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# Deploy OpenStack Mitaka using Packstack

## Step by step tutorial for deploying OpenStack using Packstack from RDO.

##Create the Virtual Machine

- Processors:
- Number of processors: 2
- Number of cores per processor 2
- Memory: 6GB RAM (Recommended)
- HDD - SATA - Minimum 100 GB (Recommended *Preallocated*)
- Network:
- Network Adapter : **NAT**
- Operating system - **CentOS 7**
Note: The Hypervisor used for this example is **VMWare Workstation 11**
**IMPORTANT:** Do not forget to enable ```Virtualize Intel VT-x/EPT or AMD-V/RVI
``` in Processors settings.
**SIDE-NOTE:** The NATs subnet IP in this scenario is with its default
gateway set on, please change the values used in the tutorial according
ly to your NAT values.
##Setting up the system
###Prepare the network
~ $ sudo systemctl disable firewalld
~ $ sudo systemctl stop firewalld
~ $ sudo systemctl disable NetworkManager
~ $ sudo systemctl stop NetworkManager
~ $ sudo systemctl enable network
~ $ sudo systemctl start network
~ $ sudo yum remove NetworkManager
# Enable the extras
~ $ sudo yum install -y centos-release-openstack-mitaka
# Update the current packages:
~ $ sudo yum update -y
# Update the system
~ $ sudo yum upgrade
# Install the required tools
~ $ sudo yum install -y git vim openssh-server python-devel openstack-packstack
deltarpm yum-utils yum-cron net-tools qemu-kvm qemu-kvm-tools wget
# Clean-up old kernels
~ $ sudo package-cleanup --oldkernels --count 2

**IMPORTANT:** For non-English environment make sure your ```/etc/environment```

is populated as it follows:
~ $ sudo vim /etc/environment
## Configure the hosts and network
# Modify the hosts so that it resembles the snippet below
~ $ sudo vim /etc/hosts
```vim localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 localhost work-argus-ci-test # The hostname IP should be set according

# Modify the network config, the name might differ
~ $ sudo vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-en-device-name
BOOTPROTO=static # Set it to static
IPADDR= # Set the IP Address that should be used by the mahcine
## Configure the network_init
# Restart the network
~ $ sudo service network restart
# Get the network setup script
~ $ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stefan-caraiman/packstack-tutorial/ma
~ $ chmod +x network_init.sh
# Also don't forget to modify the values from the script
# Next we need to have the network_init run at startup
# Add "bash /home/work/network_init.sh" to the end of the following file
~ $ sudo vim /etc/rc.local
~ $ sudo chmod +x /etc/rc.local
# Now reboot the system
~ $ sudo reboot
###Installing Openstack with Packstack
# Install Openstack using our customized answer file.
# Also do not forget to modify the HOST IP fields found in the file.
~ $ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stefan-caraiman/packstack-tutorial/ma
~ $ sudo packstack --answer-file=packstack.txt
# After the install you can find the ```keystonerc_admin``` in your home folder
~ $ sudo su
~ $ source ~/keystonerc_admin
# Copy in the working user home directory
~ $ sudo cp /root/keystonerc_admin ~/
~ $ sudo chown $USER ~/keystonerc_admin
# The password can be found in ```keystonerc_admin``` or by simply echo-ing it
~ $ echo $OS_PASSWORD
# Add the port for the br-ex
~ $ sudo ovs-vsctl add-port br-ex "the-eno-name"
You can find `the-eno-name` with `ip a` of `ifconfig`.
## Configure the network with neutron
# Clear the router gateway
(keystonerc_admin) ~ $ neutron router-gateway-clear router1
# Delete the default public network
(keystonerc_admin) ~ $ neutron net-delete public
# Create a new public network
(keystonerc_admin) ~ $ neutron net-create --shared --router:external public
# Configure the newly created public network
(keystonerc_admin) ~ $ neutron subnet-create public --name public_su
bnet --enable-dhcp=False --allocation-pool start=,end= --gat
# Create a new router and set the gateway for it
(keystonerc_admin) ~ $ neutron router-create router
(keystonerc_admin) ~ $ neutron router-gateway-set $router_id $public_network_id
# Add the private subnet to the routers interfaces
(keystonerc_admin) ~ $ neutron router-interface-add router private_subnet
# Update the private_subnet DNS nameserver
# Run ```neutron subnet-list``` to see the subnets IDs.
(keystonerc_admin) ~ $ neutron subnet-update --dns-nameserver "private_s

# Update nova.conf
**IMPORTANT 1:** It might happen that nova.conf virt_type value is set on qemu i
nstead of kvm(Windows instaces won't be able to boot up if that's the case). In
that case please do the following:
In `/etc/nova/nova.conf` you need to have this configurations set in order to bo
ot windows instances.
virt_type=kvm # by default it might be qemu
cpu_model=host-passthrough # by default if might be none
# You can then either reboot the machine or restart the services
~ $ sudo openstack-service restart
## Other details
**IMPORTANT 2:** In case you wish to re-run packstack with a updated answerfile
you can simply run the following:
####NOTE: by default ```$youranswerfile``` is called packstack-answer-$date-$tim
~ $ sudo packstack --answer-file=$youranswerfile
**IMPORTANT 3:** In the case of Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 there are som
e CPU features that have to be enabled.In nova.conf search for the `cpu_mode` fi
eld and set it to host-passthrough. Restart the service.
**IMPORTANT 4:** If you encounter issues with generating the tempest config, you
can also generate it as it follows:
#Create your tempest directory and change into it
~ $ mkdir ~/tempest && cd ~/tempest
#Initialize the directory by running
~ $ /usr/share/openstack-tempest-10.0.0/tools/configure-tempest-directory
#Configure tempest
~ $ tools/config_tempest.py --deployer-input ~/tempest-deployer-input.conf \
--create identity.uri $OS_AUTH_URL identity.admin_password $OS_PASSWORD
**IMPORTANT 5:** To avoid some errors with running tests, read permissions shoul
d be added to the "/etc/neutron" folder.

#### Pip erros

If you upgrated pip `>8.1.0` and installed python packages with `yum` pip might
not work(`pip freeze` in particular ).
Force pip to `8.1.0` with this command `sudo pip install pip==8.1.0` this seems
a problem for CentOS 7.2
because pip got more strict with package naming.
More info here :
- https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/3764
- https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/3681
#### ServerFault when runing tempest
There is a dependency issue with nova when tempest will try to generete a new k
ey pair will get `500` response code
from the server resulting in a `ServerFault: Got server fault`. To check if thi
s is the error see with `pip freeze` if you have
`paramiko=2.0.0+` and in `/var/log/nova/nova-api.log` you get something similar
with this.
api.py", line 4068, in _generate_key_pair
2016-04-29 14:56:58.381 2175 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions return crypto.g
2016-04-29 14:56:58.381 2175 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions File "/openstac
k/venvs/nova-master/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nova/crypto.py", line 152, in ge
2016-04-29 14:56:58.381 2175 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions key = generate_
2016-04-29 14:56:58.381 2175 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions File "/openstac
k/venvs/nova-master/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nova/crypto.py", line 144, in ge
2016-04-29 14:56:58.381 2175 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions key = paramiko.
RSAKey(vals=(rsa.e, rsa.n))
2016-04-29 14:56:58.381 2175 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions TypeError: __in
it__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'vals'
I think you installed tempest requirements globaly, and that sucks for you, you
may need to redeploy.
More info you can find here :
- https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/1576755
- https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-novaclient/+bug/1365251
- https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1585515

##For more details please consult the links below:

- https://www.rdoproject.org/install/quickstart/
- https://www.rdoproject.org/networking/neutron-with-existing-external-network/
- https://www.rdoproject.org/networking/floating-ip-range/
- https://www.rdoproject.org/install/adding-a-compute-node/

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