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Installing Sun Directory Server Enterprise Edition

In this installation, we are installing odsee directory server on Centos

Linux 6.3 32bit. This is a zip based installation, Please follow the steps given
below to install at your system. Please be sure that Selinux is disabled and
iptables are stopped. If you want to run the odsee in active state of selinux
and iptables then make the setting as required by selinux and iptables.

V25766-01(1).zip is the zip file containg the odsee software.The install path of
the odsee directory server is /ldap

[root@odsee ~]# ls

anaconda-ks.cfg install.log install.log.syslog ldif tmp V25766-01(1).zip

[root@odsee ~]#

Unzip the V25766-01(1).zip file in tmp directory and then unzip the sun-
dsee7.zip in /ldap directory

[root@odsee ~]# cd tmp/

[root@odsee tmp]# unzip ../V25766-01\(1\).zip

creating: ODSEE_Identity_Synchronization_for_Windows/jdk/

inflating: ODSEE_Identity_Synchronization_for_Windows/jdk/jdk-1.5.0_29-

creating: ODSEE_Identity_Synchronization_for_Windows/144591-01/

inflating: ODSEE_Identity_Synchronization_for_Windows/144591-

inflating: ODSEE_Identity_Synchronization_for_Windows/144591-

extracting: ODSEE_Identity_Synchronization_for_Windows/144591-

creating: ODSEE_ZIP_Distribution/

inflating: ODSEE_ZIP_Distribution/idsktune

extracting: ODSEE_ZIP_Distribution/sun-dsee7.zip

inflating: README.txt


[root@odsee tmp]#

[root@odsee tmp]# ls

COPYRIGHT.txt ODSEE_ZIP_Distribution

ODSEE_Identity_Synchronization_for_Windows README.txt

[root@odsee tmp]# cd ODSEE_ZIP_Distribution/

[root@odsee ODSEE_ZIP_Distribution]# ls

idsktune sun-dsee7.zip

[root@odsee ODSEE_ZIP_Distribution]# unzip -d /ldap/ sun-dsee7.zip


/ldap/dsee7/jre/lib/i386/client/libjsig.so -> ../libjsig.so

/ldap/dsee7/jre/lib/i386/server/libjsig.so -> ../libjsig.so

[root@odsee ODSEE_ZIP_Distribution]#

ODSEE directory server is installed in /ldap/dsee7 directory

Go to the directory and run the below command

[root@odsee ODSEE_ZIP_Distribution]# cd /ldap/dsee7/

[root@odsee dsee7]# ls

bin dsrk etc ext include jre lib resources var

[root@odsee dsee7]#

[root@odsee bin]# ./dsadm --version


dsadm : B2011.0517.2350 ZIP

Copyright (c) 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

[slapd 32-bit]

Oracle Corporation.

Sun-Directory-Server/ B2011.0517.2350 32-bit

ns-slapd : B2011.0517.2350 ZIP

Slapd Library : B2011.0517.2350

Front-End Library : B2011.0517.2350

[root@odsee bin]#

ODSEE Suffix Configuration

For basic configuration of the odsee server we need to create a new instance
listening on port 3891/6361 of the odsee server and a suffix with data on the
server. Please follow the steps given below for the instance creation and
suffix creation

Creating Suffix on odsee 11

Use dsadm command to create the instance of odsee

[root@odsee bin]# ./dsadm create -p 3891 -P 6361 /ldap/instances/masterA

Choose the Directory Manager password:

Confirm the Directory Manager password:

Use 'dsadm start '/ldap/instances/masterA'' to start the instance

[root@odsee bin]#

Start the instance with dsadm start instancename

[root@odsee bin]# ./dsadm start /ldap/instances/masterA/

Directory Server instance '/ldap/instances/masterA' started: pid=3768

[root@odsee bin]#

Check the instance status

[root@odsee bin]# ./dsadm info /ldap/instances/masterA/

Instance Path: /ldap/instances/masterA

Owner: root(root)

Non-secure port: 3891

Secure port: 6361

Bit format: 32-bit

State: Running

Server PID: 3768

DSCC url: -

Instance version: D-A20

[root@odsee bin]#

Create the suffix dc=ldaphome,dc=com with dsconf command

[root@odsee bin]# ./dsconf create-suffix -e -p 3891 -B ldaphome

Enter "cn=Directory Manager" password:

[root@odsee bin]#

Check the suffix properties with dsconf get-suffix-prop suffixname

[root@odsee bin]# ./dsconf get-suffix-prop -e -p 3891 dc=ldaphome,dc=com

Enter "cn=Directory Manager" password:

all-ids-threshold : inherited (4000)

compressed-entries : overflow

compression-mode : none

db-name : ldaphome

db-path : /ldap/instances/masterA/db/ldaphome

enabled : on

entry-cache-count : unlimited

entry-cache-size : 10M

entry-count : 1

entry-crc-enabled : of

index-filter-analyzer-enabled : of

index-filter-analyzer-max-entries : 2000

moddn-enabled : inherited (of)

parent-suffix-dn : undefined

referral-mode : disabled

referral-url : undefined

repl-accept-client-update-enabled : N/A

repl-cl-max-age : N/A

repl-cl-max-entry-count : N/A
repl-id : N/A

repl-manager-bind-dn : N/A

repl-purge-delay : N/A

repl-rewrite-referrals-enabled : N/A

repl-role : not-replicated

require-index-enabled : of

[root@odsee bin]#

Your suffix is ready now load the data into the suffix. Here we add only two
entries into the suffix

[root@odsee bin]# /ldap/dsee7/dsrk/bin/ldapmodify -h odsee.ldaphome.com

-p 3891 -D "cn=directory manager"

-w test123test -a

dn: ou=people,dc=ldaphome,dc=com

objectclass: organizationalunit

ou: people

adding new entry ou=people,dc=ldaphome,dc=com

dn: uid=user.0,ou=people,dc=ldaphome,dc=com

cn: user.0

sn: user.0

userpassword: test123test

objectclass: inetorgperson

adding new entry uid=user.0,ou=people,dc=ldaphome,dc=com


[root@odsee bin]#


ODSEE Access Control List

In this internet world the servers are open to the internet/intranet due to
which any one can connect to the server and perform the add/del/mod
operation on the server. If the server is opened to the network without the
proper access control then it is very risky and any one can steal or damage
your data. There are lots of application which are authenticating by the ldap
server with username and password. So if the ldap server is compromised
then your application may also be compromised.

ODSEE directory server have a very smart ACI facility to secure the server.
With Aci we can permit the user/group/role based access on the suffixes. If
the odsee ldap server does not configured with proper aci rules then
configured it properly

ODSEE Anonymous Access ACI

To give the anonymous access on the odsee ldap server allow the read,
search, compare access on the suffix to anyone. Try to search with
anonymous user

[root@odsee bin]# ldapsearch -h odsee.ldaphome.com -p 3891 -b


# extended LDIF

# LDAPv3

# base with scope subtree

# filter: (objectclass=*)

# requesting: ALL

# search result

search: 2

result: 0 Success

# numResponses: 1

[root@odsee bin]#

Allow Anonymous access

Add the aci allow the anonymous access

[root@odsee bin]# ldapmodify -h odsee.ldaphome.com -p 3891 -D

"cn=directory manager" -w test123test

dn: dc=ldaphome,dc=com

changetype: modify

add: aci

aci: (targetattr="*")(version 3.0; acl "Anonymous Access"; allow (read,

search, compare)


modifying entry "dc=ldaphome,dc=com"

[root@odsee bin]#

Now search with anonymous

[root@odsee bin]# ldapsearch -h odsee.ldaphome.com -p 3891 -b

dc=ldaphome,dc=com dn

# ldaphome.com

dn: dc=ldaphome,dc=com

# people, ldaphome.com

dn: ou=people,dc=ldaphome,dc=com

# user.0, people, ldaphome.com

dn: uid=user.0,ou=people,dc=ldaphome,dc=com

[root@odsee bin]#

Full access for user uid=user.1,ou=people,dc=ldaphome,dc=com on


[root@odsee bin]# ldapmodify -h odsee.ldaphome.com -p 3891 -D

"cn=directory manager" -w test123test

dn: dc=ldaphome,dc=com

changetype: modify

add: aci

aci: (targetattr="*")(version 3.0; acl "Allow user.1"; allow (all)


modifying entry "dc=ldaphome,dc=com"


[root@odsee bin]#


Configure SSL/TLS on ODSEE/Sun DSEE Server

There are two types of network data transfers, clear-text and SSL/TLS. In
clear-text from the communication between the client and server are in plain
text, any snifer can read the data packets on the network and easily know
what is flowing on the network. To overcome this plaintext risk, we can use
the ssl/tls transmission. SSL/TLS are cryptographic schemes used to encrypt
the transmission of data between the server and client or between the server
to server. The encryption is based on the public/private keys.

In SSL/TLS the server can use two types of certificates self sign certificate
and CA sign certifiactes. The later is more robust and trusted by the clients.

Configure SSL/TLS with OpenSSL


Certifying Authority

Server Private Key

Certificate Signing Request

Server Public Certificate

Steps to setup the SSL

Create a private key

Generate the certificate signing request (CSR)

Sign the CSR from CA

Declare the private key and public key in the server

Check the SSL connection

Note:- We configure here our own CA with Openssl, which sign the server

Configure CA on CentOS Linux

Step:- 1. Configure openssl.cnf file

Rename the CA certificate file to ca.crt and CA private key to ca.key

[root@odsee ~]# cd /etc/pki/tls/

[root@odsee tls]# vim openssl.cnf

[ ca ]

default_ca = CA_default # The default ca section


[ CA_default ]

dir = /etc/pki/CA # Where everything is kept

certs = $dir/certs # Where the issued certs are kept

crl_dir = $dir/crl # Where the issued crl are kept

database = $dir/index.txt # database index file.

#unique_subject = no # Set to 'no' to allow creation of

# several ctificates with same subject.

new_certs_dir = $dir/newcerts # default place for new certs.

certificate = $dir/ca.crt # The CA certificate

serial = $dir/serial # The current serial number

crlnumber = $dir/crlnumber # the current crl number

# must be commented out to leave a V1 CRL

crl = $dir/crl.pem # The current CRL

private_key = $dir/private/ca.key # The private key

RANDFILE = $dir/private/.rand # private random number file

Step:- 2. Creating CA private and public keys

Create the ca certificate and ca key by make ca.crt

[root@odsee certs]# cd /etc/pki/tls/certs

[root@odsee certs]# make ca.crt

umask 77 ; \

/usr/bin/openssl genrsa -aes128 2048 > ca.key

Generating RSA private key, 2048 bit long modulus



e is 65537 (0x10001)

Enter pass phrase:

Verifying - Enter pass phrase:

umask 77 ; \

/usr/bin/openssl req -utf8 -new -key ca.key -x509 -days 365 -out ca.crt
-set_serial 0

Enter pass phrase for ca.key:

You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated

into your certificate request.

What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.

There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank

For some fields there will be a default value,

If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.


Country Name (2 letter code) [IN]:IN

State or Province Name (full name) [Delhi]:

Locality Name (eg, city) [New Delhi]:

Organization Name (eg, company) [Example CA Authority]:

Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:Certificates Section

Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname) []:ExampleCA

Email Address []:support@example.com

[root@odsee certs]#

Move the CA private key (ca.key) file to /etc/pki/CA/private and set the
permission 0700. Move the CA certificate file ca.crt to /etc/pki/CA

[root@odsee certs]# mv ca.key /etc/pki/CA/private/

[root@odsee certs]# chmod 0700 /etc/pki/CA/private/ca.key

[root@odsee certs]# mv ca.crt /etc/pki/CA/

Create the serial and index files under /etc/pki/CA

[root@odsee ~]# cd /etc/pki/CA

[root@odsee CA]# touch index.txt

[root@odsee CA]# echo 01 > serial

[root@odsee CA]#

Your CA is configured now request a certificate from directory server with

dsadm command

Request a CSR

Request a certificate signing request from the directory server by using the
dsadm request-cert Give the full dns (fqdn)hostname of the server in csr
request command

[root@odsee bin]# ./dsadm request-cert

Operand is missing

Usage: dsadm request-cert [ -i ] [ -W CERT_PW_FILE ] { -S DN | --name NAME [

--org ORG ] [ --org-unit ORG-UNIT ] [ --city CITY ] [ --state STATE ] [ --country
COUNTRY ] } [ --phone PHONE ] [ --email EMAIL ] ... [ --dns DOMAIN ] ... [
--keysize KEYSIZE ] [ --sigalg SIGALG ] [ -F FORMAT ] [ -o OUTPUT_FILE ]

[root@odsee bin]# hostname


[root@odsee bin]#
[root@odsee bin]# ./dsadm request-cert --name odsee.ldaphome.com --org
"LDAPHOME Company Ltd." --org-unit "Directory Services" --city "Noida"
--state "Uttar Pradesh" --country "IN" --phone "9891290666" --email
"support@ldaphome.com" --dns "ldaphome.com" --keysize 1024 -F ascii -o
odsee.csr /ldap/instances/masterA/

[root@odsee bin]#

Send the CSR odsee.csr to the CA to sign through email or ftp

Sign the CSR with CA

Run the below command on the CA server, In my case both server are same

[root@odsee bin]# openssl x509 -req -in odsee.csr -out odsee.crt -days
365 -CA /etc/pki/CA/certs/ca.crt -CAkey /etc/pki/CA/private/ca.key
-CAserial /etc/pki/CA/serial

Signature ok

subject=/C=IN/ST=Uttar Pradesh/L=Noida/OU=Directory
Services/O=LDAPHOME Company Ltd./CN=odsee.ldaphome.com

Getting CA Private Key

Enter pass phrase for /etc/pki/CA/private/ca.key:

[root@odsee bin]#

CA sends the certifiate to the client by email or ftp

On Directory server side

Add the ca signed certificate to the server and restart the instance

[root@odsee bin]# ./dsadm add-cert /ldap/instances/masterA/ server-cert


The Directory Server will need to be restarted before being able to use the
new certificate.

[root@odsee bin]#

[root@odsee bin]# ./dsadm restart /ldap/instances/masterA/

Directory Server instance '/ldap/instances/masterA' stopped

Directory Server instance '/ldap/instances/masterA' started: pid=3864

[root@odsee bin]#

Configure the server to use the new certificate in ssl communications

[root@odsee bin]# ./dsconf set-server-prop -e -p 3891 ssl-rsa-cert-


Enter "cn=Directory Manager" password:

Before setting SSL configuration, export Directory Server data.

Do you want to continue [y/n] ? y

Directory Server must be restarted for changes to take efect.

[root@odsee bin]#

[root@odsee bin]# ./dsadm restart /ldap/instances/masterA/

Directory Server instance '/ldap/instances/masterA' stopped

Directory Server instance '/ldap/instances/masterA' started: pid=3864

[root@odsee bin]#

Your server is now configured with CA signed certificate. Check the certificate
with openssl command

[root@odsee bin]# openssl s_client -connect odsee.ldaphome.com:6361

-CAfile /etc/pki/CA/certs/ca.crt


depth=1 C = IN, ST = Delhi, L = New Delhi, O = Example CA Authority, OU =

Certificates Section, CN = ExampleCA, emailAddress =

verify return:1

depth=0 C = IN, ST = Uttar Pradesh, L = Noida, OU = Directory Services, O =

LDAPHOME Company Ltd., CN = odsee.ldaphome.com

verify return:1


Certificate chain

0 s:/C=IN/ST=Uttar Pradesh/L=Noida/OU=Directory Services/O=LDAPHOME

Company Ltd./CN=odsee.ldaphome.com

i:/C=IN/ST=Delhi/L=New Delhi/O=Example CA Authority/OU=Certificates



Server certificate





---------------- OUTPUT TRUNCATES -----------------------------


subject=/C=IN/ST=Uttar Pradesh/L=Noida/OU=Directory
Services/O=LDAPHOME Company Ltd./CN=odsee.ldaphome.com

issuer=/C=IN/ST=Delhi/L=New Delhi/O=Example CA


Acceptable client certificate CA names

/O=Sun Microsystems/CN=Directory


SSL handshake has read 1083 bytes and written 323 bytes


New, TLSv1/SSLv3, Cipher is CAMELLIA256-SHA

Server public key is 1024 bit

Secure Renegotiation IS supported

Compression: NONE

Expansion: NONE


Protocol : TLSv1

Cipher : CAMELLIA256-SHA



Key-Arg : None

Krb5 Principal: None

PSK identity: None

PSK identity hint: None

Start Time: 1421674520

Timeout : 300 (sec)

Verify return code: 0 (ok)


Configure your ca certificate for openldap client commands. Running

ldapsearch command to check the ssl certificate

[root@odsee certs]# cp /etc/pki/CA/ca.crt /etc/openldap/cacerts

[root@odsee cacerts]# ln -s ca.crt `openssl x509 -hash -noout -in ca.crt`.0

[root@odsee cacerts]# ls

5053cf66.0 ca.crt

[root@odsee cacerts]# vim /etc/openldap/ldap.conf

TLS_CACERTDIR /etc/openldap/cacerts

URI ldap://odsee.ldaphome.com:3891/

BASE dc=ldaphome,dc=com

Now run the openldap client ldapsearch command

Connecting on TLS port 3891

[root@odsee openldap]# ldapsearch -x -h odsee.ldaphome.com -p 3891 -D

"cn=directory manager" -w test123test -b "dc=ldaphome,dc=com"
cn=praveen -ZZ

# extended LDIF

# LDAPv3

# base with scope subtree

# filter: cn=praveen

# requesting: ALL

# praveen, people, ldaphome.com

dn: cn=praveen,ou=people,dc=ldaphome,dc=com


objectClass: inetorgperson

objectClass: organizationalPerson

objectClass: person

objectClass: top

sn: kumar

cn: praveen

# search result

search: 3
result: 0 Success

# numResponses: 2

# numEntries: 1

[root@odsee openldap]#

Connecting ssl port 6361

[root@odsee openldap]# ldapsearch -x -H ldaps://odsee.ldaphome.com:6361

-D "cn=directory manager" -w test123test -b "dc=ldaphome,dc=com"

# extended LDIF

# LDAPv3

# base with scope subtree

# filter: cn=praveen

# requesting: ALL

# praveen, people, ldaphome.com

dn: cn=praveen,ou=people,dc=ldaphome,dc=com


objectClass: inetorgperson

objectClass: organizationalPerson

objectClass: person
objectClass: top

sn: kumar

cn: praveen

# search result

search: 2

result: 0 Success

# numResponses: 2

# numEntries: 1

[root@odsee openldap]#

Connecting through odsee ldapsearch command

Preparing certificate database for odsee ldap client commands

[root@odsee ~]# mkdir certs

[root@odsee ~]# /ldap/dsee7/bin/certutil -N -d /root/certs

Enter a password which will be used to encrypt your keys.

The password should be at least 8 characters long,

and should contain at least one non-alphabetic character.

Enter new password:

Re-enter password:

[root@odsee ~]#

[root@odsee ~]# /ldap/dsee7/bin/certutil -A -d certs -n "EXAMPLE CA

-t "CT,," -a -i /etc/openldap/cacerts/ca.crt

[root@odsee ~]#

Run odsee ldapsearch command with SSL

[root@odsee ~]# /ldap/dsee7/dsrk/bin/ldapsearch -h odsee.ldaphome.com -p

3891 -P /root/certs/cert8.db -D "cn=directory manager" -w test123test -b
dc=ldaphome,dc=com cn=praveen -ZZ

version: 1

dn: cn=praveen,ou=people,dc=ldaphome,dc=com

userPassword: {SSHA}CXY2RJtXXyn984+QKaGzJiqAracQdp4C0y9HNw==

objectClass: inetorgperson

objectClass: organizationalPerson

objectClass: person

objectClass: top

sn: kumar

cn: praveen

[root@odsee ~]#

[root@odsee ~]# /ldap/dsee7/dsrk/bin/ldapsearch -h odsee.ldaphome.com -p

6361 -P /root/certs/cert8.db -D "cn=directory manager" -w test123test -b
dc=ldaphome,dc=com cn=praveen -Z

version: 1

dn: cn=praveen,ou=people,dc=ldaphome,dc=com

userPassword: {SSHA}CXY2RJtXXyn984+QKaGzJiqAracQdp4C0y9HNw==

objectClass: inetorgperson

objectClass: organizationalPerson

objectClass: person

objectClass: top
sn: kumar

cn: praveen

[root@odsee ~]#


ODSEE 11 Logs Configuration

Logs are very important in the life of I.T person. As the full game of the
troubleshooting of any server or application is based on the logs provided by
the application/server. The odsee directory server has three types of logs
Acceslogs/Errorlogs/Auditlogs. Each log is giving its specific type of
information related to the server.

Access Logs

Accesslogs are the logs which gives the information related to the clients,
users and operations performed on the server

[root@odsee bin]# ./dsconf get-log-prop -e -p 3891 access

Enter "cn=Directory Manager" password:

bufering-enabled : on

enabled : on

level : default

max-age : 1M

max-disk-space-size : 500M

max-file-count : 10

max-size : 100M

min-free-disk-space-size : 5M

path : /ldap/instances/masterA/logs/access

perm : 600
rotation-interval : 1d

rotation-min-file-size : unlimited

rotation-time : undefined

verbose-enabled : N/A

[root@odsee bin]#

Change the log level default to acc-internal

[root@odsee bin]# ./dsconf set-log-prop -e -p 3891 access level:s

"s" is not a valid value for "level".

Allowed values: acc-internal|default|acc-default_plus_referrals|acc-timing.

The "set-log-prop" operation failed on "localhost:3891".

[root@odsee bin]# ./dsconf set-log-prop -e -p 3891 access level:acc-internal

Enter "cn=Directory Manager" password:

[root@odsee bin]#

Access the logs with tailf command

[root@odsee bin]# tailf /ldap/instances/masterA/logs/access

[16/Oct/2014:20:12:01 +0530] conn=15 op=3 msgId=-1 - closing from - U1 - Connection

closed by unbind client -

[16/Oct/2014:20:12:02 +0530] conn=15 op=-1 msgId=-1 - closed.

[16/Oct/2014:20:13:28 +0530] conn=16 op=-1 msgId=-1 - fd=14 slot=14

LDAP connection from


[16/Oct/2014:20:13:31 +0530] conn=16 op=0 msgId=1 - BIND

dn="cn=Directory Manager" method=128 version=3
[16/Oct/2014:20:13:31 +0530] conn=16 op=0 msgId=1 - RESULT err=0
tag=97 nentries=0 etime=0

dn="cn=directory manager"

[16/Oct/2014:20:13:31 +0530] conn=16 op=1 msgId=2 - SRCH

base="cn=config" scope=0 filter="(objectClass=*)"


Error Logs

Error logs are logs which gives information about the plugins, fatal, warning
messages about the server

[root@odsee bin]# ./dsconf get-log-prop -e -p 3891 error

Enter "cn=Directory Manager" password:

bufering-enabled : N/A

enabled : on

level : default

max-age : 1M

max-disk-space-size : 100M

max-file-count : 2

max-size : 100M

min-free-disk-space-size : 5M

path : /ldap/instances/masterA/logs/errors

perm : 600

rotation-interval : 1w

rotation-min-file-size : unlimited

rotation-time : undefined

verbose-enabled : of
[root@odsee bin]#

You can get the diferent levels of error logs which you can set on the error
logs for getting the diferent types of the logs information about the server.
Run the below command with level having some arbitary value xx

[root@odsee bin]# ./dsconf set-log-prop -e -p 3891 error level:xx

"xx" is not a valid value for "level".

Allowed values: default|err-function-calls|err-search-args|err-connection|err-




The "set-log-prop" operation failed on "localhost:3891".

[root@odsee bin]

Set the error logs to err-plugins

[root@odsee bin]# ./dsconf set-log-prop -e -p 3891 error level:err-plugins

Enter "cn=Directory Manager" password:

[root@odsee bin]#

[root@odsee bin]# tailf /ldap/instances/masterA/logs/errors

[16/Oct/2014:17:14:00 +0530] - Listening on all interfaces port 6361 for

LDAPS requests

[16/Oct/2014:17:14:00 +0530] - slapd started.

[16/Oct/2014:17:14:00 +0530] - INFO: 0 entries in the directory

Backup and Restore

Taking backup is a very important task in the directory servers. If your server
is crashed and you did not have a backup to restore it.Then you are in
trouble. We have to take the backup at regular intervals and the interval is
should be less than repl-purge-delay and repl-cl-max-age time period. If the
time period between the two backups are more that the repl-purge-delay and
repl-cl-max-age period then your recent changes are lost.

Taking Binary Backup

Binary backup is faster to take and restore as compare to ldif backup. For
taking backup with dsadm the instance should be in stopped state

[root@odsee bin]# ./dsadm stop /ldap/instances/masterA/

Directory Server instance '/ldap/instances/masterA' stopped

[root@odsee bin]# ./dsadm backup /ldap/instances/masterA


[16/Oct/2014:22:00:20 +0530] - Backup starting


[16/Oct/2014:22:00:20 +0530] - Backing up file 1



------------------------------- OUTPUT TRUNCATED----------------------------------

[16/Oct/2014:22:00:20 +0530] - Backing up file 34


[16/Oct/2014:22:00:20 +0530] - Backing up file 35


[16/Oct/2014:22:00:20 +0530] - Running recovery on backup.

[16/Oct/2014:22:00:20 +0530] - Database recovery is 0% complete.

[16/Oct/2014:22:00:20 +0530] - Database recovery is 100% complete.

[16/Oct/2014:22:00:20 +0530] - Recovery of backup succeded.

[16/Oct/2014:22:00:20 +0530] - Backup completed

[root@odsee bin]#

[root@odsee bin]# ./dsadm start /ldap/instances/masterA/

Directory Server instance '/ldap/instances/masterA' started: pid=5411

[root@odsee bin]#

Restore the instance from binary backup

[root@odsee bin]# ./dsadm stop /ldap/instances/masterA/ D

Directory Server instance '/ldap/instances/masterA' stopped

[root@odsee bin]# ./dsadm restore /ldap/instances/masterA/


Warning: the Directory Server instance data will be overwritten.

Do you want to continue [y/n]? y

[16/Oct/2014:22:06:07 +0530] - Restoring file 1



---------------------------------- OUTPUT TRUNCATED---------------------------------------

[16/Oct/2014:22:06:07 +0530] - WARNING<20489> - Backend Database -

conn=-1 op=-1 msgId=-1 -

Recovering database after restore from archive.

[16/Oct/2014:22:06:09 +0530] - Database recovery is 0% complete.

[16/Oct/2014:22:06:09 +0530] - Database recovery is 100% complete.

[16/Oct/2014:22:06:09 +0530] - Waiting for 4 database threads to stop

[16/Oct/2014:22:06:10 +0530] - All database threads now stopped

[root@odsee bin]#

[root@odsee bin]# ./dsadm start /ldap/instances/masterA/ D

Directory Server instance '/ldap/instances/masterA' started: pid=5540

[root@odsee bin]#

LDIF Backup and Restore

In a ldif backup the backup is taken in ldif text format and you can modify the
backup also.

[root@odsee bin]# ./dsconf export -e -p 3891 dc=ldaphome,dc=com


Enter "cn=Directory Manager" password:

## Beginning export of 'ldaphome'

## Could not start other auxiliary threads.

## ldaphome: Start processing.

## ldaphome: Processed 4 entries (100%), 4.0 entries/sec average, 4


## Export finished.

Task completed (slapd exit code: 0).

[root@odsee bin]# vim /ldap/backup/ldaphome.ldif

version: 1

# entry-id: 1

dn: dc=ldaphome,dc=com

dc: ldaphome

objectClass: top

objectClass: domain

creatorsName: cn=directory manager

createTimestamp: 20141016115144Z
aci: (targetattr="*")(version 3.0; acl "Anonymous Access"; allow (read, search

, compare) userdn="ldap:///anyone";)

aci: (targetattr="*")(version 3.0; acl "Allow user.1"; allow (all) userdn="lda


modifiersName: cn=directory manager

modifyTimestamp: 20141016143051Z

nsUniqueId: b0bb26a3-552a11e4-8052f89c-f7902c4

Restore the Ldif backup

[root@odsee bin]# ./dsconf import -e -p 3891 /ldap/backup/ldaphome.ldif


Enter "cn=Directory Manager" password:

New data will override existing data of the suffix "dc=ldaphome,dc=com".

Initialization will have to be performed on replicated suffixes.

Do you want to continue [y/n] ? y

## Index bufering enabled with bucket size 40

## Beginning import job...

## Starting to process and index entries

## Processing file "/ldap/backup/ldaphome.ldif"

## Finished scanning file "/ldap/backup/ldaphome.ldif" (4 entries)

## Workers finished; cleaning up...

## Workers cleaned up.

## Cleaning up producer thread...

## Indexing complete.

## Starting numsubordinates attribute generation.

## This may take a while, please wait for further activity reports.

## Numsubordinates attribute generation complete. Flushing caches...

## Closing files...

## Import complete. Processed 4 entries in 3 seconds. (1.33 entries/sec)

Task completed (slapd exit code: 0).

[root@odsee bin]#

Run the ldapsearch command to check the entries are avialable or not

Congratulation you successfully retore odsee suffix from backup!.


Login for comments


Configure ODSEE Password Policy

Its a human nature that they do not want to do difficult things and wants easy
things. Changing the password frequently is a headache because we confuse
in remembering the password. But due to this nature of not changing the
passwords frequently makes the password compromise. We apply the
password polices which enforces the users to change the password after a
specific time period, with diferent characters in the password.

Creating a Password Policy

Creating a password policy is same as modifying and adding ldif entries to

the server. Create a ldif file which contains a password policy defaultpolicy
Password policy checks

Password quality check 2 only two quality checks are enforced like, lower,
upper characters etc.

Max password attempts - 3

Password lock out after 3 failed attempts

Password lock out duration 300 seconds (5 minutes)

Password must change after reset

[root@odsee bin]# vim /root/ldif/pol.ldif

dn: cn=DefaultPolicy,dc=ldaphome,dc=com

objectClass: top

objectClass: pwdPolicy

objectClass: sunPwdPolicy

objectClass: LDAPsubentry

cn: DefaultPolicy

pwdAttribute: userPassword

pwdCheckQuality: 2

pwdLockout: TRUE

pwdLockoutDuration: 300

pwdMaxFailure: 3

pwdMustChange: TRUE

pwdMinLength: 8

[root@odsee bin]#

[root@odsee bin]# ldapmodify -x -h odsee.ldaphome.com -p 3891 -D

"cn=directory manager" -w test123test -a -f /root/ldif/pol.ldif

adding new entry "cn=DefaultPolicy,dc=ldaphome,dc=com"

[root@odsee bin]#

Check the added password policy entry in the ldap serer

[root@odsee bin]# ldapsearch -x -h odsee.ldaphome.com -p 3891 -D

"cn=directory manager" -w test123test "(&(objectclass=ldapsubentry)

# extended LDIF

# LDAPv3

# base (default) with scope subtree

# filter: (&(objectclass=ldapsubentry)(cn=Defaultpolicy))

# requesting: ALL

# DefaultPolicy, ldaphome.com

dn: cn=DefaultPolicy,dc=ldaphome,dc=com

objectClass: top

objectClass: pwdPolicy

objectClass: sunPwdPolicy

objectClass: LDAPsubentry

objectClass: passwordPolicy

cn: DefaultPolicy

pwdAttribute: userPassword

pwdCheckQuality: 2

pwdLockout: TRUE

pwdLockoutDuration: 300
pwdMaxFailure: 3

pwdMustChange: TRUE

passwordCheckSyntax: on

passwordLockout: on

passwordUnlock: on

passwordLockoutDuration: 300

passwordMaxFailure: 3

passwordMustChange: on

pwdMinLength: 8

# search result

search: 2

result: 0 Success

# numResponses: 2

# numEntries: 1

[root@odsee bin]#

Assign a password policy to the particular one user

Assiging a password policy to the user is by simply adding pwdPolicySubentry

attribute to the entry

[root@odsee bin]# vim /root/ldif/userpolicy.ldif

dn: cn=sunil,ou=people,dc=ldaphome,dc=com

changetype: modify

add: pwdPolicySubentry

pwdPolicySubentry: cn=DefaultPolicy,dc=ldaphome,dc=com
[root@odsee bin]#

[root@odsee bin]# ldapmodify -x -h odsee.ldaphome.com -p 3891 -D

"cn=directory manager" -w test123test -a -f /root/ldif/userpolicy.ldif

modifying entry "cn=sunil,ou=people,dc=ldaphome,dc=com"

[root@odsee bin]#

[root@odsee bin]# ldapsearch -x -h odsee.ldaphome.com -p 3891 -D

"cn=directory manager" -w test123test "(cn=sunil)" pwdpolicysubentry

# sunil, people, ldaphome.com

dn: cn=sunil,ou=people,dc=ldaphome,dc=com

pwdpolicysubentry: cn=DefaultPolicy,dc=ldaphome,dc=com

[root@odsee bin]#

Add Password modification extended operation entry

To change the password according to the password policy with ldappasswd

command we need to add a password modification extended operation entry
into the server. Follow the below steps to add the password modification
extended entry

dn: oid=,cn=features,cn=config

objectClass: top

objectClass: directoryServerFeature


cn: Password Modify Extended Operation

aci: (targetattr != "aci")(version 3.0; acl "Password Modify Extended

Operation"; allow( read, search, compare, proxy ) userdn="ldap:///all";)

[root@odsee bin]# ldapmodify -x -h odsee.ldaphome.com -p 3891 -D

"cn=directory manager" -w test123test -a -f /root/ldif/passwordextend.ldif

adding new entry "oid=,cn=features,cn=config"

[root@odsee bin]#

Check the password policy

Reset the cn=sunil user password by directory manager and then try to
search the directory with cn=sunil user

[root@odsee bin]# ldapmodify -x -h odsee.ldaphome.com -p 3891 -D

"cn=directory manager" -w test123test

dn: cn=sunil,ou=people,dc=ldaphome,dc=com

changetype: modify

replace: userpassword

userpassword: test123test

modifying entry "cn=sunil,ou=people,dc=ldaphome,dc=com"


[root@odsee bin]# ldapsearch -x -h odsee.ldaphome.com -p 3891 -D

"cn=sunil,ou=people,dc=ldaphome,dc=com" -w test123test "(cn=sunil)"

# extended LDIF

# LDAPv3

# base (default) with scope subtree

# filter: (cn=sunil)
# requesting: pwdpolicysubentry

# search result

search: 2

result: 53 Server is unwilling to perform

text: Password was reset and must be changed.

control: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.4 false MA==

# numResponses: 1

[root@odsee bin]#

The ldap server is giving warning that before connecting to the server by user
cn=sunil the password must be changed by the user

Change the password with only less than 8 characters, the server will give

[root@odsee bin]# ./ldappasswd -h odsee.ldaphome.com -p 3891 -D

"cn=sunil,ou=people,dc=ldaphome,dc=com" -w test123test -a test123test -s
redhat "cn=sunil,ou=people,dc=ldaphome,dc=com"

ldap_passwd_s: Constraint violation

Now change the password having more than 8 characters, the password of
the user will changed

[root@odsee bin]# ./ldappasswd -h odsee.ldaphome.com -p 3891 -D

"cn=sunil,ou=people,dc=ldaphome,dc=com" -w test123test -a test123test -s
redhat123 "cn=sunil,ou=people,dc=ldaphome,dc=com"
bin_ldappasswd: password successfully changed

[root@odsee bin]#


Password Storage Schemes

ODSEE Server have various password storage schemes, it stores the

password value in userPassword attribute.The value of this attribute is
depends on the storage schemes you selected. Every password storage
schemes has its own strong and weak points.Storage schemes available in
ODSEE server are

Password storage schemes available in odsee

[root@odsee bin]# ./dsconf get-server-prop -e -p 3891

pwd-supported-storage-scheme : CRYPT

pwd-supported-storage-scheme : SHA256

pwd-supported-storage-scheme : SHA512

pwd-supported-storage-scheme : SHA

pwd-supported-storage-scheme : SSHA

pwd-supported-storage-scheme : SSHA256

pwd-supported-storage-scheme : SSHA512

pwd-supported-storage-scheme : CLEAR

Current Password storage scheme

[root@odsee bin]# ./dsconf get-server-prop -e -p 3891

pwd-storage-scheme : SSHA


Linux User Authentication with ODSEE

As the main task of the odsee server is to store the username and password
centrally at one locations. All the applications and windows/linux connects to
the odsee server for the authentications

Here we configure the linux to fetch the username and password information
from the odsee server. The users are not present locally on the linux server,
they are stored cetrally on odsee ldap server

Steps to configure Linux Cetralize Authentication with odsee

Add the entry to directory with proper attributes required for linux

Configure the Linux server to fetch the user information from ldap directory

Add user entry with proper attributes.There are posix attributes like
loginshell, uidNumber, gidNumber homedirectory, userPassword, which are
required by the linux os to login the user

[root@odsee schema]# ldapmodify -x -h odsee.ldaphome.com -p 3891 -D

"cn=directory manager" -w test123test -a

dn: uid=ldapuser,ou=people,dc=ldaphome,dc=com

uidNumber: 1000

cn: ldapuser
sn: user

gidNumber: 1000

loginshell: /bin/bash

homeDirectory: /home/ldapuser

uid: ldapuser

userPassword: test123test

objectclass: inetorgperson

objectclass: posixAccount

adding new entry "uid=ldapuser,ou=people,dc=ldaphome,dc=com"


[root@odsee schema]#

Configure the linux server to get the username, password information from
ldap server

Configuration on Centos 6.3

Run authconfig-tui on linux and select ldap to get user and password
information. Then give ldap server hostname, port and suffix information
from which the username, password information is fetched


Click on next


Login with ldapuser on the system

[root@station20 ~]# mkdir /home/ldapuser

[root@station20 ~]# chown ldapuser /home/ldapuser/

[root@station20 ~]# cp /etc/skel/.

./ ../ .bash_logout .bash_profile .bashrc .kshrc


[root@station20 ~]# cp /etc/skel/.* /home/ldapuser/

cp: omitting directory `/etc/skel/.'

cp: omitting directory `/etc/skel/..'

cp: omitting directory `/etc/skel/.mozilla'

[root@station20 ~]#

[root@station20 ~]# su - ldapuser

id: cannot find name for group ID 1000

[ldapuser@station20 ~]$

Create the group also in ldap then this error disapperas. In place of creating
the home directories manually, you can also use the pam module
pam_mkdir.so to create the home directories whenever a user first login to
the system


Kerberos Authentication with ODSEE LDAP

Kerberos authentication is the very secure authentication mechanism. In

kerberos authentication the user information is stored on the ldap server and
password information is stored on the kerberos server. Kerberos can also be
used for single sign access of services, once a user authenticates to the KDC
then the user does not need to give the password again for accessing the
kerberos enabled application.
In this document the kerberos is configured already, we only configure the
odsee ldap server with kerberos. To learn how to configure the kerberos see
page : - Configure Kerberos with ldap store

Note: For kerberos authentication two things are mandatory DNS name
resolution and Time should be same on all kerberos enabled hosts. For DNS
resolution you can also use /etc/hosts file for name resolution but this is only
for limited not of hosts

Steps to configure ODSEE Kerberos authentication

Add ldap service principal to kerberos

Configure odsee.ldaphome.com ldap server to connect to kerberos

Configure odsee server for kerberos

Configure a linux system to authenticate from ldap and kerberos

Add ldap service principal

Login to kerberos server and run kadmin.local command

[root@kerberos ~]# kadmin.local

Authenticating as principal root/admin@LDAPHOME.COM with password.


kadmin.local: add_principal -randkey


WARNING: no policy specified for

ldap/odsee.ldaphome.com@LDAPHOME.COM; defaulting to no policy

Principal "ldap/odsee.ldaphome.com@LDAPHOME.COM" created.

Configure /etc/krb5.conf on odsee.ldaphome.com server to connect to
kerberos server

[root@odsee ~]# vim /etc/krb5.conf


default = FILE:/var/log/krb5libs.log

kdc = FILE:/var/log/krb5kdc.log

admin_server = FILE:/var/log/kadmind.log


default_realm = LDAPHOME.COM

dns_lookup_realm = false

dns_lookup_kdc = false

ticket_lifetime = 24h

renew_lifetime = 7d

forwardable = true



kdc = kerberos.ldaphome.com

admin_server = kerberos.ldaphome.com


.ldaphome.com = LDAPHOME.COM

ldaphome.com = LDAPHOME.COM

[root@odsee ~]#

Login with kadmin command to kadmin interface of kerberos to get the ldap
keytab file. Save the ldap service principal in /ldap/dsee7/ldap.keytab file

[root@odsee ~]# kadmin -p admin/admin

Authenticating as principal admin/admin with password.

Password for admin/admin@LDAPHOME.COM:


kadmin: ktadd -k /ldap/dsee7/ldap.keytab ldap/odsee.ldaphome.com

Entry for principal ldap/odsee.ldaphome.com with kvno 3, encryption type

aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96 added to keytab


Entry for principal ldap/odsee.ldaphome.com with kvno 3, encryption type

aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96 added

to keytab WRFILE:/ldap/dsee7/ldap.keytab.

Entry for principal ldap/odsee.ldaphome.com with kvno 3, encryption type

des3-cbc-sha1 added to keytab


Entry for principal ldap/odsee.ldaphome.com with kvno 3, encryption type

arcfour-hmac added to keytab


Entry for principal ldap/odsee.ldaphome.com with kvno 3, encryption type

des-hmac-sha1 added to keytab


Entry for principal ldap/odsee.ldaphome.com with kvno 3, encryption type

des-cbc-md5 added to keytab


Read the keytab file

[root@odsee ~]# ktutil

ktutil: rkt /ldap/dsee7/ldap.keytab

ktutil: l

slot KVNO Principal

---- ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

1 3 ldap/odsee.ldaphome.com@LDAPHOME.COM

2 3 ldap/odsee.ldaphome.com@LDAPHOME.COM

3 3 ldap/odsee.ldaphome.com@LDAPHOME.COM

4 3 ldap/odsee.ldaphome.com@LDAPHOME.COM

5 3 ldap/odsee.ldaphome.com@LDAPHOME.COM

6 3 ldap/odsee.ldaphome.com@LDAPHOME.COM


Set the environment variable KRB5_KTNAME

[root@odsee ~]# vim /etc/rc.local

export KRB5_KTNAME=/ldap/dsee7/ldap.keytab

[root@odsee ~]# export KRB5_KTNAME=/ldap/dsee7/ldap.keytab

Define the identity mapping of Kerberos in odsee under

cn=GSSAPI,cn=identity mapping,cn=config


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