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M (Year 6)
Prime Minister of the school Parliament team.
Very friendly and well liked by his peers.
Intelligent and highly capable, but easily distracted.
B. W (Year 6)
Shows leadership skills but often uses these skills to lead her peers into doing the
wrong thing.
Rebellious attitude, argumentative with all teachers.
Often fails to complete set work for lessons although she is quite capable and smart,
often distracted and distracting others.
D.B (Year 6)
Receives counselling from the school chaplain, both in one on one sessions and with
a group of boys.
Low socioeconomic, quite unsettled home context.
Very friendly and loud.
Highly intelligent in mathematics especially, loses interest quickly in literacy classes.
B. W(Year 6)
Highly intelligent in mathematics, applies himself consistently across all subject
Quick mood changes, often resulting in loud outbursts of frustration.
T. M(Year 5)
Very unsettled home context, currently staying with a friend and their family while
his family spends time with older brother at Lismore Mental Health Hospital.
Athletically skilled, involved in gymnastics and dance on the weekends.
Very social, friendly and well liked by his peers.
C. A (Year 5)
Emotional, often involved in conflict amongst her group of friends.
Low level literacy and numeracy skills.
Lacks basic foundational knowledge in both literacy and increasingly in numeracy,
preventing her from understanding lessons expanding on basic skills such as long
division or fractions.
S. A (Year 6)
Vision disability requires all work to be printed in large print on A3 paper or on a
laptop with the font size blown up.
Uses a computer for most lessons and has the support of a teacher's aide for an hour
every morning.
Member of the school parliament team.
Has difficulty giving control to others in group tasks, not well liked by his peers.
C. D(Year 6)
Highly intelligent, particularly in mathematics.
Unsettled in a classroom environment, very energetic, often has loud outbursts.
Easily distracted and easily distracts others.
S.K (Year 6)
Anxious nature, particularly about starting high school.
Good peer group.
Struggles in numeracy.
T. M(Year 5)
Often in the principals office for behaviour related offences.
Low socioeconomic family context, very unsettled home environment.
Rebellious attitude and potential Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD).
M. D (Year 5)
Easily led astray by more dominant peers.
Very friendly and warm nature.
Consistently applies herself to all subject areas, particularly enjoys visual arts.
S. R (Year 5)
Epilepsy requires specific care and monitoring.
Quiet nature, good group of peers.
Consistently applies herself to all subject areas, does struggle with numeracy.
F. M (Year 5)
Friendly and outgoing student.
Currently has Taj staying at his house, resulting in some unsettlement.
Highly intelligent, incredible skills in literacy and numeracy. Suspected level of
learning at year 8.
J. C (Year 6)
Very friendly and outgoing.
Big joker in class, tries to make everyone laugh.
Average level of ability in literacy and numeracy.
Distracts others from their work with his loud comments and outbursts.
O. R (Year 6)
Below average social skills.
Doesnt have a consistent peer group.
Speaks in a baby voice and asks very basic questions, often forgets what she is
talking about as she is talking.
Requires constant reassurance in all subject areas, very slow to complete all work.
K. B (Year 5)
Her parents are heavily involved in the school, she lives next door.
Average level ability in all subject levels.
Friendly and kind student with a good group of friends.
C-A. B (Year 5)
High level ADHD, takes medication at least three times a day.
Often needs to be reminded to take her medication.
Unsettled in a classroom environment, and frustrated by this because she genuinely
tries her best in all subjects but is easily distracted and unsettled.
J. M(Year 6)
Has difficulty accepting when hes wrong, often tries to outsmart the teacher and
makes inappropriate comments.
Not well liked by his peers because of his comments in class and the playground.
Very poor handwriting, completes a lot of his classwork on a computer.
Above average achievement in literacy and numeracy, enjoys sports.
S. H(Year 5)
Teased by more dominant people in the class because he is overweight.
Below average numeracy and literacy skills.
Requires explicit, one on one instructions to understand tasks and often requires
assistance through each step.
Very poor handwriting, difficult to read.
Often doesnt complete tasks.
L. C(Year 5)
Quiet, hard worker but will rarely ask for help if he gets stuck.
Takes pride in his work, very neat handwriting.
High level of ability in numeracy.
T. M(Year 5)
Quiet, independent worker.
Friendly and well liked by her peers.
Requires extra assistance to understand new concepts, particularly in Maths.
B. K (Year 5)
Easily distracted and can easily distract others.
Quiet, hard worker when she chooses to be.
Can be easily confused when introducing new concepts, particularly in Maths.
B.W (Year 5)
Relies heavily on Savannah to assist her when she doesnt understand a concept.
Rarely asks for help.
Has a lot of hours off during school days for Rodeo training and competitons.
J. W(Year 5)
Very easily distracted and will distract anyone around him.
Slow to start and complete tasks.
Strong skills in Maths, struggles particularly with writing and needs help to complete
writing tasks.
S. D(Year 5)
Well liked by all teachers. Polite and cooperative nature.
Willingly helps others in class, often without being asked.
Works well independently and in a group.
Strong skills in both literacy and numeracy.
C.D (Year 5)
Easily led to distraction, particularly by Brielle.
Slow to start and complete set tasks.
Friendly in a one on one setting but acts out in the classroom.
E.S (Year 5)
Athletic, sporty student.
Well liked by her peers but easily led to rebellious activities by Tristain.
Responds well to positive reinforcement.
A.C (Year 6)
Quiet, independent worker.
Easily distracted.
Struggles in Maths.
A.S (Year 6)
Quiet, polite student.
Rarely asks for help when she gets stuck on a task.
Easily confused when introducing and applying new concepts.

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