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[aPo0 20+ 1 Sth on ignition, Reset service processor 0040-01 the exceeding ofthe maintenance interval is shown in the display, you have fo walt Unt the readout i the display automatically jumps over to total km Only then ist possible to got into the service menu, ait 2 Press button 0 onthe instument caster for approx. 80 until a beep sounds. 3.1. On dese engines wit along ol change interval: Press buaton M (1) repeatedly unt “rESEt 53" is shown on the dapiay or on cider nstrument clusters “WESE1 229.5" s shown together wth the all can symbol 32 On diesel engines witha long ol change interval: Press button M (1) repeatedly unt “rESEt 31" 1s shown on the display or on ‘older instrument clusters “ESE 229 3° is shown logether with the ollean symbol, 4 Press buton 9 inthe instrument ester for Approx. 3, release and press again. {203m Aa. 4781, Gav ap0020:6c040-2Mn, Resets poe, NODE. tos ewe CODE CLs stun swig wt nn cob MODEL 690. 33 34 Ns«20.e77001 (On gasoline engines wth along oll change: Press the button M (1) on the instrument cluster unt "ESE 229 56 shown on the display together wih theo: can symbok ‘On gasoline engines wih shor oll change interval: Press button M3) on the instrument cluster ntl YESEt 229 3" is shown on the eisplay with the oll can symbol Should the wrong oi type have inadvertently been selected ‘men resetting the maintenance computer. proceed as folows, Switch ignition otfon, ress button 0 onthe instrument cluster for Approx. 90 until a beep sounds, Press button M (1) on the instrument cluster unt “YESEt StoP* 's shown on the display togother with the ell ean sya), Press button 0 in the instrument eluster for Approx. 9s, ‘elease and press again. Repeat stops 3 and 4

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