ith a p'rpose+ 2od especiall" chose him &hen .srael needed direction. .n J'dges
:K1;+ the Angel o# the 4ord appeared to 2ideon * said to him ''you !ighty !an of "alour'' or fearless
courage. ''The /ord said to hi! & said go in this your !ight & you shall sa"e Israel fro! the hand of
(idian %a"e not I sent you'' .n !oth instances 2od &as re#erring to 2ideon's tr'e identit" the Christ
in hi! 2ideon's repl" &as one o# h'milit" ''I a! the least in !y father's house'$$ then the 4ord spo7e
again * made a prophetic statement re#erring to the $an9child or ,on's o# 2od. ''0urely I will be with
you, & you shall s!ite the (idianites as O:- (+:'' 2ideon then as7ed 2od #or a sign * 2od granted
his &ish in erses 179;?. .n erse ;6 2ideon &as instr'cted to p'll do&n his #ather's altar o# Baal * to
c't do&n the Asherah or Ashteroth s"m!ol that &as !eside it. )he &ord Baal #o'nd in Rom 11:@ is a
symbol of dolatry+ as #o'nd in ,)R(12', M L9:. . &o'ld s'ggest that an"thing &e p't !e#ore the the tr'th
that 2od is reealing to 's can !ecome an .dol. 2od H'dges 's &here &e are+ i# &e can't see the tr'th that
o'r !rother has espo'sed * is reealing 2od &ill H'dge 's on o'r integrit"+ !'t i# &e 7no& it to !e tr'e+ *
!eca'se it is personall" e<pedient #or 's to ignore or den" it+ ,)(P+ ta7e stoc7 * realise &hat "o' are
,o 2ideon o!e"ed 2od * too7 18 men * p'lled do&n these t&o .dols. )he ne<t da" there &as a
reaction+ an"9time that &e o!e" 2od * i# it a##ects other's there &ill al&a"s !e a reaction. B't than7 2od
in this case 2ideon9s #ather &as conicted+ sa& the error o# his &a"s * coninced the rest o# the cit" that
&hat 2ideon had done &as o# 2od * on that da" his #ather called 2ideon '' !erubbaal'' meaning "et #aal
contend against him. B't in other A'arters &here h'milit" &as not present+9 in erse ?? &e read ''Then
all the (idianites & the +!ale.ites & the 'eo'le of the east ca!e together and, crossing the 3ordan,
enca!'ed in the Valley of 3eEreel'' )hese people had s'ch imp'dence * disrespect #or 2od's people
that the" een dared to cross Jordan. .ncidentall" $idian the #ather o# this race o# people &as a son o#
A!raham does this tell us something * sho'ld hae 7no&n !etter.
''4ut the 0'irit of the /ord clothed 9ideon with %I(0-/8 & too. 'ossession of hi! & he blew a
tru!'et, & &the clan of* +bieEer was gathered to hi!'' / ?@. )his . !eliee is also prophetic+ in the
James 1: 1L+ Reading directl" #rom the 27 Diaglott+ ''ha"ing willed he begat us by a word of truth, in
order that to be us, first)fruit a .ind of %I(0-/8 creatures'' 2od has a BOD8' 2od has a TE3P&E
* &e are it. As &e gro& in o'r e<perience %e &ill ta.e 'ossession of us, %., B(D0+ %., )E$P4E+ * &e
&ill gro& 'p into the %ead * !ecome replica's o# o'r elder !rother Jes's Christ. 2od &ill ta7e 's *
''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death
!ecome fully us in the same &a" as Christ is one &ith the Gather. 3e are descri!ing those &ho go all the
&a" &ith Christ * &ill '',ule & reign & sit with hi! on the sa!e Throne as the 8ather'' Re ?:;1. Do
"o' !eliee it> (r do &e H'st &ant a little !it o# religion to sale the conscience> '' $ou are not a human
being ha%ing a spiritual experience, you are a spiritual being en&oying a human experience.''

And he !le& a tr'mpet+ in the 1) an"one !lo&ing a tr'mpet+ denotes one &ith a message. (nce
again . !eliee ('r &onder#'l Creator has inserted a t*pe &hich applies to 's in this er" da". 1)hess
@:1:+ ''8or the /ord %i!self will descend fro! hea"en with a loud cry of su!!ons, with the 0%OBT of
an archangel, & with the blast of a T,B(6-T of 9od''

1ot onl" are &e rising or ascending in o'r spirit'al a&areness+ !'t 2od is also descending as it were
in (s+ &ith a message or a tr'mpet so'nd * right no& &e are hearing it. Jaco!s ladder &as a t&o &a"
Ho'rne" ascending ) descending A#ter 2ideon !le& the tr'mpet the ne<t erse ?6 sa"s.
''+nd he sent !essengers throughout all (anasseh, & the (anassites were called to follow hi!;
& he sent !essengers to +sher, to Cebulan, & to :aa'htali, & they ca!e u' to !eet the!'' And so this
is &hat those who like Gideon &ho hae heard a oice #rom the Angel o# the 4ord are doing toda"+
sharing it with the rest of the family of God. And &hat a priilege this isD

3e &ill !"9pass the &onder#'l miracle o# the #leece as #o'nd in erses ?: to @8+ * leae that to "o'r
o&n st'd"+ !'t the main reason #or this &as that 2ideon &anted to !e s're that &hat he &as a!o't to do
&as right+ * the same attit'de needs to !e in "o' * .+ &hen &e hear something di##erent * &e are not
s're+ &e need to see7 2od to con#irm &hateer it is+ * that incl'des &hat . am sharing &ith "o' toda".
The Choosing Of The -lect!
)he !attle &ith the $idianite's &as to .srael a most important eent+ #or i# the" lost it &o'ld mean either
death or slaer". 2ideon m'st !e completel" led o# the spirit o# 2od. And so it is &ith 's toda"+ 2od is
choosing an arm" to de#eat o'r $idianite's &hich represents our flesh, or the %eil that stands between us
& the Most 'oly (lace. 4et 's no& read+ J'dges Chap 7 erse ;.''The /ord said to 9ideon, the 'eo'le
who are with you are too !any for (e to gi"e the (idianites into their hands, lest Israel boast about
the!sel"es against (e, saying, (y own hand has deli"ered !e V? 0o now 'roclai! in the ears of the
!en, saying, Whoe"er is fearful & tre!bling, let hi! turn bac. & de'art fro! (ount 9ilead +nd
<<,FFF of the !en returned, but =F,FFF re!ained''
,o the starting #ig're &as ;;+888 pl's 18+888 &hich N ?;+ 888.

Gear &as their pro!lem+ * in o'r da"+ the #ear is not &anting to leae that &hich &e are 'sed to+ the
#lesh realm+ most people do not &ant to leae their )omfort *ealm At the moment the maHorit" are simpl"
too #rightened to step o't. 2od is no& &or7ing on the sol'tion to this pro!lem %e is no& preparing an
Arm". Rom L:1L9;?.

+,, ''+nd the /ord said to 9ideon, The !en are still too !any; bring the! down to the water, & I
will test the! for you there +nd he of who! I say to you, This !an shall go with you, shall go with
you; & he of who! I say to you, this !an shall not go with you, shall not go VG 0o he brought the
!en down to the water, & the /ord said to 9ideon, -"eryone who la's u' the water with his tongue as
a dog la's it, you shall set by hi!self, li.ewise e"eryone who bows down on his .nees to drin. VH +nd
the nu!ber of those who la''ed, 'utting their hand to their !outh, was ?FF !en, but all the rest of the
'eo'le bowed down u'on their .nees to drin. water VI +nd the /ord said to 9ideon, With the ?FF
!en who la''ed I will deli"er you, & gi"e the (idianites into your hand /et all the others return e"ery
!an to his ho!e VJ 0o the 'eo'le too. 'ro"isions & their tru!'ets in their hands, & he sent all the
rest of Israel e"ery !an to his ho!e & retained those ?FF !en''
''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death
Three ,eal!s!
)he Bi!le principle o# three's &hich is #o'nd once again in this case+ is no coincidence * as in eer" page
in the Bi!le there is a hidden message #or 's. 1o matter ho& #ar ahead &e ma" thin7 &e are+ there is still
more to learn. )&o things are needed+ one+ is an open heart * t&o+ is a searching mind * spirit.
At the o'tset 2ideon started &ith ?;+888+ these represent the O(ter Co(rt diision o# the )a!ernacle.
;;+888 &ere then eliminated+ this le#t 18+888+ these represent the Hol* Place realm+ o't o# the 18+888
&ho &ere le#t those &ho &ere discreet * 'sed their spirit'al 7eenness * a&areness &ere chosen to !e in
the compan" that 2od &as preparing to delier .srael+ 9+788 &ere eliminated * this le#t ?88.
.nterestingl" in percentage terms ?88 is 8.?O o# 18+888. Also i# &e &ere to compare these #ig'res &ith
those &ho are in the in part or Hol* Place Real+ * those &ho are A'ali#"ing #or the 3ost Hol* Place
Real+ this gies 's real #ood #or tho'ght. )o go a little #'rther the original #ig're that 2ideon started
&ith &as ?;+888. .n percentage rec7oning+ once again in ro'nd #ig'res+ ?88 is 8.81O o# ?8+888 so that
ma7es it a little less &ith ?;+888.
2od's spirit'al arithmetic is a little di##erent to o'rs. . heard someone sa" A'ite recentl"+ =)he 4ord
doesn't need a #'ll hand+ %e can a &in &ith a pair o# t&o's+ &hich . tho'ght &as A'ite am'sing+ that &as
&hen . &asn't #eeling too religio's. %mm+ (h &ellDD
:ot 4y 6ower Or 4y (ight 4ut 4y (y 0'irit, 0ays The /ord!
)he p'rpose * principle o# 2od is to proe that it is not $an+ or #lesh that has po&er+ !'t 2od+ so he 'ses
the #e&+ De't 7:7+ ''The /ord did not set %is lo"e u'on you & choose you because you were !ore in
nu!ber than any other 'eo'le, for you were the fewest of all 'eo'le'' )his is spea7ing regarding 2od
choosing .srael. And again in $at ;;:1@. ''8or !any are called #in"ited & su!!oned$, but few
chosen'' Amp. )his is a principle o# 2od &heneer %e is dealing &ith man+ * h'manit" is concerned.
.n ret'rning to J'dges 9:1:. ''+nd he di"ided the ?FF !en into three co!'anies, & he 'ut into the
hands of all of the! tru!'ets & e!'ty 'itchers, with torches inside the 'itchers V=I +nd he said to
the! loo. at !e, then do li.ewise When I co!e to the edge of their ca!', do as I do V=J When I
blow the tru!'et, I & all who are with !e, then you blow the tru!'ets on e"ery side of all the ca!' &
shout, 8or the /ord & for 9ideon! V=K 0o 9ideon & the =FF !en who were with hi! ca!e to the
outs.irts of the ca!' at the beginning of the !iddle watch, when the guards had 7ust been changed, &
they blew the tru!'ets & s!ashed the 'itchers that were in their hands V<F +nd the three co!'anies
blew the tru!'ets & shattered the 'itchers, holding their torches in their left hands, & in their right
hands the tru!'ets to blow &lea"ing no chance to use swords*, & they cried, The sword for the /ord &
9ideon! V<= They stood e"ery !an in his 'lace round about the ca!', & all the &(idianite* ar!y
ran))) they cried out & fled V<< When &9ideon's !en* blew the ?FF tru!'ets, the /ord set e"ery
&(idianite's* sword against his co!rade & against all the ar!y, & the ar!y fled as far as 4eth)shittah
toward Cererah, as far as the border of +bel)!eholah by Tabbah V<? +nd the !en of Israel were
called together out of :a'htali & +sher & all (anasseh, & they 'ursued (idian''
(nce again &e see )%REE companies * the" &ere eA'ipped &ith tr(+pets designating to 's toda" a
+essage' also e+pt* pitchers &hich t"pi#" o'r !odies+ &ith torches representing the light that is in 's+
''ye are the light of the world'' At the right time+ &e read in /;8+ the" !le& their tr'mpets+ shattered
their pitchers * reealed the the light+ that 'p 'ntil that time &as hidden. )o 's toda"+ 2od is shattering
the mis'nderstanding that &e hae regarding o'r mistaken identity * it &ill c'lminate in the rending o#
the eil o# o'r perception !lesh * the light shall !e seen in it's #'llness o# clarit". )hen &e see that the
armies o# the enemies B&hich are o'r in part perceptionsC !ecome con#'sed. 3h"> )he reason #or the
con#'sion &as * isK this is not &hat &as s'pposed to happen+ this is not the &a" &e planned the !attle.
And the application to 's toda" is. )his is not &hat &e &ere told or ta'ght+ &e &ere e<pecting di##erent+
&here is the rapt(re etc. )hen &e &ill #'ll" a&a7e #rom o'r Ada+ic Drea+ )his is the so'nd o# the
Tr(+pet Are "o' interested> )his is the Cr* In The 6ilderness Are "o' interested> .t is not going
''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death
to happen as the $idianite's &o'ld hae 's !eliee. Remem!er the $idianite's &ere descendants o#
ABRA%A$. 3hat does this tell 's> J'st !eca'se these people &ere o# the same !loodline o# A!raham+
this did not ma7e them Carrier's o# )r'th. 4isten to the &ords o# Jes's. '':ot e"eryone who says to (e
/ord, /ord, will enter the .ingdo! of hea"en, but he who does the will of !y 8ather Who is in hea"en
(any will say to !e on that day, /ord, /ord, ha"e we not 'ro'hesied in 1our na!e & dri"en out
de!ons in 1our na!e & done !any !ighty wor.s in your na!e> +nd then will I say to the! o'enly
#'ublicly$, I ne"er .new you; de'art fro! (e, you who act wic.edly &disregarding (y co!!ands*''
$at L: ;19;?. )his is not inserted to !ring condemnation+ !'t simpl" to sho& 's that &e need to !e a&are
that there is a Third Da* +essage that A tr(+pet is blowing lo'd * clear. %o& do . discern tr'th.
''"isten to the +oice in the wilderness, which is the +oice of the -pirit.'' Also . m'st sa" again this
article is aimed at a points o# deception+ rather than at people.
8or We 0hall 0ee %i! +s %e Is!

Please allo& me to d&ell a little longer on the application #or toda"+ on the meaning o# the shattered
pitchers. .n 1Jn ?:;. Amp. ''4elo"ed, we are &e"en here and* now 9od's children; it is not yet disclosed
#!ade clear$ what we shall be &hereafter*, but we .now that when %e co!es & is !anifested, we shall
&as 9od's children* rese!ble & be li.e %i!, - or the same as - for we shall see %i! 7ust as %e &really
is'' . hae inserted the same as #or emphasis * clari#ication.
)he &ord li.e in the ,)R(12', is #rom the 27 ho+oios :;<<- * means Bsimilar in appearance or
characterC !'t the !ase or pre#i< #rom &hich the &ord is deried is ho+o( :;<9- * this means Bthe
sameKC also at the same place or time together. 3e &ere created in the image o# 2od+ &e are the o##spring
o# 2od. ,o i# 2od is spirit so are &e. . am not spea7ing regarding o'r #lesh * !lood+ &e onl" hae that
temporaril". 3e are spea7ing o# o'r tr'e eternal sel#. ,o &hen o'r change comes * %e is mani#ested+ &e
shall !e li7e or the sa+e as He is+ #or &e shall see %im as %e reall" is. 4et 's no& loo7 at Col ?:@. Amp.
''When Christ, Who is our life, a''ears, then you also will a''ear with %i! in &the s'lendour of %I0*
In The 0'lendour Of %is 9lory!
''I ha"e gi"en T%-( the glory & honour which you ha"e gi"en (e, that they !ay be O:- &e"en* as
We are one'' John 17:;;. Amp.
Thin. of it 4elo"ed in the /ord!
''/et us than. 9od for the Cor'orate "oice of, The one crying in the Wilderness 4ut rather for the
one to co!e, Who is now beginning to a''ear within us''
6ritten b* Ralph >nowles' October ?//@
.# &e hae !een prone to h'man error in this article it is not p'rposel"+ * . tr'st that a little 7indness &o'ld allo& #or an" #a'lt+ * that &e &ill consider *
im!i!e the !etter or spirit'al part o# that &hich is presented * intended. R3F.

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